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`SkyBitz, a Telular Company, Enters
`Agreement to Acquire Reltima and GPS
`North America
`Posted o n june 23. 201 5
`Acquisition to Significantly Expand SkyBitz's Reach in the Aeet TelematicsMarket
`HERNDON, Va. - June 23, 2015 - SkyBitz® , the leader in remote asset tracking
`and information manag ement solutio ns, today announced that it has entered into
`a definitive agreement to acq uire Reltima and G PS North America, two leading
`commercial telematics companies in the local fleet management market. Reltima,
`headquartered in Woburn, MA, provides comprehensive and cost effective
`solutions for GPS fleet tracking and fleet performance optimization aimed at light
`d uty vehicle fl eets. G PS North America, located in Langhorne, PA, is Reltima's
`largest distribution partner.
`"By bringing Reltima and G PS N orth America together, w e will be ab le to rapidly
`expand our footprint in the g rowing commercial telematics market,· said Doug
`M ilner, CEO , Telular Corporation. "The acquisitio n of these two successful
`organizatio ns is a natural extension of the overall Telular mission to deliver
`innovative telematics solutions that enable our customers to d ramatically low er
`their cost of operations and improve productivity.·
`Reltima offers a wide variety of GPS fleet management tools for sale throug h its
`M aster Dealer network located throughout North America. Its flagship Smart
`Antenna product is a hig hly accurate, in-cab G PS fleet tracking device. When
`paired with Reltima' s Perigee customer portal, Smart Antenna provides a wide
`variety of location based services, d river / vehicle performance d ata, route
`management and cargo status tracking to allow fleet managers to optimize their
`fleet performance and sig nificantly red uce fleet operating costs.
`"The combination of Reltima a nd our largest distributio n partner, G PS North America, with SkyBitz
`represents an exce lle nt strategic fit, bringing togethe r the complementary stren gths of our rich
`p ortfolios and robust go-to-market channels, • said Andrew Petrov. CEO o f Reltima. -rhis new
`relationship will give our deale rs the power to leverage the stro ng and well-respected SkyBitz brand
`name against the large r competitors w e face in the market today ...
`GPS N orth America offers a full comp lement of fleet management solutions
`including asset tracking , hours-of-service (HOS) compliance, vehicle/ d river
`d ispatch and fleet reporting all under the Signa IT rack brand .
`"We are excited to jo in the SkyBitz family, a company that shares our ded ication
`to making sure our valued customers alw ays have access to the best technology
`for tracking and monitoring their fleets," said Todd Lew is, President, GPS North
`America. " Becoming a part of SkyBitz w ill enable us to take our services to the
`next level, w hile maintaining the personal touch our customers have come to
`Subject to the comp letion o f customary cond itions, the acqu isition is expected to dose o n or aroun d
`july 8, 2015 . Reltima and GPS North America were advised by Media Venture Partners {MVP), an
`investment banking firm serving companies in the co m m unications. t echnology and media sectors.
`A vista Capital Partners and T elular were advised by Kirkland & Ellis LLP.
`About SkySitz, Inc.
`SkyBitz, a w holly owned subsidiary of T elular Corporation, is a leader in global remote asset
`manag ement soh.rtions .. and in providing real-time infonnation on the location and status of assets.
`More than 800 enterp rises rely on SkyBitz technology to ach ieve total asset visib ility, imp roved
`security. lower operating and capit al ex penses, and enhanced customer service. SkyBitz delivers its
`solutio n via SkyBitz InSig ht , a secure web-based app licatio n that is fulty customizable and requires no
`software dow n loads. Fo r add itional infonnation, visit www.skvbit z .com.
`T elular Corporation, a wholly-owned subsid iary of A vista Cap ital Partners, and p rovid er of remot e
`monit oring and asset tracking solutio ns for b usiness and residential custo m ers, enables security
`systems and ind ustrial applications t o exchange actionable information w irelessly, throug h cellular
`and satellite t echno lo gy. W ith over 25 years of experience in the wireless industry, T elu lar
`Corpo ration has developed solutions t o deliver remot e access for voice and data witho ut significant
`network investment. H eadquartered in Ch icago, T elular Corporatio n has ad ditional o ffices in Atlanta
`and W ashing to n, D .C. For more info rmatio n, please visit w ww.telular.com.
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