Automatically Decomposing Configuration
`Luca Anselma, Diego Magro, and Pietro Torasso
`Dipartimento di Informatica
`Universit`a di Torino
`Corso Svizzera 185; 10149 Torino; Italy
`Abstract. Configuration was one of the first tasks successfully ap-
`proached via AI techniques. However, solving configuration problems can
`be computationally expensive. In this work, we show that the decompo-
`sition of a configuration problem into a set of simpler and independent
`subproblems can decrease the computational cost of solving it. In partic-
`ular, we describe a novel decomposition technique exploiting the compo-
`sitional structure of complex objects and we show experimentally that
`such a decomposition can improve the efficiency of configurators.
`1 Introduction
`Each time we are given a set of components and we need to put (a subset
`of) them together in order to build an artifact meeting a set of requirements,
`we actually have to solve a configuration problem. Configuration problems can
`concern different domains. For instance, we might want to configure a PC, given
`different kinds of CPUs, memory modules, and so on; or a car, given different
`kinds of engines, gears, etc. Or we might also want to configure abstract entities
`in non-technical domains, such as students’ curricula, given a set of courses.
`In early eighties, configuration was one of the first tasks successfully
`approached via AI
`in particular because of
`the success of
`R1/XCON [10]. Since then, various approaches have been proposed for auto-
`matically solving configuration problems. In the last decade, instead of heuristic
`methods, research efforts were devoted to single out formalisms able to capture
`the system models and to develop reasoning mechanisms for configuration. In
`particular, configuration paradigms based on Constraint Satisfaction Problems
`(CSP) and its extensions [12, 13, 1, 18] or on logics [11, 3, 16] have emerged.
`In the rich representation formalisms able to capture the complex constraints
`needed in modeling technical domains, the configuration problem is theoretically
`intractable (at least NP-hard, in the worst case) [5, 15, 16]. Despite the theoret-
`ical complexity, many real configuration problems are rather easy to solve [17].
`However, in some cases the intractability does appear also in practice and solv-
`ing some configuration problems can require a huge amount of CPU time. These
`(cid:1) This work has been partially supported by ASI (Italian Space Agency).
`A. Cappelli and F. Turini (Eds.): AI*IA 2003, LNAI 2829, pp. 39–52, 2003.
`c(cid:1) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003
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`Luca Anselma et al.
`ones are rather problematic situations in those tasks in which low response time
`is required. E.g. in interactive configuration the response time should not ex-
`ceed a few seconds and on-line configuration on the Web imposes even stricter
`requirements on this configurator feature.
`There are several ways that can be explored to control computational com-
`plexity in practice: among them, making use of off-line knowledge compilation
`techniques [14]; providing the configurator with a set of domain-specific heuris-
`tics, with general focusing mechanisms [6] or with the capability of re-using past
`solutions [4]; defining techniques for automatically decomposing a problem into
`a set of simpler subproblems [9, 8]. These approaches are not in alternative and
`configurators can make use of different combinations of them. However it makes
`sense to investigate to what extent each one of them can contribute to the im-
`provement of the efficiency of configurators. In the present work, we focus on
`automatic problem decomposition, since to the best of our knowledge this issue
`has not received much attention in the configuration community.
`In [7] a structured logical approach to configuration is presented. Here we
`commit to the same framework as that described there and we present a novel
`problem decomposition mechanism that exploits the knowledge on the com-
`positional structure (i.e. the knowledge relevant to parts and subparts) of the
`complex entities that are configured. We also report some experimental results
`showing its effectiveness.
`Section 2 contains an overview of the conceptual language, while Section 3
`defines configuration problems and their solutions. In Section 4 a formal defini-
`tion of the bound relation, which problem decomposition is based on, is given;
`moreover, in that same section, a configuration algorithm making use of decom-
`position is reported and illustrated by means of an example. Section 5 reports
`the experimental results, while Section 6 contains some conclusions and a brief
`2 Conceptual Language
`In the present paper the FPC (Frames, Parts and Constraints) [7] language is
`adopted to model the configuration domains. Basically, FPC is a frame-based
`KL-One like formalism augmented with a constraint language.
`In FPC, there is a basic distinction between atomic and complex components.
