`Exhibit 2005
`About Us
`News & Events
`Contact Us
`Enterprise Fleets
`Local Fleets
`Tank Monitoring
`Petroleum Logistics
`+1.888.760.4477 -
`~SkyBitz Local Fleets
`About Us
`Based just outside of Washingt on, D.C ... SkyBitz is t he lead ing r emote asset tracking and information
`manag ement service provid er, specializing in real-time decision-maki ng tools for companies with assets such
`as tractor-trailers. i ntermodal containers, chassis, light duty trucks, commercial-use vehicles, power
`generators, heavy eq uipment and other assets. Skyattz·s asset tracking solutio n is d elivered to commercial,
`transportation, mi litary and public safety customers, includ ing sensitive shipment haulers of Arms,
`Ammunition a nd Explosives (AA&E) cargos.
`Founded in 1992 and commercialty operated sinoe 2002, SkyBitz has gained valuab le operational experience
`w ith over 800 large public, private and public safety customers and hundreds of t housands of assets tracked
`on a daily basis .
`SkyBitz got its start in asset tracking by developing its patented Global l ocating System (Gts) and an efficient
`satellit e communications protocol. This p rotocol provides a more secure platform titan trad itional GPS and
`satellit e communications solutio ns. The result is a product that excels in power efficiency, accuracy and
`OUtside of the GlS solution, SkyBitz offers a variety of other asset tracking solutions based on a
`comprehensive portfolio of GPS units and sensors. SkyBitz solutions operate over a diversified
`communications network. ranging from Low Earth Orbit and geostationary satellite sys.temsand GSM/G PRS
`networks. CUstomers access robust asset information, hi storical tr end ing d ata~ and other powerful
`dashboards through SkySitz's proprietary w eb-based application.
`SkyBitz cont inues to lead the industry by d eveloping irmovative technologies and solutions. In 2014, SkyBitz
`launched · skyBitz as a Service•. the first ever comprehensive subscription·based solution for asset
`information management technology. · skySitz as a Service", an entirety new w ay for customers to employ its
`tru>ted asset management solutions without any upfront capital investment. Combined with a ;trong
`partnership convnit ment fro m SkyBitz, this new p latform allows companies to start deploying SkyBitz' s t railer
`logistics and asset management solutions across their fleets easie r and faster than ever before.
`In 2015, SkyBitz acquired Reltima and GPS North A merica, two lead ing commercial telematics companies in
`the local fteet management market. Reltima prov;des comprehensive and cost effective solutions for GPS fleet
`tracking and fleet performance optimization aimed at light d uty vehicle fleets. G PS North A merica is Reltima's
`lar gest distribution partner. Together, Rettima and GPS North America comprise SkySitz innovative tetematics
`solutions for superior fleet management .