Transcript of Conference Call
`Date: June 17, 2016
`Case: AstraZeneca; Mylan; Wockhardt; Sun Pharmaceutical Industries
`Ltd., In Re (PTAB)
`Planet Depos, LLC
`Phone: 888-433-3767
`Fax: 888-503-3767
`Worldwide Court Reporting | Interpretation | Trial Services
`AstraZeneca Exhibit 2010
`Sun v. AstraZeneca
`Page 1 of 11

`Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016
` - - - - - - - - - - - -
` - - - - - - - - - - - -
` IPR2016-01104
` Administrative Patent Judges Rama Elluru
` and Michael Tierney
` - - - - - - - - - - - -
` Telephonic Conference
` Friday, June 17, 2016
` 2:23 p.m.
`Job No.: 115100
`Pages: 1 - 17
`Reported by:
`Sandra Bunch VanderPol, RMR, CRR, CSR #3032
`1 (Pages 1 to 4)
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` JUDGE ELLURU: All right. So we should
`still have counsel for Wockhardt and AstraZeneca on
`the line; is that correct?
` MR. WEINGARTEN: AstraZeneca is on the line.
` MR. GALLAGHER: Wockhardt is on the line.
` MR. PARK: Your Honor, this is Sam Park on
`behalf of Sun. Would you like us to drop off? I
`didn't realize this was --
` JUDGE ELLURU: Yes, please.
` MR. BALL: Okay. Thank you.
` MR. HARTMANN: Actually, I'm a little
`confused. I thought that the timing issue was --
`which timing issue are we talking about?
` JUDGE ELLURU: The filing of a motion for a
`joinder date.
` MR. HARTMANN: Whether it's June 1st or
`whether it's June 3rd?
` JUDGE ELLURU: Correct.
` UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I think that's a Sun
` Telephonic Conference with the Honorable
`RAMA ELLURU and MICHAEL TIERNEY, Administrative Patent
`Judges, held pursuant to agreement, before Sandra
`Bunch VanderPol, Certified Shorthand Reporter No. 3032
`of the State of California.
` A P P E A R A N C E S
`issue. That's not a Wockhardt issue, your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Well, thank you for bringing
`that to my attention. So Wockhardt and Mylan can drop
` Now we have counsel for the parties in
`IPR2016-01104; is that correct?
` MR. HARTMANN: Yes. That's correct, your
` JUDGE ELLURU: And so Mr. Park and
`9 Mr. Hartmann?
`6 7
` MR. WEINGARTEN: Your Honor, David
`12 Weingarten is still on the line for AstraZeneca; Eric
`Grondahl as well.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And we still have a court
`reporter on the line?
` THE REPORTER: Yes, we do.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Could you please indicate on
`the transcript that now we are on the teleconference
`for IPR2016-01104.
` THE REPORTER: Would you like a separate
`transcript for this or do you want them bound in one?
` JUDGE ELLURU: That would be great if we
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`Page 2 of 11

`Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016
`2 (Pages 5 to 8)
`could have a separate transcript.
` THE REPORTER: I would be happy to do that.
`Thank you.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you.
` And if counsel from AstraZeneca could file
`that in the relevant case, that would be great.
` MR. WEINGARTEN: We will, your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: All right. So starting with
`petitioner, Mr. Park. Could you please explain the
`dispute here.
` Mr. Park? He was here a minute ago.
` MR. HARTMANN: I though he stayed on.
`indicating that we had actually made the service on
`June 2nd.
` So we believe at the latest the filing and
`certificate of the actual service of the joinder had
`occurred on June 2nd, which is a month after the
`initial decision.
` The fact that the actual notice of the
`service was filed on June 3rd, we do not believe that
`that is the filing date. So we believe that this was
`just an administrative error that needs to be
`corrected. We believe --
` JUDGE ELLURU: Sorry, Mr. Park. I didn't
`13 mean to interrupt you.
` But if the Certificate of Service was sent
`out on June 2nd, how come the notice was not filed on
`the same day?
` MR. PARK: We think -- well, actually, I'm
`not completely sure on why that -- the actual notice
`that -- that the mailing had occurred on June 2nd,
`that that was not filed on June 2nd as well.
