`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2016-01066
`Patent 6,285,140
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450

`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 6,285,140
`EXHIBIT LIST ........................................................................................................ ix 
`Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1 
`II.  Requirements under 37 C.F.R. § 42.104 ............................................................ 3 
`A. Grounds for standing ..................................................................................... 3 
`B. Identification of challenge and statement of relief requested ....................... 4 
`C. Meaningful distinction between Kazar and Smith ........................................ 4 
`III.  Claim construction ............................................................................................. 6 
`A. POSA ............................................................................................................. 6 
`B. “variable-effect lighting system” .................................................................. 6 
`C. “conduction angle of each said illuminating element” ................................. 7 
`D. “a pair of commonly-coupled light-emitting diodes” ................................... 8 
`IV.  Claims 1-13 are unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. §103 ....................................... 10 
`A. Nearly identical independent and dependent claims ................................... 10 
`B. Ground 1: Claims 1, 2, 4, and 5 are are unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. §
`103 as being obvious over Kazar in view of Gomoluch. ............................ 11 
`1.  Kazar .................................................................................................... 11 
`2.  Gomoluch ............................................................................................ 12 
`3.  KSR ..................................................................................................... 12 
`4.  Claim 1 ................................................................................................ 13 
`[1.P] “A variable-effect lighting system comprising” ........................ 13 
`[1.1.1] “a lamp assembly comprising a plurality of multi-coloured
`lamps…” ........................................................................................................ 13 
`[1.1.2] “…in parallel with a DC voltage source” ................................ 14 
`[1.2] “each said multi-coloured lamp comprising a first illuminating
`element for producing a first colour of light, and” ........................................ 15 
`[1.3] “a second illuminating element for producing a second colour of
`light different from the first colour” .............................................................. 15 
`[1.4.1] “a programmable lamp controller coupled to the lamp
`assembly for…” ............................................................................................. 16 
`(1)  Kazar .................................................................................................. 16 
`- i -

`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 6,285,140
`(2)  Gomoluch ........................................................................................... 17 
`(3)  KSR .................................................................................................... 18 
`[1.4.2] “…setting a conduction angle of each said illuminating
`element…” ..................................................................................................... 18 
`[1.4.3] “…according to at least one predetermined pattern.” ............. 19 
`[1.5] “each said predetermined pattern being stored in a memory of
`the controller,” ............................................................................................... 19 
`(1)  Kazar .................................................................................................. 19 
`(2)  Gomoluch ........................................................................................... 20 
`(3)  KSR .................................................................................................... 21 
`[1.6] “the lamp controller including a first electronic switch coupled
`to the first illuminating element and a second electronic switch coupled to
`the second illuminating element.” ................................................................. 21 
`5.  Claim 2: “wherein the at least one pattern is selectable according to
`a user-operable input to the controller.” .............................................. 22 
`Kazar .................................................................................................... 22 
`Gomoluch ............................................................................................ 23 
`KSR ..................................................................................................... 23 
`6.  Claim 4: “wherein each said multi-coloured lamp comprises a pair
`of commonly-coupled light-emitting diodes, a first light-emitting
`diode of the light-emitting diode comprising the first illuminating
`element and a second light-emitting diode of the light-emitting
`diode pair comprising the second illuminating element.” ................... 24 
`7.  Claim 5: “wherein the first and second electronic switches form an
`H-bridge.” ............................................................................................ 25 
`C. Ground 2 – Claim 3 is obvious over Kazar, Gomoluch, and Minato
`because the combination teaches “[t]he lighting system according to
`claim 1, wherein the lamp controller includes a temperature sensor for
`selecting the at least one pattern” ................................................................ 26 
`1.  Kazar and Gomoluch ........................................................................... 26 
`2.  Minato.................................................................................................. 26 
`3.  KSR ..................................................................................................... 27 
`D. Ground 3: claims 6-9 are obvious over Kazar in view of Sato, and
`further in view of Gomoluch. ...................................................................... 28 
`- ii -

