Tm: .Ir-r 5:.-11. or l’lI.|\fl&Im‘._‘I’Jl..(‘Ifil' urn l'lxes:nnri::s-r.-ii. TIII.I1.-\|':i:1'rtI.H
`(‘np_\-right Q I'|r\‘l l-3." Thu \v\'|1luim.-i
`(E Wilkin.-3 (‘r-.
`V01. 1513. No. 2
`l-I1 U..S.A.
`T11]-I ['.‘IIU[.1‘.\'I‘IR(}IC I§FFl*Z(."I‘:-I AND RATl:I'.‘S OF I'IYDROI.YSIS OF
`{'1IXI-‘()R1IATI()NAI.I.Y RIGID .-‘\N:\I.C)Gi‘.-‘s OF ACETYLCHOl.L\'E‘
`{'. Y. CI-IIt')I'. .I_ 1’.
`l.O_\'(i_ J. 1'}.
`\.\'n l’
`rim! I}ii.'i-ion of .-'|uIr‘(i':}‘Eii(:I
`J'}r,m1rf::Ii'n.f of Pi:-:Ii‘r:mC0iugg.r. Coil.-79:.‘ of .-'lfer}I'r'a'Ju'
`f10.I'i':*gi' 0} Pilinrrnnry. Un1'L;Pr.s'i'.i'_l..r of form. a"mrr:
`I-‘ally. Ioirrz
`.-\i-:-r.~}aur:| for iiiilili:-aiinii
`f\‘:>\'i.-iiilivr 18.
`'[‘|u- L'lIlIliI'II'1‘gl(' --in-c-is nml
`(‘mniu C. Y.. J. 1’. I.:m:. J. G. C.IN?\'().\' nn 1’. JJ. .-\Iui:.~;'r:tnx:;:
`I'.ilI':-3 of l]_\'Il1‘ul_\'.‘."=!:~.-‘- of :-onfornmiion:1|l_\‘ rigid analogs of IIl‘{‘l_\'ll'l|l'Jlll|l’. J.
`l’Ii.-u'ni.'irol_ Exp.
`'|'h:'r. 166: 243-348. 1969. 2—AL-elox_\'
`iuzliilx-.-a E.-\("{‘i\I)
`:|f'£' :-unI'm-marmn:ii1}' rigid zinulugs of :1L'nt_\‘l('h(Jlinu (ACh] will: Ir:iI1.-mill.
`:iI1:l {'i.-zniil
`Iiuli.-'. Thu‘
`(+)—lr'im.<—.-\CTl\I had strong ]'l1.'|.15L'.'l.'|I'lI'll('
`:I{‘li\'i|i:'.~i on drug iilnml
`iziiuu-:i-pii: ilr-um pr:=|::Iralions, suggesting ihat
`the trniisniil form of .-\C-“T.\I
`\\':lS :13sor.'i.-1ln:l
`ii»: miisr':1rinic :H’li\.'i|if‘S. The (+J.(—)—r:1L~'-ACTM w.-1.-i vxpi-zriril
`To have strong
`nimIirnr- :u'tiviIi:'5 owing :0 ii.-=. L-isoizl coiiforninlion.
`il. had n:'gluz':hIi.-
`I‘:-ng I‘("E‘T.11:-.‘- nhrlnminis nmsr-in, presiamably due to {he l.3—intr‘r:u-[ion of The
`in--1|i_\'l«-nv izruiip of r_\':'ioprop:u1r~ ring with the r:1rhon_\'l znxygen v.'hi:’l1 is l)elie\'eil
`Io he
`|'I'I]lIl1‘I.’rl for nirotinie :1eti\'itics. The po:r:n:r_v ratios of rims:-:irinic :u:tivilies l)et\\'r.-en (+)—
`.u::l f--)—!mm‘~.-\CTM \\'(‘].'i-
`\'er_\' close Po those bvtwct.-n I.(+l- :1n.:I n(''l-:iu:-iyl-_r1-meIl1)'l-
`. lml1lII'. ‘fhv i1i1i:~:r;:ru:iu zuitivitirs of .-\Ch cinii (+l—t‘rflm‘-ACTM on (lei: lllfnlil pre.-‘slire were
`m:irlcz-:ll_\' [um-I'sIi:1l:‘:l by nr-osrigrnine (ll—l'0ld nnrl 23-fold. r:':i|Ir':'1i\‘(‘l_\'l, but [hm nl t'--)-
`\\':}:§ poorly ['10iI"l'Ill:l[i'Ll
`(3-(old). Thur
`sImIio:= run
`rnzyiimlic li_\‘¢lrol.\'si.-: of
`llN-U’ll‘lmllI'1{‘S|{!!':'tSlI‘ and eh0lir1r*st.vr:Isr‘
`rI~\'t.\:1|ed that
`the l'{"l.‘|.li\'l" rates of
`|'i_r:l:-nl_\-.-i.-a of {-l-)— .-md (—l—!rrm.5-ACTM by (IN?l}‘l<'l]I’)liI1t'>ilI‘r:l?=f' werv 96 rrml 59"}
`that of
`\\'i:h iiw i-‘mm:-r-: the h_\'rlml_'L'*_=i~s
`r:1!v=.c l-:_\- r:holim--ster:iur- \\'l"Tl‘ G1 zuui 3-1*‘?
