`Santa's Best and Polygroup
`Exhibit 1002
`U.S. Pat. No. 6,285,140

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`(Small Entity)
`TF‘8_I‘_‘tST‘|"llflBd herewith for filing under 35 U.S.C. 111 and 3? C.F.R. 1.53 is the patent application of:
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`sheets of drawings.
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`pursuant to 37 C.F.R.1.311(b).
`07-1751] lv
`Dated: April 20, 1999
`/% Signature
`Robert J. Graham
`Reg. No. 43,430
`P01 SM.R.I.LfREV06

`The present invention relates to variable-effect lighting systems. In particular, the present
`invention relates to a lighting system having coloured lamps for producing a myriad of
`colour displays.
`Variab1e~efi‘ect lighting systems are commonly used for advertising, decoration, and
`ornamental or festive displays. Such lighting systems frequently include a set of coloured
`lamps packaged in a common fixture, and a control system which controls the output
`intensity of each lamp in order to control the colour of light emanating from the fixture.
`For instance, Kunins (US Patent 2,515,236) teaches a coloured light source comprising a
`fixture having a red lamp, a green lamp, and blue lamp, with each lamp being connected
`to separate output terminal of an autotransforrner. The autotransformer is connected to an
`AC voltage source, and the core of the autotransformer is rotated by a motor so as to vary
`the voltage applied to each lamp and thereby control the colour of light emanating from
`the fixture. Although the light source taught by Kunins may be suitable for producing
`light of varying colour, the use of a motor and autotransformer is bulky and is not suitable
`for producing intricate colcurdisplays.
`More recently, multi-coloured light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have been used with
`electronic switches to improve the versatility of the lighting system. For
`instance, Kazar [US Patent 5,008,595) teaches a light display comprising strings of
`bicoloured LED packages connected in parallel across a common DC voltage source.
`Each bicoloured LED package comprises a pair of red and green LEDs, connected back-

`to~back, with the bicoloured LED packages in each string being connected in parallel to
`the voltage source through an H—b1-idge circuit. A control circuit, connected to the H~
`bridge circuits, allows the red and green LEDS to conduct each alternate half cycle, with
`the conduction angle each half cycle being determi_ned according to a modulating input
`source coupled to the control circuit. As a result, the bicolour LEDS can be forced to
`illuminate continuously, or to flash. Further, the colour of light produced by each
`bicolour LED can be continuously varied between two extremes.
`Although the light display taught by Kazar offers an improvement over prior variable
`eifect lighting systems, the control system and the H-bridge circuitry increases the
`complexity of the lighting system. Further, the rate of change of coloured light produced
`is restricted by the modulating input source. Therefore, the range of colour displays
`which can be produced by the light display is limited.
`Phares (US Patent 5,420,482) teaches a controlled lighting system which allows a greater
`range of colour displays to be realized. The lighting system comprises a control system
`which transmits illumination data to a number of lighting modules. Bach lighting module
`includes at least two lamps and a control unit connected to the lamps and responsive to
`the illumination data to individually vary the amount oflight emitted from each lamp.
`However, the illumination data only controls the brightness of each lamp at any given
`instant. Therefore, the lighting system is not particularly well suited to easily producing
`intricate colour displays.
`Murad (US Patent 4,317/,07l ) teaches a computerized illumination system for producing a
`continuous variation in output colour. The illumination system comprises a number of
`different coloured lamps, a low frequency Clock, and a control circuit connected to the
`low frequency clock and to each coloured lamp for varying the intensity of light produced
`by each lamp. However, the rate of change of lamp intensity is dictated by the fiequency
`of the low frequency clock, and the range of colour displays is limited.

`Accordingly, there remains a need for a relatively simple variable-effect lighting system
`which allows for greater variation in the range of colour displays which can be realized.
`It is an object of the invention to provide a va.riable—effect lighting system which
`addresses the deficiencies of the prior art lighting systems.
`The variahleveffect lighting system, according to the invention, comprises a lamp
`assembly, and a programmable lamp controller. The lamp assembly includes a first
`illuminating element for producing a first colour of light, and a second illuminating
`element for producing a second colour of light. The programmable lamp controller is
`coupled to the lamp assembly for setting the conduction angle of the illuminating
`elements according to at least one predetermined pattern stored in a memory of the lamp
`controller. Preferably, the controller includes a user-operable input to allow the user to
`select the predetermined pattern and hence the colour display as desired. Alternatcly, the
`controller includes a temperature sensor for selecting the predetermined pattern according
`to ambient temperature, or a clock circuit for selecting the predetermined pattern
`according to the time.
`In one embodiment of the invention, the programable iamp controller comprises a
`microcontroller for setting the conduction angle according to a plurality of user-selectable
`predetermined patterns. The lamp assembly comprises a string ofserles-connected
`bicoloured light—emitting diodes connected in series between an AC power source and an
`electronic switch. The electronic switch is coupled to an output of the microoontroller
`and sets the conduction angle of the illuminating elements of each bicoloured light-
`emitting diode according to the predetermined pattern selected.