`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 6,285,140
`1.  Claim 6 ................................................................................................ 28 
`[6.P] “A night light comprising:” ........................................................ 28 
`(1)  Kazar .................................................................................................. 28 
`(2)  Sato ..................................................................................................... 28 
`(3)  KSR .................................................................................................... 28 
`[6.1.1] “a lamp assembly comprising at least one multi-coloured
`lamp…” .......................................................................................................... 29 
`[6.1.2] “…in parallel with a DC voltage source,” ............................... 29 
`[6.2] “each said multi-coloured lamp comprising a first illuminating
`element for producing a first colour of light, and” ........................................ 30 
`[6.3] “a second illuminating element for producing a second colour of
`light different from the first colour;” ............................................................. 30 
`[6.4.1] “a programmable lamp controller coupled to the lamp
`assembly for…” ............................................................................................. 30 
`[6.4.2] “…setting a conduction angle of each said illuminating
`element…” ..................................................................................................... 31 
`[6.4.3] “…according to at least one predetermined pattern,” ............. 31 
`[6.5] “each said predetermined pattern being stored in a memory of
`the controller,” ............................................................................................... 31 
`[6.6] “the lamp controller including a first electronic switch coupled
`to the first illuminating element and a second electronic switch coupled to
`the second illuminating element; and” .......................................................... 32 
`[6.7] “an AC/DC converter providing the DC voltage source.” ......... 32 
`2.  Claim 7: “wherein each said predetermined pattern is selectable
`according to a user-operable input to the controller.” ......................... 32 
`3.  Claim 8: “wherein each said multi-coloured lamp comprises a pair
`of commonly-coupled light-emitting diodes, a first light-emitting
`diode of the light-emitting diode comprising the first illuminating
`element and a second light-emitting diode of the light-emitting
`diode pair comprising the second illuminating element.” ................... 33 
`4.  Claim 9: “wherein the controller includes an ambient light sensor
`for inhibiting conduction of the illuminating elements when an
`intensity of ambient light exceeds a threshold.” ................................. 33 
`(1)  Kazar .................................................................................................. 33 
`- iii -

`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 6,285,140
`(2)  Sato ..................................................................................................... 33 
`(3)  KSR .................................................................................................... 34 
`E.  Ground 4: Claims 10-13 are obvious over Kazar in view of Lys, in
`further view of Gomoluch. .......................................................................... 34 
`1.  Claim 10 .............................................................................................. 34 
`[10.P] – “A jewelry piece comprising:” .............................................. 34 
`(1)  Kazar .................................................................................................. 34 
`(2)  Lys ...................................................................................................... 35 
`(3)  KSR .................................................................................................... 35 
`[10.1.1] “a lamp assembly comprising at least one multi-coloured
`lamp…” .......................................................................................................... 36 
`[10.1.2] “…in parallel with a DC voltage source,” ............................. 36 
`[10.2] “each said multi-coloured lamp comprising a first illuminating
`element for producing a first colour of light, and” ........................................ 36 
`[10.3] “a second illuminating element for producing a second colour
`of light different from the first colour;” ........................................................ 37 
`[10.4.1] “a programmable lamp controller coupled to the lamp
`assembly for…,” ............................................................................................ 37 
`[10.4.2] “…setting a conduction angle of each said illuminating
`element…” ..................................................................................................... 37 
`[10.4.3] “…according to at least one predetermined pattern,” ........... 38 
`[10.5] “each said predetermined pattern being stored in a memory of
`the controller,” ............................................................................................... 38 
`[10.6] “the lamp controller including a first electronic switch coupled
`to the first illuminating element and a second electronic switch coupled to
`the second illuminating element; and” .......................................................... 38 
`[10.7] “a DC power source for powering the lamp assembly and the
`controller.” ..................................................................................................... 39 
`2.  Claim 11: “wherein each said predetermined pattern is selectable
`according to a user-operable input to the controller.” ......................... 39 
`3.  Claim 12: “wherein the lamp controller includes a temperature
`sensor for selecting the at least one pattern.” ...................................... 40 
`4.  Claim 13: “wherein each said multi-coloured lamp comprises a
`pair of commonly-coupled light-emitting diodes, a first light-
`- iv -

