`April 2007
`Volume 5, Number 2
`Ocular Surface
`A peer-reviewed journal, indexed in MEDLINE/PubMed and EMBASE
`2007 Report of the 
`International Dry Eye
`WorkShop (DEWS)
`Sponsored by the
`Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society
`Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society
`The Ocular Surface / april 2007, VOl. 5, NO. 2 /
` 59
`Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. et al. v. Allergan, Inc. - IPR2016-01127, -01128, -01129, -01130, -01131, & -01132


`Ocular Surface
`A peer-reviewed journal
`Article submission: Questions regarding manuscript prepa-
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`Indexing   The  Ocular  Surface is indexed in MEDLINE/
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`The Ocular Surface (ISSN 1542-0124) is published quarterly
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` publisher, director of global sales: laVon Marie Kellner
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`art director: Deborahanne chingas Sandke
`production director: charlotte l. latham
`circulation manager: Simon Wang
`The Ocular Surface / april 2007, VOl. 5, NO. 2 /


`Ocular Surface
`A peer-reviewed journal
`Gary N. Foulks, MD, FACS
`Professor, Ophthalmology,
`University of Louisville,
`Louisville, KY
`founding editor
`Michael A. Lemp, MD
`Washington, DC
`section editors
`laboratory science
`James V. Jester, PhD
`Professor, Ophthalmology,
`University of California, Irvine, CA
`clinical science,
`innovative techniques and technology 
`Gary N. Foulks, MD
`clinical practice
`John Sutphin, Jr, MD
`Professor and Chair, Ophthalmology,
`University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS
`features editors
`Juan Murube, MD, PhD
`Professor, Ophthalmology,
`University of Alcala, Madrid, Spain
`Gary D. Novack, PhD
`President, PharmaLogic
`Development Inc., San Rafael, CA
`managing editor
`Susan erickson
`Brookline, MA
`Additional biographical information is available at
`Mark B. Abelson, MD, Director, Ophthalmic Research Associates, North 
`Andover, MA
`Penny A. Asbell, MD, Professor, Ophthalmology, Mount Sinai Medical 
`Center, New York, NY
`Christophe Baudouin, MD, PhD, Professor and Director, Ophthalmology, 
`Quinze-Vingts Hôpital, University of Paris, Paris, France
`Roger W. Beuerman, PhD, Professor, Ophthalmology, Cell Biology, and 
`Anatomy, Louisiana State University Eye Center, New Orleans, LA, 
`and Singapore Eye Research Institute, Singapore
`Stefano Bonini, MD, Professor and Chairman, Ophthalmology, 
`University of Rome, Rome, Italy
`Anthony Bron, FRCS, Professor Emeritus, Nuffield Laboratory of 
`Ophthalmology, Oxford, UK
`M. Reza Dana, MD, MPH, Senior Scientist, Schepens Eye Research 
`Institute, Boston, MA
`Darlene A. Dartt, PhD, Senior Scientist, Schepens Eye Research 
`Institute, Boston, MA
`Harminder S. Dua, MD, PhD, Professor, Ophthalmology and Vision 
`Science, University of Nottingham, UK
`Suzanne M. J. Fleiszig, OD, PhD, Associate Professor, Vision Science 
`and Optometry, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
`Desmond Fonn, Dip Optom, M Optom (NSW), FAAO, Professor, 
`School of Optometry, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
`Ilene K. Gipson, PhD, Senior Scientist, Schepens Eye Research Institute, 
`Boston, MA
`W. Bruce Jackson, MD, Professor and Chairman, Ophthalmology, 
`University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 
`Winston W.-Y. Kao, PhD, Director, Ophthalmic Research, University of 
`Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
`Shigeru Kinoshita, MD, Professor and Chairman, Ophthalmology, 
`Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan
`Friedrich E. Kruse, MD, Professor and Chairman, University Eye 
`Clinic, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany
`Peter Laibson, MD, Co-director, Cornea Service, Wills Eye Hospital, 
`Philadelphia, PA
`Mark J. Mannis, MD, Professor, Ophthalmology, University of 
`California, Davis, Davis, CA
`William D. Mathers, MD, Professor, Casey Eye Institute, Oregon Health 
`Sciences University, Portland, OR
`James P. McCulley, MD, Professor and Chairman, Ophthalmology, 
`University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
`Austin K. Mircheff, PhD, Professor, Physiology and Biophysics, 
`and Ophthalmology, Doheny Eye Institute, University of Southern 
`California, Los Angeles, CA
`Teruo Nishida, MD, Professor and Chairman, Biomolecular Recognition 
`and Ophthalmology, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine, 
`Yamaguchi, Japan 