`In another embodiment of the invention, the lamp assembly comprises at least one
`bicoloured light-emitting diode coupled to a DC power source. The first illuminating
`element of the bicoloured light—emitting diode is coupled to the DC power source through
`a first electronic switch, and the second illuminating element of the bicoloured lightw
`emitting diode is coupled to the DC power source through :1 second electronic switch.
`The electronic switches are each coupled to a respective output of the programmable
`controller for setting the conduction angles of the illuminating elements.
`In yet another embodiment of the invention, the lamp assembly comprises at least one
`bicoloured light-emitting diode, with each illuminating element of the bicoloured light-
`emitting diode being driven directly by a respective output of the programmable
`Applications of the invention include Christmas tree light strings, temperatu1'e—sensitive
`lights, night lights, jewelry, key chains and decorative lighting displays.
`The preferred embodinients of the invention will now be described, by way of example
`only, with reference to the drawings, in which:
`Fig. la is a schematic circuit diagram of a variable-effect lighting system according to a
`first embodiment of the invention, showing a programmable controller. and a lamp
`assembly comprising a string of series-coupled bicoloured lamps;
`Fig. 1b is a schematic circuit diagram of one variation of the lamp assembly shown in
`Fig. la;
` é E

`Fig. lc is a schematic circuit diagram of another variation of the lamp assembly shown in
`Fig. la;
`Fig. 2a is a schematic circuit diagram of a variable—eft‘eet lighting system according to a
`second embodiment of the invention, wherein the lamp assembly comprises a string of
`parallel-coupled bicoloured lamps;
`Fig. 2b is a scliernatic circuit diagram of one variation of the lamp assembly shown in
`Fig. 2a;
`Fig. 2c is a schematic circuit diagram of one variation ofthe variable-effect lighting
`system shown in Fig. 2a;
`Fig. 3 is a schematic circuit diagram of a variable—ef‘fect lighting system according to a
`third embodiment ofthe invention, wherein the programmable controller directly drives
`each bicoloured lamp;
`Fig. 4 is a night light according to one implementation ofthe embodiment shown in Fig.
`Fig. 5a is a jewelry piece according to one implementation of the embodiment shown in
`Fig. 3; and
`Fig. Sb is a key chain according to another implementation of the embodiment shown in
`Fig. 3.

`Turning to Fig. la, a variable-effect lighting system according to a first embodiment of
`the invention, denoted generally as 10, is shown comprising a lamp assembly 11, and a
`programmable lamp controller 12 coupled to the lamp assembly 1] for setting the colour
`of light produced by the lamp assembly 11. Preferably, the lamp assembly 11 comprises
`string of multi—colourcd lamps 14 interconnected with flexible wire conductor to allow
`the ornamental lighting system 10 to be used as decorative Christmas tree lights.
`However, the multi-coloured lamps 14 may also be interconnected with substantially
`rigid wire conductor or affixed to a substantially rigid backing for applications requiring
`the lamp assembly 11 to have a measure of rigidity.
`The multi-coloured lamps 14 are connected in series with each other and with an AC
`voltage source 16, and a current-limiting resistor 18. Typically the AC voltage source 16
`comprises the 60 Hz 120 VAC source commonly available. However, other sources of
`AC voltage may be used without departing from the scope of the invention. As will be
`appreciated, the series arrangement of the lamps 14 eliminates the need for a step—dow'n
`transformer between the AC voltage source 16 and the lamp assembly 11. The current-
`limiting resistor 18 limits the magnitude of current flowing through the lamps 14.
`However, the cm-rent-limiting resistor 18 may be eliminated if a suflicient number of
`lamps 14 are used, or if the magnitude of the voltage produced by the AC voltage source
`16 is selected so that the lamps 14 will not be exposed to excessive current flow.
`For longevity, each lamp 14 comprises a bicoloured LED having a first illuminating
`element for producing a. first colour of light, and a second illuminating element for
`producing a second colour of light which is different from the first colour, and with the
`leads of each lamp 14 disposed such that when current flows through the lamp 14 in one
`direction the first colour of light is produced, and when current flows through the lamp 14
`in the opposite direction the second colour of light is produced. As shown in Fig. la,
`preferably each bicoloured LED comprises a pair of difl'erently—coloured LEDs 14a, 14b

