`International Bureau
`(51) International Patent Classification 7 3
`(11) International Publication Number:
`WO 00/02955
`C08J 3/00, 3/03, 3/12, 5/18
`(43) International Publication Date:
`20 January 2000 (2001.00)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`8 July 1999 (08.07.99)
`(30) Priority Data:
`10 July 1998 (l0.07.98)
`(71) Applicant:
`[US/US]; 401 North Lake Street, Neenah, WI 54956 (US).
`(72) Inventors: WANG, James, H.; 1325 East Overland Road,
`Appleton, WI 54915 (US). TOPOLKARAEV, Vasily; 1730
`South Lee Street, Appleton, WI 54915 (US).
`(74) Agents: PRIOR, Kimberly, J.; Jones & Askew, LLP, 2400
`Monarch Tower, 3424 Peachtree Road, Atlanta, GA 30326
`(US) et al.
`(81) Designated States: AE, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG,
`BR, BY, CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, GB,
`GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG,
`KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK,
`MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI,
`SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, UA, UG, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW,
`ARIPO patent (GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, SD, SL, SZ, UG,
`ZW), Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ,
`TM), European patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, F1,
`FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent
`(BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE,
`SN, TD, TG).
`With international search report.
`Before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
`claims and to be republished in the event of the receipt of
`(57) Abstract
`The invention relates to blends of a polyethylene oxide (PEO) resin and a latex emulsion. The blends are formed by mixing or coating
`21 PEO powder resin with a latex emulsion and melt blending the powder. The blends have improved processibility and toughness which
`are beneficial in the manufacture of PEO—based films and fibers. The films composed of the PEO/latex blend have improved toughness,
`breathability, and tear resistance and are useful for the manufacture of disposable, flushable medical and personal care products, such as
`diapers, tampons, feminine napkins, and bladder control pads.

`Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT.
`Bosnia and Herzegovina
`Burkina Faso
`Central African Republic
`Cote d’Ivoire
`Czech Republic
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People’s
`Republic of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Saint l.ucia
`Sri Lanka
`Republic of Moldova
`The fornrer Yugoslav
`Republic of Macedonia
`New Zealand
`Russian Federation
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States of America
`Viet Nam

`W0 00/02955
`The present invention relates generally to polymeric films.
`processes for their manufacture, and their use in flushable medical and
`personal care products. More specifically.
`the invention relates to the
`modification and processing of polyethylene oxide (PEO) resins to make
`films for
`the production of such flushable products which have the
`advantages of improved toughness, softness, and tear resistance.
`such as panti-liners.
`Disposable personal care products,
`diapers, and tampons, are a great convenience, as are disposable medical
`care products, such as drapes, gowns, head coverings, and face masks.
`These products provide the benefit and convenience of one time, sanitary
`use. However. disposal of many of these products is a concern due to
`limited landfill space.
`Incineration of such products is not desirable
`because of increasing concerns about air quality and because of the costs
`and difficulty associated with separating these products from other disposed
`articles that cannot be incinerated. Consequently.
`there is a need for
`disposable products which may be quickly and conveniently disposed of
`without dumping or incineration.
`It has been proposed to dispose of such products in municipal
`and private sewage systems.
`Ideally, the products would be degradable in
`conventional sewage systems.
`Products suited for disposal
`in sewage
`systems which can be flushed down conventional toilets and are dispersed
`or disintegrated in water are termed "flushable." Disposal in this manner
`is simple, convenient, and sanitary.
`Personal care and medical care products must have sufficient
`strength to maintain integrity under the environmental conditions in which
`they will be used. They must also be able to withstand the elevated