`Stephen C. Pflugfelder, MD, Professor, Ophthalmology, Baylor College 
`of Medicine, Houston, TX
`Kenneth A. Polse, OD, MS, Professor, Vision Science and Optometry, 
`University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
`Gullapalli N. Rao, MD, Director, LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, 
`Maurizio Rolando, MD, Professor, Neuroscience and Ophthalmology, 
`University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy 
`Janine Smith, MD, Deputy Clinical Director, National Eye Institute, 
`National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
`Michael E. Stern, PhD, Research Investigator, Allergan Inc., Irvine, CA
`David A. Sullivan, PhD, Senior Scientist, Schepens Eye Research 
`Institute, Boston, MA
`Deborah F. Sweeney, OD, PhD, Associate Professor, University of New 
`South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia
`Donald T. Tan, FRCS, Director, Singapore Eye Research Institute, 
`National University of Singapore, Singapore
`Timo Tervo, MD, PhD, Professor, Applied Clinical Ophthalmology, 
`Helsinki University Eye Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
`Alan Tomlinson, PhD, DSc, FCOptom, Professor and Head, Vision 
`Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
`Scheffer Tseng, MD, PhD, President, Ocular Surface Center, Miami, FL
`Kazuo Tsubota, MD, Professor and Head, Department of 
`  Ophthalmology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
`Graeme Wilson, PhD, Professor, Optometry, Indiana University, 
`Bloomington, IN
`The Ocular Surface / april 2007, VOl. 5, NO. 2 /
` 61 61


`The Ocular Surface / april 2007, VOl. 5, NO. 2 /


`DEWS Report: A Mission Completed
`his issue of The Ocular Surface is very unusual. As the official report of the Dry Eye Work-
`Shop (DEWS), it is an encyclopedic review of dry eye disease and, additionally, a guide to
`resources archived on the internet. It is the product of a team of international experts who
`have labored over 3 years to compile an evidence-based review of the present state of knowledge for
`dry eye disease and the methods used to evaluate, diagnose, and manage the disorder. It summarizes
`the findings of current research and identifies future needs for a better understanding of the etiology,
`pathogenesis, and potential therapy of the disease.
`The process of deliberation and discussion that underpins this arduous endeavor is described in the
`“Introduction” and in various chapters of the volume. Suffice it to say that an international community
`of clinicians and scientists with expertise in all aspects of dry eye disease collaborated to search the
`literature, collect and validate data, and incorporate it into reports. The process of commentary and
`adjudication of differing opinions was open, yet subject to several levels of validation. The product
`is a written document that serves as a guide to a vast amount of information that is archived both in
`this special issue and on a supporting website ( that is accessible to all.
` The chapter on Definition and Classification expands the characterization of dry eye disease and
`places it within the perspective of ocular surface disease. The chapter on Epidemiology provides
`commentary on the implications of the disease, as well as comparison of the methods available to
`evaluate symptoms and factors contributory to the disease. The Diagnostic Methodologies chapter not
`only provides valuable discussion of the parameters of dry eye disease, but also catalogs and validates
`a vast collection of clinical and research methods, including questionnaires, to monitor the disease.
`The Research chapter summarizes past and present findings, and identifies areas whose further study
`will contribute to the understanding of the etiopathogenesis and consequences of dry eye disease.
`The chapter on Clinical Trials provides recommendations with regard to both general and specific
`guidelines for clinical trials in dry eye disease and identifies the idiosyncrasies and confounding
`outcome variables for such trials. The chapter on Management and Therapy catalogs the options for
`therapy and recommends a contemporary strategy for management of dry eye disease.
`As would be expected for a multifactorial disease that has many nuances in clinical and patho-
`logical expression, opinions differ even amongst the experts as to the most appropriate way to char-
`acterize and label some aspects of the disease. This proved true for the definition and classification
`of the disease. Some key concepts in the appreciation of dry eye were identified from the literature.
