Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 522 Filed 10/16/17 Page 1 of 11 PageID #: 26017
`Case No. 2:15-cv-1455-WCB

`et al.,
`Before the Court is Plaintiff’s Opposed Motion to Join Party Pursuant to Federal Rule of
`Civil Procedure 25(c). Dkt. No. 517. The Court GRANTS the motion.
`On September 8, 2017, following the trial of this case, plaintiff Allergan, Inc., filed a letter
`with the Court announcing that Allergan had assigned its rights to the patents at issue in this case,
`to the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe and that the Tribe had granted Allergan an exclusive license to
`the patents. Allergan added that it “expects to join the Tribe as a co-plaintiff in due course.” Dkt.
`No. 480-1. Under the terms of the agreements between Allergan and the Tribe, the Tribe will
`receive $13.5 million upon execution of the agreement and will be eligible to receive $15 million
`in annual royalties. Dkt. No. 510-3.
`On September 11, defendants Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Mylan Inc. filed a response
`stating that Allergan “has admitted in other forums that the intent is to employ Native American
`sovereign immunity and attempt to cut-off pending validity challenges with the Patent Office.”
`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. et al. v. Allergan, Inc.
`IPR2016-01127, -01128, -01129, -01130, -01131, -01132


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 522 Filed 10/16/17 Page 2 of 11 PageID #: 26018
`Dkt. No. 481, at 1. Mylan argued that “Allergan is attempting to misuse Native American
`sovereignty to shield invalid patents from cancellation.” Id. at 2.
`The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe has made a special appearance in the inter partes review
`(“IPR”) proceedings pending before the Patent and Trademark Office (“PTO”), and has moved to
`dismiss those proceedings based on the assertion of the Tribe’s sovereign immunity. Dkt. No.
`After waiting a month for Allergan to file the promised motion to join the Tribe, the Court
`on October 6 entered an order directing Allergan, by October 13, to submit information regarding
`the assignment to the Tribe and directing the parties by the same date to file briefs addressing the
`question whether the Tribe should be added as a co-plaintiff or whether the assignment transaction
`should be disregarded as a sham. Dkt. No. 503.
`Later that day, the defendants filed what they styled Defendants’ Notice Regarding
`Allergan’s Document Production According to the Court’s October 6, 2017 Order (Dkt. No. 503).
`Dkt. No. 504. In that filing, the defendants sought to ensure that they would receive copies of the
`materials submitted by Allergan. In addition, the defendants listed nine categories of documents
`that they believed Allergan should produce in response to the Court’s October 6 order and stated
`that, “in the event evaluation of Allergan’s production reveals the necessity,” they would be
`requesting leave to conduct depositions directed to the nature of Allergan’s transaction with the
`Tribe. Id. at 2. The defendants also requested “leave to file a letter seeking relief from the October
`13 filing and allowing Defendants to conduct such depositions on an expedited basis.” Id.
`On October 9, Allergan filed Plaintiff’s Response to Defendants’ Notice Regarding
`Document Production According to the Court’s October 6, 2017 Order. Dkt. No. 505. Allergan
`stated that it had sought the defendants’ consent to a motion to add the Tribe as a co-plaintiff


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`pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 25(c), but that the defendants had not consented to
`such a motion. Dkt. No. 505, at 2. Allergan represented that it would produce “all the materials
`identified in the Court’s October 6 order by October 10, and produce to the Court
`contemporaneously with this filing the assignment and license documents already provided to
`Defendants.” Id. at 2-3. Allergan also represented that it would file an opposed motion to add the
`Tribe as a co-plaintiff by October 13. Id.
`The following day, the Court entered an order that (1) directed Allergan to provide to the
`defendants all of the materials provided to the Court in response to the Court’s October 6 order; (2)
`directed Allergan to tell the Court what consideration was given to Allergan in exchange for the
`purported assignment of the patents-in-suit to the Tribe; (3) denied the defendants’ requests for the
`production of additional materials from Allergan and for the opportunity to conduct depositions
`regarding the issue of whether the Tribe should be added as a co-plaintiff; and (4) denied the
`defendants’ request to submit a letter seeking relief from the October 13 date for filing briefs
`addressing the question whether the Tribe should be added as a co-plaintiff. Dkt. No. 509.
`Allergan subsequently provided additional materials related to the assignment and license
`transactions between Allergan and the Tribe. Dkt. Nos. 510, 511. Allergan also answered the
`Court’s question about consideration by stating that the consideration for the assignment of the
`patents to the Tribe was the Tribe’s promise not to waive its sovereign immunity with respect to
`any IPR or other administrative action in the PTO related to the patents. Dkt. No. 510, at 2-4.
`The parties’ briefs were timely filed on October 13. Dkt. Nos. 513, 514.
`In addition,
`Allergan moved to substitute the Tribe as the plaintiff in this action pursuant to Federal Rule of
`Civil Procedure 25(c), which the defendants opposed. Dkt. No. 517. Allergan represented that the


