Conference Call - September 26, 2017
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` _____________
` _____________
` USA, INC., and AKORN, INC.
` Petitioners,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` _____________
` Case No. IPR2016-01127
` Patent No. 8,685,930 B2
` Case No. IPR2016-01128
` Patent No. 8,629,111 B2
` Case No. IPR2016-01129
` Patent No. 8,642,556 B2
` Case No. IPR2016-01130
` Patent No. 8,648,048
` Case No. IPR2016-01132
` Patent No. 9,248,191
` _____________
` September 26, 2017
`1 2
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. et al. v. Allergan, Inc.
`IPR2016-01127, -01128, -01129, -01130, -01131, -01132


`Conference Call - September 26, 2017
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` A P P E A R A N C E S
` (All appearances telephonically)
` Administrative Patent Judge
` Administrative Patent Judge
` Administrative Patent Judge
` 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
` Seattle, WA 98104
` (206)883-2542
` e-mail:
` 1700 K Street, N.W., 5th Floor
` Washington, D.C. 20006
` (202) 973-8811
` e-mail:
` 225 South Sixth Street, Suite 4200
` Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
` (612) 436-9600
` e-mail:
`2 3
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`Conference Call - September 26, 2017
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` APPEARANCES: (Continued)
` 2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20037
` (202) 293-7060
` e-mail:
` Fish & Richardson, P.C.
` 3200 RBC Plaza
` 60 South Sixth Street
` Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
` (612) 335-5070
` e-mail:
` MS. MARSHA SCHMIDT (pro hac vice)
` 901 Main Street, Suite 3300
` Dallas, Texas 75202
` (214) 593-9110
` e-mail:
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`Conference Call - September 26, 2017
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` APPEARANCES: (Continued)
` MS. SHANNON M. BLOODWORTH (pro hac vice pending)
` MR. CHARLES G. CURTIS, JR. (pro hac vice pending)
` 700 13th Street, N.W., Suite 600
` Washington, D.C. 20005-3960
` (202) 654-6200
` e-mail:
`8 9
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`Conference Call - September 26, 2017
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` THE COURT: Good afternoon. This is
`Judge Snedden.
` I have on the line with me Judges Hulse
`and Paulraj.
` Mr. Torczon, are you on the line?
` MR. TORCZON: I am, your Honor.
` THE COURT: All right.
` And do we have anyone from the Tribe
` MR. EVANS: Yes, your Honor, Christopher
`Evans and Marcia Schmidt are here representing the
` THE COURT: Allergan?
` MS. WHALEN: Dorothy Whelan and Michael
`Kane representing Allergan.
` THE COURT: And who else do we have on
`the line?
` MR. SHORE: Michael Shore is on the line
`as well.
` MR. RIBAR: Travis Ribar representing
` MR. SPEIER: Gary Speier on behalf of
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` THE COURT: I understand we have a court
` MR. TORCZON: We do, your Honor.
` I also believe we have Brandon White,
`Shannon Bloodworth, and Charles Curtis of Perkins Coie
`for Mylan.
` THE COURT: Mr. Torczon, you requested
`the call, I will let you begin.
` MR. TORCZON: Thank you very much, your
`Honor. Thank you for scheduling this call.
` Our request falls basically into two
`parts. There was originally ordered production we
`believe is incomplete, and there is also additional
`discovery related to that that we believe we should be
`entitled to. It will be limited to discovery
`regarding the immunity claim.
` On the first point the Tribe voluntarily
`filed a short form agreement which referred to the
`long form agreement. The board ordered the patent
`owner and Tribe to produce the long form agreement.
` The long form agreement itself
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`incorporates additional agreements that are used to
`define Allergan's powers and responsibilities.
` We don't believe the agreement is fully
`comprehensible without this. We believe that they are
`within the scope of the originally ordered discovery
`or production and Allergan should have all of it in
`its possession.
` Allergan disagrees with our position that
`it is within the scope of the original discovery, and
`the Tribe has indicated that it doesn't have to
`produce anything.
