Declaration of Douglas Chrissan, PhD
`IPR2016-01006, -01007, -01008, -01009 
`INTER PARTES REVIEW NOS. IPR2016-01006, -01007, -01008, -01009

`TQ Delta Exhibit 2001
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. TQ Delta LLC


`Declaration of Douglas Chrissan, PhD
`IPR2016-01006, -01007, -01008, -01009 
`1. My name is Douglas A. Chrissan. I have been engaged by TQ Delta,
`LLC in connection with IPR numbers 2016-01006 (relating to U.S. Pat. No.
`7,835,430 (“the ‘430 patent”)), -01007 (relating to U.S. Pat. No. 8,432,956 (“the
`‘956 patent”)), -01008 (relating to U.S. Pat. No. 8,238,412 (“the ‘412 patent”)),
`and -01009 (also relating to the ‘412 patent”) before the United States Patent and
`Trademark Office. In this declaration I provide my opinion that the challenged
`claims of the ’430, ’412 and ’956 patents, collectively the “Diagnostic Mode
`Patents,” are not anticipated or obvious in view of the references and grounds
`asserted by the Petitioner, Cisco Systems, Inc. (“Cisco”).1
`A. Background and Experience
`I am presently a technical consultant in the areas of communications
`systems, multimedia systems, computer systems, and digital signal processing.
`I earned a B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University
`of Southern California in 1988 and 1990, respectively, and a Ph.D. in Electrical
`Engineering from Stanford University in 1998.
`1 When referring to exhibits, I note that Cisco’s exhibits are identical across the four IPR proceedings except for Ex.
`1001 (the relevant patent at issue) and Exhibit 1009 (Kiaei declaration), which I will cite specifically. TQ Delta’s
`exhibits are also identical across the four IPRs (including my global declaration). In addition, when I address a
`given argument made by Cisco or Cisco’s expert, my comments are intended to address that argument whereever it
`is present in each of the IPRs. Also, I understand that in the 1006 IPR, Dish Network has joined as a petitioner, and
`that motions for joinder are pending with respect to other of the IPRs; my opinions are directed to the Petitioners
`collectively, as they rely on the same petition and same declaration of Dr. Kiaei. 



`A copy of my current CV is attached.
`I was a Masters Fellow and Member of the Technical Staff at Hughes
`Aircraft Company in El Segundo, California, from 1988–1993. While at Hughes
`Aircraft, I designed and developed communication systems for commercial and
`military spacecraft, including for the MILSTAR satellite program.
`Between 1992 and 1993, while at Hughes Aircraft Company, I
`designed and built a
`state-of-the-art, 800 megabit-per-second
`telecommunications modem for the NASA Lewis Research Center.
`From 1997–2003, I worked at 8x8, Inc., starting as a DSP software
`engineer in 1997, becoming a manager in 1998, a director in 1999, and Vice
`President of Engineering in 2000 (managing a team of approximately 60 engineers
`in the company’s microelectronics group). I played a key role in developing
`semiconductor products used worldwide
`in multimedia
`communications devices, mainly for video conferencing systems and Internet
`Protocol (“IP”) telephones. Some of these semiconductor products were in
`production more than ten years.
`From 2003–2007, I was a Systems Architect and Engineering
`Program Manager at Texas Instruments in the Digital Subscriber Line (“DSL”)
`product business unit. At Texas Instruments, I was directly involved in the
`architecture, design, development and production of multicarrier DSL modem



`products. My work specifically included architecting a multicarrier DSL
`semiconductor and software product and managing all aspects of its development
`from inception to production.
`9. My Ph.D. dissertation and related publications are in the fields of
`statistical signal processing and communication systems, and more specifically in
`the area of impulsive noise modeling for communication systems.
`In 1995 I was the instructor for the graduate Statistical Signal
`Processing class (EE278) in the Electrical Engineering department at Stanford
`University. Prior to teaching this class, I was a teaching assistant for ten different
`classes in signal processing and radio frequency electronics at Stanford.
`I have developed, and managed the development of, several
`successful semiconductor, software and systems products in the communications
`and multimedia fields. These products are listed in the attached curriculum vitae.
`B. Compensation
`I am being compensated for my time in this case at the rate of $250
`per hour (plus expenses) for analysis, depositions, and, if necessary, trial
`testimony. My compensation for this matter is not determined by or contingent on
`the outcome of this case.
`C. Materials Relied Upon
`I reviewed and considered the challenged TQ Delta patents and their



