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`24th lntetnationaJ. Symposium on
`~~ftllled Release of r~~ii':;\ Bmact1ve Materials

`t :·,?-< June ·15-19, 1997
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`Sym1ln1'i Utn! J"und6 • l<). 1997
`exhibit: Jui;d 7- 19, 1997
`S11.idd1<>lm 1nternat!mrni fain;
`'Wm:k shops!
`ja!le .l s. l 997
`.'bera;<Jn ll.u!d <iml
`Gt•lld Hotel
`!r•'W 1 ~ l <)<)7
`, 'ir{xiiHor:v1SMA~S/1N
`Sio~ii...~~·wim rntcrnuH.Ol'lii~ F'3ir~
`:::::::: ..
`:':1~M by tni~
`)~lled R~kasc Sodcl}~ ht<'..
`iij4~ fot'.1. Symp. Cimt"1l
`J~. ~fat4.'<r,, 24 {U>!:J7)
`Program Cbalrs:
`Kosrl-fa1k l'alk
`Astt';l Hassl.~ /\l;I, USA
`l'eruo Okano
`Tt»ky~·s \'V,;~u1~ri·s "Medk;;l (~tlkgc,

`·Published by
`The Controlled Release Society, Inc.
`1ow Milwaukee Avenue
`Oee1iield. IL 6o615 USA
`First ;~ilion, 1997
`, •
`. ,,
`~lb~nimosmm and Workshop Sc1.ent1fk
`~i.•m Conuuittec
`gJt )\filfifit<>le A'!. B.'i!>
`~·lit~~ V;<>,,•)u's Mcdit~! c.,ur.;~. i<>•~"
`!!·ill:"'":,lty uf foutf«rt• Co!ilbrn:: •. ;;sA
`C.opyright~' 1997 by The CC)nlroUed Release Society, Inc.
`Ali rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduc~d. stored in a retrieval
`system, or transrnilted in ar1y form or by any means, electronlc,:mechanicaJ, photocopy;ng,
`recording, ()( othe1w!se, without the prior permission Oi ttie pubiisher.
`ISSN 1022·0178
`Rrinted in iho USA
`' , ,
`%@'N#iue t:nh:ersit.y. (JSA
`::!;1:i~~(f11:nu<. l:SA
`::::~~~fiµ;~~-l~r.g::.o::-:ln, Astra Orac-() AB. Swt:.!e:n
`.... lll~.:·;t~iv<..-rni:y Hf }i<)t!IUY.h••,,.,, l'.>1~•nJ. t::K
`~ li!bstracts in this book are listedjn tl'}6:folia~ii;lg:
`¢~mbricig~ Sci(fofific Abstracts
`ifoJmica! Ab.."ltrotls
`eJ<"cerpta Medica
`The Controffed Releas& Society_ essq~:~ ~o ,;;;hsibl1itY
`t,~t abstracts not ~wallable at time. Qf prin1mg.
`('.t~n~·Mkt~cld r~h:. Uci«t-J:,ity vf S;;:\rl~U'td. (~fi'liiW}'
`!fan::> I·:'t\ttt·mj;$, 't~l?;.>';;;tfo. r:r1h.'<:l':"-tq·. S",{"t°'CJ~u
`.'«.:fu.•;_t L~t-~~ L'.ni~·~!".'.\:.}· vf A~Jeh:g:ut, tJSA
`.M?.ry M~nhr •. .!I. ~m:.:l:~ .. \.':"~t l?.c~{;,:.fn"t"h h.U>, .. t).~!\
`1:Vr:.~ ~·UW..if, :\bh<t~t [;,0\ttiH;>t1e~. ~;$.'\
`({1iJU M~ia. nnhl't~t'Slt.~· t)f Notti~tham. l~U)-;,n&, LlK
`J:x.:.rr:l:. {!'fiagtJn. Ci~irco {:{•~"(.otauc11. t]S.A
`':"'.\: {h\~\'<~:i-;:y <d° !~c!_~:<:Ul.. L'Q:aet
`;ntl)· ~~~. ~.fott~~:.:::;;, !)SA
`!JIJ!w!!,i<y ~f Fb1lt. liSA
`~nkbi fugb·:un!l. (:nh·~.::s~tf fl'f Tok_~..,, l':iow";i
`Yi<:t<ll' :fotlJ:. lfol<·m•!t~· d ~lchl;:an. US!.
