` Brief History of VoIP
`Document One – The Past
`Joe Hallock
`November 26, 2004
`Evolution and Trends in Digital Media Technologies – COM 538
`Masters of Communication in Digital Media
`University of Washington
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1008

`A Brief History of VoIP
`Document One – The Past
`Table of Contents
`Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3
`Technology Overview ....................................................................................................... 4
`What is VoIP?............................................................................................................... 4
`How does VoIP work? .................................................................................................. 4
`Technological History........................................................................................................ 5
`Cultural History ................................................................................................................ 8
`Economic History.............................................................................................................. 9
`Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 12
`Glossary ......................................................................................................................... 13
`Appendix – Abbreviations and Acronyms......................................................................... 15
`Bibliography ................................................................................................................... 16
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`A Brief History of VoIP
`Document One – The Past
`This paper is the first in a three part series that will ultimately detail the past,
`present and future of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). The purpose of this paper is to
`detail the history of VoIP and explore this technology/industry by examining its technological
`history, cultural history and its economic history. For the sake of brevity, this paper (and the
`two that follow) will focus on this technology and its place in the business world.
`The goals for the second paper will be to focus on the present condition of VoIP in
`the business world and to draw connections to historic events. In a similar structure, the
`second paper will also focus on the technology, cultural and economic factors that define
`VoIP in current terms. In addition, the second paper will detail particular legal or ethical
`issues faced by the industry, the target audience for this industry, and will present the
`factors leading to an explanation the digital divide.
`The goals for the third paper will focus on the future possibilities of VoIP in the
`business world and will draw connections from both the past and present states of the
`technology/industry. That document will draw together the hypotheses presented by
`leaders in the industry and will also include my own analysis of the future of the
`technology. Furthermore, I will include hypothetical events that may affect the technology,
`our culture and the industry’s economics.
` The use of VoIP by individual consumers was the beginning of a massive move from
`traditional telephone systems to a form of new media where voice and other forms of
`digital media could converge with an already established data network. Major
`advancements in the technology are the result of business development and adoption. This
`paper focuses on the history of VoIP and how this technology fits into the business setting.
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`A Brief History of VoIP
`Document One – The Past
`Technology Overview
`What is VoIP?
`VoIP, also known as IP Telephony, is the real-time transmission of voice signals using
`the Internet Protocol (IP) over the public Internet or a private data network.1 In simpler
`terms, VoIP converts the voice signal from your telephone into a digital signal that travels
`over the Internet. One of the most significant advantages of VoIP (over a traditional public
`switched telephone network (PSTN - also known as a legacy networks) is that one can
`make a long distance phone call and bypass the toll charge. This integrated voice/data
`solution allows large organizations (with the funding to make the transfer from a legacy
`network to a VoIP network) to carry voice applications over their existing data networks.
`Not only will this technological advancement have an impact on the large traditional
`telecommunications industry, it will alter the pricing and cost structures of traditional
`telephony.2 Furthermore, when compared with circuit-switched services (yet another
`name for legacy networks), IP networks can carry 5 to 10 times the number of voice calls
`over the same bandwidth.3
`How does VoIP work?
`To transport voice over a data network, the human voice must be “packetized.”
`This process contrasts significantly with the circuit-switching mechanism used in traditional
`networks. Voice packetization involves appending headers with routing information to the
`voice data. Multiple voice samples are combined into a packet and the voice packet is
`1 Morris Edwards. "IP telephony ready to explode into corporate world. (Industry Trend or Event)."
`Communications News 38, no. 5 (2001): 96-97, Proquest.
`2 P.P. Francis-Cobley and A.A. Coward "Voice over IP versus voice of frame relay"
`International Journal of Network Management 14 (2004): 223-230, Proquest.
`3 See #1
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`A Brief History of VoIP
`Document One – The Past
`switched hop-by-hop through the network.1 To summarize, the voice signal is broken up
`into small pieces (packets) and sent though the network one-by-one. The process of
`packetization compresses the callers voice signal, transfers it over the IP network, and it is
`then decompressed at the other end. 2
`Technological History
`There are two fundamental technologies that are necessary for the existence of
`VoIP. The first, and most widely used, is the telephone. The second technology is the
`Internet. The telephone was as direct result of the (independent) work of Alexander Gram
`Bell and Elisha Gray in the 1870s3. The first regular telephone exchange was established in
`New Haven in 1878. Early telephones were leased in pairs to subscribers. The subscriber
`was required to put up their own line to connect with another. In 1889, Almon B.
