`WO 00/17021
`International Bureau
`(51) International Patent Classification 7 :
`B60R 25/04, 25/10
`(11) International Publication Number:
`(43) International Publication Date:
`30 March 2000 (30.03.00)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`17 September 1999 (17.09.99)
`(30) Priority Data:
`23 September 1998 (23.09.98)
`(71)(72) Applicant and Inventor: V AN BERGEN, Johannes, Cor(cid:173)
`nelis [ZAlZA]; 365 Bush Street, Willowpark Manor, P.O.
`Box 74158, Lynnwoodridge 0040 Pretoria (ZA).
`(81) Designated States: AE, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG,
`BR, BY, CA, CR, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, GB,
`GD, GE, GR, GM, HR, RU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG,
`KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK,
`MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG,
`SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU,
`ZA, ZW, ARIPO patent (GR, GM, KE, LS, MW, SD, SL,
`SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ,
`MD, RU, TJ, TM), European patent (AT, BE, CR, CY, DE,
`DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE),
`OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML,
`MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`(72) Inventor; and
`(75) Inventor/Applicant (for US only): CILLIERS, Petrus, Johannes Published
`[ZAlZA]; 230 Roos Street, Meyerspark, 0184 Pretoria (ZA).
`With international search report.
`Before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
`claims and to be republished in the event of the receipt of
`(57) Abstract
`A security system called CELL-EYE is disclosed. The system is designed for protecting specific property, human life and the
`prevention of vehicle-theft and irregular and willful intrusion of property through the detection and automatic reporting of security violations
`to a specific GSM mobile unit via the DATA and SMS service of the GSM mobile telephone network. The CELL-EYE system includes a
`controller and memory unit for the verification of the identity of incoming calls, and the activation, deactivation and programming of the
`CELL-EYE via validated incoming calls received by an alarm linked GSM mobile unit and modem from a remote GSM mobile unit. When
`activated the controller performs a mode I alarm procedure which monitors the alarm outputs of a vehicle or property security system via
`an alarm sensing interface. When an alarm is detected, the controller automatically places an outgoing call to a designated remote GSM
`mobile unit and indicates the nature of the alarm via a GSM SMS message. The CELL-EYE controller also includes a program to perform
`a mode 2 localization procedure which automatically reports the location of the GSM repeater station nearest to the CELL-EYE GSM
`unit to a remote GSM mobile unit via a GSM SMS message when the CELL-EYE is remotely programmed to do so, thus facilitating the
`localization and tracking of a stolen vehicle equipped with a CELL-EYE system. The CELL-EYE also includes a vehicle immobilizer and
`protection interface for performing a mode 3 procedure upon the reception of an incoming call to the vehicle-installed GSM mobile unit.
`A mode 3 procedure activates the immobilizer systems in a stolen vehicle to facilitate the rapid recovery of the vehicle.
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`Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT.
`Bosnia and Herzegovina
`Burkina Faso
`Central African Republic
`Cote d'Ivoire
`Czech Republic
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People's
`Republic of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Saint Lucia
`Sri Lanka
`Republic of Moldova
`The fonner Yugoslav
`Republic of Macedonia
`New Zealand
`Russ ian Federation
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States of America
`Viet Nam
`Telit Wireless Solutions Inc. and Telit Communications PLC Exh. 1113 p. 1

`WO 00/17021
`peT /ZA99/00092
`The present invention relates generally to vehicle and property security and alarm equipment. vehicle
`tracking equipment and stolen vehicle recovery equipment. More specifically, the present invention relates
`to a system to interface conventional vehicle and property security and alarm equipment and vehicle
`immobilization equipment to a linked GSM mobile telephone system to detect alarms, to report such alarms
`to the owner or security service provider, to report the location of a vehicle to the owner or security service
`provider and to remotely activate conventional immobilization equipment installed in a vehicle,
`Residential housebreaking and vehicle theft are among the five most frequently occurring crimes, An
`increasing number of residential property owners possess security systems for the detection of irregular or
`willful intrusion linked to audible alarm systems for alerting others to a potential crime, An increasing
`number of vehicle owners possess vehicles equipped with intrusion detection systems and vehicle
`immobilization systems aimed at reducing the incidence of vehicle theft or hijacking or theft from motor
`vehicles. Most housebreakings, vehicle thefts and hijacks occur in metropolitan areas and along highways.
