`Conference Call - September 11, 2017
`Page 1
` __________
` __________
` Petitioners,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` __________
` Case IPR2016-01127
` Patent No. 8,685,930 B2
` Case IPR2016-01128
` Patent No. 8,629,111 B2
` Case IPR2016-01129
` Patent No. 8,642,556 B2
` Case No. IPR2016-01130
` Patent No. 8,633,162
` Case No. IPR2016-01131
` Patent No. 8,648,048
` Case No. IPR2016-01132
` Patent No. 9,248,191
` __________
` September 11, 2017
` 1:00 p.m.
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc., et al. v. Allergan, Inc.
`IPR2016-01127, -01128, -01129, -01130, -01131 & -01132


`Conference Call - September 11, 2017
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` A P P E A R A N C E S
` (all appearances telephonically)
` SHERIDAN K. SNEDDEN, Administrative
` Patent Judge
` TINA E. HULSE, Administrative
` Patent Judge
` Administrative Patent Judge
` Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
` 1700 K Street, N.W., 5th Floor
` Washington, D.C. 20006
` 202-973-8811 (P) 202-973-8899 (F)
` - and -
`Reported by: Cappy Hallock, RPR, CRR, CLR
`3 4
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`APPEARANCES: (Continued)
` Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
` 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
` Seattle, Washington 98104-7036
` 206-883-2542 (P) 206-883-2699 (F)
` - and -
` Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
` One Market Street
` Spear Tower Floor 33
` San Francisco, California 94105-1126
` 858-350-2321 (P) 415-947-2099 (F)
`2 3
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`Conference Call - September 11, 2017
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`APPEARANCES: (Continued)
` Carlson Caspers Vandenburgh Lindquist &
` Schuman, P.A.
` 225 South Sixth Street, Suite 4200
` Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
` 612-436-9600 (P) 612-436-9605 (F)
` Sughrue Mion, PLLC
` 2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
` Washington, D.C. 20037
` 202-293-7060 (P) 202-293-7860 (F)
`2 3
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` | 866-4Team GE


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`APPEARANCES: (Continued)
` Fish & Richardson P.C.
` 3200 RBC Plaza
` 60 South Sixth Street
` Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
` 612-335-5070 (P) 612-288-9696 (F)
` Shore Chan DePumpo LLP
` 901 Main Street, Suite 3300
` Dallas, Texas 75202
` 214-593-9110 (P) 214-593-9111 (F)
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` | 866-4Team GE


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` P R O C E E D I N G S
` - - - - - -
` THE COURT: Who is on the call
`representing Petitioner?
` MR. TORCZON: Thank you, Your Honor,
`this is Richard Torczon. I'm appearing on behalf
`of Mylan, and with me on the line is Steve
`Parmelee and Jad Mills and Wendy Devine.
` THE COURT: And Mr. Torczon?
` MR. TORCZON: Yes, T-o-r-c-z-o-n.
` THE COURT: And you will be speaking
`today on behalf of Petitioner, Mylan.
` MR. TORCZON: Yes, Your Honor.
` THE COURT: And who do we have on the
`call for Allergan?
` MS. WHELAN: Your Honor, this is
`Dorothy Whelan. I am joined by Michael Kane. We
`represent Allergan.
` THE COURT: Who will be speaking for
` MS. WHELAN: No one will be speaking
`for Allergan, but Michael Shore will be speaking
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`on behalf of the Mohawk Tribe because the
`sovereign immunity issue is the Tribe issue.
` THE COURT: And who is on the line
`representing the Tribe?
` MR. SHORE: Michael Shore, S-h-o-r-e,
`and listening in the room with me are Chris Evans
`and Joseph DePumpo.
` THE COURT: And I understand that we
`have pro hac vice motions, and I want to confirm
`that no one objects to Mr. Shore speaking today on
`the today's conference call?
` MR. TORCZON: Your Honor, this is
`Richard Torczon on behalf of Mylan. We have
`already indicated to the Tribe that we do not
`oppose their pro hac vice entry.
` THE COURT: Okay, thank you. I hear
`we have a court reporter.
` MR. CHAN: This is Alfonso Chan. I'm
`also on the call on behalf of the Tribe.
` THE COURT: Thank you.
` Is there anybody else on the call?
` MR. SPEIER: Your Honor, this is Gary
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`Speier on behalf of Teva.
` MR. DZWONCZYK: Your Honor, this is
`Mike Dzwonczyk on behalf of Akorn.