` We would like the board to consider the
`issue and immediately order production of those
`documents. Failing that we believe that it is
`certainly within the scope of any additional
` Along the same lines, it is important to
`note that Mylan disagrees that the Tribe has
`established that it is the owner--it believes the
`assignment is a sham--and Mylan believes that Allergan
`has retained all effective rights.
` The Tribe's residual interest is
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`insufficient for to be a necessary party. So we
`believe in support of that we should be able to get
`all agreements and understandings between Allergan and
`the Tribe regarding patents so that we can determine
`who actually owns the rights, holds the rights and
`whether the agreements are valid.
` We would note that any discovery against
`nonparty participants does not implicate tribal
`sovereign immunity. Even where tribal sovereign
`immunity is implicated, the burden is on the Tribe to
`establish it is entitled to it in these situations.
` We note that the federal government,
`which is a full-fledged sovereign, regularly has to
`provide discovery. We are happy to cite cases on that
` We note that decision, Finn versus Great
`Plains, which we already pointed out to the board,
`showed the same concept applies to Tribe. They are
`not a full-fledged sovereign, they are domestic
`sovereign, and their rights are correspondingly less.
` Similar concerns to the one the Tribe has
`already raised and also has concerns similar to ours,
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`such as control by non-tribal entity, benefits
`allocated to a non-tribal entity, action to evade
`regulatory review, prejudice no production to the
`requester and defined set of fact issues that will
`help target the discovery.
` We note in the foreign sovereign immunity
`context, again, full-fledged sovereign, Finn cites to
`the Hansen case, which says that such -- that
`requester should have ample opportunity to secure and
`present evidence on this issue. We believe the Tribe
`has expressly waived immunity for the purposes of
`contesting immunity, and that would include --
`necessarily include discovery on that assertion.
` The Tribe has already voluntarily
`produced one agreement and complied with an order to
`produce another agreement.
` The Tribe and Allergan control all of
`material facts here: that has often been considered an
`important factor in ordering such discovery. We are
`really not asking for anything that is any broader
`than what the board would require in the case of the
`settlement, which is all agreements and understandings
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`underlying this transaction.
` The Tribe has the burden of production in
`fact. There is the California case Owen versus Miami
`Nations. It says that in a context like this where
`there is an assertion of immunity and the party -- the
`Tribe controls fact or the party asserting immunity
`controls the fact, the burden is on them to produce.
` And, finally, along those lines we note
`that there has actually been no representation to date
`that all of the agreements between them regarding
`these or any other patents, you know, like an umbrella
`agreement that would cover any patent agreements
`between them, have been produced. And even if we get
`a representation to that effect today, it won't be
`evidence, it would be a bare representation.
` A lot of inconsistencies that justify
`discovery and jurisdictional issues, the parties --
`the Tribe and Allergan having engaged in actions that
`are contrary to the agreements. Allergan is supposed
`to be responsible for the litigation, yet we have
`recently seen the Tribe telling Allergan what it can
`and can't do. The license appears to require Allergan to
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`perform statutory functions that are reserved for the
` Allergan and the Tribe each say the other
`side initiated the agreements, which suggest that
`there is some confusion about what actually happened
`in what order. The order of the transaction could be
`significant here.
` One of the things is: it is facially
`improbable that Allergan would surrender rights to such
`valuable patents, patents that are bringing in
`millions of dollars a day, without some blanket
`understanding or agreement to agree or something like
`that in place.
` The Tribe's webpage when it explains
`these agreements to its members has indicated that
`additional agreements provide protection in the event
`that they lose infringement suit, protections that
`aren't readily apparent from the agreements that have
`been produced so far.
` So if we apply the factor here we see
`that there is more than a possibility that there is
`additional evidence. We see that there is not any
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`Conference Call - September 26, 2017
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`possibility that we are seeking underlying litigation
`bases, the trial is over. We don't have to worry
`about -- I am sorry, there is no other way we can
`generate relevant information because necessarily the
`information is only in the hands of these parties.
` As far as easily understandable
`instructions, that is something we can commit to
` As far as the request not being
`burdensome, the Tribe has represented that all
`activity in this case has occurred between August and
`September. All of these documents should be readily
`at hand.
