`US0081550 12B2
`c12) United States Patent
`Austermann, III et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,155,012 B2
`Apr. 10, 2012
`Inventors: John F. Austermann, III, Huntington
`Woods, MI (US); Marshall B.
`Cummings, Troy, MI (US)
`(73) Assignee: ChriMar Systems, Inc., Farmington
`Hills, MI (US)
`( *) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 331 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 12/239,001
`(22) Filed:
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2009/0022057 Al
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 10/668,708, filed on
`Sep. 23, 2003, now Pat. No. 7,457,250, which is a
`continuation of application No. 09/370,430, filed on
`Aug. 9, 1999, now Pat. No. 6,650,622, which is a
`PCT/US99/07846, filed on Apr. 8, 1999.
`( 60) Provisional application No. 60/081,279, filed on Apr.
`10, 1998.
`Int. Cl.
`H04L 12112
`GOSB 13114
`(52) U.S. Cl. ...................... 370/241; 370/445; 340/568.1
`(58) Field of Classification Search ........................ None
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`202,495 A
`4/1878 Watson
`3907652 A1
`Entertainment Services and Technology Association (ESTA)-Rec(cid:173)
`ommended Practice for Ethernet Cabling Systems in Entertainment
`Lighting Applications [44 pages] (1996).
`Primary Examiner- Chi Pham
`Assistant Examiner- Soon-Dong Hyun
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm- Harness, Dickey & Pierce,
`In accordance with the teachings of the present invention, a
`communication system (17) is provided for generating and
`monitoring data over pre-existing conductors (2A-2D)
`between associated pieces of networked computer equipment
`(3A-3D). The system includes a communication device (16)
`attached to the electronic equipment that transmits informa(cid:173)
`tion to a central module (15) by impressing a low frequency
`signal on the pre-existing data lines of the remotely located
`equipment. A receiver ( 6) in the central module (15) monitors
`the low frequency data on the data lines to determine the
`transmitted information of the electronic equipment. The
`communication device may also be powered by a low current
`power signal from the central module (15). The power signal
`to the communication device may also be fluctuated to pro(cid:173)
`vide useful information, such as status information, to the
`communication device. Relocation of the electronic equip(cid:173)
`ment with attached communication device to another location
`on the network is detected immediately and may be used to
`update a database. This invention is particularly adapted to be
`used with an existing Ethernet communications link or
`equivalents thereof.
`148 Claims, 13 Drawing Sheets
`Page 1
`Dell Inc.
`Exhibit 1001

`US 8,155,012 B2
`Page 2
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`US 8,155,012 B2
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`1111992 Wincn eta!.
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`12/1992 Hartig
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`111993 Nishikawa et a!.
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`6/1993 Curtis eta!. .................... 333/12
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`10/1993 Neuhnus eta!. .............. 303/188
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`10/1993 Blumenthal et a!.
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`1111993 Graham
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`1111993 Smead
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`1111993 Yano eta!. .................... 370/452
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`12/1993 McDonald ...................... 361145
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`111994 Ives .............................. 600/544
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`111994 Myllymaki
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`111994 Strangio
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`2/1994 Leonowich ................... 375/257
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`2/1994 Ziermann
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`2/1994 Taha
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`4/1994 Marsh ........................... 323/284
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`4/1994 Ikeda eta!. ................... 307/125
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`5/1994 Sambamurthy et a!.
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`5/1994 Takato eta!.
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`5/1994 Seigel ........................... 713/323
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`5/1994 Iwakura eta!. ............... 324/754
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`6/1994 Smith ............................... 333/1
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`6/1994 Rosenbaum et al . .... 379/399.01
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`7/1994 Braitberg et al . ............. 455/559
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`7/1994 McGinn
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`9/1994 Redwine .................. 365/189.09
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`9/1994 Woodrnas ..................... 725/130
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`9/1994 Graham
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`9/1994 Abraham ...................... 375/260
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`10/1994 Marsh ........................... 340/505
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`1111994 Graham
`5,368,041 A
`1111994 Shambroom ................. 600/544
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`111995 Watanabe eta!. ............. 710/317
`111995 Shambroom ................. 600/544
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`5,384,429 A
`111995 Bulson eta!.
