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`cement 0 centerpiece
`ii [M!:,
`(ik Kiiiluuriii] ll4cl
`ccn-iiaur \‘\€l|’il0|’\
`limes luhlcd In be hull mun zlnil lllill lmrw .mrl in
`: any 0|‘ .i run: nl cr
`llVL‘ in ihc muuniulns ul lhcwuly
`cen-tau-res \\e-ii. lnr—
`\ ii [Nl.. lei-nu. nuiiic, lr M1,] «Lu
`IXIW: dll)’
`‘(I lzirgr geiiux (ciiiiruimiul iir CI>lXI[1(l\llL'
`lICl’l')\ l.I\ l(ll.l[‘WL’L‘Lll
`mg xcvcral Cullivnied {or their show) hl'kllJV ul I|ll’1UlAf llurci»
`Cenitau-rus \ 'I0r-i‘J~\ ii [L (gun ciiiiiuuiil}: u xiilllhcru LUll\lL'lli|lHlII
`beiwcen lhc Snulhern Crow and Hydm
`ccnimu-ry \'seii-.i<ir-é\ Ni 17! -ries [ME L’&‘lXlIAll/L’.
`ML ('U7llllH’L‘0.
`L ('('7!lullI\‘lH'II,
`lr Cali
`lr Killilumm]
`.iny ul a l;cnu\ l(1'rilauriunil rvf
`IUJ4 herbs U’
`ilk‘ guiiillni
`Iamlly. rip : an Old World herb (C lU7Ih(llllll4Nll l(){flk‘fl)'
`|I\Cd ils 4|
`iunic 2: l-1iihcrblSuhullu lmlzulurlil of ill: E:|\lk'H\ Li S rliisu-l) rclzilcd
`in cunlaury
`‘ten-In-vo \~v:n~'ia—l.lvu\
`ri. pl -vos [\‘p. lll . lilliulri-illh. lr rliliin hun—
`lr L rurllum] llllfill ~ we hnlivllinu,
`llrlun. mnlllhu.
`pm. quclml, \r)l.
`\‘lALrP LII MONEY lublc
`’cen~la-vo \-'ia-l.)vu, »(.lvo\ Hi pl
`-V05 (Pie.
`ir Sp] wlzlll
`emu-lro, clcmla. mcllmlal MILNIV mhlc
`cen.xe.nni-.i.nn \.S:n»i3- ncr-c-:n\ 71 «cu
`IX-SH :
`iiiie lliui
`I00 )L'LI{\
`Old or nldcr e Centenarian adj
`can-te~nn-ry \\en-'le-nn-rg Kenei: nu-r—:, mp Hrll ~::n—'lL'—rl.‘lrr<\ H. N
`«ries [LL ruriluriarlum. {r L ccrile-narlui‘ ml
`.4 Iiumlrerl, Ir curilenl (mt:
`hundred each. lr
`ti-mum hundred —- mun: .1!
`\l1Rl>I‘i] lI7i‘0(): rlw
`1’F\<\'l/KL — centenary ad]
` \sen-'Ic-iié»sl\ VI [L Lflflfuln i E —t‘IlrlIllI in NI liimiiiull]
`liars): u looih anXII\L:r\aly nr llfi i-elehi-uiiriii
`cenlennlal LR1]
`can-ten-n' nl-ly \-a-le\ adv
`icen-tar \'Scn-mr.
`e-ii.7r\ n ME ruillrin lr MF. lr
`l‘l‘I!l7‘lU‘rli lr Gk
`keiirruii sharp puini, ccnlcr p a circle, lr Ariiiuiii lri yirick. priih ukiii iii
`OHG Iiurilag puiriled] (NC)
`I a: the F701!!! .’|YOUX\d uhlch is tlrule Hr
`where is described: broadly : n Dnliil
`ihui IN relzilcd iii u
`figure In such Li Way iliul for any riolnl «in ihc lilzur: ihcri: l\ zmnihcr
`puiiii on rhi.- ligurc such that u iiruighr line Jfllillrlg ihe ivm pninls I\
`biaeclcd by me original piiiiir
`—— mllcd also miriii O/\VlYl/7I«’lVy
`centrr of ihe circle inscribed in u rcgular pnlygun
`ii; a piiiiu. ureii.