` But I think, based on our previous
` Could one of you please call him and see if
`we can get him back on the line, please.
` UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Yes, I could give him
`a call, your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: We are going to put you on
`19 mute.
` UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: He's calling in now.
` JUDGE ELLURU: I appreciate that. And I
`apologize for causing the confusion that I did.
`practices, we had filed those on days after the actual
` Mr. Park?
`1 mailing, and they were -- the actual filing date was
` MR. PARK: Good afternoon, your Honor. This
`is Sam Park on behalf of Amneal and Sun.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you. Again, I
`apologize for the confusion.
` MR. PARK: No problem.
` JUDGE ELLURU: So we would like to talk
`about the dispute with AstraZeneca about the state of
`the filing of the motion for joinder. Could you
`please speak to that issue?
` MR. PARK: Sure, your Honor.
` We had filed the joinder -- the motion for
`joinder on June 1st, and we filed a Certificate of
`granted on the date of the mailing. So we believe
`that that particular notice --
` JUDGE ELLURU: Well, I suspect in those
`cases there may not have been a problem with a rule
`bar, a timing bar.
` MR. PARK: Your Honor, actually, in those
`cases we believe that there were supportive
`circumstances, the actual filing date, when the actual
`service was perfected, not on the date where the
`actual notice of that service was filed.
` So, in other words, because the actual
`perfection of the notice, the service was on June 2nd,
`Service on that date indicating that we had served
`14 we believe that that is the proper filing date.
`15 AstraZeneca on that date as well.
`15 AstraZeneca in this case has not been in opposition to
` What happened was basically an
`administrative error. The clerk who was supposed to
`18 mail the joinder out that night could not do that. So
`he instead mailed it out on June 2nd. So the
`following day we realized that the Certificate of
`Service that did get filed was inaccurate. So we
`filed a corrected Certificate of Service on June 3rd
`that issue.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Mr. Hartmann, can we have
`your position on that issue now.
` MR. HARTMANN: Mr. Park has correctly said
`that we have not taken a position on this issue
`because we're not too sure of what is the Board's
`policy regarding not giving a filing date.
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`Page 3 of 11

`Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016
`3 (Pages 9 to 12)
` Based upon our reading of the rules and
`statements on the website, it's not clear to us
`whether or not the date of their service filing is the
`date of -- is the date to which the filing is given,
`or if it's the actual date of the original filing or
`the -- in this case, the June 2nd corrected filing.
` So we are not taking a position per se. We
`just -- we were letting the Board decide the policy on
`this issue.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Well, we do like it when
`parties come to agreement. And it would be wonderful
`if that could happen in this case.
` And I would like to point out that even if
`our rules require that the notice designates the
`filing day, which I'm not saying it does, or even
`assuming that, we do have the discretion to waive our
` MR. PARK: Your Honor, this is not a case
`where AstraZeneca did not receive the filings. And
`they did receive it on June 1st. And that's not the
`date that we're asking for. We're asking for the date
`your Honor, is the prejudice is that in one case the
`rules state that their motion for joinder is not
`timely and, therefore, shouldn't be allowed.
` In the other case, providing the earlier
`date, it would be -- they would be allowed. Of
`course, that's ignoring the fact that it's almost two
`years from filing the complaint. But that's a
`different issue.
` MR. PARK: Your Honor, may I respond
` JUDGE ELLURU: Actually -- yes, let --
` JUDGE TIERNEY: I want to understand, when
`was service? Was it June 2nd that they served the
` MR. PARK: This is Sam Park, your Honor.
` Yes, June 2nd was when we made the service.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: I want to go to AstraZeneca.
` Is there any dispute that they actually
`served the papers on June 2nd?
` MR. HARTMANN: We only know -- your Honor,
`this is Mr. Hartmann. We only know the date we
`received it. I don't know when it actually was sent
`of June 2nd, which was definitely a date that the
`service was actually made. Just that the actual
`notice of that corrected Certificate of Service was
`not filed until June 3rd.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Mr. Hartmann, is there any
`prejudice to AstraZeneca if we were select the
`June 2nd date for the filing of the Motion of Joinder?
