IEEE Std 802.3, 2000 Edition
`(Incorporating IEEE Std 802.3, 1998 Edition,
`IEEE Std 802.3ac-1998, IEEE Std 802.3ab-1999,
`and IEEE Std 802.3ad-2000)
`(Adopted by ISO/IEC and redesignated as
`ISO/IEC 8802-3:2000(E)
`IEEE Standard for Information technologyó
`Telecommunications and information exchange between systemsó
`Local and metropolitan area networksó
`Specific requirements
`Part 3:Carrier sense multiple access
`with collision detection (CSMA/CD)
`access method and physical layer
`Adopted by the ISO/IEC and redesignated as
`ISO/IEC 8802-3:2000(E)
`LAN/MAN Standards Committee
`of the
`IEEE Computer Society
`Page 1
`Dell Inc.
`Exhibit 1025

`The media access control characteristics for the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision De-
`tection (CSMA/CD) access method for shared medium local area networks are described. The control charac-
`teristics for full duplex dedicated channel use are also described. Specifications are provided for MAU types
`1BASE5 at 1 Mb/s; Attachment Unit Interface (AUI) and MAU types 10BASE5, 10BASE2, FOIRL (fiber optic
`inter-repeater link), 10BROAD36, 10BASE-T, 10BASE-FL, 10BASE-FB, and 10BASE-FP at 10 Mb/s; Media
`Independent Interface (MII) and PHY types 100BASE-T4, 100BASE-TX, 100BASE-FX, and 100BASE-T2 at
`100 Mb/s; and the Gigabit MII (GMII) and 1000BASE-X PHY types, 1000BASE-SX, 1000BASE-LX, and
`1000BASE-CX, which operate at 1000 Mb/s (Gigabit Ethernet) as well as PHY type 1000BASE-T. Repeater
`specifications are provided at each speed. Full duplex specifications are provided at the Physical Layer for
`10BASE-T, 10BASE-FL, 100BASE-TX, 100BASE-FX, 100BASE-T2, and Gigabit Ethernet. System consider-
`ations for multisegment networks at each speed and management information base (MIB) specifications and
`additions to support Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks (VLANs) as specified in IEEE P802.1Q are also pro-
`vided. Also specified is an optional Link Aggregation sublayer which multiple physical links to be aggregated
`together to form a single logical link.
` Aggregated Link; Aggregator; Auto Negotiation; Category 5; copper; data processing; Ethernet;
`gigabit; information interchange, Link Aggregation; local area networks, management; MASTER-SLAVE;
`medium dependent interface; mode of data transmission; models; network interconnection; physical coding
`sublayer; Physical Layer; physical medium attachment; repeater; type field; VLAN TAG
`The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
`Copyright © 2000 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`All rights reserved. Published 16 October 2000. Printed in the United States of America.
`ISBN 0-7381-2673-X SH94892
`ISBN 0-7381-2674-8 SS94892
`No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior
`written permission of the publisher.
`Page 2

`Std 802.3, 2000 Edition
`8.8 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma for Clause 8,
`Medium Attachment Unit and baseband medium specifications, type 10BASE521
`8.8.1 Overview
`The supplier of a protocol implementation that is claimed to conform to Clause 8, Medium Attachment Unit
`and baseband medium specifications, type 10BASE5, shall complete the following PICS proforma.
`A completed PICS proforma is the PICS for the implementation in question. The PICS is a statement of
`which capabilities and options of the protocol have been implemented. The PICS can be used for a variety of
`purposes by various parties, including the following:
`— As a checklist by the protocol implementor, to reduce the risk of failure to conform to the standard
`through oversight;
`— As a detailed indication of the capabilities of the implementation, stated relative to the common basis
`for understanding provided by the standard PICS proforma, by the supplier and acquirer, or potential
`acquirer, of the implementation;
`— As a basis for intially checking the possibility of interworking with another implementation by the
`user, or potential user, of the implementation (note that, while interworking can never be guaranteed,
`failure to interwork can often be predicted from incompatible PICs);
`— As the basis for selecting appropriate tests against which to assess the claim for conformance of the
`implementation, by a protocol tester.
`8.8.2 Abbreviations and special symbols
` Status symbols
`The following abbreviations are used in the PICS proforma tables:
`O. <n> optional, but support of at least one of the group of options labeled by the same numeral <n> is
`<item>: conditional-item symbol, dependent upon the support for <item>
`logical negation, applied to a conditional item symbol
` Abbreviations
`reference section
`8.8.3 Instructions for completing the PICS proforma
` General structure of the PICS proforma
`The structure of this PICS proforma is based on the guidelines given in ISO/IEC 9646-1: 1994 and ISO/IEC
`9646-2: 1994. The first part of the PICS proforma, Implementation Identification and Protocol Summary, is
`21Copyright release for PICS proformas: Users of this standard may freely reproduce the PICS proforma in this subclause so that it may
`be used for its intended purpose and may further publish the completed PICS.
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Page 3