`permn. or rhing lhal
`|§ ml)Sl
`impuiiiuir iir Dlvnlal
`in l’L'l1|llUlI
`In .ui
`ll\LlICaIL‘d diCU\-It)‘. iniereu, or Cnndlliun (a l’LIIll'0’.|Ll ~> (the ~ of lllk.‘
`ii : d suurce lrom which somelhlllg iirigiriuiei <:i DY(V[M~
`guiida ~> c :
`2| group ol nerve cells lluvlllg u C(7II1n\0I| luiieiiiiri <l£r
`sDll’:||lH’)’ ~> dz dl’Cgl0nUlL‘0lICr:nlralcd populullun <.iii urban ~> e
`ii lacillly proiiding u place riir n particular iAi;||\ll) ur ii-iiiie ’u d.i_i=
`Ldffi ~> 3 SI: ih: middle purl las ul (he lurchcud or ii wings)
`b 0/lerx
`(I) : a grouping ul puliucul figure: holding niiidcrulc \’!L!l«\\ Ext)
`ihnse ol conservatives and libcrals
`(hi: V|UW.\ «ll such
`[‘IOl|lii:lanV (3):
`lhe m.ll'Ierclll<i!l such \|:V\\
`ii. ii
`ing ii middle posiiiun on A ie-um Us
`(I): ilk’ liiiiihull plzlycr Ill
`middlc Ola lln: whu pa
`:3 the ball beiwccii llh lcgV inn l’hlLl< li) Vldfl ii
`ihe uiu i-ulleir Player on 3 huikerhill ieum who u\ll pluyi
`ncar the baskei
`I : cilhcr ol iwo iupcred rtlds
`which Suvllori work in L! laihe or griiidlng 1"n£IClIllI:‘ and ubuili or Wllll
`which lhc work revolves b: a conical recaps in ihc and Ul wlirk (As in
`shim lur reI::iving such -.i center — can-teriless \-l3\\ ml,
`Icenter vb cemtere
`can-(eh niz \'s:‘n-ll.)-lrir}.
`'5:-nar-iIj\ VI Halo]
`1 :
`lo place or lix al or Llrllund 3 ccnlrr ur ceniriil areii (hr [lu\I|lUn <~
`ihe piciure on [he wall)
`2 :
`lo give a ceiiiml locus or hauls <~i her
`hupes on her ~'on) <rhc ploi was ~ed on e\‘pI0l\J[{€>
`In adjuxl lrlk
`lcnml )0 min the am Colncldc
`4 u: I0 put» (.1 bull or puck] iriiiii
`eiiher side iowurd ihe middle (Vl ihe Dlahng LIFCJ
`ii; iii huiid rir pus:
`la looiballl backward between one’
`legs in a buck iu xluri :1 doun ~
`v m have a cpcclfied cenler: roci 5
`usage The iniransixive verh min-i l\ lY1U\'l Colnmnilly‘ uxlld wnli me
`pl‘eD0€l|I(‘llIS iii, ori, hi. and around Al appear: In he» l.1\/Urud in inailli::-
`malical Conlcxls. lhe o(h:rs are lound in 4 brand (Luigi: oi ciiiire-us
`Ccrllel urourldr a siandard idlum. has uiien been Objtcltd iii in Ill(VgI-
`oil The logic on which the 0b]t:CllUn§ are bascd IS lrntltfhxnl. uiice
`cuiiieimuiid l\ J"lI1I0l"H.)llL.lldI0lnVl|3v:llILHUVvlIllV1LlC rxiruii uii I)
`rurrsnlly more Common in cdilcd prim», uiid rcvolvl» UVUIAVMI Jlld <lm|—
`Izr vcrhs are available ll you wan! in iivlnd L'L‘!lI('V amuml
`cenxeribonrd \'s'cn-lar-,b0rd,
`- l'inrLl\
`ii (H167! :
`keel used esp. in Millbufllfi
`can-lered \'<:n«lJrd,
`'56-X\>fd\ ad] (ca. 1393!
