Interacting with Computers 17 (2005) 251 264
`Using handhelds for wireless remote control of PCs
`and appliances
`Brad A. Myers*,1
`Human Computer Interaction Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University,
`Pittsburgh, PA 15213 3891, USA
`Received 16 January 2004; revised 31 May 2004; accepted 11 June 2004
`Available online 28 July 2004
`This article provides an overview of the capabilities that we are developing as part of the Pebbles
`research project for wireless handheld devices such as mobile phones and palm size computers like
`Palm Organizers and PocketPCs. Instead of just being used as a phone or organizer, handheld
`devices can also be used as remote controls for computers and household and office appliances.
`q 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
`Keywords: Pebbles; Handhelds; Personal digital assistants; Remote control; Appliances
`1. Introduction
`We believe that handhelds can improve the user interfaces of many other devices,
`rather than just being another gadget to be learned. Imagine the following scenario:
`You come home and aim your Smartphone at your garage, and push a button on the
`phone. The garage door opens. As you enter, your phone displays a diagram of the
`lights and appliances in your home, and you tap on the entryway light to turn it on.
`When you walk into the family room, the phone display changes and shows various
`commands useful for the entertainment system. You hit ‘Play DVD’, and the phone
`turns the DVD player on, switches the TV to INPUT-3 where the DVD is connected,
`* Tel.: þ 1 412 268 5150; fax: þ 1 412 268 1266.
`E mail address: bam þ (B.A. Myers).
`0953 5438/$ see front matter q 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1025

`B.A. Myers / Interacting with Computers 17 (2005) 251 264
`turns on the stereo and switches it to AUX input, and finally, the starts the DVD
`playing. Later, you go to your home office and put the phone in its recharging cradle
`next to the computer. The phone display changes to serve as an extra screen for the
`application that is currently in use on the PC. When browsing the web, for example, the
`phone display has big BACK and FORWARD buttons, as well as a scroll bar for swiftly
`moving through pages. Since the phone is conveniently located to the left of the
`keyboard, you can tap on the phone display without looking to scroll and change pages,
`while using the mouse in your right hand. In the evening, you use the Smartphone as the
`remote control for your bedroom television, and also to set the alarm on the clock
`beside the bed. Later, you get a call from a colleague to say that a meeting is delayed for
`an hour, so you can sleep later than expected. Changing the alarm time automatically
`adjusts the thermostat to keep the household temperatures at the nighttime setting for a
`little longer, thereby saving some energy. The coffee maker is also automatically
`delayed an hour. In the morning, when you enter your car, you put the phone into its
`cradle, and it sends the meeting location that you had been emailed to the car’s
`navigation system. After arriving at your destination, you give your presentation using
`the Smartphone display as a remote control for the slide show. You see your notes and a
`thumbnail-size picture of your slide on the phone’s display, and you write on the
`phone’s screen to draw on your slides. Pressing buttons on your phone with your thumb
`allows you to easily move back and forward in the presentation and switch to
`demonstrations and back to the slide show without fumbling.
`All of these ideas are being investigated by the Pebbles research project at Carnegie
`Mellon University. They can be demonstrated now, and may soon be available in
`commercial products. This article summarizes the Pebbles project, focusing on the
`applications we have created to allow handheld devices to be used as remote controls for
`applications running on PCs, and for everyday appliances.
`2. What is a ‘handheld’ anyway?
`What exactly is a ‘handheld device’? I define a handheld device as a computerized,
`electronic machine that is designed to be held in one hand. The definition clearly includes
`calculators, organizers, pagers, mobile phones (generally called ‘cell phones’ in the US),
`and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) such as the Newton, Palm and PocketPC. All of
`these PDAs are designed to fit into one hand, and have a touch-sensitive screen on which a
`stylus can write. The built-in functions include a calendar, address book, a ‘to-do’ list, and
`memo pad for taking notes. These devices are programmable, and it is relatively easy to
`add other applications that can be downloaded from the Internet.
`There are about 30 million PDAs in the world, but this pales in comparison to the 1.3
`billion mobile phone devices worldwide (European Cellular Network, 2003). Increasingly,
`these mobile phones contain PDA-like capabilities, and are then often classified as
`‘Smartphones’. The sales of Smartphones were predicted to be 4 million units in Europe in
`2003, beating the sales of PDAs, according to (RIMRoad News, 2003).
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`Clearly, handhelds are becoming devices used by an increasingly large percentage of the
`world’s population.