` THE COURT: And anyone else?
` MS. YOUNGBRIGHT: Your Honor, this is
`Rivka Jungries on behalf of Teva.
` THE COURT: I will keep asking until I
`get silence.
` Anyone else?
` MR. TORCZON: Your Honor, this is
`Richard Torczon. If counsel are all done, you
`should be aware there are two court reporters on
`the call. Each side has requested to have a court
`reporter present.
` THE COURT: Thank you for that
`information. And if you could, both parties
`should file their transcript following this call.
` Okay, I think with that we will begin.
` Mr. Shore, would you like to begin?
` MR. SHORE: Yes, Your Honor. I will
`pick this phone up off speaker so this part of the
`call will be easier for the court reporters to
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` Thank you for taking this call today,
`Your Honor. For the record, my name is Michael W.
`Shore and I represent the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe.
`I do not represent Allergan, and I do not speak
`for Allergan on this call. I only speak on behalf
`of the St. Regis Tribe.
` Patent Owner, St. Regis Mohawk Tribe,
`which I am going to refer to as Tribe for the
`remainder of my discussion today for the court
`reporters, hereby makes a special appearance
`before the Board to protect its sovereignty. No
`immunity is waived by the Tribe's counsel
`participating in this call or in any briefing that
`might follow regarding the Tribe's assertion of
`its sovereign immunity.
` First, the Tribe requests that the
`Board immediately enter an order staying all
`proceedings and all IPRs before the Board that
`might in any way adversely affect the Tribe's
`rights in U.S. Patent Numbers 8,685,930,
`8,629,111, 8,642,556, 8,633,162, 8,648,048,
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`9,248,191. And for the purposes of the court
`reporters for the remainder of my discussion today
`the '930 patent, the '111 patent, the '556 patent,
`the '162 patent, the '048 patent and the '191
`patent will be collectively referred to as the --
` The stay requested should remain in
`place pending the resolution of the Tribe's
`sovereign immunity challenge to the Board's
`jurisdiction to proceed with the IPRs. The Tribe
`is a federally recognized sovereign American
`Indian Tribe. It has acquired all the patents at
`issue. This is established by the Assignment,
`which is Exhibit 2086 in the court's record, and
`the updated mandatory notice which was Paper
`Number 36 in IPR2016-01127. The Tribe, as a
`sovereign government, is not amenable to suit
`unless it expressly consents or Congress abrogates
`its immunity. Neither of these exceptions apply
`here, as will be more fully briefed in the Tribe's
`forthcoming Motion to Dismiss.
` The stay is required, Your Honor, not
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`discretionary, because sovereign immunity is by
`nature jurisdictional, so it must be addressed
`before the Board may proceed to the merits.
`Sovereign immunity goes to the issue of the
`court's power to hear the case, and therefore it
`must be decided as an antecedent issue to the
`merits. Absent jurisdiction, the Board cannot
`proceed to the merits. It would frankly be
`unprecedented for the Board to deny the Tribe the
`right to seek a dismissal before conducting the
`hearing on the merits.
` Every other instance in which a
`sovereign has applied to the Patent Trial and
`Appeal Board to seek a dismissal prior to a
`hearing on the merits has been granted, and we can
`give you multiple examples of that, and I believe
`some of them are already in the record as Exhibits
`2094, or will be in the record as Exhibits 2094,
`2095 and 2096 when filed.
` The Tribe's sovereign immunity is not
`merely a liability defense, it's an immunity from
`suit that would effectively be lost if IPRs are
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`permitted to go trial. To respect the Tribe's
`sovereign immunity as required by binding Supreme
`Court precedent, the court must stay this
`proceeding pending a final determination of the
`Tribe's assertion of its immunity. Should the
`Board disregard binding precedent and attempt to
`force the Tribe to participate in this process
`before ruling on the applicability of its
`immunity, the Tribe has a right to an immediate
`appellate review.
` The Tribe does not, and will not,
`waive its sovereign immunity to the IPRs
`proceeding against the patents-in-suit.
`Therefore, if the Board allows the September 15,
`2017 proceeding to proceed, the Tribe's immunity
`would be effectively abrogated in violation of
`federal law. The better course is to stay the
`current proceedings, preserve the status quo, and
`continue the hearing until after the Board has had
`an opportunity to fully consider the Tribe's of
`sovereign immunity, and if the Board acts
`adversely, await a decision on the application of
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`the Tribe's immunity at the Federal Circuit, that
`the Tribe would pursue its right to an immediate
`appeal under the collateral order doctrine.