`l1d\lng ll ueiiier
`olleri u€:d in combinaiiun (a dark-rurirururl coneflnxu-i> Z : having Li
`ccnrcr nl curvature A often used in combination (a 3-ccnlurud .'irL'h>
`: emolioiially stable and Secure 4- cen-tered-ness \~n.1~’\ H
`center Held 7! (I857)
`11 Ihc pmiiinii pl rhe phiyer lnr dclendlng \.'£l\v
`ier field
`2 :
`(he purl ol lhc baseball ouifield bciucen righi and lcli
`held 4 center fielder n
`cen-(er-fold \'sen»L3r—,lnld. '\:-nar—\ rl H952)
`:1 luldoili that M llk‘
`ccnler spread or .-i magruine
`2 ; n Dlclure mi iii .i iiuilel Uri
`.i CI:HIv:Y~
`fold, am): a rn del featured in such J piclur:
`can-teriline \v
`in\ 7! (lllo7); 1| rcal (\fll"fli1KIll.|f) llllc (lui ls EQUI-
`IJISIATII from ihe surface or sides of ~nm:il'iing
`center of curvature (ca I851?) :
`llIL' gamer of lhe Clfiflk‘ “MINE ccrilcr
`lies on lhc crincnve use All B curve On lhv; In H giii-ii )"UIlIl iii Il"lL'
`curve and whoa: radius l< equal in (hc radius of (\.|f\.1|Ll(L‘ ul ilidi pniiil
`center of gravity l|c597 1: LLNTLR nr MA?‘ 1: [hr [mini iii \\l\l\lI
`ihe cnliri: Weigh! 0! .i bud} VH3) he i.1!!\\lLIL‘YCd .\\ l'(‘n(L'l\(f.lICd «.i ihui
`il xupporlcd uil
`ll‘Il\ puiiii iiie bod)’ vumld rcmillli iii cuiulihiiuiii iii
`piivninn 3: (‘INTER la
`center or mnss ll8‘0l 1 me poiiii
`.n i hud) .»r V)\lCYl’1 iii
`iL‘I\\lIg‘\ Al
`which ihe wllol: mass may bc .iui.iilere.l .A*~ \\)H§
`under-piece \-,Dé\'\ »i rixmi
`.Jl\ ohie-ii lVk'(|lP\UlE .i LLllli'.il
`Hrifl Pip : up .idmiimciii
`lhc .i-iiier 0! .i
`iii iliii 1»
`e-eiiiril irl\r‘mil.An(L‘ or iiin-re-«i iii i l IHIUV ,.iiiili~
` _:———.j:
`\\\l{|Efli F hible \.ir\ lurilicr \l\l\h Mix
`\.i\ liuip. niui
`\«.ll\ chin
`\u\ L‘B\_V
`\g\ flu
`xiihii mire mjiih
`\r}\VIl|[z \n\_eu \n\lai~ \ui\hiii
`\\\):l \IlI\\l§iK\lV \.i
`‘\ \lA Liiiide iii
`iiigrvtdlclll iii iniiriui inil i-iinureie. (Il\i): uny mixliirc uflcd lur ii similar
`b : riincimr
`2 t
`.i hiiiding eleineni Dr iigeiii-y as
`i : u
`luhuance IOnII1k€Uh]L‘Cl‘»ddheI’E l0i:l.ich uiher
`iurneihiiig Vchlilg
`in iiiiiie lirrlily /Juxlice is lhl: ~ Ihal hrilds .i
`|'i<)li|ICr'.il Climmunlly iii.
