`Patent Owner.
`Case No. (Not Yet Assigned)
`In re Inter Partes Review of U.S.
`Patent No. 6,778,085, U.S. Patent
`No. 6,798,344; and U.S. Patent
`I, Dr. Eileen A. Bjorkman, do hereby declare under the provisions of 28 U.S.C. § 1746 as
`I am currently employed by the United States Air Force as the Deputy to the
`Director of Air Space and Information Operations, Air Force Materiel Command, Wright-
`Patterson AFB, Ohio.
`I have held this position since January 2015.
`Prior to this position, on and around March, 2002, I was the Associate Director,
`Transformation Initiatives, Defense Modeling and Simulation Office, at the Pentagon in
`Arlington, VA. In this position, one of the programs I worked on was the “Smart Sensor Web.”
`On March 14, 2002, I attended a conference sponsored by the National Defense
`Industrial Association (N DIA) entitled: 2002 Night Operations Symposium “No Place to Hide.”
`The conference was open to the public and addressed subject matter related to the design and
`DOJ EX. 1029

`development of sensor-based systems for (among other purposes) Intelligence, Surveillance, and
`Reconnaissance (ISR).
`On March 14, 2002, Irnade an oral presentation at the conference listed in the
`paragraph above.
`I publically presented a 44-paged slide presentation that I authored entitled
`“Smart Sensor Web Netted ISR for the Tip of the Spear.” A copy of the presentation is attached
`hereto at Attachment 1.
`Copies of this presentation were made available and accessible to persons
`attending the conference on March 14, 2002.
`I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America
`that the foregoing is true and correct.
`Dated: May 10, 2016
`Deputy Director of Air, Space, and
`Information Operations
`4375 Chidlaw Rd, Rm D101
`Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-5006
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Attachment 1
`DOJ EX. 1029

` Netted ISR for the Tip of the
`14 March 2002
`Lt Col Eileen Bjorkman
`Smart Sensor Web Project Manager
`Defense Modeling and Simulation Office
`DOJ EX. 1029

`• Background
`– DUSD (S&T) Thrusts
`– Vision
`– Objectives
`– Key Technical Elements
`– Test Beds
`• Experiments and Results
`• Conclusions
`DOJ EX. 1029

`DUSD (S&T) Thrusts
`DUSD (S&T) Thrusts
`• Five thrust areas
`– Smart Sensor Web
`– Cognitive Readiness
`– Chemical and Biological Defense
`– Information Assurance
`– Hardened and Deeply Buried Targets
`• Objectives of thrust areas
`– Develop an understanding of critical technical & operational
`issues associated with each thrust area
`– Demonstrate system concepts
`– Transition to Services
`Primary Objective of the Thrusts: Accelerate the development
`Primary Objective of the Thrusts: Accelerate the development
`and transition of the capability to the user
`and transition of the capability to the user
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Smart Sensor Web
`Smart Sensor Web
`Vision: An intelligent, web-centric distribution and
`fusion of sensor information . . . that provides greatly
`enhanced situational awareness, on demand,
`to warfighters at lower echelons.
`“… extracts information from large
`arrays of local sensors joined with
`other assets: imagery, weather,
`weapons, simulations, the world-wide-
`web, etc. . . .”
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Program Objectives
`Program Objectives
` Identify and examine, in depth, the critical technical issues
`associated with the development of an enhanced
`situational awareness system for the lower echelon fighter
`– Identify technical issues in an operational context
`– Develop an assessment capability
`– Identify transition opportunities
`Goal was to examine technical issues in an operational
`context, not to develop a prototype system.
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Operational Context
`Operational Context
`•• Deployable system Deployable system
`•• No large infrastructure--batteries/wireless internet No large infrastructure--batteries/wireless internet
`•• Usable by individual soldier Usable by individual soldier
`•• Lightweight/wearable Lightweight/wearable
`•• Compatible with CB gear Compatible with CB gear
`•• Daytime/nighttime Daytime/nighttime
`•• Rugged Rugged
`•• Does not interfere with mobility Does not interfere with mobility
`•• Information tailored to soldier’s needs Information tailored to soldier’s needs
`•• Security Security
`•• Not easily detected, intercepted, or jammed Not easily detected, intercepted, or jammed
`•• Versatile Versatile
`•• Works in urban as well as open terrain Works in urban as well as open terrain
`•• Interoperable Interoperable
`•• Exchange information with other Services Exchange information with other Services
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Information Integration Concept
`Information Integration Concept
`• Soldier
`• Fire-team
`• Squad
`• Platoon
`• Company
`• Battalion
`RF Comms
` Web
` Web
`Physiologic Stress Index (Subject 12, Load 126.6 Kg, Sept 8 - 9 1999)
`3 9
`Squad Night Attack #1
`Squad Night Attack #2
`PSI = 7 "High Strain"
`Rehearse Night Attack
`PSI = 6
`Range Walk
`PSI = 5 "Moderate Strain"
`In Position for Attack
`PSI = 4
`PSI = 3 "Low Strain"
`PSI = 2
`Core Body Temperature (ºC)
`3 8
`3 7
`Heart Rate (BPM)
`Provide Overhead File
`Movement .6Km
`PSI = 1 "No/Little Strain"
`3 6
`Time of Day
`• infrared, Visual
`• Enemy vehicle
`• Forecast,
`nowcast, wind
`direction & speed
`• Soldier health
`• 3-D Simulated
`view for mission
`tt t
`• Blue & Red force
`locations; maps;
`building plans
`DOJ EX. 1029

