`In re application of:
`Mark M. Leather‘ et al.
`Examiner: Joni Hsu
`Application No.; 10/459,797
`Group A1“: Unit: 2628
`Filed: June 12, 2003*
`iDocket.No.: 0()100.02.0053
`‘ 41.37
`Dear Sir:
`A_pp‘el1ants submit this brief further to the Pre-Appeal Brief Request for Review filed
`Ju1_‘y'22‘, 2010, and the Notice of Panel Decision from P1te~Appea»1 Brief Review dated July 30,
`2010 in. the eaboveddentified app1ic*ation.. Appel.1ants_petition.for a four month extension of time.
`U N I Fl ED 1 O1 3

`..... ..3
`REAL PARTY IN INTEREST .........................................................
`........... .......4
`.... ..5
`............... ...;.6
`SUMMARY ‘OF CLAIMED SUEJECTM. .. TER.._ ...............
`............ ..I.s
`CLAIMS 1-7, 10.22,. 2.4 AND 25 MUST BE REVERSED...., ...........
`13,1.5‘AND;16 MUST BE REVERSED ...............
`.... .29
`VIII. CONCLUSION .......................
`CLAIMS APPENDIX/CLAIMS ON APPEAL ....................................................... ..APPENDIX A
`EVIDENCE APPENDIX ....................................
`........... ...APPENDIXC

`ATI Technologies ULC is the real party in interest in this appeal by Virtue of an executed
`assignment from the named inventors of their entire interest to ATI llnternationcal, SRL and an
`executed name change. The assignment evincing such ownership iriterest was recorded on June
`12, 2003, in the United. States Patent and Trademark Officeat Reel 014176, Frame 0613.. The
`Name Change was recorded on December 30, .2010, in the United States Patent and Trademark
`Office at Reel 025573, Frame 0443.
`Cl-IIC‘./A\G(')/.#2J 59623.1

`To Appellants’ knowledge, tllere» arena related Appeals or Interferences filed, pending,
`or decided.

`Claims 1-7, 10-22, 24 and 25 are pending. Claims 1-7, 10-22, 24 and 25 stand rejected.
`The; originally filed Application contained claims 1-24. Claims 25 and 26 were added during
`prosecutioli of the present application. Claims 8, 9, 23 and 26 were canceled during prosecution
`ofthe present. application. -Claims 1, 10, 12, 13, 20, 24 and 25 were amended during prosecution.
`of the present application. Claims 1-7, 10-22, 24 and 25 are being appealed. Ofthe pending
`appealed claims, 1, 20, 24‘ and 25 are independent.
`CH1 Cf‘AG()i#2l59628.l

`A Pre-Appeal Brief Request for Review was filed -on July 22, 2010, in response to the
`Final Office Action mailed on April 22, 2010. N0 amendments were made to the c1.aims,
`howevei, subsequent to the Final Office Action. The claims listed in Appendix A reflect the
`claims as they stood at the time the Final Office Action was mailed.

`Computer graphics systems, set top box systems or. other graphics processing systems
`typically include a host processor, graphics (including video) processing circuitry, memory (e. g.
`frame buffer), and one or more display devices. The host processor
`have a graphics
`application running thereon, which provides vertex data for a primitive (e.g. triangle) to be
`rendered on the one or more display devices to the graphics processing circuitry. The display
`"device, for example, a CRT display includes a pl'u1'aiity of scan lines comprised of a series of
`0 pixels. When appearance attributes (erg; color, brightness, texture) are applied to the pixels, an
`object or scene is presented on the display device. The graphics‘ processing circuitry receives the
`vertex data and generates pixel data including the appearance attributes which may be presented
`on the display device'accordin‘g_ to a particular protocol. The pixel data is typically stored in the
`frame buffer in a nlanner that corresponds: to the pixels location on the display device (at least
`In a ‘conventional display device,» a screen may be partitioned into a series of vertical.
`strips, The strips are typically 1-4. pixels in width.
`In like manner,
`the frame buffer of
`conventional graphics processing systems is partitioned into a series of vertical strips having the
`same screen space width. Alternatively, the frame buffer and the display device may be
`partitioned into a series of horizontal strips. Graphics calculations, for example, lighting, color,
`texture and user viewing information are performed by the graphics processing circuitry on each
`of the primitives provided by the host. Once all calculations have been performed on the
`primitives, the pixel data representing the object to be displayed is written into the frame buffer.
`Once the graphics calculations have been repeated for all primitives associated with a specific
`frame, the data stored in the frame buffer is rendered to create a video signal that is provided to
`the display device (at least ‘H 0004).