`Most stolen and hijacked vehicles are removed to particular locations along known metropolitan routes.
`Vehicle and property insurance rates are generally increasing. The number of users of cellular mobile
`telephone systems are also daily expanding. Most metropolitan areas and highways are serviced by the
`GSM mobile cellular phone network. The proliferation of GSM cell-phone users and the proliferation of
`conventional alarm systems without a direct link to the owner or to a security service provider, presents an
`opportunity for linking the two systems via a dedicated and integrated controller integrated with an installed
`GSM cell-phone system which permits two-way communication between the owner or security service
`provider and an unattended cell-phone unit installed in a vehicle or property.
`Alarm notification and reporting systems which use conventional telephone lines are available for use in
`connection with residential property and other buildings. Such systems provide for automatic calls to a
`security service provider when a security violation has occurred. Such systems can be rendered useless
`when the phone lines are cut or when the conventional phone system is not functional. The reliability of
`such building-installed alarm systems can be enhanced by means of an unattended GSM cellular phone
`equipped with an automatic call initiating controller.
`Sophisticated vehicle tracking systems are available for use in stolen vehicle recovery systems and fleet
`management systems which use a Global Positioning Satellite System (GPS) device installed in the vehicle
`to pinpoint the vehicle location. Such systems also require a dedicated radio communication system to
`report the vehicle location to the tracking service. often via satellite communication system. Such systems
`require the involvement of a security service provider which is equipped with appropriate mobile reception
`equipment and vehicle location display equipment in order to process the GPS data. There is a need for a
`low cost vehicle tracking system which uses the GSM mobile phone network and which permits the owner to
`take control of the action following a vehicle theft or hijack or to make use of any security service provider
`equipped with a GSM mobile phone in assisting him to take action following an alarm, theft or hijack.
`By the remote activation of vehicle immobilization systems including fuel starvation valves and interruption
`of current to the ignition system, stolen vehicles can be immobilized by the use of a GSM cell-phone before
`such vehicles reach inaccessible or high risk areas and thus the rapid recovery of such vehicles can be
`Owner controlled security: The invention called a CELL-EYE system relates to an owner controlled
`remote alerting device comprising a method of and apparatus for using the GSM cellular phone network to
`send a message to the owner of a vehicle equipped with a CELL-EYE device or to the owner of a property
`equipped with such a device or to a deSignated security service provider in order to alert such owner or
`security provider of an attempted intrusion of the property, or attempted theft of a vehicle or of attempted
`theft from a vehicle.
`Elements of the system: The CELL-EYE system comprises am installed battery operated GSM mobile unit
`which will be referred to as the Alarm Linked Unit (ALU). The ALU is linked with a controller and memory
`unit which inturn is linked with a vehicle security system or a property security system and its alarms via
`appropriate interfaces. The interfaces of said CELL-EYE system comprises an alarm sensing interface and
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`WO 00117021
`a controller with signalling means for generating an outgoing call and a SMS message from the installed
`GSM mobile unit to a remote GSM cellular phone in response to a number of alarm conditions which
`correspond to irregular or willful disturbance of the vehicle or property, and an immobilizer/protection
`interface to activate a vehicle immobilizer or protection unit when an instruction for such action is received
`via an incoming call to the installed GSM mobile unit.
`Purpose of the CELL-EYE: It is the purpose of the said CELL-EYE system to assist the owner or security
`service provider to protect specific property, human life. and to prevent any criminal intervention thereon, to
`reduce the likelihood of successful housebreaking, to assist owners, security service providers and police
`departments in recovering stolen vehicles, to assist security service providers and police departments in
`apprehending criminals and to reduce insurance rates.
`Definitions: To be consistent with GSM vocabulary a call from the ALU to the GSM network is named
`"mobile originated call" or "outgoing call" and a call from the GSM network to an ALU is called "mobile
`terminated call" or "incoming call".
