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`A Publication of the IEEE
`C0n1n1unicatiQn5 Socieiv
`Amazon.com, Inc. et al. Exhibit 1004
`Craig Partridge
`IEEE Fellows Announced
` very year, IEEE elects a number of outstanding engineers to become
`IEEE Fellows. Fellows are recognized for outstanding achievements in
`their field of engineerinu.
`Several Fellows this year were recognized for their contributions in
`data communications: Vincent W. S. Chan ofMlT Lincoln Labs, Yau-Chau
`Chlng of Bellcore, David J. Farber of the University of Pennsylvania. Michael G.
`Illuchyj of Motorola. Francis R. Vlagee. Jr. of AT&T Bell Labs {and a member
`of the editorial board of IEEE Nenvork). Kinichiro Ogawa of AT&T Bell Labs,
`and W. David Sincoskie of Bellcore. I hope you will all join me in congratulating
`these new Fellows on their achievements.
`A Bit of Personal Internationalization
`Data communications is a global issue, and that globalization is rellected in
`the membership of the IEEE Communications Society. More than one—third of
`the Communications Society members live outside North America.
`In most years I. personally. do not get much chance to visit with my col-
`leagues outside North America. But this summer I will be at two conferences out-
`side North America. In July 1 will be speaking at the Networ1d+lnterop
`conference in Tokyo. And in late August I will be at the annual ACM SIG-
`COMM Conference in London. (For information on Networltl+Interop in
`Tokyo, call +81-3-3288-720]: for information on ACM SIGCOMM. e-mail to
`sigctimm94-infota}-cs.ucl.ac.uk). I look forward to seeing members of the Commu-
`nications Society at both conferences.
`ISAC Special Issue
`Along with Gary Delp of IBM. Stephen Pink of the Swedish Institute of
`Computer Science, and Jonathan Smith of the University of Pennsylvania, 1 am
`guest editing a special issue of the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in C0mmurrir:rt-
`trons on “Distributed Systems Built on Gigabit Networks." Our goal is to assem-
`hle much of the research done in recent years on the challenges that gigabit
`networks present for distributed systems. The submission deadline is October lst
`for an issue to be published in late 1995. Please contact me {craig(r}_i'l)h:1.com) if
`you are interested in possibly submitting a paper.
`". :1". ":2 2 :2
`' 2‘
`Director of Plibllcations
`Thomas J. Plevyalt. Bell Atlantic
`Craig Partridge. Bolt Beranek and Newrnan, inc.
`Senior Editors
`John .-N’. l):rigJt:. The MITRE Corporation
`John D. Spragins. Clemson l.iniversity
`Executive Director
`{'..':rt1l M. Lot. IEEE
`IEEE Network Technical Editorial Boot-d
`jagan 1’. Agrawal. Unlwrsity of Missouri. USA
`Stdah Aitltirotls, ‘Bell Northern Rc.\'L'.trt.'h. (.‘£1:I'J.'I{.lEl
`Ken-ielii Aihara. Nippon Te]. and 't‘etegraph. Japan
`Steven M. I-}L:llovi1:. A"E‘&T l.-tell laboratories. USA
`Lillittn M. Cassel. Villanova Univ.. USA
`Jon Crowcroft. University College London. UK
`Steve Ducting. Xerox PA RC, USA
`Gary Delp. IBM Corporation. USA
`Julio list-nhar. Bolt Beranct: and Newman. Inc, USA
`David Greaves. University of Catnbrldge. LJK
`Alden Jackson. Santiiz: National l.aburatorles. USA
`r\nIJT:iJ:tyasumar1a. Colorado State University. USA
`I-"rank Magee, ATélt'|‘ Bell Laboratories. LISA
`Allison Mankin. The MITRF. Corporatiort. USA
`Jan Murzri. Wide Project, Japan
`K. .\«'iu1'[l‘ty. A'1'&T Bell l.ahoratories, USA
`Gerald Neufeld, Univ. of British Colun1hia.Canar.Ia
`t'it1yOniidyar. Computer Sciences tforporation, USA
`Peter U‘ReiiIy, (ETI-L Laboratories Inc. USA
`Cicrard I’-an. University of Ulster. Northern [rcland
`Guru Parulkar. Wasltington l_lrtiv.. St. Louis. USA
`Krzysztof i’aw'likoMFti. U. of Canterbury. New Zealand
`I,hornas F. Piatkowski. Western Micltigan L‘-niv.. USA
`xiuptien Pink, Swedish Inst. of Comp. Science. Sweden
`"KR. Ramaltrlshnart. Digital Equipment t..‘orp.. USA
`Frank Reichert. Televerket. Sweden
`Barry Shein. SuF1ware'1"ool 8: Die. USA
`Khosrow Sohrahy. IBM Corporation. USA
`Martha Steenslrup, Bolt Beranck and Newman. lne.. LISA
`.\r1ehrm.-I Toy, ATal;'l' Bell Laboratories. USA
`(iill Waters. Llniversity of Essex. UK
`Martina Zitterhatt. Universit_v of Karlsruhe. Cuermany
`Feature Editors
`John N. Uargle.“'I‘he ll-LEE Network Forum“
`John D. Spragins. “New Books“
`IEEE Production Stofi
`Joseph Milirzo. Managing Editor
`Elizahetil Wilher. Production Editor
`Alan E. Oirieh. Layout Editor
`Erie Levine. Advertising Sales Manager
`Joanne O'Rourke.Stal't'A~esis1ant
`Susan l_.ange. Publications Assistant
`19941 IEEE Communications Society Cliiieers
`Mam-izio Declna. Premlcrrr