`' '' ,.,;;; ; .... ~ .• ;,;...•••••;:::.:~.~~·:~ • ..,..,... •• ; .,._ .. ,.,.,,u.-' -~•u,o,a••u•
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`\11!!.'.t>l!W.lj,>!J<Jr~lic Deliver;
`~~~.~:hd Oli.$'-)uuck~ .. ttdc~ ....... . ..... . •.. . .• . ~ . .33·48
`-~ :&':hindpfo• aud
`:f<:;,'D{ug IJ<:lfr"'Y I
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`lii~'..'<>.lar Drug. f.>divcry
`. . .. . - - - - .49-64
`. ... 65-80
`Paper ll
`?.i4 .. ·iJ2
`."1(':JJ,t~~t~ su~~f,Cf.i::' .. (; fo~· t-.. fo:.-"<s:"~l
`_9'1. ; !2
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`l ~l96-1 tJ97 Officers of the Controlled Release Society, Inc.
`Vice? Pl'csident.
`'f8WJ.t:il :'>~)!. .. ;
`Tlrn<m:i• Ki•scl
`Phi~r:JY.··t:·ffi\'tf:ti:.~· c;f Marbt::~
`=~J;:Vhi t~nirf:l'j:tr
`T<ikyo . .JnJ>au
`M<:$.lx;;&. ~;,,nu;"<'
`Paost P:re~idcnt
`Jln<ltt"h J;;,p~d'
`Ds;jv~r,!!:" <\( B1;,h
`$.;,it J..:iks: c:~y. t!"r
`l~resid_cnt Elect
`ll"oa'fd A. Sl~!l"l
`lJJ~<'t'tt:S:it:Y oJ Cnlift:J' nt:<
`S~h f:r;fru-:f-seh. t~A
`Sdcntific Secretary
`Ro~l"'t Gttn$.f
`'.::'SU~' ~"!f i>t~c;.·Y.
`<~rn.~w~. S«·lt'$<:r~1nd
`U•a lkam">""l'<>l'IJO>~
`iji">l..J T<~"''lor.,'1'. ii.Jc.
`f<·idiw•P<>U-<, IN
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`R . s
`Administr.athrc Staff of tha.~ C<mh~olJe<l Ucfoast• Society, foe.
`Exl.lcutivc Dir.;cro:r
`M. :judlt12 a.-,..,.,,...,
`!:ll.S Adrrf.~>.Mr·:dlrn i:lc:s~q•;••t•"-~
`! OZO ,'.ln15-a.ll.k<!e -~''<'·. S«i">< 3 3 ;
`°'"'rildo, i!. MlOlS U~A
`\B471 .f.M·1071
`(~oli') SOS· 707~
`htt,,_r.~.twwt\ ... ~t~""1nl:hd.q.·:~rg:
`[urn}llca.n ·Managct'
`l>aplu><: J,. Rum.y
`.~oh<>cl <;f 1'har m~cy
`iJH~<·~s'):~-c- t>t (S!!m:1,,:·l
`~a. ~<.~i•i l:. t\'~
`eH.:111 l (;.~'::c~·a 4 Swtt-:edml.:i
`Ph:>~':</::.?">:: t +-e. l; /. /. 7:JJ. s)JJ9
`t~ ·m:lt~ l).1;:tt·>;.f..v»\'.."@Yh~r::~ .w:..;~~( .:--z.
`.finau<!i<J.l Mamtger
`'ll<l'*-•t c. fu,.,,,-d.,<
`cot&~~ Staffo!,. :rx us.;)~
`Bl)nrd of Governors
`1i: N:"W) (U,~\M
`Muri!.<Jtw Ai<>"''"
`Sl""'tt &ntt"
`lilsthk,,n llMk'M
`n:,,u,, R~J.ili.1~.11
`l1J>b<:1·r Sl'""k'
`S•~"""' ('"'d,r
`'V\~i~h~ Sug-,yumu
`j<)n:<ifom lfu~rurt
` P. I~fdtln
`?\Ilt..<o}U:t"U i l~~b~.~~
`G1rru1wu .. ,,.