`prosecution histories, Cisco’s petitions, the references asserted by Cisco against the
`TQ Delta patents, the other documents provided by Cisco in its petitions (including
`the declarations of Dr. Sayfe Kiaei), the transcript of Dr. Kiaei’s deposition, and
`other documents cited below.
`A. Technical Overview of the ‘430, ‘956, and ‘412 Patents
`14. The Diagnostic Mode Patents claim improvements to multicarrier
`transceiver devices used for data communication. The multicarrier transceivers
`disclosed in the Diagnostic Mode Patents are capable of communicating certain
`specified test and diagnostic information about the communication channel over
`which the multicarrier transceiver communicates, as recited in the Diagnostic
`Mode Patent claims.
`15. The claims claim are all related. In all of the challenged claims of the
`‘430, ‘956, and ‘412 patents, bits in a diagnostic message or test message must be
`transmitted or received using DMT/QAM (“Discrete Multitone” / “Quadrature
`Amplitude Modulation”) with more than 1 bit per subchannel, and the given
`parameter must be transmitted or received in an “array.” The claims differ by
`variously requiring transmitting or receiving either test information or diagnostic
`information that includes different ones of the measured parameters.
`16. Claims 1-8 of the ‘956 patent and claims 1-8 and 21 of the ‘412 patent



`require transmitting or receiving an array representing “power level per subchannel
`information.” The power level per subchannel information corresponds to the
`power level measured by the remote transceiver on the different subchannels of the
`multicarrier communication channel. See, e.g., ’956 patent, 4:31–40. The power
`level per subchannel information allows characterization across the frequency
`spectrum of the multicarrier communication channel used by the multicarrier
`transceiver. Because this information is generated by an already-installed remote
`transceiver and may be communicated to a more convenient location (e.g., a near-
`end transceiver located in a service provider’s central office), the need to send out
`a service technician with complex test equipment, such as a spectrum analyzer or
`line analyzer, is eliminated.2
`17. Subchannels experiencing excessive attenuation (i.e.,
`subchannels) will be associated with lower power levels per subchannel values in
`general. Because the near-end transceiver has knowledge of the transmit power
`level at which the transmission signal (e.g., a Reverb signal) was transmitted, and
`because the power level per subchannel information is representative of the power
`levels of the different subchannels as measured by a remote transceiver, the near-
`2 The terms “remote” transceiver and “near-end” transceiver in this declaration are used by way
`of example. They are not found in the challenged claims and are not intended to indicate
`geographic location, other than to the extent it is advantageous from a system and service
`standpoint to have certain information located or generated in a remote transceiver be available
`at a near-end transceiver.



`end transceiver can compare the information representative of the transmitted
`power level per subchannel with the information representative of the received
`power level per subchannel to identify the subchannels that are experiencing
`excessive attenuation.
`18. Claims 2, 4, 6, and 8 of the ‘956 patent and claims 2, 4, 6, and 8 of the
`‘412 patent recite the same thing as above, except the parameter is “power level
`per subchannel information . . . based on a Reverb signal” instead of just “power
`level per subchannel information.”
`19. Claims 9–10 of the ‘956 patent and claims 13–14, 15 of the ‘412
`patent require transmitting and receiving an array representing “Signal to Noise
`ratio per subchannel during Showtime information.” The “Signal to Noise ratio
`per subchannel during Showtime information” is representative of the ratio of
`signal power to noise power of subchannels, measured by the remote transceiver
`during normal data communication that occurs after initialization. The claims
`provide that the information is communicated as an array, meaning that each entry
`in the array corresponds to a value representative of the SNR values for the
`20. The near-end transceiver may use the SNR per subchannel during
`Showtime information to analyze the condition of the link. See ’412 at 4:32–34.
`For example, link condition may be analyzed over time to identify service



