`3rd Eye Surveilianee, LLC et at’. v. United States, C]. No. l5—501
`I, Phyllis A. Bell, declare as follows:
`1 am a Deputy Director at the Defense Technical Information Center (“DTIC"),
`located at Fort Belvoir, VA. Except as stated on information and belief, I have personal
`knowledge of the matters stated in this declaration.
`I am familiar with DTlC’s system for receiving, cataloguing, and circulating
`items in the DTIC’s possession and our procedure and practices for making materials available to
`the public. DTIC implements certain practices in the ordinary course of business to track the
`materials in its collections and I reviewed those records to verify the dates provided in this
`The document titled A System for Video Surveillance and Monitoring CMU
`VSAMFz'mz1 Report is part of the DTIC Collection, and its accession number is ADA376952.
`DTIC received this report from the contributor on May 10, 2000.
`It was processed through
`DTIC‘s Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) and digitally stored on May 17,
`2000. This date is also when the citation was available on our website; the full text of the report
`became available online to the public within 30 days. A photocopy of the cover page of this
`document is Attachment 1.
`The compact disc titled Night Operations Symposium ‘No Piece To Hide’ Held On I 1-
`14 March 2002 is part of the DTIC Collection, and its accession number is ADM00270. One of the
`presentations on the disc is titled Smart Sensor Web Netting ISRfor the Zip ofthe Spear. The full-text
`proceedings of this conference sponsored bythe National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA)
`was provided to DTIC sometime after the conference was held. DTIC, as the host of the NDIA
`DOJ EX. 1028

`website, updated the site during May 2002. The listing and links to the fulI~text presentations
`‘went live’ on June 2, 2002. An Internet Archives [Wayback Machine] screenshot of the NDTA
`website dated June 2, 2002 and a photocopy of the table of contents from the disc is Attachment
`lhe document titled Di's.semr'nati0n And Storage ofTactical Unmanned Aerial
`Vehicle Digital Video Imagery At The Army Brigade Level is part of the DTIC Collection, and its
`accession number is ADA374041. DTIC received this report in paper format from the
`contributor on March 6, 2000. It was processed through DTIC's Electronic Document
`Management System (EDMS) and digitally stored on March 15, 2000. This date is also when
`the citation was available on our website; the full text of the report became available online to
`the public within 30 days. This report was authored by a graduate student at the Naval Post
`Graduate School. All NPS student theses approved for public release are available on NPS’s
`public website. DTIC does not have a record of the NPS processing time for student theses and
`earmot provide an estimate of when each thesis became available from NPS, but you could
`contact NPS for that information. A photocopy of the cover page of this document is
`Attachment 4.
`As a part of DTIC's standard procedure, a copy of each public document is
`automatically sent to the National Technical Information Center (NTIS) for purchase by the
`public. Based on estimated processing times from 2000 to the present, the documents were
`probably sent from DTIC to NTIS approximately a month after the citation creation date of each
`report identified. DTIC does not have a record of the NTIS processing time for DTIC documents
`and cannot provide an estimate of when each document became available from NTIS, but you
`DOJ EX. 1028

`could Contact NTIS for that information. The documents would have been available for purchase
`by the public from NTIS after being added to that collection.
`I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws ofthe State of Virginia and under the laws of
`the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.
`Executed at Fort Belvoir, VA on 5 i If) flflfi
`Phyllis A. Bell
`Deputy Director, User Services
`1. Cover Page for A System for Video Surveillance and Monitoring CMU VSAM Final
`Report [ADA376952]
`. An Internet Archives [Wayback Machine] screenshot of the NDIA website dated June
`2, 2002 and the Table of Contents for Night Operations Symposium ‘No Place To
`Hide’ Held On 11-14 March 2002 (CD-ROM) [ADM00270]
`. Cover Page for Dissemination And Storage of Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
`Digital Video Imagery At The Army Brigade Level [A DA3 74041]
`DOJ EX. 1028

