`Section A
`" .
`Liquid (‘rylllls
`JT IUNO. M II VLS K. KWON and K -Y CIIOI‘ Amman: I‘n|yImIdc\ (‘nnmnnnp
`Pendant Allyl Gnvupw lm I.IquId(‘ry\ul Ahgnmcnl Layer:
`A I) RliY' Analym D’ I.IquId Cryuzllmc |’Ihcr Cmhngu
`X IMO um! I. R. DIX TIx-Irrminvpm I'crflu01IuIl)| Amhrunulcn Slodvu I-I Lnw Mala: Mu-
`('0m[In\md1 And Sulc Chaun Polymcl I)trIv:Iuu
`R I.lI.K XlI.S 7.lIA.N'(‘IIV.l.li.|l I)IiN(L.\' (illmd ‘l..l.U nKOI1I¢I(f|I|I\| ul SS!-1.(‘
`(‘elk \-III! Slnpt-Shaprd Dumnln Slrumnlt
`Y HATSl;'.N'AOA, V SAITU. V OWADA Ann! M [WM HUI-rI\ oilzlflal Suhhlucnh
`Im I\|n<-mrwphnc Ilthnmr IV Phcnyl -III-I-Allmyhcnlylrdcnramomi Nnrxulcl
`II IIAIIAIWH um! I) I.I.Wl§ l‘l«Im»()pmnI l'rIInrmanu.- n1(‘II§c Aunt .'\hIm T3-' I (‘D1
`M RI (FINA AI.('A.'\'TAHA. A I' DI‘. I\1I)l.'l(A Ind [EU H RNANIIIS 11
`‘Hr! I1runIlhcl'?-nlnlrvlc
`.\Im.Imc on In: \\‘zn-I Aunuy M I )ulrnpI( Llquul ('Iy\uII
`I) I) KIN! Tunnrnli‘r|mnIscI1IuIp:IIu' Slnuurn In .‘-‘I-manu 1':-«II-nu!
`htlurrn (‘m...I I‘,Im.Im
`K II I: und(‘ PARK Agglnbtrhcralooru-I $1!-In .‘-’nrup:I1xl:un I Ilk-«I .\':nuIII I -quu|('Iy-uh
`I. (‘l7l,W MN, Y I.lII,l' XILR 7l|A.'€(L(' YHII nnd(' WANIZ A('nrrIhIr\r-I .\II-Ih--I flaw-I
`(I1 Iluhbung and UV lnadulmn luv Prrpzrung Mable Alcsnmrnl I.I)rvI I-Ilh "III! I‘vI"II| ANSI"
`.\( ()I.'\'A.\'(2, W II IINIE and Y '1.
`I III Ihngmmr M:-vI--Inyrl lnirnuuuvl 0' Inns (‘I-I-I-Iplu
`III-m I Ilyxhmyxgumnlxlar Amphnpmln I Ipn-I
`N NAKAHIWIA aml S \I'Yl)|)()I \)nIh-an Am! I'hynm| |‘n-flwhrc I-H:-math:
`hm. alnn IX") ('1) ml Smu lulr 4»! A I nquul ('1)-ullmr H-III-mt lbm-mu-,
`1.11444 ncxruuyphrn.-Iyuyrvmylufiu-mnyxuh-ml] hnyl I Irciutnylhrnzruu
`.\I SIKIIIKAWA and H \H .‘II IIII-II--(('hrrmu| Slluluun ul Pnlyumulrl
`..u I1-4.. AI.;mr.n.I..4 l ..,...4('I,.I.I.
`(C0fl!1flul7d on anti aowtl
`Page 1 of 17
`Tianma Exhibit 1033
`Page 1 of 17
`Tianma Exhibit 1033
`Section A
`Editor in Chief
`M. M. Labes, Department of Chemistry,
`Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 USA
`Manuscripts should be submitted to the following editors. See inside back cover for addresses. Notes
`for Contributors can be found at the back of the _)()U1'l'l'dl.
`M. Labes. (USA): G. Saitoi
`S. Chandrasekhar, (India); A. C. Griffin, (USA):
`Liquid Crystals: D. W. Bruce, (UK);
`(Japan); M. M. Labes, (USA); P. Pallf)“
`G. Heppke, (Germany); S. Kobayashi,
`Muhoray, (USA); F. Simoni, (Italy)
`Low-Dimensional Solids and Molecular Crystals: M.