`The. amount’ of time ‘taken for an entire’ frame of information to be calculated and
`provided to the -frame buffer becomes a bottleneck in graphics systems as the calculations
`- -associated with the graphics become more complicated.
`Contributing to the increased
`complexity of the graphics calculation is the increased need for higher resoiutioii video, as well
`as the need for more complicated video, such as 3-D video. The video’ image observed by the
`human eye becomes distorted or choppy when the amount of time taken to render an entire frame
`of video exceeds the amount of time in which the display‘ device must be refreshed with a new
`‘graphic or frame in order to avoid perception by the human eye. To decrease -processing timer,
`graphics processing systems typically‘ divide primitive processing among several graphics
`processing, circuits where, for example, one graphics processing circuit is responsible for one
`vertical. strip of the frame while another graphics _processing circuit is "responsible for another"
`"vertical ‘strip of the frame‘,
`In this manner-, the pixel data is provided to the ‘frame buffer within
`the required refresh time (at least 1] 0005).
`Load balancing is a- significant drawback associated with the partitioning systems as
`~ described above. Load balancing problems occur, for example, when all of the primitives ofea
`particular object or scene are located in one strip. When this occurs, only the graphics
`processing circuit responsible strip 13 is actively processing primitives; the remaining graphics
`processing circuits are idle. This results in a significant waste of computing resources as at most
`only half of the graphics processing circuits are operating. Consequently, graphics processing
`system performance is decreased as the system is only operating at a maximum of fifty percent"
`capacity (at least 11 0006).
`In contrast, according to an aspect of Appellants’ present disclosure, the same frame
`buffer is shared among multiple pipelines that are on a single chip. The shared frame buffer is
`CHICAGO/‘#2159628. l

`configured such that the primitive data is written in the tiles bei'n'g’processed by the first graphics
`pipeline and the tiles being processed by the second graphics pipeline will be substantially equal
`in size, notwithstanding the primitive orientation. Thus, the amount of p_roces_sing performed by
`the first graphics pipeline and the second graphics pipeline, respectively, are silbstaiitially equal;
`thereby, effectively eliminating the load balance problems exhibited by conventional techniques.
`(at least ‘H 10030).
`As to. independent claim 1 and also referring to FIGS». 2 and 3., yeproduced below for
`Mi:E.kv‘éOR"{i L:’QNTRQi~iV‘ER:
`» \’

`FIG. 2
`' CHIC‘./\G(i)/f."2l59(>28.l

`F18. -3
`a -graphics processing circuit (34), including at least two graphics pipelines (102, 102) on a ‘same
`chip are operative to process data in a corresponding set. of tiles (72, 73 respectively) of a
`repeating ‘tile pattern corresponding to screen. locations, a respective one of the at least two
`graphics pipelines are operative to process ‘data in a dedicated tile. The graphics processing
`circuit 34 also includes a memory controller 46 on. the chip in communication with the at least
`two graphics pipelines (A101, 102), and is'transfer pixel data (43, 44) between each of
`a first pipeline and a second pipeline and a memory (48) shared among the atleast two graphics
`pipelines (l0l, 102), wherein the repeating tile pattern includes a horizontally and vertically
`repeating pattern of square regions (FIG. 2,. FIG. 3, at least W 0018-0030).
`Dependent claim 4 is directed to the graphics processing circuit (34), wherein each of the
`at least two graphics pipelines (l0l, .102) further includes front end circuitry (35) (at least W
`("IiI(L‘ACi()./#2 .| 59628.1

