
`This POA copy is intended for the attached
`continuation application being submitted on December
`13, 2007; attorney docket no. 850063.553C3.
`Jefferson E. Owen et al.
`August 26, 1996
`Application No.
`Art Unit
`Docket No.
`Glenn Gossage
`96-S-I2 (850063.553)
`April 12, 1999
`Assistant Commissioner for Patents
`Washington, DC 20231
`1, Lisa K. Jorgenson, attorney of record in the above-identified application,
`appoint as associate attorneys David V. Carlson, Reg. No. 31,153; Michael J. Donohue,
`Registration No. 35,859, Kevin S. Ross, Reg. No. 42,116; Dale C. Barr, Reg. No. 40,498;
`Kevin S. Costanza-, Reg. No. 37,801, Brian L. Johnson, Reg. No. 40,033, Paul F. Rusyn, Reg.
`* No. 42,118, Dennis M. de Guzman, Reg. No. 41,702; E. Russell Tarleton, Reg. No.- 31,800,_
`John M, Wechkin-, Reg. No. 42,216; Robert D." 1V_I_cCutcheon, Reg. No. 38,717; and ‘
`Theodore E. Galanthay, Reg; No. 24,122.
`Jorgenson at:
`is requested that correspondencelicontinue to be addressed to Lisa K.
`Lisa K. Jorgenson, Esq.
`STMicro.electronics, Inc.
`1310 Electronics Drive
`Carrollton, Texas 75006-6039
`Respectfitlly submitted,
`STMicroelectronics, Inc;
`1310 Electronics Drive
`. Carrollton, Texas 75006-5039
`(972) 466-7414
`Fax: (972) 466-7044-5039
`u:\lloat\j:ib l\8 50063.5 53-Assocpoa
` Lisa K. Jorge-nsoti
`Registration No. 34,845
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`PTOISBI14 (07-07)
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`96-8-01203 (850063.553C3)
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`Jefferson Eugene Owen et al.
`Docket No.
`96-S-0l2C3 (850063.553C3)
`December 13, 2007
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Commissioner for Patents:
`Applicants hereby authorize the Director to charge any deficiencies in fees due by
`way of the enclosed papers only under 37 CFR 1.16 and 1.17 to Deposit Account No. 19-1090.
`Respectfully submitted,
`SEED Intellectual Property Law Group PLLC
`/David V. Carlson/
`David V. Carlson
`Registration No. 31,153
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5400
`Seattle, Washington 98104
`Phone: (206) 622-4900
`Fax: (206) 682-6031
`Apple Exhibit 1002
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`Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
`Title Of Invention:
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Jefferson Eugene Owen
`Attorney Docket Number:
`96-S-O12C3 (850063.553C3)
`Filing Fees
`Fee Code
`Sub-Total in
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`1491 bb35be19de91bb1e612879401a8761
`99851 e
`Power of Attorney
`850063_553C3_POA. PDF
`Application Data Sheet
`Miscellaneous Incoming Letter
`1 5140091
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`This Acknowledgement Receipt evidences receipt on the noted date by the USPTO of the indicated documents,
`characterized by the applicant, and including page counts, where applicable.
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`similar to a Post Card, as described in MPEP 503.
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`Cross-reference to Related Applications
`This application is
`a continuation of U.S. Patent Application No.
`10/174,918, filed June 19, 2002, and allowed November 29, 2007; which is a continuation
`of U.S. Patent No. 6,427,194, issued July 30, 2002; which is a continuation of U.S. Patent
`No. 6,058,459,
`issued May 2, 2000. All of the U.S. patents, U.S. patent application
`publications, U.S. patent applications, foreign patents, foreign patent applications and non-
`patent publications referred to in this specification and/or listed in the Application Data
`Sheet, are incorporated herein by reference, in their entirety.
`Cross-reference to Other Related Applications
`The present application contains some text and drawings in common with
`U.S. Patent Application No. 08/702,911, filed August 26, 1996, and issued September 22,
`as U.S.
`INTERFACE" by Raul Z. Diaz and Jefferson E. Owen, which had the same effective filing
`date and ownership as the present application, and to that extent is related to the present
`application, which is incorporated herein by reference.
`The present invention relates to the field of electronic systems having a
`video and/or audio decompression and/or compression device, and is more specifically
`directed to sharing a memory interface between a video and/or audio decompression and/or
`compression device and another device contained in the electronic system.