`(Japan); F. Wudl, (USA)
`Book Reviews: D. J. Sandman, (USA)
`Editorial Advisory Board
`M. A. ANisiMov (USA). R. BLINC (Slovenia), L. BLiN0v (Russia), A. BLUMSTEIN (USA), R. COMES (From-c).
`H. FINKELMANN (Gemiany). A. F. GARi'r0 (USA), D. GutLL0N (Fragice), R. HADDON (USA). Y. IIMURA
`(Japan), It. lNoi<uciii (Japan), J. D. LITSTER (USA), T.C. LUEENSKY (USA), R. B. MEYER (USA). C. M.
`Pmsos tcnm»). S.A. PIKIN (Ru.r.ria). N. PLAi1~:(Rimi'a). A. SAUPE (USA), M. scnmr tSwit:er1amD.E- F»
`SllF.KA (Ru.rsi'a), J. N. Slll3RW(}0D (Great Britain). A. SKoULios (France), I. TANAKA (Jcipan).G. WEGNER
`(Gerlmmy), J. wiLLiA.\is (USA), H. C, WOLF (Germany). H. YOKOYAMA (Japan), C. ZANNONI (Italy)-
`Aims and Scope
`Priniurily funndanicnial in tenor, MCLC publishes original research papers of both an experimental and theoretical
`nature in three areas of specialization: molecular crystals (spectroscopy, energy, and charge transfer. solid state
`reactions, photo and radiation effects);
`low-dimensional solids (structure, electronic, magnetic. and optical
`properties, transport mechanisms): and liquid crystals (electro and magneto-optical phenomena. theriiiodynamica.
`phase transitions
`structure, NMR and orientation controlled spectroscopy).
`In all
`three areas. experimental
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`I-‘lhlmmd by lu.k.W_. Hm." um
`(mulmr anti llreaclt .\x'l(‘llk‘\‘ l’rrl-inlet-i~ uupunl
`l'Ill||fll in Malaysia
`Effect of Chemical Structures
`of Polyimides on Photo—Alignment
`of Liquid Crystals
`M. NlSHlKAWAa' and J. L. wesrb
`“Tsukuba Research Laboratory, JSR Corporation, 25, Miyukigaoka, Tsukuba,
`lbaraki, 305-0841, Japan and “Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University,
`Kent, Ohio, 44242, USA
`(Received January 11, 1999; In final form Febmary 23, 1999)
`Unidirectional liquid crystal (LC) alignment by a polarized UV exposure was examined using vari-
`ous polyimidcs (Pls) which consist of different tetracarboxylic dianhydrides and diamines. The dich-
`roic ratios and anchoring energies of the LC cells were measured as a function of polari/.cd UV
`exposure time. The results suggest that the unidirectional LC alignment for UV dosage is largely
`affected by the chemical structures of the Pls used. The LC alignment properties are sunnnarircd
`with respect to the UV absorption efficiencies, molecular conformations, and mechanisms ofdu:com-
`position of the PI films.
`Keywords: liquid crystal; polyimide; alignment; polarized UV exposure; unchurilltl Clwrtl)’
`Liquid crystal (LC) displays are widely used because of their low-power con-
`sumption, thin profile, and full—color capability. To fabricate LC displays, unidi-
`rectional LC alignment is typically produced using surface rubbing techniques
`[I]. However, this method has several problems. such as creation of contaminat-
`ing particles and production of electrostatic charges. which lower the production
`yield of LC displays. Therefore, alternative non-rub techniques to align LC are
`films [2], stretched P0‘)/'“'~'r5 [3lv mi°’°‘3r""V°5 I41‘
`stamped polymers [5], and polarized ultraviolet light (UV) exposure of polymers
`* Correspondence Author.
`Page 3 of 17
`FIGURE 1 Chemical structures of PIS containing various diamines
`[6], have been developed to produce unidirectional LC alignment. LC alignmeni
`produced using polarized UV exposure is the most promising non-rub technique.
`overcoming the problems mentioned above and greatly simplifying production
`of multi-domain LC displays [7].