`What is not included by the term handheld? My definition excludes laptop computers,
`for example, since they cannot be easily used while being held in one hand; laptops are
`designed to be used while sitting, with the computer on a table or in your lap. Also
`excluded are so-called ‘wearable’ devices, such as special eye-glasses or heads-up
`displays, since these are not designed to be held. However, many of the applications and
`user interface issues discussed in this article could also apply to such wearable devices.
`It is less clear whether or not to classify devices such as TabletPCs and ‘clamshell’
`Windows CE devices as handhelds. TabletPCs run a full-functioning operating system
`(e.g. Windows XP), but are designed to be used like a writing tablet rather than with a
`keyboard (Fig. 1a). These might alternatively be called ‘arm-helds’ because they are too
`big to be held in one hand without using an arm. Another class of devices that are
`questionably called “handheld” is represented by the horizontal Windows CE devices such
`as the Jornada 680, which have built-in keyboards (Fig. 1b). Although small, these devices
`are very awkward to use while being held in one hand, and usually must be placed on a
`horizontal surface. Therefore, I do not call tablet computers or clamshell Windows CE
`devices “handhelds”.
`3. What makes this scenario possible now?
`How can the opening scenario be possible? There are a large number of technologies in
`development today that will soon be ready for widespread use that will make scenarios like
`the one above possible. These can be broken into advances with handhelds, with
`communication, and with appliances.
`3.1. Advances with handhelds
`Handheld devices are getting more powerful. Today’s PDAs often run at 400 MHz,
`which is as fast as the PCs of just 4 years ago. In fact, the speed of the processors for
`handhelds, and the size of their memories, is following the well-known Moore’s law for
`computers; doubling about every year and a half. Therefore, almost any application that
`could be imagined running on a PC will find adequate performance on a handheld device.
`Processors in mobile phones are also getting faster. Phone manufacturers are adding
`more functions and capabilities to phones, and most mobile phones today are capable of
`browsing the Internet and running a Java virtual machine. Manufacturers are pushing
`towards so-called Smartphones for which a variety of applications can be downloaded, just
`like for PDAs. Some Smartphones provide PalmOS or Windows CE operating systems
`and user interfaces,
`though such devices usually have a larger form-factor than
`conventional mobile phones. Other devices run operating systems specially designed
`for mobile phones, such as Symbian. Newer phones also include cameras, voice
`recognition, touch screens, and other technologies.
`The displays on the Newton and the first Palms were black and white, but current
`versions of all PDAs increasingly use back-lit color screens, which are much easier to read
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`in most lighting conditions. Back-lit screens can be harder to read in full sunlight, but
`many devices, such as the Compaq iPaqs, use side-lit color screens, which are readable
`even in bright light. Mobile phones were once limited to small five-line displays, but now
`increasingly have larger color displays. These displays are often smaller than PDA
`screens, however, since people prefer smaller phone devices.
`Battery life continues to improve, with color-display devices lasting at least 1 or 2 days
`between recharging. However, color devices with back or side lights still do not get the
`long life of the older black-and-white devices.
`3.2. Advances with communication technology
`In the original vision for ubiquitous computing (Weiser, 1993), all the devices would be
`in continuous communication with each other. The original Xerox PARCTabs (Want et al.,
`1995) used a custom infrared (IR) network to stay connected to the rest of the computers in
`the environment. However, the first generation of commercial PDAs did not have any
`communication abilities. For example, Sharp ‘organizers’ often had tiny keyboards and a
`number of handheld functions, but did not communicate with PCs at all. The first model of
`the Apple Newton only provided connectivity with other computers as an extra-cost
`option. One reason for the great success of the first Palm, released in 1996, was that it
`could easily synchronize all of its data with a desktop computer using a one-button
`HotSynce. PalmOS devices had built-in infrared wireless communication starting about
`1998, which allowed Palms to ‘beam’ information to each other. Limitations of IR include
`that the handheld must be carefully aimed at the receiver, and the IR in handhelds tend to
`be very short ranged. Often the sending and receiving devices need to be less than 2 ft
`apart. This makes communicating using IR inappropriate for most of the scenarios
`described in this article, where the handheld may be at some distance from the device to be
`controlled, and may not be pointing at it.