`One such concept was the characterization of the Lacrimal Functional Unit,1 which has highlighted
`the interdependence of components of the lacrimal system in maintaining the integrity of the ocular
`surface. Some new concepts were constructed in the deliberation process of the Subcommittee work,
`including a concept suggested by Dr. Christophe Baudoin—a Vicious Circle of dry eye disease, by
`which various risk factors may interact to precipitate and perpetuate the condition.2 The concept of
`the Ocular Surface System, developed by the Research Subcommittee, extends the scope of the ocular
`surface to a collection of contiguous tissues that share embryonal, innervational, histological, and
`hormonal background.
` The time and effort necessary to compile and collate this project and the summary document
`was extraordinary. The endeavor could never have been completed without the sponsorship and
`commitment of The Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society and the officers and staff of that organization.
`The planning and execution of the organizational meetings, the coordination of the conferences for
`presentation of the collected information, the facilitation of the discussions of the DEWS participants,
`and the administrative direction of the publication process were achieved through the tireless efforts
`of Dr. David A., Rose M. and Amy G. Sullivan. The deliberations of the Steering Committee were
`essential to the completion of the task. Likewise, the leaders of the various Subcommittees were in-
`The Ocular Surface / april 2007, VOl. 5, NO. 2 / www.theocularsurface.comThe Ocular Surface / april 2007, VOl. 5, NO. 2 /
` 63 65


`EDITORIAL continued
`strumental in providing the building
`blocks for construction of the final
`product. A special congratulations and
`thank you is due Professor Anthony
`J. Bron, who devoted endless hours
`and energy to leading the writing team
`through multiple iterations of the
`text and the references to provide a
`harmonization of the various reports.
`The ultimate coordination and editing
`of the document was in the capable
`hands of Susan Erickson, for whom
`we are most appreciative. Particular
`appreciation is extended to Ethis
`Communications, Inc. for embracing
`the publication of this work, which
`should serve as a valuable reference
`for all those who investigate and man-
`age patients with dry eye disease. Last
`but far from least is a heartfelt thank
`you to the Corporate Sponsors of the
`Dry Eye WorkShop, who provided
`the financial resources and encourage-
`ment to complete this project.
`I wish you good reading and great
`Gary N. Foulks, MD, FACS
` 1. Stern Me, Gao J, Siemasko Kf, et al. The
`role of the lacrimal functional unit in the
`pathophysiology of dry eye. Exp Eye Res
` 2. Baudoin c. [The vicious circle in dry eye
`syndrome: a mechanistic approach] J Fr
`Ophtalmol 2007;30:239-46
`64 66 
`The Ocular Surface / april 2007, VOl. 5, NO. 2 /


`special issue
`2007 Report of the 
`International Dry Eye
`WorkShop (DEWS)
` Sponsored by the Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society
` 69
`IntroductIon to the 2007 report of the InternatIonal dry eye
`WorkShop (deWS)
` 71 MeMberShIp of the InternatIonal dry eye WorkShop (deWS)
` 73 GloSSary
` 75 the defInItIon and claSSIfIcatIon of dry eye dISeaSe
` 93 the epIdeMIoloGy of dry eye dISeaSe
` 108 MethodoloGIeS to dIaGnoSe and MonItor dry eye dISeaSe
` 153 deSIGn and conduct of clInIcal trIalS
` 163 ManaGeMent and therapy of dry eye dISeaSe
` 179 reSearch In dry eye
` 195
` 202 dIScloSure of fInancIal/proprIetary IntereStS of deWS
` 68 procedureS for SubMIttInG revIeWS to the Ocular Surface
`The 2007 international Dry eye WorkShop was sponsored by The Tear Film & Ocular Surface
`Society, which received support for DeWS from SOOfT italia; alcon laboratories; allergan;
`McNeil consumer healthcare; pfizer; Santen pharmaceutical co.; Bausch & lomb;
`Novartis pharmaceuticals; advanced Vision research; inspire pharmaceuticals; Vistakon;
`Senju pharmaceutical co.; Kowa; Otsuka pharmaceutical co.; alimera Sciences; Tomei; Nidek
`The Ocular Surface / april 2007, VOl. 5, NO. 2 /
` 67


`The Ocular Surface / april 2007, VOl. 5, NO. 2 /


`DEWS Introduction
`Introduction to the Report of the
`International Dry Eye WorkShop (2007)
`ry eye disease is a common yet frequently under-recognized clinical condition whose etiology
`and management challenge clinicians and researchers alike. Advances in the understanding