` I would also note that the one-year
`statutory deadline to complete the IPRs, which
`expires on December 8, 2017, can be extended under
`37 C.F.R. Section 42.100(c) for either good cause
`or joinder of new parties. The need to allow the
`Tribe to assert its sovereign immunity clearly
`qualifies as good cause, and the addition of the
`Tribe as a newly joined party and the late
`addition of Teva and Akorn would also support the
`extension of the deadlines.
` The Tribe requests 15 days to prepare
`and file its Motion to Dismiss the IPRs, and
`understanding that the Petitioners do not likely
`have a great deal of experience in briefing Indian
`sovereign immunity and may need time to line up
`additional counsel with experience in that area,
`the Tribe is willing to voluntarily provide the
`Petitioners 60 days from the day we file our
`motion to file a response, or more time if they
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`request it, and the Tribe would then ask for 15
`days after their filing to file a reply brief.
` So unless the Board has any other
`questions for me, I believe I have stated the
`Tribe's position. I understand this call is not
`normally the place to argue case law, but I have
`at my disposal citations to cases that back every
`factual and legal statement I have made, so if the
`Board would like a reference to anything on this
`call I can provide it.
` The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe would like
`to thank you for taking our call today, and I look
`forward to working with the Board to resolving all
`of these issues before us.
` THE COURT: Thank you, Mr. Shore. I
`think we understand the nature of your request.
` I will go ahead and allow Mr. Torczon
`to respond.
` MR. TORCZON: Thank you, Your Honor.
`This is Richard Torczon from Mylan.
` As an initial matter I would like to
`address our objections to the call. The Board in
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`setting the call on Friday said we could do that
`today. I would also like to discuss the moving of
`the hearing date, and then finally suggest that
`there is little reason to believe that there would
`be success on the merits as a further assurance for
`not moving the date.
` The objections to the call, there was
`no meet and confer. This is a concern for several
`reasons. In this case, particularly at this
`juncture, we are seeing a lot of push on both the
`Petitioners and on the Board to act hastily in
`this particular case because there was no meet and
`confer, and Mylan at least was unable to determine
`a timely availability for the call. One of our
`key attorneys is not available today.
` This is not the first time Allergan
`has failed to do a meet and confer in this
`proceeding. At least once before a surreply was
`authorized under similar circumstances, and we
`just would like to note our objection to these
`procedural irregularities.
` Let me clarify, there was a meet and
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`confer this morning, but I mean a meet and confer
`before the call was set.
` The second point of objection is we
`were given less than one business day to prepare
`for this. The Tribe has known about this since
`April, they have been telling the media that, and
`so there is really no basis for hurry in this
`case. They have had plenty of time to consider
`what they were doing. They waited until the last
`possible moment. The only construction that can
`go with that is intentional prejudice to the
`Petitioner, and therefore we ask that you not
`consider their belatedness a good reason for haste
`on Mylan's part or on the Board's part.
` We also understand that this call is
`just about whether you are going to authorize a
`motion to delay the hearing and authorize a Motion
`to Dismiss. Again, we have had so little time to
`prepare to address the merits we are really not
`prepared at this juncture to address the substance
`of all of those things.
` Having gone through the objections, I
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`would like to address the hearing date. As the
`Board knows, it's under a one-year clock to decide
`this. That means that the decision is going to be
`due in early December. While opposing counsel has
`noted that there are bases for extending, this
`case is not one of those cases that would justify
`such an extension. The briefing has all been
`timely. The briefing has all been completed. The
`only thing that awaits is the hearing and the
`decision on the merits. Once again, Allergan's
`decision to delay this until the last possible
`moment is not good cause for anything.
` Secondly, the Board is supposed to
`take into account in its proceedings the efficient
`administration of the office and the ability of
`the office to timely complete its proceedings,
`both of which clearly apply in this circumstance.
`The same provision of the statute, 316(b), also
`requires the Board to take into account the
`economy and the integrity of the patent system,
`both of which are strongly implicated in this
`case. The motion should not be authorized, the
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`Motion to Dismiss, but if it is it should proceed
`in parallel, not to the exclusion of consideration
`of the merits.
` We have been told that there is no
`precedent for delay. Quite to the contrary, in
`the closest authority to this case, there is
`precedent for briefing after -- when the immunity
`issue is raised at the very last moment. That's
`the Neochord versus Maryland decision,
`IPR2016-00208, Paper 28.