`Std 802.3, 2000 Edition
`to be completed as indicated with the information necessary to identify fully both the supplier and the partic-
`ular MAU.
`The main part of the PICS proforma is a fixed-format questionnaire. Each item is identified by an item
`reference in the first column; the second column contains the question to be asked or the parameter to be
`measured; the third column contains the reference(s) to the material that specifies the item in the main body
`of this standard; the fourth column records the status of the item—whether support is mandatory, optional,
`prohibited, or conditional—and provides space for the answers; the fifth column provides additional com-
`ments and/or value(s) for measurable parameters. The tables below group related items into separate
`subsubclauses. This satisfies the requirement of ISO/IEC 9646-2 that all PICS proforma clauses be
`individually identified.
`A supplier wishing to submit a 10BASE5 MAU for conformance testing against this standard must fill in the
`column headed Support in the PICS proforma tables and submit the resulting PICS with the equipment for
`test. One of the boxes in this column must be checked, with Yes indicating that the implementation is
`intended to meet the particular mandatory or optional requirement, No indicating that the option has not
`been implemented (or enabled where switchable) or that the requirement is not met, or N/A indicating the
`item is not applicable (for example, an item that is conditional). It should be noted that any instances of No
`checked against a mandatory requirement will result in the implementation failing the static conformance
` Additional information
`Any additional information that is needed to ensure that the MAU or the coaxial cable submitted for test is
`configured as a 10BASE5 MAU or coaxial cable should be entered into the PIXIT (Protocol Implementation
`eXtra Information for Testing) document supplied by the conformance testing organization. Relevant infor-
`mation on 10BASE5 MAUs includes the following:
`Enable/disable mechanisms for SQE Test
`Enable/disable mechanisms for features that allow compatibility with nonstandard implementations
`c) Operational instructions for DTEs or repeaters in cases where the MAU is embedded
`Environmental conditions
`Power supply voltage range
`The above list is illustrative and is neither mandatory nor exhaustive.
` Exception information
`It may occasionally happen that a supplier will wish to answer an item with mandatory or prohibited status
`(after any conditions have been applied) in a way that conflicts with the indicated requirement. No pre-
`printed answer will be found in the Support column for this. Instead, the supplier shall write the missing
`answer into the Support column, together with an X<i> reference to an item of Exception Information, and
`shall provide the appropriate rationale in the Exception item itself.
`An implementation for which an Exception item is required in this way does not conform to this standard.
` Conditional items
`The PICS proforma contains a number of conditional items. These are items for which both the applicability
`of the item itself, and its status if it applies—mandatory, optional, or prohibited—are dependent upon
`whether or not certain other items are supported.
`Individual conditional items are indicated by a conditional symbol of the form “<item>:<s>” in the Status
`column, where “<item>” is the section number and item reference that appears in the first column of the
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Page 4

`Std 802.3, 2000 Edition
`table for some other item, and “<s>” is a status symbol, M, O, O.<n>, or X. The “!” symbol, prefixed to an
`item reference, means logical negation.
`If the item referred to by the conditional symbol is marked as supported, the conditional item is applicable,
`and its status is given by “<s>”; the support column is to be completed in the usual way. Otherwise, the con-
`ditional item is not relevant and the Not Applicable (N/A) answer is to be marked.
`Each item whose reference is used in a conditional symbol is indicated by an asterisk in the Item column.
`8.8.4 Identification
` Implementation identification
`The MAU supplier shall complete the relevant fields in this section to identify the supplier and the particular
`Contact point for queries about the PICS
`Implementation name(s) and version(s)
` Protocol summary
`The supplier will complete this section to identify the precise protocol implemented.
`Identification of protocol specification
`IEEE Std 802.3, 2000 Edition, Clause 8, Medium
`Attachment Unit and baseband medium specifications,
`type 10BASE5
`Identification of amendments and corrigenda to this
`PICS proforma which have been completed as part of
`this PICS
`Have any Exception items been required?
`(The answer Yes means that the implementation does not
`conform to this standard.)
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Date of Statement
`8.8.5 Global statement of conformance
`The supplier must indicate below whether or not the implementation implements all the mandatory require-
`ments. Answering No to this question indicates nonconformance to the protocol specification. Nonsupported
`mandatory capabilities are to be identified in the PICS, with an explanation of why the implementation is
`This implementation meets all mandatory requirements
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Page 5

