`Patent Owner
`Case No. IPR2016-___
`Patent No. 8,509,954
`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`26 March 2009 (26.03.2009)
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`GO5D 23/19 (2006.01)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2009/036764 A2
`(74) Agent: DANFOSS A/S; Patent Departemnt, DK-6430
`Nordbor (DK).
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`19 September 2008 (19.09.2008)
`(25) Filing Language: (cid:9)
`(26) Publication Language: (cid:9)
`(30) Priority Data:
`PA 2007 01362 20 September 2007 (20.09.2007) DK
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): DAN-
`FOSS A/S [DK/DK]; DK-6430 Nordborg (DK).
`= (72) Inventors; and
`IVANG, Lone
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only):
`[DK/DK]; Sundmarksvej 22, DK-6400 Sconderborg
`(DK). GARM, Fester [DK/DK]; Funderholmevej 62,
`DK-8600 Silkeborg (DK). ANDERSEN,Ejner, Kobber0
`[DK/DK]; Flxdbxkvejj 5, Elstrup, DK-6430 Nordborg
`(DK). SORENSEN, Benny, M. [DK/DK]; Elleygade 1,
`DK-6300 Graasten (DK).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA,
`CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE,
`EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID,
`IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK,
`LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW,
`MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT,
`RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TJ,
`TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM,
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
`European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI,
`CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report
`fr) O
`© (57) Abstract: This invention relates to a unique occupancy-based electronic control of energy consuming devices, such as house-
`el hold devices like, but not limited to, thermostats, HVAC systems, radiators in general, or any device consuming energy even though
`0 no users of the device are present. The control and/or regulation is based on the distance and velocity of the inhabitants relative to
`the household. An additional feature is a peak load management system ensuring to store energy in energy reservoirs prior to load
`peaks on the electricity distribution network, using this energy during the load peaks.
`Fig. 1
`Honeywell Exhibit 1009, Page 1
`WO 2009/036764
`5 (cid:9)
`Background of the invention
`Many residential homes in e.g. the USA only have one thermostat
`controlling the whole house. The thermostat is often located next to the
`main entrance, making installations very standardized and easy to handle.
`Furthermore, a large share of these households are only equipped with a
`simple heating/cooling electro-mechanical thermostat without any
`possibility of programming. In the few households having a programmable
`thermostat, this is highly dependant on the owner being able to program it
`correctly. The world wide waste of such energy resources gives a huge
`potential for energy savings.
`Further, the consumption of electricity is not evenly distributed over the
`year, not even over the day. About two to four times a day, normally in the
`morning and in the evening, the consumption of electricity is very high,
`causing load peaks on the electricity distribution network. Sometimes the
`peaks are so big that black-outs occur.
`This invention relates to the reduction of the consumption energy when it
`is not needed.
`Summary of the invention
`This invention relates to a unique occupancy-based electronic control of
`energy consuming devices, such as household devices like HVAC
`systems, or any other devices consuming energy even when no
`inhabitants or persons are using or even being close to the devices.
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`Honeywell Exhibit 1009, Page 2
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`The basic feature of this invention is to adjust the energy consuming
`devices according to residents/users locations, where the locations are
`provided by their cell phone/mobile phone or any other portable device
`being trackable or traceable in geographic location and in time (either via
`GPS or triangulating), in the following being referred to as their position
`identification device or devices..
`One preferred, but non-limiting, example of the invention relates to the
`control of a thermostat controlling the cooling and heating of a household
`by a HVAC system. The idea of the invention, therefore, is to facilitate
`energy savings by allowing the HVAC systems to drift off when the comfort
`temperature is not required, as the house is not occupied.
`The underlying principle being that the household thermostat will be so
`intelligent that the energy saving will happen automatically without the
`household members actually having to do something for it and without
`compromising on the comfort.
`The idea for the occupancy-based electronic thermostat example is that:.
