`___________________________ _J
`OfficelO Checkpoint Meeting
`Everyday Tasks Made Easier Through Innovation
`Vision Area Checkpoint, 8/11/99, AndrewK
`~1 A"' ~v-.-
`Microsoft Confidential
`Corel Exhibit 2011
`Microsoft v. Corel
`• Office 10 Vision Area:
`Everyday Tasks Made Easier Through Innovation
`• Focus on broad, frequent usage
`• An independent area-not meant to capture excitement in all areas
`(e.g. collaboration)
`• Agenda
`i. ·The target customer for this vision area
`2. Our focus areas for Office10
`3. Response to Bill's input
`4. Backup: supporting technology and features
`• Disclaimer: Designs shown are work in progress
`Microsoft Confidential
`MS_ COREL_20008047
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 2
`Target Customer
`"Typical" User for Everyday Tasks vision area looks like:
`Pat holds an administrative position at a manufacturing company. She uses her computer every
`day as a tool to get her work done. She'd rather spend more time getting productive work done
`than working on her computer. As such, she doesn't spend a lot of time seeking out new
`functions, but sticks to the repertoire of commands she's mastered and work for her. She has
`Outlook running all day, every day for email and her calendar. She now gets around 30
`messages a day, which is more than she used to get and she's concerned. How do people
`expect her to find the time to read 30 messages a day and have to figure out which ones
`require her to do work? She reads, deletes messages, occasionally files some away for future
`reference, manages her calendar, likes to set lots of reminders for herself, and occasionally will
`set up a meeting. She uses Word 1-2 times per day on average, mostly for short memos and
`letters. She doesn't have high-end needs, but does want her documents to look professional.
`She saves her old documents and often reuses parts of them. She uses Excel around once a
`week for simple calculations, often printed out for meetings or results pasted into email
`messages or memos. She also uses Excel to put together lists of information, like a rough
`inventory. She uses PowerPoint once a month for the regular status meeting she runs. She
`borrows heavily from older presentations and will often paste information from Excel, Word, or
`email messages. Occasionally Pat sees books and magazine articles on the many powerful
`things you can do in Officethat she hasn't yet learned. She thinks that might be interesting one
`day, but would rather just enjoy her time outside of work reading books for pleasure. She is
`very aware that Office is filled with commands and terminology foreign to her that might help
`her, but that's OK with her. Now that she's learned enough to get by, she gets her work done
`just fine as is.
`Microsoft Confidential
`MS_ COREL_20008048
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 3
`- --
`- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - --
`Target Customer (cont)
`· "'~'._:,__,•x•
`- - - - - - - -- - -- - -·
`• Not stupid
`• Not grandpa
`• Most use power features some time (different times), but
`typically stick to basics
`• Problems span all user groups; productivity issues with everyday
`• Too much email
`• Copy /Paste yields wrong results
`• Auto features don't always do what you want
`• Excel right-most column prints on a different page
`• Etc.
`Microsoft Confidential
`MS_ COREL_20008049
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 4
`Target Customer (cont)
`------------ - - - - ---·11o<P.n..: ·,.;i;.
`If Pat is excited and needs OfficelO, then so will millions of others
`• What will it take?
`• Features that target everyday tasks Pat is already doing
`• Address problems Pat can identify with
`• Minimal training, i.e. no need to find new commands in the menus or
`tool bars
`• Demonstrated, real productivity gains
`• Features that are "cool" without having to know a lot about software
`• The typical IEU is a superset of Pat, so if you excite Pat, you'll excite
`the IEU also.
`• Pat's biggest advocate: Walt Mossberg, WSJ
`• Get rid of bloatware and complexity
`• Design for mainstream consumers (non-connected, non-web)
`• Real innovation
`• Success =All Office97 or Office2000 users benefits from OfficelO.
`Microsoft Confidential
`MS_ COREL_20008050
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 5
`Core Scenarios
`-------------·~-....... ""-- ·-~
`• Manage Your Inbox:
`Pat wants to keep her Inbox under control in minimal time. She
`needs to find the highest priority messages, track her action
`items, and quickly filter out or delete lower priority messages.
`• Recycle Existing Work:
`Pat is constantly trying to reuse existing work by herself or
`others. She creates new documents based on old documents,
`shares slides from existing presentations, and finds herself using
`copy and paste more than any other command for editing.
