`ZZyyggmmuunntt JJ.. HHaaaass
`General Information
`Talks & Invited Talks
`Refereed Journal & Archival Publications
`Refereed Conference & Workshop Papers
`Books & Book Chapters
`Miscellaneous Publications
`Teaching & Advising
`Graduate Students
`Post Docs and Visiting Scholars
`Undergraduate Research/Advising
`Master of Engineering Project/Research Advising
`Courses Taught
`Professional & Scientific Service
`University Committees
`Editorial Service
`Service to the Scientific Community at Large
`Technical Program Committees
`Patents: Granted & Pending
`Legal Consulting
`Trial Testimony
`2 – 4
`5 – 9
`10 – 24
`10 – 15
`15 – 22
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`40 – 42
`42 – 43
`Section #
` (i)
` (ii)
` (iii)
` (iv)

`(i) Personal Information
`Name: Zygmunt J. Haas
`Titles: Professor Emeritus (Cornell University);
` Professor and Distinguish Chair in Computer Science (Univ. of Texas in Dallas)
`Professional Contact Information:
` Cornell University:
`Address: School of Elect. & Comp. Eng, 324 Frank Rhodes Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853
`Phone: (607)-255-3454
`Lab URL:
` University of Texas at Dallas
`Address: Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
`ECSS Room 4.405
`Richardson, TX 75080
`Phone: (972)-883-3571
`Private Contact Information:
`Phone: (607) 592-0467
`Fax: (888) 990-1956
`(ii) Research Interests
` Wireless and Mobile Systems and Networks
` Secure protocols
` Communications Protocols
` Ad Hoc and Sensor Networking Technologies
` Energy-efficient Protocols
` Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
` Modeling of Communication Systems
` Complex Networks
` Stochastic Routing
` Biologically-inspired Systems
` Biologically-inspired Network Protocols and Algorithms
` Modeling of Biological Phenomena
`  Communication Systems for in-vivo Applications
` Information Assurance and Network SSeeccuurriittyy
` Design, Modeling, and Implementation of Cross-layer Protocols and Systems
` Cross-Disciplinary Research Initiatives

`(iii) Education/Degrees (in reverse chronological order)
` Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, CA, May 1988
`Advisor: Prof. David Cheriton, Computer Science, Stanford University
`Thesis: “Packet Switching in Fiber-Optic Networks”
` M.Sc., (Summa Cum Laude) Electrical Engineering, Tel-Aviv University, Israel, Feb. 1985
` B.Sc., (Summa Cum Laude) Electrical Engineering, Technion (IIT), Israel, August 1979
`(iv) Employment History (in reverse chronological order)
`8/13 – present: University of Texas at Dallas, Computer Science Department
` Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
` Richards, TX, 75080
`Title: Professor and Distinguish Chair in Computer Science
`8/95 – present: Cornell University, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ithaca, NY.,
`Title: Professor Emeritus (as of 10/13)
`7/2004 –10/2013: Tenured Full Professor
`11/1998 - 6/2004: Tenured Associate Professor
`8/1995 - 10/1998: Associate Professor
`5/10 – 6/11: National Science Foundation, Engineering Directorate, Arlington,
`VA; Title: Program Director; Comment: on leave from Cornell
`09/94 - 7/95:
` AT&T Business Communication Services, Murry Hill, NJ; Title: Member
` of Technical Staff
`05/88 - 7/95: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Network Research, Holmdel, NJ; Title: Member
` of Technical Staff
`09/85 - 5/88: Electrical Eng. Dept., Stanford University, CA, Title: Research Assistant
`10/79 - 8/85: R&D Department of Government of Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel; Title: Engineer
`10/81 - 6/85: Electrical Eng. Dept., Tel-Aviv University, Israel; Title: Teaching Assistant
`8/79 - 10/79: Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, Holland; Title: Engineer
`(v) Selected Awards and Honors
` Status of “Professor Emeritus” at Cornell University (as of October 15, 2013)
` 2012 IEEE ComSoc WTC Recognition Award (the award recognizes individuals for
`"outstanding technical contributions in the field and for his service to the scientific and
`engineering communities") presented at IEEE Globecom 2012, December 5, 2012,
`Anaheim, CA (WTC Recognition Awards)
` “Best Paper Award” for the paper “Collaborating with Correlation for Energy
`Efficient WSN,” [M. Nikolov and Z.J. Haas], First ACM Annual International
`Workshop on Mission-oriented Wireless Sensor Networking (ACM MiSeNet 2012), in