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`Tribe consents to being joined as a plaintiff in this action. Dkt. No. 513, at 6 n.1. The Court
`advised the parties that the issue would be resolved without a hearing. Dkt. No. 519.
`The Court has reviewed the information and briefs filed in response to the Court’s order.
`From that information, it is clear that Allergan’s motivation for the assignment was to attempt to
`avoid the IPR proceedings that are currently pending in the PTO by invoking the Tribe’s sovereign
`immunity as a bar to those proceedings.
`The Court has serious concerns about the legitimacy of the tactic that Allergan and the
`Tribe have employed. The essence of the matter is this: Allergan purports to have sold the patents
`to the Tribe, but in reality it has paid the Tribe to allow Allergan to purchase—or perhaps more
`precisely, to rent—the Tribe’s sovereign immunity in order to defeat the pending IPR proceedings
`in the PTO. This is not a situation in which the patentee was entitled to sovereign immunity in the
`first instance. Rather, Allergan, which does not enjoy sovereign immunity, has invoked the
`benefits of the patent system and has obtained valuable patent protection for its product, Restasis.
`But when faced with the possibility that the PTO would determine that those patents should not
`have been issued, Allergan has sought to prevent the PTO from reconsidering its original issuance
`decision. What Allergan seeks is the right to continue to enjoy the considerable benefits of the
`U.S. patent system without accepting the limits that Congress has placed on those benefits through
`the administrative mechanism for canceling invalid patents.
`If that ploy succeeds, any patentee facing IPR proceedings would presumably be able to
`defeat those proceedings by employing the same artifice. In short, Allergan’s tactic, if successful,
`could spell the end of the PTO’s IPR program, which was a central component of the America
`Invents Act of 2011. In its brief, Allergan is conspicuously silent about the broader consequences


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`of the course it has chosen, but it does not suggest that there is anything unusual about its situation
`that would make Allergan’s tactic “a restricted railroad ticket, good for this day and train only.”
`Smith v. Allwright, 321 U.S. 649, 669 (1944) (Roberts, J., dissenting).
`Although sovereign immunity has been tempered over the years by statute and court
`decisions, it survives because there are sound reasons that sovereigns should be protected from at
`least some kinds of lawsuits. But sovereign immunity should not be treated as a monetizable
`commodity that can be purchased by private entities as part of a scheme to evade their legal
`It is not an inexhaustible asset that can be sold to any party that might find it
`convenient to purchase immunity from suit. Because that is in essence is what the agreement
`between Allergan and the Tribe does, the Court has serious reservations about whether the contract
`between Allergan and the Tribe should be recognized as valid, rather than being held void as being
`contrary to public policy. See generally Restatement of the Law (Second) Contracts §§ 178-179,
`The defendants point out that the assignment-and-licensing transaction in this case is
`similar in some respects to other transactions that have been held ineffective, such as abusive tax
`shelter transactions, in which courts have looked behind the face of the transactions to determine
`whether the transactions have economic substance or are simply a method of gaming the tax
`system to generate benefits that were not intended to be available. See, e.g., Salem Fin., Inc. v.
`United States, 786 F.3d 932 (Fed. Cir. 2015); Coltec Indus., Inc. v. United States, 454 F.3d 1340
`(Fed. Cir. 2006).
`Allergan argues that the transactions are legitimate because the Tribe has offered
`consideration in the form of its agreement not to waive its sovereign immunity before the PTO and
`in exchange has received much-needed revenue from Allergan. But such circumstances are


