United States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Aug. 11, 1998
`US0057940 1 6A
`Invcmor: Brian Nfichael Keueher. pal0A1t0.
`[73] Assignee: Dynamic Pictures, Inc.. Palo Alto.
`[21] AWL No; 570,083
`Dec 11. 1995
`Int. CL6 ......................................................
`[52] U.S. Cl.
`.................... 395/505; 395/509; 395/497.04;
`[5 3] Field of Search ..................................... 395/502. 505.
`395/509 5U7~ 509~ 401- 402- 497-01-497-04~
`412‘419~ 515~ 5161332/303~ 304
`References Cited
`8/1933 D1 0110 ................................... 395/409
`8/1990 Littlefield
`.. 382/304
`5/1992 Hino etal.
`1/1994 Peaslee eta1_ .
`" 395/505
`5/1994 Imai etal.
`...... ..
`.. 395/505
`12/1994 Abi-Ezzi et al,
`.. 395/502
`2/1995 Poulton et al.
`.. 395/505
`“Simulation and Expected Performance Analysis of Mul-
`tiple Processor Z—Bufier Systems”. Frederick I. Parke. Com-
`puter Graphics. vol. 14. No. 3. pp. 4_-6-56 (Jul.. 1980).
`“High—Performance Polygon Rendering". Kurt Akeley. Tom
`Jermoluk. Silicon Graphics. Inc.. pp. 6-12. (1988).
`Primary Examincr——Kcc M_ Tung
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Sawyer & Associates
`A parallel-processor graphics architecture appropriate for
`multimedia graphics workstations that is scalable to the
`needs of a user. The graphics architecture includes one or
`more rendering processors and a graphics memory that is
`partitioned into blocks. Npncontiguous groups of the blocks
`are then assigned to dilferent processors. The parallel-
`processor graphics architecture is scalabjc
`thg nu]-nbcr Qf
`rendering processors utilized. and is configurable with
`resptjsjcit to t(1!1e.a]locat.1on of the groups of the blocks to
`59°‘ “C” “mg P’°°°$$°'S‘
`10 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
`Block Enable
`.X-density Y-density
`D-*\ 1 A
`2/1995 Deexing et al.
`4/1995 Eckart .....................
`7/1995 Tanneubaum et al.
`8/1995 Deering ...................
`2/1996 Soderberg et al.
`. 395/502
`. 395/506
`. 395/503

`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 11, 1993
`Sheet 1 of 3
`43 R)
`FIG. 1

`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 11, 1998
`Sheet 2 of 3
`"""" —’
`1’ “
`1 11
`22"1___4_2§ __________________ ——
`R A
`FIG. 2

`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 11, 1998
`Sheet 3 of 8
`L,————————————————————————————————— "J
`K 22
`R A
`FIG. 3
`‘ " ” ’ ‘
`_ _ _ T’
`1I }



`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 11, 1998
`Sheet 6 of 3
`Block Enable

`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 11, 1998
`Sheet 7 of 3
`[J U1 U’:
`FIG. 8

`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 11, 1993
`Sheet 8 of 8
`FIG. 10
`FIG. 11
`1 00

`‘The present invention relates to computer graphics and
`more particularly to a parallel-processor graphics architec-
`ture appropriate for multimedia graphics workstations that is
`scalable to the needs of a user.
`The tasks of traditional geometric graphics applications
`can be partitioned into three functional categories: structure
`traversal. geometry processing. and rendering. Structure
`traversal refers to the traversal of an application’s graphics
`data structure. either by the application or by a graphics
`Geometry processing refers to floating point intensive
`operations. such as vertex transformation and shading. that
`convert the image data from an application's format into a
`geometric format of vertices comprising the image and
`vertex properties. such as color. Finally. rendering refers to
`the process of calculating individual pixel values for the
`image that are stored in graphics memory based on the
`transformed geometric data.
`Designers have recognized that substantial gains in graph-
`ics system performance are possible through the use of
`multiple processors operating in parallel. One problem with
`multi-processor graphic subsystem designs is determining
`how to distribute the rendering tasks among the processors.
