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`V .
`Patent Owner .
`Case IPR2016-01111
`Patent 8,603,514
`Case IPR2016—01112
`Patent 8,017,150
`Case IPR2016-01113
`Patent 8,475,832
`New York,
`New York
`August 1,
`3:01 p.m.
`Transcript of Proceedings
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`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`The Honorable ERICA A. FRANKLIN,
`Administrative Patent Judge
`Attorneys for Petitioner:
`Cantor Colburn LLP
`1180 Peachtree Street, N.E.
`Atlanta, GA 30309
`Attorneys for Patent Owner
`1111 and 1112:
`in Cases
`Steptoe & Johnson LLP
`1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, DC 20036
`Attorneys for
`Patent Owner
`in Case 1113:
`& Burling LLP
`Eighth Avenue
`York, New York 10018-1405
`Troutman Sanders LLP
`600 Peachtree Street,
`Suite 5200
`Atlanta, GA 30308
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`This is a
`conference call for cases
`IPR2016-0111, 1112 and 1113. With me
`on the call are two other panel
`for cases 1111 and 1112, Judges Hulse
`and Paulraj. Also with me on the call
`are two of the panel
`judges for case
`1113 Judges Scheiner and Yang.
`third judge on that panel may join us
`that is Judge Bonita.
`As counsel for the parties
`introduce themselves, we would like to
`confirm that they approve holding this
`joint conference for all three cases
`as the Patent Owner
`in the 1111 and
`1112 cases differs from the Patent
`in the 1113 case. Also please
`indicate whether you have arranged for
`a court reporter for this call.
`Petitioner, let's begin with
`MR. ARNOLD: Did you say
`That is correct.
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`MR. ARNOLD: This is Jeffery
`Arnold at Cantor Colburn. With me on
`the call is Andrew Ryan and
`Leslie—Anne Maxwell also of Cantor
`We represent the
`We approve of the joint
`conference, and we did not arrange for
`a court reporter.
`you. And, Patent Owner, we'll start
`with Patent Owner for 1111 and 1112
`Good afternoon.
`is Harold Fox at Steptoe and Johnson.
`I represent Monosol RX in these
`proceedings, Patent Owner
`in the 1111
`and 1112 proceeding.
`I'm alone on
`this call. We approve the joint
`nature of this call, and we do have a
`court reporter on the line for this
`then, Mr.
`I will ask you to file a copy of
`the transcript as an exhibit.
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`MR. FOX: Yes,
`this is a court
`reporter for all three proceedings,
`we will do that in all three and
`counsel for the 1113 I
`think will
`confirm that.
`Thank you.
`MS. RIESTER: This is Patent
`Owner for the 1113 proceeding for
`Indivior. This is Andrea Reister from
`Covington and also on the line is
`Dustin Weeks.
`And we will ensure that
`a transcript gets recorded in the 1113
`proceeding and Indivior also consents
`to the joint conference call.
`Thank you.
`my understanding is that the Patent
`Owners have requested this conference,
`so you can decide which of you would
`like to begin.
`This is Harold Fox.
`will start.
`So we requested this
`conference seeking authorization to
`file a motion to obtain discovery on
`issues of a real party in interest in
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`We have raised these issues
`and requested some limited discovery
`from Petitioner and Petitioner's
`counsel and they have not agreed to
`provide that request for discovery.
`And that is what brings us here.
`HON. FRANKLIN: Would you
`describe that discovery?
`MR. FOX: Yes.
`So specifically
`to put it in context,
`these two
`patents have encountered petitions
`thus petitions were denied
`as being time barred in the 1111 and
`the 1112 proceedings.
`Those filings
`were by TEVA as the Petitioner.
`Shortly after the filing of
`these two petitions,
`there was
`activity in the press and early June
`that explained the Petitioner in this
`proceeding, Dr. Reddy's Laboratories,
`taking possession of the ANDA of
`the underlying product that is covered
`by these patents.
`These patents are
`Orange Book listed and are the subject
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`of litigation for the product
`So we sought this discovery and
`asked for information relating to the
`timing of that deal as the press
`releases came out, as I said, shortly
`after these petitions were filed.
`the scope of discovery, obviously,
`relates to the agreements in question,
`not only the final agreement but also
`any other correspondence and
`communications including term sheets
`or letters of intent or things that
`led up to this definitive agreement
`that, you know, happened --
`SO you are
`speaking in terms of document
`production only or request for
`Can you describe it
`We have asked for the
`documents at this point.
`We asked for
`some other information.