`conjunction with ACM MobiCom 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, August 26, 2012

` IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Tour, Scandinavian Countries, May 25, 2009 – June 5,
` Elevation to IEEE Fellow, January 2007
` Promotion to the rank of Full Professor, School of ECE, Cornell University, July 1,
` Distinguish Lecturer, IEEE Communications Society, (two terms) 01/2004 - 12/2005,
`01/2005 - 12/2007
` IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Tour, Australia, September 26-October 3, 2005
` Expert Lecturer, IEEE Communications Society, 2002-2004
` Michael Tien'72 Excellence in Teaching Award, Cornell College of Engineering for
`2002-2003 academic year, November 2003
` “Best Paper Award” for the paper “Optimal Resource Allocation for UWB Wireless
`Ad Hoc Networks,” [C. Zou and Z.J. Haas], IEEE 16th International Symposium on
`Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'05)
` Michael Tien'72 Excellence in Teaching Award, Cornell College of Engineering for
`2002-2003 academic year, November 2003
` “Highly Commended Paper Award” for the paper “Performance Evaluation of the
`Modified IEEE 802.11 MAC for Multi-Channel Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Network,” [J. Li,
`Z.J. Haas, M. Sheng, and Y. Chen], IEEE International Conference on Advanced
`Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2003)
` Elected Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Personal Communications
`(TCPC), Jan. 2001 – Nov. 2002 (previously elected Vice Chair and Secretary)
` Michael Tien'72 Excellence in Teaching Award, Cornell College of Engineering for
`1999-2000 academic year, September 2000
` Numerous Marquis Who’s Who citations
` Election to Indefinite Tenure, Cornell University, October 1998
` Michael Tien'72 Excellence in Teaching Award, Cornell College of Engineering for
`1996-1997 academic year, September 1997
` AT&T Foundation Award, September 1995
` President Award, Technion, Israel (1976, 1977, 1978, and 1979)
` B.Sc. with “Summa Cum Laude,” August 1979
` M.Sc. with “Summa Cum Laude,” February 1985
`(vi) Memberships in Professional Societies
` IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc)
` IEEE Vehicular Technology
` Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
` Special Interest Group on Mobile Communications (SIGMOBILE)
`(vii) Membership in Graduate Fields (date awarded)
` Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell University, July 1, 1995
` Computer Science, Cornell University, February 2001
` Applied Math, Cornell University, April 2003
` Electrical Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas, April 4, 2015

`Invited and Keynote Talks (in reverse chronological order)
` Z.J. Haas “Challenges of Internet of Things,” Fourth Annual International Workshop
`on Mission-Oriented Wireless Sensor Networking (MiSeNet 2015), Dallas, TX, October
`19, 2015
` Z.J. Haas “Security of Big Data,” Third Annual International Workshop on Mission-
`Oriented Wireless Sensor Networking (MiSeNet 2014), Philadelphia, PA, October 27,
` Z.J. Haas “Big Data and Its Security Implications,” National Taiwan University (NTU),
`Taipei, Taiwan, December 16, 2013
` Z.J. Haas “Big Data and Its Security Implications,” National Sun Yat-sen University,
`Kaohsiung, Taiwan, December 18, 2013
` Z.J. Haas “Big Data and Its Security Implications,” National Tsing Hua University,
`Hsinchu, Taiwan, December 19, 2013
` Z.J. Haas, “Big Data and Security Implications,” Keynote Speech, EUSPN’13, 4th
`International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks,
`Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, October 21-24, 2013
` Z.J. Haas, “Security of Big Data,” at the Cornell Engineering Alumni Association
`conference, Washington, DC, May 13, 2013
` Z.J. Haas, “Stochastic Routing,” DIMACS Workshop on Connectivity and Resilience
`for Large-Scale Networks, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, April 12-13, 2012
` Z.J. Haas, “Information Assurance for Sensor Networks,” Winter 2012 CIS
`Distinguished Lecture Series, Computer and Information Science Department, College
`of Engineering and Computer Science. University of Michigan-Dearborn, March 16,
` Z.J. Haas, “Information Assurance for Sensor Networks,” Invited Talk, Department of
`Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, September 7,
` Z.J. Haas, “Information Assurance for Vehicular Sensor-based Networks,” Closing