`Prior methods have divided graphics memory or display
`screen into partitions and allocated different parts of the
`memory or screen to separate processors. However. those
`methods are ineflicient. In some methods. the processors
`worked on rendering dilferent parts of the same object and
`the processors were therefore dependent on one another. If
`one processor became overloaded and slowed down. it
`caused the other processors also to slow down.
`In other methods. the processors were assigned to large
`contiguous areas of memory. For instance. in a four proces-
`sors system. the display screen would be divided into four
`large adjacent blocks with each processor assigned to a
`different block. The problem with this method is that it
`reduces the efliciency of the parallelism of the graphics
`system. If there were no objects for a processor to render in
`its area. then the processor sat idle and under utilized. while
`the other processors may have been overloaded. An extreme
`solution to this problem would be to assign one processor to
`one pixel. but as more and more processors are added.
`additional gains in performance decrease. while costs
`increase dramatically.
`Typical graphic systems include a general-purpose base
`system with its own central processing unit and main
`memory. and special-purpose graphics hardware to acceler-
`ate the graphics applications. Since the introduction of the
`first special-purpose graphics hardware. physical memory
`restrictions have burdened low-level graphics software and
`firmware developers. To solve this problem. some graphics
`software interfaces provide a virtual memory abstraction to
`their applications to allow the application a view of an
`unlimited number of coexistent images it can create and
`maintain through the software interface.
`Early examples of graphics virtual memory systems
`include a simple memory-mapped frame-buffer method and
`a rendering processor method. The memory-mapped frame-
`buifer method achieved virtual memory rendering by allow-
`ing the CPU to implement the rendering algorithms using a
`virtual memory system in the base system as the graphic
`memory system. Similarly. the rendering processor method
`also used the main memory of the base system. but inter-
`faced the main memory with a special-purpose rendering
`processor through a wide bus. While these systems have
`very different
`they are similar in their
`ability to render directly into processor virtual memory.
`Each of these methods tightly integrates the graphics with
`the main memory of the base system. Unfortunately. graphic
`systems marketed today do not satisfy the requirements of a
`full range of customers. For example. a workstation that uses
`the CPU to perform rendering operations may be an accept-
`able low-cost solution: however. some customers will
`undoubtedly demand higher performance. Similarly. a work-
`station that utilizes multiple processors to increase system
`performance may not be scalable downward to please cost-
`sensitive customers.
`Therefore. what is needed is a graphics system architec-
`ture that includes a low-cost entry configuration with limited
`graphics hardware. and allows a higher performance multi-
`processor configuration in which processor efficiency is
`maximized. The present invention addresses such a need
`The present invention provides a parallel graphics system
`and method for rendering an image on a display screen. The
`system includes a plurality of processors for rendering an
`image on the display screen. and a memory organized into
`noncontiguous groups of blocks. The system and method
`further comprises block enable means for allocating at least
`one of the noncontiguous groups of blocks to each of the
`plurality of processors for rendering. thereby increasing the
`efficiency of the parallelism of the graphics system.
`According to the system and method disclosed herein. the
`present invention is scalable by the number of rendering
`processors utilized. and is configurable with respect to the
`allocation of the groups of the blocks to specific rendering
`FIG. 1 depicts a low cost implementation of a graphics
`system having one rendering processor.
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram depicting the graphics system
`with two rendering processors.
`FIG. 3 depicts a high-end implementation of the graphics
`system with N rendering processors.
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram depicting a graphics memory
`that has been divided into a plurality of blocks.
`FIGS. 5 and 6 are block diagrams depicting the noncon-
`tiguous block organization of the present invention within a
`4x4 array of adjacent blocks.
`FIG. 7 is a block diagram of a rendering processor.
`FIG. 8 is a block diagram showing three triangles. triangle
`A. triangle B. and triangle C that are to be rendered in blocks
`0 and 1.
`FIG. 9 is a block diagram showing a representative pixel
`and pixelmap within a graphics virtual memory 90.