`Atomic components are the basic building blocks of configurations and they are
`described by means of properties, while complex components are structured en-
`tities whose characterization is given in terms of subparts which can be complex
`components in their turn or atomic ones. FPC offers the possibility of orga-
`nizing classes of (both atomic and complex) components in taxonomies as well
`as the facility of building partonomies that (recursively) express the whole-part
`relations between each complex component and its (sub)components. A set of
`constraints restricts the set of valid combinations of components and subcompo-
`nents in configurations. These constraints can be either specific to the modeled
`domain or derived from the user’s requirements.
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`Automatically Decomposing Configuration Problems
`Main Printed
`Circuit Board
`Disk Array
`CD Tower
`Hard Disk
`Monitor manuf_m(1;1)
`Associated with PC class
`"In any PC, if there is a EIDE main printed circuit board and at least one SCSI device,
` then there must be a controller SCSI"
`[co1](<has_mot,has_mpcb>)(in MPCB_EIDE) AND
` ((<has_hd1>)(in HD_SCSI(1;7)) OR (<has_cdr1>)(in CDR_SCSI(1;1)) OR
` (<has_cdw1>)(in CDW_SCSI(1;1))
` )==>(<has_mot,has_cs>)(1;1)
`Associated with Motherboard class
`"In any motherboard, if there is a SCSI main printed circuit board,
` then there should be no controller SCSI"
`[co2](<has_mpcb>)(in MPCB_SCSI)==>(<has_cs>)(0;0)
`Associated with CD Tower class
`"In any CD tower, there must be at least one CD reader or CD writer"
`Fig. 1. A simplified PC conceptual model (CMP C)
`We illustrate FPC by means of an example; for a formal description, re-
`fer to [7]. In fig. 1 a portion of a simplified conceptual model relevant to
`PC configuration is represented. The classes of complex components (e.g. P C,
`M otherboard, ...) are represented as rectangles, while classes of atomic com-
`ponents (e.g. M ain P rinted Circuit Board, CD reader, ...) are represented
`as ellipses. Partonomic roles represent whole-part relations and are drawn as
`solid arrows. For instance, the P C class has the partonomic role has mot, with
`minimum and maximum cardinalities 1, meaning that each PC has exactly one
`motherboard; partonomic role has cdr1, whose minimum and maximum cardi-
`nalities are 0 and 1, respectively, expresses the fact that each PC can optionally
`have one CD reader, and so on. It is worth noting that the motherboard is a
`complex component having 1 to 4 RAM modules (see the has ram partonomic
`role), one main printed circuit board (has mpcb role), that can be either the
`SCSI or the EIDE type, etc.
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`Luca Anselma et al.
`Descriptive roles represent properties of components and they are drawn as
`dashed arrows. For example, the M onitor component has a string descriptive
`role manuf m, representing the manufacturer.
`Each constraint is associated with a class of complex components and is
`composed by FPC predicates combined by means of the boolean connectives
`∧,∨,¬,→. A predicate can refer to cardinalities, types or property values of
`(sub)components. The reference to (sub)components is either direct through
`partonomic roles or indirect through chains of partonomic roles. For example, in
`fig. 1 [co2] is associated with the M otherboard class and states that, if has mpcb
`role takes values in M P CB SCSI (i.e. the main printed circuit board is the SCSI
`type), then has cs relation must have cardinality 0 (i.e. there must be no SCSI
`controller). An example of a chain of partonomic roles can be found in [co1]:
`the consequent of the constraint [co1] (associated with P C class) states that the
`role chain (cid:8)has mot, has cs(cid:9) has cardinality 1, i.e. the P C component has one
`Motherboard with one SCSI Controller. [co3] shows an example of a union of
`role chains: a component of type CD T ower must have 1 to 14 CD readers or
`CD writers.
`3 Configuration Problems
`A configuration problem is a tuple CP = (cid:8)CM, T, c, C, V (cid:9), where CM is a con-
`ceptual model, T is a partial description of the complex object to be configured
`(the target object), c is a complex component occurring in T (either the target
`object itself or one of its complex (sub)components) whose type is C (which is
`a class of complex objects in CM) and V is a set of constraints involving com-
`ponent c. In particular, V can contain the user’s requirements that component c
`must fulfill.