`We initially
`asked to confirm that Dr. Reddy's was
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`seeking to obtain the property
`interest in the ANDA Suboxone which
`underlies this proceeding and that
`ANDA is owned by TEVA.
`Petitioners denied confirming that,
`but we
`found in a FTC notice that was
`issued on July 27th of this year that
`indeed that as confirmed in the public
`record Dr. Reddy's is obtaining this
`ANDA in question from TEVA.
`And so, we are seeking documents
`to help us understand the timing of
`the deal because we believe that is
`germane to the time bar that may have
`already passed in this case.
`HON. FRANKLIN: And, for
`in your request for
`production did you list a certain
`number of categories or did you just
`request one category of documents and
`how and were any documents submitted
`to you in response or just double
`A full negative was
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`received but specifically we asked for
`four categories of documents.
`One was
`the definitive agreement that is
`referenced in the press release.
`second is any correspondence or
`communications relating to those
`agreements such as term sheets and the
`And the other is the third
`category are correspondence,
`communications between the Petitioners
`and the prior Petitioner and its
`And the final is information
`about discussions relating to the
`Suboxone and us specifically.
`So any
`other conversations or exchanges of
`information that happened between TEVA
`and Dr. Reddy's relating to this
`product that is central
`to this case.
`So in terms of
`RPI and privity, are you saying that
`your basis for believing that
`Petitioner has not disclosed or named,
`for example, all the real parties is
`based on the press release and the FTC
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`MR. FOX: Yes,
`that is the
`documentary evidence we have of
`deal right now, and we are seeking
`additional information about
`timing of agreement
`in principle.
`So just
`based on those two and nothing else?
`just want
`to make sure I understand
`it completely.
`MR. FOX: Yes.
`There were a
`couple of articles that were published
`on and around early June based on
`press releases from Dr. Reddy's and
`subsequently late last week, we
`learned of this notification from the
`Federal Trade Commission resolving a
`dispute about dispensing or
`distributing out some of the
`properties of TEVA based on a
`different acquisition.
`And in that
`list of properties that were going to
`be divested to other entities, it
`confirmed that Suboxone was going to
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`Dr. Reddy.
`And so we specifically
`asked for information involved in that
`And let me ask
`when this request was made?
`MR. FOX: Our specific request
`or initial request was made in a
`telephone call —— Andrea, do you have
`the date, July 6th?
`And then we
`did a follow-up communication.
`On July 14th for a
`more specific request.
`MS. REISTER: Correct.
`IS there
`anything else you wanted to mention?
`I didn't have
`Andrea, do you?
`MS. REISTER: This is Andrea
`Reister for the Patent Owner
`in the
`1113 proceeding. That patent is
`basically the subject of the same fact
`There was a petition in
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`there filed by TEVA that was
`substantively denied, but other than
`that difference,
`think the facts are
`basically the same as Mr. Fox has
`explained for the 1111 and 1112
`HON. FRANKLIN: Okay. And let
`me go back and ask regarding the press
`release, what was the date of that?
`The press release that
`we had a copy of was a June 11th press
`release and it was a press release
`announcing the definitive agreement
`between entities.
`So we believe
`there's a high likelihood that the
`conversation about this property had
`been ongoing for some time before that
`definitive agreement.
`And if there's nothing
`more that you want
`to add now,
`to confirm you are seeking
`document production, you are not
`seeking depositions or other
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`is that correct?
`MR. FOX: That's correct.
`And, Petitioner, how do you
`We would like to
`address the timeline provided with
`relevant information we previously
`provided Patent Owners.
`We will
`provide some additional information in
`this call that was requested with
`Patent Owners and to address the
`agreement and issue, and lastly,
`case called Synopsis versus Mentor
`Graphics which is a recent federal
`circuit opinion relevant to the
`incident discussion.
`The three IPRs were filed on 31,
`May 2016. At
`the time the petitions
`were filed,
`the Petitioners were not
`time barred under Section 315b.
`June 11, 2016, Dr. Reddy's issued a
`press release discussing agreement
`between Dr. Reddy's and TEVA
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`Pharmaceuticals Industries Limited and
`Allergan PLC. Allergan was Actavis.
`They had a name change or an
`And the press release in
`pertinent part reads as follows:
`"Dr. Reddy's Laboratories has
`entered into a definitive agreement
`with TEVA Pharmaceuticals Industries
`Limited, an affiliate of Allergan PLC,
`to acquire a portfolio of eight
`abbreviated new drug applications in
`the U.S.
`for 350 million in cash at
`closing." At closing is an important
`part here.
`"The acquired portfolio
`consists of products that are being
`divested by TEVA as a precondition to
`its closing of the acquisition of
`Allergan's generic business.
