Transcript of Conference Call
`Date: June 17, 2016
`Case: AstraZeneca; Mylan; Wockhardt; Sun Pharmaceutical Industries
`Ltd., In Re (PTAB)
`Planet Depos, LLC
`Phone: 888-433-3767
`Fax: 888-503-3767
`Worldwide Court Reporting | Interpretation | Trial Services
`Page 1 of 14
`AstraZeneca Exhibit 2005
`WOCK v. AstraZeneca

`IPR2015-01340, IPR2016-01029, IPR2016-01104
`Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016
`1 (Pages 1 to 4)
`APPEARANCES (Continued)
`2 3
`7 8
` - - - - - - - - - - - -
` - - - - - - - - - - - -
` IPR2015-0134, IPR2016-01029, IPR2016-01104
` Administrative Patent Judges Rama Elluru
` and Michael Tierney
` - - - - - - - - - - - -
` Telephonic Conference
` Friday, June 17, 2016
` 2:02 p.m.
`Job No.: 115100
`Pages: 1 - 21
`Reported by:
`Sandra Bunch VanderPol, RMR, CRR, CSR #3032
` Telephonic Conference with the Honorable
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` JUDGE ELLURU: Good afternoon. This is
`Judge Elluru. And with me is Judge Tierney.
` This is a phone conference for
`IPR2016-01340, Mylan against AstraZeneca;
`IPR2016-01029, Wockhardt against AstraZeneca;
`IPR2016-01104, Amneal against AstraZeneca.
` Could we please start with identification of
`counsel for the IPR2016-01340.
` MR. TORCZON: Rick Torczon for Mylan.
` MR. HARTMANN: Anthony Hartmann for
`12 AstraZeneca. I also have David Weingarten and Eric
`RAMA ELLURU and MICHAEL TIERNEY, Administrative Patent
`Judges, held pursuant to agreement, before Sandra
`Bunch VanderPol, Certified Shorthand Reporter No. 3032
`of the State of California.
` A P P E A R A N C E S
`6 7
`13 Grondahl.
`(Appearances continued on next page)
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you.
` And for IPR -- Petitioner Wockhardt?
` MR. GALLAGHER: This is Patrick Gallagher
`from Duane Morris. Also on the phone is Frederick
`Ball, also from Duane Morris.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And for Petitioner Amneal?
` MR. PARK: This is Sam Park on behalf of
`21 Amneal and Sun, Winston & Strawn.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you.
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`IPR2015-01340, IPR2016-01029, IPR2016-01104
`Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016
`2 (Pages 5 to 8)
` The reason that we wanted to talk to the
`parties today is about the two joinder motions in
`IPR2016-01029 and IPR2016-01104. For the purposes of
` And the second point I wanted to bring up, I
`wanted to make sure that the panel is aware there are
`actually some other IPRs that were filed that have
`this current teleconference, we will put aside the
`4 motions for joinder pending.
`filing issue in the 1029 case.
` And we have read the papers, but we wanted
`to sort of get a brief update by the parties starting
`with Petitioner Wockhardt. What do you envision as --
`how do you envision the joinder, including with
`respect to arguments, the schedule, evidence,
`cooperation between the original petitioner Mylan?
` MR. BALL: Sure. Your Honor, my name is
`Frederick Ball. And if it's all right -- Patrick
`Gallagher is attending. But if it's all right, if you
`don't mind me speaking on behalf of Wockhardt, we
`would appreciate that.
` JUDGE ELLURU: That would be fine.
` MR. BALL: We have reached an agreement with
` JUDGE ELLURU: They haven't been docketed
`yet, so -- I think one of the e-mails from petitioners
`indicated that there might be other petitioners. When
`those petitioners -- when those cases are docketed and
`we have them on our dockets, we will have another
` MR. HARTMANN: Okay. And with respect to
`what Mr. Ball said, I guess our lead point is still
`that joinder is improper. They did not file the
`petition in a timely manner.
` JUDGE ELLURU: As I said at the beginning of
`this conference, we're going to have a discussion on
`that issue separately.
` MR. HARTMANN: Oh, okay. I thought you were
`talking in regards to the timing of the -- okay.
` MR. WEINGARTEN: If I may. This is David
`19 Mylan, which essentially puts the safeguards in place
`that the patentholder asked for. We were -- we have
`reached an agreement to share their expert. We've
`reached an agreement that they will take the lead. We
`22 Weingarten, of Finnegan.