`of the disease have been made over the past 10 years in areas of epidemiology, pathogenesis,
`clinical manifestation, and possible therapy. This volume represents the work of many contribu-
`tors over a long period of deliberation and through an iterative process that included collection of
`data, presentation of summary reports in a conference format, and harmonization of reports by a
`writing team with interactive commentary by the entire group of participants in an international
`In 1994, a workshop sponsored by the National Eye Institute and supported by industry con-
`vened a group of scientists, clinicians, and researchers interested in dry eye to clarify the definition
`and characteristics of dry eye disease and to recommend reliable parameters for conduct of clinical
`research and conduct of clinical trials for dry eye disease.1 The report of that workshop has served
`as a solid resource in the field for over 10 years, but the explosion of information in both basic and
`clinical research in the interim warranted repetition of the process. An initiative was suggested by
`Kazuo Tsubota, MD, and endorsed by Michael A. Lemp, MD, to recruit an international panel of
`experts in dry eye disease to accomplish such a task, and preliminary meetings were held in 2001.2
`Selection of the participants was based upon their prior history of peer-reviewed publication, level of
`participation in previous dry eye meetings (including the NEI/Industry Workshop), and collaboration
`with acknowledged experts in the field. The immensity of the task became immediately apparent and
`the coordinating support of The Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) was solicited. David A.
`Sullivan, PhD, President of TFOS, committed the organizational and administrative support of TFOS
`and secured broad financial support from international corporations to facilitate the international
`Dry Eye WorkShop (DEWS).
`The DEWS effort was chaired by Anthony J. Bron, FRCS, and directed by a Steering Commit-
`tee that proposed guidelines for the determination of acceptable levels of evidence and methods of
`documentation to support such evidence. The first step involved the formation of subcommittees:
`Definition and Classification; Epidemiology; Diagnosis; Research; Clinical Trials, and Management
`and Therapy, in addition to a Communications and Industrial Liaison committee. The scientific sub-
`committees were charged with identifying contemporary, evidence-based information about various
`aspects of dry eye disease and summarizing the data in a conceptual format that was well documented
`and well referenced. Chairpersons of the subcommittees developed goals for each of the working
`committees and were responsible for coordinating the work. The second step was to hold a 3-day
`meeting, during which committee reports were presented to the entire group and discussed in an
`open forum, with all participants invited to comment or suggest additions to the reports. Finally, a
`writing team was established to review the reports and attempt to harmonize the presentation and
`cross-reference the information and concepts presented. The process of review and consideration
`was ongoing over a period of several years. Reports were posted on an internet website for review
`and commentary by all participants and comments received were submitted to the subcommittee
`chairpersons for evaluation and response. The draft product was submitted to the Steering Commit-
`tee for final review and approval. All participants were required to provide disclosures of financial
`The Ocular Surface / april 2007, VOl. 5, NO. 2 /
` 69


`arrangements or conflicts of interest, and this information is posted on the website (www.tearfilm.
`org) and published at the end of this issue.
`In addition to the report published in this special issue of The Ocular Surface, the DEWS findings
`are available in an expanded electronic form on the TFOS website ( This latter
`provision has allowed the presentation of material excluded from the journal for reasons of space,
`such as appendices, extended bibliographies, and standardized templates describing diagnostic tests.
`Each chapter addresses a topic relevant to the understanding of dry eye disease and the combined
`publication represents a resource that will be valuable to clinicians, epidemiologists, basic and clini-
`cal scientists, and members of the pharmaceutical industry. The reader is encouraged to use these
`resources extensively to support and enhance discussions in the text.