`The GSM mobile unit which is installed in the vehicle or property and linked to the vehicle or property
`security system will be referred to as the Alarm Linked Unit (ALU) in order to distinguish it from other GSM
`mobile units which may be used in the utilization of the invention. Likewise the specific remote GSM mobile
`unit which is used to receive messages sent by the CELL-EYE and to communicate with the ALU will be
`referred to as the Remote Message Unit (RMU).
`Automatic owner alerting function: The said CELL-EYE system is designed to automatically initiate an
`outgoing call to a preprogrammed RMU and indicate by means of a SMS message the nature of the
`disturbance. The message sent by the ALU is intended to alert the owner or security service provider of a
`criminal act perpetrated on the said vehicle or property and in the case of a vehicle to report to the owner or
`security service provider the location of the cellular mobile phone repeater station within whose immediate
`surroundings the ALU is located.
`Remote activation: The controller of the said CELL-EYE system is designed to be activated by remote
`control via an incoming call carrying a coded Short Message Service (SMS) message. The said CELL-EYE
`system also allows the owner or security service provider to remotely activate a vehicle immobilization or
`protection system via the ALU.
`Improvement in property-installed security systems: Low cost property-installed intrusion detection and
`alarms systems without an automatic dialling facility to a security service provider can be enhanced without
`the involvement of a dedicated security service provider though the addition of the said CELL-EYE system
`which can be programmed to contact the owner via the GSM cellular phone network and report to the owner
`the nature of the security violation. The owner can then, if necessary contact a security service provider or
`police department. Through its link to the GSM cellular phone system via a controller and memory unit the
`said CELL-EYE system also permits the remote activation or deactivation of alarms in the property
`protected by such a device.
`Vehicle localization and tracking: The present invention provides also for a vehicle localization and
`tracking facility through an interface which relays the locality of the GSM cellular network repeater station
`nearest to the unattended GSM cellular mobile phone installed in a vehicle to the owner or security service
`provider by means of the GSM short message service (SMS). Thus the present invention provides a low
`cost alternative to satellite linked vehicle tracking systems by the use of the information available through
`the GSM network which indicates on any active mobile unit the location of the nearest GSM network
`repeater tower.
`Remote immobilization and protection: The present invention also provides for a remote activation
`interface which links vehicle immobilization systems to the ALU installed in the vehicle. Such remote
`activation is an extension of existing systems which permit remote activation of a vehicle tracking
`transmitter installed in the vehicle. Furthermore, hijacked vehicles can be immobilized only when they are
`well away from an abandoned owner or driver thus reducing the likelihood of retaliation by the hijackers.
`The immobilization facility together with the localization and tracking facility provided by the CELL-EYE
`invention, promotes rapid recovery of a stolen vehicle.
`Remote programming: A further advantage of the two-way communication between an owner and the
`protected which is possible with the present invention, is the facility which allows the owner to remotely
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`WO 00/17021
`activate or program the security system by means of a telephone call from the owner's cellular phone to the
`CELL-EYE installed in the vehicle or property. Such programming could include periodic customization of
`the level of security appropriate for a particular situation and presetting alarm parameters such as the
`numbers that must be dialled when an alarm condition is detected, how frequently such calls need to be
`repeated and what to do if connection to a particular called number is not available at the time. Remote
`activation and programming of the device also alleviates the need for a user accessible interface to the
`CELL-EYE system.
`Panic button function: If a panic button in the hijacked vehicle or in the protected property is depressed by
`an occupant, the said CELL-EYE system will automatically be activated and initiate an outgoing call and
`send a SMS message to a preprogrammed RMU which could be a number different from that used for
`mode 1 operation. The said RMU will display the number of the ALU that originated the call and then a SMS
`message will indicate that the call originated with the depression of a panic button. In the case of a vehicle
`installed CELL-EYE system, the system will then automatically go into mode 2 operation and indicate the
`location of the GMS repeater nearest to the ALU until by means of a SMS message on the RMU until the
`said CELL-EYE system is de-activated from a RMU by an incoming call to the ALU followed by a request
`and validation of the PIN code. The said automatic initiation of an outgoing call will be initiated without the
`CELL-EYE system having first been activated by means of an incoming call. This function of the said CELL(cid:173)
`EYE system is intended to alert a friend or security service provider to take action to come to the aid of the
`person who depressed the panic button.
