` U N I T E D S T A T E S D I S T R I C T C O U R T
` F O R T H E D I S T R I C T O F U T A H
`C O R E L S O F T W A R E , )
` P l a i n t i f f , ) C i v i l A c t i o n N o . :
` v s . ) 2 : 1 5 - c v - 0 5 2 8 - J N P
`M I C R O S O F T C O R P . , )
` D e f e n d a n t . )
` C O N F I D E N T I A L - A T T O R N E Y S ' E Y E S O N L Y
` V i d e o t a p e d D e p o s i t i o n o f :
` K E V I N U N B E D A C H T
` F e b r u a r y 1 7 , 2 0 1 6 - 8 : 5 8 a . m .
` L o c a t i o n : R a y , Q u i n n e y & N e b e k e r
` 3 6 S o u t h S t a t e S t r e e t , S u i t e 1 4 0 0
` S a l t L a k e C i t y , U t a h
`R e p o r t e r :
`V I C K Y M c D A N I E L , C S R , R M R
`P A G E S 1 - 2 6 6
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
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`Corel Exhibit 2007
`Microsoft v. Corel
` Q. (By Mr. Lamberson) This bullet doesn't
`cause you to think that may have been the case?
` MR. FAHRENKROG: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I -- I -- not from my
`understanding of this. 09:39
` Q. (By Mr. Lamberson) When you first started
`working on your preview capability, did somebody come
`to you and tell you, hey, you should work on a
`preview capability, or did you come up with that
`yourself? 09:39
` A. A preview capability. No one -- no one
`came to me and said "work on a preview capability."
` Q. Okay. What did they tell you to work on?
` MR. FAHRENKROG: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Is the question around -- 09:40
`what time frame? What context?
` Q. (By Mr. Lamberson) Was there something
`that caused you to go and come up with the Real Time
`Preview functionality that you believe you invented?
` A. So, I do believe I invented it. And I 09:40
`would say that what caused me and the team members to
`come up with -- and work on this is -- I will go back
`to, I guess, the user experience of -- the experience
`of providing something that is going to be more
`easily understood, easier and faster for someone to 09:41
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`866 299-5127
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`accomplish, was a huge undertaking, I think, from the
`standards of why we, as a company, would invest so
`much in understanding how the user worked, what they
`were doing, where they were having troubles and
`challenges. 09:41
` And so it's through that process of
`engineering and working with and seeing others and
`talking with usability experts, people that see more
`of -- of those than I would, being more in a cubical
`writing code, working with others like Eric Johnson, 09:41
`being able to come together and say, what can we do
`to improve the user experience? Or, maybe said a
`different way, what can we do to make it so that a
`user can accomplish their tasks faster, more
`accurately, and with a higher level of confidence and 09:42
`less frustration? That was always something we were
`trying to work on doing.
` And, you know, the -- the uber-release, if
`you will, of Real Time Preview was able to do all of
`those at one time because it actually gave the user 09:42
`the confidence, the ease of use, that visual feedback
`with no questions of how it was going to look,
`because they saw it as they were going through the
`process in their mind of changing it. Which is
`why -- I guess when we put it together and we start 09:42
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`prototyping ideas of modifying the actual document
`itself, not a small preview window that might show
`something like just a font type or a font size, but
`actually modifying the user's document that had
`everything they cared most about. 09:43
` And when we were able to do that and give
`them instant feedback, that was the "ah-hah" moment
`that we saw. And we knew we were on to something
`much, much different than just showing in a document
`and then allowing a person to go through clicks and 09:43
`clicks and clicks and undos and undos and undos.
`Even though the result was the same when you printed
`it, the experience of actually being able to do it
`faster, more accurately, and with more confidence
`was -- was what we knew we had once we saw that. 09:43
` And so it's the culmination of a couple of
`engineers doing their job and the usability person
`working with us -- and I couldn't tell you the exact
`moment that it happened as far as the day, but it's
`that experience where that explosion happened, I 09:44
`guess. And that's -- that's when the patent, if you
`will, or the Real Time Preview -- which, of course,
`we didn't call it that then -- that's when it
` Q. Why was it important to modify the actual 09:44
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`document itself rather than a preview of the
` MR. FAHRENKROG: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: So -- important. The reason
`that we felt that we had something much different was 09:44
`because, what does the user care about most? They
`care about actually what they're creating. They want
`to make it look right. And so because we're working
`on the actual document, the actual text, the actual
`creation in their mind as happening at that time, 09:45
`that was important compared to looking at -- in fact,
`even distracting the user in probably a different way
`to help them through a series of tasks, like
`selecting the font type, going from a Times to an
`Arial to a -- to a -- you know, whatever other type, 09:45
`seeing that in a window somewhere else was good. It
`helped them on their path where they wanted to go.
` But if you used Real Time Preview, you
`could keep your focus, your energy, and your tasks
`set on your real document, which we believe -- and 09:45
`I'll use the word was more important or was helping
`them through their process, which it's important for
`them to complete it quickly, it's important for them
`to complete it accurately, and it's important for
`them to be able to have confidence that's it's going 09:46
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`to really, you know, print and be what it looks like.
`So it was easier to do it that way. So that was an
`important part of it.
` Q. (By Mr. Lamberson) Are there any
`drawbacks to actually modifying the active document 09:46
`with something that the user may not ultimately
`decide to apply to the document?
` MR. FAHRENKROG: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Any drawbacks? So there
`is -- I guess I -- I probably couldn't answer that. 09:46
`I mean, all we're doing is providing something for
`them in a different timing and a different user
`experience. They could still get to it if they
`turned off our feature and wanted to go click, click,
`click, click, click, click. 09:47
` And then -- so I don't know if there was a
`drawback. I would say it was totally opposite. I
`would say it was a totally, you know, opposite of a
`drawback. Because they were actually being able to
`then make their decision process more quickly and 09:47
`with more confidence, and they really got it to look
`the way they wanted it to.
` Q. (By Mr. Lamberson) So you're not aware of
`any way the file, for example, could become corrupted
`through a change that was made by a preview that 09:47
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`866 299-5127
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