`Keynote, 4th IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Vehicular Communications
`(WiVeC’11), San Francisco, CA, September 6, 2011
` Z.J. Haas, “Information Assurance for Sensor Networks,” Invited Talk, Department of
`Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei,
`Taiwan, August 15, 2011 (program)
` Z.J. Haas, “New Directions and Challenges in Information Assurance with Applications
`for Sensor Networks,” Invited Talk, Department of Electrical Engineering, NCTU,
`Hsinchu, Taiwan, August 12, 2011
` Z.J. Haas, “New Directions and Challenges in Information Assurance with Application to
`Sensor Networks,” Invited Talk, Department of Electrical Engineering, Boston
`University, July 14, 2011
` Z.J. Haas, “Information Assurance and Sensor Network Security,” Department of
`Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, April 14,

` Z.J. Haas, “Information Assurance and Sensor Network Security,” Computer and
`Information Sciences department, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, March 31, 2011
` Z.J. Haas, “Information Assurance for Sensor Networks,” Keynote Speech, IEEE
`PerCom 2011 (Information Quality and Quality of Service (IQ2S) Workshop), Seattle, WA,
`March 21, 2011
` Z.J. Haas, “Stochastic Routing for Delay Tolerant Networks,” Invited Talk, IEEE
`Communications Society North Jersey Chapter, NJIT Department of ECE, Newark, NJ,
`November 29, 2010
` Z.J. Haas, “Stochastic Routing for Delay Tolerant Networks,” Keynote Talk, Symposium
`for Emerging Trends in Mobile, Sensor, and Social Networks (MSS 2010), CReWMaN 10th
`Anniversary Celebration, University of Texas at Arlington, October 7-8, 2010
` Z.J. Haas, “The Ad Hoc and Sensor Networking Technology: Past, Presence, and
`Future,” Keynote Speech, The Second International Conference on Ubiquitous and
`Future Networks, Jeju Island, South Korea, June 16-18, 2010
` Z.J. Haas, “Engineering Education for the 21st Century,” Invited Talk, Kookmin
`University, Seoul, South Korea, June 21, 2010
` Z.J. Haas, “The Future of Engineering Education,” Plenary Speaker, Worldwide
`Communications Studies (WTS 2010), April 21-23, 2010, Tampa, FL (WTS 2010)
` Z.J. Haas, “Stochastic Routing for Delay Tolerant Networks,” Electrical and Computer
`Engineering Seminar, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, July 13, 2009
` Z.J. Haas, “Stochastic Routing for Delay Tolerant Networks,” Nordic IEEE/ComSoc
`Distinguish Lecturer Tour (DLT), May 24, 2009 – June 5, 2009:
`o KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
`o Helsinki University of Technology (TKK), Helsinki, Finland
`o Linköpings Universitet, Dept. of Computer & Info. Science, Linköpings, Sweden
`o Lund Technical University and Ericsson, Lund, Sweden
`o Oulu University, Oulu, Finland
`o Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
`o Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU), Copenhagen, Denmark
` Z.J. Haas, “Implications of Reconfiguration at the Network Layer,” US-Australia NSF
`Workshop: Self-Organizing Wireless Networks Based on Cross-Layer Interactions,
`Darling Harbour, Sydney, Australia, December 17-19, 2008
` Z.J. Haas, “Stochastic Routing,” US-Australia NSF Workshop: Self-Organizing
`Wireless Networks Based on Cross-Layer Interactions, Darling Harbour, Sydney,
`Australia, December 17-19, 2008
` Z.J. Haas, “Stochastic Routing for Sensor- and Ad Hoc-Networks,” Keynote Speech,
`International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks, and Information
`Processing (ISSNIP 2008), December 15-18, 2008, Sydney, Australia
` Z.J. Haas, “What’s
`in My Crystal Bowl,” Keynote Speech, Australasian
`Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference 2008 (ATNAC 2008),
`Adelaide, South Australia, December 7-10, 2008
` Z.J. Haas, “On Networking in the Final Frontier,” University of South Florida, Tampa,
`FL, December 5, 2008
` Z.J. Haas, “On Networking in the Final Frontier,” CSE Colloquium, Department of
`Computer Science and Engineering, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, Nov. 6, 2008

` Z.J. Haas, “On Networking in the `Final Frontier’,” ECE Seminar Series, Carnegie
`Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, November 20, 2008
` Z.J. Haas, “Stochastic Routing,” Brown-Bag Series, Computer Science Department,
`Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, March 4, 2008
` Z.J. Haas, “The Untold Story about the Romance between Mr. A.H Network and Mrs. S.