`in relation
`‘in .lI'l"5_\'il'lli|il.Ili’. Tl1l.‘.‘S2'
`I‘L=.~eI.llI£- indirulv that the hiollagir‘.
`.'u‘Ei\'iT_\' of
`E'-i- )—i!mIi.w—_-\CTl\I
`I'H‘1):=ll:.‘,I11in(‘ mun‘ lh:m that of
`[—)-ITI‘l1'?-'4-.\(‘T.\1 l!I‘i'!llIFI'
`is E.
`-Ill-:-'1]'.'Iiv fur Ihz» L-l1oline:3ir~r:u.=4-.-_
`iiiierisive studies on the In€‘.-l('CUlflI‘
`the possible
`femiirvs of
`biologi<- iinlaortanee oi" conformational isomerism
`re111:1in.< uncertain. For the elucidation of this
`reported have l}l'_’[‘.T‘l
`ihrr omnpnunrls
`ll Sll‘IIUl1lI’:1ll_\' as close to ACh as possible and
`'_’i runinr:n:iiiun:1|ly as rigirl as possible (1\InrtiI1-
`:'-imiih H :il.,
`In the present. work 2-
`:ir»r-tnxy l'_\‘(’ll‘11ll'{l])}'i trimethj.'l:m1Inonium indicies
`(.-\f'."l'.\[I were .‘Ei(!li3(‘Tf!Ll
`to meet
`the require-
`:ihm'e because these compounds
`Imve :1
`l'}‘£‘lE}[}F{)]!:lIlC ring in place of the choline
`mnir'[\' and :m-
`to be the .»'in:1llr-.'~:i
`i'ieri\'.1ti\'es ca-
`ni mail:-r'r:ii_I1
`The tr:u:.~5ni¢|
`:m:l visoicl
`rrrmfnrniers of
`are $lI(J\\'lI in lir_rI1re l. The (‘holim-rgie Cfi(‘E't:-C and
`the r~}ioIinr-.~'t<=r:::-0 |:_\-ulrrilisis; of ACTH are re-
`lii-:'r-ii ml fr:I'|ILil1lii':IIi(JI1 SE_‘pl:‘I11l)£‘I' 15. 1958.
`in part
`lw 1'3.
`llr'.'Illl1 .*~':-t'\‘i:-i-
`(ir.-ull.-a .\il3—l39fi_. 3-‘B-1~l3l
`investigation. The rela-
`ported in the present
`tionships of conformational v:.tri:1tinns and the
`role of
`the unsubstituted m<:tli_\'|ene group of
`the eyc1oprop.'1ne ring of
`.v\C'I‘M to nicotinie
`and muscarinic clients are also discussed. The
`potentirttion by neostigrnine of
`the intisearinie
`activities of
`(+)~ and (—l-trans-.-XCTM on
`dog blood pressure is correlated with their rates
`of enzyrnatic hydrolysis h_\' acct}'IrhoIinesier:1se
`(AChI'l] arid ellolinosterase (Chl'-I].
`4\«IE'l'ImUF~. Dog Moon!
`Mongrel dogs of 1-ithvr sex.
`9 to 13
`kg, \\'("l'l? :‘ll]f‘§l.l}f‘|i?.'f!(l with 15 ing.-"kg of iliiopentnl
`950 mg*'l-cg
`i.\', The
`\\':1s w;mnn|:1tnrl,
`rind the \':|izi
`in-rv .-'I"I‘lii)m‘:’i.