`• Focus on the Results, Not the Tool:
`When Pat is creating documents, she makes corrections and
`does basic formatting as she goes. She wants professional
`looking results. She very much wants to be in control at all
`times-of the layout, formatting, and results.
`MS_ COREL_20008051
`Microsoft Confidential
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 6
`'---- -- - - - - ---·]
`Shake, Rattle, and Roll Features
`---------------~ ""~·
`• "Fine Tuning"
`• Workpane
`Microsoft Confidential
`MS_ COREL_20008052
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 7
`"Fine Tuning'~
`• Putting the user back in control
`• Instead of undo and try again another way, just flip between
`different likely operations
`• On-object UI means minimal or no training needed-just pops up
`when fine tuning is available (and will go away on its own if
`• .Features currently planned
`• "Fine Tune" Paste (Word, Excel,.PPT, FP, Publisher)
`• "Fine Tune" Auto Features (Word, Excel, PPT)
`• "Fine Tune" Formulas / Errors (Excel)
`• Design-time controls (Designer)
`• More feature ideas under investigation for Milestone 2
`Microsoft Confidential
`MS_ COREL_20008053
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 8
`"Fine Tune" Paste
`_ __ ___ _ ___________ _,,,,..~lO.--\,o-0 .. ~ . -
`Step 2: Paste
`Possible Guest Stars
`~•Barbara Walters
`~ ~ • John Glenn
`~ • Linda Trip
`~ • Monica Lewisky . •
`~ * I
`Step 3: Fine Tune
`, Possible Guest Stars
`~•Barbara Walters
`~ ~ • John Glenn
`~ • Linda Tripp
`~ •Monica Lewinsky
`., . . . . ..
`l.~~t~ .·
`~ ~ I
`'<;e:;.~:~~l?'~igir,iak .•. :.
`~1~tec~·;;t~~etit6hon: '
`~ .. . "' ..... i:t·
`Step 1: Copy
`'. ..
`t .•.. ~
`~ ;: .
`•: • Jetri Fallw.0n
`1 •·= .Bi:a:dJ.Vfiller· ·
`' ..
`MS_ COREL_20008054
`Microsoft Confidential
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 9
`Step 1: User reveals OOUI by hovering over changed text.
`lazy r3og. The ·quick br.o'wn fGx ]urnps over the· 1azy dog. The fox
`Ji..:unps o~er :the.Jaz¥ !.dog·. The brow.n'Jox. iumps· over. the lazy dog.
`Do'.J't .furg~t the dev!;··M'eeffJtig qri.· ~riday,
`G]J ~ .
`Step 2: Hover over button:
`lazy dog.. The. ~uick orown, fox jµmps .over th~» lazyi'dog. The fox
`jumps .ovE,?r tJ~e.Jazv··aog: · rb.~ blr.own bx.jumps over .. t'he lazy: dog.
`oo'n 'tforget~tbe qev. ··~'?etiJ:ig;·on .FF.iday.,
`.· .. ..
`I '
`,. ,._
`Step 3: User reveal menu by clicking on OOUI:
`lazy.dog .. T~e.~q~i~~.J)rown/fux j1Jmios·'.o.vaLthe lazy .dog .. The fox
`j6Jrilps ·a.ver .the_'J~zy: dog.~ 1ne ·b~·qwn '.fu:i< jump~ ov~r- the lazy:dog·.
`D.o'n ·~ ·fri_r·g~t .·~he:idev ~.· Me'Btirng on ·Ffidqy,
`MS_ COREL_20008055
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 10
`• Modeless, docked dialogs
`• Visual
`• Related links and web style navigation
`• Features currently planned
`• Search (Word, Excel, PPT, Access, FP, PhD)
`• Collect & Paste (Word, Excel, PPT, Access, Outlook, FP, Pub)
`• Getting started / file new (Word, Excel, PPT, Access, FP)
`• Auto-recover documents on crash (Word, Excel, PPT, Pub)
`• Speech: What can I say? (All apps)
`• Clip Art Gallery (All apps)
`• Diagramming (Word, Excel, PPT, FP, Pub, PhD)
`• Format Re-use (Word, Excel, PPT)
`• Word: Styles, mail merge
`• PowerPoint: Animation, slide re-use, formatting
`• Publisher: Styles, font schemes, publication formatting
`• Panes show up automatically or in place of old dialogs-in the course of
`your everyday work
`Microsoft Confidential
`MS_ COREL_20008056
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 11
`Search Pane
`• Modeled
`after IES
`• Multiple
`with find
`and collect
`& paste
`[·, ..