`Celia L Desntontl. Vi’-t\«i‘enLbrr/1fi‘airs
`Stephen B. Weinstein, V!’-?'erh.rlr'c::lA_f}'alrs
`Roberto B. de Marcrt. Vi’-l'Hrr.'mrr:t'nuttl A,I'}'rr:'r5
`Carol M. l_t1f..‘.irrrerrr.ry'
`G. Allen Leadhetter, '.l"rcrr.mrer
`Paul Green, l"a.\'r Pres-l'a‘mt
`Board of Governors
`The elected ot'fit;er.u abnvr.‘ plus Members-at-Large:
`Allen ll. Cherin —RlCl1[tl’(lUi'llin
`Ray R. LEItt|'|l.' — Richard P. Skillen
`{.'lr.r.t.t of 1995
`Laurence H. Milstein — Blrendra Prasada
`Anne Aldridge Robrock — I-larry Rudin
`{Wars of {We
`Harvey A. FrL‘t:rntu'I. — Lin-slttm IJCL‘
`Joseph L. L.oClccm — Richard K. Snelllng
`1994 IEEE Officers
`H. Tray Naglc. Prt-'.\'r'dr3rrr
`J. Thornas (Sakai, .l’rt*.s1r.‘i“nl-.l':'tlt*(‘t
`Luis T. G-andia. .S'::(rerar3'
`V. Thomas Rhyme. Trea.ttm=r
`Mttrthti Sloan. Jr., Parr: .”re.tr't.lerrr
`Jrahn H. Powers. (Imeml Mttrtager
`John 5. Ryan. Di:-ector. Divmorl H.‘
`EEIEIEI fl'E1'WORKlSSNlI8‘Jl}-Kl.)-14 is puhlished bimonthly by
`the I nstltute of Electrical and Electronics Engi11eers.lnc. Head-
`quarters :iddrt:s.\': IEEE l’1.Ibli.\hing §iervit;cs. 345 East -'F’Il1
`Street. New York. NY !l}[Jl'.l—33‘J4. USA. '|'elcphnne: +1 2:2-
`TU5-7l}Iil'.e-Izmil: j.n1i1i:o'.o{r{'ieee.::1'g. Resgtnnsihility fnrthe con-
`tents rests upon authors of signed articles and not the |{3|_".]_-', o1‘
`ilsrncrnbr.-rs. Unlu ssoI:berwr-t«.: specified. Ila:
`:2: nor sa nc1ionsaraypositinnsor actinnsespoused irI!.‘E't':'l:'.’\-'errv'r;rk.
`RNHUEL SUBSCRIPTION: $22 in lilllllliflll to ll"-.F.F.
`(,‘on1mum'eations Society or any other ll’-_'F.F_ Society rnember
`dues. !\'on-member prices: 5 I I5. Single copy prices: Nlernv
`bet. Sill; Nonvmemlser. S20.
`Partridge. Editor-in-(.‘hiel. L:-"L'ril.l;'.’£.l;' N¢’fM'U!h‘. 54."! Fast =I‘.lt|t
`Street New York. 5"? lI'll]I?-2394,USA:e-mail:craigli13'bhn.corn.
`ing is permitted with credit to the source. Libraries are per-
`rniltctl to photocopy llC_\'l.l1'lij the limits of U..‘S. Cztpyrigltt lau
`I'or private llhL‘u[:l'.1!|'L‘HS'. lhr.
`'-rlirlcs that carry :I code. on the
`hollontol the first page prrwitled the per copy fee indicated in
`the code is paid through the t_‘opyrEghI Cletirancu Cellter. 222
`Rosewood Drix-‘e. Danx-ers, .\-I.—‘\l]l‘}2.'!.1.='St"\. I-'oro1l'a:reopying.
`rt_'§)nn[. or repulilicalion pt-.rrm's.~'.ion. write to Director. Pub-
`lishing SeI'vir.'t:s. at IEEE l-leudquarters. All rights reserved.
`I. opyrighl (5)1994 by the lnslilute of Electrical and l_il|:cIr‘oh-
`ics Engineers. inc.
`POS‘l'M'.HS'.l'ER: Send address cl::tngestol'£‘i3 ' Verlwadr. l
`445 Hoes Lane. Piscattnvay. NJ’ [].'il<5:i- I33]. l.l.‘iA. I’rii1ler.F iI1
`USA. Second-t.
`ss puslttge paitl in: New‘ Yorlt. NY and at
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`SUESCRIPTIONS, orders. address cltanges should be
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`ADVERTISING: A.'.l\-'r.'rtisin,-.I: is accepted at the discretion
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`East -17111 Street. New York. NY lI’l{lJ7-2394. USA.
`1iil:l_- '\lClW0l'l( * Mart:h#April 1994
`Amazoncom, lnc. ei al.
`EXH1B1i lllllz
`Amazon.com, Inc. et al. Exhibit 1004
`Authentication of Mobile Users
`A new set of inic'r-domain security mecimnisnm is needed for users
`to venture mm remote domains while, inlireriting privileges from
`their heme domains.
`Refik Mali-'0. Didior 5on1£ctt. and Gene Tsudilc
`It-: rcccnl ulitcrgullcc n:-f nu:I\s-urli Incli-
`nulugyI|1::IF:1|ppurI::imc: rnnhilily has
`run ntplcd rII.:w -scamit)'r<ii~,tIirenIui1ls mid
`<-nncerns. Inniuly d.u r: ID IIII: luck ul
`[1hy::l::aI pmicclinn mcc|I:|nism5 :15 in Im-
`Llilimml Tim.-ml-tL'apnluy.y. sinlic-m;t:r nI:1\VI:I1”k5.
`Uxu:rnm|.1llily:m:_I univcrsuinum-nrk nc«:::s5a:r|:|ir1I_-,-
`u.-.~::|s:pi.-rate |.‘r:rl:Iil'J:iI:c'u|.’iI}' ll1l'I.':ll'5. c.|_1., illegal inccéss
`Uruudlnncl cuw.‘.'id re pping. llmdcliliml. ::_-nc new inc.-
`mr lIIlJl.1_gl'Il alisuul by nmliilily is the ::\'i:r-llltrcasa
`Since Ilcumrk |IL't‘€.'!~5 puilllsarctllll m!<:u5L\':1Iiiy umh;-r
`lh-1: cL1mru|nf1lu: -_:::_uu: :::ln|inisIr:I|i\-I: numm-iI_\-_
`a .In:w wt ufiI'H.u'.'-tiut11::i11 |'1li:4:lKIlll.‘i!'!}S is nu.-clad
`In allow users. In perfurm secuI'lLy<\1:c.r:IIi¢:ns-in
`visited r.|L1nI:1ins,Folentinlsnlulians must take
`lnInncI;mInI i1}‘«f.lI1'II.'\k‘]1III canImdic1urya:::curi[ycun-
`::Ir.:1int that calls For strict scprm-.Iion of mcurily
`dumuins In .-wnitl sharing, dn1n.'1in«.-qn:J:i:'sc sue-In rity
`inI‘urm:ninn_ ‘Flu: gmil nf this paper is to prupusn:
`-.1gu.-nv:r:1l uppr-:a:u:li fur the mlnlnmliuuiiml uf
`users in rcmnl: \|l5I11i1iIl‘.a \vI1ilu1|min1-.iini!I1: ~s1r‘::.-1
`.sc|1ur:aliun uf :v'uL‘€l1l'il)’ nlnlnnins.