`0022, 0023) 0.peratis/.6 to receive vertex data (31) and generate pixel data (e.g.,
`to a primitive to be rendered, and back end circuitry (39, 42), coupled to the front -end circuitry,
`operative‘ to .receive. and process a portioniof the pixel data (at least W 0022, 0025, 0027).
`Dependent claim Sis directed to the graphics processing circuit, wheifeiii each of the at
`least two: graphics pipelines further includes a scan converter (37, 40), coupled to the back end
`circuitry, operative to determine the portion of the pixel data to be processed by the back end
`circuitry" (at least 1l1l 0024-0026).
`Dependent claim 11 is directed. to the «graphics processing circuit of claim 10., wherein the
`.fiI'SlC» ofthe at least two graphics pipelines (101) further includes _a scan. converter (37), coupled to
`the front end circuitry and the back end circuitry, operative to provide position coordinatesiof the
`pixels within the first set of tiles to be processed by the ‘back end circuitry '.(39.),
`the scan
`converter (37) including a pixel identificati‘on line for receivingtiie identification data (38, 41')
`indicating, which of the set of tiles is to bevprocessed by the back end circuitry (at. least.‘H‘fl 0022-
`Dependent claim 13 is directed to the graphics processing circuit, wherein the second of
`the at least two graphics pipelines (102) further includes a scan. converter (40), coupled to front.
`_ end» circuitry -and back end circuitry (42), operative to provide position coordinates of the pixels
`within the second set of tiles to be processed by the back end circuitry, the scan converter
`including a pixel identification line for receiving tile identification data (41) indicating which of
`the set of tiles is to be processed by the back end circuitry (at least fifil 0022-0026).
`Dependent claim 14 is directed to a third graphics pipeline (201) and a fourth graphics
`pipeline (202), wherein the third graphics pipeline includes front end circuitry (135) operative to '
`receive Vertex data and generate pixel data corresponding to a primitive to be rendered, and back

`end circuitry, coupled to the fifont end circuitry, operative ‘to receive and process the pixel data in
`a third set of tiles in the repeating tile pattern, and wherein the fourth graphics pipeline includes
`front end circuitry operative to receive vertex data and generate pixel data corresponding_ to a
`primitive to be rendered, and back end circuitry, coupled to the front end circuitry, operative to
`receive and process the pixel data in a fourth set of tiles in the repeating tile pattern (FIG. 2, FIG.
`.5, at least 11110'031—0035').
`Dependentuclairn _l5 is directed to a graphics. processing circuit, wherein the third
`graphics pipe1ine(2011) further includes a scan. converter (137), coupledxto the front end circuitry
`(135) and the back end circuitry (139), operative to provide position coordinates of the pixels
`‘within the third set of tiles to. be processed. by the back end circuitry (139), the scan converter
`(137) including a pixel identification line for receiving ‘tile i‘de:ntification. data (138) indicating
`which of the sets of tiles‘ is to be processed by the back end circuitry (FIG-. 5, at ‘least 1111 0l)22-
`. 0026, 0037-0039).
`Dependent claim 16 is directed to a graphics prccessinig circuit, wherein. the fourth
`graphics pipelin.e (202) further includes a scan converter (140), coupled to the front’ end circuitry
`(135) and the back end circuitry (142), operative to provide position coordinates of the pixels
`w_ithin the fourth set of tiles to be processed by the back end circuitry, the scan converter
`including a pixel identification line for receiving tile identification data (141) indicating which of
`the sets of tiles is to be processed by the back end circuitry. (Fig. 5 at least 111] 0032-0039)‘
`Dependent claim 19 is directed to a graphics processing circuit wherein the data‘ includes ‘
`a polygon and wherein each separate chip creates a bounding box (Fig. 7) around the polygon
`and wherein each corner of the bounding box ischecked against a super tile that belongs to each
`separate chip and wherein if the bounding box does not overlap any of the super tiles associated
`Cl‘ll(f‘A(iO/'#2 .1 59628.1