`FIG. 10 is a block diagram illustrating a rendering pro-
`cessor and an associated memory segment.
`FIG. 11 is a functional block diagram of an address
`generation circuit.
`FIG. 12 is a block diagram illustrating the contents of a
`TLB entry.

`5.794.0 I 6
`The present invention relates to an improved parallel-
`processor graphics architecture. The following description is
`presented to enable one of ordinary skill in the art to make
`and use the invention and is provided in the context of a
`patent application and its requirements. Various modifica-
`tions to the preferred embodiment will be readily apparent to
`those skilled in the art and the generic principles herein may
`be applied to other embodiments. Thus. the present inven-
`tion is not intended to be limited to the embodiment shown
`but is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the
`principles and features described herein.
`FIGS. 1-3 are block diagrams depicting a parallel-
`‘. -processor graphics system 10 of the present invention that is
`.scalable to the needs of a user. The system may be config-
`ured with one rendering processor. or with multiple render-
`ing processors. FIG.'l depicts a low-cost implementation of
`the graphics system 10A having one rendering processor
`20A. FIG. 2 is a block diagram depicting the graphics
`system 10B with two rendering processors 20A and 20B.
`FIG. 3 depicts a high-end implementation of the graphics
`system 10C with N rendering processors 20A—20N. In the
`multiple-processor configurations. the efliciency of the mul-
`tiple processors is maximized by eifectively distributing the
`rendering tasks. explained further below.
`The graphics system 10A. 10B. and 10C (hereinafter
`referred to as graphics system 10) is part of a general-
`ptnpose base computer system 12 including a CPU 14. a
`system chip set 16. and main memory 18. Each rendering
`processor 20A—20N (hereinafter referred to as rendering
`processor 20) in the graphics system 10 may be coupled to
`a graphics memory 22. a video digital-to-analog converter
`(VDAC) 24. a peripheral component interconnect (PCI)
`ROM 26. and a VGA processor 28.
`The purpose of the rendering processor 20 is to accept a
`geometric description of an object and scan-convert the
`object into the graphics memory 22. The graphics memory
`22. also known as a frame buffer. stores pixel data at
`memory addresses corresponding to pixels on a display
`device. such as a cathode ray tube (CRT) 29. The intercon-
`nect of the rendering processor 20 comprises four major
`buses: a PCI bus 30. a memory bus 32. a video bus 34. and
`a utility bus (Ubus) 36.
`The PCI bus 30 is a 32-bit bus that connects the rendering
`processor 20 to the general-purpose computer system 12. In
`the multiple-processor configurations 10B and 10C.
`rendering processors 20 are connected to a system PCI bus
`30A through a PCI bridge 38. Since only one load may be
`placed on the system PCI bus 30A. the PCI bridge 38 is used
`to translate the system PCI bus 30A into a second PCI bus
`The video bus 34 provides pixel data from the rendering
`processors 20 to the VDAC 24 via a 64-bit interconnect The
`VDAC 24 is a display interface that receives ordered pixel
`data from each of the rendering processors 20 in the form of
`digital color data. and passes the data to a CRT 29.
`The Ubus 36 provides an inputloutput data path for the
`rendering processor’s 20 ancillary chips. such as the VDAC
`24. the VGA processor 28 and the PCI ROM 26. The VGA
`processor 28 is provided so that the graphics system 10 is
`compatible with legacy systems.
`The rendering processor 20 is the primary component of
`the graphics system 10 of the present invention. The ren-
`dering processor 20 implements graphics and multimedia
`algorithms and interfaces with the PCI bus 30 and all other
`components in the system 10. The rendering processor 20
`integrates video technologies including 2D and 3D geomet-
`ric graphics. photorealistic rendering. stereoscopic viewing.
`windowing operations. and live video.
`More particularly. each rendering processor 20 imple-
`ments a set of parallel rendering algorithms including
`smooth shadowing. depth-buffering. dithering. antialiasing.
`transparency. blending. alpha testing. stenciling. stippling.
`accumulation buffering. and texture mapping. In addition.