`‘inn uI' sueurlly
`This nrtirlu lnsgins with :1 dis
`issuzzs specific In userIImlIlliI}'.\s'iIll i{lL‘rIliliC.'1‘ill1II1Il
`:uI1i:::nlic.'sliun rcquircmcnls. r‘\uI|Icnlic:;tlon
`sululiuin: its cxif-ling mubila.-—us::r cm-irormlcnls
`arr; s::n1runrizu:{|. our -.-nlmimt m:u.IIi1c.-I
`ninn nl’
`nml!iln'.- users is fircscrllcd. Illcn some mrintinns
`1.‘l1IIl’nd'li'Ii.‘.|‘|11: areinumluccd l"ul|w.w:\i by -.1 sumnmnr
`REFIK .\fI‘21l.l-9| i: am
`ilwlrualtpvbfma M5? in in.-
`rwjndnniiz mIrJa1rrIl1iL'nr|’i|mI
`u‘qDl'.-nrmrrii m‘ rive .';‘um.'I=m
`User Mobflily and Its -Security
`sitrnmlailiw can hr: <1I’l't.-re.-d in tlilfrrclti l||..'l\\I'lJ:I’l-‘u
`I:n\'irc:m_ncnv.~:. Smm: crwiram-.1un1s are, by dul-
`iIIiIi:'.In.uriuI1lL:¢I ii: molnilu: u::-.'.rs. 'l'l1::sc iIICll.lI.li:
`all lypn-'.-an :f\\'irI.'.i:':1«s m:t\:\’url-‘:.~‘. u.g.,iI1lr:m:L| :!II(l hIt|:'r.?.
`with cellular huing the must pupulur.
`(.'I:l1u.-r c_.:nvirumrucnle= can he iltlaptcd In 3-npptnrl
`In-'t:rInnhi|iI;', i.c.,:i\virr.':Iim: m:w.'ur|:um1i:s: uqnigrpa.-cl
`r.‘l-.‘.\‘I:‘ i".\‘Ul}?K it a n-mrrrfi
`H3 ulluw llIll\'I:r§IIl ism.-55 Ilirmngh 1|. v:uIuc,'-:sLi(|ut.l
`'sm;i'r-uerni>r: 11! l‘-iir myu
`m.-rvim: .\‘lI\i'lI us lllIi\.'l.'I'EiI‘Il
`|JI.’|”1il1I‘IiII Iclr:I:cn1muni-
`9.’-uririr nu rum-J: labawmu
`c1llicImz[1Jl"l'] {l|. .-119:0. :1 l:LlI‘l‘I£l1l-tl'I!tlLl. is II.) mix
`m.1'}.".’-.'H.\':IilI'."-‘.-Ii‘ is .1
`F’ia..lP. slllelclu in nu: l':'um¢-grn
`wlrelinc :iI|IJ'.I'ir1‘:Iu>iS-:I(:Ct:$a' wilIrin':mimcmc1-
`w:.Irl<.'l‘hus. to keep Ihcdiscmsiun 1':1ir|_\- gi: no ml. Ihis
`article plaiyn Iluwlrlin: iliuilucliun ltuiwecn wire-
`less nnd wirclim: .-n:t:4:ss.
`Establishing Temporary Residence
`Wu. btgin 113' slitting tin: lausic narnlmplinn of rise:
`niubiliiy: .'| usu.-r has bul om: llumc. A us::r's Imnu:
`is the I1d!niJIiN1‘t‘:*ni\-u:(lnIn:IiIIwhn:n:l|1c us::r.i:a
`rugisu-.rc\1nn::n lung-1crn11b::sis. “['ypin:nlIy,. i1 is ::!~;.u
`Il1l.‘.‘|)i€I(.‘.L' wlmn: antcnllllting and billing i:ll'orm:I-
`Linn is act \3!7‘l1.1liI_l(‘-Ll. In -‘3'U!I'1t 5-::1::c-,3 |1:_mu: damuin
`hears mnu: r::!l|)EIIl$1ili|iE)' for its C|Jn§lllU|.'{‘Il users.
`M n mobile user rnigr::tc.H1Irn1:g|1nuI. :B'iin:r.-r-
`n-.~'.wurk-. in: car she pcriudicaully f!U|!r6'I.lp inn new. fur-
`cigm|unIué|1.;\.us¢r r|1uybI:5ir|1p|_\- Irzmsilingu furuigni
`|.li}f1i§|ll'I or plnnninxy; to linger uivuln for eiumc
`li|}l=.?.]iI‘.{,,'ill'(1l.t‘:.?uS ml‘ the usu.*.r’:¢ inlnntinns or tin.-
`Iypc nl‘ |1ccu.5s{i.c., via it cclltilalr plmnc or :| fixed
`\mrl:si:|1i<Jn} lhi: gunl :11’ 5| nlobilu. u::::r is to oluluin
`mun: scr\'i:.'e l'run1 lllc Ituhrurk. To do Ilml.1|Iu
`user must I'iIs1 I:!i[.‘1l!1lil'| 1:-.n1pur:ir3' residence in
`llu: furcigrl nltunnin.