`Strowger, a Kansas City undertaker, invented a switch that could connect one line to any
`of 100 lines by using relays and sliders. This switch became known as "The Strowger
`Switch" and was still in use in some telephone offices well over 100 years later.4 To make
`a call, the user needed to push a button on their phone the required number of times to
`dial the receivers phone number. This button was replaced in 1896. Interestingly,
`Philadelphia was the last city to give up the dual service (rotary and button) in 1943.5
`About the same time the transistor was invented, mathematician Dr. Claude
`Shannon published "A Mathematical Theory of Communication," which promoted the
`1 P.P. Francis-Cobley and A.A. Coward "Voice over IP versus voice of frame relay"
`International Journal of Network Management 14 (2004): 223-230, Proquest.
`2 Morris Edwards. "IP telephony ready to explode into corporate world. (Industry Trend or Event)."
`Communications News 38, no. 5 (2001): 96-97, Proquest.
`3 "The History of the Telephone"
`(accessed November 8, 2004).
`4 "Telephone History – Telephone Technology"
`(accessed November 8, 2004).
`5 Ibid
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`A Brief History of VoIP
`Document One – The Past
`concept of communicating in binary code. Dr. Shannon's paper formed the basis of the
`entire digital communications revolution, from cell phones to the Internet.1 15 years later,
`in 1963, AT&T used Dr. Shannon’s ideas and created “TouchTone” dialing. This evolution
`of technology allowed calls to be switched digitally and, later, enabled all manner of
`automated menus and functionality that eliminated the need for human operators.2 In
`1984 the US government broke apart AT&T – allowing home users to stop leasing their
`phones from AT&T and allowed them to purchase their own phones. These changes lead
`to a wave of new designs and functions for the home phone.3
`In 1968 the Internet was first developed by ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects
`Agency Network), founded by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1957. ARPANET was
`developed to provide a decentralized communications network that would not be
`disrupted by a potential global war.4
`Developed in the 1970s, and in parallel to the Internet, were time-share computer
`networks owned by large companies who would rent out their large mainframe
`computers during the evening and weekends when they lay virtually unused. In 1979
`CompuServe started a time-share computer service to consumers during these evening
`downtimes. As the PC became popular, online service companies (e.g. Prodigy and AOL)
`formed to provide proprietary information and email services. Subscribers would dial into
`the network with their telephone lines would pay an hourly fee to receive the services
`In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee and a group of researchers at CERN (an international
`1 Consumer Electronics Association - CEA. "Consumer Electronics Association: Digital America"
`(accessed November 6, 2004).
`2 Ibid
`3 See #1
`4 Consumer Electronics Association - CEA. "Consumer Electronics Association: Digital America"
`(accessed November 6, 2004).
`5 Ibid
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`A Brief History of VoIP
`Document One – The Past
`scientific organization based in Geneva, Switzerland) created hypertext transfer protocol
`(HTTP) and a text format code called hypertext markup language1. They also invented a
`universal resource identifier (later universal resource locator, or URL) to identify document
`locations. These inventions formed the foundation of the World Wide Web.2
`Although the telephone and Internet were vital to the existence of VoIP, there is
`another technology that is closely related, and just as important. In 1972 Dr. Vint Cerf was
`the man who invented Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) - the
`technical protocol that defines the form of net data packets and how they travel to their
`Now that the groundwork has been documented, we can examine the short brief
`of VoIP. From most accounts, VoIP started in February of 1995 by a small company in Israel
`called Vocaltec, Inc. Their product, InternetPhone, allowed one user to call another user via
`their computers, a microphone and a set of speakers. Additionally, this application/product
`only worked if both the caller and the receiver had the same software setup. By 1998
`some entrepreneurs started to market PC-to-phone and phone-to-phone VoIP solutions.
`The phone calls were marketed as “Free” nation-wide long distance calls. When the caller
`would start the call he/she had to listen to advertisements before the call was connected.