` MR. HARTMANN: That is the timing of one
`day, I -- I don't --
` MR. WEINGARTEN: Your Honor, this is David
`10 Weingarten, from Finnegan, on behalf of AstraZeneca.
` I think the prejudice is that in one -- in
`one case they would be time barred from being allowed
`to even join, and they are time barred from being able
`to file their petition. Basically, they wouldn't be
`in the IPR --
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Explain to me, is there a
`time bar? Or is it merely a regulatory statement that
`there's a one day between the -- the rule says you
`have to file within a month.
` Does that one day affect what could possibly
`come out of this?
` MR. WEINGARTEN: Well, as I was stating,
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Is there any dispute with
`that? They are saying they served it on June 2nd. Do
`you have anything to believe that's incorrect?
` MR. HARTMANN: Without going to the storage
`where that is, I don't have a basis to dispute it
`right now.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: All right. So what I am
`trying to find out is, is there any dispute as to what
`they actually did on June 2nd? They had a file --
` MR. WEINGARTEN: Your Honor, I think I can
`answer your question.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Please do.
` MR. WEINGARTEN: We received at 8:20 at
`night a copy of a petition and the Motion for Joinder
`from Sun/Amneal on June 2nd.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: So you did receive papers on
`June 2nd?
` MR. WEINGARTEN: We did receive an e-mail
`that evening, that's correct.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: So if there is any
`prejudice, they are given a June 2nd date, given that
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`Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016
`4 (Pages 13 to 16)
`you were in possession of papers on June 2nd?
` MR. WEINGARTEN: Your Honor, my point with
`regard to the prejudice is it's a procedural prejudice
`in the sense of being able to be in the case or not.
`I'm not suggesting it's a prejudice not being able to
` JUDGE TIERNEY: But the procedural prejudice
`is a regulatory prejudice? Or is there some statutory
`reason we cannot go forward?
` MR. WEINGARTEN: I cannot speak to that,
`your Honor.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Any reason why I should not
`give a June 2nd date? You had the papers in your hand
`on June 2nd.
` MR. WEINGARTEN: Just a reading of the
`rules, your Honor.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Thank you.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Anything else you would like
`to add?
` MR. PARK: Your Honor, just two very quick
`points. First is that in the context of litigation in
` MR. PARK: Yes, we are.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And counsel for patent owner?
` MR. WEINGARTEN: Yes, sir. Yes, ma'am.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Again, we would like the
`transcript of this telephone conference filed as an
`exhibit in this case, IPR2016-01104.
` We are going to afford the June 2nd date to
`the filing date, as the filing date for the Motion for
`Joinder as well as the Petition.
` MR. PARK: This is Sam Park. Thank you,
`your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Any questions from
` MR. HARTMANN: This is Mr. Hartmann. No,
`your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you. With that, this
`call is adjourned.
` MR. HARTMANN: Thank you.
` MR. PARK: Thank you.
` (The proceeding was concluded at 2:38 p.m.
`Eastern time).
` --o0o--
`District Courts, courts have held that if the service
`is actually made on a certain date but the notice of
`service is given on another date, the actual date that
`controls is the date when the actual service occurs.
` So we believe that in terms of
`interpretation, that that ruling would make more sense
`to us. We understand that the Board has discretion,
`and we trust that discretion.
` That's all, your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: So I just want to confirm
`that on the telephone call that counsel from
`AstraZeneca acknowledged that it received the petition
`and the Motion for Joinder on June 2nd; is that
` I, Sandra Bunch VanderPol, Certified
`Shorthand Reporter No. 3032, in and for the State of
`California, the officer before whom the proceedings
`were taken, do hereby certify that the foregoing
`transcript is a true and accurate record of these
`proceedings; that said proceedings were taken in
`Stenotype note by me on the 17th day of June, 2016,
`commencing at 2:23 p.m. Eastern time and ending at
`2:38 p.m. Eastern time.
` I, further certify that present on behalf of
`ASTRAZENECA AB, were Anthony Hartmann and David
`correct, Mr. Weingarten?
`13 Weingarten, of Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett &
` MR. WEINGARTEN: That is correct. And we
`certainly are not indicating we didn't receive that.