`If no persons are at home, the thermostat will automatically alter
`the set-point away from the specified comfort temperature.
`The occupancy detection is built-in and will be linked to the
`household members' position identification device.
`By linking to the individual position identification device ,it will be
`possible to off-set the comfort temperature in accordance with
`the household members' distance to the home (being at work, in
`school, on holiday etc.); ensuring that the comfort temperature
`will be re-established before their return by tracking the distance.
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`Honeywell Exhibit 1009, Page 3
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`Additionally, the system will also be able to receive information
`about the current weather, making automatic night set-back etc.,
`possible via the phone system.
`5 (cid:9)
`The concept naturally bears the potential to be expanded to include other
`applications — e.g. terminating stand-by functions while the household is
`not occupied.
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`In an optional, and additional, more advanced embodiment of the present
`invention, the energy control system maps the individual resident's in a
`given single household based on their patterns of movement, where the
`maps vary in a number of dimensions or parameters, such as the
`residents distance from household, travelling speed, the time of day, the
`week and the month.
`The energy control system, preferably adaptively, learns the resident's
`typical behaviours and patterns of movement by their position identification
`device, and uses these to predict a given behaviour of a resident, what the
`continuation of this behaviour will be, and when the resident will be
`expected to arrive at the household.
`The energy control system preferably uses a dynamic model with
`deviation control to form the map of the single resident's patterns of
`movement, based on date obtained automatically from the individual
`resident's position identification devices. This method gives the energy
`control system the possibility to fully automatically optimize the overall
`efficiency of the energy usage in the household.
`The energy control system enables convenient and fully automatic energy
`saving in any household by allowing the climate comfort zone
`(temperature, humidity, amount of circulated air, incoming sunlight) drift
`away from a pre-defined zone of the resident's, when the household is not
`Honeywell Exhibit 1009, Page 4
`WO 2009/036764 (cid:9)
`occupied. Furthermore, the energy control system will switch off all non-
`essential energy users e.g. TV, PC, DVD, entertainment centre, electric
`tooth brush and etc. when no one is around to use them. At the same time,
`the energy control system pays attention to possible return of any resident
`to ensure that the climate comfort zone is restored before arrival and
`ensure that the electric equipment is ready to use again. The essence
`being that the energy saving is convenient and does not cause any lack of
`comfort for the residents.
`Additional to the resident's location, travelling speed and the time and date,
`the energy control system may combine the ambient environmental
`conditions, the resident's location information and the indoor
`environmental conditions to adjust the indoor temperature and also adjust
`other environmental parameters, like humidity, amount of circulated and/or
`re-circulated air to control the indoor air pollution.
`The energy control system can be installed in houses, apartments, small
`offices/commercial buildings, or any other place where an improved
`energy reduction may be obtained by tracking the users of the place,
`compared to for example an energy consumption pre-programmed in time.
`5 (cid:9)
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`The energy control system can be split up into independent units or
`incorporated into one single, combined unit.
`25 (cid:9)
`In an additional or alternative embodiment of the present invention, the
`system comprises peak load management.
`30 (cid:9)
`Since peaks in the local, regional and national energy consumption are
`predictable through historic data, the energy control system ensures
`lowering of the temperature of the household before the peaks occur,
`perhaps by some offset point temperature predeterminded or optionally
`being calculated based on parameters such as the time for raising the
`Honeywell Exhibit 1009, Page 5
`WO 2009/036764
`temperature back to the initial value and the distance and e.g. velocity of
`the inhabitants relative to the household, and the external conditions such
`as internal and external humidity, external temperature and weather
`conditions, cloudiness etc.
`In this embodiment the system may comprise means for storing energy in
`any manner as known in the art such as batteries, such means shall in the
`following in general be referred to as energy reservoirs. The system then
`comprises a storage management system able to ensure that energy is
`stored in the energy reservoirs prior to the peak load, and then used
`during the peak load period, thereby reducing the load on the power grid.