`1· ..
`~.,.,::;";.;·,~, ;;'<{\
`' 8 On my hard drive
`4'. ·
`I ~ Active directory.doc
`~ Def alAt Schema.doc
`I ~ htm1test.c1oc
`f ~ Richard e.rts.doc
`:· @) Oltlrie.doc
`tt B In e--mail
`I· Bl metadata • 4/12/99
`9 OLtJook items i1 Off[...
`8 Alias: PKM
`8 Library News Ser.ice
`Microsoft Confidential
`MS_ COREL_20008057
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 12
`' - ...,IR
`, , ..
`• .•:
`.... ~~'"
`Collect & Paste
`Now with
`with Search
`Plain text cipping
`from a random
`source ...
`slide ...
`:• [3·--J TttleolPPT
`1 , 'it·
`' 1 c~
`•:•·5·;~tW'·~~-19 ;·~1,~.g ~~ff1Jall:o:Of~meR14·1A;cicro&, .. -r· :·t:· < ' :;, .. ~· "·>-
`·; ~ .. ·~ ~. ISiC:l~ .... I~· ~ ~ ·-h~··:··"
`Microsoft Confidential
`1 lil 11 :07 AM ;i
`MS_ COREL_20008058
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 13
`Getting Started
`.;·a~y~~"'~·~---,_.,,. ,.,.. . ..
`:.: '~ • · ·1-.:-.. .;t: ~~-
`~ Documenll - Microsoft Word·
`~1f~i4~:l··~-s:.~G.~~;~;::;·~'! .....
`fl'Bie ·~ci~«-.~~rf ,. ~i1~1s '.r~· ~. tJ.elp.
`How do I:
`·- "··
`- ··
`~:.:-.~ .-:.,.:;,.t···~:·F·"~··. :.;.
`.' c:::t-~ :-- ... !'""~: .. :~.:.x .... ~~'l::
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`• .9 • I .e l·i= ::::. ~ ~ 1.0.. • .":
`i;j ~omm?"T~· i:~. ~-
`"- • \~ :.:. $;
`Access to
`and .
`Create new
`from existing
`f";' @'jl>rofesSiiliiOti.iter;·
`,. ·'"<)~~Ji1;;
`tt·r· •
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`· · ·
`Microsoft Confidential
`MS_ COREL_20008059
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 14
`PowerPoint Formatting
`---------------------~~---·· ·~•:..-,.
`Links to
`lman • 24 ~ I ~ommon Tasks • ~
`x i
`l·• l ~:slldes'..':.:.
`Bad<.Or~i=fll~ts, , .''
`' :, :.
`. ,col~ij({;/,'~':)· .. (;;._;::::.
`··· ... ).,>
`... I· ·· .~-l'~ \l~r·~,..
`.~~~;~~f (~~~j~~:~!t .. ~~~~~:·;:,
`MS_ COREL_20008060
`Microsoft Confidential
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 15
`Other Everyday Task Improvements
`• Everyday tasks made easier with IntelliSense
`• AutoComplete email addresses (Outlook)
`• Factoid recognition (Word)
`• Recognizes names, dates, times, addresses, phone numbers, links
`• Shortcuts to create new contact, new meeting, lookup contact, etc.
`• Also AutoComplete and ignore spelling for Outlook contact list
`• Smart Excel page setup defaults
`• Excel background error detection
`• Excel formula tips (argument tips like VBA, highlight references)
`• Simplifying other everyday tasks
`• Single reminder window
`Improved conversation view
`• Counter-propose meeting time
`• Voice dictation and commands
`• AutoSum drop-down
`• PowerPoint Print Preview
`Microsoft Confidential
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 16
`Everyday Tasks Features
`[ _t
`Tadd Giles
`Terri Trent
`Tina Smith
`Todd Dooley
`~ Weekly PM MeetlnQ
`0 finish status report
`. ~ payrent
`· ~ Send out web rel aqenda
`0 Mom's birthday
`; a Negotiations with Solomon Weiss Importers
`· S New Sales data
`12 minutes
`2.25 hours
`2.25 hours
`2.25 hours
`9 dws
`c1) Single reminder window
`c2) Auto complete email address
`(3) AutoSum additional functions
`(4) Argument tips
`. Max ·:
`More.functions ...