`Uscr:nnI'ai|i1yiIi1l:¢ ncuvnrk cnvirunmunt is
`not unlike Inability in the run! wur1d.whcrc :1 per-
`son t:::\'I:|ing fmluom:-cout'1|.ryl-:1 :mu(l1s:r II1u5lI‘.1llt:|'l
`n.'|1ga;_:C in some lmru.-:mcI:nliL: pmcedurc to C}il:Ii1-
`lisli Icmp(:r:m; playsicnl residence in ii“: new l(I|.'il-
`iir-n.inllu:rca'Iv~'nrid.1h'; prm':I.:d.urI‘.: ofus1:dnlisl1lu3
`-'.IlI:I1ljIOlj:l1'}‘I'(!E€iilt.5:l|£t:.\'i\!'iESl):'lE smulnlry to
`lnllulli-31'. ‘Flu: salrnc can he :>§:'|:cl':lI.-tl Lil‘ m:lwr)rk
`z\.l 1hc'Il1‘.'+| gl:|nI:u:. llu: pruhlu_:m :i::::IIl$lulJL'
`easily snIv:I.l:lel1y :L-quiI_‘iIIgu:IL'|I Imihiit: IlSI:1‘ tn:-:1rr3'
`ll. univc'rsru.1ly-rcungnixc-:l crcdcnlinl. i.::.. :1 puiss-
`pnri. An clcclrmiic cquivul::nI {If n pnsspnn is
`cnllud :1II2lac!1'uI'.icuuriifir::ilu:.‘l'l1erc::rn ::lnc1mniu.'
`c<.°rIil"It=::{}n:aschcn1u:aim:¢nd nn public key as well
`as ctmvculinnal crypl I,1gl"lJ|.fIl'Ijr. Om: uutulal-.: wean!!-
`nlcis priwncy-c|IlI;II1L-cal Imnil {l’El\'l) [LL-1|.
`Giwil :1 <:I.'rii|'icnt<: of n l’un.-ignm:I:I'.nnyr.lun111iI'.
`can ve.ril'y lllr: ncdcnliul and confirm |i\i:: identity
`t!|'l]l'.1l user. I-Iasvcvur. llmrenru scvu-:n| issues
`Ilml tmnn-:JI he illlcllflfisflfi with elt:€ll'I)I'llu‘.' certifi-
`t.';uiun. While an m.-rlifiz:-.1lu‘s liiilhwticily is Ie:-.Llily
`Amazon.com, Ihc. et al. EXE151t I004
`UHUIJ-.‘ilIIi~lr‘J-l.'S| l~l.Ill I-1.‘: I‘.|1J-1 IHIEIE
`I|'I|'-I[i‘»\'u.-marl: - n\i:m:I|!A[Iri| IEFM
`Amazon.com, Inc. et al. Exhibit 1004
`Mobility in
`the network
`ment is not
`mobility in
`the real
`where 21
`from one
`country to
`residence in
`the new
`M5 Idenlifltr -IMSI
`Am 01 IMND. mas. Kc]
`mm. um
`I Figure 1. ftlaliiir .\'mII'm: m.'Il:mI:mIm:I in I‘ 5.331.
`SEES 1 R3 l K}, RMID l
`AH (Ni. RM-ID]
`cru:diI\ihI_v I'n'IIl~l Inc mnflrnucclI-.'iII1uvuIycru:¢iIu,I
`oi domain hum1I|:IriI-.5. I n_1;::ncr.|l. \\u'I.‘l.':II‘lIlI|l ::~munc
`Ilml the Plllll 1:Ilu:II II_\'
`:1 muhilu: Ilwl‘ is ulrlliml»
`um,i.r.,IInxu.-rm:I}'nfIcr:1Icinu|1c (Inn'I;IiI\ uni!
`;.¢\'-:r:I| hum-I lulcr pop up in lIllUIllI.!r dm11::iI1
`Il'II'Il.I.\'{Il'Illh nI' milcs :m-:I‘\-. An sigh:-hnur f|is:I1t
`ftulll5\\ilZ|:ll:1IlIlln!1Iu Llliilutl Slalcn curries '.l
`uxcr In-tum-an l\|.'I.)Il1‘nliIl'nI. non-:n]jm.'-.-:\I dmmlins.
`.'iIImcII-II-1| t|ilTcrI.'IIl1Iyn:u'I1iI.’xl:I|i&‘p|:Icc inn
`l)';'rl.I.".|l win:lu:~.- uuvimm1t:nIwl|uts:.i:I:m:uI1:.If
`51'mp|_\‘pnp|1i:1pIIp.:1 uhcr ll'llI}"I\'.'|l|lll.'F lIllI‘11Il1.l:l\'
`plu. A cullulltr Ic|cpI1uI14: -eIII1.~(:rI'|'ln:I' L‘II;.;'.131<.'I1 in :I
`I'.'l.'fl'l\'I.'f:1'iIl.ll.‘Il I.'|'n-5L'.~' IIII: dI.I:II::iII |1m|JIIl:1I_\' in
`<.'.'II1|Jc L‘l.'Is..-.ifI'::I|
`.15 CUI'lIl|'lIll.Iu5 .-1.x uppn.-u:I| In dis-
`l'fl.'II.' wlurrc II :\1I|1.u‘.'ri|1L'r .\i!:‘1§.:l5-'
`llIl'I1'h ull his collu-
`Inr plmut: I.1r:Iw.'wlruml1nrnc.(‘|'hc lulu-r :.':1su: is
`'|'|II.sI}'1lCnl1'\‘:IlvlII'I'IclIIlI:r(lI}I‘n:llI'I Ir:m.~iIinn
`1lL'I Muir. rI':I|-llmc |I.'|1:Il
`'cr of II:~L‘I"n s'I:1In‘.
`lIIt‘ll.II.§lT|!.: turn: Ill wsaininl :I.L
`I_\' IILI
`ml .'IuI|I::II-
`llIIIl|‘I'lnII'I'l{IIlIII‘I..-\:aIl'II[\lcl'£| Hi.-a
`mun:nIlj;IcI:1'.|unc:tIIcl::1n(ln\--:r-can [Ia dam: in
`:1 Iri\-i:Il. I’IIfl.l1IIL'l . In :I molt: ;‘.I.'|n:r.'I1-.'I:I.'n:nriu.:I
`Im:r|1Ii;;r.IIcs!mnI um: I'IIru:i;.:11s.1t-ln:IiI: Inannllh
`u:r. iiol h Ilm11:IlII- L'.'|I'| bu: \'u:r}' I':!r :u-\'.'1y I'mnI lmnn:
`Im:rI'u::uI ulL'n|1l:1I:llIIgll1L' lmmr Ilunlzsin.