`Std 802.3, 2000 Edition
`8.8.6 PICS proforma tables for MAU
` MAU compatibility
`MAU intended for
`attachment to
`Monitor Function
`AUI Circuit CO
`SQE Test
` Transmit function
`Yes [ ]No [ ]
`Yes [ ]No [ ]
`N/A [ ]
`Yes [ ]No [ ]
`N/A [ ]
`Yes [ ]No [ ]
`N/A [ ]
`Yes [ ]No [ ]
`N/A [ ]
`Yes [ ]No [ ]
`Required for
`Monitor function
`Function not
`performed for
`MAUs attached to
`Transmit path
`Transmit signal polarity
`Start-up bit loss
`(DO to coaxial cable)
`Transmit settling time
`Transmit steady-state
`Start-up bit loss
`(DO to coaxial cable)
`No extraneous signal on
`the coaxial media after
`DO idle
`Start collision presence
`Collision presence state
`Yes [ ]No [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`DO circuit to coaxial
`DO A positive relative
`to DO B causes more
`positive voltage on the
`coaxial medium
`Yes [ ]No [ ]
`2 bits max
`Yes [ ]No [ ]
`Second and following
`bits meet amplitude and
`jitter specifications
`Yes [ ]No [ ]
`1/2 bit times max
`Yes [ ]No [ ]
`Yes [ ]No [ ]
`2 bits max between
`packets separated by
`≤ 96 BT
`Yes [ ]No [ ]
`Within 0.6 µs to 1.6 µs
`after idle
`Yes [ ]No [ ]
`5–15 bit times
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Page 6

` Receive function
`Std 802.3, 2000 Edition
`Direct coupling of
`signal from medium to
`the receiver
`AC coupling from the
`receiver to AUI
`Start-up bit loss
`(coaxial cable to DI)
`Receive settling time
`Receive steady-state
`Start-up bit loss
`(coaxial cable to DI)
`Receive signal polarity
`Edge jitter
`Receive function while
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`5 bits max
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Second and following bits meet
`jitter specifications
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`1/2 bit times max
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`5 bits max between packets
`separated by ≤ 96 BT
`Yes [ ] No [ ] More positive voltage on the
`coaxial cable will convert as DI
`A positive relative to DI B on
`the DI circuits
`Yes [ ] No [ ] MAU receiver + cable
`introduce ≤ 6 ns
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Page 7

`Std 802.3, 2000 Edition
` Collision function
`Collision absence
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`IDL signal on the CI circuit, unless
`sending mau_not_available
`CS0 on CI circuit at BR +25%,
` –15% with a duty cycle not worse
`than 40/60 ratio with ≥ 2 MAUs
`N/A [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`N/A [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`No CS0 on CI
`Collision Presence
`function require-
`No collision
`detection with
`single transmitter
`Collision assertion
`after transmission
`of ≥ 20 bit times
`Collision assertion
`by transmission
`< 20 bit times
`N/A [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`N/A [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`N/A [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`N/A [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`CS0 on CI ≤ 17 BT after collision
`CS0 on CI ≤ 29 BT after collision
`IDL on CI ≤ 17 BT after arrival of
`end of transmission
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`IDL on CI ≤ 29 BT after arrival of
`end of transmission from all but
`one MAU
`deassertion after
`end of collision
`between second
`deassertion after
`end of collision
`between more than
`two MAUs
` Monitor function
`Signal path
`Transmit disable
`MAU function in
`isolated state
`N/A [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`N/A [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`N/A [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`From DTE to MAU
`through CO circuit
`≤ 20 ms
`Receive and
`collision functions
`are normal, XMIT
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Page 8

` Jabber function
`Std 802.3, 2000 Edition
`Jabber function
`Frame timer range
`CI circuit during
`Collision presence
`function activated
`after transmit disable
`Unjab timer range
`MAU unjab (reset)
`with monitor function
`MAU jabber lockup
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`N/A [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`N/A [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`N/A [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`N/A [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`N/A [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Self-interruption of
`the transmitter
`20 ms min,
`150 ms max
`CS0 signal
`No extraneous signal
`on the coaxial media
`0.5 s ± 50%
`Isolate message
`Jabber function not
`activated under
`worst case
`conditions in 9.6.5
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Page 9