`174/102 R
`2/1995 !'Anson ........................ 324/522
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`5,396,555 A
`3/1995 Shibata
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`4/1995 Cummings et al.
`5,408,669 A
`4/1995 Stewart et a!. ................ 713/300
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`5/1995 Webber eta!. ................ 370/445
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`5/1995 Baze
`6/1995 Russell ......................... 307/104
`5,422,519 A
`5,424,710 A
`6/1995 Baumann
`5,438,606 A
`8/1995 Cerulli ............................ 379/24
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`8/1995 Beveridge ..................... 725/106
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`8/1995 Olsen eta!. ....................... 607/6
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`8/1995 Hassel
`174/113 R
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`9/1995 Maas et al.
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`9/1995 Larson ..................... 340/538.11
`10/1995 Young eta!. .................. 307/104
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`5,457,629 A
`10/1995 Miller eta!. ...................... 70111
`5,459,283 A
`10/1995 Birdwell, Jr.
`5,461,671 A
`10/1995 Sakuragi et a!. .............. 379/400
`5,467,384 A
`1111995 Skinner, Sr . .................. 455/402
`1111995 Runaldue
`5,469,437 A
`12/1995 Fi or ina et al.
`5,477,091 A
`5,483,574 A
`111996 Yuyama ..................... 379/32.04
`5,483,656 A
`111996 Oprescu et a!. ............... 713/320
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`111996 Van Brunt et a!.
`5,488,306 A
`111996 Bonaccio
`5,491,463 A
`2/1996 Sargeant et a!.
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`2/1996 Gephardt et a!.
`5,497,460 A
`3/1996 Bailey
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`3/1996 Bossler ........................ 307/10.1
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`4/1996 Paul .............................. 709/249
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`5/1996 Seigel
`5/1996 Cargin, Jr. et al . ............ 3611683
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`5/1996 Chiu .............................. 340/5.7
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`5/1996 Asano et al. .................... 710/10
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`6/1996 Steiner et a!. ............ 342/357.06
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`6/1996 Siu eta!. .................... 379/29.01
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`7/1996 Price ............................. 3611119
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`7/1996 Hartman .................. 379/221.01
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`7/1996 Wilson .......................... 600/554
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`7/1996 Lau ............................... 375/258
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`5,652,479 A
`5,652,575 A
`5,652,893 A
`5,652,895 A
`5,655,077 A
`5,659,542 A
`5,664,002 A
`5,670,937 A
`5,671,354 A
`5,675,321 A
`5,675,371 A
`5,675,811 A
`5,675,813 A
`5,678,547 A
`5,678,559 A
`5,679,987 A
`5,684,826 A
`5,684,950 A
`5,686,826 A
`5,689,230 A
`5,692,917 A
`5,696,660 A
`5,706,287 A
`5,715,174 A
`5,729,204 A
`5,742,514 A
`5,742,833 A
`5,758,101 A
`5,761,084 A
`5,764,647 A
`5,766,133 A
`5,779,196 A
`5,781,015 A
`5,783,999 A
`5,784,441 A
`5,790,363 A
`5,793,764 A *
`5,796,185 A
`5,796,965 A
`5,799,040 A
`5,799,194 A
`5,799,196 A
`5,802,042 A
`5,802,305 A
`5,805,597 A
`5,805,904 A
`5,808,846 A
`5,810,606 A
`5,814,900 A
`5,815,665 A
`5,821,868 A
`5,828,293 A
`5,834,942 A
`5,835,005 A
`5,836,785 A
`5,841,203 A
`5,841,360 A
`5,842,955 A
`5,845,150 A
`5,845,190 A
`5,848,149 A
`5,854,824 A
`10/1996 Murry ........................... 318/778
`10/1996 Castleman .................... 323/283
`1111996 De Pinho Filho .......... 340/855.4
`1111996 Vander Mey et al. ......... 375/139
`1111996 Scholder
`12/1996 Nanno eta!. .................. 713/340
`111997 Harman eta!. ............... 324/127
`111997 Pasetti et a!. ............. 379/399.02
`3/1997 Kagawa ........................ 358/468
`3/1997 Laider ........................... 379/386
`4/1997 Shirani et a!. ................. 370/465
`4/1997 Rector .......................... 315/102
`5/1997 Mosley eta!. .................. 726/35
`5/1997 King ............................. 3241718
`........... 340/310.15
`6/1997 Tinsley et a!.