`the nloirs
`:tI'tifir'I.'tll_\' w-nlil.-uni
`H‘:-‘[\EI':lfI’)1'. The riirht
`\\':1.-e ml-:i.-Ilrrul
`\\'ilh rs 5<i:ith.'m1
`pressiirv lr::iis:ium-r {I".23.\.\) and :---mnlr-ii on an
`0fi'n:-r Dynogrrtph fi_vpi_- RS1. All vornprmmls
`Sun-Amneal-|PR2016-01104- Ex. 1021, p. 1 of 6
`Ex. 1021

`(_‘llIUL' ET .-u,.
`Vol’. I66
`Flu. 1. Thu‘ tr:i::.~:ui:I I.-\l mic! I-isiiicl [I'll r-nnfur1'n:LliuI1:-‘. [sf 2-:l('(3t(JK}' r‘_\'('l:J|JI'up_\'l lrilnttlliyliilnmtmilim
`'|‘l:<- t+ }— .'lfIll
`tr:1r1e-mid or 1'1:-Hrlll
`.-\(‘ l‘.\l I'(m.~:1.II11!I‘ Iwn i|'.'II|.l‘I‘Ill'
`\\‘l1iI'lI l'.'1.IIlII1l
`Int-. E-§ll|JE'I'll11|:Ilr:-2L'(l.
`fL‘lIlfII':ll V:-in
`into Lln:
`ml of
`in \\'i1h .'1lI(Jll[
`rapidly W:l.‘.-‘l]i‘:’.l
`\'ul1lmr~ pf llll‘
`srilim-_ In :ulI
`ll]|' 1n1:1|
`tion.-3 injt-<~t.:'d \\':i.- lcwpt.
`t'I‘.|I1.‘=l.'iI1.L at 3 ml.
`:lu.-e:‘S U:-il'{|
`\\'m'i~ \':iI‘ir-il
`by -1-fold i1m~r\'.'il.~::
`(1.1 pi:-"iii! and 0,1 #4:. In:
`(-l-)-lrr.-re.-:—.-\C'l‘;\l. 30 ,uL( ki.’ uml
`{lllil U.-I
`1.5 .14.’ kg
`for ACI1. Tliv lll'l{l'l‘1'
`ca!" ]mlI'I1Il::llfm cal m1i.~‘r-:n'ini:-
`.'1r'ti\‘it)' of
`.t1I:_l-ig of
`\ri-rv 1i.~;ml_
`I|t'H.‘Sll!.’.l]!lT1f‘, 0.0lJh‘
`:lI1:l 0.032 ,LI5.'._-"lip:
`("l-)-trrrns-.\C‘.TM, 3 ,c-Ia.’-lig
`;.¢g:_x'kg and 0.061 ,u1."l\'l!
`\\':'1‘:~ l1>=[‘Il.
`rlomixn-«I. and all
`lino |1in.'1.~'.-e;i_\‘
`\\'r-rr~ m--I.
`!"r‘rJ_u‘} n:'.fu.v ri--larhrn.-:'ia:'.~'
`.=nI:.~'t‘r’r' _m':-prri'r:!i‘0n. Tho
`\l.'l.‘~ I1lJl:illlI'll fimn Hxrairt
`lyv Burn (1952). Tlirn mu.-:-lr~
`;r:i;n'm;.< us (1:-.<:-riiu-rl
`was ll|.I'i‘fillll"fl
`lmlln l'T]Il‘3
`fmiz RiIIL'.:~I".-:
`£5.-13: K(‘l.
`l'|.'2C{: X.-Ill(‘l');, £1.35:
`this was ox_\‘g:»I1utNl with 9572: 0:-
`5‘.'F- CO-.- at mom lII‘l'Il]1I'I'ElllIl'E‘_ 'l‘In~ !'.'1l.(‘ of lluw
`of slip:-rl'1i.~;inn Iliiinl was 3 to -1 ml,-’n1i11 and was
`m:iinl:iini=d lJ_\'
`I-lnltvr inntm pinup (l_\'pI" RD
`-15). Drug solutitmu \\'('I'[‘
`into tho str(~am
`oi s11pi~t'f1::=i0ii
`in \‘0l111m'.< of nut niom tlmi
`0.1 ml. Tliv I‘l.‘l‘lI[=:i
`II111St.!lt- was |rl.'u':‘d .'LI. an initial
`ll‘II:-§l()I1 of
`1:. TltE'
`ti-Iirainn (iv\':-lu|u'd In‘ cun-
`II'.'1r'ti0II ui Hm m11S('lI- w.-1.:
`in grams on
`t'31.-illmm lI'.'I|lSfl'llE'f‘l‘ (tygw GT-03) and recorded
`on un 0lTnm- TJ_\'nnp:1'.'1pl1
`(lypv RS).