`Std 802.3, 2000 Edition
` MAU to coaxial cable interface
`Input impedance
`Total capacitive load
`Bias current
`Transmit offset
`Transmit ac
`Transmitter sink cur-
`rent during collision
`Rise and fall time at
`10 Mb/s
`Rise and fall time
`Harmonic content at
`Transmit signal
`Transmit signal edge
`Receive collision
`detection threshold
`Receive collision
`detection threshold,
`large impulse
`No negative edge
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`R ≥ 100 kΩ
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`C ≤ 4 pF
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Max +2 µA
`Min –25 µA
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`–37 mA to – 45 mA
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`+28 mA to offset value
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`No more than –25 µA at –7 V;
`no more than ±250 µA at –10 V
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`25 ± 5 ns (10–90%)
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Within 2 ns at 10 Mb/s
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`2nd and 3rd harmonics ≥ 20 dB
`below fundamental, 4th and 5th
`harmonics ≥ 30 dB below
`fundamental, 6th and 7th
`harmonics ≥ 40 dB below
`fundamental, all higher har-
`monics ≥ 50 dB below funda-
`No inversion of signal from
`PLS to coaxial cable
`MAU introduce no more than
`2 ns of edge jitter
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`–1.448 V to –1.59 V
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`–1293 mV *
`[1+ impulse response] if filter
`impulse response is larger than
`After cessation of CD output
`stream on DO or before first
`edge of next frame on DO
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Page 10

` MAU electrical characteristics
`Std 802.3, 2000 Edition
`Isolation impedance between
`MDI and AUI cable (each con-
`ductor, including shields)
`Breakdown voltage
`Current drawn from AUI
`Operation over VP voltage
`Low VP circuit behavior
`MAU current labeling
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`> 250 kΩ at 60 Hz,
`< 15 Ω for 3 MHz to
`30 MHz
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`≥ 1.5 kV ac, rms
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`≤ 0.5 A
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`11.28–15.75 V, any
`permissible AUI cable
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`No disruption of media
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Current consumption
`shall be labeled
`MTBF ≥ 1 million
`hours of continuous
` MAU-DTE requirements
`AUI electrical characteristics
`AUI mechanical connection
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`As specified in Clause 7;
`refer to–5
`As specified in Clause 7;
`refer to
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Page 11

`Std 802.3, 2000 Edition
` MAU to coaxial cable connection
`Standard N-type
`Yes[ ] No [ ]
`50 Ω, according to IEC
`60169-16: 1982 and Amd.
`1: 1996
`2 pF nominal at 10 MHz
`≤ 50 mΩ for shield and
`center conductor
`600 V dc or ac rms max
`> 1 GΩ
`Coaxial tap connector
`Yes[ ] No [ ]
`N/A[ ]
`Yes[ ] No [ ]
`N/A[ ]
`Yes[ ] No [ ]
`N/A[ ]
`Yes[ ] No [ ]
`N/A[ ]
`Yes[ ] No [ ]
`Contact resistance
`Voltage rating
`Dc leakage resistance
`between braid and
`external conductors
`Probe current rating
`N/A[ ]
`Yes[ ] No [ ]
`0.1 A per contact (probe
`and shield)
`1 A surge for 1 s
`Shield current rating
`Connector housing
`Shield probe
`N/A[ ]
`Yes[ ] No [ ]
`N/A[ ]
`Yes[ ] No [ ]
`N/A[ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Shielding > 40 dB at
`50 MHz
`Effective capture of outer
` Safety requirements
`MAU labeling
`General safety
`Emission levels
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Data rate, current, any applicable
`safety warnings (recommended)
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Conforms to IEC 60950: 1991
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Either ambient plane wave field of
`2 V/m from 10 kHz through 30 MHz,
`5 V/m from 30 MHz through 1 GHz,
`or interference voltage of 1 V/ns peak
`slope, between coaxial cable shield
`and DTE earth connection
`Comply with applicable local and
`national standards
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Page 12