`with a separate chip, then. the processing circuit rej ects. the whole polygon and processes. a next
`one. (Fig. 3, Fig. 7, Fig. 8, at least 1i‘fl0049~005 1)
`Independent claim 20 is directed. to a graphics processing method, including receiving.
`vertex data. for a primitive to be rendered (100), generating pixel data in response to the vertex
`data (102), passing the same pixel data to both of the at least two graphics pipelines on a saine
`chip, deteiminingj the ‘pixels within a set oftiles (72, 73) of a repeating tile pattern corresponding
`to screen locations to be pr.ocessed by corresponding one of the at least two graphics pipelines
`on a‘ same chip» in response" to the pixel data, the repeating tile pattern including a horizontally
`and vertically repeating pattern of‘ square regions (Fig. 3), pertorming pixel operations on the
`pixels within the determined set of tiles by the corresponding one of the at least two. graphics
`pipelines (108),. an.d transniitting the processedpixels to a memory controller (146),. wherein the
`at least two graphics pipelines share the memory controller wherein the memory controller
`transfers pixel data fiorn ‘each of the at least two pipelines, to a shared memory.
`(Fig. 6, at least.
`‘[11]’ 0040-0045, 0027-0030)
`Independent claim 24 is directed to a graphics processing circuit (34),. including front end
`circuitry (35) on a chip operative to generate -pixel data in response to primitive data ‘for a
`prirnjitive to be rendered, first back end circuitry (39) on the chip, coupled to the front end
`circuitry, operative to process a first portion. of the pixel data in response to position coordinates,
`a first scan converter (37) on the chip, coupled between the front end circuitry and the first back
`end circuitry, operative to determine which set of tiles of a repeating tile pattern are to be
`processed by the first back end circuitry, the repeating tile pattern including a horizontally and
`vertically repeating pattern of square regions, and operative to provide the position coordinates to
`the first back end circuitry in response to the pixel data, second back end circuitry (42) on the
`Cl~II(."./—\G()/#2 .l 59628.1

`chip, coupled to the front end circuitry (35), operative to process a second. portion of the pixel.
`data in response to position coordinates, a second scan converter (42). on the chip, Coupled.
`between the front end circuitry (35)
`and the second back end circuitry (42), operative to
`determine which set of‘tiles of the repeating tile pattern are to be processed by the S-ecoI.1di'bac’k
`end circuitry, and operative to provide the position coordinates to. the second back end circuitry
`in response to the pixel data, and a memory controller (146) on the chip, coupled to the first and
`seoond back end circuitry operative to transmit and receive ‘the processed pixel data.
`(Fig. 2, at
`least 1]11eoi*s'—oo3 0)
`Independent claim 25 is directed to a graphics» processing circuit (34), including at least
`two graphics pi_pel.ines (101,102) on a :chip operative to process data in a ‘corresponding set of
`tiles of a repeating. tile pattern corresponding to screen locations, a respective one of the at least
`‘two. graphics pipelines e_perative to process data in a dedicated tile, wlierein the repeating tile
`:patt;ern~ includes a horizontally and vertically repeating pattern of‘ regions, wherein the
`horizontally and vertically repeating pattern of regions include NXM number of pixels; and a
`memory controller (.46) on the chip, coupled to the at least two graphics pipelinesonthe chip and
`‘operative to transfer pixel data between each of the tvvo graphics pipelines and a memory’ (48)
`shared among the at least two graphics pipelines.
`((F_lG. 2, FIG. 3, at least 111] 0018-0030).