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`frequently encountered in sham transactions, such as abusive tax shelters. The straw parties who
`perform the service of making the transaction appear to have economic substance, when it actually
`does not, are providing a service, for which they are ordinarily well compensated. Nonetheless, the
`transaction is disregarded if it is contrary to the policies underlying the relevant laws.
`Another roughly analogous example cited by the defendants is People ex rel. Owen v.
`Miami Nation Enterprises, 386 P.3d 357 (Cal. 2016). In that case, two tribal entities ran payday
`loan businesses. When the lending entities were sued by the State for improper lending practices,
`the entities asserted sovereign immunity. The California Supreme Court determined that, despite
`the formal agreements between the lending entities and the tribes, the tribes had no operational
`control over the businesses and received only a small percentage of the profits of the businesses.
`After examining all of the circumstances, the court concluded that the arrangement between the
`lenders and the Tribes was such that the businesses were not entitled to assert the tribes’ sovereign
`The concern of the courts in both of those examples is the same: whether the party
`invoking a particular legal protection has engaged in a bona fide transaction of the sort for which
`that legal protection was intended. In both the abusive tax shelter cases and the Owen case, the
`answer was no. In this case, as indicated, the Court has serious doubts that the transaction in which
`Allergan has sought to obtain immunity from inter partes review by the PTO in exchange for
`payments to the Tribe is the kind of transaction to which the Tribe’s sovereign immunity was
`meant to extend.
`There is a second significant issue presented by Allergan’s motion: whether after the
`Tribe’s grant of an exclusive license in the Restasis patents to Allergan, the Tribe has transferred
`all substantial rights in the patents back to Allergan, so that Allergan, and not the Tribe, is properly


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`considered the patentee. See, e.g., Diamond Coating Techs., LLC v. Hyundai Motor Am., 823
`F.3d 615, 618 (Fed. Cir. 2016). Even assuming that the initial assignment was valid, the Tribe
`would not be considered the owner of the patents if, through the exclusive license agreement, it
`has transferred all substantial rights in the patents except for the right to receive royalties on the
`sale of Restasis. In that event, Allergan would be entitled to maintain this action on its own, and
`it would not be necessary to add the Tribe as a co-plaintiff. On the other hand, if the Tribe has
`retained substantial rights in the patents, even after the grant of the exclusive license to Allergan,
`the Tribe would be a necessary party to this infringement action.
`Allergan argues that the Tribe retained substantial rights, including the right to practice
`the patents for research, education, and other non-commercial uses, and the first right to sue third
`parties not related to Restasis bioequivalents. Dkt Nos. 518, at 2; Dkt. No. 510-7, at 17-18. The
`Court has examined the documents provided by Allergan and regards the question as a close one.
`Some provisions of the exclusive license, such as the limitations on Allergan’s rights to as
`particular field of use—specifically, to practice the patents in the United States for all FDA-
`approved uses—give the Tribe at least nominal rights with regard to the Restasis patents. It is,
`however, questionable whether those rights have any practical value. There is no doubt that at
`least with respect to the patent rights that protect Restasis against third-party competitors,
`Allergan has retained all substantial rights in the patents, and the Tribe enjoys only the right to a
`revenue stream in the form of royalties.
`The questions as to the validity of the assignment and exclusive license transaction and
`whether the Tribe is an owner of the Restasis patents within the meaning of the Patent Act may
`be dispositive in the IPR proceedings. But those issues do not bear on this Court’s power to
`hear this case. Regardless of whether Allergan’s tactic is successful in terminating the pending


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`IPR proceedings, it is clear that the assignment does not operate as a bar to this Court’s continued
`exercise of its jurisdiction over this matter.
`This case was brought by Allergan, the Tribe’s predecessor in interest, seeking affirmative
`relief, and thus any possible immunity from suit that might be applicable to avoid litigation brought
`against the Tribe has no application to this action. See Competitive Techs., Inc. v. Fujitsu Ltd.,
`374 F.3d 1098, 1102-03 (Fed. Cir. 2004) (“[W]hen a state files suit in federal court to enforce its
`claims to certain patents, the state shall be considered to have consented to have litigated in the
`same forum all compulsory counterclaims, i.e., those arising from the same transaction or
`occurrence that gave rise to the state’s asserted claims.” (quoting Regents of the Univ. of N.M. v.
`Knight, 321 F.3d 1111, 1126 (Fed. Cir. 2003))); see also Texas v. Caremark, Inc., 584 F.3d 655,
`659 (5th Cir. 2009) (“When a state initiates a lawsuit, it waives its sovereign immunity to the
`extent required for the lawsuit's complete determination.” (citing Clark v. Barnard, 108 U.S. 436,
`448 (1883))); United States v. Oregon, 657 F.2d 1009, 1014-16 (9th Cir. 1981) (holding that tribe
`waives sovereign immunity by intervening in lawsuit).
`While the sovereign immunity issue is not presented in this case, the question whether
`Allergan’s assignment of its patent rights to the Tribe is valid nonetheless has a bearing on this
`case, because the validity of the assignment contract between Allergan and the Tribe affects
`whether the Court should grant Allergan’s motion to add the Tribe as a co-plaintiff. If the
`assignment to the Tribe is valid, the Tribe should be added as a co-plaintiff. If the assignment to
`the Tribe is invalid, it would not be necessary to add the Tribe as a co-plaintiff.
`This is more than a housekeeping matter of determining which names belong in the
`caption. If the Court declines to join the Tribe as a co-plaintiff and it is later determined that the
`Tribe is a valid owner of the patents, any judgment entered by the Court could be subject to