`Existing Approaches
`In tlIl.~:~c<'tiL\II.wI- I111";-I1_~,' review lnmt-::u:'rcm nmhil::-
`uwr n:nvirumncu1-s Iwuru-silu: ll-SL'I' 1:u:lnIiI3- with
`Groups Special‘ Mobfle
`('nItIIIpc.‘lpL'.¢:i:Il Mnllllc(G5hr1l['I.3l!1r.Il1cfirsI mnhlln:
`\'criI‘s::I1|u.-. in current saI.'III.I:. 12. Iml. In other words.
`In mulillv mI:r Ilclnilntls .'}L'I\|lE.‘I.‘ r.'Lllu:I I|I:u'\ u
`lruc I:Im1mIJIli I)", llu: ftsruigrl :|:mI'1|I1 may need In
`um-uIali::|1 Ilmr :1 III:\V‘l'_\-lI1'fi\‘I.‘t.l.\-'l!ilIll’l_[J Im:r is cur-
`rI:nl|3,"my.md :.:nnI|ing.‘l‘l:i-I cmmntlu::1=;compli.*l1r:n!
`willmul sonic l|m:r;IcIinn will: Iln: ut«cr'slmI1Iu
`iltmléllu. 5llIt'L' uul_\‘ lllL' lmnsc Ilmunin is able to
`I.'nnl|'lIl.‘I'II nn Ihc Inu:r\cIIrrcII1 :\1:Im.Ii|1::. If :1 u.-u:r
`ulsmlns m:r\-in: whllc ulvmml am} is l.'lll.'J billed for
`ll. Ihc hon:-.' I|m1'r.Iln m::_\' rcltlfiv In pay since 'Il'H.‘
`u:u'pI:ndi1un:s were not '.|IIIhnri.r.cI|.
`.‘i<urIc tltllnnlllli nI:Iy dc.-.-ir-: 1(I II-:.lriu'. ll'lL' mobili-
`Iyu[tluI:irc:m:ItiuIc|1I Isscrx: wc|1uuII:aIr;Ii
`I-::r,vIliI'ficuIl Io L‘rI{'tKlI: in :| nnE\':.-r.-ml curl:
`r\nuIhI:r prollhun wilh I:lL-clmllir u.‘I.'rli\'iL.
`:11u::IIs olI.".Irr}'ing lsix L'cr1iI'n::I1u.u:.g.,\riIl1in :LL'I:||n-
`In IIII: simplest nmhiln--usur cIIvfrunmcn1.::.g..
`l.1l'T 1l|. '.I uwr i~: ":nnIu:d" with nn|_\.' .1 [1iI\,\\I'nrr.I
`nr:Il’1l"-' —- ,\I.1ll1L‘ll1lTI_I_.:l.llIIll§ c‘ "lyIu||1cIIII1urcd.
`,I1nircI.s;:|1:_<1:rculli L':'IIiI1lll\flUl\'lIf-
`firin: In or u'n:||-:-ul!I‘d:'mcs-lallulisllillgI1.'n||1nr;:ryrc:a-
`IIlI:m‘:: in II [nr<:Iy.n dtililillll. The Ilincux-:1nn pm Is
`InIlu:m:udIocmII:u:II|1c um-r‘s|1n|1|edunI;Ii:1.Livcn
`if i.ICL‘I.!.\.N cmnrol is mu :m mun: and iI'I|Ic u.-.I:r's
`lll}lllI}’lI‘I1}.l}'r(.1IM‘|\'ltfI::\ cull he L'nnI'irn|cI.l un-
`Il1u.--spol. c.g.. u'i:|I |.'lI.'t.'Il0IIlt‘ I::I.\'|I[5,fj|.1|Iu:
`u!:n:r':+ |1on'sI.' domilin rnusl lvc L‘uI'II'.IcIcII l|'m1l_\' for
`I‘:-ucl:iug.‘I'l1i.-a la-lJL'i.‘IllI\I:inllhltrlslturlll-1ll)‘I‘
`' II-rm
`\!.'iIll.lIi$lllJI1'II: Ilum in HI! :1 lung.-Icnn l1'..
`IJI.m1:Iin |1I:tI.T|IL‘n:fnrL'.il is Imllmll lo: :1 :InJn1:Iin
`to Iruck Ihu \-\'l'ICl'l.'.'Il}IllIl.'i of ils L'ur1:.IiIm:nI um.-r.»-.
`Migration Among Foreign Domains
`'l'l1urc i'
`'1 ::li;.:hI I|if|'I:n:ncI.- lu.-Iv.
`' “I1 is u1aI.'r:Inpn:ur-
`ing in :1 l'nrI.'ign IIunI.|in ilflll mu\'i|1g lu:Lwc::n lml
`:uIjI|I:I:nI fnnzigll dtllnlllllil. Wliilc ll
`I1!.I:1‘ Inznkcs lIi:-
`wuy l'I‘UIII nllc l'urcip_n Iluumill Io :mntIn::‘. his
`Il:lilF .\'cIu-upls - .\l.m'lr .-\prll !'.I'1.1
`Amazon.com, Inc. et al. Exhibit 1004
`A iimtl rentatrit on (‘ISM lms tu du -with till: use
`ut the "hunt:-rtrmvn” unpultlisitctl atgerithms.-l_r.
`1i§.:|I'ItM3lo obtain nutlte nllenlionnnulsecrccy. Hid-
`ing the ttiguriiltnr is certainly ctantrury la lite
`lt'l|Ici1-1i}¢l|I.'.'l'|‘lS phiiusnrlhy. The lime-lricd. aeturlly
`ivy-nbvcnrlty principle lures run prtwcn to he effec-
`tive in preventing hostile tIu|u:its.'