`Identification of ALU originating the outgoing call: The said CELL-EYE system facilitates owner
`controlled handling of security violations in either vehicles or property through the messages received on his
`RMU. The ALU originating the outgoing call to the RMU is identified by means of the caller line identification
`feature which is available on most GSM cellular phone units. This feature will indicate to the owner or
`security service provider the cell-phone number of the ALU which originated the call and SMS message.
`Without limiting the scope of the present invention an example of the invention will now be described with
`reference to the accompanying drawings in which:
`Figure 1
`is a diagram depicting the environment in which the present invention is designed to operate.
`Figure 2
`Figure 3
`is block diagram of a preferred embodiment of the present invention. Figure 2 depicts the
`elements which comprise the CELL-EYE system incorporating an installed GSM mobile unit
`without keypad and with a linked modem. The arrows in the block diagram indicate the direction
`of information flow.
`is a block diagram depicting the elements which replace the modem in a CELL-EYE system
`incorporating an installed GSM mobile unit with keypad and without a linked modem, where the
`GSM mobile unit is linked to the controller and memory unit via electromechanical interfaces.
`The arrows in the block diagram indicate the direction of information flow.
`A more complete understanding of the present invention may be derived by referring to the detailed
`description and claims when considered in connection with the FIGURES. In the accompanying FIGURES
`the same reference numbers refer to the same elements of the system throughout the FIGURES.
`Referring to the accompanying drawing in Figure 1 the said CELL-EYE system is designed to operate in an
`environment where:
`property 1 is a property which is equipped with a property security system and said CELL-EYE system
`installed near the controller or alarms of the property security system,
`vehicle 2 is a vehicle which may, but need not include with a hidden vehicle security system which may
`include an alarm and a vehicle immobilization and protection system.
`Said CELL-EYE system is installed in said vehicle, and said property or said vehicle are linked to a GSM
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`WO 00/17021
`peT IZA99/00092
`cellular mobile phone network with a multiplicity of GSM mobile network repeaters 3, where each cell is
`defined by the range of a particular repeater,
`remote GSM cell-phone 4 (RMU) which may be in possession of the owner of said property or said vehicle,
`or in possession of a security service provider designated by the owner to monitor and respond to calls from
`said CELL-EYE system,
`and said RMU is linked to said CELL-EYE system via the GSM mobile phone network represented by the
`repeater 3.
`Referring to Figure 2, the preferred operation of the said CELL-EYE system is now described.
`Remote activation: The CELL-EYE system can only be activated, de-activated or programmed via an
`incoming call to the ALU 16 and its associated modem. An activation call can be initiated from any hand(cid:173)
`held GSM mobile unit. Upon reception of such an incoming call the controller will respond by initiating an
`SMS message requesting a PIN code to be entered. The CELL-EYE does not have a keypad to activate it
`or set any parameters. This ensures that the CELL-EYE can be hidden inside a vehicle and that any
`communication from a hand-held GSM cellular phone to the CELL-EYE is a secure communication
`conditioned on the use of two valid PIN codes, one for activating the hand-held GSM unit and the other for
`communicating to the unattended GSM mobile unit. The PIN code of the CELL-EYE is stored in non(cid:173)
`volatile memory on the controller board. It can be changed only by providing the previous PIN code or a
`factory default PIN code. If the PIN code is entered incorrectly, the CELL-EYE sends up to two subsequent
`requests for the PIN code. If a valid PIN code is not entered upon the third trial, the CELL-EYE enters a
`locked mode which bars it from responding to any incoming calls for one hour.
`Mode 1 operation: The remote alerting mode of operation (mode 1) of the said CELL-EYE system involve
`the following subsystems:
`the disturbance sensors 11,
`the vehicle or property security system 12,
`the alarm sensor interface 13,
`the paniC button 17.
`the controller and memory unit 14,
`the modem 15, and
`the installed GSM mobile unit 16 with an integral antenna.