` Again, we are really not requesting
`anything beyond what they would be expected to produce
`for a settlement agreement, so it is -- it can't be an
`unreasonable request.
` Specifically what we would be looking for
`is all agreements incorporating references to Allergan
`license grants, any side agreements, supplemental
`agreements, agreements to agree, term sheets,
`documents sufficient to show all drafts of the
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`Conference Call - September 26, 2017
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`assignment, license agreement, documents sufficient to
`show communications between Allergan and the Tribe or
`the Tribe's attorneys regarding IPRs or patents
`including any marketing material.
` We also would like any documents showing
`good and valuable consideration that the Tribe gave to
`Allergan as part of this transaction.
` We would also request that any --
` THE COURT: It is your position that
`there are agreements that are necessary for you to
`establish that Allergan is a party with substantial
`interests in these patents?
` MR. TORCZON: Our position is that we
`have received a couple documents that the Tribe and
`Allergan have chosen to present here. We never
`received any representation that that represents the
`sum total of the documents. They're inconsistencies
`in the behaviors of the parties and their public
`statements compared to what is said in the documents.
` And, as analysts and others have noted,
`it seems very unlikely that Allergan would have given
`up such significant rights without some overarching
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`Conference Call - September 26, 2017
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`agreement to ensure that it would get the license
`back. So --
` THE COURT: What is the legal position
`that you are trying to support with this?
` MR. TORCZON: I am sorry, yes, okay, so
`there are at least a couple of lines that are involved
` One is the question of whether in fact
`the Tribe is the owner.
` And the other would be whether the --
`whether Allergan has retained enough rights and
`whether the Tribe has retained enough rights such that
`either Allergan can proceed alone or the Tribe is not
`a necessary party.
` So all of these are factors that have
`been considered as relevant to sovereign immunity,
`several of them have come up indeed in past board
`decisions regarding state sovereign immunity, so these
`are squarely within the scope of what we would expect
`to be able to discover.
` THE COURT: And it is your position that
`you can't make -- it is not possible to make the
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`determination or make the arguments to support that
`allegation based on the license and the agreements
`that are already of record?
` MR. TORCZON: Precisely, because we've
`only seen the parts of the agreement that the Tribe
`and Allergan have chosen to let us see.
` This comes up regularly in the case law.
`For instance, in some of the federal sovereign
`immunity cases the agencies have actually presented
`documents, there was reason to believe that more was
`going on or more should have been going on.
` THE COURT: Can you walk me through the
`license agreement and tell me why, tell me what
`language it is and why you believe what is of record
`is --
` MR. TORCZON: So, for instance, I don't
`have the agreement open in front of me, but an example
`would be that patent term extensions, Allergan is --
` THE COURT: Hold on a second, I just
`noticed that these agreements are --
` MR. TORCZON: You are right, your Honor,
`I am sorry.
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` THE COURT: This is okay, we can submit
`this transcript as parties and board only.
` MR. TORCZON: I believe everybody on the
`call is either already of record -- at least on our
`side, on the Petitioner's side, I believe everybody is
`either of record or has a pending pro hac vice motion,
`and I believe everybody on the Petitioner's side has
`filed or has signed a protective order.
` THE COURT: I think it will be useful for
`us to do that, if you can file the transcripts of the
`parties on board, that will be helpful.
` MR. TORCZON: And, also we can point out, if you
`authorize the motion, we can do this in specific
` But just a general example, who controls
`the litigation, we are seeing behavior that is
`inconsistent with that: patent term extension, the
`patent owner's responsibility, we see Allergan doing that. So
`it is things like that that suggest there is something
`else going on.
` As I said, the Tribe has indicated to its
`constituents that there are agreements in place that
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`protect it in the case that it loses infringement
`suit. We are not seeing a basis of that in the
`agreement. So there are inconsistencies like that.
` As I said, it also just logical
`conclusion that there must have been a term sheet or
`an agreement to agree or something that was in place
`before Allergan would take the remarkable step of
`signing over rights to the Tribe in the hope that
`exclusive license would somehow come off and come back
`to them.