`are not envisioning any additional time needed. We
`are not envisioning any change in the discovery
`schedule. We are not envisioning any changes in the
`schedule. For all practical purposes, we are
`envisioning taking a backseat and letting Mylan drive
`this -- drive this car.
` JUDGE ELLURU: I call it a bus, but we can
`use car.
` So did you have anything else to add,
`10 Mr. Ball?
` MR. BALL: No. I mean, it's -- it's the
`same type of agreements that we have had in other, and
`right along the lines of what the Board has set forth
`in its various decisions where it's granted joinder.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Mr. Hartmann, do you have a
`response to what Petitioner Wockhardt has just stated?
` MR. HARTMANN: Initially, I want to indicate
`that we have a court reporter on the line as well. I
`forgot to mention that as well.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you. Could you file
` Your Honor, I think that what Mr. Hartmann
`was referring to was not the -- the timely filing
`based on the filing date that was recorded but based
`upon the fact that both Sun Amneal and Wockhardt
`waited almost two years to file the petition when they
`knew for well over a year that that Amneal had
`requested IPR and had the opportunity at that time to
`do so in a timely manner.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you.
` Anything else you would like to add?
` MR. HARTMANN: This is Mr. Hartmann.
` It's still not clear to us the extent to
`which the duly-added Petitioner Wockhardt would be
`involved as far as the depositions and the oral
`arguments at the hearing, if there would be
`limitations on their involvement in those aspects as
` MR. BALL: There are limitations in our
` MR. WEINGARTEN: Your Honor, this is David
`that transcript in all three cases.
`21 Weingarten, from Finnegan. One of the concerns we
` MR. HARTMANN: Certainly.
`have is, as Mr. Ball has indicated, they don't
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`IPR2015-01340, IPR2016-01029, IPR2016-01104
`Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016
`3 (Pages 9 to 12)
`envision certain things, and it is essentially the
`safeguards we asked.
` I mean, really, what we are asking for are
`the safeguards to be in place not -- not -- you know,
`the language of "essentially" and "not envisioning"
`doesn't give us the comfort and the protection that we
`think we should have with regards to not complicating
`the issues.
` They have, at least so far in their papers,
`provided themselves an opportunity to -- to come in
`and make additional arguments and do additional things
`later. And that we want to make sure doesn't occur.
` MR. BALL: Your Honor this is Mr. Ball. We
`don't have a problem with that. We have reached an
`agreement with Mylan. We originally filed the papers.
`16 We do have an agreement on file.
`is present.
` We would like to hear from Petitioner Mylan
`with respect to its position on whether it has any
`objection to Petitioner Wockhardt being joined to the
`original case.
` MR. TORCZON: Thank you, your Honor. This
`is Rick Torczon.
` Mr. Ball's representation is accurate. And
`it's also going to be true for Sun Amneal. We have
`essentially the same agreement with both parties. And
`that commits Mylan not to oppose, but it also --
`essentially, both parties agree to take a backseat.
`And what that will -- should practically meet, from
`the Board's perspective, is that Mylan will be
`appearing as sort of the sole party. There will be a
`lot of consultation going on in the background. And
` JUDGE ELLURU: Is Petitioner Wockhardt
`17 Mylan has the option of appointing counsel, for
`willing to file some kind of notice/stipulation as to
`instance, to cover cross-examination. So we may ask
`the safeguards that it envisions with Mylan?
`19 Wockhardt or Amneal to take a particular
` And I also want to point out that in our
`order, we can order the safeguards that we would like
`to see.
` But as far as the Board its concerned, as
`far as AstraZeneca is concerned, as long as Mylan is
` MR. HARTMANN: Your Honor, Wockhardt is
`perfectly -- as long as they are fine with it, we are
`fine with filing, and we can work out the safeguards
`with them -- you know, meet and confer with Mylan and
`AstraZeneca's counsel to come to, you know, the type
`of safeguards that are appropriate and that the Board
`has entered in other decisions.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you.
`in the proceeding, it really should just look like
`they are facing one party.
` I mean, there will obviously be a lot of
`complication in coordination on our end, but it should
`be transparent on your end.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you. I appreciate
` So that brings us to Petitioner Amneal.