`WO 00/02955
`temperature and humidity conditions encountered during use and storage
`and still lose integrity upon contact with water in the toilet. Therefore, a
`water—disintegrable material which is capable of thermal processing into a
`thin film having mechanical integrity is desirable.
`Currently, thin films are typically made from water—insoluble
`polymers or polymer blends.
`Frequently used polymers
`epoxy resins,
`Examples of
`acrylonitrile copolymers, polycarbonate, and poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC).
`Examples of semicrystalline polymers are polyethylene (PE), polyamide
`(PA), polybutadiene (PB), and polypropylene (PP). The most commonly
`used polymers are polypropylene, and polyethylene.
`The thin films composed of these polymers are formed by
`extrusion casting or melt blowing processes. Conventional film extrusion
`involves mixing commercially available pellets of the desired polymers at
`increased temperatures,
`followed by extruding the mixture in a single
`screw extruder through a slit die to form a film. The film is then cooled
`by passing it through a series of chilled rolls. Films made in this manner
`from such water—insoluble polymers are unsuitable for use in “flushable”
`personal care and medical care products because they do not possess the
`desired characteristics, eg, they will not degrade in conventional sewage
`systems and consequently form blockage in the sewer lines.
`Polyethylene oxide (hereinafter PEO) is a hydrophilic, water-
`soluble polymer,
`that is produced from the ring opening polymerization of ethylene oxide,
`CH2—" CH2
`It is available in widely varying molecular weights in the form of a powder
`from a number of sources, for example, Union Carbide Corp. (Danbury,
`CT) PEO is currently used as a flocculant to enhance the deposition of
`colloidal particles onto wood pulp fiber in the paper—making process.
`It is
`also used as an additive to modify such properties as the aggregation state,
`sedimentation behavior, and rheology of polymers employed as paints and

`WO 00/02955
`adhesives. PEO is also used to modify and stabilize polymer lattices, for
`example, by grafting PEO chains to a polystyrene lattice.
`Due to its unique interaction with water and body fluids, the
`present inventors are considering it as a component material for flushable
`and personal care products. However, currently available PEO resins are
`not practical for the formation of thin films by melt extrusion or for
`personal care product applications for a number of reasons.
`For example, while low molecular weight PEO resins have
`desirable melt viscosity and melt pressure properties
`for extrusion
`processing, they have low melt strength and low melt elasticity which limit
`their ability to be drawn into films having a thickness of less than about 2
`Films produced from low molecular weight PEO also have low
`tensile strength, low ductility, and are too brittle for commercial use.
`High molecular weight PEO resins, on the other hand, should
`produce films having improved mechanical properties compared to those
`produced from low molecular weight PEO. High molecular weight PEO,
`however, has poor processibility and poor melt drawability due to its high
`melt viscosity. Melt pressure and melt temperature must be significantly
`elevated during melt extrusion of high molecular weight PEO, resulting in
`PEO degradation and severe melt fracture. Therefore, only very thick
`films of about 7 mil or greater
`in thickness can be made from high
`molecular weight PEO. Films this thick are not practical for flushable
`to melt
`extrude PEO often result
`degradation of the PEO. Even when a film can be formed,
`the PEO
`undergoes morphological changes such as crystallization and aging, when it
`is cooled from the melt and exposed to the ambient environment. These
`changes affect the mechanical properties of the film, resulting in a film that
`is weak and brittle, having very low elongation—at—break and tear
`resistance, and,
`thus, not suitable for
`the production of personal care
`products. What is needed in the art, therefore,
`is a means to overcome the
`difficulties in melt processing of PEO resins and to improve the resultant
`ductility and toughness of the thin films formed therefrom.
`is known in the art
`to modify water-insoluble polymer
`such as polystyrene and polypropylene, by incorporating soft
`rubber particles into the polymeric structure to improve the toughness of
`the polymer,
`to reduce its modulus, and to improve the softness and
`flexibility of the resulting material. The modifier can be a rubber—like
`elastomer, a core—shell modifier, or another polymer,
`such as styrene