`6/1997 Carnpolo et al. ................ 361142
`7/1997 Thomas eta!. ............ 379/93.07
`7/1997 LoCascio et a!. ............. 315/225
`7/1997 Pryor et al.
`................ 379/29.11
`7/1997 Ben-Meir eta!. ............. 713/310
`7/1997 Poisner ......................... 713/322
`8/1997 Johnes eta!. ..................... 726/8
`8/1997 Bell eta!. ...................... 370/496
`9/1997 Skinner, Sr.
`................. 379/56.2
`9/1997 Right et al.
`................... 340/506
`9/1997 Ito et al. ............................ 726/3
`10/1997 McBride
`10/1997 Barringer ...................... 725/148
`10/1997 Broedner ...................... 713/323
`10/1997 Holmdahl ..................... 713/310
`10/1997 Faupel eta!. ................. 600/409
`10/1997 Drakulic ....................... 600/544
`10/1997 Ogawa .......................... 307/147
`1111997 Ratner .......................... 375/222
`1111997 Dare eta!. ...................... 726/10
`1111997 Kurtz eta!. ................... 323/365
`11/1997 Merwin eta!. ........... 340/310.11
`12/1997 Rieb et al.
`12/1997 Price ............................. 3611119
`111998 Leirnkoetter ................. 370/410
`2/1998 Cotichini et al.
`................. 340/2.4
`3/1998 Fackler et a!.
`4/1998 Bonola ......................... 700/286
`4/1998 Dea eta!. ...................... 713/323
`5/1998 Pemberton .................... 710/302
`6/1998 Edwards ....................... 700/293
`6/1998 Riley
`6/1998 Faisandier .................... 600/509
`7/1998 Timar ........................... 244/209
`7/1998 Duffin et al . .................. 324/508
`7/1998 Price eta!. .................... 340/644
`7/1998 Davis et al. .............. 379/106.01
`8/1998 Chaudhry ..................... 3611119
`8/1998 Bartoldus eta!. ............. 370/390
`8/1998 Takata et al. .................. 307/140
`8/1998 Choi eta!. .................... 713/300
`8/1998 Lau ............................... 375/258
`8/1998 Allen
`8/1998 Flannery ....................... 713/320
`9/1998 Natarajan eta!. ............. 370/255
`........ 709/227
`9/1998 McKaughan et a!.
`9/1998 Ed em ............................ 370/445
`9/1998 Jung ............................. 713/300
`9/1998 Hoke eta!. .................. 361193.6
`9/1998 Ballast eta!. ................... 439/15
`9/1998 Esser eta!. .................... 307/104
`9/1998 Teper eta!. ................... 709/229
`10/1998 Kuhling
`10/1998 Rickard ........................ 375/257
`1111998 DeAngelis ................... 324/522
`1111998 Furukawa eta!. ............ 370/400
`1111998 Lee ............................... 439/505
`............ 307/10.8
`1111998 Chanbers et a!.