`connected hack-to-back, with the first illuminating element comprising the LED 14a and
`the second illuminating element comprising the LED 14b.
`In a preferred implementation of the invention, the first illuminating element produces
`red light, and the second iiluminating element produces green light. However, other LED
`colours may be used if desired. In addition, both LEDs 14a, 14b of some of the lamps 14
`may be of the same colour if it is desired that some of the lamps 14 vary the intensity of
`their respective colour outputs only. Further, each lamp 14 may he fitted with a
`translucent ornamental bulb shaped as a star, or a flower or may have any other
`aesthetically pleasing shape for added versatility.
`The programmable controller 12 comprises a microcontroller 20, a bidirectional
`semiconductor switch 22 controlled by an output Z of the microcontroller 20, and a user-
`operable switch 24 coupled to an input S of the microcontroller 20 for selecting the
`colour display desired. In addition, an input X of the microeontroller 20 is coupled to the
`AC voltage source 16 through a curreut—lirniting resistor 26 for synchronization purposes,
`as wiil be described below. The bidirectional switch 22 is positioned in series with the
`lamps 14, between the current limiting resistor 18 and ground. In Fig. 1, the bidirectional
`switch 22 is shown comprising a triac switch. However, other bidirectional switches,
`such as IGBTs or back-to-back SCRS, may be used without depaning from the scope of
`the invention.
`The programmable controller I2 is powered by a 5—volt DC regulated power supply 28
`connected to the AC voltage source 16 which ensures that the microcontroller 20 receives
`a steady voltage supply for proper operation. However, for added safety, the
`programmable controller 12 also includes a brownout detector 30 connected to an input Y
`of the microcontroller 20 for placing the microcontrollerzfl in a stable operational mode
`should the supply voltage to the microcontroller 20 drop below acceptable limits.
`:5 5
`X 5:

`The rnicrocontroller 20 includes a non-volatile memory which is programmed or
`“burned-in” with preferably several conduction angle patterns for setting the conduction
`angle of the bidirectional switch 22 in accordance with the pattern selected. In this
`manner, the conduction angles of the LEDs 14a, 14b (and hence the colour display
`generated by the bicoloured lamps 14) can be selected.
`Preferred colour displays include, but are not limited to:
`,_ ._
`._. E‘-‘
`continuous slow colour change between red, amber and green
`continuous rapid colour change between red, amber and green
`continuous alternate flashing of red and green
`continuous random flashing of red and green
`continuous illumination of red only
`continuous change in intensity ofred
`continuous flashing of red only
`continuous illumination of green only
`continuous change in intensity ofgreen
`continuous flashing of green only
`continuous illumination of red and green to produce amber
`combination of any of the preceding colour displays
`However, as will be appreciated, the microcontroller 20 needronly be programmed with a
`single conduction angle pattern to function. Fuwm,
`-progrezmmeci in situ with a user interface (not shown) orlincreased flexibility. As will be
`apparent, if the microcontroller 20 is programmed with only a single conduction angle
`pattern, the user-operable switch 24 may be eliminated from the programmable controller
`12. Further, the user-operable switch 24 may be eliminated even when the
`microcontroller 20 is programmed with a number of conduction angle patterns, with the
`microcontroller 20 automatically switching between the various conduction angle