`Given a configuration problem CP , the task of the configurator is to refine the
`description T by providing a complete description of the component c satisfying
`both the conceptual description of C in CM and the constraints V , or to detect
`that the problem does not admit any solution.
`Configuration Process We assume that the configurator is given a main con-
`figuration problem CP0 = (cid:8)CM, (c), c, C, REQS(cid:9), where c represents the target
`object, whose initial partial description T ≡ (c) contains only the component c;
`REQS is the set of requirements for c (expressed in the same language as the
`constraints in CM 1). Therefore, the goal of the configurator is to provide a
`complete description of the target object (i.e. of an individual of the class C)
`1 It is worth pointing out that the user actually specifies her requirements in a higher
`level language (through a graphic interface) and the system performs an automatic
`translation into the representation language. This translation process may also per-
`form some inferences, e.g. if the user requires a PC with a CD tower containing at
`least one CD reader and at least one CD writer, the system infers also an upper
`bound for the number of components of these two kinds, as in requirements req3
`and req4 in fig. 2, where the upper bound 7 is inferred for both the number of CD
`readers and of CD writers that the CD tower can contain.
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`Automatically Decomposing Configuration Problems
`The manufacturer of the monitor must be the same as that of the keyboard
`It must have a disk array
`It must have a CD tower with at least one CD reader and at least one CD writer
`It must have no more than 4 SCSI devices
` <has_da,has_hd2>)(in CDR_SCSI U CDW_SCSI U HD_SCSI(0;4))
`Fig. 2. User’s Requirements for a PC (REQSP C)
`satisfying the model CM and fulfilling the requirements REQS (such a descrip-
`tion is a solution of the configuration problem) or to detect that the problem does
`not admit any solution (i.e. that such an individual does not exist). Since CM
`is assumed to be consistent, this last case happens only when the requirements
`REQS are inconsistent w.r.t. CM. A sample description of an individual P C
`satisfying the conceptual model CMP C in fig. 1 and fulfilling the requirements
`listed in fig. 2 is reported in fig. 4.f.
`The configuration is accomplished by means of a search process that progres-
`sively refines the description of c. At each step the configuration process selects
`a complex component in T (starting from the target object), it refines the de-
`scription T by inserting a set of direct components of the selected component
`(by choosing both the number of these components and their type) and then it
`configures all the direct complex components possibly introduced in the previous
`step. If, after a choice, any constraint (either in CM or in REQS) is violated,
`then the process backtracks. The process stops as soon as a solution has been
`found or when the backtracking mechanism cannot find any open choice. In the
`last case, CP does not admit any solution.
`4 Decomposing Configuration Problems
`Because of the inter-role constraints, both those in CM and those in REQS,
`a choice made by the configurator for a component can influence the valid choices
`for other components. In [9, 8] it is shown that the compositional knowledge
`(i.e. the way the complex product is made of simpler (sub)components) can be
`exploited to partition the constraints that hold for a given component into sets in
`such a way that the components involved in constraints of two different sets can
`be configured independently. While such a decomposition has been proved useful
`in reducing the actual computational effort in many configuration problems, here
`we present an enhancement of such a decomposition mechanism that considers
`constraints as dynamic entities instead of static ones.
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`Luca Anselma et al.
`4.1 Bound and Unbound Constraints
`The decomposition capability is based on a bound relation among constraints. We
`assume that, in any configuration, each individual component cannot be a direct
`part of two different (complex) components, neither a direct part of a same
`component through two different whole-part relations (exclusiveness assumption
`on parts).
`Let CP = (cid:8)CM, T, c, C, V (cid:9) and CON ST RS(C) be a configuration problem
`and the set of constraints associated with C in CM, respectively and let u, v, w ∈
`V ∪CON ST RS(C). The bound relation Bc is defined as follows: if Pu and Pv are
`two predicates occurring in u and in v, respectively, that mention both a same
`partonomic role p of C then uBcv (i.e. if u and v refer, through their predicates,
`to a same part of c, then they are directly bound in c); if uBcv and vBcw then
`uBcw (i.e. u and w are bound by transitivity in c). It is easy to see that Bc is
`an equivalence relation.
`To solve CP = (cid:8)CM, T, c, C, V (cid:9), the configurator must refine the description
`of c by specifying the set COM P S(c) of its components and subcomponents.