`1111998 Binder
`12/1998 Wilkinson ...................... 482/52
`12/1998 Henion ........................... 710/19
`12/1998 Bushue et al. ................ 725/130
`12/1998 Chen eta!. ............... 379/399.01
`12/1998 Bengal
`5,854,839 A
`5,859,584 A
`5,859,596 A
`5,884,086 A
`5,915,002 A
`5,918,016 A
`5,920,253 A
`5,923,363 A
`5,929,624 A
`5,929,778 A
`5,933,073 A
`5,933,590 A
`5,937,033 A
`5,939,801 A
`5,944,659 A
`5,944,824 A
`5,944,831 A
`5,946,180 A
`5,948,077 A
`5,949,806 A
`5,953,314 A *
`5,960,208 A
`5,963,557 A
`5,991,311 A
`5,991,885 A
`5,994,998 A
`5,995,348 A
`5,995,353 A
`6,000,003 A
`6,005,760 A
`6,011,680 A
`6,011,794 A
`6,011,910 A
`6,016,519 A
`6,018,452 A
`6,021,493 A
`6,021,496 A
`6,031,368 A
`6,033,101 A
`6,038,457 A
`6,047,376 A
`6,049,139 A
`6,049,881 A
`6,057,670 A
`6,064,305 A
`6,092,131 A
`6,092,196 A
`6,095,867 A
`6,097,761 A
`6,100,471 A
`6,101,459 A
`6,111,936 A
`6,115,468 A
`6,121,778 A
`6,125,448 A
`6,130,894 A
`6,134,666 A
`6,140,911 A
`6,141,763 A
`6,144,722 A
`6,147,601 A
`6,147,603 A
`6,147,963 A
`6,169,475 B1
`6,172,606 B1
`6,175,556 B1
`6,178,458 B1
`6,178,514 B1
`6,181,140 B1
`6,205,137 B1*
`6,218,930 B1
`6,219,216 B1
`6,233,689 B1
`6,236,625 B1
`6,243,394 B1
`6,243,818 B1
`6,246,748 B1
`6,252,878 B1*
`6,253,121 B1
`12/1998 Chen eta!. .................... 379/413
`111999 Counsell et a!. .............. 340/538
`111999 McRae .................... 340/870.02
`3/1999 Amoni eta!. ................. 713/300
`6/1999 Shimosako ................ 379/93.07
`6/1999 Brewer et al. ................. 709/220
`7/1999 Laine ............................ 375/259
`7/1999 Elberbaum ................... 348/156
`7/1999 Ricq eta!. ....................... 324/67
`7/1999 Asarna eta!.
`8/1999 Shuey ........................... 375/258
`8/1999 Allen ................................ 714/4
`8/1999 Bellows ..................... 379/29.01
`8/1999 Bouffard ......................... 307/65
`8/1999 Flach eta!. ................... 600/300
`8/1999 He .................................... 726/6
`8/1999 Pate eta!. ..................... 713/324
`8/1999 Simpson ...................... 361193.3
`9/1999 Choi eta!.
`9/1999 Ness eta!. ................. 372/38.07
`........... 370/220
`9/1999 Ganmukhi et a!.
`9/1999 Obata eta!. ................... 713/330
`10/1999 Eng
`1111999 Long eta!.
`1111999 Chang eta!.
`1111999 Fisher eta!.
`1111999 McCartan et al . .............. 361142
`1111999 Cunningham et a!. ........ 3611111
`12/1999 Allen
`12/1999 Hoke eta!. .................. 361193.6
`112000 So ll eder et a!. ................. 361190
`112000 Mordowitz ................... 370/389
`112000 Chau eta!. .................... 709/229
`112000 Chida eta!. ..................... 710/19
`112000 Meyerhoefer ................ 3611111
`2/2000 Cromer eta!.
`.. ............... 726/21
`2/2000 Dutcher et al.
`................ 324/133
`2/2000 Klippel et a!.
`3/2000 Reddick et a!. ............... 700/286
`3/2000 Bar kat ....................... 455/556.1
`4/2000 Hosoe ............................... 726/5
`4/2000 Nagaura ...................... 307/10.1
`4/2000 Massman et a!. ............. 713/300
`5/2000 Sink et al. ..................... 320/117
`5/2000 Lockyer
`7/2000 Caldwell et al . .............. 710/100
`7/2000 Reiche .............................. 726/6
`8/2000 Brandt eta!. ............ 439/620.09
`8/2000 Buhring et al. ............... 375/257
`174/72 c
`8/2000 Fouache .