` So there are a lot of reasons to suspect
`that there is additional agreements out there. To the
`extent there aren't, it is no burden at all to the --
` THE COURT: There might be other
`agreements, we are trying to understand why they might
`be useful to this case.
` I mean, these agreements, I understand,
`were entered into for before the Tribe came about, got
`involved, so the answer is -- the question is why are
`those -- why are those agreements useful for this
`particular -- is it a mere allegation or --
` MR. TORCZON: Those --
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` THE COURT: It sounds like a mere
`allegation, more than a mere allegation.
` MR. TORCZON: Your Honor, in terms of the
`long -- in terms of the things that we believe are
`already within the scope, in each of those cases those
`agreements are used to define Allergan rights and
`responsibilities, and so for us to know what it is
`that Allergan -- what powers and responsibilities
`Allergan has under the agreement and therefore
`understand the scope of how much control they have
`versus how much control the Tribe has, we need to see
`what those agreements are. We are not the ones who
`structured the agreement between the Tribe and
`Allergan to include these other agreements, but they
`are effectively incorporated by reference. And so we
`should get those even without additional discovery.
` THE COURT: Okay, let me ask one
`question. I know you might not be -- who is speaking
`for Allergan today?
` MR. SHORE: This is Michael Shore, this
`is Michael Shore, and I am only speaking for the
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` THE COURT: I need --
` MS. WHELAN: Your Honor, this is Dorothy
`Whelan, I am speaking for Allergan, and I am here for
`the limited purpose of addressing the issue of whether
`Allergan complied with the board's September 8th order
`to produce the long form assignment.
` THE COURT: Well, I think this question
`is relevant anyway, I have not received your request
`for Allergan's counsel to withdraw from this case, and
`so the question I have is why do you remain a party to
`this case and do you deny that you remain in this case
`as a party that has substantial interest in these
` MS. WHELAN: Your Honor, actually, we
`will -- this is Dorothy Whelan on behalf of Allergan,
`we would like to use this call as an opportunity to
`seek leave to withdraw from the proceedings because
`Allergan is not a patent owner. Allergan is only an
`exclusive field of license holder. So we would like
`leave to file a motion to withdraw from the
` THE COURT: Let me just -- I will confirm
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`Conference Call - September 26, 2017
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`with my panel and get back to you on the answer for
`that, yes, I understand your question.
` Okay, and so, Mr. Shore --
` MR. SHORE: Yes?
` THE COURT: Do you deny that Allergan
`remains a party with substantial rights in these
` MR. SHORE: Under the statute there is
`only two proper parties, the requester and the patent
`owner. Allergan doesn't fit into either one of those
`slots, so by statute they are not a proper party to
`the case.
` THE COURT: And are there any --
`Mr. Shore, are there any agreements between Allergan
`and the Tribe relating to -- any other agreements
`relating to the challenged patents that are not
`already of record?
` MR. SHORE: No.
` The only agreements that I am aware of,
`the only agreements that I know that exist are the
`agreements that are of record in the case.
` THE COURT: And is Allergan -- under
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`mandatory notice you must identify any real parties of
`interest. Is Allergan a real party of interest?
` MR. SHORE: No, they are not a patent
`owner and they are not a requester.
` MS. WHELAN: We are a real party in
` MR. SHORE: I am sorry, you mean someone
`who has an interest in the outcome.
` MS. WHELAN: Well, we are a real party in
`interest under the statute, and that is why the
`mandatory notices reflect Allergan as a real party in
`interest, but we are not the patent owner.
` THE COURT: Understood, all right.
` And, Mr. Shore, what about term sheets,
`are there any term sheets that have not been
`submitted, term sheets that exist that have not been
`made of record?
` MR. SHORE: There is nothing -- there are
`no term sheets, there never were any term sheets in
`the case.
` MR. TORCZON: Can I respond to some of the
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` MR. SHORE: Michael Shore on behalf of
`St. Regis Mohawk Tribe, simply requesting that before
`the panel takes into account what they heard as being
`in any way factual or truthfully, it is not.