`patterns. Alternately, the user-operable switch 24 may be replaced with a clock circuit
`which signals the microcontroller 20 to switch conduction angle patterns according to the
`The operation of the variable-effect lighting system 10 will now be described. Prior to
`power-up of the lighting system 10, the microcontroller 20 is programmed with at least
`one conduction angle pattern. Altemately, t.he rnicrocontroller 20 is programmed alter
`power-up using the above-described user interface. Once power is applied through the
`AC voltage source 16, the 5-volt DC regulated power supply 28 provides power to the
`microcontroller 20 and the brownaout detector 30.
`After the brown-out detector 30 signals the microcontroller 20 at input Y that the voltage
`supplied by the power supply 28 has reached the threshold sufficient for proper operation
`ofthe microcontroller 20, the niicroconrroller 20 begins executing instructions for
`implementing a default conduction angle pattern. However, if a change of state is
`detected at the input S by reason of the user activating the user-operable switch 24, the
`microcontroller 20 will begin executing instructions for implementing the next
`conduction angle pattern. For instance, ifthe microcontroller 20 is executing instructions
`for implementing the third conduction angle pattem identified above, actuation of the
`uscr—operable switch 24 will force the microcontroller 20 to being executing instructions
`for implementing the fourth conduction angle pattern.
`l 5
`For ease of explanation, it is convenient to assume that the LED 14a is a red LED, and the
`LED 14b is a green LED. It is also convenient to assume that the first conduction angle
`pattern, identified above, is selected. The operation ofthe lighting system 10 for the
`remaining conduction angle patterns will be readily understood from the following
`description by those skilled in the art.

`Afier the conduction angle pattern is selected, either by default or by reason of activation
`of the user-operable switch 24, the microcontroller 20 will begin monitoring the AC
`signal received at the input X to the rnicrocontroller 20. Once a positive~going zero-
`crossing of‘ the AC voltage source 16 is detected, the microconrroller 20 delays at
`predetermined period. After the predetermined period has elapsed, the microcontroller 20
`issues a pulse to the bidirectional switch 22, causing the bidirectional switch 22 to
`conduct current in the direction denoted by the arrow 32. As a result, the red LED 14a
`illuminates until the next zero-crossing of the AC voltage source 16. In addition, while
`the LED 14a is conducting current, the predetermined period for the LED 14a is increased
`in preparation for the next positive-going zero-crossing of the AC voltage source 16.
`After the negative-going zermcrossing of the AC signal source 16 is detected at the input
`X, the microcontroller 20 again delays a predetermined period. After the predetermined
`period has elapsed, the microcontroller 20 issues a pulse to the bidirectional switch 22,
`causing the bidirectional switch 22 to conduct current in the direction denoted by the
`arrow 34. As a result, the green LED 14b illuminates until the next zero—crossing of the
`AC voltage source 16. In addition, while the LED 14b is conducting current, the
`predetermined period for the LED l4b is decreased in preparation for the next negative-
`going zero-crossing of the AC voltage source 16.
`With the above conduction angle sequence, it will be apparent that the period of time
`each cycle during which the red LED 14a illuminates will continually decrease, while the
`period of time each cycle during which the green LED l-‘-lb illuminates will continually
`increase. Therefore, the colour of light emanating from the bicoloured lamps 14 will
`gradually change from red, to amber, to green, with the colour of light emanating from
`the lamps 14 when both the LEDs 14a, 1413 are conducting being determined by the
`instantaneous ratio of the magnitude of the conduction angle of the LED 14a to the
`magnitude of the conduction angle of the LED 14b.

`When the conduction angle of the green LED 14b reaches 180°, the conduction angle
`pattern is reversed so that the colour of light emanating from the bicoloured lamps 14
`changes from green, to amber and back to red. As will be appreciated, the maximum
`conduction angles for each conducting element of the lamps 14 can be set less than 180°
`if desired.
`In a preferred implementation of the invention, the microeontroller 20 comprises a
`Microchip PICIZCSOS microcontroller. The zero-crossings of the AC voltage source 16
`are detected at pin 3, the state of the user-operable switch 24 is detected at pin 7, and the
`bidirectional switch 22 is controlled by pin 6. The brown-out detector 30 is coupled to
`pin 4. The assembly code listing for generating conduction angle pattems 1,2 and 3 with
`the Microchip PIC12C508 rnicrocontroller is shown in Table A.
`itlift:ii???@351:HJ as
`E1;-‘.._.t;. 5
`; Constants
`GP4 (pin 3) is AC input pin X
`TRIGGERKOUT EQU 1; GP1 [pin 6) is Triac Trigger pin Z
`BUTTON EQU 0; GPO (pin 7) is Button 24 input pin S and is active low
`delay_dim EQU 0x007
`dim_val EQU 0x008
`trigger_delay EQU 0x009
`DELAY2 EQU oxoon