`Because the DEWS report represents the integrated work of many participants, individual author-
`ship is not assigned to the overall report or its chapters. Complete listing of the DEWS membership
`is shown on the following pages, and Subcommittee members are designated in a footnote on the
`title page of each chapter. Special recognition of the efforts of several participants in the production
`of this report is appropriate. The officers and administrative staff of The Tear Film & Ocular Surface
`Society (TFOS), including David A. Sullivan, PhD, Rose M. Sullivan, and Amy G. Sullivan, were
`essential to the compilation and circulation of schedules and documents. Christopher Paterson,
`PhD, facilitated the open meeting and discussion of the preliminary reports. Elizabeth Fini, PhD,
`recorded and transcribed the proceedings of the open discussion at the meeting. Anthony J. Bron,
`FRCS, served with dedication and energy as both Chairman of the entire DEWS workshop and
`Chairman of the writing team. In his role as Chairman of the Communication Subcommittee and
`member of the writing team, Gary N. Foulks, MD, provided valuable contributions both scientifi-
`cally and organizationally.
` 1. lemp Ma. report of the National eye institute/industry Workshop on clinical Trials in Dry eye. CLAO J 1995;21:221-32
` 2. Dogru M, Stern Me, Smith Ja, foulks GN, lemp Ma, Tsubota K. changing trends in the definition and diagnosis of dry eyes.
`Am J Ophthalmol 2005;140:507-8
`The Ocular Surface / april 2007, VOl. 5, NO. 2 /


`DEWS Membership
`Membership of the International Dry Eye WorkShop (DEWS)
`kazuo tsubota, Md, DeWS Organizer, Keio
`university School of Medicine, Dept of Ophthal-
`mology, 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
`160-8582, Japan.
`desmond fonn, Moptom, university of Water-
`loo, cclr School of Optometry, 200 university
`avenue W, Waterloo Ontario N2l 3G1, canada.
`daniel Gamache, phd, alcon research ltd,
`6201 South freeway, MS r2-51, fort Worth, TX
`76134, uSa.
`Gerd Geerling, Md, phd, university of Wuerz-
`burg, Ophthalmology, Josef-Schneider-Str.
`11, Wuerzburg, Bavaria 97080, Germany.
`eiko Goto, Md, Tsurumi university, Dept of Oph-
`thalmology, School of Dental Medicine, 2-1-3
`Tsurumi Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama city Kanagawa
`230-8501, Japan.
`franz Grus, Md, phd, university of Mainz, exper-
`imental Ophthalmology, langenbeckstr 1, Mainz
`55101, Germany.
`bryan ham, phd, pacific Northwest National
`laboratory, pO Box 999 – Mail Stop K8-98, rich-
`land, Wa 99352, uSa.
`Marcia Jumblatt, phd, university of louisville,
`Department of Ophthalmology, Kentucky
`lions eye center, 301 e Muhammad ali Blvd.
`louisville, KY 40202, uSa. mmjumb01@
`Shigeru kinoshita, Md, phd, Kyoto prefec-
`tural univ of Medicine, Ophthalmology, hirokoji
`Kawaramachi Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto 602-0841,
`donald korb, od, Donald Korb & assoc., 100
`Boylston Street, #550, Boston, Ma 02116, uSa.
`friedrich e. kruse, Md, university erlangen-
`Nürnberg, Department of Ophthalmology,
`Schwabachanlage 6, erlangen 91054, Germany.
`peter r. laibson, Md, Wills eye hospital, cor-
`nea Department, 840 Walnut Street, Ste 920,
`philadelphia, pa 19107-5109, uSa. plaibson@
`James p. Mcculley, Md, uT Southwestern
`Medical School, Ophthalmology, 5323 harry
`hines Blvd., Dallas TX 75390-9057, uSa. James.
`Juan Murube, Md, phd, university of alcala,
`Moralzarzal St. 43, Madrid 28034, Spain. muru-
`Gary novack, phd, pharmalogic Development,
`inc., 17 Bridgegate Drive, San rafael, ca 94903,
`SteerInG coMMIttee
`christophe baudouin, Md, phd, Quninze-Vingts
`hospital ap-hp, university of paris, Ophthalmol-
`ogy,28 rue de charenton, paris 75102, france.
`anthony J. bron, frcS, DeWS Organizer,
`university of Oxford, Nuffield laboratory of
`Ophthalmology, Walton Street, Oxford OX2
`6hZ, uK.