`WI ‘ T’! ‘
`.'*4::lIl1i:me-i of
`\t".1lt‘l'. Tlw :~m1:-i~n1r.-itinnrs
`in Ilur
`-1-fold in-
`I‘r‘T‘\'.'ilSZ 0.1 pg and 1.6 pg:
`fan‘ AC1},
`-10 ,btS.‘.' am!
`15-0 Hi!
`(4.')~frrm.<—.-\("l‘.\I. N0 H; and S00 .u1.’.'
`for (v )—£rnn.<—."l.CTi\I and 100 fill.’ mid 401]
`,:.:_2: for
`f-l ).f—)-.-".='.-.~'-.-\('.'l‘l\I,
`i1r1:;.'s nlul {lf‘|S1'S \\1‘r(.- 'I‘:lI'l(lUll]i7.l‘{l.
`lay I!
`l)lr:\\' on
`\\'i-igliitii: 300 tn 500 L!
`\\‘[‘l‘[' slIm1:r':l
`trlrmin.-tl pm-timi
`iiserl. An
`ap]1mxi|nari~l.\‘ 3 mi
`lvn:-eirnl of
`\r:i.-‘ pl:1m~rl an !|1:'
`Till‘ mnllimls of injm-lion nf fll'IT:.!:~= and rt-mriliul:
`Sun-Amneal-IPR2016-01104- Ex. 1021, p. 2 of 6

`of the contractions were as described in the last
`section. The ilea were superiused with Krebs—bicar-
`honate solution (NaCl, 0.93: KC-1, 0.351; CaCl:'
`2HsD, 0.373; KHaP0i,
`0.1.63; Mgs0., 0.18;
`Na]-ICOa, 2.00; glucose, 1.80 gjliter). The con-
`centrations of
`in the
`were spaced by 4-fold intervals: Oml as and
`0.004 cg for ACh and 10 as and 40 pg for (+).
`(—)-c£s—ACTM. The
`administration of drugs
`and doses were randomised. The relative po-
`tencies and 95% confidence limits of (+)— and
`(-}-trons-ACTM were cited from Armstrong at
`at. (1968).
`Radiometer titration method jar chotinesterose
`activity. The acetic acid formed during the hy-
`drolysis of esters was titrated with 0.05 N NaOH
`on a Radiometer titrator type T'IT1c and titri-
`graph type SBR2c. One milliliter of p-otamium
`hydrogen phthalate (0.3-676 5/21]] ml; 1 ml = 9
`..::mol of NaOH) was titrated with 0.05 N NaOH
`under N3 gas. From this titration curve,
`ordinate of
`the titrigraph chart was calibrated
`directly in micrornoles of NaOH used, which is
`equivalent to micromoles of acetic acid liberated
`from esters by cholinesterssu. The values were
`expressed in micromoles per hour per unit of
`enzyme. The enzyme used was prepared 1.0 U/ml
`in Krebs-bicarbonate solution without NaHCOu
`(7.5 X 10" M NaCl, 7.5 X 10" M KCl and 41 X
`10" M MECL'5H10). The substrate solutions
`were prepared with the same solution in a con-
`centration of 5.6 X 10" M. The total volume of
`the reactants was 1 ml. The reaction vessel con-
`tained 0.8 ml of
`the enzyme at pH 7.0. The
`substrate (02 ml) was added through the sample
`hole, and the reaction mixture was titrated at
`pH 7.0 at 38°C for 10 min. The air in the reaction
`vessel was replaced by N: gas.
`Drugs used. The drugs used in this study were
`methyl sulfate and d-tubocurarine chloride. The
`(—)-trons-ACTM and (+5.
`(—)-cis-ACTM iodides were
`Armstrong et al. (1963). All doses of drugs used
`refer to the salt form. AChE and ChE were ob-
`tained irom Nutritional Biochemicals Corpora-
`tion with specific activities of 1000 U/mg of pro-
`tein and 4 U/mg of protein, respectively.