`the rendering processor 20 provides a video pipeline for
`multimedia applications through which live video data can
`be scaled. filtered. and converted into red. green. and blue
`color components for storage in graphics memory 22 and
`subsequent display.
`in order to increase the
`Referring to FIGS. 2 and 3.
`efficiency of the rendering processors 20.
`the graphics
`memory subsystem 22 is partitioned into physical memory
`segments 42 and each memory segment 42 is coupled to a
`different rendering processor 20. Each rendering processor
`20 accesses only its memory segment 42 of the graphics
`memory 22 and is required to write only those pixels falling
`within that memory segment 42. For example. rendering
`processor 20B is coupled to memory segment 42B and
`writes only to those pixels contained within memory seg-
`ment 42B of the graphics memory subsystem 22.
`The memory bus 32 connects each rendering processor 20
`to its corresponding graphics memory segment 42 via a
`In a preferred embodiment of the
`present invention. the memory segments 42 comprise syn-
`chronous dynamic random access memory (SDRAM). In the
`low-cost one-processor configuration of FIG. 1. four lM><16
`SDRAMs are used to construct an eight Mbyte graphics
`memory system 22. In the two-processor configuration of
`FIG. 2. eight 1M><16 SDRAMs are used to construct a
`sixteen Mbyte graphics memory system 22. In a higher-end
`four-processor configuration. sixteen 1M>< 16 SDRAMS are
`used to construct a thirty-two Mbyte graphics memory
`system 22. The graphics memory 22 could also be imple-
`mented using VRAM. in which case. the graphics memory
`22 would connect directly to the VDAC 24.
`Prior methods have divided graphics memory or display
`screen into partitions and allocated different parts of the
`memory or screen to separate processors. However. those
`methods are inefiicient in the manner that the memory is
`allocated to the processors. which also creates dependencies
`among the processors.
`The present invention provides an improved method and
`system for allocating dilferent parts of the graphics memory
`22 to multiple rendering processors 20. The method and
`system for allocating the graphics memory 22 increases the
`efficiency of the graphics system. and is configurable such
`that additional rendering processors 20 may be added to the
`graphic architecture. making the system scalable.
`To more particularly illustrate the method and system for
`allocating graphics memory 22 to the rendering processors
`20 in accordance with the present invention. refer now to
`FIG. 4 depicting a block diagram of one embodiment of such
`a system.
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram of a graphics memory 22 that
`has been partitioned into a plurality of pixel blocks 52 that
`are tiled in the x- and y-direction of the graphics memory 22.
`In a preferred embodiment. the graphics memory 22 is large
`enough to render a 1280x1024 screen display.
`According to the present invention. the pixel blocks 52 are
`organized into noncontiguous groups of blocks 52. where
`blocks 52 in the same group are designated by the same

`number. As an example. the graphics memory 22 in FIG. 4
`is shown comprising sixteen groups of pixel blocks (0-15).
`The blocks 52 labeled “0” belong in group “O”. the blocks
`labeled “I” belong in group “I”. the blocks labeled “3"
`belong in group “3” et cetera.
`The groups of blocks 52 in the graphics memory 22 are
`then assigned to the rendering processors 20 for rendering.
`Each rendering processor 20 writes to only those pixels that
`are located in the blocks 52 of the assigned groups. The
`groups of block 52 may be assigned to the rendering
`processors 20 in varying ratios. Assuming there are sixteen
`rendering processors present in the multi-processor system
`10C. then the sixteen groups of blocks 52 could be assigned
`to the processors 20 on a one-to-one basis. In this case. the
`blocks in group “O” may be assigned to rendering processor
`0; the blocks in group “1” may be assigned to rendering
`processor 1; the blocks in group “2" may be assigned to
`rendering processor 2. and so on.
`FIGS. 5 and 6 are block diagrams depicting the noncon-
`tiguous block organization of the present invention within
`one 4x4 array of adjacent blocks 52 in the graphics memory
`22 (the 4x4 array‘ is replicated throughout the graphics
`memory 22). The sixteen groups of pixel blocks 52 within
`each 4><4 array are tiled as in FIG. 4. where a particular
`group is designated by the middle number in the blocks 52.