`S•'>>tt II ~r1.4:
`l•~u,,l~ul ~fatCJ
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`I • • • I •
`---------·- - - -··-···

`' sec~
`purpos~ of vafa!atini; :he !.heore;icn!
`a~1w.iach. The e1q»:;.·terl pe<!I.: kv.:etion anll
`width of the b-:ihis (introduced 10 cm into
`th>.: d\Jooem1r.:i) is im!i-:.e;ed in the fig~re.
`The peak of bobs is exac-tly 10 cm
`beyond the distance (j •11
`fmm the
`e.ntrance to the duodenum, r.el1c,tinr, the
`f~t that tbe bolus wB~ inttochi.~ed I 0 Cltl
`into :he &mall. inteS1ine, Ah<J, the width \lf
`tile peak corrt.spond.s to the ther•retkal
`expeciat.ion (•J 15° •1 }.
`Thel)retic.91 se.cum conccntrntions
`wei>e e<lmpa.~ witll daui iu
`various cases. Figure 2 $hows n
`c::.omparison b<1t'>'-"Ull ~pcrimental data
`rind theuretka! predinlons for tl:-e c~ of
`ibuptofrn, admlni~tt'red omlly in human~
`(5). Total predicleY absorption 1~ 51 %.
`near the exp;:rim~nt~l cs1lm1i\c. Tht) g.100
`match of the tlata is <ibtaiMd upon
`i;ssuming an i:.pithelial pem1r-.ih!lity d
`?.8xl~ ctrA
`:r-·····;:;=::~·~·~:·~.·-.. ~····:~~,::····1
`- 1·
`'· ."
`·-1 /
`" l
`-~ i
`--1 !
`: .
`• J
`~· '
`.. i . ._ ...... ~ .... - ··-_.__.t. .•.... , .... ----... ............... :
`- ._ . , -·
`_.. ••.
`f;g. Z <:vmpui10n o! t<p<rlmerul (t)"mbol}
`ittd ,,,.~>et~ {scfid C'!"W'\'~} ~~m (0f)C,1>U'"4HOh
`profil•'· fc~ il>l<ptt>fcn
`fo!h>, ~tR;
`cdtn\otsu·mkm. w hcrm&n.~
`Figure 3 show~ 11 compnison
`bctv.eea extx.nmeutnl dau and Ult:Q1~ical
`prerlictio.ns for the case ()f GHRP··J.
`adminisrered nra\ly in hl1man~ (6·1.
`Thcoretk31 11b~:ilu1c bioovailnbiiit·• is
`appro~im:itely 0.1 %. The 1heoreilcal
`p:-e.iiction i& oht-~ined apoH lll'.$1:mmg ;;n
`epithefol 7.:rmei1bi!ity <.}f fjxl(}-l cmt:;.
`., ....... .., ............. _ ...... ..,. ..................... _ ............. _ :
`:::::_-:::-.::..:::::: ;· :
`·i j \
`.I ;
`~, .
`'·,.: , . ,
`.L .... ~······.::.·····;;.:·····;;.::_:·:.~····:~·····:.:~:.-.~~ ..... i
`Fil!· 3 C-:>m;i;1ri•<><> of ~.~peri•llt>~1~1 (sytt.tcl)
`r,r.d ;>ti:<lk!~ (solid <".::'·~) srnirr. mr>C<".::t:-atlcn
`for GHRP-l
`fol:owing or~!
`admwi'1tllti<>n "' bumJn~
`The prop<>..•ed i.llcc)retkal model can
`he used to predict the abs.1rhc:J systemic
`com.,entraiions of ther;;ii>etn.i~~ nmgir:g
`ftom smilll liphophlk m • .,lecules w
`l. Knydiyyeh, S.L. Bitar, K.M.,
`Bikhazi., A.B. J. Pharm. Sci., 79. 494
`2. Adscn. A.. Rai:b, T 1 • Burton, P.S ..
`Barsuhn. C.L., Hilge~. A.R .. .c\udus,
`K.L., Ho. N.f. J. Pha.rm. Sci., 83.
`1529 {1994).
`3 . Brenner, H., Edwards, D.A.