`degradation as system deployment grows with the addition of new communication
`links (e.g., from adding new customers) that create increased crosstalk.
`21. Claims 1–6 of the ’430 patent and claims 9–12 and 16–18 of the ’412
`patent require transmitting and/or receiving an array representing “frequency
`domain received idle channel noise information.” The frequency domain received
`idle channel noise information corresponds to the idle channel noise measured by
`the remote transceiver at different subchannels. The frequency domain idle
`channel noise information allows characterization across the subchannels of the
`multicarrier communication channel used by the multicarrier transceiver. Because
`this information is generated by an already-installed transceiver and may be
`communicated to a more convenient location (i.e., a near-end transceiver), again,
`the need for a service technician visit may be eliminated. Also, because the
`frequency domain received idle channel noise information is representative of the
`idle channel noise measured by the remote transceiver for subchannels of the
`multicarrier communication channel, the result is that the near-end transceiver
`itself, a monitoring system and/or a technician may identify subchannels that are
`experiencing excessive background noise, impulse noise or crosstalk.
`22. The above described features of the claims of the Diagnostic Mode
`Patents facilitate remote diagnosis of potential service problems through detailed
`characterization of the multicarrier communication channel. This helps avoid a



`costly site visit by a technician. See, e.g., ’430 patent, 2:20–24.
`The Board’s Institution Decisions
`In each of the four IPR proceedings, I understand the Board granted
`review based on a single obviousness ground premised on the same primary
`reference: U.S. Patent No. 6,636,603 to Milbrandt (“Milbrandt”). Specifically,
`the Board granted review of claims 1–10 of the ’956 patent (IPR2016-01007)
`and claims 1-8, 13–14, 19–20 of the ‘412 patent (IPR2016-01008) based on the
`following, which also includes references U.S. Pat. No. 6,590,893 to Hwang et
`al. (“Hwang”) and the ANSI T1.413-1995 Standard (“ANSI T1-413”):
`Ground 1. Unpatentability of claims 1–10 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) over
`U.S. Patent No. 6,636,603 to Milbrandt (“Milbrandt”), in view of U.S. Pat.
`No. 6,590,893 to Hwang et al. (“Hwang”) and American Nat. Standards
`Inst. (ANSI) T1.413-1995 Standard, entitled “Network and Customer
`Installation Interfaces—Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL)
`Metallic Interface” (“ANSI T1.413”).
`I further understand that the instituted grounds in IPR2016-01006 and -01009
`add an additional reference, U.S. Pat. No. 6,891,803 to Chang et al. (“Chang”), to
`the combination. The Board granted review of claims 1–6 of the ’430 patent
`(IPR2016-01006) and claims 9–12, 15–18, and 21 of the ’412 patent (IPR2016-
`01009) based on the following ground:



`Ground 1. Unpatentability under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) over U.S. Patent No.
`6,636,603 to Milbrandt (“Milbrandt”), in view of U.S. Pat. No. 6,891,803 to
`Chang et al. (“Chang”), U.S. Pat. No. 6,590,893 to Hwang et al. (“Hwang”),
`and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) T1.413-1995 Standard,
`entitled “Network and Customer Installation Interfaces—Asymmetric Digital
`Subscriber Line (ADSL) Metallic Interface” (“ANSI T1.413”)
`C. Legal Standards Applied
`I am not an expert in patent law, and I am not purporting to provide
`any opinions regarding the correct legal standards to apply in these proceedings. I
`have been asked, however, to provide my opinions in the context of the following
`legal standards that have been provided to me by TQ Delta’s attorneys.
`25. Anticipation: It is my understanding that a patent is invalid as
`anticipated if each and every limitation of the claimed invention is disclosed in a
`single prior art reference, either expressly or inherently, such that one of ordinary
`skill in the art would be enabled to make the claimed invention without undue
`experimentation. For anticipation, every limitation of a claim must appear in a
`single prior art reference as arranged in the claim. An anticipating reference must
`describe the patented subject matter with clarity and detail to establish that the
`subject matter existed in the prior art and that such existence would be recognized
`by one of ordinary skill. The prior art is enabling if the disclosure would have put
`the public in possession (i.e., provided knowledge) of the claimed invention and
`would have enabled one of ordinary skill to make or carry out the invention