`org 0;
`RESET vector location
`movwf OSCCAL;
`goto START
`move data fi'om W register to OSCCAL.
`subroutine to delay 83 usec * register W
`rnovwf dim_vaI;
`rnovlw .27
`rnovwf de]ay_dim
`delay 83 LISEC
`dccfsz delay__dim,1
`golo LOOP2
`clccfsz dim__va],1
`goto LOOP}
`subroutine to send trigger pulse to triac
`movlw b'000]OD01'
`movlw .30
`send trigger to triac

`movwf trigger__de1ay
`decfsz triggerfldelayj
`golo LOOP3;
`movlw b'O001001 1'
`delay 30 usec
`remove trigger from triac
`rnovlw .4
`movwf DELAY3;
`set DELAY3
`movlw .250
`rnovwf DELAY2;
`set DELAY2
`rnovlw .250
`rnovwf DELAY1;
`clear Watchdog timer
`decfsz DELAYLI ; Wait DELAY]
`gnto MSEC2
`dccfsz DELAY2,l; wait DELAY2 " DELAYI
`goto QUART_SEC2
`decfsz DELAY3,I;
`3010 SEC2
`wail DELAY3 * DELAY2 * DELAY]
`subroutine to vary conduction angle for triac each half cycle
` 0018

`increase delay before triac starts to conduct each negative half
`cycle while decreasing delay each positive half cycle
`btfss GPIO,AC_IN
`goto UP_LClOP;
`wait for positive swing on AC input
`increase delay before turning triac on each negative
`half cycle
`movlw .90;
`register W = maximum delay value before triae turns on
`subwf RED_IN'1‘ENSITY,0
`btfsc STATUS,Z
`goto WAlT_NEG2;
`if RED_lNTENSl'I'Y is equal to maximum delay value,
`start increasing delay value
`return if Button depressed
`call DELAY;
`delay RED_I_NTENSlTY * 33 usec
`call TRIGGER;
`send trigger pulse to triac
`btfsc GPlD,AC_[N
`goto MAlN_[.0OP2; wait for negative swing on AC input
`btfss GPlO,AC_1'N
`goto WAlTHPOS_EDGEl; wait for positive swing on AC input
`rnovlw .96
`SUBTRACT_REG = maximum delay value
`+ minimum delay value before triae turns on

`call DELAY;
`delay (SUBTRACT_REG - RED_INTENSITY) * 83 usec
`call TRIGGER;
`send trigger pulse to triac
`btfss GPIO,AC_lIN
`goto DOWN_LOOP; wait for positive swing on AC input
`call WAIT__NEG_EDGE2;
`decrease delay before tri-ac turns on each negative
`half cycle
`rnovlw .6
`subwf RED_INTENSITY,0; register W = RED_WTENSITY - minimum delay
`btfsc STATUSZ
`goto WAI'[‘¥NBG1;
`if RED_INTENSITY is equal to minimum delay
`value, start increasing delay
`blfss GPIO,BU'I”I'ON
`return if Button depressed
`cal] DELAY;
`delay ‘RED_[NTENSITY * 83 usee
`send trigger pulse to triac
`btfsc GPIO,AC_1'N
`goto MA-IN__LOOP3; wait for negative swing on AC input
`btfss GPIO,AC_IN
`goto WA]T_POS_EDGE2; wait for positive swing on AC input
`movlw .96

`SUBTRAC'I‘__RBG = maximum delay value before
`triac turns on
`movf R_ED_INTBNSlTY,0
`call DELAY‘.
`del:1y(SU]3TRACT_REG - RED_INTENSITY} * 83 user:
`call TRIGGER;
`send trigger pulse to triac
`goto DOWN_LO0P
`routine to increase delay before triac turns on each negative
`half cycle
`btfsc GPIQACKIN; wait for negative swing on AC input
`decfsz DELAY5,l; DELAYS = fade delay, ie number of cycles at present delay
`value; decrement and return ifnot zero
`otherwise, increment delay and rerurn
`routine to decrease delay before triac turns on each negative
`half cycle
`btfsc GPIO,AC_1N; wait for negative swing on AC input
`goto WAlT(N'EG_EDCiE2
`decfsz DELAY5,1; DELAYS = number of cycles at present delay value;
`decrement and return if not zero
`decfRED_]NTENSI'l"Y, 1;
`otherwise, decrement delay and return
`/ 1;)»
` 0021