` Different Users’ Needs
` Different Users’ Needs
`Mission Planning
`• Process
`– Deliberate process
`– Development of operations
`– Development of contingency
`– Plan and conducting
`• Products
`– General & specific knowledge
`of assigned area
`– Summary of recent red force
`and civilian activity
`– Current red force and civilian
`location and activity, as well
`as obstacles
`Mission Execution
`• Process
`– Fast paced execution of
`– Very little reaction time
`– High stress environment-
`mental and physical
`– Heavy reliance on battle
`• Products
`– Specific knowledge of
`assigned area
`– Specific Blue force
`– Red force and civilian
`tracking and activity
`Heavy volume of information
`Time in minutes/hours
`Primarily information updates
`Time in seconds/minutes
`DOJ EX. 1029

`User Information Profiles
`User Information Profiles
`The key is understanding the geographical and temporal
`The key is understanding the geographical and temporal
`of various echelonsneeds of needs of warfighters warfighters of various echelons
`Image Sensors Off
`Company Commander
`Company Commander
`Fire Team Leader
`Fire Team Leader
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Key Technical Elements
`Key Technical Elements
`Battalion TOCBattalion TOC
`•• Energy efficiency Energy efficiency
`•• Low power designs Low power designs
`•• Cued architectures Cued architectures
`•• Smart local processing Smart local processing
`•• Tracking (VSAM) Tracking (VSAM)
`•• Recognition Recognition
`•• Compression Compression
`•• Local sensor information Local sensor information
`•• Collaborative Collaborative
`•• Efficient bandwidth Efficient bandwidth
`•• Efficient formatting Efficient formatting
`•• Better protocols Better protocols
`•• Energy efficiency Energy efficiency
`•• Radios Radios
`•• information information
`•• Security protection Security protection
`•• Authentication Authentication
`•• Fusion of heterogeneous Fusion of heterogeneous
`•• Acoustic, image, Acoustic, image,
`seismic, magneticseismic, magnetic
`•• Geo location & Geo location &
`temporal matchingtemporal matching
`•• Information validation Information validation
`•• Red force input Red force input
`•• Red force Red force
`•• Data base query Data base query
`•• Correlated presentation Correlated presentation
`•• Map Map
`•• Sensor Field Sensor Field
`•• Image Image
`•• Optimization of Optimization of
`presentation mediumpresentation medium
`•• Voice Voice
`•• Text Text
`•• Imagery Imagery
`•• User profiling User profiling
`•• 3D Presentation 3D Presentation
`•• Prioritization Prioritization
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Testbed Concept
`• Single testbed, with both virtual and live simulation
`• Virtual testbed:
`– Pre-mission planning
`– 3D visualization tools
`– Augment exercises with additional forces
`– Other operational assessments
`• Live testbed:
`– Ground truth
`– Realistic operational environment
`– Data for model development and validation
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Live/Virtual Testbed--Ft Benning
`McKenna MOUT Site
`100 meg
`100 meg
`100 meg
`100 meg
`Control Room
`Shared T-3
`1 Gig
`Bell South
`Sim Center
`(Main Post)
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Squad Synthetic Environment
`Sim 7
`Sim 8
`Sim 6
`Sim 9
`Sim 5
`Sim 4
`DI Simulator x 9
`Sim 3
`MOUT Database
`Sim 2
`Land Warrior
`Simulation Center
`Fiber Network
`Sim 1
`High Fidelity Vehicle &
`Reconfigurable Simulators
`DI Sim
`Desktop DI
`Desktop Aviation Simulator
`Support Equipment
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Squad Synthetic Environment
`DOJ EX. 1029