` Mr. Hartmann or Mr. Weingartner, do you have
`9 Mr. Park, would you like to comment on your motion for
`anything briefly to respond with?
` MR. HARTMANN: Mr. Hartmann here. No.
` MR. WEINGARTEN: This is David Weingarten.
` I believe that, you know, we laid out what
`those safeguards need to be in our opposition papers,
`and I was certainly open to having those discussions
`with the parties; Wockhardt in this particular case.
` JUDGE ELLURU: I am going to put the parties
`on hold for one minute.
` (Teleconference on hold.)
` JUDGE ELLURU: The panel is back on line.
`And instead of going through the roll call to make
`sure everyone is present, I'm going to assume everyone
` MR. PARK: Your Honor, this is Sam Park, on
`behalf of Amneal and Sun, from Winston & Strawn.
` I don't have anything additional to what you
`heard from Wockhardt and Mylan. That's all accurate.
` Actually, what we are envisioning is our
`taking a so-called silent part of the role. Mylan
`will be taking the lead. Of course there will be
`consultations going on in the background.
` But for purposes of this proceeding, it will
`be as if Mylan was the party in this case. And there
`will be additional parties, but we are not going to be
`asking for additional time, additional papers, and so
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`IPR2015-01340, IPR2016-01029, IPR2016-01104
`Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016
`4 (Pages 13 to 16)
`have is the fact that counsel for Amneal/Sun and
` So we believe that the joinder is proper in
`2 Wockhardt have a different expert that they rely upon
`this case, and it won't complication the issues in any
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you.
` Mr. Hartmann or Mr. Weingarten, if you would
`like to comment on Amneal's position.
` MR. HARTMANN: My major concern at this
`point with Amneal is, in their brief they indicate
`that the agreement should be bound to what Mylan is
`doing is contingent on maintaining to be a party,
`which would imply that if Mylan were to settle out,
`they may go in different directions on those issues
`and no longer agree to be bound by the testimony that
`is already of record at that time and the arguments
`that are presented as of that time.
` MR. PARK: Your Honor, if I may address
` JUDGE ELLURU: And this is Mr. Park?
` MR. PARK: Yes, this is Mr. Park.
` So essentially what will happen, if for some
`as the -- as their only position in the litigation.
`And in the absence of Mylan being in the IPR, while
`they may be bound by Dr. Rotella, the sole declarant
`in the IPR, the spin that they decide to take, the
`gloss that they put on it, could be very different
`than the one that -- that Mylan has been putting on it
`and will continue to put on it.
` And so we have -- you know, one of the
`concerns that we have is sort of a bait-and-switch
`approach they could occur if Mylan is not in the case.
` MR. TORCZON: Your Honor, may I address
`that? This is Rick Torczon, for Mylan.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Yes, please.
` MR. TORCZON: The parties have agreed --
`obviously, AstraZeneca has an excellent point. And,
`of course, Mylan would be concerned that the parties
`not do anything that undermines Mylan's position in
`the District Court litigation.
` So the parties have agreed -- at least these
`two parties have agreed -- not to take any position
`reason Mylan were to settle out -- and we have an
`agreement to retain -- we currently retained
`Dr. Rotella, the sole declarant in the case. And if
`3 Mylan were to ever settle out, we would essentially go
`forward with Dr. Rotella as if nothing has happened
`for purposes of our cases.
` Wockhardt and we have agreed to consult to
`see who would take more of a lead role as opposed to a
`back role. And we believe, because of that reason, we
`don't believe things will be complicated even if Mylan
`that would be inconsistent with what Mylan has done so
`far in the litigation.
` So at least as far as their use of
`Dr. Rotella, they have committed not to make any
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you.
` And does Petitioner Wockhardt or
`Petitioner Amneal have anything to add lastly and
`does for some reason settle out of this case and
` MR. BALL: This is Mr. Ball, from Wockhardt.
`leaves the others three petitioners.
`11 We do not.
` JUDGE ELLURU: I have a question for counsel
`from AstraZeneca. Since the parties will have signed
`on to these papers, assuming we grant the motion for
`joinder, once you sign the papers as co-petitioners,
`they will be bound by their positions taken previously
`even if Mylan settles out.
` MR. WEINGARTEN: Your Honor, this is David
`19 Weingarten, from Finnegan, on behalf AstraZeneca. If
`I can respond to that?
` JUDGE ELLURU: Yes. Please.