`WO 00/02955
`butadiene polymers and acrylic polymers.
`Incorporation of the modifier
`can significantly reduce the elastic modulus of the polymer under tension.
`It can also initiate energy dissipation processes in the polymeric structure
`during deformation resulting in increased elongation at break, enhanced
`toughness, and improved tear resistance. The efficiency of the modifier
`depends upon the specific base polymer/modifier composition, blend
`morphology, phase structure, and toughening mechanisms and process
`The modifier can be incorporated into the base polymer by
`several different processes. One such process is conventional melt blending
`methods. These methods involve the blending of a base polymer blend
`with thermoplastic elastomers or particulate
`The highly
`dispersive and distributive mixing required is generally achieved with twin
`screw extruders or with high shear mixers under high temperature and
`high shear conditions. Another such process is to mix liquid rubber with a
`monomer of the desired base polymer followed by polymerization of the
`mixture under conditions
`a controlled rubber—phase
`There are two types of base polymer/modifier systems which
`can be formed:
`a dispersed system and a network system.
`In a dispersed
`the base polymer is a matrix throughout which the modifier
`particles are dispersed.
`In a network system, the base polymer is present in
`the form of particles or islands which are surrounded by thin elastomer
`layers of the modifier to form a honeycomb—like network. Both types of
`systems exhibit very fine, well—dispersed morphologies.
`mechanisms which provide additional energy absorption in the polymer
`under tension. One mechanism is the preferred formation of crazes at the
`rubber particles,
`stress bearing microcracks with the
`polymer fibrils. This type of energy absorption is observed in high—impact
`polystyrene and many grades of acrylonitrile—butadiene—styrene
`polymers. Another mechanism is shear deformation between the modifier
`i.e., multiple shearing.
`This type of energy absorption is
`observed in impact—modified polyamide and polypropylene.
`Network or honeycomb systems exhibit a third mechanism of
`energy absorption in addition to the two mechanisms exhibited by dispersed
`In this third mechanism there is an intensive yielding of the
`thermoplastic particles inside the meshes of the network,
`i.e., multiple
`particle yielding.

`WO 00/02955
`PEO cannot be efficiently modified by the prior art methods
`described above.
`It is difficult to melt process PEO under the conditions
`required to incorporate the rubbery modifiers of the prior art
`into the
`PEO matrix because PEO is very sensitive to high shear and high
`temperature. Attempts to modify PEO in this manner result
`in poor
`stability and high shear—induced degradation.
`conventional melt blend extruders employ a series of water baths to cool
`the resulting polymer strands. Because PEO is water—soluble and water-
`absorbing, the strands cannot be cooled in this manner.
`Polymerization of the PEO monomer/modifier mixture would
`require the development of expensive and complex steps. Control of the
`morphology of the resulting blend would be significantly limited, and the
`success of such a process is unpredictable.
`Thus, there is a need in the art for disposable medical and
`personal care products that will maintain strength and integrity during use
`and will degrade in conventional sewage systems. Further,
`there is a need
`in the art
`a process of modifying PEO to improve its melt
`processibility and mechanical properties.
`Additionally, there is a need in the art for tougher, softer, and
`more tear resistant PEO. There is also a need for a PEO resin having
`improved melt processing properties. Further,
`there is a need in the art
`for a PEO resin which is useful for the production of flushable films,
`dispersible thin—films, and flushable breathable films.
`Stated generally,
`the present
`invention comprises water-
`dispersible compositions for use in flushable medical and personal care
`having improved
`and tear
`the present
`invention comprises,
`in one aspect, blends
`comprising PEO and latex which provide improved processing and solid
`state properties when compared with conventional PEO. The blends of the
`invention comprising PEO and latex possess a unique rnicrostructure which
`provides a number of advantageous properties when compared to PEO
`alone. Additionally,
`the water present in the latex forms a molecular
`association with the PEO in the blend, acting as a plasticizer for the PEO.
`In a second aspect, the present invention comprises processes
`for modifying PEO, by forming a blend comprising PEO and latex,
`improve melt processing and physical properties. The process includes
`mixing or coating PEO powder or pellets with a latex emulsion. The