`So we did receive it on the 2nd.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you. I'm going to put
`the parties on hold.
` (Teleconference on hold.)
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you. The panel has
` Counsel for petitioner present?
`Dunner, LLP and Eric E. Grondahl of McCarter & English
`was Samuel S. Park, of Winston & Strawn LLP.
` I, further certify that I am not related to,
`nor associated with any of the parties or
`their attorneys, nor do I have any disqualifying
`interest, personal or financial in the actions
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`Page 5 of 11

`Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016
`5 (Page 17)
` Dated this 24th day of June 2016 at
`Sacramento, California.
` ___________________________
` ************************
`3 4 5
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`Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016
`6:13,20,22 7:4,14 10:2
`2:4 16:2
`7:15 9:11 10:21
`1:9 2:1 15:5
`5:22 6:5
`3:4,20 4:5,6 12:20
`6:22 7:11 9:6 10:2
`1:3 2:3 16:4
`2:8,16 3:8 6:3 10:10
`10:12,13 13:4,5
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`12:4 14:4
`1:3 9:8 14:6
`1:13 2:4 16:2 17:6
`C 2
`:7 3:1
`2:5 16:4 17:2
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`5:6 8:15 9:6,12,18
`10:12 11:1,4 13:4
`2:10 16:12
`10:4 11:18 12:2,9,21
`13:12 15:12 16:18,19
`12:4 13:18
`5:22 6:5
`2:8 3:3,5 4:12 5:5 6:8
`6:15 8:15 9:19 10:5
`10:10 11:17 14:11
`15:13 16:12
`8:6,6 10:17
`7:21 9:1
`6:16 10:14
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`2:8 16:12
`10:13 13:4,5
`3:15 6:8,8
`7:4,7,18,22 8:1,9,9,11
`8:12 9:5 10:1 14:2,3
`3:13 7:1,17 8:7 10:1
`11:11,18,22 12:10
`1:6 2:2 6:17 7:10
`6:4 15:4
`2:3 9:11
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`10:12 11:3,5
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`Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016
`11:17 13:9
`5:18 12:5 14:17 15:7
`4:22 5:6
`2:14 4:13 16:14
`2:10 3:13,18 4:6,9 5:12
`8:17,19 10:4,7 11:20
`11:21 12:5 15:14,14
`15:18 16:12
`2:3 13:22
`2:9 16:13
`3:7,22 4:7,10,11 5:7,17
`6:2,11 8:7 9:18 10:9
`11:1,9,15,20 12:11
`13:2,11,16,20 14:8
`7:7 11:6
`2:9 16:13
`5:5 10:14,19 12:10
`6:12,13,21,22 7:8,15
`7:20,22 8:11 10:3
`3:16 6:9 7:3,9 8:1,9,14
`8:22 9:3,4,5,6,15 10:6
`11:7 15:8,8
`2:9 10:10 16:13
`G 3
`2:9 16:13
`5:16 13:13
`9:4 12:22,22 14:2
`5:10 6:8 11:18 12:2,6,9
`3:8 4:2
`2:9 16:14
`E 2
`:7,7,14 3:1,1 16:14
`15:21 16:9,10
`1:6 2:2 3:2,10,12,16,20
`4:1,8,14,17,22 5:4,8
`5:13,18,21 6:4,7 7:12
`8:4,17 9:10 10:4
`11:11 13:18 14:9,17
`14:20 15:2,4,12,16
`2:13 16:14
`2:14 4:12 16:14
`6:17 7:10
`9:13,15 10:13
`5:9 10:16
`4:17 5:1,5,9,14,16 6:9
`6:18 9:12 10:20
`3:3 4:4 5:5 14:10,22