`SSW Virtual/Distributed
`SSW Virtual/Distributed
`China Lake
`Ft. Knox
`Ft. Monmouth
`Ft. Benning
`McKenna MOUT Site
`Sim Center
`Eglin AFB
`DOJ EX. 1029

`• Background
`• Experiments and Results
`– Live Experiment #1, August 2000
`– Live Experiment #2, January 2002
`– Virtual Experiments
`– Cooperative Attack Experiment
`• Conclusions
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Live Experiment #1, August 2001
`Live Experiment #1, August 2001
`• Three scenarios
`– Non-combatant rescue with SOF
`– Personnel Recovery with SOF
`– LOCAAS support
`• Squad size element with platoon leader
`• Squad augmentation by simulation
`• HRED assessment
`• Significant integration problems
`• Some improvement in SA
`• Positive troop feedback
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Live Experiment #2, January 2002
`Live Experiment #2, January 2002
`• Experiment 1- August 2000
`• Three scenarios
`– Non-combatant rescue with
`SOF support
`– Personnel Recovery with
`SOF support
`– LOCAAS support
`• Squad size element with
`platoon leader
`• HRED assessment
`• Significant integration
`• Some improvement in SA
`• Positive troop feedback
`• Experiment 2- January 2002
`• One scenario
`– Non-combatant rescue
`• Platoon size element with
`company commander
`• Platoon augmentation by
`• HRED assessment
`• Correct integration
`• Measure increased SA
`• Evaluate troop feedback
`• Augmented by Virtual
`Experiments (through June
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Live Experiment #2:
`Live Experiment #2:
`Three Technology Levels
`Three Technology Levels
`•• Baseline – Equipment Available Today Baseline – Equipment Available Today
`••Technology Level I – Capability in 2-5 YearsTechnology Level I – Capability in 2-5 Years
`••Technology Level II – Capability in 5-10 Years Technology Level II – Capability in 5-10 Years
`White Board
`SSW User
`UAV w/Real
`Time Video
`3-D Fly Through
`UGV with
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Live Experiment #2 Scenario
`Live Experiment #2 Scenario
`3d PLT
`SBF 1
`SBF 2
`1 S
`T P
`DOJ EX. 1029