`Claims 1——4, 7, 10, 12, 1.4 and 25 stand rejected under‘ 3.5 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being
`unpatentable over U.S. Patent No. 6,570,579 (Maclnnis) in View of U.S. Patent No. 6,864,896
`(Perego). H
`Claims 5, 18 and 24 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. '§ 103(a) as beingunpatentable over
`US. ‘Patent No. 6,570,579 (Maclnnis) in View of US. Pa_tent— No. 6,864,896 (Perego), further in.
`View of U.S. Patent No. 5,794,016 (Kelleher).
`Claims 6 and 127 standrejected. under 35 U.S.C. Ȥ 103(a) as being unpatentable over US...
`Patent No. 6,570,579 (Maclnnis) in View of US. Patent No. 6,864,896 (Peerego), further in view‘
`of US. ‘Patent No. 6,778,177 (Furtner).
`Claims 11, 13, 15 and, 16 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. _§ 103(a) as beinglunpatentable
`over‘ US, Patent No. 6,570,579 (1\/Iaclnnis) in View of US. Patent No. 6,864,896 (Perego),
`-futlher in View of U.S. Patent No. 5,794,016. (Kelleher), further in View of U.S. Patent No.
`‘ 5,905,506 (Hamburg-_).
`Claim 19 stands rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a;) as being unpatentable over U.S. Patent
`No. 6,570,579 (Maclnnis) in View of Patent No. 6,864,896 (Perego), further in View of U.S.
`Patent No, 6,778,177 (Furtner), further in View of U.S._ Publication No. 2003/0.1164830 (Kent).
`Claims 2022 Stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a). as being unpatcntable over U.S.
`Patent No. 6,864,896 (Perego).

`V] .
`The references and claim language cannot be mischaracterized in an effort to render a
`claim unpatentable (See e.g., In Re Roztf/‘er, 1.49 F. 3d. 1350, 47 USAPQ 2d 1453 (Fed. Circ. 1998,
`In Re‘ Fine, 837 F.2d 1071)). Claims cannot be interpreted in a vacuum but must be reasonabbz
`interpreted in light of’the specification as it would be interpreted. by one of ordinary skill in the
`art. PI'ziIlij).s' V. /i_WH Corp, 75 .USPQ2d 1321 (en banc‘) (Fed. Cir. 2003). (see also MPEP 2111
`and Cited cases. incorporated by reference herein). Claims must be interpreted to be consistent-
`with the claims themselves and with the Specification. Also, if a reference does not teach what —
`is alleged, a prima facie case has not been made. (See MPEP sections 2142-2.14.4 and cited cases
`incorporated by reference herein). Graham v-John Deere C0,, 383 U.S. 1 (1966), (see also, KSR
`_In2‘er1mri022al.Co. v. Teieflex Inc. at al., 127 S. Ct. 1727 (2007). For one orrnore of these reasons
`4 the rejections must bereversed and the claims should be allowed.
`THEREFORE THE 35 tinge 103 REJECTION on CLAIMS 1-7,. 1992, 24
`Claims 1—4., 7, 10, 12, 14 and 25 stand. rejected under 35 U.S.C.
`§. l03(a) as being
`unpatentablet over US. Patent No, 6,570,579 (Maclnnis) in View of
`Patent No. 6,864,896 H
`(Perego). Maclnnis is a conventional grapliics processing circuit that includes a single ‘pipeline
`and corresponding memory controller on chip.
`It is admitted that Maclnnis does not teach at
`least two graphics pipelines on a same chip that process data in a corresponding set of tiles for a.
`repeating_ tile pattern corresponding to screen locations. Nor does it teach a plurality of graphics
`pipelines and associated memory controller on the same chip in communication with the at least
`two graphics pipelines wherein the memory controller transfers pixel data between each of the
`two pipelines and a memory that is shared among the at least two graphic on chip pipelines. The
`office action alleges that Perego teaches this subject matter.
`‘ l6
`CHlC‘AGO/'#‘Zl 59628.1