`The size of a digital representation of uncompressed video images is
`dependent on the resolution and color depth of the image. A movie composed of a
`sequence of such images, and the audio signals that go along with them, quickly become
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`large enough so that, uncompressed, such a movie typically cannot fit entirely onto a
`conventional recording medium such as a Compact Disc (CD).
`It is now also typically
`prohibitively expensive to transmit such a movie uncompressed.
`It is therefore advantageous to compress video and audio sequences before
`they are transmitted or stored. A great deal of effort is being expended to develop systems
`to compress these sequences. Several coding standards currently in use are based on the
`discrete cosine transfer algorithm including MPEG-1, MPEG-2, H.261, and H.263. (MPEG
`stands for "Motion Picture Expert Group", a committee of the International Organization
`for Standardization, also known as the International Standards Organization, or ISO.) The
`MPEG-1, MPEG-2, H.261, and H.263 standards are decompression protocols that describe
`how an encoded bitstream is to be decoded. The encoding can be done in any manner, as
`long as the resulting bitstream complies with the standard.
`Video and/or audio compression devices (hereinafter "encoders") are used
`to encode the video and/or audio sequence before it is transmitted or stored. The resulting
`bitstream is decoded by a video and/or audio decompression device (hereinafter "decoder")
`before the video and/or audio sequence is displayed. However, a bitstream can only be
`decoded by a decoder if it complies with the standard used by the decoder. To be able to
`decode the bitstream on a large number of systems, it is advantageous to encode the video
`and/or audio sequences in compliance with a well accepted decompression standard. The
`MPEG standards are currently well accepted standards for one-way communication.
`H-26l, and H.263 are currently well accepted standards for video telephony.
`Once decoded,
`the images can be displayed on an electronic system
`dedicated to displaying video and audio, such as television or a Digital Video Disk (DVD)
`player, or on electronic systems where image display is just one feature of the system, such
`as a computer. A decoder needs to be added to these systems to allow them to display
`compressed sequences, such as received images and associated audio, or ones taken from a
`storage device. An encoder needs to be added to allow the system to compress video
`and/or audio sequences, to be transmitted or stored. Both need to be added for two-way
`communication such as video telephony.
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`A typical decoder, such as an MPEG decoder 10 shown in Figure la,
`contains video decoding circuit 12, audio decoding circuit 14, a microcontroller l6, and a
`memory interface 18. The decoder can also contain other circuitry depending on the
`electronic system in which the decoder is designed to operate. For example, when the
`decoder is designed to operate in a typical television, it will also contain an on-screen
`display (OSD) circuit.
`Figure lb shows a better decoder architecture, used in the STi3520 and
`STi3520A MPEG Audio/MPEG-2 Video Integrated Decoder manufactured by ST
`Microelectronics, Inc., Carrollton, Texas. The decoder has a register interface 20 instead
`of a microcontroller. The register interface 20 is coupled to an external microcontroller 24.
`The use of a register interface 20 makes it possible to tailor the decoder l0 to the specific
`hardware with which the decoder l0 interfaces, or to change its operation without having
`to replace the decoder by just reprogramming the register interface.
`It also allows the user
`to replace the microcontroller 24, to upgrade or tailor the microcontroller 24 to a specific
`use, by just replacing the microcontroller and reprogramming the register interface 20,
`without having to replace the decoder 10.
`The memory interface 18 is coupled to a memory 22. A typical MPEG
`decoder 10 requires 16 Mbits of memory to operate in the Main Profile at Main Level
`mode (MP at ML). This typically means that the decoder requires a 2Mbyte memory.
`Memory 22 is dedicated to the MPEG decoder 10 and increases the price of adding a
`decoder 10 to the electronic system.
`In current technology, the cost of this additional
`dedicated memory 22 can be a significant percentage of the cost of the decoder.
`An encoder also requires a memory interface 18 and dedicated memory.
`Adding the encoder to an electronic system again increases the price of the system by both
`the price of the encoder and its dedicated memory.
`Figure lc shows a conventional decoder inserted in a computer architecture.
`A conventional computer generally includes a peripheral bus 170 to connect several
`necessary or optional components, such as a hard disk, a screen, etc. These peripherals are
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`connected to bus 170 via interfaces (e.g., a display adapter 120 for the screen) which are
`provided directly on the computer's motherboard or on removable boards.