` Live Experiments – Technical Issues
` Live Experiments – Technical Issues
`• Blue Force Location
`– GPS errors of 5m-10m are significant for dismounted warfighter
`» Working approach to keep blue icons in/out of buildings as
`– GPS in buildings an issue
`» Satellite reception
`» 3D location
`• Network connectivity
`– Breaks off in forests surrounding MOUT site
`» RF Card Comms not very strong
`• Delivery of information
`– “Smart” is most important part of Smart Sensor Web
`» Can’t overload warfighter with lots of images
`» Currently rely on humans-in-the-loop
`– Latency has to be minimal
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Live Experiments – Technical Issues
`Live Experiments – Technical Issues
`• Wearable computer configuration
`– Too bulky
`– Display -- daylight reading problems & violates OPSEC at night
`» Need more than visual interface -- Warfighters don’t have time to
`view screen during assault phase
`– Battery life
`– Cables
`» Bluetooth is a potential solution
`• Availability of 1m resolution databases of cities of
`– Simulations of great value for mission planning/rehearsal
`• Emplacement of sensors
`– Especially those in buildings
`– Effects of weather on low altitude light UAVs
`» Stabilization of image
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Live Experiment #2 – Overall Results
`Live Experiment #2 – Overall Results
`• Marked increase in situation awareness – over 100%
`• Soldiers developed new procedures during experiment;
`existing TTPs do not address the use of situation awareness
`– Information most useful during mission planning and pre-
`assault phases
`• Information presentation needs work
`– Too much video
`– Not enough pre-processing, correlation, fusion
`• Bandwidth acceptable, except for multiple access of
`streaming video
`– TCP/IP high overhead, maybe not suitable for tactical
`• Testbed generally suitable, needs work on TSPI accuracy
`and weapons effects
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Virtual Experiment -- Four Phases
`Virtual Experiment -- Four Phases
`• Critical Information Requirements for Platoon and below
`• The effect of information display modality on situation awareness of
`infantry soldiers
`– Still image
`– Streaming video
`– Audio
`– Map display
`• The effect of information accuracy on situation awareness of
`infantry soldiers
`• The effect of sensor mix and density on situation awareness of
`infantry soldiers
`All experiments done with NVESD Simulation, the DBBL Squad
`Synthetic Environment (SSE), and HRED
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Critical Information Requirements
`Critical Information Requirements
`• User needs
`– What information does a soldier need?
`» What does he need as a function of echelon?
`» What are geographical needs?
`» What are temporal needs?
`» What does he need at pre-mission/pre-assault planning and
`» What does he need during the assault?
`Information value
`– How useful are the various elements of information to the soldier in
`accomplishing his tasks?
`» In enhancing situational awareness
`» In supporting planning, mission rehearsal, decision making, mission
`execution, survivability
`– How should information be prioritized/presented to the soldier?
` SSW identified Critical Information Requirements (CIRs) for Infantry platoon and
`below operating in urban areas during attack, defend, and reconnaissance missions.
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Critical Information Requirements
`Critical Information Requirements
`• Army Research Laboratory, Human Research and
`Engineering Directorate
`• Three vignettes with three scripts each from prior live
`– Clearing a building after attacking across an open danger area
`– Defensive preparation for counterattack while occupying
`second floor of a building
`– Reconnaissance mission to observe OpFor activity
`• Evaluated four echelons
`– Squad member
`– Team leader
`– Squad leader
`– Platoon leader
`• Eight squads total
`Vignette CVignette C
`Vignette BVignette B
`Vignette AVignette A
`Scr Scr 11 Scr Scr 22 Scr Scr 33 Scr Scr 11 Scr Scr 22 Scr Scr 33 Scr Scr 11 Scr Scr 22 Scr Scr 33
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Critical Information Requirements
`Critical Information Requirements
`Validation Phase