`Another development in 1998 was the hardware’s foray into the market. There were
`three IP Switch manufactures that introduced VoIP switching software as a standard in
`their routing equipment. By the end of 1998 VoIP calls had yet to total 1% of all voice calls.
`1 Consumer Electronics Association - CEA. "Consumer Electronics Association: Digital America"
`(accessed November 6, 2004).
`2 Ibid
`3 BBC NEWS. “What the net did next"
`(accessed November 5, 2004).
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`By 2000, VoIP calls accounted for 3% and by 2003 that number had jumped up to 25%.1
`A Brief History of VoIP
`Document One – The Past
`Cultural History
`Depending on one’s perspective, there are several supervening necessities that
`spurred the development of VoIP. The AfriISPA website (The Association of African Internet
`Service Providers) states that the development of VoIP was, in part, due to the
`unavailability of regular telephone service.2 Daniel Berninger, a self-proclaimed “expert in
`the technical and regulatory aspects of the hostile takeover of telecommunications by
`communication applications of the Internet” believes that VoIP was developed to
`circumvent the traditional telephone systems’ monopoly on communications.3 And others
`say that they just want to avoid the per-minute tolls associated with the legacy networks.
`Along with the avoiding toll charges, there were other cultural reasons for using
`VoIP. The most basic is that the right (and ability) to communicate should be available to
`On the business side of the topic, most multinational companies have adopted VoIP
`in an attempt to bring down the costs communications as well as simplify their information
`infrastructure. On a related note, some large organizations have used the power of VoIP
`to shift American call-center jobs to India (e.g. Bank of America). The implications of these
`decisions have a significant cultural impact on both the American’s who’ve lost their jobs
`and the Indians who have gained jobs. Amitabh Pal, a reporter for The Progressive wrote a
`piece on Indian call-centers that train their employees to be more “American.” She states,
`1 See #1
`2 AfriSPA. "Voice of IP"
`(accessed November 7, 2004).
`3 Daniel Berninger. “Untitled Home Page”
`(accessed November 2, 2004)
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`A Brief History of VoIP
`Document One – The Past
`“Welcome to the Anglo-American-ization of India, or at least of urban English-speaking
`youth. The call center industry is extracting a sliver of Indians who are actively de-
`Indianizing themselves and adopting Western names and identities, accents and culture.”1
`The technology of VoIP, on its own, won’t change human culture. I don’t pretend to be a
`technological determinist in that fashion. That is, it’s not the gun that kills – it’s the person
`shooting the gun. It’s how the technology is used that will have an impact on the culture.
`Economic History
`“The $3 billion dollar budget at Bell Laboratories did not include a single project
`addressing the use of data networks to transport voice when VocalTec
`Communications released InternetPhone in February 1995. As of 2004, every project
`at the post-divestiture AT&T Labs and Lucent Technologies Bell Labs reflects the
`reality of voice over Internet Protocol. Every major incumbent carrier, and the
`largest cable television providers, in the United States have announced a VoIP
`program. And even as some upstart carriers have used VoIP to lower telephony
`prices dramatically, even more radical innovators threaten to lower the cost of a
`phone call to zero-to make it free.”2
`-Daniel Berniger
`The constant hype associated with VoIP is almost always directly related to the
`economics surrounding the technology, the future of the technology, and the investment
`opportunities in the companies developing the technology. Almost every article that
`references VoIP and some form of economics states that VoIP will have “some” kind of
`1 Amitabh Pal. "Indian by Day, American by Night."
`=8991 68, no. 8 (2004): 29, Proquest.
`2 Daniel Berninger. “Untitled Home Page”
`(accessed November 2, 2004)
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`A Brief History of VoIP
`Document One – The Past
`impact on traditional legacy networks. The history of VoIP is directly tied to economics.
`VocalTec, Inc. created a business in 1993 (and launched the first VoIP product in 1995) on
`the premise that voice telecommunications could travel over a data network1. And if we
`take a step back in history, we can clearly see that the monopolistic behavior of AT&T had
`a lot to do with people’s perception of the telecommunications industry. For the first two
`thirds of the 20th century, AT&T had manned the “Berlin Wall” separating
`telecommunications and computing2. Daniel Berniger (who I reference frequently in this
`section) states in his essay on
`It was these events that brought us to our current communications environment.