`Perego is directed to a scalable unified CPU and graphics memory .architecture and
`employs independent, groups of memory modules 304 that
`-are coupled to a memory
`contr.oller/graphics ‘controller (col. 3, his. 63-67). Perego describes eachvmemory module 304 as
`.i11cluding a rendering engine 312 and a dedicated corresponding shared memory 314 such that
`shared 1T1€II10’l‘.y 314 is shared between :a CPU andthe rendering engine 3.l2. As described by
`Perego, the shared memory may be madeup of multiple memory devices however, the shared
`memory 314 is still only sharcdbetweenc the rendering engine on the particular memory module
`and -the CPU. The shared memory of Perego is not shared between mu/lti
`le rend.erin V en‘ ines
`;on different modules or shared’ between multiple rendering engines on a single module.
`C'la.i_ms 1 states, inter alia,
`a memory controller on the chip in communication with the at least two graphics
`pipelines, operative to transfer pixel data between each of a first pipeline and a
`second pipeline and a memo
`shared anion.
`the at least two rahics Vi elines
`As .claimed., the shared memory’ is shared. among at least two graphics pipelines on. the
`same chip. Appellants respectfully submit that the Perego reference has been misapprehended,
`as it does not‘. teach what is alleged and is directed to a different operation and structure from that
`claimed by Appellants. The Perego teachings instead describe main memory of a CPU that is
`shared with a single graphics pipeline. Multiple pipelines in Pcrego do not share the same
`graphics memory. The final office action alleges on pages 6—7 that:
`Perego teaches...memory controller (310, Fig. 3) in communication. with at least
`2 graphics pipelines 312, operative to transfer pixel data between. each of l. st
`pipeline and 2nd pipeline and shared memories 314 (col. 3, lines 65-67; Col. 4,
`lines l—l0,48—65). Shared memories 314 are each part of main memory (col. l,
`lines 44-54; col. 3, lines 3—6)_, and so are considered to be one rnemor
`that is
`shared among the at least two ggaphics mpelincs (emphasis added).
`The final office action further alleges on page 4 that:
`CHI(.‘AGO/1!"2l 596231

`Perego describes "The shared memory 3l4 typically includes multiple memory
`devices ‘coupled together to form a .block. of storage 312%" (col. 4, lines 8~l0).
`‘ Thus, the block ofistorage space is considered to be a memory shared among the
`two graphics pipelines (emphasis added).
`Appellants respectfully submit that the final Aoftice action. misinterprets the term “shared
`memory” as used. by Perege. As best understood by Appellants, the final office action interprets
`the term “shared memory” as 'memory_sha1'ed between graphics pipelines.
`‘However, Perego
`instead defines “shared memory” as memo
`. devices
`artitioned- for use as both CPU “main
`shared between two: or morenot as memo ra 7l1lCS
`pipelines. Furthermore, “main memory” is described as memory used only by the CPU, not
`memory used for graphics. Perego states:
`Each .mem0r_y'module 304 includes a rendering engine 312 and a shared memory
`314 (Le. main memoir
`auhies memory). The main memory typically
`contains instructions and/or data used to
`render or otherwise handle
`graphical images ggraphical inferrnation. (c.‘olumn.4, lines (1 «.6; e.mphasi.s added)
`Peregc uses the term “shared memory” because a‘p(;)1‘l;l011.- of the memory on each separate
`- memory module is used by the CPU while the remainder is used as graphics memory.
`In. other
`words, the physical memory devices are ‘‘shared?’ between the CPU and a rendering engine.
`However, the memory used for graphics processing is separate from the memory used by the
`CPU. Perego explicitly states that, “the graphics memory is statically or dynamically partitioned
`gfi from the main memory pool” (column 1, lines 46-47; emphasis added).
`Additionally, Appellants respectfully submit that at no point does Perego teach that
`multiple rendering engines (alleged by the final office action to teach Appellants’ multiple
`graphics pipelines) access the same memory.
`In fact, Perego teaches each rendering engine as
`having se arate dedicated memor . Perego’s FIG. 8 (reproduced below) shows two separate
`rendering engines (802 and 810), each associated with their own dedicated group of memogy

`devices (m.em_o_ry devices 804 and 812, respectively) using distinct mem_Q_13/ interconnects (806
`g and 8.14, respectively 1. These separate groups of memory are each. comprised of multiple
`memory devices that are coupled together into" separate discrete blocks of storage.
`300 ~»\
`M§$§i)RY Mounts
`M$E.lW>."i’¥ Dtsirietss 804-
`Additionally or alternatively, Appellants respectfully submit that Perego teaches away
`from Appellants’ claimed design wh.ere a single/memory controller. shares. a single memory
`between multiple graphics pipelines. Perego explicitly states the advantages of having distinct
`memory devices tied to individual rendering engines:
`The architecture of FIG. 3 allows the memory controller/graphics controller 310
`to issue ‘high level primitive commands to the various rendering engines 3112,
`thereby reducing the volume or bandwidth of data that must be communicated
`between the controller 310 and the memory modules 304. Thus, the partitioning
`o5 BE. S 5 B("DB9
`of memo e
`‘modules 304 im roves
`rra hical data
`throughput relative to systems in which a single gr_apliics controller performs all
`processing tasks and reduces bandwidth contention with the CPU. This bandwidth
`reduction occurs becausethe primitive commands typically contain significantly
`less data than the amount of data referenced when rendering the primitive.
`the system partitioning described allows aggregate bandwidth
`between the renderin r en ines and the memor devices to be much hi her than
`the bandwidth between the controller and memory modules. Thus, effective
`0 system bandwidth is increased for processing graphics tasks (column 4, lines 47-
`65; emphasis added).