` MR. WEINGARTEN: One of the concerns that we
` MR. PARK: This is Sam Park. We do not as
` JUDGE ELLURU: And counsel for AstraZeneca?
` MR. HARTMANN: This is Mr. Hartmann. I have
`nothing to add.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you.
` I am going to put the parties on hold while
`I confirm with my panel member.
` (Teleconference On hold.)
` JUDGE ELLURU: I have confirmed with my
`panel member, and this is what we are going to do.
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`IPR2015-01340, IPR2016-01029, IPR2016-01104
`Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016
`5 (Pages 17 to 20)
`And we will issue an order as well in all three cases.
` So we would like a notice to stipulate
`between these two petitioners, Wockhardt and
`Amneal/Sun, as well as AstraZeneca about the
`safeguards that Petitioners Wockhardt and Amneal have
`agreed to with Mylan.
` To the extent there are any disagreements
`and AstraZenca would like something else as a
`safeguard that petitioners have not agreed to, we
`would like that noted as well as the notice.
` MR. TORCZON: Your Honor, this is Rick
`Torczon, for Mylan.
` Can I get a clarification about whether you
`want Mylan to also be part of that stipulation?
` JUDGE ELLURU: Actually, now that you
`16 mention it, I think that would be a great idea.
` MR. TORCZON: Okay. Thank you, your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Are there any questions from
`either of the other two petitioners as to what we just
` MR. PARK: This is Sam Park. No, your
` MR. TORCZON: That's fine with Mylan, too,
`your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you. So that concludes
`the call with respect to the joinder. We are hoping
`that the parties in IPR2016-01029 can hang on so we
`can talk about the other issues in that case.
` Thanks for everyone's time.
` (The proceedings were concluded at 2:22 p.m.
` --o0o--
`acceptable to any other parties?
` MR. PARK: This is Sam Park. That would be
`fine with us.
` MR. HARTMANN: This is Mr. Hartmann. That
`is fine with AstraZeneca.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Mr. Gallagher?
` MR. GALLAGHER: Yes, that's fine with
`21 Wockhardt.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And Mr. Torczon?
` MR. BALL: This is Frederick Ball. No, your
` JUDGE ELLURU: And AstraZeneca?
` MR. HARTMANN: This is Mr. Hartmann. No,
`your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Now we come to the due date.
` MR. BALL: Yes, your Honor. Could I ask --
`I actually do have one question. This is Mr. Ball.
` MR. BALL: I am going to be on vacation all
`next week, so I'm hoping that we can have a little bit
`of time to get you the notice and stip.
` I, Sandra Bunch VanderPol, Certified
`Shorthand Reporter No. 3032, in and for the State of
`California, the officer before whom the proceedings
`were taken, do hereby certify that the foregoing
`transcript is a true and accurate record of these
`proceedings; that said proceedings were taken in
`Stenotype note by me on the 17th day of June, 2016,
`commencing at 2:02 p.m. Eastern time and ending at
`2:22 p.m. Eastern time.
` I, further certify that present on behalf of
`ASTRAZENECA AB, were Anthony Hartmann and David
` JUDGE ELLURU: Would two weeks from today be
`13 Weingarten, of Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett &
`Dunner, LLP and Eric E. Grondahl of McCarter & English
`Richard Torczon, of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati;
`on behalf WOCKHARDT BIO AG, were Patrick C. Gallagher
`and Frederick Ball of Duane Morris LLP; on behalf of
`Park, of Winston & Strawn LLP.
` I, further certify that I am not related to,
`nor associated with any of the parties or
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`IPR2015-01340, IPR2016-01029, IPR2016-01104
`Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016
`6 (Page 21)
`their attorneys, nor do I have any disqualifying
`interest, personal or financial in the actions
`3 within.