`This will reduce the load peaks, and give a more evenly spread electricity
`consumption. Further, it will reduce the amount of standby power plant
`needed by the energy companies; it will reduce the end user's electricity
`bill by reducing the need for electricity in peak periods, where electricity is
`very expensive.
`For short and unpredictable peaks, the storage management system can
`be allowed to overrule the energy control system temporarily turning of
`non-essential energy using devices, but also more essential energy using
`devices such as fridge, freezer, oven, electric heaters to respond to the
`Fig. 1: Schematic view of the controller according to the invention
`Detailed description
`Fig. 1 describes the basic idea of the invention, where four users (1) of
`one or a plural of energy consuming devices (4), the users (4) also
`referred to as residents (1) of a house (2), are at positions which are
`10 (cid:9)
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`Honeywell Exhibit 1009, Page 6
`WO 2009/036764
`distant from the house (2). 'House' is to be understood as any place where
`energy consuming devices (4) may be present. Each resident has a
`position identification device, such as a cell phone with GPS. The
`positions of the residents (1) are identified by tracking or tracing their
`position identification devices, e.g. by means of GPS positioned therein, or
`by simple triangulation to identify the position of the position identification
`devices relative to the antennas, as done by the telephone companies as
`a standard.
`In the following the control of indoor temperature is used as an example,
`but any energy consuming device, and any combination of any number of
`energy consuming devices, also applies to the invention.
`The device or devices (4) to be controlled or regulated may therefore be a
`HVAC system, but could alternatively or additionally be for example a TV,
`radio etc.
`The indoor temperature is registered by a sensor. The energy control
`system comprises a controller (3) connected to all the residents (1)
`position identification devices enabling the controller (3) to alter the
`temperature, when the house is not occupied.
`The controller (3) is simple to use and install, and may preferably be
`battery powered. A built-in radio frequency transmitter sends information
`to e.g. the radiator or floor heating thermostats all over the house (2).
`Knowing the position of the residents (1) at any given time also makes it
`possible to predict residents (1) travelling speeds, and comparing the last
`known positions to the present locations, enabling the controller (3) to
`adjust not only the temperature of the house, but also the time in which the
`offset is increased or decreased.
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`Honeywell Exhibit 1009, Page 7
`WO 2009/036764
`The distance from the house to the nearest resident is used to determine
`the offset of the controller (3) ensuring that the indoor temperature is
`always at the desired level, when the house is occupied.
`5 (cid:9)
`The use of individual controllers (3) makes it possible to keep different
`temperatures in the house (2) and still benefit from the energy savings by
`offsetting the temperature in the house (2) when it is not occupied, the
`controllers (3) will just offset from different temperatures.
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`As the controller (3) always knows the position of each household resident
`(1), then no programming is necessary, the controller (3) will alter the
`temperature accordingly.
`The controller (3) in a preferred embodiment learns (possible adaptively)
`the basic patterns of behaviour of the residents (1), enabling it with some
`degree of certainty to predict a following movement of a resident (1) given
`a specific behaviour, especially when the resident(s) arrive within some
`predetermined distance of the house (2). A plural of such basic patterns
`will be created, or mapped, for each resident (1), where such a map or
`basic pattern is a plural of data sets, where a data set as at least
`position(s) of the residents(s) (1) and the time (at day, possible also the
`calendar date). Optionally the estimated velocity of the resident(s) (1) also
`is included in the data(s) where the new data set(s) combined with at least
`one earlier resident data set (the at least two data sets) is used to choose
`to which of the established maps or basic patterns of the resident(s) (1)
`the at least two data sets makes the best fit, using this map or basic
`pattern to estimate the following behaviour and thereby when the resident
`is expected to arrive back to the house (2).