`In particular, it specifies the type of each element in COM P S(c) and, for each
`partonomic role occurring in the conceptual description of type C (the type
`of component c) in CM, it specifies which elements in COM P S(c) play that
`partonomic role.
`If S1 and S2 are two different equivalence classes of constraints induced by the
`relation Bc, let COM P SS1(c) and COM P SS2(c) be the sets of components in
`COM P S(c) referred to by constraints in S1 and in S2, respectively. Given the
`exclusiveness assumption on parts, these two sets are disjoint and, for every pair
`of components c1 ∈ COM P SS1(c) and c2 ∈ COM P SS2(c), there is no constraint
`in V ∪ CON ST RS(C) linking them together. It follows that the choices of the
`configurator relevant to the components in COM P SS1(c) do not interact with
`those relevant to the components in COM P SS2(c). In other words, S1 and S2
`represent two mutually independent configuration subproblems.
`4.2 Decomposition Mechanisms
`In fig. 3 a configuration algorithm making use of decomposition is sketched. For
`lack of space, let us illustrate the algorithm just by means of an example. Let’s
`suppose that the user wants to configure a P C (described by the conceptual
`model CMP C in fig. 1) meeting the set REQSP C of requirements stated in
`fig. 2.
`At the beginning, the configurator is given the problem CP0 = (cid:8)CMP C , (pc1),
`pc1, P C, REQSP C(cid:9). Besides the requirements REQSP C, the set of constraints
`associated with P C in CMP C are also considered to fully specify the problem
`(statement in row 3 of the algorithm in fig. 3). This initial situation is represented
`in fig. 4.a.
`Initial Decomposition Step (statements in rows 5 and 6). Before starting
`the actual configuration process, the configurator attempts to decompose the
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`Automatically Decomposing Configuration Problems
`(1) configure(CM,T,c,C,V){
`(2) SUBPROBLEMS = <>;
`(3) - add to V the constraints associated with C in CM;
`(4) currentSP=V;
`(5) S=decompose(CM,T,c,currentSP);
`(6) for each s in S push(s, SUBPROBLEMS);
`(7) while(SUBPROBLEMS <>){
`(8) currentSP=pop(SUBPROBLEMS);
`(9) if(no choice made for the direct components of c involved in currentSP){
`(10) T = insertDirectComponents(CM,T,c,currentSP);
`(11) if(T== FAILURE) return FAILURE;
`(12) }else{
`(13) - choose a direct complex component d of c that has not been configured
` yet and that is involved in currentSP (let D be the type of d);
`(14) T=configure(CM,T,d,D,currentSP);
`(16) }
`(17) - remove satisfied constraints from currentSP;
`(18) if(not solved currentSP){
`(19) currentSP=reviseConstraints(CM,c,currentSP);
`(20) S=decompose(CM,T,c,currentSP);
`(21) for each s in S push(s,SUBPROBLEMS);}
`(22) }//while
`(23) - complete T by inserting all the components and subcomponents of c not
` involved in the constraints in V
`(24) return T;
`(25) }//configure
`Fig. 3. Configuration algorithm overview
`constraints that hold for the target object pc1. To do this, it partitions the con-
`currentSP = [req1, . . . , req5, co1] into a set of equivalence classes by comput-
`ing the bound relation Bpc1 in this set: it is easy to see that the constraints
`req2, . . . , req5, co1 are bound in pc1 according to the definition of the bound
`relation. Instead, req1 is not bound with any other constraint belonging to
`currentSP . It follows that currentSP can be partitioned into the two equiva-
`lence classes of contraints S1 = [req2,. . . ,req5, co1] and S2 = [req1], each one
`entailing a configuration subproblem.
`Resolution of Subproblems (while statement in rows 7 to 22). These subprob-
`lems are mutually independent. One subproblem is chosen as the current one (in
`this example that one relevant to the constraints S1 = [req2, . . . , req5, co1]) and
`the other ones (in this example only that one relevant to S2 = [req1]) are pushed
`into the SU BP ROBLEM S stack (see fig. 4.b).