`Macmtr:ll\~J'Ort Pr<:cessc~. Bo$tiln:
`Butterworth·Hcmemar. (i9'J'.)).
`4. Swi!. B,. B11tycky, R., Lcip<'ld, H.,
`Milstein, S., F..dw;;rd$, D. Subm.i•tod
`5. Dn-);sman, J.'B., Bass, P., Ri;,;chel.
`W,A., Friend, D.R., R.ihin~teiu, A ..
`Ziv, E. J. Pb11m;. Sci., 82, 857
`6. Ifowe!")I, C.Y. J. hd. Endo<.·rin. 6, 21
`. ~Z~·
`:: r..··. t~:~ .J::; ~ .~f~Y C3;::<~L~} . :~·:n4r.t .?'!~~e: . . ::~: :%n
`~f):1(N~l;::{. ~(:~~;:::~ S~\~ie:i~ ~~.::;:.
`I S<-'<
`.lii!ll·Hwa I;,,.,• a.thl U1w$I l~rlic'
`'Aqu:.lon llivi,;,,,., Ucncuks Inc,, $1)1) U~rculcs JM., Wi!111i11i;wn, DE 1!1808-1599
`'LTS Cc>rtl .. 21 H1~1.trl"'..-><1 lk. W~1 Cahh<cll. NJ 07006
`ph<1rrr1aceuUcaJly 01 r--csrne1~::ally active
`:igcnl, said iiim compr:G:ng wa1<1r-r.olub!e
`polymers. a combinafo:\ cl certain
`si;rfa;,1a.'ll!;, cne •Jr m•Jre po;yalcoho!s. anct
`ona er morn pt•1mr:o;;outica!ly tir
`cc1::'11<:tk:aJ1y act:-:a lngrntlim1ts. Oµtlonti.ily.
`th~ !crr:1L1ir:t:or. .,.,,,y <:<:>:'ltain col:m1flt:; .
`sweatening agef'~t$. flavors~ i~avor
`entmnee1:>. or cthc;r exc:pisnts comrnr.r.I}•
`us!ld to mod~y the ;aste rJf fonn-.sla;ion;,
`ir.~ende~ for nppHi:.1tior: to U:e oral cav:t}'.
`Tl1a ftjS'111ing lilm is chnractnr.:zed by ao
`inslant W!illlacility wl'\i<:h r.<i:Jset. the liirn ;c
`sol1011 icru•1:.idiat!l:y afttir <:pp!icatinn to tne
`mucoi;ul lissue lln:s ;;mwes;;::ig t~e pat!E>nt
`!rorn e:<p!lriendng any prolonged a;Wlf:rse
`fea:ing :11 I.ha mou1h.
`The h!m is mam;far.turad using
`cor;var.tional coating ~nid dry:ng tnc nn:qlills,
`cut :nto p:e:;!Js o! a shape ar:d size \hill
`meet the requirements ot tt:e specific
`application, and pat;kaged imc s<.1itable
`Mt.;C08dhtis•vt; do:;~;g~ forrrm fo:'
`~r>tk::a!itt:~ to ihe o~~= C.3\'tly which ar~
`....... ~sigr.~ :c <JEiiM!' tt;ertip::?Ut1c a:'lct:or
`ijjijJ·~~·~::~~1!~ ;~~;~~~ t~~~~~;:!~~~~~~J L~inn
`'.·~"·~·;;: (1) descr:bad r~ mut.c~"lf~he;;;vn car:ier
`ailowir.g ;he comobHsd ra!e.l!\e ct a
`m~peutic a~e~1t v:a t?le mvoosa~ :mr,w?
`~,(.;:(»)1pri!lir.9 no anliy<.lr~ms but hyctralah:.;
`h:l~lyrnar matnx ,1n:: arnc-1p11ous f:.imad
`/~U:;il, Ar. W<!!fll·in~Oiuule !iim c;an
`:tt;U u:j'd~d to o<ovtU!3 a fo--;n-ctdh&rino
`·S<Jr!ace. They ali.o disdo;:.r:d a :ril;,'l'irm1e
`: ... 1~r:'.\ ~~j;mcle fo: prctw.(JeC dt:lHvery ~~far:
`t <tclk<l ingred1em in the oral ;.;av:ly (2i. i:'l .,
`}$jr.1iiar ~'~Y. Mlrn111,c.hi, HI al. (3) dbcioscd a
`}#.;ee!-sMpecJ eidh·JSi'-'e pmparatior,
`~rnpt!s:ng at; a~hss:ve layer con1eini:'lU
`qei;;Jin .vater-su;uule an~ writer-inso!ut;!!