`Meanwhile, laptops were starting to get access to wireless technologies such as 802.11,
`which first appeared around 1994, but did not become widespread until around 2000. The
`most popular version is 802.11b, which is now also called ‘Wi-Fi’. Initially, getting Wi-Fi
`required using a PC card (also called PCMCIA) for a laptop. Few of the early handheld
`devices could accept a PC card, and none had driver support for Wi-Fi cards until the
`Compaq iPaq, in about 2000. Eventually, handhelds with built-in Wi-Fi appeared, and
`smaller Wi-Fi cards (such as the CompactFlash form-factor) allowed Wi-Fi to be used
`with more handheld devices. Now, it is possible to get Wi-Fi access on many different
`kinds of PDAs. A problem with Wi-Fi, however, continues to be its high power usage.
`Using Wi-Fi communication on a current iPaq 5455 drains the battery in less than an hour.
`Other radio technologies have addressed the power problem. In addition to research
`systems (Shih et al., 2002), the BlueToothe radio network technology was designed from
`the beginning to have low power usage. BlueTooth research started in 1994, but the
`standard was not released until 1998 with the technology not becoming widespread until
`2003. Handheld devices with built-in BlueTooth are now available, and are becoming
`particularly common in the mobile phone market. Unlike Wi-Fi, which connects devices
`to the internet, BlueTooth is used primarily for connecting one device to one other
`such as a handheld to a personal computer which is all that is required to
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`support most of the concepts described in this article. BlueTooth includes techniques for
`devices to find each other (also called ‘Device Discovery’), which is important for the
`scenarios we are investigating, but which is not an area we are currently investigating
`(Section 5). Unfortunately, the device discovery and set-up time for BlueTooth can take
`5 30 s, which means that BlueTooth is more appropriate for environments where new
`devices only appear rarely.
`Another wireless technology is the mobile phone network. The mobile network is
`increasingly able to carry data, and therefore is relevant to handhelds interfacing with
`other technology. Currently, in the USA, it is easy to get data rates at 19.2 kHz, with some
`phone companies offering about 100 kHz with specialized interface cards. In Europe and
`Japan, higher data rates are already available, and will eventually be available in the USA.
`For the applications described here, even the low data rates may be sufficient. The main
`criterion is often not bandwidth
`the number of bits-per-second. Instead, the main issue is
`or how long it takes a message to get from the sender to the receiver. For a
`remote control device to say ‘turn on’ may only take a few bytes, but the receiver must be
`able to receive that message quickly, ideally in less than one-half-a-second, so that the user
`feels that the device is responsive. Unfortunately, most mobile networks today are
`optimized for bandwidth, and can take up to 30 s or even longer to transmit a message. If a
`number has to be dialed first and a connection made, then sending a message can take over
`a minute. Therefore, today’s mobile technology (at least in the USA) does not seem
`appropriate for the kinds of applications described here. However, we expect that mobile
`phone data communication with low-latency and zero connect time will be available in the
`coming years.
`There are many other wireless technologies also being researched. It seems clear that
`some kind of wireless technology will be available that will allow current and future
`handheld devices to communicate whenever necessary with computers and other devices
`in their vicinity. Furthermore, with the plethora of different communication technologies
`that will be available, people will expect their devices to communicate with each other.
`3.3. Advances with appliances
`Meanwhile, appliances are also evolving to be able to communicate with other devices.
`The ubiquitous one-way infrared remote allows a device to control an appliance, but this
`does not allow the device to query the appliance to find out its status, which is necessary
`for many of the scenarios envisioned here. However, it would be possible to connect with
`today’s existing appliances using IR.
`More exciting are new developments that hold promise for two-way communication
`between devices and appliances. A number of rudimentary protocols exist today for
`commercial appliances, and standard bodies are working on many more.
`For example, some Sony audio-visual appliances support a protocol called ‘S-Link’
`that enables one Sony appliance to communicate with and control another appliance.
`Although it is a closed, proprietary protocol only supported by Sony appliances, it has been
`adapted to allow computers to control Sony devices.2
`2 See, for example, information at http://www.brian link/.
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`Digital video devices, such as camcorders and high-end VCRs, often provide video
`output on a FireWire cable, which is also called IEEE 1394 (the official name of the
`standard), or i.Link. Many computers also have FireWire ports. FireWire supports
`two-way protocols, which allow the receiver, such as a computer, to send commands
`back to the sender, such as the camcorder, to tell it to play, stop, pause, and so on.
`Currently, we can remotely control a Sony DV camcorder using the AV/C protocol
`through FireWire from a Windows XP computer. Our remote-control device can then
`communicate with the computer using 802.11 or BlueTooth, and the data will be
`forwarded to the camcorder through the FireWire cable.