`Murat dogru, Md, Keio university School of
`Medicine, Dept. of Ophthalmology, Shinano-
`machi 35, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8582, Japan.
`Gary n. foulks, Md, university of louisville,
`Dept. of Ophthalmology & Visual Science,
`Kentucky lions eye center, 301 e Muhammad
`ali Blvd. louisville, KY 40202, uSa. gnfoul01@
`Ilene k. Gipson, phd, Schepens eye research
`institute, 20 Staniford Street, Boston, Ma 02114,
`Michael a. lemp, Md, DeWS Organizer, George-
`town university, 4000 cathedral avenue NW,
`#828B, Washington Dc, 20016 uSa. malemp@
`J. daniel nelson, Md, health partners Medical
`Group, 8100 34th avenue South - MS#21110r,
`Minneapolis, MN 55440-1309, uSa. j.d.nelson@
`kelly k. nichols, od, phd, Ohio State university,
`college of Optometry, 338 W. 10th avenue, co-
`lumbus, Oh 43210-1280, uSa. nichols.214@
`Stephen c. pflugfelder, Md, Baylor college of
`Medicine, cullen eye institute, 6565 fannin
`Street, Nc 205, houston, TX 77030, uSa. ste-
`debra a. Schaumberg, Scd, od, Mph, harvard
`Medical School, Brigham and Womens hospital,
`900 commonwealth avenue east, 3rd floor,
`Boston, Ma 02215, uSa. dschaumberg@rics.
`coMMIttee MeMberS
`Mark b. abelson, Md, Ophthalmic research
`associates, 863 Turnpike Street, N. andover, Ma
`01845, uSa.
`Julie albietz, phd, The eye centre, river city,
`p.O. Box 2003, Milton 4064, australia. julie@
`pablo argüeso, phd, Schepens eye research
`institute, 20 Staniford Street, Boston, Ma 02114,
`penny asbell, Md, Mount Sinai Medical center,
`Ophthalmology, One Gustave l. levy place,
`#1183, New York, NY 10029, uSa. penny.
`Jules baum, Md, Tufts university School of
`Medicine, 81 Maugus avenue, Wellesley hills,
`Ma 02481.
`carolyn G. begley, od, MS, indiana university
`School of Optometry, 800 east atwater avenue,
`Bloomington, iN 47405, uSa. cbegley@indi-
`roger W. beuerman, phd, Singapore eye
`research institute, 11 Third hospital ave.,
`#06-00, Singapore 168751, Singapore. rbeuer@
`Stefano bonini, Md, university of rome, campus
`BioMedico, Ophthalmology, Via emilio longoni
`83, rome 00155, italy.
`Igor butovich, MS, phd, university of Texas
`Southwestern Medical center, 5323 harry hines
`Blvd., room e7.141, Dallas, TX 75390-7557,
`barbara caffery, od, MS, caffery, Tepperman &
`assoc., 77 Bloor Street W, Suite 1409, Toronto,
`Ontario M5S 1M2, canada. bcafferyod@ho-
`Janine a. Smith, Md, Nei, Office of clinical
`Director, 10 center Drive, MSc 1863, Bldg 10,
`rm 10S227, Bethesda, MD 20892-1863, uSa.
`Margarita calonge, Md, Ioba, facultad de Me-
`dicina, university of Valladolid, avenida ramon
`y cajal 7, Valladolid 47005, Spain. calonge@
`david a. Sullivan, phd, DeWS Organizer,
`Schepens eye research institute, 20 Staniford
`Street, Boston, Ma 02114, uSa. David.Sul-
`reza dana, Md, MSc, Mph, Schepens eye
`research institute, Massachusetts eye & ear
`infirmary, 20 Staniford Street, Boston Ma 02114,
`alan tomlinson, phd, Glasgow caledonian
`university, Vision Sciences, city campus,
`cowcaddans road, Glasgow, Scotland G4 OBa.
`darlene a. dartt, phd, Schepens eye research
`institute, 20 Staniford Street, Boston, Ma 02114,
`The Ocular Surface / april 2007, VOl. 5, NO. 2 /
` 71


`Ikuko toda, Md, Minamiaoyama eye clinic,
`2-27-25 Minamiaoyama Minato-Ku, Tokyo 107-
`0062, Japan.