`Validation Phase
`PURPOSE: To ensure that the cognitive data collected in the
`simulator is comparable to data collected in a live environment
`• One Platoon
`• One day
`• One vignette with two scripts
`METHODOLOGY: Comparison of
`criticality ratings from live
`vignettes to those from simulator
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Critical Information Requirements
`Critical Information Requirements
`Validation Results
`Validation Results
`Information Requirements
`Information Requirements
`Information Requirements
`Information Requirements
`MeanMean SDSD
`OpForOpFor location on location on
`OpForOpFor location on location on
`Counterattack threatsCounterattack threats
`Counterattack threatsCounterattack threats
`and locationand location
`and locationand location
`Type of hostile fireType of hostile fire
`Platoon sergeantPlatoon sergeant
`expected from SEexpected from SE
`OpFor OpFor locationlocation
`Type of hostile fireType of hostile fire
`outside McKennaoutside McKenna
`expected from SEexpected from SE
`Company CCPCompany CCP
`OpFor OpFor locationlocation
`outside McKennaoutside McKenna
`OpFor OpFor activityactivity
`Disposition of 2ndDisposition of 2nd
`reported by A Co.reported by A Co.
`Platoon sergeantPlatoon sergeant
`OpFor OpFor activityactivity
`reported by A Co.reported by A Co.
`Anticipated time Anticipated time OpForOpFor
`OpFor OpFor element rate ofelement rate of
`will reach McKennawill reach McKenna
`OpFor OpFor element rate ofelement rate of
`Anticipated time Anticipated time OpForOpFor
`will reach McKennawill reach McKenna
`Company CCPCompany CCP
`Disposition of A CoDisposition of A Co
`Disposition of 2ndDisposition of 2nd
`Disposition of A CoDisposition of A Co
`Criticality Rating: 1-7, with 5-7 being necessary for mission performance
`Criticality Rating: 1-7, with 5-7 being necessary for mission performance
` 1 1
` 2 2
` 3 3
` 4 4
` 5 5
` 6 6
` 7 7
` 8 8
` 9 9
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Critical Information Requirements
`Critical Information Requirements
`Information deemed slightly more critical in simulator vs live
`• Squad members needs less information than higher echelons due to
`the very localized types of decisions they make
`• Criticality of OpFor location beyond 50 meters from the objective
`increases as the level of leadership increases. Leaders interested in
`information out to 1 km
`• Simulator limitations may have a modest impact on outcome; e.g.,
`simulated OpFor may not appear as threatening as live OpFor
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Cooperative Attack Experiment
`Cooperative Attack Experiment
`1. Enhanced weapon
`Demonstrate that WASM’s can use
`off-board sensor information in
`addition to on-board sensors and
`inter-weapon communications to
`enhance overall effectiveness.
`2. Informed battlefield decisions.
`Demonstrate that munitions can
`provide important data (target
`recognition, damage information
`or snapshot images) to the SSW
`for use by battlefield decision
`“Tanks Under Trees” Sensor
`Low Cost Autonomous Attack System
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Cooperative Attack Experiment
`Cooperative Attack Experiment
`Operation Center
`Remote Ground
`• Remote ground sensor detects
`• Remote ground sensor detects
`potential target and passes this alert
`potential target and passes this alert
`to a loitering UAV.
`to a loitering UAV.
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Cooperative Attack Experiment
`Cooperative Attack Experiment
`Operation Center
`2. Loitering UAV redirects to
`2. Loitering UAV redirects to
`coordinates of possible threat and
`coordinates of possible threat and
`provides a “snapshot” to TOC.
`provides a “snapshot” to TOC.
`Remote Ground
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Cooperative Attack Experiment
`Cooperative Attack Experiment
`3. TOC provides positive Command
`3. TOC provides positive Command
`and Control to loitering WASMs.
`and Control to loitering WASMs.
`Operation Center
`Remote Ground
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Cooperative Attack Vignette
`Cooperative Attack Vignette
`Operation Center
`4. The threat is engaged and
`4. The threat is engaged and
`BDI is provided to TOC.
`BDI is provided to TOC.
`Remote Ground
`DOJ EX. 1029