`acquisition of these ANDAs is also
`contingent upon the closing of the
`TEVA Allergan's generics transaction
`and approval by the U.S. Federal Trade
`Commission of Dr. Reddy's as buyer."
`The press release did not identify any
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`Page 15
`of the ANDAs or associate
`It wasn't until
`today that we had knowledge, until
`just a
`few moments ago, we had
`knowledge that the FTC has indicated
`that the Suboxone in hand is a part of
`the deal, but as I will explain later,
`I still can't comment on that.
`dealing with confidentiality.
`So as I said,
`the press release
`does not identify any of the ANDAs or
`associated pharmaceuticals.
`To our
`the TEVA Allergan closing
`has not occurred.
`We believe that
`Patent Owners can independently verify
`this for themselves.
`The FTC's
`approval for Dr. Reddy's acquisition
`of the ANDAs alluded to in the press
`release has not yet occurred.
`Owners can again since they are aware
`of the FTC work,
`they can
`independently confirm this fact with
`the FTC.
`The TEVA Dr. Reddy's closing has
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`not occurred. More to the point,
`TEVA Dr. Reddy's closing had not
`occurred prior to or on May 31, 2016
`the following day of the petitions.
`What originally started with this was
`the articles that were referenced
`before in which according to analysts
`at least two of the products that
`Dr. Reddy's required included the
`Suboxone and ANDA, but this was
`speculation on their part.
`And so as
`a result,
`they are further speculating
`that TEVA has a real party interest in
`the subject petitions or that privity
`exists between Petitioners and TEVA on
`or before May 31, 2016.
`So Dr. Reddy's press release
`itself confirms that only Petitioners
`are the real party in interest and no
`privity existed at
`the time the
`Petitions were filed.
`There is
`closing, no acquisition, no control,
`no privity.
`And I will also note that
`Patent Owners are currently in
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`litigation with TEVA Allergan and have
`the ability to obtain discovery from
`those defendants on this matter.
`Information previously provided
`to Patent Owners.
`So as indicated
`there was a telephone
`conference on 6, July 2016 between
`counsel for Petitioners and Patent
`A subsequent e-mail was sent
`to the Patent Owners‘ representatives
`on 11, July 2016 recapping the
`I spoke on behalf of the
`And during the telephone
`conference which was supplemented by
`the e—mail
`the following statements
`representations were made:
`I was without authority to
`confirm or deny the agreement between
`TEVA Petitioners including a TEVA
`and/or Allergan Suboxone related ANDA.
`And I will explain in a few minutes I
`remain without such authority.
`following information was provided to
`the Patent Owners. At
`the time the
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`respective complaints against TEVA and
`Allergan were filed, Petitioners were
`neither a real party in interest nor
`had any control over such litigation.
`For verification I suggest
`Patent Owners review the respective
`Suboxone litigation dockets for
`mandatory disclosures of real parties
`in interest.
`No document exists
`identifying Petitioners as a real
`party in interest.
`Patent Owners were
`informed at
`the time the three IPR
`petitions were filed.
`I want
`to stop
`you there.
`I'm listening intently to
`everything you are saying, but
`I want
`you to repeat that last statement
`regarding no documents indicating.
`That is correct.
`In district court you are required to
`file mandatory disclosures identifying
`the real parties in interest, parties
`who have an interest in the
`There is no such document
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`in any court in any district
`identifying Dr. Reddy's as a party
`having interest in the Suboxone
`SO you are not
`saying there are not documents that
`could indicate?
`am saying there
`are no documents period that would
`indicate Dr. Reddy's as a party in
`interest of the Suboxone in
`You can
`So the Patent
`Owners were also informed at the time
`the three IPR petitions were filed
`there was no privity between TEVA
`and/or Allergan or controlled by
`Dr. Reddy's over Suboxone and the
`litigation in which TEVA and Allergan
`are respective defendants.
`As of
`today this remains unchanged.
`Patent Owners were informed that
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`the time the three IPR petitions
`were filed there was no agreement of
`income between TEVA and/or Allergan
`and Petitioner for prospective TEVA
`and/or Al1ergan's respect
`to Suboxone
`the filing time there was no
`communication between TEVA and
`Allergan or their respective counsel
`and Petitioners or Cantor Colburn
`regarding Petitioner's three IPR
`petitions prior to filing.
`And in
`fact as of this date,
`there has not
`been any communications whatsoever
`regarding the IPRs between Patent
`Owners or their representatives and
`TEVA or their representatives or
`Allergan and their representatives.