`Attachment 1
`DOJ EX. 1028

`A System for Video Surveillance and Monitoring
`CMU VSAM Final Report *
`Takeo Kanade, Robert T. Collins, Alan J. Lipton,
`Hironobu Fujiyoshi, David Duggins, Yanghai Tsin,
`David Tolliver, Nobuyoshi Enomoto and Osamu Hasegawa
`Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
`E-MAIL: {lcanadc,rcollins,aj1}@cs.cn1u.ed11
`HOMEPAGE: http:/Iwww.cs.c1nu.edul"’ vsam
`Peter Burt and Lambert Wixson
`The Sarnoff Corporation, Princeton, NJ
`E—MAIL: {pburt,lwixson}@samoff.con1
`Under the three-year Wdeo Surveillance and Monitoring {VSAM) project, the Robotics in-
`stitute at Carnegie Mellon Univetsity (CMU) and the Samoff Corporation have deveiopod a
`system for autonomous Video Suwciliancc and Monitoring. The technical approach uses mul-
`tiple, cooperative video scnsors to provide continuous coverage of people and vehicles in a
`cluttered envit-onment. This final report presents an overview of the system, and of the tech-
`nical accomplisltmeuts that have been achieved. Detaiis can be found in a set of previously
`published papers that together comprise Appendix A.
`‘This work was funded by the DARPA [rnagc Undcrstandittg under contract DAAB07-97-C-I031, and by the
`Officc of Naval Research under grant NO(}Dl499-1-0646.
`Robotics Institute, CMU
`VSAM Final Report
`DOJ EX. 1028

`Attachment 2
`DOJ EX. 1028

`2002 Night Operations Symposium "No Phee to Ride"
`11-14 March 2on2
`" _._.%.—_x;g; :;=;;'§.""' 53;;
`Table of Contents
`gi§’.€??§§§si$i.‘-_:.)...L}!.1_A¢¥‘>*é'>i.é%-£.a1...’3?{_é§<{31§‘.&‘ by -Dr- lanes 45- Tegnelia. Sandi: Nations! Laboratories
`§%‘&i'-_~:_'r~ {.1E um:-c t,'=_\c11'r>.;:'LM.'-5; %?gz§_I F L25 '3 by GEN Paul F. Gonnan, USA. (REIT)
`5' P35: Kl;-dé»:_g§__% c.%m%m'. L .1_n_:«:‘[_3a-1 _-:_g_-_:___I_'g3- ( i_i3_n .1; 1_._1_ g -.!I11_1i}§¢W§__i_I_!_E.1f§§§§f§;§f]_. by Dr. Elizabeth Stanley-
`‘j!\-litchell, Center for Peace and Security Studies, Georgatown Univemity
`iwvizw :_.s‘:.1;.s=“iM.E»'rvr_II..:.:_t.:-" ‘-H-' E 4.1.‘ ='=g._i TL-L‘:
`.:§==¥‘J’l~;U.H££.i§§ia*é$‘?5E.3¥i..13§§W5§ by Wmtn Smith. SMC '
`E-*1.-J:-.;:s2:a.e;.::.>. 1_:1_.?i -.3..!1Z...t's ~{_.?z»:§.§.z?.!.;1_d. E.-“v=.~&’f».-tin -ta .:i%;.a;% by Vicior Tum. Titan Atrosvdcfi
`fiwednuday, I3 March 2002
`[783 L N_H'I2?} {>4H“_\l-i§_{}W‘sW3_‘_}_I *z;ux_-_\ .~L;1§_ m_.; by Phillip E. Howard, DRS 531130?! and
`Targeting Systems. Inc.
`E.~a:;j.§,gj_z» r-._v:~W1M.?;}__§- ~ by Fred Petite, NVBSD-Air Systems Division
`E t um z _.a:.
`: H3_1_‘l'.\_~_ :,_g_; \__.n_s,_ '§Ng«§'_§,u-_3_1_['__‘ _§},M§;;__;_1;;g by Dr. James R. Waxcnuan, Naval Research
`; “
`ernmday, 14 Mm» 29412
`aj§__l_:x §§§;gg§53;_.3_ by MA} Tyrone Stark, U.$. Anny Resmrch Lab
`-\ E R I:!_r__.-\_£_'ru_.rq;‘_;}5|;;- ;;._;§§_é3;§_3~_ by Lari Wes&$i£amp,AFRL Sensors Directorate
`I -2115 '*".-L...»«’ Iflit;zQ,-:}sagyu;:zs.§:Wé.;_._ir:=$ by Df- Bruce
`‘ \ -*~:%’£%s*..N.\_g-a’*¥§£ 2..:~__*-
`Schachter, Northrop Gwmmala Co.
`i§§3_.J_._'_}f_fgM_{_':$_s'fl!__;§‘&z_L.=_3e;§____8iLLtl_j‘_§j}«;[_:f‘l'i1:E}E$ by John F. Danzrmnn IL, US, Army Research Lab.
`.2112.-=I..=_._-*m»«_:_m“ ch§;>.:$§i:g..§%;;«g:.J.:;r_s§i§%&.*:x‘:’ern~%“ by LTC Eileen Bjolkrnali. Defense
`%M:2<lc.-ling and Siznuiation Urffice
`'“:~'.‘-.E?.s.‘;'.-'-5,.‘-3 :3u%_.~.:::-..1::,r.Wa!.2.».~:..E 'i§£§%m,.g12rm =‘~.,_v ¥’%m =v *ii~.!;_.i by Dr« John Eidw, US. Army
`;: Research Lab.
`3-L.'I_~‘>j,r:_m.t=r P231;-at 1.'_l.'_‘-.*z§i}i_‘
`.31;;,”%é.§..,<.. ._:i_‘;=:1~Q§.1§1:.g by 9t Hamid 5215. Office Of NW3! Rfifiafimh .
`__w;‘4f\~;~;3;,n:|e‘:;\‘;~Iva=,!,1.:aVZ‘é§";.‘:'«W<&~v-_ $sw_t_:__1-"12. F’.§<;'=~'.c~~ins 3 I~t-a».&.E;é.':;r..s.s.§‘«~'=r By Mafius 3. Vassiliw. Rockweil
`Scientific Company
`https:/iweb.archive.urg/wehf200’20602074737fhttp:lfwww.dticnmiUndiafzflflhightopfinclex... 4f27f20l6
`DOJ EX. 1028