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`challenge on the ground that the owner of the patents was not a party to the action. See Indep.
`Wireless Tel. Co. v. Radio Corp. of Am., 269 U.S. 459, 468 (1926); Diamond Coating Techs., 823
`F.3d at 618-19; Propat Int’l Corp. v. RPost, Inc., 473 F.3d 1187, 1189 (Fed. Cir. 2007); Abbott
`Labs. v. Diamedix Corp., 47 F.3d 1128, 1131 (Fed. Cir. 1995).
`While it is important to ensure that any judgment in this case will not be subject to
`challenge based on the omission of a necessary party, the Court is not required to decide whether
`the assignment of the patent rights from Allergan to the Tribe was valid in order to resolve the
`question whether to add the Tribe as a co-plaintiff. Instead, the Court will adopt the safer course of
`joining the Tribe as a co-plaintiff, while leaving the question of the validity of the assignment to be
`decided in the IPR proceedings, where it is directly presented.
` Allergan has moved for the Court to add the Tribe as a co-plaintiff under Rule 25(c) of
`the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. That Rule provides that “[i]f an interest is transferred”
`during the course of litigation, “the action may be continued by or against the original party
`unless the court, on motion, orders the transferee to be substituted in the action or joined with the
`original party.” Because the Tribe is at least the nominal transferee of the Restasis patents, and
`because failure to join the Tribe could render any judgment rendered by this Court invalid, the
`Court invokes its discretion under Rule 25(c) to order the Tribe joined as a co-plaintiff.
`Importantly, the Court’s decision to permit joinder of the Tribe does not constitute a ruling on
`the validity of the assignment of the Restasis patents or the Tribe’s status as a “patentee” for
`purposes of the Patent Act, 35 U.S.C. § 281. Instead, it is “merely a discretionary determination
`by the trial court that the transferee’s presence would facilitate the conduct of the litigation.” 7C
`Charles Alan Wright, Arthur R. Miller & Mary Kay Kane, Federal Practice and Procedure
`§ 1958, at 196-98 (2007).


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`Although the defendants have filed a lengthy and thorough brief in opposition to
`Allergan’s motion to have the Tribe joined as a co-plaintiff in this action, they have not argued
`that they would be prejudiced in any way by the joinder of the Tribe. The Tribe has consented to
`joinder, Dkt. No. 513, at 6 n.1; id. at 7, and in light of the fact that the trial and the post-trial
`briefing in the case has been completed, the presence of the Tribe as a co-plaintiff will not
`interfere with the prompt entry of the Court’s findings of fact and conclusions of law, and the
`Court’s the final judgment in this case. Allergan has represented that “the joinder will not
`otherwise impact the substantive issues in the litigation. Id. at 6. And, as the successor-in-
`interest to Allergan, the Tribe would be bound by any judgment. See Kloster Speedsteel AB v.
`Crucible Inc., 793 F.2d 1565, 1582 (Fed. Cir. 1986). For that reason, substitution of a successor-
`in-interest is appropriate even when the substitution occurs after trial. Panther Pumps & Equip.
`Co. v. Hydrocraft, Inc., 566 F.2d 8 (7th Cir. 1977).
`Accordingly, in order to ensure that any judgment entered in this case will be protected
`against challenge on the ground that the proper parties were not all joined as plaintiffs, the Court
`hereby orders the joinder of the Tribe as a co-plaintiff in this action under Federal Rule of Civil
`Procedure 25(c). In so doing, the Court does not hold that the assignment of the patent rights to the
`Tribe is valid, but instead proceeds on the ground that the assignment may at some point be held
`valid, and that joining the Tribe as a party in this action is necessary to ensure that the judgment in
`this case is not rendered invalid because of the absence of a necessary party.


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 522 Filed 10/16/17 Page 11 of 11 PageID #: 26027
`SIGNED this 16th day of October, 2017.

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