`without undue experimentation.
`Inherency: I understand that if a prior art reference does not
`expressly disclose a claimed feature, but the teaching of the reference would
`necessarily result in a product with the claimed feature, then anticipation may be
`met inherently. For a prior art reference to inherently disclose a claimed feature,
`however, the feature must be necessarily present and may not be established just
`because it may be probable or possible. The mere fact that a condition may result
`from a set of circumstances, or even probably results from the set of
`circumstances, is not sufficient for proof of inherency. Further, I understand that
`for the purposes of evaluating anticipation of a prior art reference, the reference
`must be interpreted from the understanding of one of ordinary skill in the art.
`27. Obviousness in General: I have been informed that a patent can also
`be invalidated through obviousness if the subject matter of a claim as a whole
`would have been obvious at the time of the invention to a person of ordinary skill
`in the art. I understand that obviousness allows for the combination of prior art
`references. I have been informed that there are three basic inquiries that must be
`considered for obviousness:
`a. What is the scope and content of the prior art?
`b. What are the differences, if any, between the prior art and each claim
`of the patent?



`c. What is the level of ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention
`of the patent was made?
`I also understand that when prior art references require selective
`combination to render a patent obvious, there must be some reason to combine the
`references other than hindsight. Even if there would have been an apparent reason
`for combining prior art references, however, there must also have been a
`reasonable expectation of success. I understand that features from prior art
`references need not be physically combinable (i.e., a combination may be obvious
`if one of ordinary skill in the art would know how to make any necessary
`modifications to combine features from prior art references), but that this concept
`does not negate the requirement of a reasonable expectation of success. One must
`also consider the evidence from secondary considerations including commercial
`success, copying, long-felt but unresolved needs, failure of others to solve the
`problem, unexpected results, and whether the invention was made independently
`by others at the same time of the invention. I understand that these secondary
`considerations can overcome a finding of obviousness.
`D. Claim Construction
`I have applied the claim constructions that the Board adopted in its
`Institution decision in arriving at my opinions, with one exception where the
`Board in my opinion adopted an incorrect construction offered by Cisco. To the



`extent that the Board did not construe a claim term, I applied the plain and
`ordinary meaning of the term to a person of ordinary skill in the art.
`30. Specifically, the Board construed the term “array,” as “an ordered
`collection of multiple data items of the same type.” “Transceiver” was construed
`as “a device, such as a modem, with a transmitter and receiver.” I do not
`specifically agree or disagree with these constructions, as they do not matter in
`resolving any of the disputes in these proceedings. The Board also construed the
`term “frequency domain received idle channel noise information” to mean
`“information about the background noise present in each of a plurality of
`frequency subchannels when the subchannels are not in use.” I do not agree that
`this is the correct construction, but for purposes of this IPR there is no dispute
`over the dispositive aspects of this construction.”3
`31. Cisco proposes that “during Showtime” should be construed as
`“during normal communications of an ANSI T1.413 compliant device.” To the
`extent Cisco’s construction and the Board’s interpretation for “during Showtime”
`purports to include modem initialization and training as part of “normal
`communication,” Cisco’s proposed construction is incorrect. It is well accepted in
`3 In my opinion, the correct construction is an “ordered set of values representative of noise in
`the frequency domain measured on respective subchannels while no input signals are being
`transmitted on the subchannels.” This is similar to the construction adopted by the District Court
`in related litigation, which is an “ordered set of values representative of noise in the frequency
`domain that was received by a transceiver on respective subchannels in the absence of a
`transmission signal.”