`gi-lhcr —eR M HUlLhlr|\) J: (‘EMENTLM 4: a plume \.‘(|fTlp(!\IlIUn
`-midi esp of zinc or \|ll(a liir rilhng deliul Cdilliti
`5 : xhi.-
`ghlllltfll ZrUundl'n.1\s or glass ul i porphyry
`:;¢ment VI l|4c) 1:
`lo unllc or make mm by in us ir b ccmtrii
`K0 lwcrla) Wllh Cnncrtlc ~ ii: in iiecoini» cemenied —
`.i mi
`LI paw eruri
`Cflllflgl cw 0050! M I «so:
`(¢.mclI-(Isl-jtinnh\.\e».in:r‘i‘—'lae~hj:r;‘\ :1 (1594.31)
`I}; Tplfictgi l\'£UI’I'Ulll‘;Id'
`.lf|llll:d by chcmicul Cnmhmzlllnn wiih ihe powder
`2 :
`ihe Lhfil
`rUkL‘*i‘« lllctmeilllngl
`ihe »inie of heiiig uenienied
`cement-ire \ii-‘\ ii [lcemivir] H888) : a liurd liiilile imn cur-
`iiide l eic (ha! l>u:ur\ in ueel. maxi irun. and iI’un~ urhiiii ‘iIllU)s
`lions \.\c .mcri-‘Ii-sh:\\ adj (Ca
`lszxl : having ihe prup¢r~
`lie. ll, uemenr
`zed euernii
`(In) 3y:r umieringi e
`eniiri 0 I c pan 0 2! mm linr»
`‘-¢.n|En-l|Jl|'|!\gl-mcln-l:m\ ii [NL, Lr
`(lIl‘l1¢IVl{‘(7lll}4‘W1lll84%)! n \|r7‘L‘t‘liiIl*
`m.\ll,\‘4\llhYl1lllc‘ gum —— see mom lllU~|!al|(!n
`lg Ll wemclerlum. lr Gk lxoimélérlvn ~ ecping chnmbtr. burial PIQCC1
`cam-e-iery \‘se~iii:-.u-r~é\ 7!, pl -Ker-ies EME cmilii-iy, ir MF miiiicie.
`uri;.i gmund
`li kriiiiiu; Ir) Ipui
`ii» slap. akin io Gk kmlliai iu lie. ski iere he lIC3]
`,,,.. -cle \'\c-ni-|(9l\ 7| [LL Cwldculum the room where Chris: and his
`Jisclrllm had me Lax! supper, ir L‘ mp Holy, prnb lr cam) dinner]
`«‘ rcirtai houxe. er/J: ant lor Roman Calholic women dirtcled
`ii» nllm 0! lb: Suclciy ol Our Lady ol Ih< Ccnacle
`in iiiimem gcoiigie pcrlfid
`me U11] tomb jorlm [Clix kainrii ne\~2.Ercccn( — more al ugcarlr] .
`,,...o.iiiie \'\:-n2-.lJIli Mp Hm 'fiI:»\
`ii [LL caerlublld,
`lr CUL'PiUbll4Nl
`fH0fiC|\lEr)’i lr LGR kolriobiari, ulrlm lr Gk kom» coen- + blur life ——
`inure Ill Q|l(‘I-(] (ca
`isool : 2 lmembcr or 2 religious group living In»
`gellier Ill
`Ll rnonasllc community‘ A can-o-bit-ic \.ac-ii:-’bi-rik, .sc-\
`re-no-sireazies \'s:»na—,spé»(.)shéz,
`ri [town i (perm:
`ran ulclmcly rclaicd genoiypzs olessenually lree sen: inrerchange
`iiazzl :
`LI group 0! relaled biological laxorlornlc unih capablc by real
`ceno-mph \'\:~n:?-ilali -.rul\ ii [F Cérlolaphl,
`ir. L terloluphlumr fr Gk
`lr kwioi’ cmply iv
`lupho: romb] (1601) : a Inmb or a
`r:maiiiv ar: e ~cw ere
`iiriiiiiiiieiii ejects: In honor ol 8 permii or group iil pcnonu wliriie
`cbno-le \\i-‘n6-lc\ ri [M:xSpi fr Yucmec lxbrial] H841}: a deep sink<
`hole In limesmne Wllll a pool in H1: bouom lhal is round esp. in Yuca-
`Ce-no~zo~ii: \.5é-na-'16-ik. ,sc»\ an, [Gk kulm)‘ + E —zcic] (I854) : or.
`reldilng in. ur being an era 01 geological hisiory lhal extends [ram ihe
`beginning ol the Ternary period to ihc prcscnl lime and |€ mzirkad hy a
`rapid s'V(\lull0f| nl mammals and birds and M angiosperms and Np.
`grasscx and by lnrle chungc in me inveriebraies; ulm: relaung lo the
`zoic I!