`There's been no communication
`whatsoever regarding the IPRs.
`TEVA has no interest in or
`control over the respective IPRs
`petitions by Petitioners.
`And for
`verification, we are going to refer
`again to the statement of real parties
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`in interest in all three petitions.
`only Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Inc. and
`Limited are identified as real parties
`in interest and that is because they
`are the only real parties in interest.
`We were asked if TEVA was funding any
`of the IPRs. Petitioners are self
`funding of the subject IPRs. Neither
`TEVA nor Allergan are obligated to
`fund the subject
`IPRs on behalf of
`And again, we refer back
`to the identification of the real
`parties in interest in the respective
`And I
`just want
`to interrupt again to confirm my
`understanding is the facts that you
`are going through here now were
`provided in writing to the Patent's
`Owner's counsel?
`That is correct.
`You can
`TEVA provided no
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`guidance on the preparation and filing
`of Petitioner's IPR petitions.
`were aware of the three failed IPR
`petitions, but that was public record,
`but we did not communicate in any form
`or fashion regarding it.
`My belief is
`TEVA if they are even aware that we
`filed the three IPRs would have been
`surprised completely that it was done.
`The subject
`IPR petitions are directed
`solely by Petitioners nor are the
`parties involved with the Petitioners.
`Related to the aforementioned
`communications on the 27, June 2016,
`Patent Owners representative requested
`"the name and contact information for
`the appropriate Dr. Reddy's in—house
`to whom Indivior's PC, Javier
`Rodriguez can direct settlement
`On the next day
`Patent Owners were provided with the
`requested information.
`On 29,
`June 2016, Mr. Rodriguez
`e-mailed Dr. Reddy's in-house counsel
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`requesting the date and time "to
`discuss ongoing ANDA litigation."
`30, June 2016 via e—mail Dr. Reddy's
`in—house counsel responded, and DRL is
`the abbreviation for Dr. Reddy's.
`"DRL is not
`involved in the Suboxone
`litigation at this time. At this time
`DRL is not a real party in interest
`and nor has any control over the
`current litigation between Indivior
`and/or any defendants regarding
`Suboxone." And we believe that Patent
`Owner has these communications because
`they were sent to their client.
`there were additional
`requests about Patent Owners which was
`mentioned a moment ago on 14, July
`2016 Patent Owners requested discovery
`for Petitioners on the following,
`parts of which will be addressed now.
`they want
`the definitive
`agreement referenced in Petitioner's
`June 11, 2016 press release any drafts
`to the agreement, any term sheets or
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`letter of intent related to the
`agreement and any common interest or
`other agreement related to the
`So our response to that is
`drafts and agreement are not relevant
`for establishing privity or control
`rather such drafts prove a lack of
`privity and control.
`This is a
`classic contract law issue negotiation
`shows offer, counteroffer but no
`acceptance necessary to form a
`Regarding term sheets our
`response is that there are no
`documents responsive to the request
`regarding a letter of intent related
`to the agreement. Our response is
`there are no documents responsive to
`the request regarding any common
`interest or other agreement related to
`the TEVA Dr. Reddy's agreement.
`response is there are no documents
`responsive to the request. They've
`asked for correspondence or
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`communications related to the
`to term sheets identified
`category one which don't exist or B,
`the Suboxone related ANDAs.
`And we
`respond correspondence or
`communication related to the agreement
`of the Suboxone related ANDAS are not
`related to show privity or control.
`If you could put
`a mark there in your notes,
`I'm going
`to stop you for a moment, but
`I want
`to stop and talk to Patent Owners for
`a moment.
`And what
`I would like to
`talk about is it sounds as though the
`Petitioner is reading their responses
`to requests that you have already
`So I'm a little confused
`where we are in this process because
`you are asking us to submit discovery
`It sounds like that was
`already done and it sounds as though
`Patent Owners has responded.
`Can you
`clarify this for me?
`This is Harold Fox.
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`The responses that counsel for
`Petitioner was
`just reading with
`to the existence or
`nonexistence of agreements in the
`requested categories,
`these answers
`are being provided for the first time
`today, at least I have not seen them
`in writing.
`So you did not
`receive the responses in writing?
`MR. FOX: Not that these
`documents did not exist.
`HON. FRANKLIN: Okay. Let me
`stop you there then and go back to Mr.
`MR. ARNOLD: Yes, Judge.
`So the responses
`that you are reading now were not
`provided yet
`in writing to Patent
`Owner's counsel?
`That is correct.
`We are happy to do so.
`Okay because
`what we don't want this to do is to
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`Page 27
`turn into an oral argument.