`Network and about their Son, Mr. D.-T Network,” ECE Colloquium, Department of
`Electrical and Computer Engineering, Boston University, February 22, 2008
` Z.J. Haas, “Research in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks at the Cornell's Wireless Networks
`Laboratory,” Iowa State University, Computer Science Department, July 6, 2007
` Z.J. Haas, “On Some Choices in QoS Design of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks,” Bell
`Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, NJ, January 27, 2006
` Z.J. Haas, “On Some Choices in QoS Design of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks,” Keynote
`Speech, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS
`2005), Washington, DC, November 9, 2005
` Z.J. Haas, “Research in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks at the Cornell's Wireless Networks
`Laboratory,” Keynote Speech, 2005 Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, Perth,
`Australia, October 3-5, 2005
` Z.J. Haas, “Mobility and its Effects on Networks Performance,” MiNEMA Summer
`School 2005, Klagenfurt University, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 11-15, 2005
` Z.J. Haas, “Research in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks at the Cornell's Wireless Networks
`Laboratory,” IEEE Communications Society and IEEE Aerospace and Electronics
`Systems, Joint Chapter, Rochester, NY, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY,
`October 19, 2004
` Z.J. Haas, “Research in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks at the Cornell's Wireless Networks
`Laboratory,” University of Pennsylvania, Electrical Engineering Department, Philadelphia,
`PA, November 8, 2004
` Z.J. Haas, “Zone Routing: A New Routing Protocol for the Reconfigurable Wireless
`Networks,” Science Advisory Board Associates (SABA), Motorola, Arlington Heights,
`November 18, 1997
` Z.J. Haas, “Routing in Highly Reconfigurable Wireless Networks,” 8th Maryland
`Workshop on Very High Speed Networks, University of Maryland Baltimore County,
`November 12-13, 1997
` Z. J. Haas, “The Multiply-Detected Macrodiversity Scheme for Wireless Cellular
`Systems,” EE Colloquium, School of Electrical Eng., Cornell University, April 22, 1997
` Z. J. Haas, J. H. Winters, and D. S. Johnson, “Simulation Results of Cellular Capacity
`Bounds,” 5th Maryland Workshop on Very High Speed Networks, Baltimore, MD, March
`14-16, 1994
` Z. J. Haas, J. H. Winters, and D. S. Johnson, “On the Capacity Bounds in Cellular
`Systems,” Allerton Conf. on Comm., Control, and Comp., Monticello, IL, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1,
` Z. Haas, “Gigabit Connectivity with the `Staggering Switch': An Electronically
`Controlled Optical Packet Switch,” 4th Maryland Workshop on Very High Speed Network,
`March 15-17, 1993
` Zygmunt Haas, “Communication in the Gbps Era: Some Answers,” Washington
`University at St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, September 1990

`Tutorial Courses:
` Z.J. Haas, “The Ad Hoc Networking Technology,” Thales Communications, Land and
`Joint Systems Division, Clarksburg, MD, May 21-24, 2006
` Z.J. Haas, “Mobility and Its Effects On Network Performance,” ESF'05 Workshop,
`November 7, 2005
` Z.J. Haas, “Mobility and Its Effects On Network Performance,” Middleware for Network
`Eccentric and Mobile Applications (MiNEMA) Workshop, MiNEMA Summer School,
`Klagenfurt University, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 11-15, 2005
` Z.J. Haas, “Inside the Communication Protocols: Teletraffic Engineering & Performance
`Evaluation,” Telefocal Asia, Singapore, March 22, 2004
` Z.J. Haas, “Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking
`Conference (WCNC’00), Chicago, IL, September 23-28, 2000
` Z.J. Haas, “Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks,” DIMACS Summer School on Foundations of
`Wireless Networks and Applications, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, Aug. 7 - 18, 2000