`ciirmponding wsicm of rocks —— we GEOLUGIC TIME mhle —e Ceno-
`reuse \'~cii(|lx\ vi tensed; cens-ing [ME4 prob short lor emccnsen to
`WICEHNC. lr MF UHCENSEF, lr LL irirerimre, lr
`incensum IDCEFNE] (MC)
`lo perlumc aw wlih a censer
`cen~ser \'\<nli)-s:r\ ri (llcl : a vessel for burning
`H1CEl\\C. em : a covercd incense burner swung on
`charm in :1 religious riiual
`‘Cell-Sm‘ \‘<i:nlil~<2r\ i [l.. li C€rlY§r'€
`(0 give as oiiex
`: one 0
`two magistralcs o cary
`olpinifiii. illness. pcrh LIl(|n |o ski flllllifll hi pl'&iis:s]
`ieiiiig fl\ census linkers. flssfissorsi and lnspcclors (‘ll
`lm')r.’£l\ und conduct
`2 : on: who supervises conduci
`and V‘ll0l’JlS. as
`H : an oflicial who examines match-
`:|lV law‘ publications or lilms) for Ob cclionable mailer
`h: an ufllclal (as in run: ol warl wjho rczds :ummu-
`riicallmii lax lclken) and dzlelci mammal L.‘0l'|‘ild€f¢d
`seiisiiiie or harmful
`3 :
`LI hypolhclical psychic
`ugzncy illul
`rewrcsscs unacceptable noiions belure
`2 , -Kw-\ mi
`ihey Much cnnsclousncss — cen-so~ri-ill \scn-'srir-e-
`vi cen-sored;
`ten-so ng \‘scn(l)-sa-nu.
`iir c cli: LIn)’l mg considered obiccuonzble
`“El(Ijll1lV'lll]\llhES1)Z KO examine in order [0 suppress
`can-so-ri-ous \s:n-'sGr-E-Jsi -'sor-\ adj [L CEVISOVIILX iil .i censor. lr cen-
`-r rms- y u v -v cen-soir -ons-ness n
`;i:)r](l5l<>>l: rrijarkad by or Klivtn [O ccrisurc
`syn sec CRITICAL -V cen-
`ri (ca
`n : lh: |flSll[|fl|Oni
`‘Micm. or prznciice Ul censoring
`b 2
`the aciinnfi or practices ill can-
`mn: mp : censonal control
`2 :
`the olllce.
`Plvvieri or [:rY|'\ of 2: Roman tensor
`3 2 C)(CluSlOfl lrom CUHSCIi)|.|SX’\E\‘S
`e \'$en(il~~hl.)-lra-b2l\ adj (I615) : dc<¢rving nr open (0
`‘M iii: lixfihic -enscir
`‘sen-sure vieiilll-iliarx ii [L L‘€rIHAVOi
`i : u iudgineiii
`ininliing cnridemiiniirin
`Z arrhalc: 0P|Nl()\ lL‘DGME\‘1 3: (he aci or
`_"lzmlng or cmirlemnin sl=rril)
`inn oflicial reprimand
`‘censure ii cemsure ; can-sur-ing \'\erili)-shla-lr1rj\ ll5><7l
`l\l'i\1Alf 1lD(:E 2:
`Ir) rind laull wiih and Cnllclle LIV nlnmeimrihi
`mi Cc: r in IICIZE — cen-sur~er \'Ven(ll~~h9r~3r\ It
`'-z-n|Ilesas\ 7! [Ll lr cenwre] H614)
`l: __i uiuill ml ill: DUhul:-
`" 4“? J rV.'<>pc:'iy :\..i|uaii<m in curl» Rome
`2 -
`LI Usu ;l)l'l\}‘lelt
`"urns: lllflli iii u Dllflulullilhi w‘pl'(‘:/.
`.i Di.‘l'l(h’.lIC goieriinieiiiul L'!||Jli\Cl-
`r» *r- l"\AlJll1)n 3; ((ll‘-1 T1H\
`census >1
`v: [MP liundruil, Ir
`— lV)().’L' Lil Hi \l)RrD]ll"i‘1.Zl
`A _. "~ll\Ll£lfV uiiir equal In
`liji Ul
`ll basic uiiii Ul \illue
`\“"lllV glllill rl
`llru, prlund.
`rand rupnl
`4: COPCV epu ico
`'.iRi:nIi'i£,ll0ke(n&fir nriie rL'|')l'L‘\tllliIIg une eerii 3:
`mi-ul in.-ii-i’l\ ii [I e.-iiruin 4 E urllui iii quiiirulnlliivm (‘hl2j7v niii
`ill NUFU ll\KllfiHTl
` 3

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