`D 3
`3:17 6:14,15 7:9 8:1,2
`8:9,10,14,22 9:3,4,4,5
`9:21,21,22 10:6 11:5
`11:21 12:22 13:13
`14:1,2,2,3 15:7,8,8
`2:11 4:11 10:9 16:12
`6:20 7:16 9:15 10:8,18
`10:20 16:8 17:1
`9:16 14:6,7
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`P 2
`:7,7 3:1
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`5:13 6:1,2,3,6,11 7:12
`7:17 8:7,19 9:18 11:9
`11:15,15 13:20 15:1
`15:10,10,19 16:16
`4:4 9:11 14:18 16:18
`1:1,3,6 2:2 15:2
`10:14 12:15 14:11 15:9
`5:9 14:22
`2:16 16:15
`3:10 4:17 5:9,14,15
`6:10 12:13
`9:13 13:2
`8:22 9:8
`8:18,20 9:7
`Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016
`7:5 10:19
`3:16 6:9,12 10:6 11:2
`12:15 14:12 15:8
`N 2
`:7 3:1
`6:18 12:15
`7:7,15,18 8:3,11,13
`9:14 10:2 14:1
`O 3
`4:21 5:14 10:7,11,12
`10:18,20 11:1
`8:12 11:4
`6:14 7:1 14:15
`2:16 16:15
`1:5 4:5,19 15:6
`3:14,15,22,22 6:10
`8:16,18,20 9:9 11:8
`1:6 2:3
`1:9 3:18,19 6:13,19,22
`7:2,5,8,15,19,20 8:13
`9:6,20,22 10:3,6
`11:13,16,19 12:3,10
`12:16,18,22 13:1,13
`13:14 14:12 15:7
`16:8 17:1
`3:4,5,6 4:12,15 5:15
`2:9,13,17 16:14,15,16
`3:17 6:9,12,13,18 7:4
`10:6 11:2 12:15
`14:12 15:9
`3:2,10,12,16,20 4:1,8
`4:14,17,22 5:4,8,13
`5:18,21 6:4,7 7:12
`8:4,17 9:10 10:4,16
`11:11,12,17 12:2,8,13
`12:17,21 13:7,12,17
`13:18 14:9,17,20 15:2
`7:19 8:1,2
`2:13 16:14
`1:7 2:2
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`3:7 6:3 11:15 15:10
`2:18 16:16
`1:13 2:3 16:2 17:6
`9:15 12:3
`13:4 14:5
`7:14 11:22
`4:20 5:1
`6:14 11:13,19 12:3
`6:14,21,22 7:1,4,8,14
`8:10,11,13 9:3 10:1,2
`11:13,16 13:22 14:2,3
`2:4 16:3
`3:2 13:12
`3:12 7:12
`6:10 13:10
`3:21 4:10 5:16,20
`2:5 6:8 11:2 16:3
`3:3 4:12,14
`2:17 16:16
`2:16 3:8,21 6:3 16:15
`6:11 7:18 8:21
`8:20 16:5,7
`9:19,20 12:17,19 14:15
`11:22 12:14 14:11
`10:17 13:8
`2:4 4:15,16,20 5:2 16:1
`11:9 13:6
`3:2 5:8 12:7,8
`8:5 10:18
`9:1,14,17 11:2 13:16
`S 2
`:7,18 3:1 16:16
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`10:5,11 11:1 12:22
`14:22 16:11
`6:6 8:5
`5:18 14:17
`1:10 15:20 16:9,10
`R 2
`:7 3:1
`1:6 2:2
`9:1 13:15
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`8:13 9:6,22 10:6
`11:13,16,19 12:3,10
`12:16,18,22 13:1,13
`13:14 14:12,16 15:7
`1:10 16:9
`15:20 16:10
`1:9 16:8 17:1
`3:19 6:22 7:8 10:3
`2:4 16:3
`1:13 2:4 16:2
`4:21 11:12,17 14:9
`2:11 3:5 4:11,12 5:7
`10:9,10,22 12:11,14
`12:19 13:2,10,15
`14:13,14 15:3 16:13
`8:21 9:21,21
`2:17 16:16
`3:3,6,22 4:2
`1 1
`3:18 6:13 9:20
`4:18 14:19
`14:10 15:5
`1:9 2:1
`3:11 4:1 5:3,4 6:4
`13:17 14:17,20 15:10
`3:21 7:17,21 10:11
`1:7 2:2 10:16 11:12,17
`12:2,8,13,17,21 13:7
`10:12,13,17 15:21 16:9
`3:14,15 8:6 10:7
`4:18,21 5:1 15:5 16:6
`11:6 13:20
`11:12 14:6
`3:21 4:10 5:16,20
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