`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 6,285,140
`emitting diode of the light-emitting diode comprising the first
`illuminating element and a second light-emitting diode of the light-
`emitting diode pair comprising the second illuminating element.” .... 41 
`F.  Ground 5: Claims 1, 2, 4, and 5 are obvious over Smith in view of
`Gomoluch .................................................................................................... 41 
`1.  Smith.................................................................................................... 41 
`2.  Gomoluch ............................................................................................ 42 
`3.  KSR ..................................................................................................... 42 
`4.  Claim 1 ................................................................................................ 43 
`[1.P] “A variable-effect lighting system comprising:” ....................... 43 
`[1.1.1] “a lamp assembly comprising a plurality of multi-coloured
`lamps” ............................................................................................................ 44 
`[1.1.2] “… in parallel with a DC voltage source,” .............................. 44 
`[1.2] “each said multi-coloured lamp comprising a first illuminating
`element for producing a first colour of light,” ............................................... 45 
`[1.3] “a second illuminating element for producing a second colour of
`light different from the first colour; and” ...................................................... 46 
`[1.4.1] “a programmable lamp controller coupled to the lamp
`assembly for…” ............................................................................................. 46 
`(1)  Smith .................................................................................................. 46 
`(2)  Gomoluch ........................................................................................... 47 
`(3)  KSR .................................................................................................... 48 
`[1.4.2] “…setting a conduction angle of each said illuminating…” ... 48 
`[1.4.3] “…according to at least one predetermined pattern,” ............. 48 
`[1.5] “each said predetermined pattern being stored in a memory of
`the controller,” ............................................................................................... 49 
`(1)  Smith .................................................................................................. 49 
`(2)  Gomoluch ........................................................................................... 49 
`(3)  KSR .................................................................................................... 50 
`[1.6] “the lamp controller including a first electronic switch coupled
`to the first illuminating element and a second electronic switch coupled to
`the second illuminating element.” ................................................................. 51 
`- v -

`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 6,285,140
`5.  Claim 2: “wherein the at least one pattern is selectable according to
`a user-operable input to the controller.” .............................................. 52 
`Smith.................................................................................................... 52 
`Gomoluch ............................................................................................ 53 
`KSR ..................................................................................................... 53 
`6.  Claim 4: “wherein each said multi-coloured lamp comprises a pair
`of commonly-coupled light-emitting diodes, a first light-emitting
`diode of the light-emitting diode comprising the first illuminating
`element and a second light-emitting diode of the light-emitting
`diode pair comprising the second illuminating element.” ................... 54 
`7.  Claim 5: “wherein the first and second electronic switches form an
`H-bridge.” ............................................................................................ 55 
`G. Ground 6 – Smith in view of Gomoluch, and further in view of Minato
`teach claim 3: “wherein the lamp controller includes a temperature
`sensor for selecting the at least one pattern.” .............................................. 55 
`1.  Smith and Gomoluch ........................................................................... 55 
`2.  Minato.................................................................................................. 56 
`3.  KSR ..................................................................................................... 56 
`H. Ground 7 – Claims 6-9 are obvious over Smith in view of Sato, in
`further view of Gomoluch ........................................................................... 57 
`1.  Claim 6 ................................................................................................ 57 
`[6.P] “A night light comprising:” ........................................................ 57 
`(1)  Smith .................................................................................................. 57 
`(2)  Sato ..................................................................................................... 57 
`(3)  KSR .................................................................................................... 57 
`[6.1.1] “a lamp assembly comprising at least one multi-coloured lamp
`in parallel with a DC voltage source,” ........................................................... 58 
`[6.1.2] “…in parallel with a DC voltage source,” ............................... 58 
`[6.2] “each said multi-coloured lamp comprising a first illuminating
`element for producing a first colour of light, and” ........................................ 59 
`[6.3] “a second illuminating element for producing a second colour of
`light different from the first colour;” ............................................................. 59 
`[6.4.1] “a programmable lamp controller coupled to the lamp
`assembly for…” ............................................................................................. 59 
`- vi -