` Dated this 24th of June 2016 at Sacramento,
` ___________________________
` ************************
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`IPR2015-01340, IPR2016-01029, IPR2016-01104IPR2015-01340, IPR2016-01029, IPR2016-01104
`Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016
`2:8,16 3:3,8 4:20 5:15
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`11:4 15:4
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`5:11 17:3
`3:3 20:17
`1:3 6:13 10:6 11:21
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`C 2
`:7 3:5 4:1 20:17
`2:5 20:4 21:6
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`5:5 10:16 11:5 12:20
`13:3 14:2,10 15:12
`2:8 4:5,6,7,12 11:22
`14:13,19 15:17 16:14
`17:4 18:3,18 20:12
`10:20 14:8
`11:16 12:18
`6:5 11:12
`3:6 4:18 5:12,13,18
`6:10,11 7:12 8:18,22
`9:13,13 16:10,10 18:1
`18:1,7,8,10 20:18
`7:5 15:8
`1:3 2:3 20:4
`4:12,17,18 9:20 11:9
`11:11 17:14
`4:7,19,21 8:4,6 11:9,19
`12:8,12 13:9 16:8
`15:1 17:4
`2:10 4:11 20:12
`6:1,2,3 11:3 13:3 15:22
`16:4 17:7,18 18:14
`20:22 21:1
`6:9 8:10 10:10 12:13
`15:19 16:8
`2:21 3:1
`5:16 12:6
`5:10 8:15 9:11 13:15
`5:20 9:2
`9:3 12:22
`2:8 20:12
`5:2 17:4,13 19:6
`11:8 12:14 20:6
`7:3 12:15 17:15 18:8
`6:9 8:10 16:8,16
`6:1 9:11,11 12:13,21
`13:17 15:13
`1:6 2:2
`3:3 20:17
`11:12 13:14
`14:6 15:16,21,22 17:6
`2:3 5:18,21,22 9:15,16
`11:10 13:10 14:1
`5:13,14 6:4,21 12:14
`17:1 18:10
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`5:17 6:7,15,20 7:5,15
`8:9 9:17 10:8,17,20
`12:6 13:5,19 14:12,21
`15:15 16:6,14,17,21
`17:15,18 18:3,6,9,13
`18:19,22 19:3
`6:9 8:10 17:8
`2:13 20:14
`5:8,9 9:1
`6:1,2,3,5 9:5 12:15
`2:14 4:12 20:14
`2:10,11,14,18 3:5,6,10
`5:19 9:1,5 11:10,12
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`Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016
`D 4
`8:3 18:6
`2:11 4:12 7:21 8:20
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`6:14 10:7
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`13:13 15:2,7
`14:2,4 15:5 16:4
`1:9 2:1 4:4 7:16
`2:21 3:1
`4:8 6:20 15:7,12 18:7
`4:9 10:5 11:17 14:12
`15:1 16:14
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`6:18 15:20
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`2:4 20:2
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`1:5 4:7 5:3
`5:5 7:17 17:1
`9:8 13:3,13 19:6
`5:2,9 6:14 7:4,13 12:10
`13:2 14:15 19:4
`4:2,3,3,14,19,22 5:17
`6:7,15,20 7:5,15 8:9
`9:17 10:8,17,20 12:6
`IPR2015-01340, IPR2016-01029, IPR2016-01104
`Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016
`2:10 4:11,11 6:15,17
`6:22 7:11,18 8:1,11
`8:11 10:1,9,11,11
`13:6,8 16:15,15 18:4
`18:4,17,17 20:12
`2:9 20:13
`10:18,19 16:18,20
`5:12 8:1,20 9:13 10:1
`11:6 12:11 13:17
`14:18 15:13 17:11,17
`17:22 18:2,5,7 19:2
`18:11 19:4
`2:16 20:15
`3:6 4:17 5:13 18:1
`G 4
`3:5 4:16,16 5:14 18:19
`18:20 20:17
`2:9 20:13
`13:13 14:3
`7:16 10:17,21,22 11:9
`11:16 12:18,21 16:18
`16:22 18:10
`2:17 20:16
`2:14 4:13 20:14
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`5:21 15:2
`8:12 17:7
`8:4 15:1
`8:14 9:9 11:21,22 16:2
`2:9 20:13
`6:20 7:13 8:5 9:16,18
`7:3 9:15
`5:5 8:2,3 10:3