`WO 00/02955
`amount of emulsion added can vary greatly. Generally, about 60 weight
`percent or less of the emulsion based on the blend is added to the PEO.
`The mixture is then melt processed, for example, by extrusion with a twin
`screw extruder fitted with a strand die. The strands of the blend are
`collected on a fan—cooled conveyor belt and cut into pellets.
`In another aspect, the present invention comprises PEO—based
`films produced from the blend. These films can be produced, for example,
`by compression molding or extrusion casting. These films have improved
`mechanical properties, such as tensile strength and tear resistance. The
`films also exhibit reduced modulus and improved softness, toughness, and
`ductility. Due to these improved mechanical properties,
`the films of the
`invention can be produced at
`thicknesses significantly less than those
`formed with PEO alone. For example, the films of the invention can have
`thicknesses of about 1 mil to about 4 mil. They can be used to thermally
`process articles which have improved properties, such as toughness and
`dispersibility, over articles similarly processed from PEO alone.
`items include, but are not limited to, fabrics, garments and articles, such as
`towels, covers, overwraps, gowns, head coverings,
`face masks,
`shoe coverings, CSR wraps, sponges, dressings, tapes, underpads, diapers,
`liners, wash cloths, sheets, pillow covers, napkins, clothlike outercovers,
`feminine tampons, pads and pantiliners, baffle films, and any woven, non-
`woven, or otherwise formed materials. Such products can be employed in
`the medical industry, both in hospitals and outpatient facilities, and in home
`is an object of
`the invention to modify
`commercially available PEO resins
`in order
`to improve the melt-
`processibility of the PEO.
`It is another object of the invention to modify PEO in order to
`thermally process the PEO into components of useful articles without
`adversely affecting the PEO and the properties of the finished article.
`is yet another object of the invention to modify PEO in
`order to thermoform articles having improved mechanical properties over
`prior art thermoformed articles comprising conventional PEO.
`Another object of the invention is to provide a process for
`modifying PEO which is fast, economical, and efficient.
`Another object of the invention is to blends comprising PEO
`and latex with improved flexibility, toughness, and tear resistance.
`Yet another object of the invention is to provide blends
`comprising PEO and latex having a unique rnicrostructure of a nanoscale

`WO 00/02955
`dispersion of fine latex particles in the lamellae structural assembly of the
`PEO resin.
`is a further object of the invention to provide a water-
`dispersible blends comprising PEO and latex having a more uniform fine
`crystalline morphology than conventional PEO.
`Another object of the invention is to provide PEO—based films
`with improved elasticity, toughness, and tear resistance.
`is yet another object of invention to provide PEO—based
`films having improved melt rheology over conventional PEO films.
`More generally,
`the present
`invention provides for blends
`comprising an emulsion and a polymer or mixture of polymers which are
`Water—soluble and/or water-dispersible and films made from these blends.
`Accordingly it is an object of the present invention to modify water-soluble
`and water-dispersible
`their melt-
`It is another object of the invention to modify water-soluble
`and/or water-dispersible polymers in order
`to thermally process
`polymers into components of useful articles without adversely affecting the
`polymers and the properties of the finished article.
`is yet another object of the invention to modify water-
`soluble and/or water-dispersible polymers in order to thermoform articles
`having improved mechanical properties over prior art
`Another object of the invention is to provide a process for
`modifying water-soluble and/or water-dispersible polymers which is fast,
`economical, and efficient.
`Another object of
`invention is
`to provide
`comprising an emulsion and a polymer or mixture of polymers which are
`water-soluble and/or water-dispersible which have improved flexibility,
`toughness, and tear resistance.
`Yet another object of the invention is to provide blends
`comprising an emulsion and a polymer or mixture of polymers which are
`water-soluble and/or water-dispersible having a unique rnicrostructure of a
`dispersion of fine particles in the structural assembly of the polymer.
`is a further object of the invention to provide blends
`comprising an emulsion and a polymer or mixture of polymers which are
`water-soluble and/or water-dispersible having a more uniform fine
`crystalline morphology than the conventional water-soluble and water-
`dispersible polymers.