`More promising is a large standardization effort for UPnP (which stands for
`Universal Plug and Play), which is supported by over 600 companies. The goal of
`UPnP is
`to ‘create the means
`to easily connect devices and simplify the
`implementation of networks… UPnP technology is all about making home networking
`simple and affordable for users so the connected home experience becomes a
`mainstream experience for users and a great opportunity for the industry’ (http://www.
` UPnP provides standard protocols for controlling appliances and receiving
`feedback about state, and defines standard sets of functionality for different classes of
`devices. Already,
`there are standards for devices such as printers, audio-visual
`equipment, lighting, and HVAC (heating, venting and air conditioning) equipment,
`and many other devices are being standardized. A number of appliances supporting
`UPnP are starting to appear, and others have been announced or planned.
`Meanwhile, a number of industry groups have been formed to study or promote the
`‘connected appliances’ or
`the ‘internet-ready home’. For example,
`the Internet
`Home Alliance is a ‘cross-industry network of leading companies advancing the home
`technology market … (and) to accelerate the development of the market for home
`technologies that require a broadband or persistent connection to the Internet’ (http://
`The result of all of these initiatives will be more and more appliances that can talk to
`computers, and therefore will support at least some of the capabilities that we would need
`for the scenarios discussed here. If the appliances cannot directly support the remote
`control from handhelds, then it might still be possible by using a computer as an
`intermediary (which we call a ‘bridge’ or ‘adapter’). Eventually, we hope the kinds of
`capabilities we and others are demonstrating will convince appliance and handheld
`manufacturers to build these technologies into future devices.
`4. Overview of the Pebbles project
`The Pebbles project (Myers, 2001) ( is investigating
`the many ways that handheld devices can be used at the same time as other computerized
`devices. Pebbles stands for P DAs for the Entry of Both Bytes and Locations from External
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`4.1. Remote control of PCs
`One aspect of this work is the remote control of PCs from handheld devices. We have
`created a wide range of applications that allow a handheld device to provide input and
`serve as the output to control applications running on a PC.
`For example, in design reviews, brainstorming sessions, and organizational meetings, a
`PC is often used to display slides or a current plan, and the people in attendance provide
`input. Our RemoteCommander application (Fig. 2a,b) allows each person to use their PDA
`to control the PC’s cursor and keyboard input from their seat (Myers et al., 1998). This will
`allow each person to participate without having to jump up and grab the PC’s one mouse
`and keyboard. In the PalmOS version (Fig. 2a), the PDA provides mouse movement like a
`touchpad on a laptop, and the hard or soft buttons can be used for the mouse buttons.
`Graffiti or a soft keyboard can be used for typing, and word prediction is included. In
`addition to these functions, the PocketPC version (Fig. 2b) also downloads a picture of
`Fig. 2. RemoteCommander on a Palm (a) and a PocketPC (b). The PocketPC has sufficient bandwidth to display a
`screenshot of the PC. SlideShow Commander on a Palm (c) and PocketPC (d). Shortcutter in edit mode on a Palm,
`where the user is creating a scrolling panel (e). Shortcutter in run mode on a PocketPC with a panel for controlling
`the WinAmp media player (f).
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`the PC screen to the PDA, which can be zoomed and scrolled to see different parts of the
`PC’s screen.
`We also discovered that RemoteCommander was valuable as a replacement for the
`keyboard and mouse for people with certain physical disabilities, including Muscular
`Dystrophy and some forms of Cerebral Palsy (Myers et al., 2002b). People with these
`disabilities have difficulty moving their arms and hands, but may retain good control of
`their fingers, which often makes using a stylus for cursor control and typing using tiny
`keyboard easier than with standard input devices. We are now looking into other ways that
`handhelds might help people with disabilities control
`their computers,
`addressing the problem of text input for people with motor control difficulties (Wobbrock
`et al., 2003).
`Our SlideShow Commander application (Fig. 2c,d) allows a PDA to remotely control
`the PC when running a PowerPoint presentation. On the PDA, the user can see a small
`picture and the notes for the current slide, and can advance the slide show to the next or
`previous slide or any slide chosen from the list of slide titles. The user can also draw on the
`current slide by drawing on the PDA, and can easily switch to and from other applications
`running on the PC, for example for a live demonstration. SlideShow Commander helps
`make presentations proceed more smoothly.