` We have been told in this proceeding,
`or in this call, that the -- that if the Board
`doesn't stay there is an immediate appeal. We
`know that's not true. The first time we heard
`about this was about an hour ago from opposing
`counsel during the meet and confer. They cited
`the collateral order doctrine. Just cursory
`research into that shows that that doctrine, which
`is actually a statute 28 U.S.C. 1291, only applies
`to district court proceedings and it is applied
`very, very stringently even in those proceedings.
`There is nothing that they have cited to suggest
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`that it applies in an administrative context.
`There is nothing to suggest it overrules the
`finality doctrine that applies under the APA. And
`in any case we know from IPR-specific case law
`that there is no interlocutory appeal, so that is
`simply a misplaced assumption on opposing
`counsel's part.
` There has already been delay in this
`case. We have already set the hearing back and
`that's going to further prejudice the Board's
`ability to get a decision out in a timely fashion.
`We would expect that any motion that gets
`authorized will require substantial briefing and
`fact production from both sides. Due to
`Allergan's last minute raising of this issue, we
`would expect to have time commensurate to the
`month-long preparation they have had to address
`this issue to fully explore the facts and legal
`issues involved.
` Any opposition that would be due from
`us should await Allergan's or rather the Tribe's
`action in the district court. While the Tribe is
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`insisting that the Board act immediately,
`affecting its immunity in this case, they have
`told -- they have told the district court in a
`letter on Friday that they would make an
`appearance in due course. This is clearly an
`effort by them to play the court and the Board's
`jurisdiction off each other because they know that
`the minute they make an appearance in the district
`court there will be yet another waiver argument.
`Mylan shouldn't have to file any opposition until
`they have acted in the district court. Anything
`else would be allowing them to manipulate both the
`Board and the court's jurisdiction.
` Any delay in considering the merits in
`this case prejudices Mylan. Mylan has already
`expended substantial resources in this case
`including since April when a lot of the discovery
`and briefing has occurred. It's expended
`substantial resources before Friday when this
`issue was first raised preparing for the hearing.
`It also has business interests that have involved
`substantial investment toward launching a product
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`that now would be delayed.
` The Tribe's media-reported royalty for
`delay works out to about $41,000 a day. That's
`just the Tribe's fraction of the royalties
`involved here, so they have a substantial interest
`in dragging this out as long as possible. We
`really need to get to the merits. The public
`deserves that. The integrity of the patent system
`deserves that.
` Allergan's delay in making the request
`waives any equity it has on this. Allergan has
`controlled the timing. It has timed things to
`maximize the prejudice to the Board and Mylan.
`There is no prejudice to Allergan. Allergan can
`appear for the oral argument, or not, at its
`discretion. If it does appear it won't waive it's
`right anymore than it already has, so that
`argument is specious. If Allergan remains, the
`Tribe can be dismissed in the proceeding and
`continue without it.
` There is actually precedent from the
`Board. Again, the most on point precedent is the
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`case of Reactive Surfaces versus Toyota in which
`the state entity was dismissed and the proceeding
`continued with the other interested party.
` On the likelihood of the motion to
`succeed on the merit, I would like to point out they
`haven't cited any authority directly on point to
`this situation. Counsel has just told us that
`there are a lot of cases out there, but we know
`for a fact that there is not a single IPR tribal
`immunity case. They would like us to draw
`analogies to the 11th Amendment. The Board is
`probably very familiar with the 11th Amendment and
`knows that it does not apply to tribes. If there
`is any doubt, there are multiple supreme court
`cases that say that. Instead, tribal immunity is
`a common law privilege. It doesn't control any
`congressionally mandated scheme. There is ample
`Supreme Court and appeals court authority for
`that. So they are essentially asking you to use
`federal common law to overcome a statutory scheme
`that Congress has created.
` There are also plenty -- there are a
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`lot of reasons for concern that this transaction
`is a sham transaction. In this case the Tribe did
`not purchase the intellectual property, instead
`they were paid to take it, plus promised a $15
`million a year royalty stream on top of the 13 and
`a half million dollars they were paid to take it.
` There are extensive cases in a lending
`fraud context where federal courts are permitting
`extensive briefing and discovery into these kinds
`of sham transactions, and at least in one case
`there is a federal prosecution that is being
`pursued on racketeering charges in these sort of
`circumstances. So basically this transaction is a
`sham. There is no reason to believe that it will
`lead to any success.