`-poiyrnE:rs and a wate;-msoiuble carr:ar
`'::,~tii::h cm., aC1!1e1c 10 the oral mucos<:
`~fo;£rety ~!easing ur. ac:tivl1 agv111 to the om!
`~~~~vity. A n~n)hor of ~ttompt~t have t;~en
`·. :rtla~ to r~1duc1;; tl'a <:dver:;.1 !E>eting in Ille
`«al c;a·,:;y caustid by the rr,1idily ar:d
`, l::tllexibillly of ~~•to supp~;1 !a)'ar by
`·;wro.jucing soil lil:l: ~".lppr;:ts(·H>) .
`)~~wr,v<1r, lhr3$0 cf,1vii:13s $tiH lci.;va tll'3
`{~tienl with a o::r.sidNabli- ar.-1ount oi
`resfr3ue fro:r1 Iha wt:;er·!n!'.Oiuli!o St.;ppoit
`!!Im 1.!:ereby sl!I: ·:;ai;!-:nn il !er:l!ng of
`~"dlsc.orn!1~rt. T?'lF. ;.)bv:cu$ so:rniotl !c
`~~~er-c~n1e tt1iv p~~.:>bi0:m WESS io dovclop
`:fff'ff:J(:YX:ld~H·t~iv.'l Wtr1S wr1fr;J1 ,~on:pfatc1ty
`t <.Jisiinegmte, or e-:Ea corn;Jlatel)' d':.-$<Jhm 10
`; tt\E: salrm
`The •n-..1xacthssive lilm of the presefli
`i11ve~1t•rJn oor;;ains as ti!\AAoti:l.! c::!
`u wute!·sd.utJle; ;.io:ym~r or a comb11~,1;ion of
`;;o"at0r-sok1bicl pol~lffH3rs. ~.i co:-r~bhaticr. ot
`s11rfiil.::trm1.s. ::!ne or morn poirui;;chols, and
`a ;:ha1maceulir.a!ty or cosmetical!y uCl:•e
`ingrOOie:-t~ Tha ;!O:y?r.em issoo tcr the
`m;;coaf.lhes:ve filrn incluoo po!y~El<t> wnfr:r.
`am hydrophi!ic ar;d watar-<lispt;l>T.:bie. Ths
`::n:nbiriurn:n of s1.:rlactan1s used lcr ;he
`rn<«.Mdhil'~'"'~ !iim is u mixtwe of nonio•ilc
`s1:!fact.1r.:S. The. amount of cru~ to be
`ir.corpo:t1ted ir:!<; t.•m mrr. :mper:iJs or1 me
`kind oi drug ;,r.d 's w;iJ:1H;.1 bt:tw~~en O.G 1
`and 20°1~ (wlw). Cos:'\~t'~tic~Hy aGlivn ng~nts
`ma·i i:1clt:<Je brn~th frt' <:crnpo!Jnd!;
`.. ::: 'ft:•J P=''..1Set't ir~vant;vn ~;.}nft;-l:1·:p;3tas;:
`:~;:·r~tci~ dissol\': ng mm vvh!C?'J can na ad~~: t:d
`hi<e o:he:' Ha\•crs tu fr<'!.fJrar:~!?s
`t~ U:B c:-u: : .. ~avn'{ t?'1€=¢b}' :t~:t:asing a
`com=tl01'1f v-sad to: <'ta! hYfJisne. rtn'1!cr
`:'~-.:<:t<:. :"!~ ·. ~ttt;.:..c-r.~ ·~J .'s;. tc:<·~~t ~a ~'.: .. 1•: :%i;
`t.:-r=-.;!'oUt:1 fee:! ~$~~ ::;!.:~"i· ;:i:· ..

`I 500?