`In other research, we are investigating how a PDA can be useful in augmenting the
`Windows user interface for desktop applications (Myers et al., 2000b). For example, our
`Shortcutter application (Fig. 2e,f) allows panels of controls to be drawn by direct
`manipulation on the PDA, and then used to control any PC application. The user can
`choose from various widgets on the PDA, including buttons, sliders and a virtual knob, and
`assign actions to the widgets, including sending any keyboard key to the PC, running an
`application on the PC, scrolling, mouse buttons, or a macro containing multiple
`commands. One way people have used Shortcutter is to remotely control media players on
`PCs, like the Windows Media Player or WinAmp (Fig. 2f). Another use is to put scrolling
`controls on the PDA, and then use the PDA in a cradle on the non-dominant side of the
`keyboard, with the mouse on the other side. We performed a user study that showed that
`the PDA could be used effectively in the left hand as a scrolling device for desktop
`applications (Myers et al., 2000a). In our study, we found the cradle that comes with the
`Palm to be too unstable for use in this manner, so we instead put the PDA flat on the table
`and used a cable, such as provided with some PDAs like the Palm m100 and Tungsten E.
`4.2. Remote control of appliances
`including televisions, VCRs, stereo
`Increasingly, home and office appliances,
`equipment, ovens, thermostats, light switches, telephones, and factory equipment, are
`designed with many complex functions, and often come with remote controls. However,
`the trend has been that as appliances get more computerized with more features, their user
`interfaces become harder to use (Brouwer-Janse et al., 1992). Our approach to address this
`problem is to move the user interface onto a handheld, where increased processing power
`and better input-output capabilities can be used to improve the usability. Since it will be a
`personal device, consistency can be provided, so that whenever the user needs to perform a
`function, such as setting the time, it will always be done the same way.
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`this approach the ‘Personal Universal Controller’ (PUC). We are now
`We call
`developing automatic user interface generators that will take a high-level, abstract
`specification of the functions of an appliance, and create a high-quality user interface for it
`(Fig. 3). We have created generators that will automatically produce graphical user
`interface control panels for PDAs, for desktop computers, and also for Smartphones that
`do not have touch screens (Nichols et al., 2002). Another generator uses the same
`specification, and automatically creates speech interfaces using the Universal Speech
`Interface framework (Rosenfeld et al., 2001). Multiple PUCs can be communicating with
`the same or different appliances at the same time, which enables multi-modal control of
`appliances, where the user can speak some commands and use a PDA for others.
`We have created remote control interfaces for a variety of real and simulated appliances
`to demonstrate the range of the PUC approach. Real appliances, such as the Lutron Home
`Lighting System, the Axis Pan and Tilt Camera, and a Sony Camcorder, can be addressed
`through standard and proprietary protocols, including UPnP, AV/C and X10. Simulated
`devices help show the range of our specification language beyond the appliances that we
`can currently control. We have simulated interfaces for an elevator, and the navigation,
`heating, and driver information center of a GMC Denali sport utility vehicle (SUV).
`An important issue will be whether users will accept this form of remote control. In a
`preliminary study, we designed interfaces by hand for a PDA to remote control an AT&T
`Telephone/Answering machine, and an AIWA shelf stereo. We found that users were
`twice as fast and made half as many errors when using our prototype interfaces as
`compared to the manufacturers’ interfaces (Nichols and Myers, 2003). We also observed
`remote control use in homes, and observed that a few physical buttons seem to be often
`used without looking (e.g. volume and channel), so it may be useful to provide these as
`physical buttons on the PDA, while the rest of the controls are on the screen. Fortunately,
`all PDAs and mobile phones have a few physical buttons that could be used for these
`Fig. 3. User interfaces which were automatically generated by PUC for controlling Windows Media Player. On
`the left, two screens from a Smartphone interface. On the right, a screen from a PocketPC interface (Nichols
`et al., 2004).
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`5. Related work
`A few other projects have looked at the general issues with PDAs interacting with
`stationary devices, including the original Xerox PARCTab (Want et al., 1995), and
`SharedNotes implemented with GroupKit (Greenberg et al., 1999).
`Rekimoto has developed many systems that explore connecting multiple devices,
`including the ‘Pick-and-Drop’ interaction technique for transferring information
`(Rekimoto, 1997), a multi-device drawing tool (Rekimoto, 1998), and ‘HyperDragging’
`to move information from one device’s display to another (Rekimoto and Saitoh, 1999).
`The Pebbles approach augments this research by providing a framework and architecture
`to support new applications and new devices that can interoperate.