` Z.J. Haas, “Wireless Networks: from Cellular to Ad-Hoc,” DIMACS Summer School on
`Foundations of Wireless Networks and Applications, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ,
`August 7 - 18, 2000
` Z.J. Haas, “Queueing Theory for Network Engineering,” MITRE Corporation, Eatontown,
`NJ, 2000
` Z.J. Haas, “Wireless Networks - from Cellular to Ad Hoc,” IEEE Military
`Communications Conference (MILCOM’99), Atlantic City, NJ, Oct. 31 – Nov. 3, 1999
` Z.J. Haas, “Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking
`Conference (WCNC’99), New Orleans, LA, September 21-24, 1999
` Z.J. Haas, “Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE Military Communications Conference
`(MILCOM’98), Bedford, MA, October 20-23, 1998
` Z.J. Haas, “Mobility Management in TCP/IP Networks,” IEEE Military Communications
`Conference (MILCOM'97), Monterey, CA, November 2-5, 1997
` Z.J. Haas, “Wireless Cellular Networks,” ACM/IEEE Mobicom'97, Budapest, Hungary,
`September 27- 30, 1997
` Z.J. Haas, “Mobility Management in TCP/IP Networks,” IEEE ICC'97, Montreal,
`Quebec, Canada, June 8-12, 1997
` Z.J. Haas, “Mobility Management in TCP/IP Networks,” IEEE GLOBECOM'97,
`London, United Kingdom, November 22, 1996
` Z.J. Haas, “Mobility Management in Wireless Networks,” ICUPC'96, Cambridge, MA,
`September 29, 1996
` Z.J. Haas, “Mobility Management in Wireless Networks,” ICC'96, Dallas, TX, June 23-27,
` Z.J. Haas, “Mobile Communication Networks,” 6th IFIP International Conference on
`High Performance Networking (HPN'95), Palma De Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain,
`September 11-15, 1995

` Z.J. Haas, “Mobility in TCP-IP Networks,” IEEE Wireless’95, 1995
` Z.J. Haas, “Mobile Communication Networks,” ICC'95, Seattle, WA, June 18-22, 1995
` Z.J. Haas, “Mobile Communication Networks,” APCC, Osaka, Japan, June 13-16, 1995
` Z.J. Haas, “Mobile Communication Networks,” IPCCC, Scottsdale, AZ, March 28, 1995
` Z.J. Haas, “Mobile Communication Networks,” GLOBECOM'94, San-Francisco, CA,
`November 27, 1994
` Z.J. Haas, “Personal Communication Services and Networks,” SIGCOMM'94,
`University College London, London, UK, August 30 – September 2, 1994
` Z.J. Haas, “Optical Networks,” GLOBECOM'93, Houston, TX, December 3, 1993

`(i) Refereed Journal/Archival Publications (in reverse chronological order)
`1. S.N. Premnath and Z.J. Haas, “Security and Privacy in the Internet-of-Things under
`Time-and-Budget-limited Adversary Model,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
`4(3), pp. 277-280 , 2015, DOI: 10.1109/LWC.2015.2408609
`2. S.M.N. Alam and Z.J. Haas, “Coverage and Connectivity in Three-Dimensional
`Networks with Random Node Deployment,” Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal, special
` DOI: 10.1016/j.adhoc.2014.09.008,
`issue on Underwater Communications, 2014,
`3. Z.J. Haas and M. Nikolov, “Towards Optimal Broadcast in Wireless Networks,”
`IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol.14, no. 7, pp. 1530-1544, 2014, DOI:
`4. E.Y. Hua and Z.J. Haas, “Mobile-Projected Trajectory Algorithm with Velocity-Change
`Detection for Predicting Residual Link Lifetime in MANET,” IEEE Transactions on
`Vehicular Technology, March
`5. Z.J. Haas and M. Nikolov, “Towards Optimal Broadcasting,” CoRR abs/1301.7101
`6. M.Z. Chawdhury, Y.M. Jang, and Z.J. Haas, “Call Admission Control based on Adaptive
`Allocation for Wireless Networks,” IEEE/KICS Journal of Communications and Networks
`(JCN). vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 15-24, Feb. 2013. (SCI)
`7. F. Losilla, A.-J. Garcia-Sanchez, F. Garcia-Sanchez, J. Garcia-Haro, and Z.J. Haas, “A
`Comprehensive Approach to WSN-based ITS Applications: A Survey,” Sensors 2011, 11,
`10220-10265, October 28, 2011, doi:10.3390/s111110220
`8. C. Garcia-Costa, E. Egea-Lopez, J. Tomas-Gabarron, J. Garcia-Haro, Z.J. Haas, “A
`stochastic model
`for chain collisions of vehicles equipped with vehicular