` But in any case, there is an
`unequivocal waiver here. Mylan expects to have a
`lot of arguments on the merits, but you should have
`confidence this motion can't succeed because they
`have clearly sought out this forum. Mylan did not
`drag them into this forum. Akorn did not drag
`them into this forum. Teva did not drag them into
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`the forum. And even the Board did not drag them
`into this forum. Rather, by their own admissions
`to the press, the press releases, the Tribe has
`said that they have sought this out as an
`opportunity that they are marketing to patentees,
`that this is basically a protection scheme that
`they have put forth. They have been looking at
`this with the advice of counsel. They are
`marketing it to people. They are specifically
`targeting the Patent Trial and Appeal Board. They
`are going to patentees who they think have weak
`patents and are at risk of cancellation and they
`are offering this protective service. They are
`explicitly selling immunity.
` So this is not -- this is totally not
`analogous to any of the 11th Amendment cases, even
`if those sorts of cases applied, because in all of
`those cases the state entity was the preexisting
`owner of the intellectual property. In all of
`those cases it was the state entity that had been
`dragged into the proceeding against its will. The
`Tribe here has not been dragged into this
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`proceeding against its will. It has deliberately
`by its own admission targeted these proceedings
`for exactly this kind of revenue-generating
`opportunity, so there can be no question that
`there is waiver under these circumstances. If
`waiver had any meaning in any context, the Tribe
`has waived in this circumstance.
` I will also point out there is
`statutory waiver under 35 U.S.C. 261. When you
`accept a patent you accept it with strings
`attached. Congress did not create unlimited
`property. Under 261, which is the only thing that
`addresses any kind of property rights under the
`patent code, Congress actually expressly reserves
`that any ownership is taken subject to the
`provisions of the patent code. One of those
`provisions is amenability to IPRs, so the Tribe
`went into this with eyes open. They are stuck
`with it. They have waived it statutorily. They
`have waived it equitably.
` Finally, I would like to point out
`that the director of the PTO has policy guidance
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`and management supervision duties under 35 U.S.C.
`3(a)(2)(A). Sovereignty is clearly a policy issue.
`Destroying IPRs with sham transactions is a policy
`matter. The head of Allergan has said that this
`is going to open the floodgates. The Tribe has
`said that they already have an unidentified
`non-pharma, tech-patent owner who they are extending
`this protection service to. So this is just the
`tip of the iceberg.
` The effect of this would be to, if
`granted, if the motion were granted, would be to
`deny the Director of the power to institute. So
`this is an attack on Director power. We
`understand that the Board has taken a position
`that you cannot request an expanded panel.
`However, SOP 1 actually in Section III.C says that
`a party can suggest it. And I strongly suggest,
`Mylan strongly suggests that if the Board decides
`to authorize this motion, that it do so in a
`manner that allows the Director to play the
`Director policy role and speak on how the
`Director institution powers would be used in
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`this context.
` MR. SHORE: Your Honor, this is
`Michael Shore, if I may quickly respond. I
`apologize, I'm sure that my opponent was speaking
`with relatively little preparation so I will
`forgive him for his lack of understanding of
`tribal immunity.
` THE COURT: Mr. Torczon, are you
` MR. TORCZON: I am, Your Honor. I am
`willing to hear what Mr. Shore says. I would like
`an opportunity to respond, though.
` MR. SHORE: First, tribal sovereign
`immunity is broader, not narrower, than the 11th
`Amendment immunity. And it is clearly established
`in the case law that a sovereign entity does not
`waive its sovereign immunity through the acts
`succedent to a corporation as either not entitled
`to sovereign immunity or that it has waived
`sovereign immunity. There is a whole slew of
`cases on that, that sovereign immunity attaches
`under, acquires the assets. It doesn't matter
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`where the asset is or how the asset was positioned
`before the acquisition. I think the Seminole case
`on that that came out of Puerto Rico out of the
`First Circuit. That case has been followed many,
`many times, but that is not an issue.
` Second, some of the statements he made
`were just wrong. This transaction has not been
`contemplated since April. Allergan and the
`St. Regus Mohawk Tribe did not ever talk to one
`another until August, and the deal was consummated
`on Friday, and within two hours of the deal being
`consummated paperwork was filed. So this has not
`been something that anyone has been sitting on
`their hands about at all.
` There is no waiver by a

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