`the art that “Showtime” does not include any modem initialization or modem
`training. See U.S. Pat. Pub. No. 20050190826 at ¶ 6 (“[i]nitialization (aka
`training) is the state or time period immediately preceding “Showtime,” during
`which signals are exchanged between the modems in order to prepare showtime,
`but in which no user data are being communicated”). Dr. Kiaei agreed that
`“Showtime” is a term of art that is “used to refer to the mode that follows the
`completion of initialization and handshake equipment….” See, e.g., 1007 IPR Ex.
`1009, Kiaei Decl. at ¶ 43. In addition, neither the concept of “Showtime” nor the
`claims of the ’956 patent are limited to an “ANSI T1.413 compliant device.”
`Even as of the priority date of the ’430 patent in 2000, “Showtime” was a concept
`that was also used in connection with the ITU-T G.992.1 and G.992.2 DSL
`communications standards, and its definition was—and still is—not specific to
`any one DSL standard. For example, ITU-T G.992.1 states that “Showtime” is a
`“state of either ATU-C or ATU-R – reached after all initialization and training is
`completed – in which user data is transmitted.” ITU-T G.992.1 (06/99), § 3.28.
`Further, the challenged ’956 patent claims recite a transceiver “capable of
`transmitting diagnostic
`information over a communication channel using
`multicarrier modulation,” which is not just an ANSI T1.413 compliant transceiver.
`Dr. Kiaei showed at his deposition that he was importing the example of an ANSI
`T1.413 compliant device from the ’956 specification into the claims, which I



`understand to be improper under the law for claim construction. See Kiaei Dep.
`Tr. at 67:10-18, 68:7-11, 68:18-69:15, 70:21-72:6. In light of the foregoing, a
`person of ordinary signal in the art would have understood “During Showtime” to
`mean “during normal data communication that occurs after initialization.”
`I also understand that Cisco’s Expert, Dr. Kiaei, has effectively
`offered a construction for the terms “channel” and “subchannel.” See e.g., 1007
`IPR Kiaei Decl. at ¶¶ 56–59. In view of the Diagnostic Mode Patents, I
`understand Dr. Kiaei’s construction of “subchannel” to be overly broad. As I
`previously stated at Section III.A, the Diagnostic Mode Patents are directed, in
`part, to the exchange of diagnostic and test information between transceivers, such
`as ADSL transceivers. See, e.g., ’956 patent at 1:32–35. The Diagnostic Mode
`Patents explain that communication between ADSL transceivers “is accomplished
`by modulating the data to be transmitted onto a multiplicity of discrete frequency
`carriers which are summed together and then transmitted over the subscriber loop.
`the carriers
`form discrete, non-overlapping communication
`subchannels of limited bandwidth.” ’956 patent, 1:44–47. Thus, based on the
`disclosure of the Diagnostic Mode Patents, I understand that each of these
`individual carriers is a subchannel. The Diagnostic Mode Patents explain that
`“[c]ollectively, the carriers form what is effectively a broadband communications
`channel.” ’956 patent, 1:47–50. The broadband communications channel



`comprising the individual carriers constitutes the multicarrier communication
`channel recited in the claims. See e.g., ’956 patent, Claim 1. The data is
`modulated on the subchannels of a multicarrier communication channel using a
`multicarrier modulation scheme such as DMT or OFDM (“Orthogonal Frequency
`Division Multiplexing”). Thus, in the context of the Diagnostic Mode Patent, I
`understand the term “subchannel” recited in the claims to mean “a carrier of a
`multicarrier communication channel.”
`A. Level of Ordinary Skill in the Art
`I understand that a person of ordinary skill in the art is considered to
`have the normal skills and knowledge of a person in a certain technical field, as of
`the time of the invention at issue. I understand that factors that may be considered
`in determining the level of ordinary skill in the art include: (1) the education level
`of the inventor; (2) the types of problems encountered in the art; (3) the prior art
`solutions to those problems; (4) the rapidity with which innovations are made; (5)
`the sophistication of the technology; and (6) the education level of active workers
`in the field.
`34. With respect to Diagnostic Mode Patents, a person of ordinary skill in
`the art would have an electrical engineering background and experience in the
`design of multicarrier communication systems, such as those employing OFDM or