`movfFADE_DELAY,0 '
`subroutine to flash lights at speed dictated by value assigned to
`FLASI-LCOUNT = duration of flash
`btfsc GPIO,AC_IN ;
`wait for negative swing on AC input
`goto MA]N_LOOP4
`btfss GPIO,AC_IN
`goto WAIT_POS_l-EDGE4; wait for positive swing on AC input
`moviw .6
`call DELAY
`call TRIGGER;
`send trigger pulse to triac
`return ;
`return ifButton pressed
`deefsz FLASI-l_COUNT
`decrement FLASHiCOUNT and repeat until zero
`goto MAIN_LO0P4;
`movwf F LASI-I_COUNT;
`btfss GPIO,AC_IN ;
`wait For positive swing on AC input
`goto DOWN_LOOP4
`btfsc GPIO,AC_IN
`goto WAIT_NEG_EDGE4; wait for negative swing on AC input

`movlw .6
`call DELAY
`decfsz FLASI-l_COUNT
`send trigger pulse to triac
`return if Button pressed
`decrement FLASE-I_COUNT and repeal until zero
`return ;
`movlw b'000l0011'
`set pins GP4 (AC input), GP} (Triac output to high impedance),
`GPO (Button as input)
`movlw b'lO(}10111'; enable pullups on GPO, GP1, GP3
`movlw .4
`movwf RED_[NTENSITY',
`movlw .5
`load RED_INTENSITY register
`movwf DELAYS;
`set initial fade
`movlw .5
`set slow FADE_DELAY
`call FADE_SUB ;
`slowly fade colours until Button is pressed

`movlw .1
`set fast FADE_DELAY
`call FADE_SUB;
`rapidly fade colours until Button is pressed
`goto FLASH2/SEC
`FLASH-I2_SEC ; flash redfgreen 2 sec interval
`call DELAY_SEC; wait DELAY3 * DELAY2 “ DELAY1
`movlw .120
`btfss GPlO,BU‘TTON
`goto FLASI-Il_SEC;
`slowly flash lights until Button is pressed
`cal] FLASI-l_SUB
`FLASH1_SEC ; flash reclfgreen 1 sec. interval
`call DELAY_SEC;
`movlw .60
`flash lights at moderate speed until Button is pressed
`FLASI-l_FAST ; flash redlgreen 0.25 sec. interval
`call DELAY_SEC; wait DELAY3 "‘ DELAY2 * DELAYl
`movlw .15

`goto FADE_SLOW;
`rapidly flash lights until Button is pressed
`call FLASH__SUB;
`slowly fade colours if Button is pressed
`Numerous variations of the lighting system lU are possible. In one variation {not shown),
`the user—operable switch 24 is replaced with a temperature sensor coupled to the input 3
`of the microcontroller 20 for varying the conduction angle pattern according to the
`ambient temperature. Alternately, the programmable lamp controller 12 includes a
`plurality of temperature sensors, each being sensitive to a different temperature range,
`and being coupled to a respective input of the microcontroller 20. With these variations,
`one colour display is produced when the ambient temperature falls within one range and
`another colour display is produced when the ambient temperature falls within a different
`In another variation (not shown), each lamp 14 comprises a pair of LEDS with one of the
`LEDS being capable of emitting white light and with the other of the LEDS being capable
`of producing a colour of light other than white.
`ln still another variation, each lamp 14
`comprises a LED capable of producing three or more different colours of light, while in
`the variation shown in Fig. lb, each lamp 14 comprises three or more difTerently-
`coloured LEDS. In these latter two variations, the LEDs are connected such that when
`current flows i.n one direction one colour oflight is produced, and when current flows in
`the opposite direction another colour of light is produced.
`In yet another variation, shown in Fig. 1c, the programmable lamp controller 12
`comprises two bidirectional switches 22a, 22b each connected to a respective output Z1,

`Z2 of the microcontroller 20. The lamp assembly ll comprises first and second strings
`lla, 1 lb of series-connected backAto~back-coupled [.EDs 14a, 14b, with each string Ila,
`llb being connected to the AC voltage source 16 and to a respective one of the
`bidirectional switches 22a, 22b. In this variation, each multi-coloured larnpl4 comprises
`one pair of the back—to—back-coupled LEDS 14a, 14b of the first string lla and one pair of
`the back-to-l:Iack~c0upled LEDs 14a, 14b of the second string llb, with the LEDs of each
`lamp 14 being inserted in a respective translucent omamental bulb. As a result, the
`colour of light emanating from each bulb depends on the instantaneous ratio of the
`conduction angles of the LEDs 14a, 14b in both strings lla, llb. Preferably, the outputs
`Z1, 22 are

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