`MS_ COREL_20008062
`Microsoft Confidential
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 17
`The Quick Everyday Tasks Demo
`-------------------~:..;...r.: ....
`Single reminder window: Returning from vacation, start up Outlook. All those reminders
`that pile up show up in a single window, and you can distinguish different types.
`2. Outlook view improvements: Starts sorted by conversation, so can read latest. Color(cid:173)
`coding of key appointments.
`3. Counter-propose meeting time: Two meeting requests for the same time. For one,
`counter-propose different time that works for both people.
`"Fine Tuning" auto~ Next message is request for information. In reply, type what Word
`thinks is a bullet. Click on-object UI to undo and/or turn the feature off.
`Search pane: Go to Open looking for document with needed information. Click Search
`button when can't find it. Pane opens up, allows search for text (across stores), shows
`results in pane so you can easily browse them (like IES search).
`6 . Collect & Paste: Click collect & paste link from search pane. Easier UI, and now shows
`previews of data. Collect from multiple sources easily.
`"Fine Tuning" paste: When paste in from Excel to Word, result doesn't look right. Click
`on-object UI to make a better choice. Then, paste the other parts.
`Factoid recognition: Start typing the name of a customer (from your contact list) and
`full information auto-completes, including link option. Send the message.
`Excel formula help: Next message has Excel attachment with data. Analyze it using
`AutoSum dropdown for Average. Type another formula with range finder and argument
`help (like VB). When fill down, catch abs/rel reference error and use on-object UI to fix.
`10. Excel smart page setup defaults: Choose Print Preview and see that landscape was
`chosen so the document prints without orphaned columns on separate pages.
`Microsoft Confidential
`MS_ COREL_20008063
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 18
`Press Release
`__ ___ ___________
`• "OfficelO designed to benefit all users"
`• Based on extensive customer research and input (IV data, visits, usability
`labs, wish line, usage studies)
`• Targets the most basic tasks of all user types: copy/paste, formatting,
`printing, searching, input
`Innovations like "fine tuning" user interface tackle the common problems
`slowing down everyday productivity. Its on-object UI means you just use
`the product like you do today and help appears without having to learn
`anything new. For instance, if the paste doesn't look right, no need to
`Undo and try again (or retype). The likely alternatives are a single click
`• Even the Office97 or Office2000 user not interested in any new
`functionality, will benefit from the easy-to-discover productivity boosts:
`• Making it easier to sort through and manage your email. Outlook, for instance,
`makes it easy to sort· all messages and replies together.
`• Making it easier to recycle existing work: Search pane like !ES searches across
`stores and stays in place while you browse the results and collect multiple pieces
`of information to later paste.
`• Across the board improvements to basic usage. Voice dictation and commands,
`formatting pane, auto-complete email, smart Excel printing, and (to make the
`press happy ©) word count toolbar updates as you type.
`MS_ COREL_20008064
`Microsoft Confidential
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 19
`Competition and Related Work
`• Notes (basic use email/calendar basic tasks)
`• Counter-propose meeting time
`• Special meeting request options (e.g. not to be forwarded, fyi attendees)
`• Attractive UI
`• Easy search
`• WordPerfect / SmartSuite
`• Speech leadership
`• Focus on interop (file formats and UI)
`• Misc innovations (e.g. RealTime preview)
`• Casablanca and other web UI
`• Rich templates
`• Pre-canned simplicity
`• ePad, NetDocs, start from ~cratch UI: web UI, fewer concepts
`• Office wins if: Depth, transition, leadership in areas that matter
`• Office loses if: Platform shift, complexity backlash, irrelevant
`Microsoft Confidential
`MS_ COREL_20008065
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 20
`Concerns and Risks
`----------------.-.-....--··-.. ~ ...