`The economic climate over the last 5-6 years has lead companies to cut costs in their
`1 Daniel Berninger. “Untitled Home Page”
`(accessed November 2, 2004)
`2 Ibid
`3 OM Malik. "VoIP Daily: VoIP News Served Fresh Daily"
`(accessed October 29, 2004).
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`“The roots of the VoIP insurrection trace back to four synchronistic events in 1968.
`The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ruled MCI could compete with AT&T
`using microwave transport on the Chicago to St. Louis route. The same year, the
`FCC’s Carterfone decision forced AT&T to allow customers to attach non-Western
`Electric equipment, such as new telephones, and modems, to the telephone
`network. The Department of Defense’s Advanced Research Project Agency issued a
`contract to Bolt Beranek and Newman for a precursor to the Internet. And in July
`1968, Andrew Grove and Gordon Moore founded Intel. Innovation in the
`communication sector remained the proprietary right of AT&T for most the 20th
`century, but events in 1968 breached the barriers that kept the telecom and
`information technology industries apart.”3
`-Daniel Berniger
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`A Brief History of VoIP
`Document One – The Past
`infrastructure spending. A supervening necessity of the VoIP was the need to cut
`telecommunication costs and converge their voice and data networks. However, many
`companies soon learned that the less-expensive VoIP calls were of a far less quality. This
`quality of service (QoS) presented a business opportunity to Internet Telephone Service
`Providers (ITSP). If they could guarantee quality (by upgrading the existing network), then
`they could charge a nominal fee. This is the primary business plan for most ITSPs.
`With the hype of VoIP (and a few companies starting to make real money in the
`business), a form of marketplace congestion developed. With a lack of government
`regulation and the ability to transfer voice over a data network; several small
`“communications companies” sprung into existence. Most offered calling cards that would
`allow one to make international phone calls for 1 or 2 cents a minute. Worldwide Telco
`started a service whereby small telecommunications companies can resell VoIP minutes and
`make a 20% commission.1 It appears that long-distance minutes are becoming a
`commodity item.
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`1 Frank Ohlhorst. "More Channel Profits from Telco's Wipphone."
`CRN, no. 1104 (2004): 25, ABI/INFORM.
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`A Brief History of VoIP
`Document One – The Past
`This paper is the first in a three part series that will ultimately detail the past,
`present and future of (VoIP). The purpose of this paper is to detail the history of VoIP and
`explore this technology/industry by examining its technological history, cultural history and
`its economic history. The telephone and the Internet were the foundation blocks that VoIP
`was built upon. It was the accumulation of 40+ years of work in both the
`telecommunications industry and the computing industry that allowed the existence of
`VoIP. It was also the behavior of the telecommunications industry and the openness and
`freedom of the Internet that brought this technology to the forefront of communications.
`And, it will be the economic forces that provide the motivation for companies to develop
`and use VoIP technology.
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`A Brief History of VoIP
`Document One – The Past
` B
`High-speed voice, data, and video networked services that are digital, interactive, and
`packet based. The bandwidth is 384 Kbps or higher, and 384 Kbps is widely accepted, as
`the minimum bandwidth required enabling full-frame-rate digital video.1
` C
`Computer Telephony (CT)
`The addition of computer intelligence to the making, receiving, and managing of
`telephone calls.2
` D
`Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
`A technology that allows a provider to use the excess bandwidth found in a copper line for
`the provision of data services. xDSL is used to describe all of the “flavors” of DSL in
` F
`Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
`The United States federal agency responsible for regulating interstate and international
`communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable.4
` I
`Internet Protocol (IP)
`A unique, 32-bit number for a specific TCP/IP host on the Internet normally printed in
`decimal form (for example, Part of the TCP/IP family of protocols, it describes
`software that tracks the Internet address of notes, routes outgoing messages, and
`recognizes incoming messages.5
`1 David Greenblatt, The Call Heard 'Round the World (New York: AMACOM, 2003), 154.
`2 David Greenblatt, The Call Heard 'Round the World (New York: AMACOM, 2003), 155.