`A number of research groups are working on controlling appliances from handheld
`devices, but Pebbles is the only project that automatically creates high-quality interfaces
`without user intervention. Hodes proposed a ‘universal interactor’ that can adapt itself to
`control many devices (Hodes et al., 1997). Unlike the PUC, that research focuses on the
`system and infrastructure issues rather than how to create user interfaces. An IBM project
`(Eustice et al., 1999) describes a ‘Universal Information Appliance’ (UIA) that might be
`implemented on a PDA. The UIA uses an XML-based language called MoDAL from
`which it creates a user interface panel for accessing information. However, the MoDAL
`processor apparently only handles simple layouts, and its only type of input control is text
`strings. The Stanford ICrafter (Ponnekanti et al., 2001) is a framework for distributing
`appliance interfaces to many different controlling devices. While their framework supports
`the automatic generation of interfaces, their paper focuses on hand-generated interfaces
`and shows only one simple automatically generated interface. They also mention the
`difficulty of generating speech interfaces.
`The XWeb project (Olsen et al., 2000) is working to separate the functionality of the
`appliance from the device upon which it is displayed. XWeb defines an XML language
`from which user interfaces can be created. Unlike the PUC specification language,
`XWeb’s language uses only a tree for specifying structural
`information about an
`appliance. Their approach seems to work well for interfaces that have no modes, but it is
`unclear how well
`it would work for remote control
`interfaces, where modes are
`commonplace. XWeb also supports the construction of speech interfaces. Their approach
`to speech interface design, including emphasis on a fixed language and cross-application
`skill transference, is quite similar to ours, as it is derived from a joint philosophy
`(Rosenfeld et al., 2001). XWeb’s language design allows users to directly traverse and
`manipulate tree structures by speech. They report, however, that this is a hard concept for
`users to grasp (Olsen et al., 2000). CMU’s Universal Speech Interface design differs by
`trying to stay closer to the way people might talk about the task itself, and is somewhat
`closer to naturally generated speech.
`The INCITS V2 standardization effort (Zimmermann et al., 2002) is developing the
`Alternative Interface Access Protocol (AIAP) to help disabled people use everyday
`appliances with an approach similar to the PUC. AIAP contains a description language for
`appliances that different interface generators use to create interfaces for both common
`devices, like the PocketPC, and specialized devices, such as an interactive Braille pad. We
`have begun collaborating with the V2 group and plan to continue to do so in the future.
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`One area we are not addressing is how the devices find each other, which is also called
`‘Device Discovery’. In Pebbles, we just select the desired device from a list or type in its
`address. BlueTooth has some device discovery capabilities, but they are slow and
`awkward. The early PARCTab explored ‘proximate selection’ where devices in the
`vicinity could be more easily selected (Schilit et al., 1994). With ‘SyncTap’, tapping on
`both devices simultaneously causes a connection (Rekimoto et al., 2003). Our approach of
`deferring the discovery process to lower-level protocols is common to many other research
`systems (Edwards et al., 2002).
`6. Conclusion
`The research on the Pebbles project is on-going. This article has shown the context for
`current and future work, as well as our current status. The software we have developed as
`part of the Pebbles project is mostly available for free download from our web site, http://
` One Pebbles application, the SlideShow Commander, was
`licensed for commercial sale (available from In the future, we
`will be working on improving the interfaces to these applications with a particular focus on
`improving handheld usability for people with different kinds of disabilities. Other work
`will be directed at improving the remote control capabilities for appliances, especially for
`collections of appliances, so the user can, for example, control an entire entertainment
`system with a single command (such as Play DVD), instead of having to control each
`component separately.
`One area we started to explore is public-private data sharing. In the ‘Command Post of
`the Future’ project, we used handhelds to ‘drill down’ and get details about publicly
`displayed information (Myers et al., 2002a). This area has been explored by others as well
`(Rekimoto, 1998; Greenberg et al., 1999), but much more work could be done.
`As appliances and handhelds progress towards increased functionality and increased
`ability to communicate, people will expect these kinds of capabilities to be provided. By
`using the handheld as a remote control for other devices, all of the user’s information and
`control can have a consistent user interface and an integrated information space. This
`should ease the total burden on users of having lots of appliances while at the same time
`providing increased functionality.
`The Pebbles research project has been made possible by the efforts of over 30 students.
`I especially want to thank Rob Miller, Jeff Nichols, and Jake Wobbrock. This work was
`funded in part by grants from DARPA, NSF, Microsoft, General Motors, NEC Foundation
`of America, and the Pittsburgh

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