`Statistical analysis. The relative potencies and
`the degree of potentiation of the compounds were
`calculated from a four-point parallel-line bio-
`assay as described by Finney (1055). Paired ob-
`servations were evaluated with Student’s t
`(Snedecor, 1956}. A probability value of
`.05 or
`leas was considered to be significant.
`Rescue. The mosccrinic activities of ACTH
`on dog blood pressure. The response elicited by
`ACTM was a fall
`in blood premure that was
`immediate in onset and of brief duration. The
`relative potencies and the 95% confidence limits
`of (+)- and (—)-trans-AC'I'.M are shown in
`table 1. The (+)-trans-ACTM was 4.7 times
`more potent
`than ACh, whereas
`ACTM was only ’/45 as potent as ACh. Direct
`comparison of
`and {—)-tram-AC'I'M
`showed that the former was 192 times more
`active than the latter (the 95% confidence limits
`were 105-385). The depressor efiects of (+)- and
`(-—)-trans-ACTM and ACh were completely
`blocked by 2 mg/kg of atropine sulfate.
`The muacorinic activities of ACTH on guinea-
`pig ileum. Table 1 shows the relative muscarinic
`activities of {+)- and (—)-trans-AC'1‘M and
`(+),(—)-cis-ACTM on guinea-pig ilea. The
`(+},(—)-C58-AC'i‘M was 5‘io.aoo as active as
`ACh. There was no significant difference in
`muscarinic activity on guinea-pig ileum between
`ACh and (+)-trons—AC’I‘M. The (-—)-trofl.s-
`The relative muacarinic activities of (+)- and (-)-trons-ACTH‘ and (+),{-}-cis-ACTH with respect
`to acstytcholine (A(.'h}
` Dog Blood Prim
`No of
`95% Confidence
`(— )-trons—ACT'M
`4 .70
`3 .21-9.79
`Game:-Pi; Ileum
`N_c. at
`95% Confidence
`0.00l9—0 .0025
`' ACTM, 2-acetoxy cyclopropyl trimethylammonium iodide.
`" Cited from Armstrong at at.
`Sun-Amneal-|PR2016-01104- Ex. 1021, p. 3 of 6

`Vol. 166’
`ACTM was about 1/ion as active as ACh (Arm-
`strong et at, 1968) .
`The nicotiriic activities of ACTH or: frog
`rectus abdominis muscle. The efiect of ACTM
`on the frog rectus abdominis muscle was con-
`traction, which was abolished by 5 X 10" M
`d-tubocurarine chloride. As indicated in table 2,
`ACh was 77 times and 357 times more active
`than (+}- and (—)-trans-ACTM, respectively.
`A direct comparison of
`the (+}- and (—J-
`trons-ACTM was made, and the (+)-trans-
`ACTM was found to be 4.6 times more active
`(the 95% confidence limits were 3.3-6.5). The
`(+],(—)—cis—ACTM was about 1165:: as active
`Potentiotiort of muscorinic activities of ACTH
`by rteostigmine on dog blood pressure. As indi-
`cated in table 3,
`the muscarinic activities of
`AC}: and (+)-trans-ACTM were potentiated
`The relative mlcotimic activity of (+)- and (—)-
`(+},(—)-cis-ACTM with
`to acetyickoline (A011)
`cm frog rectits
`abdomirtis muscle
`No. of Relative
`Animals Potenqr 9s% dum
`(+)-trans-ACTM 10
`(— J-trans-ACTM
`(-I-), (—)-cis-
`0 .0028
`41-fold and 23-fold by 50 pg/kg of neostigmine,
`indicating that both compounds were good
`substrates for cholinesterases. The activity of
`(--)-trcms—AC'I'M was potentiated 3-fold only,
`suggesting that it was a poor substrate for
`The enzymic hydrolysis of trcms—ACTM by
`chotinesterases. The relative rates of hydrolysis
`of ACh and trons-ACTM at the substrate con-
`centration of 5.6 X 10" M are shown in table 4.
`The results
`indicated that both ACh and
`(+)-trans-ACTM were good substrates
`AChE, whereas (—)-trons-ACTM was a poorer
`substrate than (+)-trons-ACTM for AChE.