`communications,” accepted for publications in the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent
`Transportation Systems, 2011
`9. G.Y. Lee and Z.J. Haas, “Simple, Practical, and Effective Opportunistic Routing for Short-
`haul Multi-hop Wireless Networks, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2011,
`pp. 3583-3588, DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2011.11.101713
`10. M.F. Elhawary and Z.J. Haas, “Energy-Efficient Protocol
`for Cooperative
`Transmission,” IEEE Transactions on Networking, vol. 19, no.2, April 2011, pp. 561-574,
`DOI: 10.1109/TNET.2010.2089803
`11. M.Z. Chawdhury, Y.M. Jang, and Z.J. Haas, “Cost-Effective Frequency Planning for
`Capacity Enhancement of Femtocellular Networks,” Wireless Personal Communications,
`Springer Science, March 2, 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-011-0258y
`12. ChuanYun Zou, Zygmunt J. Haas, and Sheng Zou, “Throughput maximization in UWB-
`based ad hoc networks,” SCIENCE CHINA, Information Sciences, vol.53, no.12: 2538-
`2547, DOI: 10.1007/s11432-010-4120-8

`13. M.Z. Chowdhury, Y.M. Jang, and Z.J. Haas, “Network Evolution and QoS Provisioning
`for Integrated Femtocell/Macrocell Networks,” International Journal of Wireless &
`Mobile Networks (IJWMN), August 2010 (.pdf)
`14. J. Oh and Z.J. Haas, “Personal Environment Service based on the Integration of Mobile
`Communications and Wireless Personal Area Networks,” IEEE Communications
`Magazine, vol. 48, no. 6, June 2010, pp. 66 - 72 DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2010.5473866
`15. E.Y. Hua and Z.J. Haas, “An Algorithm for Prediction of Link Lifetime in MANET
`Based on Unscented Kalman Filter,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol.13, no.10,
`October 2009, pp. 782-784
`16. G.Y. Lee, Y. Lee, and Z.J. Haas, “Hybrid Location-Update Scheme for Mobile
`Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, no. 1, January 2009, pp.
`17. J. Jeong and Z.J. Haas, “Predeployed Secure Key Distribution Mechanism in Sensor
`Networks: Current State-of-the-Art and a New Approach Using Time Information,"
`IEEE Wireless Communication, August 2008, pp. 42-51
`18. Z. Wang, R.J. Thomas, and Z.J. Haas, “Performance comparison of Bluetooth Scatternet
`formation protocols for multi-hop networks,” Springer Wireless Networks (WINET),
`Volume 15, Number 2 / February, 2009, pp. 209-226
`19. Z. Wang, R.J. Thomas, and Z.J. Haas, “Performance comparison of Bluetooth Scatternet
`formation protocols for multi-hop networks,” on-line Springer Wireless Networks
`(WINET) journal, 2007, DOI: 10.1007/s11276-007-0036-7
`20. J. Oh and Z.J. Haas, “A Scheme for Location-Based Internet Broadcasting and Its
`Applications,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 45, no. 11, November 2007, pp. 136-
`141, DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2007.4378333
`21. Z.J. Haas and T. Small, “Quality of Service and Capacity in Constrained Intermittent-
`Connectivity Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol.6, no.7, July 2007,
`pp. 803-814, DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2007.1033
`22. Z.J. Haas and R. Barr, “Density-Independent, Scalable Search in Ad Hoc Networks,”
`Springer International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, special issue on
`“PIMRC 2005,” vol. 14, no. 2, June 2007, pp. 93-105
`23. J. Jeong and Z.J. Haas, “An Integrated Security Framework for Open Wireless
`Networking Architecture,” IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, special issue on
`“Technologies On Future Converged Wireless And Mobility Platform,” vol.14, no.2, April
`2007, pp.10-18, DOI: 10.1109/MWC.2007.358959
`24. O. Arpacioglu and Z.J. Haas, “On the Scalability and Capacity of Single-User-Detection
`Based Wireless Networks with Isotropic Antennas,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless
`Communications, vol.6, no.1, January 2007, pp.8-15
`25. S.M. Nazrul Alam, Z.J. Haas “Topology Control and Network Lifetime in Three-