`Std 802.3, 2000 Edition
`8.8.7 PICS proforma tables for MAU AUI characteristics
` Signal characteristics
`Signaling rate (stated on label)
`CS0 signal frequency (on CI)
`CS0 signal duty cycle
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`10 Mb/s
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`10 MHz +25%, –15%
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`60:40 worst case
` DI and CI driver characteristics
`Fault current
`Differential output voltage,
`Differential output voltage, idle
`Differential output voltage, start
`of idle
`Current into test load while idle
`Requirements after idle
`Common-mode output voltage,
`Differential output voltage,
`open circuit
`Common-mode output voltage,
`Fault tolerance
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Figure 7–11
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`≤ 40 mV into test load
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Figure 7–12
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`4 mA max
`after 80 BT
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Second bit to Figure 7–11
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`≤ 40 mV peak,
`Figure 7–13
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`13 V peak max
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`≤ 5.5 V, Figure 7–13
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Figure 7–14
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`≤ 150 mA,
`any Figure 7–14 state
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Page 13

`Std 802.3, 2000 Edition
` DO receiver characteristics
`Unsquelched threshold
`High-to-idle transition on
`DO circuit
`Differential input
`impedance at 10 MHz
`Common-mode range, ac
`Total common-mode
`Common-mode current
`IDL detection
`Requirements after idle
`Receiver fault tolerance
`Input fault current
` CO receiver characteristics
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`160 mV max differential
`Yes [ ] No [ ] Must not cause output
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Real part: 77.83 Ω ± 6%;
`0 ≤ phase angle (deg)
` ≤ real part × 0.0338
`3 V min 30 Hz to 40 kHz,
`100 mV min
` 40 kHz to 10 MHz
`Yes [ ] No [ ] Magnitude of 0 to 5.5 V
` ac + dc
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`≤ 1 mA
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`≤ 1.6 bit times
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Receiver in spec after start-up
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Figure 7–16
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`3 mA max
`Total common-mode
`current limit
`IDL detection
`Requirements after idle
`Receiver fault tolerance
`Input fault current
`Unsquelched threshold
`High-to-idle transition
`on DO circuit
`Differential input
` impedance at 10 MHz
`N/A[ ]
`Yes[ ] No [ ]
`N/A[ ]
`Yes[ ] No [ ]
`N/A[ ]
`Yes[ ] No [ ]
`Common-mode range,
`N/A[ ]
`Yes[ ] No [ ]
`160 mV max differential
`Must not cause output
`Real part: 77.83 Ω ± 6%;
`0 ≤ phase angle (deg)
`≤ real part × 0.0338
`3 V min 30 Hz to 40 kHz,
`100 mV min
`40 kHz to 10 MHz
`Magnitude of 0 to 5.5 V ac + dc
`≤ 1 mA
`≤ 1.6 bit times
`Receiver in spec after start-up
`Figure 7–16
`3 mA max
`N/A[ ]
`Yes[ ] No [ ]
`N/A[ ]
`Yes[ ] No [ ]
`N/A[ ]
`Yes[ ] No [ ]
`N/A[ ]
`Yes[ ] No [ ]
`N/A[ ]
`Yes[ ] No [ ]
`N/A[ ]
`Yes[ ] No [ ]
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Page 14

` Circuit termination
`Std 802.3, 2000 Edition
`Common-mode termination
`Pins 1, 4, 8, 11, 14
`impedance to VC circuit
`Pins 1, 4, 8, 11, 14 coupling
`to VC circuit
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`If used, must be to VC
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`≤ 5 Ω at 5 MHz
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
` Mechanical characteristics
`D-type connector
`Shell plating material
`Shell multiple
`contact points
`Shell life expectancy
`Locking posts and
`Pin connections:
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`IEC 60807-2: 1992
`15-pole male
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Number not defined
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`≤ 5 mΩ/500 matings
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Figures 7–18, 7–20
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Data out A
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Data out B
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Capacitor to VC
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Data in A
`Data in B
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Capacitor to VC
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Control out A
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Control out B
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Capacitor to VC
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Control in A
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Control in B
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Capacitor to VC
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Voltage common
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Voltage plus
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Capacitor to VC
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Protective ground
`(conductive shell)
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Page 15