`• Risks
`• Not perceived as innovative enough
`• New UI backfires (just more bloat, pop up controls out of control)
`• Tricky design issues with on-object UI and panes
`• . Moving forward
`• Another round of customer research underway with specific goal of
`measuring excitement
`• Also planning u~ability study to measure productivity impact
`• Continuing to work across all the product on the consistent themes
`and trade-off's
`Microsoft Confidential
`MS_ COREL_20008066
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 21
`Bill's OfficelO Input
`• New approach to templates
`Long-term, what you want is: copy that document, web site or application, then
`customize it for my needs. Good long-term research topic. We've had very little
`success over the years with templates and "activity center" designs, except in
`Office 10 will have:
`• Key solutions and web templates ( 4-5), e.g. digital dashboard, team project site
`• New and Getting Started workpanes, with link to templates and create from existing
`• A few additional templates (e.g. fp. photo album)
`• More formatting options, e.g. PowerPoint formatting pane to mix and match templates
`• OfficeUpdate integration / partnering
`• Tablet PC support
`• Discussing scenarios with Butler, Bert, and Alex.
`• Office 10 is planning to support ink and voice annotations. Need to make sure
`roundtripping in and out of Office works OK (e.g. add ink outside Word, but Word
`accepts it OK.) (Overlap with last checkpoint discussion.)
`MS_ COREL_20008067
`Microsoft Confidential
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 22
`Bill's Offi~elO Input (cont)
`• Reconvergence with Windows
`• Office lesson learned: focus cross-group on the key priorities
`• Key priorities:
`• Machines that work (no sys dlls, simplicity, perf)
`• Browse vs. edit transition
`• Not focusing on old overlap UI (e.g. Open and Print dialogs, toolbars)
`• Office Update and building an on-line Office community
`• Planned:
`• Auto Tune Up (leveraging Windows Update technology), by end of year.
`• Office Update receives about 1200 queries a day from the "More on the Web" option in Answer
`Wizard. See: http://officeupdate/pm/answerwizardfeedback.htm (updated every 5 minutes).
`Putting a system in place so that UA can quickly respond to the most common questions. The
`first set of responses went up in July.
`• Working on a set of services, many by 3ro party (e.g. eStamp postage, internet faxing, address
`verification, office supplies). In-house, we'll have Profile Save feature. These will begin
`appearing on the site in 6-8 months.
`• Working with MSN on an Office community on the new MSN Web Communities, by Fall, to be
`managed by MSN.
`• UA is updating the Answer Wizard files to include more links to Office Update. We are also
`creating a new Answer Index users can download that will make Office Update searchable from
`Answer Wizard.
`• Office10 MSN integration, document sharing/ meetings
`• Office10 Outlook buddy list integration
`• Office10 continued ISP partnership with server extensions
`Microsoft Confidential
`MS_ COREL_20008068
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 23
`Bill's OfficelO Input (cont)
`• Voice
`• Planned
`• Dictation
`• Command & Control
`• Voice annotations
`• Solid integration and usability
`• Likely to be perceived as catch-up, unlikely to be big upgrade spark in this timeframe
`• Not planned
`• Dictation or command & control as a core scenario
`• Bloat = too much UI
`• As discussed, can't start from scratch. Fuzzy bloat definition.
`• What we are doing:
`• Focus on "discover as you were already working" (across all teams)
`• "Fln~ tuning" and making related functionality more clear.
`• Focus on UI with direct productivity results (not just new or changed UI)
`• On-object UI and workpane are new, could lead to more bloat if not done well
`"Fine tuning" vs. right+click, search window mgmt, and other tough UI issues
`Microsoft Confidential
`MS_ COREL_20008069
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 24
`~ffice10 Everyday Tasks:
`Major Technologies
`• On-object UI (modeless, various triggers and behaviors, usability)
`• Workpane ( modeless, docked / resizing dialogs, customization via
`• Factoid recognition (NLG, Outlook integration, XML)
`• Search (Tripoli indexing, cross-store)
`• Seamless IME / unified input (Word, right+click correction, Cicero)
`• Speech (input, dictation, command & control, multi-language issues)
`• Machine translation (investigating: dictionaries, api, translation over
`• PPT: VizAct animation integration
`• External: L&H for speech, translation engines
`Microsoft Confidential
`MS_ COREL_20008070
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 25
`Feature Pivot By Core Scenarios
`-----------------~ •• ~l" .. ~'"'
`• Manage your inbox
`• Conversation view
`• Asynchronous find
`• Counter-propose meeting time
`• Auto-suggest rules or coloring (including appt coloring)
`• Single reminder window
`• Recycle existing work
`• Search pane, with integrated, improved collect & paste
`• Getting started pane
`• Formatting re-use pane
`• Focus on the document, not the tool
`• "Fine tuning" on-object UI, triggered by likely alternatives (e.g. ability to try