`DMT modulation. More particularly, a person of skill in the art would be a person
`with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering (or a similar technical degree or
`equivalent work experience) and at least three years of experience working with
`such multicarrier communication systems.
`I have 18 years of combined industrial and academic experience in
`the architecture, design, development, testing and production of communication
`systems. Furthermore, I have worked directly in the field of multicarrier
`communication systems, including product design and development, with many
`engineers meeting the standard defined in the previous paragraph for a person of
`skill in the art.
`Transmitting or Receiving a Test or Diagnostic Message
`Comprising “Power Level Per Subchannel Information” (Claims
`1–8 of the ‘956 Patent, claims 1–8 and 21 of the ‘412 Patent)
`36. For each of the claims (in each of the respective IPRs) that require
`transmitting or receiving a test message or diagnostic message comprising an
`“array representing power level per subchannel information,” Cisco relies on
`Milbrandt as disclosing this limitation.4 See, e.g., 1007 Petition at p. 24.
`Specifically, Cisco alleges that “Milbrandt’s power spectrum density per sub-
`is representative of ‘power
`level per subchannel
`information.’” See, e.g.,1007 Petition at p. 24. I disagree for two reasons. First,
`4 I understand that Cisco does not contend that the other cited references disclose this claim element.  



`Milbrandt’s sub-frequency does not correspond to the claimed “subchannel,” and
`second, power spectrum density that is measured over Milbrandt’s “sub-
`frequency” does not represent the claimed “power level per subchannel
`(1) Milbrandt’s sub-frequency is not the claimed sub-channel
`37. Cisco alleges in each of the IPRs that Milbrandt teaches determining
`“power spectrum density for a received signal at ‘one or more sub-frequencies over
`which the connection between modem 60 and 42 is established.’” See, e.g., 1007
`Pet. at 24, citing Milbrandt at 11:38–45. Specifically, Cisco alleges that
`“Milbrandt’s disclosure of ‘sub-frequencies,’ over which the connection between
`modem 60 and 42
`is established, would have been understood
`to be
`‘subchannels.’” 1007 Pet at 24. I disagree. To support this allegation, Cisco relies
`on Dr. Kiaei’s assertion equating Milbrandt’s “sub-frequency” and the claimed
`“subchannels” to an ANSI T1.413 “frequency subcarrier.” See 1007 Kiaei Decl. at
`p. 55 (“A POSITA would have recognized that the term “frequency sub-carrier” in
`the ANSI T1.413 standard corresponds to Milbrandt’s “sub-frequency,” and that
`both of these terms correspond to the claimed “subchannel.”). I disagree.
`Milbrandt’s “sub-frequency” is not the claimed “subchannel” or the ANSI T1.413
`“frequency subcarrier.”
`38. As I explained in the Claim Construction of this Declaration, the



`claimed “subchannels” in each of the Diagnostic Mode patents are the smallest
`discrete divisions, i.e., carriers, of the multicarrier communication channel that are
`modulated using multicarrier modulation. See , e.g., ’956 patent 1:42–51
`the carriers form discrete, non-overlapping communication
`subchannels of limited bandwidth. Collectively, the carriers form what is
`effectively a broadband communication channel.”). For example, ADSL1 and
`ADSL2 have 256 subchannels, ADSL2+ has 512 subchannels and VDSL2 has
`4096 subchannels (for the 17 MHz profile).
`In ADSL1 and ADSL2, the upstream band comprises subchannels in
`the 25–138 kHz range and is used for upstream communications, i.e., from the
`subscriber site modem to the central office modem; the downstream band
`comprises subchannels in the 138–1104 kHz range and is used for downstream
`communications, i.e., from the central office modem to the subscriber site modem.
`Typically, no subcarriers in the 0–25 kHz frequency range are used for data
`transmission, since this frequency range is reserved for plain old telephone service
`(“POTS”) and a “guard band” between POTS frequencies and ADSL upstream
`frequencies so that the latter do not interfere with simultaneous POTS phone calls
`on the line. See ANSI T1.413 at § 6.12 and Figure 17; ANSI T1.413-1998 at §
`6.14 and Figure 27.
`40. The Milbrandt patent provides evidence that the inventor is using the