`• Background
`• Experiments and Results
`• Conclusions
`DOJ EX. 1029

`• Soldiers at the lowest echelons can exploit information in
`real time to enhance force security and improve small unit
`operations effectiveness
`Integration and fusion of information in real time needs
`• Cooperative attack experiment highlights the potential for
`lower echelon warfighters to use higher echelon assets on
`the battlefield
`• Testbeds are available and suitable for follow-on
`development work
`DOJ EX. 1029

`DOJ EX. 1029

` - Node discovery and authentication
` - Cueing
` - Bandwidth and energy management
` - Geospatial routing
` - Network security and encryption
` - Node density and function
` - Bandwidth and energy management
` - Distributed query
` - Legacy interfaces
` - Protocols
` - Information aggregation
` - Distributed database
` - User authentication
` - User profiles and permissions
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Critical Technical Issues
`Critical Technical Issues
`Information Architecture
`Information Architecture
`• Energy and bandwidth management:
`– What is the energy cost of moving information from sensors to users
`– What bandwidth is required to meet information needs?
`– What network mechanisms can be employed to minimize energy and bandwidth
`• Network layer:
`– What drives node density, sensing or communication?
`– How does a random distribution of nodes form and maintain a network?
`– How does a user access information without knowledge of the network?
`Information aggregation:
`– Where does information reside in the network?
`– How and where is heterogeneous sensor information combined?
`– What is the value of information aggregation to efficiency and to successful
`detection and classification?
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Critical Technical Issues
`Critical Technical Issues
`Information Management
`Information Management
`Interfaces to Sources
`– What are the relevant sources of information?
`– What are the data formats that facilitate integration into SSW?
`– What is the essential information to be extracted from a source?
`• Storage
`– Where is the best place to store data and should it be replicated?
`– How should the data be organized? -- Relational?, object-oriented?,
`XML?, jpegs?, streaming video?, formats?
`• Fusion Processes
`– What types of fusion are useful and can be implemented?
`– How do we handle information validity decay?
`– What are the fusion processing latencies? -- Accurate vs. fast?
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Critical Technical Issues
`Critical Technical Issues
`Information Management, cont.
`Information Management, cont.
`• Reference Data
`– What are the relevant sources of reference or background data?
`– What are the relevant formats and interfaces to acquire reference data?
`– What data should be stored in the database?
`– What data should be downloaded to the soldier devices?
`Interface to User Presentation
`– What are the formats to support information push and pull?
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Critical Technical Issues
`Critical Technical Issues
`Information Presentation
`Information Presentation
`• Presentation modalities
`– What is the best way to inform a soldier of the current
`» Situation dependent, echelon dependent
`– What are the display requirements for ease of use?
`– What are the relevant human factors issues for soldier
`– How do individual soldiers report enemy activity quickly,
`easily, and accurately?
`– What’s the best way to acquire and present reference data?
`Information Flow Control
`– How should the flow of information to soldiers at different
`echelons be controlled?
`– How is the flow control established and implemented?
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Program Schedule
`Program Schedule
` FY 00 FY01 FY02
`• Initiation
`• Operations
`• Initial – Aug 00
`• Final – Jan 02
`Exercises (System’s Integration)
`• Jan 01
`• Apr 01 (FMP support)
`• Jun 01
`• Aug 01 (Dry Run)
`Exercises (Virtual Simulation)
`• May 01(cid:224)Jun 02
`Final Report
`• May 02
`DOJ EX. 1029

`Example of Value of SSW Information
`Example of Value of SSW Information
`5. Blue Forces see potential enemy
`soldier around corner. Fire Team
`Leader uses personal camera to
`look around corner and verify
`enemy soldier. Fire Team then
`goes around corner and kills Red
`Soldier with no friendly casualties.
`2. Red Soldier moves
`to position outside
`building to shoot
`through window at
`blue soldiers entering
`4. Blue Forces
`stop in front of
`building ready to
`enter, but check
`display first
`1. Movement
`of Blue
`3. SSW sensors
`pick up enemy
`soldier and sends
`information to all
`SSW displays
`DOJ EX. 1029

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