`and the number in the upper right corner of the blocks 52
`represents the processor to which a particular block is
`When the number of rendering processors 20 is less than
`the number of groups of blocks 52. then the groups of blocks
`52 may be assigned to the rendering processors 20 in higher
`ratios. such as two-to-one or four-to-one. rather than the
`one-to-one ratio above.
`Referring to FIG. 5. what is shown is an example allo-
`cation of groups of blocks 52 when four rendering proces-
`sors 20 (0-3) are present. When sixteen groups are allocated
`among four rendering processors 20. the group of blocks 52
`are assigned to the rendering processors 20 in a four-to-one
`ratio. As shown. processor 0 is assigned to groups 0. 6. 11.
`and 13; processor 1 is assigned to groups 1. 7. 10. and 12;
`processor 2 is assigned to groups 2. 4. 9. and 15; and
`processor 3 is assigned to groups 3. 5. 8. and 14.
`Referring to FIG. 6. what is shown is an example allo-
`cation of groups of blocks 52 when two rendering processors
`20 (0-1) are present. When sixteen groups are allocated
`among two rendering processors 20. the group of blocks 52
`are assigned to the rendering processors 20 in an eight-to-
`one ratio. As shown. processor 0 is assigned to groups 0. 2.
`5. 7. 8. 10. 13. and 15; and processor 1 is assigned to groups
`1. 3. 4. 6. 9. 11. 12. and 14.
`The assignment or mapping of various groups of blocks
`52 to rendering processors 20 is referred to as a processor
`map. As shown in the processor maps of FIGS. 4-6. the
`blocks 52 within a particular group that are assigned to a
`particular processor 20 are arranged in a noncontiguous
`organization. and are spaced about the display. Therefore.
`the rendering demands placed on each of the rendering
`processors 20 should be equalized. That is. as the rendering
`processors 20 operate in parallel no rendering processor
`should be idle while others are overloaded Therefore. the
`must duplicate calculations for the same polygon. which
`wastes parallelism. Therefore. in a preferred embodiment of
`the present invention. each pixel block 52 is 128x128 pixels
`in size. This block size has been determined to effectively
`divide the parallelism of the rendering processors 20. Since
`polygons tend to be particularly small. and 128x128 blocks
`52 are relatively large. polygons will not commonly cross
`block boundaries. The block size. however. is not so large as
`to slow the rendering processors 20 down when intensive
`rendering is required in a block 52. As stated above. when
`the blocks 52 are too large. the distribution of polygons
`becomes ineffective.
`Referring now to FIG. 7. a block diagram of a rendering
`processor 20 is shown. Each rendering processor 20 includes
`a configuration register 60. a command queue 62. a dis-
`patcher circuit 64. a geometric setup circuit 66. an attribute
`setup circuit 70. an address generation circuit 68 and an
`interpolator circuit 72.
`According to the present invention. the assignment of
`various blocks to particular rendering processors is not
`fixed. but is rather alterable through programming. The
`block assignments are programmed through the configura-
`tion register 60. which sets the global state of the rendering
`processor 20. The configuration register 60 includes a block
`enable field 61. an X-density field 74 and Y-density field 76.
`The block enable field 61 determines which groups of
`blocks 52 within the graphics memory 22 are allocated to
`and controlled by the rendering processor 20. It is through
`the block enable field 61 that the parallelism among the
`rendering processors 20 may be configured.
`The block enable field 61 includes a plurality of bits.
`where each bit corresponds to a particular group of blocks
`52. A set bit implies that a rendering processor 20 accesses
`the group of blocks 52 corresponding to that bit. For
`example. if bit zero is set within the block enable field 61 of
`a particular rendering processor 20.
`then that rendering
`processor 20 will access each block 52in group “O”. The bits
`in the block enable field 61 must be mutually exclusive
`between rendering processors 20.