`C'eHu.icIr Digfiiai Pctciral Dcrlu
`Celluiur Digital Packet [lulu {CDPDI mcltileb
`tun:[9] imsbcenratentiydevclnpotlbvnenntsnrlinltr
`at several U.S.-btllttitl companies. As the mime
`suggesIs.ir is oriented tmvnrds tiara lI‘iIflit!.|'|¢‘iI mire
`IrtiiTtc. CDPD hritert atlvnntrlgc of free aims in cei-
`lulur vulce cetnrnunicnliun and use: them tn
`trnntrpurl tlnln. Like Ul"'l'. CDPD provides for
`nctwurlr dcctml thrnugit either rnnltllu or lined
`end -systems. hul it is not just il vltiI.n;~atkile¢| ser-
`vice: it ill I eumplele architecture irlcltltiingn
`i.lACinyer. nnttmg utlter thingn. The architecture
`supports several network lnyur prntnenla includ-
`ing II‘ | tiilnnd (.'I..NP[l1}.
`Security services In CDi’D are compared at’
`darn eunfitlenlinlity. key distritmtion. and mobile
`unit nul Itultliclrllrtn. CDFD requires it iugicuIiy-
`distinct entity. Lt-.. tun rtutlierllicntintl sen-er {AS}.
`in be present in every CDPD tiuntaln {area}. Art
`as istypien llyeu-iecnted withtlre nteltile tlata inter-
`mutiiate system (MD-is} in a service prnvldefs
`dnmain. Mnlrile unit (M-ES. in CD?!) pnrlnncc)
`autlutnticutiun uivvtiys i1'Wllit‘fltl ctnrlncling the AS
`in the unit‘: lmme dumain.
`Ar aitnwn in Fig. 2. the nutltenticmlen process
`begins with rite |)iifir.--I-Iellnrun iti.-y exchange pro-
`tncuillzi. Assn I'I:!€I.1II.tl1t:
`is ettme In slttlre :1 secret in.-3-. IQ.’
`Armed tvitlt int. M-ES suhntits iueredentinlat
`(encrypted with 14'.) int autltentlcutitm. The M—i€.‘i
`credentials celtttisl ol'n lripict: |Ni5'i..-IRN. .-1-SN .
`Efinctly haw ANN is generated is ntri spcciiie .
`I’i’¢illl‘i'|ati1l)'. it ili-illl tmpredlctnlrle rnnttnrn num-
`ber pwciucetl I35’ the humu A5-. i-luwet'er,.-Iii-\’ is
`not it true nttnue‘ since the saute value trl':iRN
`my be um! lnllltiplc times.
`‘I11: sewing MIJ-is deeryptit ihr: eretlentinis
`and rnrwru-us them In the heme MD-IS in the
`eleur. The itulne MD-IS then validates the cre-
`dentials und uplimmlly issues :1 nu.-w.«|KN. M433
`‘.t'tIIht:I\licitIlflll etnnplete-5 when the serving MD-
`IS receives. it pnsitivc confirm ntlon in-mt the
`hutne Mi}-ISnnatisignnhttuM-I£5[erIclt1.-tiugtlicrlew
`ANN innpplienlIiel.Tite M-ESttuIl1entit:atiuniruni-
`direetinnnl. i.e.. the serving MD-IS its not authen-
`ticated in the M-ES. Thiamcurralhui nu itttrudercan
`nmsquerrnie as the serving i\ID-IS and tlilcmrer
`the 5|-ES credentials.
`Like (ISM, CDPFJ makes an ttsluintptiun thin
`the "fitted" netttmrit it secure. 'l‘herel't.tre. transmu-
`nientiun between the :-erving MD-IS and the
`heme Mi)-IS in ct‘.|l'l¢ilIt:ltt‘t.| in the _clenr. Since this
`induder M»ESeredentittIs1Ni£!..-rim’.-.-l.i3V]. CDPIJ
`is susceptible to the same altnclttc ms (ISM.
`in l'n¢t. GSM hurt it alight ndvnnlnge Lwcr
`in GSM is never revealed nutsidc the station.
`'I'iItr.\. anyone intercepting I’-LR H HM! traffic
`euu gttin nt inert tttwennl autiteutimnlnn ltifticttit
`|R.-IND. .t‘R£.S'. it'..| and imperttuntlte the multile
`L'I:{li.l.'i.i mexsuy.-.
`What is
`needed is
`a security
`about the
`of interme-
`‘if the rlftflll Cilmwrpm
`part}! it urn-_v indinrriwr,
`rhetisdi ":rcm'.m|'ulr'uu
`airnfiuir I'll give WI
`rirfilrrrrrnl‘ cvrcinrrrerd mili-
`fi"t‘flH¢Ifl'iI'|t|: 0."!¢'¢I-W.“
`-‘Time err m.-r.vni'l3- ma
`my 3,; urrri IL‘... fuel:
`r.im't1.'ni_fmru K, 1'-hey IlI'I.'
`med fin nrn-I-:5 .— Mr!-
`is aurimnnimrirm and
`MD-ES -J .liD-.'.'i‘mltr-
`uranittrrlitrn. n-sperrfluftt
`‘Anu . li3l'I'i-
`naruitt-airrte -!Ilmi'u|Il-l‘II'lllr-
`iarr mi.
`Irrmtr fr are-nth invrerdfi
`attire nfier the irtirtui MS
`uurhmnmvm. the lfitfl
`mm: in «He mlmpttr
`illcwrtfuy wine with Kr:
`ntrirh um Ill!-iJ'iP€
`aiutuirlrqflium the rum‘
`fltiiafrfie with unit,
`rity services smelt as user uutl1entieaI.inIt.trnit'ic
`euniitlentinlity. nnd key dtmihullnn.
`GSM atthrterihers {them} are Iraceli tinting their
`iI'Itm- nntl inter-dornltin movelnenltr. Erich nmhiitt
`nnunn ttststintnrmstlre uerwnrttnfitrrmsirirm: this
`In iammtiun is used In update the visiting lucntit:-it
`register (VLR) and the hm-ne ieeatinn register
`[I ILRJ. Furthermore. the establishment oi corn-
`ntutdcatiott is under eontrol iii the nutlteuticntian
`L-enter(AUe)whiehiseitenen-lucntcdurlththc lot.-ul
`muts:tnestvitdt|ngecnter{MSC3wlt¢ra mcetdutuain-
`wide policy it enforced.
`For each net Ive or pnuive M3. rcul-tirnc iticrt-
`Iiiientinn oi the visited domain tmtl authentica-
`tion nf hull: caller and called MS is perfumed in
`arder to weld fraud.