`i 5~03
`W aier Soluble: Polyca1ions for ( 'out rolled Delivery Systems
`NAndini Kooar 8lld Clw!rng-ju Kim
`SchooloEPhannacy, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19140
`In this study, we present the zero-order
`re~se kinetics of water soluble anionic drugs from
`erodible, drug/polycationic, matrices (tablets) usmg
`poly(trimetbylaminoethyl methacrylate chloride -co(cid:173)
`methacrylm) (PTMAEMC/MMA):
`·[CH:· ·).-[-CH,
`~H-' ~'
`-(CH,hN" (CRJ,
`dissoluuon/disintegration upon
`ndminlstration In the oral cavity.
`(11 Sanvordeker, D.R. and Leung, S-H. S.
`us patent 5,04'7,244, 1991.
`(2) Sanvordekot. D.R. and lenug, S-H. S.
`WO patent 91/06270, 1991.
`(3) MizobiK:hi, T., Ohji. A., Sakoh. S. ilnd
`Mugururna. Y. US Patent 4,876.092, 1989
`(4) Kuroya, T. and Inoue, Y. European
`Patent 0·381 -194·81. 1990.
`(5i Blank, R G., Mody, D.S.. Kenny, R.J.
`and Aveson. M.C. US Patent 4.946,684,
`(6) Inoue, T., Maeda, K. and Eguchi. Y.
`Patont 5,206,010, 1993.
`(ii 8
`.!!1 6
`-~ 4
`~ 2
`nc1rv,3s used for der1tal and/or oral
`cloansing like quartemary ammonium
`bases. The mucoadhesive film according to
`the present invention can be prepared as
`follows: The active ingredient. surfactants.
`pclyillcohol. and pcsslble other Ingredients
`except the water-dispersible polymer are
`dissolved in a sufficient amount of a solvent
`which is C-011'.patible to them. After a clear
`sol:Jlion has been formed, the water·
`dispersible polymer or mixivru of wa1er·
`dispersible polymers is slowly added ur.der
`stirring until a clear and homogeneous
`solution has been formed. The solution is
`coated cnlo a suitable carrier matena.1 an:!
`dr:ed to form a film. The carrier material
`must have a surface tonsion wt1ich allows
`;he polymer solution to be sprGad ovenly
`across the intended coating width. The
`coating o1 thB solution onto the carrier
`material can be performed using any
`ccnvent!ooal coming equipment
`TI1e 1l!ms with desired thickness were
`cut er puncherj out tor the disintegration
`and tensile wenyth tests. The tensile
`strength of the films was assessed using
`Erichsen (Model 474. A. M. E1ictisen
`GrnbH, GerrnMy) and was expressed as
`the maximum force (N) (Figure 1 ). A 25-c:m"
`film was placed in the peri dish which was
`filled with deionized waler, and the time for
`the film to totally disintegrate was recorded
`(Figure 2). TI1e decreaso of lnhigration time
`ot formulations A to E was accompanied by
`the decrease of tensile force of the
`formuia1ions. This correlation indkated that
`the choice of the most formll!ation
`coold t>e ~ecided by using either the tensile
`st:engt!1 or the disintegration test.
`A rumposi1ion containing therapeutic
`agents am.tior breath hestu.ming agents for
`UM in the oral cavity is disclosed. TM
`carrier romptiSlls wat11r-soluble polymers in
`mrnbiM\it)(l with etlrtaln 1ngtedret\ls r:ind
`provides n thernpeufin and/or cosmetic
`eflect. l"he film is c:oated and dried utilizing
`existing coaUng technotogy and O)'hiblts
`!nstant wettability tol!owed by rapid
`~1..;c.C!~~. ~r.:. · 1 ·'?•tt~Co::tr~l.?.al. ~ia~c~. :bttt. ~2'1 l,lfJ}
`c,.;~t·oncc ~elus~ s~detr ~r.~
`Figure 2: Tho disintegrntior. lime
`of polymer films.
`Drug delivery systems using iou ex.cllange
`are one of the oldest processes { l j.