`WO 00/02955
`Another object of the invention is to provide films made from
`blends comprising an emulsion and a polymer or mixture of polymers
`which are water—soluble and/or water—dispersible that have improved
`ductility, toughness, and tear resistance.
`is yet another object of invention to provide films made
`from blends comprising an emulsion and a polymer or mixture of
`polymers which are water—soluble
`and/or water—dispersible
`improved melt rheology over conventional films.
`These and other objects of the invention are achieved by
`forming blends comprising an emulsion and a polymer or mixture of
`polymers which are water—soluble and/or water—dispersible which are
`processible into films that are useful
`in the manufacture of disposable
`personal care products. More particularly, these and other objects of the
`invention are achieved by blends comprising PEO and latex which are
`processible into PEO—based films that are useful
`in the manufacture of
`disposable personal care products.
`Figure 1 demonstrates the rubber particle size distribution in
`the PEO/latex (90/10) blend.
`Figure 2 is a scanning electron micrograph which illustrates
`the approximately uniform dispersion of the latex particles in the PEO
`Figure 3 is an atomic force micrograph demonstrating the
`unique rnicrostructure of a nanoscale dispersion of fine latex particles in
`the PEO resin.
`Figure 4 illustrates the reduction in spherulite size by the
`addition of latex particles to the PEO resin.
`In order to overcome the problems in the art associated with
`forming polymer films composed of water—soluble or water—dispersible
`the present inventors have developed a process for modifying
`polymers, such as PEO, with an emulsion, such as a latex emulsion. The
`resulting blends possess improved processing properties and produce films
`having superior properties to those produced from the water—soluble or
`water—dispersible polymer alone.
`The particular embodiments of the present invention will be
`described in terms of the preferred blend comprising PEO and latex.

`wo 00/02955
`should be understood that any water—soluble or water-
`dispersible polymer and any emulsion as defined herein may be employed
`similar manner
`polymer/emulsion blends will have similarly advantageous properties over
`the polymers alone.
`The blend of the invention comprising PEO and latex has a
`unique rnicrostructure which can be observed by scanning electron
`microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The PEO resin of the blend
`possesses a lamellae structural assembly in which there is an approximately
`uniform nanoscale dispersion of fine latex particles.
`In the blend, both
`individual latex particles, approximately 100 nm to 200 nm in diameter,
`and clusters of the particles, approximately a few microns in size, are
`embedded in the PEO lamellae structural assembly.
`Atomic force
`microscopy illustrates the unique microstructure of a nanoscale dispersion
`of fine latex particles in the lamellae structure of the PEO resin. Some of
`the particles form clusters. The particles in the clusters are not tightly
`packed and do not appear to be coupled. (See Figure 3) Scanning electron
`microscopy illustrates the approximately uniform dispersion of the latex
`particles in the PEO resin.
`(See Figure 2)
`Analysis of thermal properties using Differential Scanning
`Calorimetry (DSC) demonstrates that the blend can exhibit an increased
`crystallinity over PEO alone.
`This increase may be due to enhanced
`molecular mobility of the PEO chains in the presence of the emulsion as
`well as additional nucleation sites provided by the rubber.
`The DSC data also indicate that water of the emulsion is
`structurally bonded with the PEO because water—melting transition does not
`occur during the cooling/heating cycle. The bound water functions as a
`plasticizing agent for the PEO,
`improving its processing and solid state
`The blend comprising PEO and latex also exhibits a lower
`melt viscosity, as determined by capillary rheometer, than PEO alone. For
`example, blends having a 70/30 ratio of PEO/latex have demonstrated a
`30% reduction in melt viscosity. This reduction in viscosity is exhibited
`over a broad range of shear rates and provides for improved processing of
`the blend over conventional PEO.
`It allows the blend to be processed at
`reducing PEO degradation.
`Lower processing
`temperatures provide a reduced temperature gradient during melt cooling
`which allows for a higher processing rate.