`Insertion of Direct Components (statement in row 10). To solve S1 the
`configurator refines the description of the target object by inserting in it only
`those direct components of pc1 involved in the constraints relevant to the current
`subproblem. More precisely, the configurator considers each partonomic role p of
`P C class occurring in the constraints belonging to S1 and makes for p two basic
`choices: it chooses the number of direct components, playing the partonomic
`role p, to insert into the configuration and, for each one of them, it chooses its
`type. In this example, let’s suppose that a CD reader, a CD writer, a hard disk
`(all of the SCSI type), a motherboard, a CD tower and a disk array are inserted
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`Luca Anselma et al.
`currentSP = [req1,...,req5,co1]
`SUBPROBLEMS = <S2 = [req1]>
`currentSP = S1 = [req2,...,req5,co1]
`T2=(pc1 <has_cdr1 (cdr_scsi1)>
` <has_cdw1 (cdw_scsi1)>
` <has_hd1 (hd_scsi1)>
` <has_mot (mb1)>
` <has_cdt (cdt1)>
` <has_da (da1)>)
` <S2 = [req1],S12 = [req3,req4,req5]>
`currentSP = S11 =[co1’]
`T4=(pc1 <has_cdr1 (cdr_eide1)>
`T3=(pc1 <has_cdr1 (cdr_scsi1)>
` <has_cdw1 (cdw_eide1)>
` <has_cdw1 (cdw_scsi1)>
` <has_hd1 (hd_scsi1)>
` <has_hd1 (hd_scsi1)>
` <has_mot (mb1 <has_mpcb (mpcb_scsi1)>
` <has_mot (mb1 <has_mpcb (mpcb_scsi1)>
` <has_cs ()>
` <has_cs ()>
` <has_cpu (cpu1)>
` <has_cpu (cpu1)>
` <has_ram (ram1,ram2,ram3,ram4)>)>
` <has_ram (ram1,ram2,ram3,ram4)>)>
` <has_cdt (cdt1 <has_cdr2 (cdr_scsi1)>
` <has_cdt (cdt1)>
` <has_cdw2 (cdw_scsi1)>)>
` <has_da (da1)>)
` <has_da (da1 <has_hd2 (hd_scsi2)>)>)
`SUBPROBLEMS = <S2 = [req1]>
`currentSP = S12 = [req3,req4,req5]
`currentSP = S2 = [req1]
`T5=(pc1 <has_cdr1 (cdr_eide1)>
` <has_cdw1 (cdw_eide1)>
` <has_hd1 (hd_scsi1)>
` <has_mot (mb1 <has_mpcb (mpcb_scsi1)>
` <has_cs ()>
` <has_cpu (cpu1)>
` <has_ram (ram1,ram2,ram3,ram4)>)>
` <has_cdt (cdt1 <has_cdr2 (cdr_scsi1)>
` <has_cdw2 (cdw_scsi1)>)>
` <has_da (da1 <has_hd2 (hd_scsi2)>)>
` <has_mon (acme_mon1)>
` <has_k (acme_k1)>)
`currentSP = S2 = []
`Fig. 4. A configuration example
`into the current configuration (fig. 4.c). Since configuration is accomplished by
`means of a search process, it is worth pointing out that all the open choices (for
`instance, the alternative EIDE type for the CD reader, the CD writer and the
`hard disk, or the possibility of inserting more than one hard disk) have to be
`remembered as they may be explored as a consequence of a backtracking.
`Removal of Satisfied Constraints (statement in row 17). The current tenta-
`tive configuration T2 does not contradict any constraint relevant to the current
`subproblem, moreover requirement req2 (imposing the existence of a disk array
`in the configured PC) is now satisfied and it can be removed from currentSP .
`The truth values of the other constraints belonging to currentSP cannot be
`computed yet, since the configurator has not yet configured all the parts of the
`target object which these constraints refer to. For instance, a CD tower has
`been inserted into the current tentative configuration T2, but it has not been
`configured yet; therefore, up to this point, it is impossible to know how many
`CD readers the CD tower will contain and thus the truth value of req3 is still
`unknown. Since currentSP still contains some constraints (whose truth values
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`Automatically Decomposing Configuration Problems
`are unknown) referring to parts of some direct components of pc1 not yet con-
`sidered by the configurator, the subproblem relevant to currentSP is not solved
`Further Decomposition Step (rows 18 to 21). After having refined the de-
`scription of pc1 with the insertion of some of its direct components, the config-
`urator attempts a further decomposition of the current subproblem.