`Every (I-SM subscriber Inns in his MS n smart-
`cnrd (SIM) containing rt -secret key K, known only
`hy the HLR. when the MS Ituliiictt the local
`MSC in its presence. the lncal VLR contacts the
`mnhlle unit's Hut and trttnttntiht his twirl. ideuti.
`ly. the mobile station‘: lntcrnntiunnl MS identity
`(M5!) and pnsitlnn to the HLR. The Hi it asks
`its incul AU: for .1 set ui' II i|r|t.'ta' cunlaining: rt
`challettyc irantimtl number RAND}. ll signed
`response {SRE.'i]. and it cnrrespeltding seltttiofl
`iicflx.-I. The lriplelsnrc lhcn iotwurticd hrlcii iothe
`\.'i..Rnntiench tripierislxtednnlynnee fnrtlueauthew
`Iictttiolt uilhe MS.
`Fnrnmetcn SEES and K, are computed with
`the urtpulalisitcd alguriliilltwla nnd rig Ihnt imple-
`ment t'lI1.tMh'.it}l' functinm:
`' 5383 F 1| }[K3. KIIND)
`' K; ‘ -‘ipiiip
`Suhmquenliy. priwe}-hens-ecu the Msund tilt: it‘tc‘.‘t|
`MSC is neltleved by eneipllerlugitlnta with It’. ..-I,
`is nnulltcr unpubltshetl niguril
`II1 nan.-tl In enci-
`phcr data. speecli. and signalling, meninges:
`I Cirrlrerretr -= zig.(K,. Ch-:nrI't'Jfli
`' Citvrrrerr = .»-l5[It’... Cipiterretr)
`Figure 1 depicts. the MS unthenttcutiun proton-.3!
`in GSM. Message I'|mws|1ci\'vecnI'II.RInt.iVLR per-
`term the export of the sauluaeril-er‘: credentials.
`frtrnt the llonle domain In the rental: tltrlnuin
`It-"|Iiiethe interaction ireltveen hriSund Vi.Rctu1s-isls
`ttfchultengc-based eutltenticalion nf MS h_vVl..it.
`The main curtcern with the GSM i|l.Ililt:l1|it.‘.|iil'||‘I
`ttppnnnelt is its relinnce en the security in the inter-
`netwnrit that is traversed by the i«'!.R 4-+ NLR stem-
`l'l'|I.lt1i.¢l.|I'l|t1li..El\'l.'.I'tii|.iIi§'l|lu‘tE:l rettrttnnhlen-.a.Im|1tiun
`fer the signalling nelwurlts of tud:ty'r nruirile tele-
`phone strstennt. the same cannnthe guaranteed in
`il large er glnlsal st-ale. administratively l1etero1te-
`nenus. netwurlr environment. Winn it: needed is :1
`the 5i.'mi1'il_|I at‘ intermediate lrllrtsptrrl rtetwurlts.
`Anatherpuintoreuntt-ntlunuriI!It'iSM i:nhemnn-
`tier of tlimlllnling user uullleuticatiun iIiiurl‘.Iilt-
`lior|..TItt.‘ Item: domain is: expected to generate
`tin-titc-fly in set at‘ cllrllicltgcireiponsc pairs that
`the foreign tlumain is than supposed to use in
`successive rlutltemielntinn news with the end-user.
`This snlutittn is. ineiiic'tI.'nI in terms uf built hunti-
`wirtth eonsmlnption uutltlu: etmritead ineurretlnt the
`itutnudelnuin. InaddItittn.sir1eeunly1t(prerun:uh|_v)
`-entail i1l.Il'I'Ilt¢l' ui such elmllengeircrpunse pair: in
`edatnd the lurei l'|titllI1tIlfl\ll:tlilii.UIil\’|:l¢\t'l!l1ii\tl lite
`iI|.)t‘lJ.t.' domain are fresh ilIliL'iL
`EXfi151f I004
`Amzon.com, in‘c. et al.
`|EF.l-2Nc1ItnwL I Rlrtlcltfiihprii IW-I
`Amazon.com, Inc. et al. Exhibit 1004
`. I
`Home MD-Is
`W of mobile
`is the speed
`at whlch
`users move
`Mm, W m,,,,,g,, M,
`MD-ES Ia.-yuchange {EKH
`Cnrnnum Ks
`Ila ESH
`M-ES I1
`11:4 1 g,_ I um. mm, A5" 1 3
`Illlfle-Hellman key exchange
`fiednoctlan request IRDIII
`M945 mnugm gs-Q
`OPIJOMI nca Ixs. I NEI. arm-. ASH‘ ll
`optional I MEI. AIIN‘. ASH‘ I
`MD-I5 ralnblle 6.11.1 uniermeduafyfsll-m_—
`M-ES Mulnle end-system
`NEI Network oqunprmlnl II.|l.'nI1fil.‘r
`ARN Aulhenticalion random numlm
`ASN fiullmntication seqmzntc number
`MN‘ NM mu».-
`‘I-5191!‘I';—2. a'|ufrJl'I-’h' tart!-.1_y.;tr:rlI muf3F{;}}Jn fol (:'DPD.—_—— —— I
`_ _ _ H
`_ — _ _
`In cunlnuul. CDI'I'J clues nul require in lung» Aurhgnfjcafjon of Mobile Users
`lcrm h-‘LES key. "III!ifIIrt.If.lL1ril‘|1.¢I‘I:¢|‘1I:I- M-ES
`I1 llain xuclinn, we tlcvclup u gene:-Ic mllnllnn lur
`crudcnliltls unly Llncc. he l.‘Ill‘I Inlpcrmlliitu lhc
`lhu <‘|'|.lIl'|L‘I|IllJl|lll.l|'| nl'muIIlIc Iliurs. We try In
`vlclim M-l£ScIrJIIa}':':lIIIrIII. This in hccaulsc lha
`nvnid IhI:dru\\'lN|I:kmI'Cl5PcI nml(‘Dl-‘D. i.¢-.urcIrIuloc
`slullwnliclllssrs {ARl\' \.'III1n:s) in CI}I’D are I:orn-
`l'lI.'Ia‘I'HIll11'IfJIilI|'lI§IIl.I('I1II. Ilw -Iccurlly nf lhu: interme-
`pulcd hy Ihc lwnn: AS (M D45) and not by Ilw
`dl-I1I0.‘.fiM.'ll m:Iwurlr.I-. Surm: I.I!II.l|'Illll}'IL‘ill'lt.‘l.‘rII1a am:
`M-F.S: Ilius. mere ptm-cxskan til’ just um: cum.-nlly
`I:I|n:II ilno ncwunl. III tmlcr In mlnlniln: Iln: hur-
`vnlid Irlplul INEI. .-IRA’. .-l.‘:'.N'| is elmugll In uhlain
`th:nnnIl:u1m:mml fII‘||1-‘ilk’IIII"aI|'I:p:l|'¢I'I|.|iM:Ill'|I¢f-
`sulmaqucnt Iriplclsa and cunlinuu: impcrsunulirlg
`Illc M-E5.