`5:17 10:2,3 18:16,18
`18:20 19:1
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`6:13 13:1
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`P 2
`:7,7 4:1
`7:2 10:20 16:19,22
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`3:10 4:20,20 12:9,11
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`16:12,12 17:21,21
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`O 4
`12:3 15:17
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`7:6 8:21 10:18 12:2
`14:22 15:8,10 18:8
`10:2 11:22
`11:16 12:3
`7:14 8:8
`2:13 20:14
`6:11 9:3 12:3
`10:4 11:13
`6:19 17:16
`1:7 2:2
`3:4 4:17,18 20:18
`12:9 14:14
`5:2 7:4
`2:16 4:5,10 5:11,19 6:5
`9:15,19 10:4 11:2,11
`11:14,17,22 12:14,16
`12:20 13:10,12,22
`14:3,9,17 15:4,8,12
`15:14,18 16:1 17:6,12
`17:14 19:1 20:15
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`13:5,19 14:12,21
`15:15 16:6,14,17,21
`17:15,18 18:3,6,9,13
`18:19,22 19:3
`1:6 2:3
`1:9 20:8 21:5
`9:4 10:4,5,13 15:10
`5:22 7:12 12:17 14:7
`9:9 15:21 16:3
`6:18 10:20
`15:3,20 16:2
`2:9,13 3:4,9 20:14,15
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`2:17 20:16
`14:2,4 15:5 16:4
`S 2
`:7 3:10 4:1 20:19
`5:19 9:2,4,19,21 10:3,6
`10:14 17:5
`4:20 12:11 16:12 17:21
`6:12 11:10
`3:10 20:19
`1:14 2:3 20:2 21:10
`5:10 6:3,4
`9:22 14:7
`13:12,22 14:3,10
`2:4 20:3
`9:7 11:13 12:1,4 13:10
`IPR2015-01340, IPR2016-01029, IPR2016-01104
`Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016
`9:3 12:1
`5:1 13:22 14:8,10
`13:15 20:6
`7:19 9:7
`2:4 6:18 20:1,3
`5:10 7:11 11:3 19:4
`10:10 14:20
`2:18 20:16
`4:10 11:7 15:14 17:11
`5:13,14 6:13
`12:16 14:7,8
`10:22 11:1 20:11
`19:8 20:4,7,7
`5:3 6:4 12:19 14:5
`5:4 10:17 15:7,9 16:18
`1:10 19:8 20:9,10
`14:12 18:8
`R 2
`:7 4:1
`1:6 2:2
`5:18,21,22 9:14
`5:2,7 10:16,17 11:10
`11:12 12:21 14:13
`15:16,18,21,22 16:18
`18:14 19:5 20:22
`11:15 12:2,20 13:11
`1:1,3,6 2:2
`3:5 4:16 5:13 20:17
`7:14 8:5
`4:15,19 5:8,11 6:16
`8:13 9:17 11:2,4 12:8
`7:6,7,8 14:11 17:3,5,9
`3:8 20:19
`2:16 20:15
`5:19 9:4
`4:8 14:21 15:15
`7:1,12 9:20 13:9 15:17
`11:3 13:7 15:3,19,22
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
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`2:11 4:12 7:21,22 8:20
`8:21 10:12,12 13:6
`14:18,19,22 20:13
`2:17 20:16
`3:9 4:21 12:12 20:20
`3:3 4:6,15 5:8,15 6:16
`8:4,13 9:17 10:1,16
`11:4,19 12:14 14:6
`15:2 16:7,10 17:3,5
`18:21 20:17
`1 1
`IPR2015-01340, IPR2016-01029, IPR2016-01104
`Conference Call Conducted on June 17, 2016
`11:15 14:2 15:5
`7:3 9:18 13:21 14:10
`2:17 20:16
`5:7 11:15 15:11
`2:5 20:3
`6:16 17:20
`7:12 8:12
`3:9 4:21 12:12 20:20
`3:8 4:21 8:4 11:9 12:12
`5:12 7:2 9:12 10:22
`5:22 11:12,19 14:7
`14:16 20:5,7
`6:5 12:16,17
`5:1 19:6
`5:4 10:19 16:20
`1:9 2:1
`4:14,22 6:20 8:9 10:8
`11:6 12:6 13:5 16:6
`16:17 17:17 19:3
`9:1,11 14:9
`7:6 8:1 9:7 17:16
`6:21 14:11 17:1
`1:7 2:2 4:3
`6:1 8:7 12:22 13:15,16
`18:12 19:7 20:9,10
`7:14 8:2,8
`5:2 18:13
`2:18 4:10,10 11:6,7
`15:13,14,16 17:11,12
`17:17 18:22 19:1
`6:21 20:6
`11:9 20:6
`5:2 8:5 15:22 17:3,19
`6:12 10:5
`6:8 16:3
`1:14 2:4 20:2

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