`Dimensional Wireless Sensor Networks,” September 11, 2006, arXiv:cs/0609047
`26. Ben Liang and Zygmunt J. Haas, “Hybrid Routing in Ad Hoc Networks with Dynamic
`Virtual Backbone,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 5, no. 6, June
`2006, pp.1392-1405
`27. Z.J. Haas, J.Y. Halpern, and E.L. Li, “Gossip-based Ad Hoc Routing,” IEEE/ACM
`Transactions on Networking, vol.14, no.3, June 2006, pp.479-491

`28. J. Deng, Y.S. Han, Z.J. Haas, “Analyzing Split Channel Medium Access Control
`Schemes,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.5, no.5, May 2006, pp.967-
`29. Z.J. Haas and Tara Small, “A New Networking Model for Biological Applications of Ad
`Hoc Sensor Networks,” ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, vol.14, no.1, February
`2006, pp.27-40
`30. P. Papadimitratos and Z.J. Haas, “Securing Data Communication in Mobile Ad Hoc
`Networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Issues in Communications (JSAC), special issue on
`“Security in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” vol.24, no.2, February 2006, pp.343-356
`31. L.E. Miller and Z.J. Haas, “Public Safety Applications of Wireless Communication and
`Networking Technologies,” Editorial, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.44, no.1,
`January 2006, pp. 28-29 (issue cover)
`32. O. Arpacioglu and Z.J. Haas, “On the Capacity of Wireless Sensor Networks with
`Omnidirectional Antennas,” Revista de Sociedade Brasileira de Telecommunicaçöes,
`vol.19, no.3, December 2004, pp.81-93
`33. M. Fang, Z.J. Haas, B. Liang, and Y.-B. Lin, “TTL Prediction Schemes and Effects of
`Inter-Update Time Distribution on Wireless Data Access,” Kluwer Academic Publishing,
`Wireless Network, 10, 2004, pp.607-619
`34. J. Cho and Z.J. Haas, “On the Throughput Enhancement of the Downstream Channel in
`Cellular Radio Networks through Multi-hop Relaying,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas
`in Communications,
`issue on “Quality-of-Service Delivery
`in Variable Topology
`Networks,” vol.22, no.7, September 2004, pp.1206-1219
`35. P. Samar, M.R. Pearlman, and Z.J. Haas, “Independent Zone Routing: An Adaptive
`Hybrid Routing Framework for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks,” ACM/IEEE Transactions on
`Networking, vol.12, no.4, August 2004, pp.595-608
`36. O. Arpacioglu and Z.J. Haas, “On the Scalability and Capacity of Planar Wireless
`Networks with Omnidirectional Antennas,” Wiley & Sons, Wireless Communications and
`Mobile Computing journal, vol.4, no.3, May 2004, pp.263-279
`37. A. Tsirigos and Z. J. Haas, “Analysis of Multipath Routing, Part 2: Mitigation of the
`effects of frequently changing network topologies,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless
`Communications, vol.3, no.2, March 2004, pp.500-511
`38. B. Krishnamachari, R-H. Gau, S. B. Wicker, and Z. J. Haas, “Optimal Sequential Paging
`in Cellular Networks,” ACM/Kluwer Wireless Networks , vol.10, no.2, March 2004, pp.121-
`39. R-H. Gau and Z. J. Haas, “Concurrent Search of Mobile Users in Cellular Networks,”
`ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, vol.12, no.1, February 2004, pp.117-130
`40. A. Tsirigos and Z. J. Haas, “Analysis of Multipath Routing, Part 1: The effect on the
`packet delivery ratio,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.3, no.1,
`January 2004, pp.138-146
`41. J. Deng and Z. J. Haas, “On Optimizing the Backoff Interval for Random Access
`Schemes,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.51, no.12, December 2003,

`42. D-S. Kim, H-J. Moon, J-H. Bahk, W.H. Kwon, and Z. J. Haas, “Efficient Computations
`for Evaluating Extended Stochastic Petri Nets using Algebraic Operations,” International
`Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, vol. 1, no. 4, December 2003, pp.431-443
`43. Sajama and Z. J. Haas, “Independent-Tree Ad hoc MulticAst Routing (ITAMAR),” ACM
`MONET journal, special issue on “Ad Hoc Networks,” vol. 8, no. 5, October 2003, pp.