`In a preferred embodiment. the block enable field 61 is
`sixteen-bits in length. implying there are sixteen group of
`blocks 52 that can be distributed among the processors 20.
`Rather than using a hardware register. the allocation of a
`group of blocks 52 to a particular processor 20 could also be
`implemented through software running on each of the ren-
`dering processors 20. or through a global register or software
`located remote from the rendering processors.
`Referring again to FIG. 6. for example. the block enable
`field 61 for the rendering processor 0 would contain the
`hexadecimal value “aSa5.” This means that bits 0. 2. 5. 7.8.
`10. 13 and 15 would be set to inst:ruct the processor to render
`those groups of blocks 52. The block enable field 61 for
`rendering processor 1 would contain the complementary
`hexadecimal value “5a5a.” This means that bits 1. 3. 4. 6. 9.
`11. 12. and 14 would be set to instruct the processor to render
`those groups of blocks 52. As in FIG. 4. the noncontiguous
`block organization shown in FIGS. 5-6 distributes work
`among the rendering processors 20 in a more efiicient
`manner than prior implementations. thereby improving par-
`noncontiguous block organization of the present invention
`effectively increases the overall etficiency and performance
`of the graphics system 10.
`When a polygon to be rendered crosses a block boundary
`and enters into another block 52. the two rendering proces-
`sors 20 assigned to each of the respective group of blocks 52
`Referring again to FIGS. 3-7. as stated previously. each
`rendering processor 20 writes only those pixels that fall
`within the groups of blocks 52 to which it has been assigned.
`The pixels within the assigned groups of blocks 52 are
`rendered in the memory segment 42 connected to that
`rendering processor 20.

`According to the present invention. the use of memory is
`conserved within the graphics system 10 through the
`X-density and Y-density fields 74 and 76 in the configuration
`register 60. The purpose of the X-density and Y-density
`fields 74 and 76 is to instruct the rendering processor 20 how
`much of the memory segment 42 to reserve for pixels falling
`within the assigned groups of blocks 52. Stated another way.
`the X-density and Y-density fields 74 and 76 instruct the
`rendering processor 20 not to reserve physical memory for
`pixels falling within unassigned groups of blocks 52. thus
`saving memory in each of the memory segments 42.
`For an eflicient organization of memory in which no
`memory is wasted. the blocks 52 within each row of blocks
`52 must be allocated to the same number of rendering
`processors 20. and similarly.
`the blocks 52 within each
`column of blocks 52 must be allocated to the same number
`of rendering processors 20. Furthermore. for ease of
`implementation. the number of processors 20 corresponding
`to the blocks 52 in each row of blocks 52 and to the blocks
`52 in each column of blocks 52 must be a power of two. The
`following discussion assumes such an organization.
`The X-density and Y-density fields 74 and 76 indicate the
`minimum size of a two-dimensional array of blocks 52 that.
`at any location within the graphics memory 22 aligned on a
`block boundary that is a multiple of the values of the
`X-density and Y-density 74 and 76 in the X and Y
`dimensions. respectively. include one and only one block
`allocated to each of the processors 20 in the system. If such
`a two-dimensional array is unachievable within the configu-
`ration’s processor map.
`then the configuration can not
`achieve optimal memory usage within the scope of the
`present invention and the processor map should be altered
`accordingly. With an optimal processor map. the number of
`blocks 52 in the two-dimensional array determined by
`X-density and Y-density fields 74 and 76 should equal the
`number of processors 20 in the system.
`Referring again to FIG. 5. what is shown is an example in
`which the X- and Y-density fields 74 and 76 may be set to
`two and two. respectively. to four and one respectively. or to
`one and four. respectively; each of these settings will pro-
`vide the same results. Referring again to FIG. 6. what is
`shown is an example in which the X- and Y-density fields 74
`and 76 may be set to two and one respectively. or to one and
`two. respectively; each of these settings will provide the
`same results.
