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`Dell Inc.
`Exhibit 10 19
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` Dell Inc.
` Exhibit 1019
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`Gigabit Ethernet
`Technology and Applications
`for High-Speed LANs
`Rich Seifert
`... TT
`An imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
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`Page 3
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`Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Seifert, Rich, 1952-
`Gigabit Ethernet: technology and applications for high-speed
`LANs I Rich Seifert.
`p. em.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0-201-18553-9
`1. Ethernet (Local area network system)
`I. Title.
`98- 9357
`Copyright@ 1998 by Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
`All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
`stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any
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`of America. Published simultaneously in Canada.
`ISBN 0-201-18553-9
`Text printed on recycled and acid-free paper.
`1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10-MA-0201009998
`First printing, April 1998
`Page 4
`Auto-Negotiation on UTP Systems
`--+f I-- 100 na Nominal
`I-- 82.5111 Nominal
`Figure 8-3 Auto-Negotiation signaling.
`The entire message is repeated, nominally at 16-ms intervals, until the nego(cid:173)
`tiation is complete.
` Automatic Configuration without Auto-Negotiation
`A device can easily detect whether the signals it is receiving were generated
`using 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, or 100BASE-T4. In the case of 10BASE-T,
`every device emits characteristic "link pulses" every 16 ms when the link is
`idle; this constitutes an unmistakable signature. 11 In the case of 100BASE-TX
`and 100BASE-T4, the signal levels, timing, and encoding used are sufficiently
`different that determination of the link's nature can be made without the use
`of Auto-Negotiation. This is often called "parallel detection."
`Thus it is possible to automatically configure to any of these three signal(cid:173)
`ing methods without implementing the negotiation protocol. Doing this is
`fairly common, and it slightly lowers the cost of a product.
`However, a great deal of flexibility is lost by not using Auto-Negotiation:
`• It is not possible to implement automatic dual-speed capability (for ex(cid:173)
`ample, 10Mb/sand 100 Mb/s).
`• It is not possible to determine duplex mode.
`• It is not possible to determine flow control capability.
`The defa ult assumption if Auto-Negotiation is not employed is that the
`link is operating in half-duplex mode, without explicit flow control. Thus
`devices not implementing Auto-Negotiation are generally those with only a
`single mode of operation, for example, a 100BASE-TX (only) repeater hub or
`a 10BASE-T (half-duplex-only) controller, where there is nothing to be
`gained by implementing Auto-Negotiation.
`11. Also called "link beat," these pulses are used to ensure that the link is physically con(cid:173)
`ne{:ted.lt is the detection of this pulse that usually enables a "Link LED" on a lOBASE-T con·
`rroller or hub port.
`Page 5
`Gigabit Etbemet Physical Layer
`requires that there be some minimum number of logic transitions in the
`code stream in order to provide clocking information. In the case of Giga(cid:173)
`bit Ethernet, the block code used guarantees this transition densiry.
`NRZJ-Non-Recurn-to-Zero, Invert on Ones-is a variation of NRZ
`th:n leaves the signal unchanged for a logic zero and inverts the signal from
`irs previous state for a logic one. NRZI is used in FDDI and 1 OOBASE(cid:173)
`FX; the 48/58 block code guarantees a sufficient "ones density."
`• Manchester code. This code, used in all10 Mb/s Ethernet systems, elimi(cid:173)
`nates the need for :tny transitions or one's density in the data srream-at
`the expense of increasing the maximum transmission frequency by a fac-
`tor of 2.
`• Multilevel Thrcshold-3 (MLT-3). This code uses three signal levels. The
`maximum transmission frequency is reduced by half (relative to NRZ),
`at the expense of reduced noise margin. The code leaves the signal un(cid:173)
`changed for a logic zero and moves the signal to the "next state" for a logic
`one, where the states are zero voltage, high voltage, zero voltage, low volt(cid:173)
`age, zero voltage, and so on.
`Data Panem
`rtJ~'"--'uir--i-· _,___,.
`MLT-3 0
`Figure 12- 3 Line coding.
`Page 6