`**William florida, Global Director, core Brands,
`Novartis Ophthalmic, pO Box WSJ-780.5.20,
`Basel ch-4002, Switzerland.
`John ubels, phd, calvin college, Biology Depart-
`ment, 3201 Burton Street Se, Grand rapids, Mi
`49546, uSa.
`fulvio foschini, Vice president, SOOfT italia,
`contrada Molino 17, Montegiorgio ap 63025,
`yoko ogawa, Md, Keio university School of
`Medicine, Ophthalmology, 35 Shinanomachi
`Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8582, Japan. yoko@
`George ousler, III, Ophthalmic research as-
`sociates, 863 Turnpike Street, N. andover, Ma
`Jerry r. paugh, od, phd, Southern california
`college of Optometry, 2575 Yorba linda Blvd.,
`fullerton, ca 92831, uSa.
`friedrich p. paulsen, Md, phd, Martin luther
`university of halle-Wittenberg, Große Stein-
`straße 52 halle (Saale) 06097, Germany. fried-
`hitoshi Watanabe, Md, phd, Kansai rosai hos-
`pital, eye Division, 3-1-69 inabasou, amagasaki
`660-8511, Japan.
`Mark Willcox, phd, The university of New South
`Wales, institute for eye research, executive
`Director of Science, Vision crc, Gate 14 Barker
`Sreet, Sydney 2052, australia. m.willcox@ier.
`Sherryl frisch, Mba, MS, Director, Medical
`affairs/clinical Development eye care, McNeil
`consumer healthcare Group, 201 Tabor road,
`G3, Morris plains, NJ 07950, uSa. SFrisch@
`Jeffrey Gilbard, Md, president & ceO, advanced
`Vision research, 660 Main Street, Suite 1, Wo-
`burn Ma 01801, uSa. Jgilbard@theratears.
`kate kline, Manager of Strategic communica-
`tions for Dry eye Marketing, allergan, inc.,
`2525 Dupont Drive, irvine ca 92612, uSa.
`Masatsugu nakamura, phd, General Manager
`of cornea & external Disease Group, Santen
`pharmaceutical, 8916-16 Takayama-cho ikoma-
`shi, Nara 630-0101, Japan. nakamuram@
`**ami anand Shah, Md, Manager, Scientific and
`clinical affairs, Global pharmaceutical, Bausch
`& lomb, 1400 N. Goodman Street, rochester,
`NY 14609, uSa.
`Ian vessey, Novartis pharma aG, Ophthalmics,
`Strategic Marketing and portfolio Management,
`peter Merian Strasse 80, Basel ch 4052, Swit-
`* have replaced individuals no longer with
`respective departments or companies
`** no longer with company
`Ian e. pearce, phd, Glasgow caledonian uni-
`versity, Vision Sciences, cowcaddens road,
`Glasgow G4 OBa, Scotland, uK. e.i.pearce@
`clive G. Wilson, phd, university of Strathclyde,
`41 Briarcroft place, Glasgow G33 1rf, Scotland,
`uK.; c.g.wilson@
`Maurizio rolando, Md, university of Genoa,
`Dept Neuroscience Ophthalmology, Via Gor-
`gona 12 int 9, Genoa 16146, italy. mrolando@
`norihiko yokoi, Md, phd, Kyoto prefectural univ
`of Medicine, Dept. of Ophthalmology, 465 Kaji-
`icho, Kawaramachi-hirokoji, Kyoto 602-0841,
`oliver Schein, Md, Wilmer eye institute, 116
`Wilmer Building, 600 North Wolfe Street,
`Baltimore, MD 21287-9019, uSa. oschein@
`Jun Shimazaki, Md, Tokyo Dental college, 5-11-
`13 Sugano ichikawa-shi, chiba 272-8513, Japan.
`Michael e. Stern, phd, allergan, inc., 2525
`Dupont Drive, rD3-2D, irvine, ca 92612, uSa.
`InduStry lIaISon coMMIttee
`*fouad amer, Md, Mph, Global head of project
`Management (Ophthalmics), Novartis Ophthal-
`mics, One health plaza, 104/2a11, east hanover,
`NJ 07936, uSa.

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