`Photo-induced isomerization of azo compounds doped in polymers [6,8—l0l-
`cis-trans isomerization [II] or cross-linking [l2-I6] of poly(vinyl cinnamate)
`derivatives. and photo-decomposition of Pls [l7—23], have been shown to pm-
`ducc the alignment of LC by a polarized UV exposure. Much effort has been
`concentrated on the development of photoreactive Pls. which are more hcill
`resistant than azo compounds and poly(vinyl cinnamate) derivatives. One oflhc
`kc)’ d¢VCl0pment issues of photo-alignment materials is increasing their photo-
`sensitivity and anchoring energies as well as the quality of LC alignment. HOW-
`the parameters of PI materials which affect
`the photosensitivity and
`anchoring energy have not been clarified yet. In this paper, we explore the effect
`of the PI chemical structures on the photo-alignment properties of LC.
`Page 4 of 17
`2.1 Synthesis of Pls
`PI materials used in this experiment are summarized in Figures 1 and 2. PI films,
`except PI-8, were prepared by heat curing of precursor polyamic acids which
`were synthesized from the equal molar reaction between tetracarboxylic dianhy—
`drides and diamines. PI-8 is an organic-solvent-soluble polyimide synthesized
`from the reaction reported previously [24].
`2.2 Preparation of LC Cells
`LC cells were prepared to measure the dichroic ratios and azimuthal anchoring
`energies of the LCs aligned by polarized—UV—exposed PI films. PI films were
`deposited by first spin—coating dilute solutions of the respective polyamic acids
`or polyimide on ITO glass substrates and then cured at 250 °C for 1 hour to
`accomplish imidization [25]. The thickness of the PI film was controlled at
`50 nm.
`/ \
`FIGURE 2 Chemical stnrcturcs of Pls containing various tctracarboxylic dianhydrides
`Page 5 of 17
`M.NlSlllKAWA and.|.L. WEST
`The PI films were exposed with polarized UV incident normal to the surface.
`We used a 450 W-Xenon lamp (Oriel, model 6266) as a UV source, and a surface
`film polarizer (Oriel, model 27320) whose effective range is between 230 nm to
`770 nm. The intensity of UV after passing through the polarizer was monitored
`using a photometer, lntemational Light IL1700, and was about 1 mW/cmz at
`254 nm. LC cells were fabricated using two polarized—UV—exposed substrates
`with anti-parallel polarization axis. Dichroic LC, 0.5 % M-618 dichroic dye
`(Mitsuitoatsu, ?»max=550 nm) in n-pentylcyanobiphenyl (SCB, EM Industries)
`solution, and 5CB were filled into the cells in the isotropic state and slowly
`cooled to room temperature for measurement of the dichroic ratios and azimuthal
`anchoring energies of the LC cells, respectively.
`Polarized UV exposure time (min)
`FIGURE 3 R°l‘“i""*hiP bclwccn polarized UV exposure time and dichroic ratios of LC cells with W5
`shown In Figure l
`2.3 Measurement Methods
`The dichroic ratios of the LC cells were measured using one polarizer and :1
`UV-Vis spectrometer, Perkin Elmer Lambda 19 [22], The azimuthal anchoring
`Page 6 of 17
`energies of the LC cells were measured utilizing the Neel wall method reported
`previously [26].
`< A
`0300 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 330 400
`Wavelength (nm)
`FIGURE 4 UV absorption spectra of PI films shown in Figure I
`The fluorescence spectra of PI films were measured in a front-face arrange-
`ment and the bandpasses were 1 nm for both the excitation and emission mono-
`ehrometers. The PI films were excited at their absorption maximum, and the
`Page 7 of 17
`emission from the PI films were monitored as a function of wavelength. The
`molecular conformations of the diamines and tetracarboxylic dianhydrides used
`in Pls were calculated by MOPAC Ver. 6 program with AMI parameters [27].
`C ooC
`O 2L
`Wavelength (nm)
`FIGURE 5 Fluorescence spectra of Pl films shown in Figure I
`3. 1. Effect of Dlamlnes Used In Pls
`In this experiment, we used PI materials shown in Figure 1. Figure 3 shows the
`dichroic ratios of the LC cells as a function of the polarized UV exposure time.
`The dichroic ratios of the LC cells were defined as A C,/A am, where AW and
`AW” are the absorbances of the LC cells at 550 nm pergendipeular and parallel to
`the UV polarization, respectively. The dichroic ratios of the LC cells initially
`Page 8 of 17
`increase logarithmically with UV dosage‘, and then approach a constant value of
`about 7.0, which is comparable with that of the LC cell with rubbed PI alignment
`films. The photosensitivity of LC alignment is largely affected by the diamine
`structures used in Pls.