`other paste formats, control auto behavior, correct errors)
`• Word and PPT formatting clean-up
`• Excel error checking and smart print defaults
`• PPT Print Preview, including handouts and notes
`Microsoft Confidential
`MS_ COREL_20008071
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 26
`Supporting Features by Team (1 of 4)
`-------------------:-.c. ~.-·
`Web Documents
`• Search pane
`• Open/Save/Properties support for
`metadata, exchange, MSN storage, object
`• File New: templates from web servers, new
`from existing, frequent templates easier to
`• CF _HTML Copy/Paste Improvements
`• Hyperlink dialog improvements
`• Improved open/edit in correct app UI
`• SendT o cover page
`End-User Productivity
`• "Fine Tuning"
`• On-object UI
`• Fine Tuning Auto-features
`• Fine Tuning Paste
`• Formatting re-use (MRU of frequently used
`• Collect & Paste v2 (previews, fixes, integration
`w/ search)
`• Getting started (new based on existing, MRUs)
`• Customization (html based)
`• AutoCorrect and spell-check in more edit
`controls (e.g. email subject)
`• Speech Command and Control
`• New visuals
`• Usability Fixes
`• personalized menus and toolbars
`• Resizable and customizable File dialogs
`Note: The Office shared features often include integration work on the app side (especially for a pp-specific
`extensions to behavior)/ which I list only once in this section rather than repeat in the App sections. For
`instance/ multiple apps are doing additional "Fine Tuning'; Workpane/ and Speech dev work.
`Microsoft Confidential
`MS_ COREL_20008072
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 27
`Supporting Features by Team (2 of 4)
`• Auto-complete email addresses
`• Smart copy and paste
`• Find ( cancelable, perf, lightweight UI)
`• Drawing canvas
`• Single reminder window
`• Formatting reuse/ formatting pane
`• New conversation view
`• Format stripper
`• Better UI for most frequently used views
`• Leveraging factoids
`• Color-code appointments in calendar
`• AutoComplete names, e-mail, addresses
`• Plain Text auto-cleanup
`• Search integration (related, background)
`• Counter-propose meeting time
`• Format consistency checking
`• Auto-suggest rules
`• Multi-selection
`• Buddy list integration
`• Table styles
`• Address Book improvements (resize, sort
`• Limited machine translation
`• Seamless IME
`• Hint text in Contact Quickfind edit box
`• Click & type enhancements
`• Dictation
`(EUP team)
`• Handwriting / voice annotations
`• Persistent word count
`• eStamp support
`MS_ COREL_20008073
`Microsoft Confidential
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 28
`Supporting Features by Team (3 of 4)
`• On-object UI for paste, autofill, abs vs rel
`references, column widths, auto date fixup,
`• AutoSum dropdown with other functions
`• Function Wizard now has answer wizard help
`• Argument tooltips (like VBA)
`• Range finder now in all modes
`• New cursors (e.g. down arrow for column
`• Background error checking
`• Formula debugging (step evaluation)
`• Watch window
`• Link management fixes (fix update links alert)
`•. Auto suggest page setup
`• Find/Replace (cross-sheet, formatting,
`• Format workpane (like rest of Office)
`• Sort: detect single-column error
`• Colored sheet tabs
`Animation (VizAct integration, presentation(cid:173)
`wide effects, more powerful effects)
`Presentation formatting (via workpane, central
`place for all slide formatting)
`Multiple masters
`Slide re-use integrated with collect & paste
`Print Preview (also preview handouts and
`Diagramming (sharing Office drawing, replace
`OrgChart, easy concept diagrams)
`Thumbnails in Outline view
`Intl work (IME, language in status bar, visible
`grid for FE)
`OfficeArt uses GDI+ (rotated bitmaps, better
`performa nee)
`MS_ COREL_2000807 4
`Microsoft Confidential
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 29
`Supporting Features by Team ( 4 of 4)
`• CF _HTML work (smarter paste, fine tuning
`• Improved graphics (OfficeArt integration,
`Photo Album scenarios)
`• Photo Album wizard + improved image
`• Office Assistant support
`• Navigation bar improvements (ease-of-use,
`work in Word)
`• Usage analysis (graphs, bots based on usage)
`• Easier to customize
`• Better drawing, photo editing, and text effects
`• Font schemes & improved text styles
`• Easier to edit
`• Auto-Auto correct, Autoformat & IntelliSense fixes
`• Text overflow
`• Start from Scratch
`• Easier to print
`• Improved page setup, fixes, print preview
`• Printing v 2 - Intl color models, spot + process
`• Multiple undo & redo
`• Multi-column Sort dialog
`• More consistent spell-checking and inti
`• Improved conditional formatting
`• Improved name autocorrect
`. Improved forms and reports
`Small Business
`• Caller ID integration with Outlook
`• Address verification
`• Web Mailing service
`• Mailing lists from the web
`• Customer prospecting
`• Opportunity management
`• Office integration
`• Animations for PPT
`• Edit in Office launches PhD
`• PhD to create/edit Office themes
`• Diagramming
`MS_ COREL_2000807 5
`Microsoft Confidential
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 30
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`"' .