` THE COURT: I understand, Mr. Shore. You
`get a chance to speak, I had questions. I am going to
`let Mr. Torczon finish and then you can respond.
` MR. SHORE: Okay.
` THE COURT: Mr. Torczon, are you
` MR. TORCZON: I just wanted to point out
`that it varies from the proceeding, there has been
`suggestion that delay would be appropriate either for
`discovery or I believe now in the context of amicus
` I just would like to reiterate that the
`petitioners believe that delay only helps Allergan, it
`hurts everybody else. Specifically it undermines the
`integrity of the system, the patent system.
` There is uncertainty about whether the
`board has power to act, this creates uncertainty for
`petitioners. This creates uncertainty for patent
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`owners who are being approached daily by tribes to
`know what to do. This actually hurts the board
`itself. It has led -- this very proceeding has led to
`regular attacks on the integrity of the board.
` THE COURT: What we are trying to figure
`out here is why -- what information, what useful
`information do you expect to obtain from additional
` MR. TORCZON: Well --
` THE COURT: What legal position are you
`trying to establish and what evidence is missing.
` MR. TORCZON: Your Honor, this is Richard
` Again, if the agreements are shams, that
`would go directly to the question of ownership
`control, whether the tribes are even a necessary
`party, whether they are even an appropriate party to
`the proceeding.
` I understand that your Honors have asked
`Mr. Shore just now whether there are other agreements
`and he carefully said to the best of his knowledge
`there were not. I note that that is attorney
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`argument, not evidence. And, frankly, in a case that
`has this much at stake, both in monetary terms and in
`terms of the integrity of the system --
` THE COURT: So you would want to
`establish that this agreement is a sham. What do you
`need to establish that it is a sham? What evidence do
`you need?
` MR. TORCZON: We believe that it is
`almost unbelievable that there aren't additional side
`agreements and that those side agreements would tend
`to show things like additional license-back provisions
`or things to that effect.
` Until we have had a chance to see all
`such agreements or at least establish as a matter of
`evidence that no such agreements exist, we are
`fighting blindfolded.
` And the only people that have that
`evidence is the Tribe and Allergan, and they have got
`a legal obligation to produce it. They have only
`produced what we have seen so far.
` So we need to fully explore this
`question, this ample case law for both federal,
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`foreign tribal sovereign immunity claims, that once
`you have asserted a claim of sovereign immunity,
`discovery to test that claim is perfectly appropriate.
` MR. SHORE: Your Honor, may I respond?
` THE COURT: One moment, please.
` Mr. Shore, you may respond.
` MR. SHORE: Your Honor, first, there are
`no other agreements. Let me be unequivocal as I
`possibly can, there are no side agreements, there are
`no license-back agreements, there are no expansion of
`license rights agreements. There are no give-back
`agreements. There are no agreements at all in any
`way, shape, form, or fashion that have not already
`been produced in the case, none, zero, nada.
` Number two, the Tribe status as a
`sovereign is absolutely established as a matter of
`law. The cases that get into such sovereignty,
`whether sovereignty attaches, is where you have tribes
`or foreign sovereigns or states that set up separate
`corporations and give them limited powers to do
`limited activity. And you can go in, there has been
`discovery in cases where you go in and look at how
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`those corporations were set up, how those corporations
`are managed, whether or not those corporations are
`backed fully by the state if the judgment is against
`them, et cetera.
` That is not the case here. The Tribe
`holds the patents directly. There is no intervening
`tribal entity to which you might need to look and see
`whether or not that tribal entity has been given the
`full color of immunity.
` All of those cases, including the cases
`you cited in the e-mail, have nothing to do with the
`situation where the Tribe, the sovereign, the
`undisputable sovereign, 100% sovereign Tribe, holds
`the asset, in this case the patents.
` The only issues in this case are whether
`or not the Tribe is sovereign, which is undisputed,
`and whether or not sovereign immunity attaches to the
`PTAB proceedings, which has already been adjudicated
`four times in favor of the sovereigns.
` Those are the only issues, those are the
`only issues which the Tribe agreed to participate in
`this case, have the case dismissed on sovereign
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` | 866-4Team GE


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