`8/2000 Tavallaie ....................... 702/152
`8/2000 Bremer
`9/2000 De Nicolo
`9/2000 Moore .......................... 324/619
`9/2000 Schwan et al.
`10/2000 Ojard eta!.
`10/2000 De Nicolo .................... 713/300
`10/2000 Fisher eta!.
`10/2000 Smith eta!. ................... 713/300
`1112000 Anderson et a!. .......... 379/27.01
`1112000 Sandelman et a!.
`1112000 Rand
`1112000 Walker el a!.
`112001 Browning
`112001 Lockyer
`112001 Allen, Jr. et al . .............. 370/293
`112001 Wang ............................ 709/232
`112001 Wood ............................ 713/300
`112001 Vokeyetal. .................. 324/523
`3/2001 Ariga ............................ 370/360
`4/2001 Katzenberg et a!.
`4/2001 Hoke eta!. ..................... 361194
`5/2001 Allen eta!. ................... 713/320
`5/2001 Schell eta!. ............... 369/13.22
`6/2001 Deng
`6/2001 Schwan et al . ................ 713/300
`6/2001 Yano
`6/2001 Locklear et a!. .............. 370/401
`6/2001 Cline et al. .................... 700/300
`Page 4

`US 8,155,012 B2
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`6,292,901 B1
`6,295,356 B1
`6,295,569 B1
`6,301,527 B1
`6,314,102 B1
`6,317,675 B1
`6,329,810 B1
`6,344,794 B1
`6,348,874 B1
`6,349,353 B1
`6,351,648 B1
`6,359,906 B1
`6,366,143 B1
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`6,373,851 B1
`6,377,874 B1
`6,384,755 B1
`6,393,050 B1
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`6,418,332 B1
`6,449,348 B1
`6,456,625 B1
`6,459,175 B1
`6,473,608 B1
`6,480,510 B1
`6,496,103 B1
`6,504,825 B1
`6,522,151 B2
`6,526,516 B1
`6,529,127 B2
`6,535,983 B1
`6,546,494 B1
`6,587,454 B1
`6,643,566 B1
`6,658,108 B1
`6,681,013 B1
`6,701,443 B1
`6,744,888 B1
`6,889,095 B1
`De Bruycker et a!.
`Melvin eta!.
`............. 370/438
`Bisceglia et a!.
`Croushore et a!. ............ 375/259
`Schell eta!. ............... 369/13.22
`Luke eta!. ...................... 710/64
`Lys eta!. ...................... 713/300
`De Nicolo
`Shimura et a!. ............... 710/305
`Butland eta!. ................ 700/286
`Czetwiec et a!.
`Stolz! eta!. ..................... 701/76
`324/117 H
`Ulrich et al.
`Cole et al.
`Lewis eta!. ................... 710/300
`Karapetkov et a!. .......... 455/466
`Dyke eta!.
`Liu eta!. ....................... 327/142
`Hopkins et a!. ............... 340/650
`Ykema ......................... 700/286
`Liu ................................. 75/219
`Eichert et a!. ................. 709/223
`Hughes eta!. ................ 725/130
`Binder ..................... 340/538.15
`Buysse eta!. ................... 606/34
`Mastrototaro et al. ........ 600/316
`Lamb eta!. ................ 379/93.36
`............................... 370/401
`Potega .......................... 307/149
`Lehr et al.
`Binder .......................... 370/502
`Weiss eta!. ................... 375/257
`Atkins eta!.
`Armistead et a!.
`Ishikawa et a!. .............. 713/340
`Townsend et a!. ............ 340/505
`McCormack et a!.
`........ 713/310
`Jackson et a!. ................ 713/300
`Lamb ............................ 370/352
`Lehr et al.
`Bissell eta!.
`Miyamoto .................... 379/413
`Bell .............................. 713/300
`El-Kiketal. ................. 379/412
`Eidson eta!. ................... 700/12
`42 03 304 A1
`41 38 065 A1
`0 357 482 A2
`0 357 482 B1
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`Artech House [4 pages] (1998) .
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