`A Central Processing Unit (CPU) 152 communicates with bus 170 through
`an interface circuit 146 enabling a main memory 168 of the computer to be shared between
`CPU 152 and peripherals of bus 170 which might require it.
`The decoder 10 is connected as a master peripheral to bus 170, that is, it
`generates data transfers on this bus without involving CPU 152. The decoder receives
`coded or compressed data CD from a source peripheral 122, such as a hard disk or a
`compact disk read only memory (CD-ROM), and supplies decoded images to display
`adapter 120. Recent display adapters make it possible to directly process the "YUV"
`(luminance and chrominance) image data normally supplied by a decoder, while a display
`adapter is normally designed to process "RGB" (red, green, blue) image information
`supplied by CPU 152.
`Display adapter 120 uses memory 12-1 for storing the image under display,
`which comes from the CPU 152 or from the decoder 10. A conventional decoder 10 also
`uses dedicated memory 22. This memory is typically divided into three image areas or
`buffers M1 to M3 and a buffer CDB where the compressed data are stored before they are
`processed. The three image buffers respectively contain an image under decoding and two
`previously decoded images.
`Figure 1d illustrates the use of buffers M1 to M3 in the decoding of a
`sequence of images 10, P1, B2, B3, P4, B5, B6, P7.
`1 stands for a so-called "intra" image,
`whose compressed data directly corresponds to the image.
`P stands for a so-called
`"predicted" image, the reconstruction of which uses pixel blocks (or macroblocks) of a
`previously decoded image. Finally, B stands for a so-called "bidirectional" image, the
`reconstruction of which uses macroblocks of two previously decoded images. The intra
`and predicted images are likely to be used to reconstruct subsequent predicted and
`bidirectional images, while the bidirectional images are not used again.
`Images 10 and P1 are respectively stored in buffers M1 and M2 during their
`decoding. The filling and the emptying of a buffer in Fig. 1d are indicated by oblique
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`lines. The decoding of image Pl uses macroblocks of image I0. Image I0, stored in buffer
`Ml, is displayed during the decoding of image B2, this image B2 being stored in buffer
`M3. The decoding of image B2 uses macroblocks of images I0 and P1.
`Image B2 is
`displayed immediately after image I0. As the locations of buffer M3 become empty, they
`are filled by decoded information of image B3. The decoding of image B3 also uses
`macroblocks of images I0 and P1. Once image B3 is decoded, it is displayed immediately,
`while image P4 is decoded by using macroblocks of image Pl.
`Image P4 is written over
`image I0 in buffer M1 since image I0 will no longer be used to decode subsequent images.
`After image B3, image P1 is displayed while buffer M3 receives image B5 under decoding.
`The decoding of image B5 uses macroblocks of images P1 and P4.
`Image P1 is kept in
`buffer M2 until the decoding of image B6, which also uses macroblocks of images P1 and
`P4, and so on.
`Referring again to Figure 1c, when any component needs access to the main
`memory 168 either to read from or write to the main memory 168, it generates a request
`which is placed on the bus 170. When the request is a write, the data to be written is also
`placed on the bus 170. The request is processed and the data is then either written to or
`read from the main memory 168. When data is read from the main memory 168, the data is
`now placed on the bus and goes to the component that requested the read.
`There are typically many components in the computer systems that may
`require access to the main memory 168, and they are typically all coupled to the same bus
`170, or possibly to several buses if there are not enough connectors on one bus to
`accommodate all of the peripherals. However, the addition of each bus is very expensive.
`Each request is typically processed according to a priority system. The priority system is
`typically based on the priority given to the device and the order in which the requests are
`received. Typically, the priority system is set up so no device monopolizes the bus,
`starving all of the other devices. Good practice suggest that no device on the bus require
`more than approximately 50% of the bus's bandwidth.
`The minimum bandwidth required for the decoder 10 can be calculated
`based on the characteristics and desired operation of the decoder. These characteristics
`Apple Exhibit 1002
`Page 17 of 333
`Apple Exhibit 1002
`Page 17 of 333

`include the standard with which the bitstream is encoded to comply, whether the decoder is
`to operate in real time, to what extent frames are dropped, and how the images are stored.
`Additionally, the latency of the bus that couples the decoder to the memory should be
`If the decoder does not operate in real time, the decoded movie would stop

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