`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 6,285,140
`[6.4.2] “…setting a conduction angle of each said illuminating
`element…” ..................................................................................................... 60 
`[6.4.3] “…according to at least one predetermined pattern,” ............. 60 
`[6.5] “each said predetermined pattern being stored in a memory of
`the controller,” ............................................................................................... 60 
`[6.6] “the lamp controller including a first electronic switch coupled
`to the first illuminating element and a second electronic switch coupled to
`the second illuminating element; and” .......................................................... 61 
`[6.7] “an AC/DC converter providing the DC voltage source.” ......... 61 
`2.  Claim 7: “wherein each said predetermined pattern is selectable
`according to a user-operable input to the controller.” ......................... 62 
`3.  Claim 8: “wherein each said multi-coloured lamp comprises a pair
`of commonly-coupled light-emitting diodes, a first light-emitting
`diode of the light-emitting diode comprising the first illuminating
`element and a second light-emitting diode of the light-emitting
`diode pair comprising the second illuminating element.” ................... 62 
`4.  Claim 9: “wherein the controller includes an ambient light sensor
`for inhibiting conduction of the illuminating elements when an
`intensity of ambient light exceeds a threshold.” ................................. 63 
`(1)  Smith .................................................................................................. 63 
`(2)  Sato ..................................................................................................... 63 
`(3)  KSR .................................................................................................... 63 
`A. Ground 8: Claims 10-13 are obvious over Smith in view of Lys, in
`further view of Gomoluch ........................................................................... 64 
`1.  Claim 10 .............................................................................................. 64 
`[10.P] – “A jewelry piece comprising:” .............................................. 64 
`(1)  Smith .................................................................................................. 64 
`(2)  Lys ...................................................................................................... 64 
`(3)  KSR .................................................................................................... 64 
`[10.1.1] “a lamp assembly comprising at least one multi-coloured
`lamp in parallel with a DC voltage source,” .................................................. 65 
`[10.1.2] “…in parallel with a DC voltage source,” ............................. 65 
`[10.2] “each said multi-coloured lamp comprising a first illuminating
`element for producing a first colour of light, and” ........................................ 66 
`- vii -

`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 6,285,140
`[10.3] “a second illuminating element for producing a second colour
`of light different from the first colour;” ........................................................ 66 
`[10.4.1] “a programmable lamp controller coupled to the lamp
`assembly for…” ............................................................................................. 66 
`[10.4.2] “…setting a conduction angle of each said illuminating
`element…” ..................................................................................................... 67 
`[10.4.3] “…according to at least one predetermined pattern,” ........... 67 
`[10.5] “each said predetermined pattern being stored in a memory of
`the controller,” ............................................................................................... 67 
`[10.6] “the lamp controller including a first electronic switch coupled
`to the first illuminating element and a second electronic switch coupled to
`the second illuminating element; and” .......................................................... 68 
`[10.7] “a DC power source for powering the lamp assembly and the
`controller.” ..................................................................................................... 68 
`2.  Claim 11: “wherein each said predetermined pattern is selectable
`according to a user-operable input to the controller.” ......................... 68 
`3.  Claim 12: “wherein the lamp controller includes a temperature
`sensor for selecting the at least one pattern.” ...................................... 69 
`4.  Claim 13: “wherein each said multi-coloured lamp comprises a
`pair of commonly-coupled light-emitting diodes, a first light-
`emitting diode of the light-emitting diode comprising the first
`illuminating element and a second light-emitting diode of the light-
`emitting diode pair comprising the second illuminating element.” .... 70 
`V.  Mandatory notices under 37 C.F.R. §42.8 ....................................................... 70 
`A. Real parties-in-interest (§42.8(b)(1)) .......................................................... 70 
`B. Notice of related matters (§42.8(b)(2)) ....................................................... 71 
`C. Lead and back-up counsel with service information (§42.8(b)(3) and
`(4)) ............................................................................................................... 72 
`VI.  Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 73 
`- viii -