`In other words, bandwidth is increased by having each distinct rendering engine utilize its
`own dedicated memory present on the same memory module as the rendering engine. Assuming
`for the sake of argument that Perego did share graphics memory between rendering engines, no
`bandwidth gain would be attained as graphics data would necessarily be transferred through the
`memory/graphics controller to another memory module — exactly the scenario Perego seeks to
`avoid; Perego places. rendering engines on separate memory modules specifically to prevent the
`bottleneck created. by passing data through the memory controller during parallel processing.
`Accordingly, Perego -does not teach the claimed subject matter and. the ‘rejection should. be
`As to independent claim 25, the Examiner rejected,-this claim for the same reasons as
`claim 1 as being similar in scope andrrejected it by stating that it is “rejected under the same
`rationale” as claim .1 (final action, page 10).
`-Accordingly, Appellants respectfully .reasse‘rt; the
`relevant remarks made with respect to claim 1.. The rejection should be reversed for the same
`reasons as to claim 1.
`Dependent claims 2 and 3 for purposes of this Appeal only, stand or fall together with
`independent claim 1.
`As per dependent claim 4, they claim requires that each of the graphicspipelines each
`further include front end circuitry that receive vertex data and generate pixel data corresponding
`to the primitive to be rendered, and back end circuitry, coupled to the front end circuitry
`operative to receive and process a portion of the pixel data. The final rejection cites Perego as
`allegedly teaching pipeline front end circuitry as being element 308 in FIG. 3. The office action -
`cites col. 3, ln. 64 to col. 4, ln. 2; col.i5, lns. 19-44. However as shown_ below and reproduced
`FIG. 3, element 308 is actually a “CPU” and is not a pixel pipeline which the Examiner has

`already asserted is actually graphics pipeline 31-2 in the rejection of claim l. Appellants
`respectfully submit that it is logically impossible to have the CPU 308 as described in Perego as
`being separate‘ from rendering engine 312 as actually being in rendering engine 3l2 as alleged by
`the Examiner. [For example, plugging in E,X.aminer’s contention that the rendering engine 312 in
`Perego (as set forth in‘ the rejection of claim 1) corresponds to the claimed graphics pipelines and
`substituting ‘element 308 as allegedly corresponding to the claimed front. end circuitry, such a
`substitution results in an allegation that Perego teaches. that the rendering engine 312 contains the
`CPU 308 since the claim requires that each: of the ‘graphics pipeline include‘ the front end
`circuitry. Perego clearly does not teach that the CPU'is part of the rendering engine 312 and
`actually requires that they be separate. processors. Accordingly, Appellants respectfully submit
`that the rejection must be reversed.
`It is also» alleged as to claim 4 that the “CPU is operative to... generate pixel data
`‘corresponding to a Aprimitive. to be rendered (col. 5, his. 19-27; col. 1, ins. 18.-2.1)” (page 9 of
`final rejection). However, the cited portions do not describe what is alleged since the CPU in
`Perego does not generate pix_el data. To the contrary, the cited portion instead states as is well
`known in the art, that CPUS may sort primitive data which may be then submitted to, for
`example, the rendering pipeline. The CPU does not generate pixel data as alleged, since the
`rendering engine must generate pixel data. Also, the ‘citation as to col. 1 also fails to describe the
`CPU generating any pixel data corresponding to a primitive to be re

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