`Files are in Adobe Acrobat 3. 0 format.
`Night Operations Symposium "No Place to Hide"
`11-14 March 2002
`Table of Contents
`Tuesday. 12 March 2002
`Sensors for Future Combat Systems 1FCS} by GEN Paul F. German, USA (RET)
`The Media as Technical Comgetitor for Crisis and Combat Inforrnarion by Dr. Elizabeth Stanley—MiIcI1eIl,
`Center for Peace and Security Siudies, Georgetown University
`Sceinrr and Listeni 0 to the Fallinrv Trees: Suba eiiure Ima in" in SAR by Warren Smith, SAIC
`Advances in SAR for keeging lazgetsat risk by Victor Torn, Titan Aerospace
`Wednesday, 13 March 2882
`DRS UGOOO 640x-180 VOX Uncoolod IR Focal Plane by Phillip E. Howard, DRS Sensors and Targeting
`Systems, Inc.
`Sensors for UA Vs by Fred Pcfito, NVESD-Air Systems Division
`Two Color IRFPAS for Nagy Missile Warning by Dr. James R. Waterman, Naval Research Laboratory
`Thursday, 14 March 2002
`Robotics Technology: by MA} Tyrone Stark, U.S. Army Research Lab
`ATR for Air Force Agp_|ica‘rion;;_ by Lori Westerkarnp, AFRL Sensors Direciorate
`VisibiefNear—lR vs. Uncooled Long Wave Infrared Automatic Target Recognition by Dr. Bruce Schachter,
`Northrop Grumman Co,
`Imagery from ARL Laser Radar Experiments by John F. Darnmann .Ir,, U.S. Army Research Lab.
`Smart Sensor Web Netled ISR for the T_ip__ofthe Spear by LTC Eileen Bjorkman, Defense Modeling and
`Simulation Office
`DOJ EX. 1028

`Networked Sensors for the Obiective Force "No Place to Hide" by Dr. John Eickc, US. Army Research Lab.
`Smart Sensor Web on Power Line for Urban Defense by Dr._l-Iarold Szu, Office ofNaval Research
`Wirciess Sensor Networks: Sensing, .F'rL)ce5siI1g__& Visualization by Marius S. Vassiliou, Rockwell Scientific
`DOJ EX. 1028

`Attachment 3
`DOJ EX. 1028

`Monterey, California
`Andreas K. Apostolopoulos
`Riley 0. Tisdake
`September 1999
`Thesis Advisor:
`Associate Advisers:
`Orin E. Marvef
`William I. Hag:
`Brad "R. Naegle
`Approvefi for public release; distribution is unlimited.
`10310 QUALIITY mspemmn 3
`20000306 051
`DOJ EX. 1028

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