`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 6,285,140
`U.S. Patent No. 6,285,140 to Ruxton
`File History of U.S. Patent Application No. 09/295,367 (now U.S.
`Patent No. 6,285,140)
`Declaration of Mike Wood
`U.S. Patent No. 5,008,595 to Kazar
`U.S. Patent No. 4,675,575 to Smith et al.
`International Patent Application No. PCT/GB91/00843 to Gomoluch
`Certified Translation of Japanese Patent Application H9-180291 to
`Minato et al. and Japanese Language Original
`U.S. Patent No. 5,757,111 to Sato
`U.S. Patent No. 6,528,954 to Lys et al.
`Curriculum Vitae of Expert Mike Wood
`Excerpt from the American Heritage Dictionary, 4th Ed.
`- ix -

`Petition fofor Inter Paartes Revieew of
`UU.S. Patentt No. 6,2855,140
`TThe Examinner erroneoously issueed U.S. Pattent No. 6,,285,140 (EEx. 1001, ““the
`’140 paatent.”). Thhe claims coover nothinng more thhan at leastt one-decadde-old
`technoloogy – variaable-effectt LED lightting. Each
`of the Exaaminer’s foollowing
`alleged patentablee features wwas well knnown:
`1. a first illumiinating element couppled to the
`DC sourcee through aa
`2. a second illuuminating element cooupled to ththe DC souurce througgh a
`firrst electronnic switch,
`seecond electtronic swittch, and
`(EEx. 1002, pp. 100.) Thhe
`3. seetting a connduction anngle of thee illuminatiing elemennts.
`’140 paatent attemppts to take
`from thee public doomain:
`systemss commonlly used for
`advertissing, decorration, and
`ornamenntal or festtive displayys.”
`(’140 paatent, 1:9-110.) The
`variablee-effect lighting systeem includees two commponents: aa lamp asseembly (in rred)
`and a prrogrammabble lamp coontroller (iin blue). (IId., 13:22-228; FIG. 2aa.)
`- 1 -

`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 6,285,140
`“[L]amp assembly 111 comprises a string of multi-coloured lamps 114
`connected in parallel with each other… [and] in parallel with an AC/DC converter
`116 which is coupled to an AC voltage source.” (Id., 13:29-33.) Lamps 114 include
`“a bicoloured LED having a first illuminating element..producing a first
`colour…and a second illuminating element…producing a second colour of light.”
`(Id. 13:34-37.)
`Programmable controller 112 “comprises a microcontroller 20, a first
`semiconductor switch 122 controlled by an output Z1 of the microcontroller 20, a
`second semiconductor switch 123 controlled by an output Z2 of the
`microcontroller 20, and a user-operable switch 24 coupled to an input S of the
`microcontroller 20 for selecting the colour display desired.” (Id., 13:54-60.)
`Microcontroller 20 also “includes a non-volatile memory which is programmed
`with preferably several conduction angle sequences for setting the firing angle of
`the semiconductor switches 122, 123 in accordance with the sequence selected.”
`(Id., 14:13-16.) Using the microcontroller 20, “the conduction angles of the LEDs
`114a, 114b, and hence the ultimate color display generated by the lamps 114 can
`be selected.” (Id., 14:17-19.)
`Kazar and Smith teach first and second illuminating elements coupled to the
`DC source through a first electronic switch. (Wood Dec. ¶¶66-79.) Kazar teaches
`connecting the red and green LEDs that form the bicolor LEDs to the DC source
`- 2 -