`Polarized UV exposure time (min)
`FIGURE 6 Relationship between UV exposure time and azimuthal anchoring energies of LC cells
`with Pls shown in Figure 1
`In our previous paper [28], we reported that the UV absorption efficiency of
`the PI film defined by the UV absorption and fluorescence of the PI film controls
`the photosensitivity of the LC alignment for UV dosage: i.e. higher UV absorp-
`tion or lower fluorescence of PI film results in higher photosensitivity of LC
`alignment for UV dosage. According to our previous work, we measured the UV
`absorption and fluorescent spectra of the Pl films containing different diamine
`moieties. Figures 4 and 5 show the UV absorption and fluorescence spectra of
`the Pl films as a function of wavelength, respectively. Measurement of fluores-
`cence spectra suggests that Pl-3. PI-4, and PI-6 show relatively strong fluores-
`Page 9 of 17
`1-: 3
`3 EN <
`Dichroic ratio of LC cell
`FIGURE 7 Relationship between dichroic ratios and azimuthal anchoring energies of LC cells with
`Pls shown in Figure l
`cencc due to the intra- or intennolecular charge-transfer (CT) [29] C0mP‘“°d
`with the other PI films competing with photodecomposition. This could be one
`reason why PI-3, H-4, and Pl-6 have relatively lower photosensitivity. On the
`other hand. the photosensitivity of LC alignment increases with the UV absorb-
`ances of the Pls except H-3, H-4, and PI-6 as shown in Figure 4.
`Figure 6 shows the relationship between polarized UV exposure time and lhc
`azimuthal anchoring energies of the LC cells. The azimuthal anchoring Cfl¢|'l:'l°5
`monotonically increased with UV exposure time, when the azimuthal anchorinfl
`°"°T8Y 55 above 5 X 10-5]/m2. the Neel wall in the LC cell disappears. And W119“
`the azimuthal anchoring energy is below I X l0'3 J/m2, we could not detect the
`Neel wall due to the disordered LC configuration. The azimuthal anchoring ener-
`gies gradually increase with polarized UV exposure time. Figure 7 shows lhc
`relationship between the dichroic ratios and the azimuthal anchoring energlcs "I
`Page 10 of 17
`SideView HH-5
`FIGURE 8 Molecular conformations of diamines
`the LC cells. The azimuthal anchoring energy and dichroic ratio appear to be log-
`arithmically related. The comparison of the anchoring energies of the LC cells
`with the same dichroic ratio suggests that the azimuthal anchoring energy is
`largely affected by the diamine structures in the Pls.
`To explain the effect of the diamines used in Pls in more detail. we calculated
`the molecular conformations of the diamines as shown in Figure 8. The compari-
`son of the molecular conformations suggests that the diamine with bulky molec-
`ular conformation tends to show relatively lower azimuthal anchoring energy
`than those with rigid molecular conformations.
`3. 2. Effect of Tetracarboxylic Dianhydrides Used In Pls
`In this experiment, we used PI materials shown in Figure 2. Figure 9 shows the
`dichroic ratios of the LC cells as a function of the polarized UV exposure time.
`The dichroic ratios of the LC cells initially increase logarithmically with UV. The
`photosensitivity of LC alignment is also considerably affected by the tetracar-
`boxylic dianhydrides used in Pls.
`Pl-I containing cyclobutane tetracarboxylie dianhydride moiety shows higher
`photoscnsitivity of LC alignment than those with other Pl films. The difference
`of the photosensitivity can be explained by the main mechanism of the decompo-
`Page 11 of 17
`Polarized UV exposure time (min)
`FIGURE 9 Relationship between polarized UV exposure time and dichroic ratios of LC cells Will‘ P15
`shown in Figure 2
`sition of the Pls: cyelobutane ring cleavage [30,31] and imido ring cleavage [32]
`which requires higher UV dosage, respectively.
`We also measured the UV absorption and fluorescence spectra of PI films 60”‘
`taining different tetracarboxylic dianhydride moieties. Figure 10 shows the UV
`absorption spectra of PI films as a function of wavelength. Pl—ll shows relatively
`lower UV absorbance than that of PI-9. Furthermore, the measured fluorescencc
`of these Pl films were very small compared to those of other Pls shown I"
`Figure 5. In a series of experiments using Pls composed of cyclobutane tetracat
`boxylic dianhydride and various diamines [28], we obtained a clear relationship
`between the absorption efficiency of the PI films and the photosensitivity Oflhc
`LC alignment for UV dosage. However the data resulting from P1 materials con-
`taining different tetracarboxylic dianhydrides suggest that this experimental law
`cannot be applied to the Pl materials containing various tetracarboxylic dianhy-
`Page 12 of 17
`200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400
`Wavelength (nm)
`FIGURE 10 UV absorption spectra of PI films shown in Figure 2
`Hoyle et al. compared the photodegradation of Pls (Pl-9 — ll) upon UV expo-
`sure [33]. and reported the tendency of PI material to be degradatcd as the fol-
`(Sensitive) Pl-ll > Pl-10 > Pl-9 (Less sensitive).