`The rate of hydrolysis was measured at substrate
`concentrations of 1.8 X 10" M, 1 X 10'' M,
`5.6 X 10" M, 3.2 X 10" M, 1.8 X 10" M and
`1 X 10“ M. The substrate concentration-
`activity curves obtained were bell-shaped with
`optimum rates of hydrolysis at a substrate con-
`The degree of pots-ntiotion of muscori-mic activities
`of (-l-)- and (— }-trons-ACTH“ and ocetytclmtine
`(ACII) by neostigmine° on dog blood pressure
`N .
`E Pggfifgggn C E:C:
`0 .0018-0 .0046
`(+ )-trons -ACTM
`41 -fold
`2.8-fold 1.6-5.4
`0 ACTM, 2-acetoxy cyclopropyl
`monium iodide.
`‘ ACTM, 2-acetoxy cyclopropyl. trimethylarm
`monium iodide.
`‘ 50 ;.:g/kg of neostigmine methyl sulfate.
`The rates of hydrolysis of {+)- and (—)—t-rims-ACTH‘ amt acetytchoii-no (A Oh) by ACJ:E° and 0ItE'
`N _
`..‘.’..:'. "‘t.:.:. ".’.’%'.'i?'>“’
`Jm0U-ir/U 9!
`9.2 :1: 0.5
`8.8 -_-h 0.4
`6.2 :l: 0.9
`Relative rate of
`99 8 :l: 5 4
`96 0 :l: 4 4‘
`58 9 :l: 7 9‘
`‘£3.35 “t:.:‘.“;‘§° J’
`Relative rate of
`fill“/if/U 9}
`33.8 .-.l: 0.6
`20.5 :l: 0.2
`11.3 i 0.3
`100.3 :I: 1.8
`60.8 :I: 0.7‘
`33.5 :I: 0.3‘
`‘ ACTM, 2-acetoxy cyclopropyl trimethylammonium iodide at 5.62 X 10" M.
`3 ACIJE, acetylcholinesterase, 1 U/ml.
`= ChE, cholinesterase, 1 U/ml.
`‘ P > .05 compared with aeetylcholine.
`‘ P < .05 compared with acetylcholine.
`Sun-Amneal-|PR2016-01104- Ex. 1021, p. 4 of 6

`centrstion of 5.6 X 10" M for ACb as well as
`for (+)- and (—)-trans-ACTM, indicating that
`a high substrate concentration of
`(+}— and
`(—)-trons-ACTM inhibits AChE. The relative
`rates of hydrolysis of
`(+)- and [—]-trona-
`ACTM by ChE were 61 and 34% of that of
`ACI1. The
`curves showed no inhibition of ChE by high
`substrate concentrations.
`DISCUSSION. It is reasonable to assume that
`the flexible ACh molecule has difierent con-
`formations and thus is capable of fitting to the
`different types of ACh receptors. It has been
`suggested that the cisoid form of ACh is asso-
`ciated with its nicotinic activity and the transoid
`form with muscarinic activity (Schueler, 1956;
`Archer et at, 1962; Smissman at at, 1966).
`Based on this hypothesis, it would be expected
`the transoid form of ACTM (fig.
`would elicit mainly muscarinic responses and
`the cisoid form (fig. 1B) mainly nicotinic re-
`sponses. The results indicate that this is true
`for muscarinic responses (table 1} but not for
`nicotinic responses {table 2). Therefore, some
`factors other than c1's-trons isomerism must be
`involved in determining nicotinic activity.