`30 (cid:9)
`The energy control system, or the controller (3) of the energy control
`system, always monitors the resident's location at a pre-determined
`frequency, being the frequency at which data sets are being established;
`Honeywell Exhibit 1009, Page 8
`WO 2009/036764
`this frequency will gradually be reduced over time to a minimum as the
`energy control system device learns and creates the maps or resident's
`basic patterns of behaviur. This frequency will be increased when
`residents changes their basic pattern or just when they divert significantly
`from any of the known maps or basic patterns of behaviour, and will
`decrease again when a new pattern is learned or mapped, or the resident
`falls back to the previous or another of the basic patterns or maps. This
`feature will prolong the standby time of their position identification devices,
`like cell phones (GPS device or similar).
`A plural of such predetermined distances to the house (2) may be defined,
`also called zones, possibly with individual zones being defined for each
`resident (1), and possibly determined automatically from their typical basic
`behaviours. These zones have individual different distances from the
`house (2) and may be used to establish how to weight the maps and/or
`predictions of behaviours, so that they are given an increasing weight or
`importance for a decreasing distance to the house (2).
`A number of additional parameters may be included into the algorithm,
`such as any calendar and time data, or external or outdoor environmental
`conditions (6) (temperature, humidity, rainy conditions, time of day, time of
`month, time of year etc.), the indoor environmental conditions (7)
`(temperature, humidity etc.), also being used as feedback parameters, and
`predetermined (user predetermined) indoor set points (5), such as the
`preferred indoor temperature set point. Among the environmental
`conditions (6) and (7) could be air temperature and humidity, where such
`parameters can be used by an adaptive regulator to predict the time
`needed to for example re-cool/heat the house to the set point (5), and in
`general being parts of an algorithm being dynamic in time, the adjustments
`of the device(s) (4) depending as well on the behaviours of the residents
`(1) and on the surrounding indoor and outdoor conditions, and in a more
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`Honeywell Exhibit 1009, Page 9
`WO 2009/036764 (cid:9)
`advanced embodiment, also for example on the weather forecast possibly
`received from the internet.
`As an example, the energy control system thermostat will regulate the
`temperature up or down (relative to a set point) according to the outdoor
`5 (cid:9)
`temperature, when all residents are away from household — and thereby
`enable energy savings. The off-set of temperature is regulated according
`to the shortest distance of resident to household combined with the maps
`learned by the energy control system device — ensuring that a set point
`comfort temperature is reached before return of any household resident.
`The system may further take other ambient environmental conditions like
`rain, snow, wind, humidity, into consideration, increasing the predictability
`of the time needed to reach the indoor comfort environment, hence
`increasing the efficiency of the energy usage.
`Other non-limiting examples of applications of the energy control system
`of the invention could be used is:
`Regulating indoor lighting according to the amount of incoming sunlight.
`This will help save energy by actively increasing or decreasing the amount
`of reflected sunlight in relation to a more efficient cooling, heating of the
`building and optimized the indoor lighting.
`Regulating of thermal load and the amount of air pollution (gases and the
`like given off by devices (4) for example when cooking in an oven) in the
`household to optimize the HVAC system according to the outdoor
`temperature, and the number of resident's present in the household
`present. The amount of air pollution is determined by the number of
`persons in the house and the number of electrical equipment work. The
`energy control system can therefore regulate the air pollution by
`controlling the circulated, re-circulated air and turn off non-essential stand-
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`Honeywell Exhibit 1009, Page 10
`WO 2009/036764
`by equipment (TV, PC, DVD, entertainment centre, electric tooth brush
`5 (cid:9)
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`The energy control system may comprise micro switches, which can also
`be used to start and stop both essential and non-essential electric
`equipment fully automatically or by remote activation (e.g. from cell phone),
`where such equipment devices (4) could be washing machines, pre-heat
`pool etc..