`HON. FRANKLIN: What we're
`assessing here is whether to allow a
`motion to be filed for discovery.
`I will let you finish your
`presentation but just in keep in mind
`this not oral argument.
`MR. ARNOLD: Understood.
`Mr. Fox is correct we had not
`responded to his requests, but we will
`send a response in writing to them on
`these issues.
`And finally, let's
`see --
`HON. FRANKLIN: Well, my
`question then for you is, and I
`apologize for interrupting your
`thought again,
`if you plan to respond
`to those requests why was your -- why
`did Patent Owner's counsel earlier
`characterize you as not willing to
`I can't answer
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`MR. FOX: Because we had not
`received a response until the one you
`just heard.
`It sounds like
`there was room for more meeting and
`conferring prior to involving us, but
`at this point,
`think we have heard
`I'm going to give each
`counsel an opportunity to state some
`final remarks and then what we will do
`the separate panels, we will meet and
`issue an order in the next day or so
`indicating whether the motion is
`authorized; okay?
`interrupted I
`believe Mr. Fox, were you speaking or
`was it Mr. Arnold?
`MR. ARNOLD: Arnold.
`HON. FRANKLIN: Mr. Arnold,
`would you like to briefly conclude?
`Thank you,
`Your Honor.
`There was one important
`part was because of the
`confidentiality provisions in the
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`Page 29
`agreement between TEVA and
`Dr. Reddy's,
`I could not,
`I cannot
`release any information that is
`contained in the agreement itself, and
`this agreement is highly confidential
`and contains extremely sensitive
`information about eight different
`This would require heavy
`There will be in support of our
`response if this motion is granted,
`there will be an affidavit on the part
`of Petitioner which again opens up for
`additional discovery and depositions.
`Also importantly is this really is
`just all speculation.
`The dates don't
`add up and if you look at Synopsis
`Inc. versus Mentor Graphics 814 F.3d
`1309 which is a Fed circuit case from
`2016 based on IPR 2012-00042, Mentor
`filed a writ of mandamus seeking
`discovery on this issue.
`And the
`question before the federal circuit
`this privity at the time of this
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`IPR institution but not at time of
`complaint filing or petition filing
`triggered the time bar of 1315b? And
`the answer to that is no.
`And then the Synopsis case there
`was actually an agreement before the
`petition was filed.
`So the closing
`didn't occur until after the petition
`was filed, and there the federal
`circuit and the board both said that a
`time bar was not applicable,
`that you
`look at whether there was litigation
`control at the time that the complaint
`was filed, was the Petitioner in
`privity or in control of the
`And in our case the
`answer is no. And then you look at
`whether or not at the time the
`petition was filed whether or not TEVA
`would have had privity or control over
`the petitions.
`And in that case the
`answer is no.
`And I have said all along
`there's no documents in response to
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`any of
`There is an agreement
`between the two companies.
`They have
`not closed and that is fairly easy for
`the Patent Owners to track down. Once
`it's closed, once the TEVA Allergan
`contract is closed then the
`Dr. Reddy's can close but only if
`there's FTC approval.
`And so what we have is
`speculation and the burden put on the
`Petitioners for producing this
`information and also protecting
`information because there is a
`tremendous amount of information that
`is highly secretive that we would not
`want anybody to see outside of the
`TEVA and Dr. Reddy's.
`So the document
`itself would have to be extremely
`And so it's their burden to
`bring evidence for that there is a
`real party in interest.
`We have explained that
`Dr. Reddy's is the only party in
`the two Dr. Reddy's
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`And so we ask that this
`board deny the requests.
`And I want
`clarify were you raising the Synopsis
`case and conceding that there is
`privity now?
`am not
`conceding there's privity,
`still not privity. There's none
`whatsoever. Dr. Reddy's does not own
`the eight ANDAs
`that were mentioned in
`the press release. There's no
`agreements between the two other than
`the agreement that is subject to FTC
`There is no -- they didn't
`ask, but
`there are no joint defense
`agreements, at least not with respect
`to Suboxone.
`I'm not aware of any
`others because Dr. Reddy's, TEVA and
`Allergan are big in the generic
`business and they are in many
`So whether or not there's
`some other unrelated joint defense
`I don't know. But as we
`M0n0S0l200 1 -0032
`Veritext Legal Solutions

`Page 33
`speak right now,
`there is not privity.
`IS there
`anything else you would like to add?
`MR. ARNOLD: No, Your Honor.
`I would
`like to ask counsel for the Patent
`Owners if during this conference today
`whether they have heard anything that
`would cause them to modify or alter
`their plan

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