`Revision of Constraints and Re-computation of Bound Relation. To
`perform this decomposition step, the configurator dynamically updates the form
`of the constraints in currentSP (i.e. the constraints are treated as dynamic en-
`tities). In this sample case, even if the truth value of constraint co1 cannot be
`determined in the tentative configuration T2, for some predicates occurring in
`co1 it is possible to say whether they are true or false. In particular, the pred-
`icates ((cid:8)has hd1(cid:9))(in HD SCSI(1; 7)), ((cid:8)has cdr1(cid:9))(in CDR SCSI(1; 1)) and
`((cid:8)has cdw1(cid:9))(in CDW SCSI(1; 1)) are all true in T2. Therefore, in the context
`of the choices made by the configurator and that leaded to T2, these predicates
`can be substituted by their truth values in co1 and co1 can be simplified in the
`following way:
`[co1(cid:2)]((cid:8)has mot, has mpcb(cid:9))(in M P CB EIDE) → ((cid:8)has mot, has cs(cid:9))(1; 1).
`Since the revision of the constraints relevant to the current subproblem may
`remove some predicates from the constraints (as it happens for co1 in this exam-
`ple), it may happen that some constraints that were previously bound have now
`become unbound, therefore it makes sense to compute the bound relation again,
`in this revised set of constraints. In our example, the relation Bpc1 induces a parti-
`tioning of the revised set of constraints currentSP = [req3, req4, req5, co1(cid:2)] into
`the two classes S11 = [co1(cid:2)] and S12 = [req3, req4, req5] of bound constraints.
`This means that in the context of tentative configuration T2 (fig. 4.c), the current
`subproblem has been further decomposed into a set of independent subproblems.
`Resolution of Subproblems (while statement in rows 7 to 22). As in the
`previous execution of the body of the while, the configurator chooses one sub-
`problem as the current one (in this case, currentSP = S11) while the other
`ones (in this case only that one relevant to S12) have been pushed into the
`SU BP ROBLEM S stack. All the direct components of pc1 involved in the set
`currentSP of constraints have already been inserted into the tentative configu-
`ration. To solve S11, the motherboard mb1 needs to be configured: indeed, co1(cid:2)
`refers both to the main printed circuit board and to the optional SCSI controller,
`which are mb1 components (rows 13 to 15). This means solving the configuration
`problem CPmb1 = (cid:8)CMP C , T 2, mb1, M otherboard,{co1(cid:2)}(cid:9).
`The configuration of mb1 has to take into account both the set S11 of con-
`straints and constraint co2 associated with M otherboard class in CMP C (fig. 1).
`In this example, a SCSI main printed circuit board mpcb scsi1 is inserted into
`the tentative configuration, therefore no SCSI controller is inserted (because of
`co2). To complete the configuration of mb1, the configurator inserts also a CPU
`(cpu1) and four memory modules (fig. 4.d). Constraint co1(cid:2) is now satisfied,
`thus it is removed from currentSP . Since currentSP does not contain any
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`Luca Anselma et al.
`other constraint, the configuration of mb1 represents a solution to the current
`subproblem. The subproblem entailed by S12 = [req3, req4, req5] becomes the
`current one.
`This subproblem involves the pc1 direct complex components cdt1 and da1.
`It should be clear that there is no way of extending the tentative configuration
`T 3 by configuring these two components while satisfying the constraints in S12.
`Indeed, req3 and req4 require that at least one CD reader and at least one
`CD writer are inserted into cdt1 and, given the conceptual model CMP C, these
`two devices must be the SCSI type. The conceptual model states also that all
`the hard disks in the disk array are the SCSI type (and that there is at least
`one hard disk in a disk array). However, T 3 already contains 3 SCSI devices; it
`follows that pc1 would have at least 6 SCSI devices and this is in contradiction
`with requirement req5. Therefore the configuration process has to backtrack
`and to revise some choices. It is worth noting that it would be useless to find an
`alternative configuration for the motherboard, since mb1 was configured while
`considering the subproblem relevant to S11, which was independent from the one
`entailed by S12 (for which the failure occurred). Therefore, let’s suppose that
`the backtracking mechanism changes from SCSI to EIDE the types of the CD
`reader and of the CD writer playing the partonomic roles has cdr1 and has cdw1,
`respectively. After that, the tentative configuration T 4 is produced (fig. 4.e). It
`is easy to see that T 4 satisfies all the constraints in S1 = [req2, . . . , req5, co1],
`therefore it represents a solution to the first of the two subproblems the main
`configuration problem CP0 was decomposed into (see above).