`In an further advanced embodiment of the invention, the energy control
`system comprises a peak load manager (8) combined with the energy
`control system controller (3) , where the peak load manager (8) controls an
`energy reservoir device (9) supporting minimizing peak load disturbance
`on the electricity grid. This is done, regardless if the household is occupied
`or not. The temperature of the household is decreased or increased,
`depending on outdoor conditions; prior to the peak (predictable peaks).By
`doing this, the household can maintain a comfortable indoor climate for a
`longer period of time increasing the on/off hysteresis, using the household
`as an energy accumulator.
`In case of unpredictable peaks on the power grid, the non-essential stand-
`by equipment can be turned off for a longer time frame and essential
`equipment (freezer, refrigerator, AC, etc.) for a short time frame, thereby
`reducing the load on the electricity grid.
`Any number of imaginable devices and systems may be controlled and/or
`regulated by the energy control system of the present invention.
`One example is that the energy control system may automatically ensure
`30 (cid:9)
`the switching on of the burglar alarm.
`Honeywell Exhibit 1009, Page 11
`WO 2009/036764 (cid:9)
`As an additional feature, the energy control system may comprise a 'family
`finder' that can provide the location of any resident's cell phone upon
`5 (cid:9)
`10 (cid:9)
`The separate devices of this invention are preferably standard devices as
`they are known in the art, such as the controller (3) and the peak load
`manager (8) preferably being computer micro chips with a software, and
`the energy reservoir devices (9) preferably are batteries of any kind known
`in the art. The needed data transfers, such as information's and
`instructions for the devices (4), the controller (8), the peak load manager
`(8) etc. may be by wire or wireless, and may be transferred by the
`telephone net or by internet or any other known system for transferring
`such data.
`Honeywell Exhibit 1009, Page 12
`WO 2009/036764
`1. Method of regulating the energy consumption of a device (4), the
`5 (cid:9) method comprising the regulation of the energy consuming device (4) in
`dependence of the position of the user (1) of the device (4), wherein this
`position is used to calculate the distance between the device (4) and the
`user (1).
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`2. Method according to claim 1, wherein the position of the user (1) and
`the time of day gives a data set, and where such data sets are used to
`generate maps of the typical daily behaviours of said users (1), said maps
`thus being a plural of data sets, and where the maps are used to estimate
`the users (1) following behaviour and regulates the device(s) (4) based on
`this estimate.
`3. Method as in claim 2, wherein the position of the user is registered
`through a cell phone or a mobile phone, either by triangulation or by a
`built-in GPS in the cell phone or mobile phone.
`4. Method as in claim 3, wherein the velocity of the user (1) relative to the
`device is also a part of the regulation.
`5. Method as in claim 1, wherein external and internal environmental
`conditions to the house (2) also are used to regulated the energy
`consuming device(s) (4), such as humidity, temperature, rainy conditions,
`cloudiness etc.
`6. Method a in any of the preceding claims, wherein the method further
`stores energy in energy reservoirs (9) prior to predictable peaks in the
`power grid and uses this energy to run the energy consuming device(s) (4)
`during the predictable peak.
`Honeywell Exhibit 1009, Page 13
`WO 2009/036764
`7. An energy control system to regulate the energy consumption of energy
`consuming device(s) (4), the energy control system comprising;
`- at least one portable position identification device being worn by at
`least one user (1) of the energy consuming device(s) (4) ,
`- a controller (3),
`Wherein said controller (3) at a frequency acquires and generates a data
`set for each portable position identification device, the data set at least
`comprising the present geographic position and the time of day, whereby
`the portable identification devices moves, and where such data sets are
`used to generate maps of the typical daily behaviours of said users (1),
`said maps being a collection of data sets, and where the maps are used to
`estimate the users (1) following behaviour and regulates the device(s) (4)
`based on this estimate.
`8. Energy control system as in claim 5, wherein the system further
`comprises a peak load manager (8) controlling an energy reservoir device
`9. Energy control system according to claim 6 or 7, wherein the energy
`control system is connected to the telephone net and/or the internet,
`receiving information being used by the controller (3).
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