`WO 00/02955
`Any polymer resin that is water—soluble, water—dispersible, or
`both which can form association compounds with water may be used in the
`invention. The invention also contemplates the use of mixtures or more
`than one of such polymers. Nonlimiting examples of such polymer resins
`cellulose, polyvinyl
`polyvinyl pyrolidone, polyvinyl pyridine,
`gelatinized starch,
`copolymers, polyacrylic acid, polyesters or mixtures
`preferred polymer resin is polyethylene oxide (PEO).
`The selection of
`PEO as the preferred resin for the invention is based upon PEO’s water
`solubility and melt processibility. The selection is also based upon the
`availability of PEO resins in a wide range of molecular weights.
`PEO and other such polymers useful in the present invention
`have very distinct properties from the water—insoluble polymers used in the
`prior art. These polymers form a molecular association with water. For
`example, water molecules form specific hydrogen bonded complexes with
`the ether oxygens of the PEO chain. This association affects the local
`motion of
`the polymeric
`chain to provide
`a plasticization effect.
`the formation of PEO—water
`in the
`formation of a distinct state of the water in the PEO matrix. The bound
`water does not exhibit a detectable phase transition over the range of
`temperatures normally associated with bulk water.
`In other words,
`bound water does not freeze or boil. This allows the use of water—based
`latex particles
`morphology and size, to modify the PEO or other polymer.
`The water—insoluble polymers of the prior art cannot be
`modified by the methods of the instant invention because they do not have
`the ability to form a molecular association with water. Therefore,
`water present in the emulsions of the present invention would exists as
`“free” water rather
`than “bound” water
`in any composition formed
`between the water—insoluble polymers of the prior art and the emulsions
`used in the present
`Such free water would undergo phase
`transitions during melt processing, resulting in microscopic holes and weak
`in the
`Films produced from such polymer/emulsion
`compositions would have reduced tensile strength and reduced fracture
`resistance, the very problems solved by the present invention.
`The PEO resins useful in the practice of this invention can be
`of any molecular weight. Preferred PEO resins have an average molecular
`weight ranging from about 100,000 g/mol to about 8,000,000 g/mol. High
`molecular weight PEO resins are desirable for enhanced liquid stability,

`WO 00/02955
`mechanical strength, and ductility, while low molecular weight resins
`provide better melt flow and film—forming properties. Based upon these
`considerations, especially preferred PEO resins of the invention have a
`molecular weight between 200,000 g/mol and 4,000,000 g/mol.
`Such PEO resins are commercially available. For example,
`PEO resins are available from Union Carbide Corporation (Danbury, CT)
`under the trade designations Polyox® WSR N—80 (MW = 200,000), WSR
`N—750 (MW=300,000), WSR N—3000 (MW = 400,000), and WSR 205
`(MW = 600,000).
`Other PEO resins available from Union Carbide
`Corporation within the above average molecular weight range are sold
`under the trade designations WSR—3333, WSR—N—l2K, WSR—N—60K, WSR-
`30l, WSR Coagulant, WSR—303.
`The emulsions useful in the practice of the present invention
`may be any organic polymer emulsion or
`any inorganic particulate
`dispersion and/or suspension. These emulsions can provide a number of
`different modifying properties, such as softness, ductility, toughness, and
`tear resistance, to the PEO.
`There are basically two types of organic polymer emulsions,
`polybutadiene and acrylic—based polymers. Each type can be synthesized
`through emulsion polymerization techniques which are known in the art.
`The particle size of the rubber (latex) particles in the emulsions can be
`controlled during polymerization. For the present invention, an average
`particle size of about 10 nanometers to a few microns is preferred. The
`emulsions can also be produced in a variety of particle morphologies, such
`as rubbery—spherical,
`rubbery—core/glassy—shell, and multilayered.
`morphology can be tailored to provide modifier particles with controlled
`compliance and surface properties.
`Organic polymer emulsions useful
`in the present
`include, but are not
`limited to,
`styrene butadiene polymers, acrylics,
`acrylonitrile, and acrylonitrile butadiene. Especially preferred polymer
`butadiene GOOD—RITE® 1168
`acrylonitrile—butadiene—styrene HYCAR® latex, each available from BF
`GOODRICH® Company having offices in Cleveland,Ohio.
`suspensions useful in the invention include, but are not limited to, stabilized
`silica gel dispersions, nanoscale spherical silica dispersions, and dispersions
`of swellable clays. The invention is not limited to these compounds but

`WO 00/02955
`includes any organic or inorganic particulate emulsion/stable dispersion in
`the form of discrete particulates in a stabilizing fluid.
`The amount of emulsion may be varied based upon the
`particular polymer to be modified, the particular modifier chosen, and the
`particular properties to be enhanced. For example, modifiers for
`molecular weight PEO may be selected and used in amounts that improve
`mechanical properties,
`such as softness,
`tensile strength, and ductility.
`Similarly, modifiers for high molecular weight PEO may be selected and
`used in amounts that lower melt viscosity and improve drawability.
`general, the percentage of emulsion employed is from about 10 to about 60
`weight percent of the blend, preferably about 10 to about 50 weight
`percent, more preferably about 15 to about 35 weight percent of the blend.
`Two other parameters which affect the properties of the blend
`are the diameter

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