`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 6,285,140
`and ground via pairs of transistors (e.g., Q1/Q10 or Q5/Q6). (Wood Dec. ¶¶128-
`134; Kazar, 8:15-36; FIG. 10.) Smith teaches bicolor LEDs are connected to the
`DC source (e.g., VCC) via a transistor pair 406/409 or 407/408. (Wood Dec. ¶¶225-
`229; Smith, 33:32-55; FIG. 39.)
`Kazar and Smith also teach setting the conduction angle of illuminating
`elements. (Wood Dec. ¶¶107 and 209.) Kazar teaches setting the conduction angle
`of the LED components to produce difference colors. (Wood Dec. ¶107; Kazar,
`8:30-39.) Smith teaches a “variable duty cycle control circuit” that sets the
`conduction angle of LED lamps. (Wood Dec. ¶209; Smith, 25:63-26:7.)
`Despite some similarity between Kazar and Smith, there are meaningful
`distinctions between the Grounds (§ II.C). Accordingly, Petitioner requests the
`Board institute trial on both the Kazar and Smith and invalidate ’140 patent claims
`1-13 (“challenged claims”).
`II. Requirements under 37 C.F.R. § 42.104
`A. Grounds for standing
`Petitioner certifies that the ’140 patent is eligible for inter partes review, and
`Petitioner is not barred or estopped from requesting inter partes review. The
`required fee is paid via deposit account. The Office is authorized to charge fee
`deficiencies and credit overpayments to Deposit Acct. No. 19-0036 (Customer ID
`No. 45324).
`- 3 -

`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 6,285,140
`Identification of challenge and statement of relief requested
`Petitioner respectfully requests inter partes review and cancellation of
`challenged claims based on §IV detailing Grounds 1-8 as follows:
`Ground Statute
`§ 103
`§ 103
`§ 103
`§ 103
`§ 103
`§ 103
`§ 103
`§ 103
`1, 2, 4, 5
`1, 2, 4, 5
`Prior Art
`Kazar1 and Gomoluch2
`Kazar, Gomoluch, and Minato3
`Kazar, Sato4, and Gomoluch
`Kazar, Lys5, and Gomoluch
`Smith6 and Gomoluch
`Smith, Gomoluch, and Minato
`Smith, Sato, and Gomoluch
`Smith, Lys, and Gomoluch
`C. Meaningful distinction between Kazar and Smith
`The Kazar and Smith Grounds have meaningful distinctions. (Wood Dec.
`1 Kazar (Ex. 1004) issued on April 16, 1991, and is prior art under § 102(b).
`2 Gomoluch (Ex. 1006) published on December 12, 1991, and is prior art under
`3 Minato (Ex. 1007) published on January 22, 1999, and is prior art under § 102(a).
`4 Sato (Ex. 1008) was filed on April 10, 1997, and is prior art under § 102(e).
`5 Lys (Ex. 1009) was filed on December 17, 1998, and is prior art under §102(e).
`6 Smith (Ex. 1005) issued on June 23, 1987, and is prior art under §102(b).
`- 4 -

`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 6,285,140
`Kazar better teaches the “programmable lamp controller” that is recited in
`independent claims 1, 6, and 10. Kazar explicitly discloses and claims its
`controller—e.g., a “switching mechanism”—is “programmable.” (Kazar, 12:28-31
`and 12:49-50.)
`Smith discloses that its controller —e.g., a duty cycle controller and a
`sequencer circuit—generates a desired color sequence, without explicitly
`disclosing such a controller to be “programmable.” (Smith, 24:14-20 and 26:49-
`Also, Kazar and Smith teach a “user-operable input,” as recited in claims 2,
`7, and 11, in distinctive ways. Kazar discloses a lamp assembly with user-
`insertable LEDs that change how the LEDs operate. (Kazar, 7:12-27.) Smith
`teaches the “user-operable input” through an on-off switch for selecting—i.e., by
`turning on—a desired lighting sequence. (Smith, 42:14-17.)
`The Board should institute both the Kazar and Smith Grounds.
`- 5 -

`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 6,285,140
`III. Claim construction7
`With respect to the ’140 patent, a person of ordinary skill in the art (POSA)
`would have at least the equivalent of a Bachelor’s degr

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