`_ _
`CDPD. like GEM. men unpuhlisllcd |.‘1Ir.'ry|'I-
`Ilun Iunclilon -- RC-l |l4]. As mentioned ahnvc. mm“! “'”“mP“°“‘
`Iln: Inilinl kc)! cI:ch:Ingc is performed via l)i[Ii::-
`Wm-.n accnssingtlic nclwnril. in Ihc llunn: domain.
`l‘I¢"Il'Il.|l'| plulucul. Snbscqur.-nl lrnlfic is e|N.'f)'|Il-
`we :I.\suI'r|c Ike mobile user ls nulhcnllcnled with
`cd using the {prupricuu-y] RC-I cncryptinn
`II Ir:-nlilinnulscn-or-lnuscd nullzclilllmlion rrn:clI-
`unism. u.-.g.. Ks-rln-ms [lblor Krypmlirlighl
`II'J'|. fliers 0! every nelumr dolmtlrl arr: regis-
`Unh"°““' P573933‘-'3 T¢h¢°'-"'m"'“¢U'u°”-'
`IL-n:d wilh Ihul I.InnInln's AS. Tln: AS M‘ a
`The unwming Eurupcan vnluc-added 54.-rvicI.'.
`dnnuiu run bl! l'E|'JIlCIlIL'll or purlitlmlcd wllhin
`UPT. ls nlrrnnl primnrlly nl Ibn: I.-Zumpcan n1.'u'lu:I.
`Iln: domain. hnm.'vur.lh1:u:I nflullpurlllltsncd um]
`II is. dc.-.i;-,|1cI.I lu pruvidc I.u1l1n:r:InI I.I.1t.'r anew; and
`dupllcnluul Ass Il!]'lfI.'hI:IlI :1 slngh: llnrnnlnn-|c\n:l
`In suppmi hnlli fixed and muhllu I.-nd-syslclns.
`'l'ln: Ul'T tlcslgn I.llIliL‘lj1IIl.I:x rllully types ul
`An lIII|1urI:1nl I.‘l1nIllCII:rlIlIlI:I1fl11L‘l1llL‘ environ-
`ll'I|I.uIlIlI.'I1l um: um! flllflgchlll .\'rI.|lI1I.‘ lu.-ncrnl .su|u-
`mulls is ill: spent! :11 which users nnwc .-nu.-tons
`llum rnrlglng [mill simple FIN-[mud Inlllnmlicalo
`tllllllllflli in Ihc nclwurk. We Iuummc Ilml iI:IerIJu-
`Iicm tu more involved twuvwny amlhunlicmiun
`nmin tram.-1 has In rulnllwl
`low frequency: [at n
`{III-cf 1-» UP'I‘-cqulplncull using 1IIIIIIr'lI:':Irtls | I.
`I_vpIcnI user. Iln: inirnclunmm migrullnma Iwilhiu u
`15]. llnllka: (ISM. Ul"l' has nnl mnlurcd lo :1
`home dI.111'llIiIl.l.'If Wlllllfl .1 rcrrlulc domain) will be
`IHIIII: wllcrc {l|'JI.'I;'illt' security snlutlnns have hccn
`nmn: frcquulll mul Iml Iungcr Ihnn Iho interdis-
`mnln Inigmlllans.
` 04
`I|:l;‘Ii Ncluullli 0 .\l.m:Im\pril WI-I
`Amazon.com, Inc. et al. Exhibit 1004
`Design Criteria
`We base
`our design
`on top
`of existing
`two- and
`tion and key
`In :tt.|ditlott to avoitling the ttfurententimted dr:m'-
`becksofexistingsystenralike GSN‘i.Iill.'5l.‘IiLlliltlIlIIl|!ii
`take into account the followittg design criteria.
`0 Dnnniin Sepurutiatt -—- Drrmnin-specific secret
`or settsitivc irtfornltttinn welt in Ilte user's
`secret ht}: ur password shmtlti not he pmp:Igrtl-
`ed from the [same tlomnin to It turcigu tionmin
`or between foreign dortutitts.
`' Transparency to Users — Aulitettlietttitrn in
`foreign dotttttins should ltrtve miuitnnl intpnct
`on the user interfncc with respect tu authenti-
`entiurt in the |'lDl1'IL‘ dontttin.
`' User Identity Confidentiality -—|1i:i often
`desirable In keep both the rhm-entcnls .'l.I'Id|.i1€
`current wltc rt.‘ilbl1ttI$ oi tttotrile users tteeret.
`For this reason. all user identiI'ie:u:'on inl'orn1:r-
`tton must be protected frmu tliselttstrte.
`0 Minimal Om.-rltend -—- The distance between
`the home and the foreign dutrlltiti may be very
`large. He nee. the number of Inessagegxexeirrtnged
`between the heme tlonmin end the tetnotedottiuin
`For the purpose uf nutltenliuitlittn !iilt:l|1i(”il.'
`I-tept minimal.
`Protocol Building Blocks
`We httse our Llefiign urt Ittpt.-Iexi51ingl1.t.'u-tttttl three‘-
`party i\ll'li.‘tI:'|11.i.l::1li'.)I'tttrId key distribution pfl)tt'.li:i‘t|5.
`Tlrese protocols are borrowed