`44. B. Liang and Z. J. Haas, “Predictive Distance-Based Mobility Management for Multi-
`Dimensional PCS Networks,” ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, vol.11, no.5,
`October 2003, pp.718-732, DOI: 10.1109/TNET.2003.815301
`45. J. Li, Z. J. Haas, M. Sheng, and Y. Chen, “Performance Evaluation of Modified IEEE
`802.11 MAC For Multi-Channel Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Network,” Journal of Interconnection
`Networks (JOIN), special issue on “Advanced Information Networking: Architectures and
`Algorithms,” vol. 4, no. 3, September 2003, pp. 345-359
`46. J. Li, Z.J. Haas, and M. Sheng, “Capacity Evaluation of Multi-channel Ad Hoc
`Networks,” Journal of Electronics (China), vol.20, no.5, September 2003, pp.344-352,
`47. P. Papadimitratos and Z. J. Haas, “Secure Message Transmission in Mobile Ad Hoc
`Networks,” Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, July 2003, pp.193-209
`48. R-H. Gau and Z. J. Haas, “Concurrently Searching for Mobile Users in Cellular
`Networks,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 7, no. 6, June 2003, pp. 287-289
`49. P. Papadimitratos and Z. J. Haas, “Secure Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” ACM
`Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), vol. 1, no. 2, October 2002, pp.1
`50. P. Papadimitratos and Z. J. Haas, “Securing the Internet Routing Infrastructure,” IEEE
`Communications Magazine, October 2002, pp.60-68
`51. Z. J. Haas and Jing Deng, “Dual Busy Tone Multiple Access (DBTMA): A Multiple
`Access Control Scheme for Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Communications,
`vol. 50, no. 6, June 2002, pp. 975-985
`52. R-H. Gau, Z.J Haas, and B. Krishnamachari “On Multicast Flow Control for
`Heterogeneous Receivers,” ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, vol.10, no.1,
`February 2002, pp. 86-101
`53. A. Tsirigos and Z.J. Haas, “Multipath Routing in the Presence of Frequent Topological
`Changes,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.39, no.11, November 2001, DOI:
`54. Z.J. Haas and A. Warkhedi, “The Design and Performance of Mobile TCP for Wireless
`Networks,” Journal of High Speed Networks, vol.10, no.3, October 2001, pp.187-207
`55. R. Prakash, Z.J. Haas, and M. Singhal, “Load-Balanced Location Management for
`Mobile Systems using Dynamic Hashing and Quorums,” ACM Wireless Networks journal,
`vol.7, no.5, September 2001, pp.497-512, DOI: 10.1023/A:1016774627097
`56. Z.J. Haas and M.R. Pearlman, “The Performance of Query Control Schemes for the Zone
`Routing Protocol,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol.9, no.4, August 2001,
`pp.427-438, DOI: 10.1109/90.944341
`57. Z.J. Haas, “A Communication Infrastructure for Smart Environments -- A Position
`Article,” IEEE Personal Communications Magazine, special issue on “Networking the
`Physical World,” vol.7, no.5, October 2000, pp.54-58, DOI: 10.1109/98.878540

`58. Z.J. Haas and A. Warkhedi, “The Design and Performance of Mobile TCP for Wireless
`Networks,” DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science,
`issue on “Mobile Networks and Computing,” American Mathematical Society, vol. 52, 2000,
`59. Zygmunt J. Haas and Yi-Bing Lin, “Demand Re-registration for PCS Database
`Restoration,” ACM Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), vol.5, no.3, September
`2000, pp.191-198, DOI: 10.102

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