`terms “sub-frequency” and “subchannel” to refer to different things. First,
`Milbrandt refers to dividing the ADSL spectrum into “sub-frequencies” for
`downstream and upstream transmission, but refers to “sub-channels” when
`discussing DMT multicarrier units. See Milbrandt at 11:2–9. He does not
`describe these terms to be the same thing. Based on Milbrandt’s use of the term
`“sub-frequency,” one of ordinary skill in the art would conclude that the term
`refers to the upstream or downstream frequency bands in ADSL or to the
`frequency bands used for communication protocols other than ADSL (such as
`VDSL, SDSL or the voice spectrum protocols such as V.90.) See Milbrandt at
`12:9–15 (“sub-frequency of communication, such as frequencies supported by
`subscriber line 16 for downlink or uplink transmission of data”). Thus, in contrast
`to the Diagnostic Mode Patents that define an individual “subchannel” as a portion
`of a larger multicarrier communication channel or band, Milbrandt’s “sub-
`frequency” is an independent channel or band. Compare Milbrandt at 11:4–5
`(“[e]ach sub-frequency is an independent channel and supports transmission of its
`own stream of data signals”) with’956 patent at 1:42–51 (“Individually, the
`carriers form discrete, non-overlapping communication subchannels of limited
`bandwidth. Collectively, the carriers form what is effectively a broadband
`communication channel.”).
`41. Second, Milbrandt teaches that there is at least one sub-frequency in



`the voice frequency spectrum
`is capable of supporting
`the V.90
`communication protocol. See Milbrandt at 11:50–53 (describing communication
`“over any achievable range of sub-frequencies using any suitable communication
`protocols, such as, for example, over a sub-frequency in the voice frequency
`spectrum using the V.90 communication protocol”).   This teaching alone from
`Milbrandt informs a person of skill in the art that Milbrandt’s “sub-frequency” is
`not the same as an ANSI T.413 compliant subchannel—and is also therefore not
`the claimed “subchannel”—for the following reason: there is no ANSI T.413
`ADSL subchannel in the voice frequency spectrum capable of supporting the V.90
`protocol. See Milbrandt at 11:35–36, 11:50–53 and 13:9–11. ADSL’s lowest
`subcarriers are centered at 0 Hz (which is not used) and 4312.5 Hz, and neither of
`these alone nor in combination can support the V.90 communication protocol
`because the V.90 protocol is fundamentally different from ADSL and uses the 0–4
`kHz voice band without partitioning it into subchannels. See V.90 at p. 41
`(Appendix 1 Overview). Therefore, Milbrandt’s sub-frequency does not refer to
`an ANSI T1.413 “frequency subcarrier” or multicarrier subchannel. 
`42. Furthermore,
`invention disclosed
`in Milbrandt
`determining the appropriate communication protocol for providing data services
`based on measured parameters for the different sub-frequencies, corresponding to
`the respective communication protocols. See Milbrandt at 15:2–5 (“[s]erver 18



`determines the communication protocol that is best adapted to provide the
`determined transmit power spectrum density of modem 60 or 42 for the frequency
`spectrum supported by subscriber line 16”). Milbrandt discloses that the modems
`support many different communication protocols, such as “any suitable digital
`technology (xDSL), referred
`to generally as an XDSL
`communication protocol” as well as “Ethernet; fast Ethernet; V-series data
`protocols such as V.32bis, V.32terbo, V.34, V.42, V.42bis, and V.90.” Id. at 4:66–
`5:3 et. seq.
`43. To determine the best communication protocol based on the transmit
`power spectrum density, Milbrandt discloses computing the power spectrum
`density and attenuation information for sub-frequencies corresponding to the
`communication protocols, e.g. 0 kHz to 128 kHz, or 129 kHz to 1.1 MHz, for

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