`As stated above. the X- and Y-density fields 74 and 76
`instruct the rendering processors 20 not to reserve physical
`memory for pixels within unassigned blocks 52. Arendering
`processor 20 uses its X-density and Y-density fields 74 and
`76 to create ‘aliases’ of pixel coordinate addresses to physi-
`cal memory addresses. Specifically. all blocks 52 within a
`two-dimensional array of blocks 52 that is X-density by
`Y-density blocks 52 in size. and is aligned on a block
`boundary that is a multiple of X- and Y-density in the X and
`Y dimensions.
`respectively. share physical memory
`For example. referring to FIG. 5. if the X-density and
`Y-density fields 74 and 76 are set
`to two and two.
`respectively. then the 2x2 array formed from the groups of
`blocks 0. 1. 4. and 5 will share physical memory addresses;
`the groups of blocks 2. 3. 6. and 7 will share physical
`memory addresses; the groups of blocks 8. 9. 12. and 13 will
`share physical memory addresses; and the groups of blocks
`10. 11. 14. and 15 will share physical memory addresses.
`Since a rendering processor 20 updates only the memory
`within the blocks 52 allocated to it by the block enable field.
`only the aliases corresponding to the allocated blocks 52 will
`be updated by the rendering processor 20. Referring again to
`FIG. 5 for example. in the 2x2 array formed from the groups
`of blocks 0. 1. 4. and 5. only the block in group 0 is allocated
`to processor 0. Therefore.
`the aliases corresponding to
`groups 1. 4. and 5 will not be updated by processor 0. And
`as a result. the physical memory addresses shared by groups
`0. 1. 4. and 5 will contain only the data corresponding to the
`block in group 0.
`Consequently. the physical memory requirements within
`each rendering processor 20 are reduced by a factor equiva-
`lent to the size of the two-dimensional array determined by
`X-density and Y-density fields 74 and 76. which is also
`equivalent to the number of rendering processors 20 in a
`configuration with an optimal processor map.
`As with the block enable field 61. the X- and Y-density
`fields 74 and 76 can be implemented through software or
`through software or hardware located remote from the
`rendering processor.
`The operation of the parallel graphics architecture of the
`present invention will be explained by way of example. FIG.
`8 is a block diagram showing three triangles. triangle A.
`triangle B. and triangle C that are to be rendered in a block
`52 belonging to group “O” and in a block 52 belonging to
`group “1". As explained above. through the appropriate
`assignment of groups of blocks 52 to rendering processors
`20 by the block enable fields 61 of the configuration registers
`60. all objects appearing in the group “0" blocks (block 0)
`will be rendered by rendering processor 0. and all objects
`appearing in the group “l” blocks (block 1) will be rendered
`by rendering processor 1.
`Referring to FIGS. 3 and 8. the triangles originate from a
`graphics application executing on the CPU 14. which per-
`fomis all 3D pipeline calculations. such as transformations
`and shading computations. At
`the last stage of the 3D
`graphics pipeline. the CPU 14 generates graphic command
`packets. which typically include 3D geometry information
`in the form of (x. y) coordinates and pixel intensity values
`(Red. Green. Blue) for the ve11:ioes comprising each triangle.
`The CPU 14 is aware of the checkerboard pattern of the
`graphics memory 22. and from the triangle vertices deter-
`mines in which blocks 52 the triangles will be visible or
`partially visible. The CPU 14 sends command packets for
`triangle A to processor 0. and the command packets for
`triangle C to processor 1. Since triangle B is visible in both
`block 0 and block 1. the CPU 14 sends the command packets
`for triangle B to both processors 0 and 1. However. proces-
`sors 0 and 1 will render only those pixels of triangle B that
`are viewable in the block 52 corresponding to the respective
`rendering processor 20.
`Referring again to FIG. 7. in response to graphic com-
`mands sent from the CPU 14. each of the rendering proces-
`sors 20 independently scan-converts the geometric objects
`into the memory blocks 52 indicated by their block enable
`field 61. The rendering processor 20 first reads the command
`packets sent to it over the PCI bus 30 and stores them in the
`command queue 62.
`The rendering processor 20 then processes the command
`packets in a pipeline process comprising a dispatch stage 80

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