`Std 802.3, 2000 Edition
`8.8.8 PICS proforma tables for 10BASE5 coaxial cable
` 10BASE5 coaxial cable characteristics
`Characteristic impedance
`Impedance variation per 2
`m segment
`Attenuation of 500 m
`Velocity of propagation
`Edge jitter of 500 m cable
`Transfer impedance
`Cable DC loop resistance
`(center conductor plus
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`50 ± 2 Ω, measured according to IEC
`60096-1: 1986 and Amd. 2: 1993
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`±3 Ω
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`≤8.5 dB with 10 MHz sine wave,
`≤6.0 dB with 5 MHz sine wave
`Yes [ ] No [ ] Min 0.77 c
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`≤7 ns
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`According to Figure 8–7
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`≤10 mΩ/m at 20 °C
`Coaxial cable properties:
`a) Center conductor,
`dielectric, shield system,
`insulating jacket
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`d) Cable flexibility
`Center conductor
`Dielectric material
`Shielding system:
`a) Inside diameter
`b) Outside diameter
`c) Outermost shield
`Jacket material
`b) Concentricity
`c) Jacket, shield, dielectric
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`≥ 92%
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`support bend radius of 254 mm
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`2.17 mm ± 0.013 mm
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`and c)
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`≥ 6.15 mm
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`8.28 mm ± 0.178 mm
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`> 90% coverage
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`meets 8.4.1 and 8.4.2 specs
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Page 16

`Std 802.3, 2000 Edition
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`OD of 10.287 mm ± 0.178 mm
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`OD of 9.525 mm ± 0.254 mm
`Jacket dimensions,
` Polyvinyl Chloride
`Jacket dimensions,
`Flammability and smoke
`Jacket marking
`Color of jacket
`Yes [ ] No [ ] Meet applicable local and national
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Annular rings spaced 2.5 m ± 5 cm
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Bright (example: yellow)
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`≤5 Ω at 20° C
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`≤10 mΩ at 20° C
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`Type N plug connector
`Yes [ ] No [ ]
`50 Ω ± 1% at 0–20 MHz, phase
`angle ≤ 5°, power rating ≥1 Ω
`Total segment dc loop resistance:
`a) Sum of center conductor,
`connector and shield
`b) Inline connector pair or
`Inline coaxial extension
`Coaxial cable termination
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Page 17

`Std 802.3, 2000 Edition
`14.10 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma for
`Clause 14, Twisted-pair medium attachment unit (MAU) and baseband medium,
`type 10BASE-T26
`14.10.1 Introduction
`To evaluate conformance of a particular implementation, it is necessary to state which capabilities and
`options have been implemented for a given OSI protocol. Such a statement is called a Protocol Implementa-
`tion Conformance Statement (PICS).
`This PICS proforma defines conformance requirements for type 10BASE-T MAU implementations. When
`the supplier completes this proforma, this document becomes the PICS for the specified implementation.
`The PICS is then used to perform a static conformance review of the implementation to determine that all
`mandatory features are implemented and that all conditional features are correctly supported dependent on
`the options claimed to be implemented. The PICS is used also as an aid in test-case selection and result anal-
`ysis during the dynamic conformance testing.
`Separate MAU and link segment implementations are expected; submissions of either for testing do not
`require submission of the other. Furthermore, there is no current intention to produce an Abstract Test Suite
`from the subclause of the PICS proforma that discusses the link segment.
` Scope
`This subclause provides the PICS proforma for type 10BASE-T MAU specifications in accordance with the
`relevant guidance given in ISO/IEC 9646-2: 1994.
` Reference
`Type 10BASE-T MAU requirements referenced in this PICS proforma are found in 14.2 through 14.8 and in
`7.3 through 7.6 of this standard. Subclauses 7.3 through 7.6 and 14.2 through 14.8 take precedence over
`14.10 in case of any conflict.
`The use and the requirements for PICS proforma are defined in ISO/IEC 9646-1: 1994 and ISO/IEC 9646-
`2: 1994.
` Definitions
`This document uses the following terms defined in ISO/IEC 9646-1: 1994:
`PICS proforma
`Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)
`static conformance review
`dynamic conformance testing
` Conformance
`The supplier of a MAU that is claimed to conform to type 10BASE-T MAU specifications shall complete a
`copy of the PICS proforma provided in this document and shall provide the information necessary to iden-
`tify both the supplier and the implementation.
`26Copyright release for PICS proformas: Users of this standard may freely reproduce the PICS proforma in this subclause so that it can
`be used for its intended purpose and may further publish the completed PICS.
`Copyright © 2000 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Page 18

`Std 802.3, 2000 Edition
`14.10.2 Identification of implementation
`The MAU supplier shall complete the relevant fields in this subclause to identify the supplier and the partic-
`ular MAU.
` Supplier information
`The MAU supplier shall complete the relevant fields in this subclause to identify the supplier and the partic-

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