`Their results on the photodegradation of Pls coincide with the photosensitivity
`of LC alignment for UV dosage obtained in this‘ paper. Furthermore, they con-
`cluded that the CT characteristics in Pls largely affect the photodecomposition of
`PI chains [34]. The electron-withdrawing groups, such as ketonc in PI-I0 and tri-
`fluoromethyl in Pl-ll, affect the CT characteristics in Pls. and result in higher
`photosensitivity of LC alignment than that of Pl-9.
`Figure l I shows the relationship between polarized UV exposure time and the
`azimuthal anchoring energies of the LC cells. The azimuthal anchoring energies
`monotonically increased with UV exposure time. Figure l2 shows the relation-
`Page 13 of 17
`Polarized UV exposure time (min)
`FIGURE ll Relationship between UV exposure time and azimuthal anchoring energies of LC cells
`with Pls shown in Figure 2
`ship between the diehroic ratios and the azimuthal anchoring energies of the LC
`cells. The comparison of the anchoring energies of the LC cells with the sam¢
`dichroie ratio suggests that the azimuthal anchoring energy is also considerably
`affected by the tetracarboxylic dianhydride structures in Pls.
`The molecular conformations of the tetracarboxylie dianhydrides used in Pl‘
`were also calculated by the MOPAC Ver.6 program with AMI parameter.‘-
`Flgllre I3 shows the molecular conformations of the tetracarboxylic dianh)"
`drides used in Pls. It seems that the tetracarboxylic dianhydrides with bulk)’
`molecular conformations tend to show relatively weak azimuthal anchoring
`l have reponed that the number of benzene in Pls affects the azimuthal
`anchoring energy due to the anisotropic van der Waals forces [35]. Beside lhcsc
`forces, the steric interaction between PI and LC is also a crucial parameter 10
`control the surface LC alignment.
`Page 14 of 17
`Dichroic ratio of LC cell
`FIGURE 12 Relationship between dich roie ratios and azimuthal anchoring energies of LC cells wilh
`Pls shown in Figure 2
`We reported the unidirectional LC alignment properties on P1 films with a polar-
`ized UV exposure. The photosensitivity of LC alignment and the anchoring ener-
`gies of the LC cells with various PI materials were measured as a function of
`polarized UV exposure time. The results suggest that the UV absorption efficien-
`cies. CT characteristics, molecular conformations and mechanisms of decompo-
`sition of the P1 films considerably affect the photoscnsitivity and anchoring
`energy for UV dosage. Further consideration of the azimuthal anchoring energy
`dependence, such as the relationship with UV dosage and dichroic ratio, is now
`underway. We will publish it elsewhere.
`Page 15 of 17
`Side View
`FIGURE I3 Molecular conformations of tetracarboxylic dianhydrides
`Ackna wledgemen ts
`We acknowledge Dr. L. C. Chien of Kent State University and Dr. Yu. Rcznikov
`of the Institute of Physics of the Ukrainian National Academy of Science for
`their useful discussion. We also thank Dr. N. Bessho and Dr. Y. Matsuki ofJSR
`Co. for their support in this research. Research was supported in part by the NSF
`Science and Technology Center ALCOM, DMR 89——20l47.
`lll M. Nixhikawa. T. Miyamoto, S. Kawamura. Y. Tsuda, and N. Bessho. Proceedinx-t Oflh‘ [M
`Inlenmlirmal Dixplay Research Conference. 819 0992).
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`pm, 32, L1436 (1993).
`I61 W M- Gibbons. P. 1. Shannon. 3. T. Sun. and B. J. Swellin, Nature, 351, 49 (1991)-
`Page 16 of 17
`T. Hashimoto, T. Sugiyama. K. Katoh, T. Saitoh, H. Suzuki, Y. Iimuru. and S. Kobnyashi. SID
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