`3 David Greenblatt, The Call Heard 'Round the World (New York: AMACOM, 2003), 156.
`4 David Greenblatt, The Call Heard 'Round the World (New York: AMACOM, 2003), 158.
`5 David Greenblatt, The Call Heard 'Round the World (New York: AMACOM, 2003), 161.
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`A Brief History of VoIP
`Document One – The Past
`Internet Protocol Private Branch Exchange (IP PBX)
`An enterprise-based IP data network device that switches VoIP telephone traffic.1
`Internet Protocol Telephony
`Technology that allows voice phone calls to be made over the Internet or other packet
`networks using a PC via gateways and standard telephones.2
` P
`Private Branch Exchange (PBX)
`A telephone switch owned privately, usually by a large company. If it owns a PBX, a
`company does not need to lease a telephone line for each telephone set at a site.3
` T
`Trunk Level 1. A high-speed (1.544 megabits per second) digital telephone line with the
`equivalent of 24 individual 64 Kbps channels, which are joined via time division multiplexing.
`A T-1 can be used to transmit voice or data, and many are used to provide connections to
`the Internet. Also known as a DS1 or Digital Signal 1.4
` V
`Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
`Technology used to transmit voice conversations over a data network using the Internet
` W
`Wide Area Network (WAN)
`A communications network used to connect computers and other devices across a large
`area. The connection can be private or public.6
`1 David Greenblatt, The Call Heard 'Round the World (New York: AMACOM, 2003), 162.
`2 David Greenblatt, The Call Heard 'Round the World (New York: AMACOM, 2003), 162.
`3 David Greenblatt, The Call Heard 'Round the World (New York: AMACOM, 2003), 164.
`4 David Greenblatt, The Call Heard 'Round the World (New York: AMACOM, 2003), 166.
`5 David Greenblatt, The Call Heard 'Round the World (New York: AMACOM, 2003), 168.
`6 David Greenblatt, The Call Heard 'Round the World (New York: AMACOM, 2003), 169.
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`A Brief History of VoIP
`Document One – The Past
`Appendix – Abbreviations and Acronyms
`Internet Protocol
`Internet Service Provider
`Internet Telephony Service Provider
`ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
`WAN Wide Area Network
`Computer Telephony
`Digital Subscriber Line
`Federal Communications Commission
`Hypertext Transfer Protocol
`Private Branch Exchange
`Public Switched Telephone Network
`Quality of Service
`Small and Medium Sized Businesses
`Trunk Level 1
`Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
`Universal Resource Locator
`Value Added Reseller
`Voice of Internet Protocol
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`A Brief History of VoIP
`Document One – The Past
` "The History of the Telephone"
`(accessed November 8, 2004).
` "Telephone History – Telephone Technology"
`(accessed November 8, 2004).
` AfriSPA. "Voice of IP"
`(accessed November 7, 2004).
` Consumer Electronics Association - CEA. "Consumer Electronics Association: Digital
`(accessed November 6, 2004).
`Edwards, Morris. "IP telephony ready to explode into corporate world.
`(Industry Trend or Event)." Communications News 38, no. 5 (2001): 96-97.
`Francis-Cobley, P.P. and Coward A. "Voice over IP versus voice over frame relay."
`International Journal of Network Management. 14, (2004): 223-230.
`16 of 17
`Created by Joe Hallock - 11/26/04
`BBC NEWS. "What the net did next"
`(accessed November 5, 2004).
`Berninger, Daniel. "Untitled Home Page"
`(accessed November 2, 2004).
`Page 16 of 17

` Greenblatt, David. The Call Heard 'Round the World.
`New York: AMACOM, 2003.
`A Brief History of VoIP
`Document One – The Past
`Intertangent Technology Directory. "History of VoIP"
`(accessed November 1, 2004).
` Ohlhorst, Frank. "More Channel Profits from Telco's Wipphone."
`CRN, no. 1104 (2004): 25.
` OM Malik. "VoIP Daily: VoIP News Served Fresh Daily"
`(accessed October 29, 2004).
`Pal, Amitabh. "Indian by Day, American by Night."
`=xri:pqil:pq_clntid=8991 68, no. 8 (2004): 29. Proquest.
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