`To solve the main problem, the tentative configuration T 4 must be extended
`in order to solve the subproblem entailed by S2 = [req1] too. T 5 in fig. 4.f is
`a global solution.
`This simple example illustrates a situation in which the configurator succeeds
`in further decomposing the current subproblem, after having inserted the direct
`components of the target object which the current set currentSP of constraints
`refer to. However, it is worth noting that, in general, the configurator attempts
`to further decompose the current subproblem also after having completely con-
`figured each direct complex component of the target object (see the algorithm
`in fig. 3). Moreover, for the sake of simplicity, the example focuses only on the
`problem decomposition performed by partitioning the constraints relevant to the
`target object: it should be noticed that the decomposition is not limited to the
`target object, but, on the opposite, it is recursively performed also when config-
`uring its complex (sub)components (by the execution of the recursive invocation
`in row 14) .
`5 Experimental Results
`The algorithm described in the previous section has been implemented in a con-
`figuration system written in Java (JDK 1.3). In this section we report some
`results from tests conducted with a computer system configuration domain. The
`experiments are aimed at testing the performance of the configuration algorithm
`Page 10 of 14
`FORD 1008

`Automatically Decomposing Configuration Problems
`described in this paper and at comparing it (w.r.t. the computational effort) with
`a configuration strategy without decomposition and with the most performant
`decomposition strategy previously defined is this framework, the one called in [9]
`“strategy 3” (see [8, 9]). We call the algorithm in [9] static decomposition algo-
`rithm and the algorithm in Section 4.2 dynamic decomposition algorithm. All
`experiments were performed on a Mobile Pentium III 933 MHz 256 MB Win-
`dows 2000 notebook.
`Using the computer system model, we generated a test set of 200 configura-
`tion problems; for each of them we specified the type of the target object (e.g.
`a PC for graphical applications) and some requirements that must be satisfied
`(e.g. it must have a CD writer of a certain kind, it must be fast enough and so on).
`In 83 problems we intentionally imposed a set of requirements inconsistent with
`the conceptual model (in average, these problems are quite hard). A problem is
`considered solved iff the configurator provides a solution or it detects that the
`problem does not admit any solution. For each problem the CPU time and the
`number of backtrackings that it required have been measured. The configuration
`algorithms include some random choices: e.g. after decomposing a problem, the
`selection of the current subproblem (see Section 4.2) is performed randomly. To
`reduce the bias due to “lucky” or “unlucky” random choices, every experiment
`was performed ten times and the average values of measured parameters were
`The strategy with dynamic decomposition proves to be effective in reducing
`the time and the number of backtrackings required by a problem to be solved
`w.r.t. both the algorithm without decomposition and the algorithm with static
`decomposition. Figure 5 shows the frequency histograms of the CPU times. On
`the X axis is reported the time interval taken in consideration and on Y axis is re-
`ported the number of problems solved within the given interval. The chart shows
`that the dynamic decomposition is rather effective in “moving” CPU times to
`low values, particularly to values less than 3 seconds. Figure 6 reports the relative
`cumulative distribution graphs for CPU times. In this case the Y axis reports
`no decomposition
`static decomposition
`dynamic decomposition
`Cumulative %
`no decomposition
`static decomposition
`dynamic decomposition
`CPU Time (in seconds)
`CPU Time (in seconds)
`# of solved problems
`Fig. 5. Frequency histogram of CPU
`Fig. 6. Relative cumulative frequency
`graph of CPU Time
`Page 11 of 14
`FORD 1008

`Luca Anselma et al.
`the cumulative frequencies of problems solved within the given interval. It may
`be worth to notice that the 90th percentile for strategy without decomposition
`is 164 s, for static decomposition it is 68 s, while it is 2.5 s for strategy with
`dynamic decomposition. Results regarding CPU times are reflected by those re-
`garding the number of backtrackings.

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