`Office10 Vision
`• Improve the way people share information
`and collaborate
`• Provide an exciting, customer-focused, easy(cid:173)
`to-upgrade-to release
`• By focusing on:
`r~ u~
`• Office and Exchange for corporate groupware
`~ Universal web documents and web sites
`~(,h H .,
`• Collaborative document creation
`~ Unlocki~g data with Office tools
`• Nailing the fundamentals
`A~r«-J ~ • EverYday tasks made easier through innovation
`p. T re-f'\\.l-4,,M
`~ . 5...
`MS_ COREL_20008076
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 31
`Service Release Plans
`• SRl: September 1999
`• Bug fixes and call generators
`• Rolled up QFEs
`• No new features
`• SR2: Windows 2000
`• Sync with· Windows 2000 OS redistributables
`• Perhaps some bug fixes, QFEs, call generators
`• Defense Messaging System
`• SR3: TBD (at most Windows+ 6 months)
`• Bug fixes and call generators
`• Rolled up QFEs
`. t
`MS_ COREL_20008077
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 32
`Some Risks
`• Schedule
`• No OS redistributable updates
`• MDAC is challenging (no new JET)
`• Office Namespace Extension is challenging
`• No new shell interface from/for Millennium
`• Platinum Local Store (LIS) and new Offline/Online
`model in Outlook ·
`• Even more UI based on IE (performance)
`• Competing with Notes
`• Reach of progra~med solutions in browser
`• Completeness of programmability solution
`• Performa nee
`MS_ COREL_20008078
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 33
`Resources· (Premium CD1 *)
`Vision Area
`Office and Exchange for corporate groupware
`Universal web documents and web sites
`Collaborativ~ document creation
`Unlocking data with Office tools
`Nailing the fundamentals
`,,, 44
`\OS 34
`· Everyday tasks made easier through innovation ~SS
`Assume 1 SDE = 1 STE = .5 PM
`*Not including Publisher (21),
`PhotoDraw (26), SBT (13), and VizAct (9)
`Power Point
`Web Components
`SFT: End-User Productivity
`SFT: Fundamentals
`SFT: OfficeArt
`SFT: Programmability
`SFT: Release & Deployment
`SFT: Web Documents
`SFT: Web Server
`· SOE
`16 .
`. ..
`MS_ COREL_20008079
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 34
`Checkpoint 1
`July 6, 1999
`MS_ COREL_20008080
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 35
`• Office 2000
`• Retail Sales Update
`• PSS Update
`• Service Release Plans
`• OfficelO Plans
`· • Product Vision (see handouts)
`• Timeline and Resources
`• Risks
`• MMO Accomplishments
`• Lots of Features ...
`. :
`MS_ COREL_20008081
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 36
`Office 2000 Sell-Thru Update ·
`. \
`MS_ COREL_20008082
`Corel Exhibit 2011, Page 37
`PSS Update
`• Still working on improved reporting, but starting to see real-time data
`• Currently about 2000 tracked calls (mostly Word, Outlook, and Setup)
`• Some Top Issues
`• Setup
`• Locating qualifying upgrade product (276 calls)
`• VM DLL conflict at setup (151 calls)
`·, '-~
`• OBDC sometimes causing (142 calls)
`• Error message #2343 (80 calls) [Improper/corrupt Notes installation]
`• SBCM custom installation bug (72 calls)
`• PPT add-in compatibility (12 calls)
`• . Running side-by-side still desired, but default setup removes Office 97
`. • Outlook fax services continue to be a problem
`.• Some IPFs in Word, but not new ones as far as we can tell
`• Access MDB conversion of incomplete proj