`Mode 2 operation: The said localization mode of operation (mode 2) of the said CELL-EYE system
`involve the following subsystems:
`the installed GSM mobile unit (ALU) 16
`the modem 15, and
`the controller and memory unit 14.
`The mode 2 operation of the CELL-EYE system involves the following steps using the said subsystems:
`the installed CELL-EYE system receives an incoming call from a RMU,
`the identity of the caller is interrogated by the CELL-EYE returning a SMS message to the caller to
`indicate that a PIN code be entered,
`the caller enters a PIN code on the RMU which is received by the ALU and validated by the controller of
`the CELL-EYE system by comparison with a code stored the nonvolatile memory of its controller and
`memory unit.
`the CELL-EYE system returns a SMS message to indicate that the PIN has been validated,
`the operator using the RMU enters a code to activate mode 2 operation of the CELL-EYE system,
`the controller of the CELL-EYE system interrogates the ALU via the modem to determine the location
`of the nearest repeater as indicated by the GSM mobile phone network,
`the controller of the CELL-EYE system converts the returned location to the AT codes required for
`initiating a SMS message to the RMU via the modem and ALU
`h) steps f) and g) are repeated at preprogrammed intervals until the call is terminated by the RMU.
`Mode 3 operation: The said remote immobilization and protection mode of operation (mode 3) of the said
`CELL-EYE system involve the following subsystems:
`the mounted GSM mobile unit 16
`the modem 15,
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`WO 00/17021
`the controller and memory unit 14,
`the vehicle immobilizer/protection interface 18, and
`the vehicle immobilizer/protection actuators 19
`Communication devices: Communication to and from the CELL-EYE system to the user of the system is
`accomplished by means of a G8M mobile phone unit. the alarm linked unit 16, which is installed in the
`property or vehicle, together with a modem 15 which is designed to operate with the ALU.
`Input devices: The CELL-EYE system is designed to be linked to input devices installed in the same
`property of vehicle namely the disturbance sensors 11 which form part of the vehicle or property security
`system 12 which has alarm outputs. The alarm outputs are detected and converted to digital form by the
`alarm sensor interface 13 which forms part of the CELL-EYE system. A panic button 17 installed in the
`property or vehicle provides a direct input to the controller and memory unit 14 of the CELL-EYE system.
`Output devices: The CELL-EYE system is designed to be linked to output devices installed in the same
`vehicle namely vehicle namely vehicle immobilizer or protection actuators 19 which may form part of the
`vehicle security system 12 or may separate elements. The vehicle immobilizer or protection actuators 19
`are linked to the vehicle immobilizer or protection interface 18 which forms part of the CELL-EYE system.
`The vehicle immobilizer or protection interface 18 convert digital output signals from the controller and
`memory unit 14 to appropriate signals for activating the immobilizer or protection actuators.
`Power supply elements: The power supply for the CELL-EYE system will be a rechargeable battery 20
`with a standby lifetime of at least 48 hours. The said power supply will provide power for the following
`elements of the CELL-EYE system:
`the alarm sensor interface 13,
`the controller and memory unit 14,
`the modem 15,
`the alarm linked G8M mobile unit 16, and
`the vehicle immobilizer/protection interface 18.
`The said battery 20 will be independent of the existing power supply or battery of the vehicle or property
`security system 12 and the power supply for the vehicle immobilizer/protection interface unit 18 so as to
`provide the facility for remote notification of the owner or security service provider of a power failure or
`disconnection of the vehicle battery. The said battery of the CELL-EYE system will be continuously charged
`from an external power source by means of a battery charging unit 21. In the case of a vehicle-installed
`CELL-EYE system the battery of the CELL-EYE system will be charged from the battery of the vehicle 22
`using a battery charging unit 21. In the case of a property-mounted system the CELL-EYE system will be
`charged by means of the same battery charging unit 21 designed to be used in a vehicle-installed system,
`but with an additional external mains to 12 V DC converter 23.
`Disturbance sensors 11: The disturbance sensors 11 and the vehicle or property security system 12 may
`be either be one of the following:
`a) part of an existing security installation in a vehicle or property,
`b) an external security system installed with the specific purpose of linking with the CELL-EYE system, or
`c) part of a security system integrated in the same enclosure with the other elements of the said CELL(cid:173)
`EYE system.