`:rcially available ioo exchange resins are
`on highly cross-linked poly(styrme/divinyl
`>) (sulfonated ar.ui quatem1zed) or cross-linked
`. :thacrylic acid). Highly crO'Ss·linked gel type
`·:{negligible swellinB) si!lllificantly s~in the
`~· of a drug in the gel matrix, "'hid! yields JI
`. .l kinetie!. ..,,;th a tailing.
`rt S=tly.
`swellable poJyel(lC(rolyte gcl
`rl~~ bave been extensively investigated as drug
`,.,,.,, f · system-. By vatying the ionic pendant
`and the d~r~ of cross·lin.king of the polymer
`the degree of swelling of Charged
`:olytes lllily be ta.ilored Several investig;itors
`iouic and anio111c hydrophobic polymers
`ing of tertiary amine and me<bacrylic acid or
`acid groups, respectively, fur the release of
`..(2-4). Hawevcr, due c.o the pH dependent
`·1if characteristics o£ charged polymers
`·. ~S teltial)' amine or carboxylic acid pet!danl
`it was not feas.ible for these ionic gels to be
`a.s oral cMivery s)'litcms, bccaus~ ·the p.H
`. changes as a ~osage t'onn travels .along the
`. . tesrinal {GI) traCt. · NuJOlll.'l and Kim [5]
`i\xstrated a (pseudo) lmcar rele;ise of water
`~fo drug.s from erodible, drug/resirl complex, gel

`using noncross-linkod poty(sulfopropyl
`<late potaSSl\lm -co- merhyl melhacl)late)
`lMMA). Drug relm~ from drug-PSPMK/
`. , v.i11ch has a dn1g loading of greater tha!l 40
`(;::maintains zero-order release lnnetics for a long
`Id of time because the drug in the matrices is
`i1 to d1~ polymer side diain unril the oomple'< is
`~tlld by incoming c:c.>Wltcr ions. It was fomd Reswts anll D~uuion
`filu'g release was i11depend~~1~ of the pH of tlte
`The cffccl of i<111ic strength on diclofes1ac Nn
`~ffilon medium as long as thti ionic strength was
`from d rvg·PTM.AEl\o;lCiMMA complex
`'"1'1Jan 0. 1 M which is rommonly obsei:wd iiah~
`tablets at pH 7 is shown in Figure I. T;iblew of
`ii#.[6.]. lo addition, tab!&, which are a 'oouu011
`200mg weight fonnulated witlt 20 % dc>1IYOS¢
`led release dos.~gc form wer~ successfully
`a~ a tabk<t binddr. The buffer ccmainoo O O I M
`red. ftom these drugfrcsiu oouylt»~es.
`phosphntc and N3CI tanging from 0.05 M to 0 2 M
`9r~e;.1.,t ·i .s._~ .. cv~tr~' . .&:''~" -~"e' .. 2(!'i9/}
`(t>\t.r~! lid ,>,,.1°4<_~ ~·3':.:t~!'- J~.
`Ex~rimenu1I Methods
`S)'t1Jlr11sls of PTMAEMCIMMA am/ Pr.:parat1"n of
`Drug R ajn<fle Tublt.'t.•
`PTMAEMC/MMA was prepared by the
`free-radical solution pol},llerizaiioo of PTMAfMC
`(40~~} and MMA (60"4>) as reported earlier (1). The
`pol)mer ·w3s dissolwd in de-iooirod water. and a
`drug $0lutil"l was ~ to lhe polymer soWl.ion The
`cou¥l~JU:S vrecipiw.ed in wate( were recovered and
`waslicd sovtral times before being dried. The dried
`drug-~sim1tcs were crushed in a mortar and pest(~ to
`obtain powders. Tablets with drug-resinates and
`dext1ose were fabricated in 9.0 mm diameter die aud
`a flat su1face punch with a Carver press
`Dru(( Rt/east J(inetks Ttsts
`The drug release kinetics ftom drug·resinate
`tablets wcr~ cimcd out in O 01 M phosphate buffer
`c:antammg dit'lbrmt aniounts of NaCl al 37°C by the
`USP basket method ~t 100 rpm. U11less otherwise
`uot~. Drug release was mooitored oo a HP8452A
`diode-array spa;trepho<om<Ur at 250 nm and 290 nm
`fw diclofenac Na and sulfatbiazole Na as model
`drugs, respa;tivdy.

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