`Structurally, ACTM is
`to acetyl
`methylcholine and resembles a hybrid of acetyl-
`(A-,8-MCh), both of which
`have been synthesized and studied by Simonart
`(1932) and Major and Bennett. (1935). The pre-
`dominant muscarinic activity of A-fit-MCh is
`presumably due to the 1,3-interaction of the
`,6‘-methyl group with the carbonyl oxygen,
`which is
`required for
`the nicotinic activity
`(Selcul and Holland, 1961a,b; Sekul et al., 1963 ;
`Coleman et al., 1965; Triggle, 1965), whereas
`the predominant nicotinic activity of A-a-MCh
`is probably due to the 1,3-interaction of
`ca-methyl group with the ether oxygen which
`required for the muscarinic activity (Ing
`at at, 1952; Waser, 1961; Beckett at
`1961; Triggle, 1965). As shown in figure 1, the
`methylene group of the cyclopropane ring of
`ACTM would interact with the carbonyl oxy-
`gen but not with the ether oxygen. Therefore,
`the methylene group abolishes the nicotinic
`activity of ACTM. Accordingly, ACTM is
`structurally similar to A-,8-MC}: but not A-eh
`MCh. The studies on cholinergic effects of
`ACTM in the present work support this con-
`clusion because (+3-trans-AC'I'M has strong
`muacarinic activity (table 1) but very weak
`nicotinic activity (table 2). In other words,
`(+)-trons-AC'I‘M has predominant muscarinic
`activity (table I} owing to its transoid con-
`formation, which is favorable for proper fitting
`with the muscarinic receptor. In addition, the
`1,3-interaction of
`the methylene group of
`trans-ACTM with the carbonyl oxygen elimi-
`nates the nicotinic activity. The sis-ACTM is
`not a muscarinic stimulant due to its cisoid
`conformation (table 1), nor is it a nicotinic
`stimulant due to the 1,3-interaction of
`methylene group with the carbonyl oxygen
`(table 2). The opposite hypothesis suggesting
`that the transoicl form of ACh favors nicotinic
`activities and the cisoid form rnuscarinic ac-
`tivities (Jellineck, 1957; Canepa at al., 1966]
`is unlikely because in the present study (+}-
`trons-ACTM had strong muscarinic activities.
`It is interesting to note that there is about a
`250-fold difference in the muacarinic activities
`between L(+)- and o(—)-A-[3-MCh on guinea-
`pig ileum and cat blood pressure
`et at., 1961; Beckett ct at, 1963). It has been
`suggested that the difierence in activity is due
`to the B-methyl group in n(—)-A-,3-MCh,
`which prevents its proper interaction with the
`muscarinic receptor. This hypothesis is further
`supported in the present work, as there is a
`similar difference in muscarinic activities be-
`tween (+)- and (—)-trons-ACTM (192-fold
`and 330-fold differences in activities on dog
`blood pressure and guinea-pig ileum,
`The studies on the enzymic hydrolysis of
`ACTM by AChE and ChE reveal that (+)-
`trons-ACTM is a good substrate for AChE
`since it is hydrolysed by AChE as fast as ACh.
`(--}-Trans-ACTM is a poorer substrate for
`AChE since its relative rate of hydrolysis is
`59% that of ACh. The relative rates of hy-
`drolysis of (+)- and (—)-trons-AC'1‘M by ChE
`are 61 and 34% that of ACh (table 4). These
`results explain the observation that the muses.-
`rinic activities of ACh and (+}- and (—}-trans-
`ACTM are potentiated by neostigmine 41-fold,
`23-fold and 3-fold, respectively (table 3). In
`other words,
`the muscarinic activity of (+)-
`trons-ACTM is potentiated by neostigmine
`more than that of
`(—)-trons-ACTM because
`the former is a better substrate for the cho-
`Sun-Amneal-|PR2016-01104- Ex. 1021, p. 5 of 6

`Vol. 166
`linesterases than the latter. Since the intact
`animals are much more complex than the iso-
`lated enzyme preparations, one would not ex-
`that the degrees of potentiation of bio-
`logic activities of
`the drugs by neostigmine
`measured in vivo and the difierence in magni-
`tude of
`the relative rates of enzymatic hy-
`drolysis of these compounds measured in vitro
`would be the same. It should be true, however,
`that the relative rates of hydrolysis of these
`eaters by cholinesterases and the degrees of
`potentiation of
`the muscarinic activities of
`these compounds by neostigmine are in the
`same order and that is the case in this study:
`AC1: ? (+)-trams-AC'I‘M > (—}—trans-ACTM.
`CoNci.usIoNs. The activities of 2-acetoicy
`(ACTM) have been studied in a number of
`pharmacologic and ensymologic systems. The
`tram-ACTM had strong muscarinic activities
`but weal: nicotinic activities. The cis-ACTM
`had negligible muscarinic and nicotinic activi-
`ties. The possible reasons of
`these findings
`have been discussed. The potency ratios of
`muscarinic activities between (+)— and (—)-
`tram-ACTM were fairly close to those between
`1.(+}- and Ii{—)—acetyl-,3-inethylcholine. The
`relative rates of hydrolysis of ACTM and
`ACh by cholinesterases and the degrees of po-
`tentiation of their biologic efiects had the same
`order: ACh 2 (+1-trans-ACTM > (—l—t'roiis—
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