`The disturbance sensors 11 may include any appropriate sensors which could detect irregular or willful
`disturbance of the vehicle or property which may be associated with a criminal act, such as but not limited to
`the following:
`a) a micro switch or magnetically operated sensors which can detect the opening or attempted opening of
`a door or window, glove compartment or engine compartment of a vehicle,
`b) an accelerometers which can detect the movement of a vehicle or piece of property such as a safe,
`continuity sensors which can detect the breaking of a window,
`intrusion sensors operating by the interruption of an infrared light beam,
`infrared or ultrasonic sensors for detecting movement of a human body within a designated area,
`current loop sensors which can detect the interruption of power from either the mains or from a battery
`or detect the interruption of power to the telephone system which would occur if telephone wires are cut,
`g) a panic button linked to the vehicle or property security system,
`tampering sensors such as micro switches which can detect the attempted removal of the security
`system, the radio installed in the vehicle, the vehicle immobilizer, or the enclosure of the said CELL-
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`WO 00/17021
`peT IZA99/00092
`EYE system,
`sensors indicating interruption of power to the security system 12 or a disconnection of the vehicle
`battery 22,
`g) any other sensors intended to operate with the security system 12, or
`any device expressly installed to detect an attempted intrusion or theft of the vehicle or property or
`anything within it, whether such sensors form part of a separate security system 12, or not..
`The vehicle or property security system 12: The security system 12 should preferably be a system
`approved by the appropriate vehicle security system certification authorities and be installed by an qualified
`and approved installer. It is assumed that except for the case of the depression of a panic button, the
`security system 12 will for its normal operation be activated after an appropriate code has been entered on a
`keypad or after a button on a coded remote activation transmitter has been pressed to transmit an activation
`signal to a receiver which forms part of the said security system. For security systems installed in buildings,
`the said system is assumed to provide for a sufficient delay time for the user to leave the building before it
`becomes active.
`Panic button 17: The panic button 17 may be a normally open switch mounted in an accessible place in
`the vehicle or property where said panic button is connected directly to the controller and memory unit of
`said CELL-EYE system in order to permit automatic activation of the said CELL-EYE system by an
`occupant of the vehicle or property. Said panic button may also be such a switch which forms part of an
`installed security system which is also directly connected to the CELL-EYE system.
`Alarm sensor interface 13: The alarm sensor interface 13 forms part of said CELL-EYE system and is a
`subsystem which detects any relevant output from the vehicle or property security system 12 where such
`output is specifically activated in response to the detection of irregular or willful disturbance of the vehicle or
`property. Such output may include but should not be limited to the following:
`the switching on of indicator lights on the security system,
`the switching on or flashing of vehicle or property lights,
`the application of power to a siren or audible alarm,
`the production of sound by means of a siren or audible alarm, or
`the initiation of a telephone call to a security service provider from a property-installed security system.
`The alarm sensor interface 13 which forms part of the said CELL-EYE system is intended to convert such
`an output from the vehicle or property security system 12 to a digital electronic signal compatible with
`required inputs of the controller and memory unit 14. The alarm sensor interface 13 contains circuits to
`perform the following functions:
`a) a time and frequency filtering function to minimise the likelihood of its activation by extraneous signals
`not related specifically to the output of security system 12,
`b) a latching function to keep its output signals in the active state even after termination of the alarm
`indicating outputs of the security system 12,
`c) a reset function which resets the output signals of the alarm sensor interface after the reception of
`digital inputs from the ALU 16 via the modem 15 and the controller and memory unit 14.
`Controller and memory unit 14: The controller and memory unit 14 which form part of the said CELL-EYE
`system is intended to control the operation of the CELL-EYE system through the interpretation of incoming
`calis, the automatic initiation of outgoing calls, the processing of DATA it receives from either the alarm
`sensor interface 13 or the ALU, and the activation of the vehicle immobilizerl protection interface 18. The
`controller and memory unit 14 comprises a micro controller with nonvolatile memory and associated digital
`circuits and software to perform the following functions:
`a) generate the AT commands implemented by the GSM SMS

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