`Page 1
` _____________
` _____________
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` _____________
`Case IPR2016-00976 U.S. Patent No. 6,775,235
`Case IPR2016-00977 U.S. Patent No. 7,406,048
` _____________
` Taken at:
` La Quinta Inn & Suites
` 1 Holiday Park Drive
` Board Room
` Butte, Montana
` January 24, 2017
` 8:30 a.m.
` Job No. 117580
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`Page 2
` Attorneys at Law
` 555 Twin Dolphin Drive
` Redwood City, CA 94065
` Attorneys at Law
` 1940 Duke Street
` Alexandria, VA 22314
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`2 3
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` I N D E X
` Witness: Page:
` Examination by Mr. Mattson . . . . . 5
`Page 3
` E X H I B I T S
` (None marked.)
`5 6 7
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`Page 4
` - - -
` BE IT REMEMBERED THAT, pursuant to Notice, the
` Deposition of Kevin Negus, Ph.D., was taken at the time
` and place and with the appearances of counsel hereinbefore
` noted before Jonny B. Nordhagen, Court Reporter - Notary
` Public for the State of Montana.
` The following proceedings were had:
` having been called as a witness by the
` patent owner, being first duly sworn, was
` examined and testified as follows:
` MR. MATTSON: I've Robert Mattson for Patent
` Owner with the Oblon firm.
` With me is my colleague Tom Yebernetsky.
` MR. FITZPATRICK: Tom Fitzpatrick from Pepper
` Hamilton.
` With me is my colleague Chuck Koch on behalf
` of Talari.
` /// ///
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`Page 5
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Negus. I see that you've
` got some materials with you. Are those your declarations
` in these proceedings?
` A. Amongst other documents. I have a binder of a
` few things I've printed out just thinking that they might
` be handy for answering your questions. I have put some
` little handwritten tabs just to keep track of which one is
` which. These are all printouts. There are no notes or
` annotations that were not in the originals of them.
` I have a copy of the Karol patent.
` I have my declaration from the '235, my declaration
` from the '048.
` I have the petition for the '235, the petition for
` the '048.
` The patent owner's response for the 235, Patent
` Owner's response for the '048.
` The Williams declaration.
` The PTAB's institution decision on the '235, the
` PTAB's institution decision on the '048.
` And I have a copy of the patent owner's
` infringement contentions in the district court case.
` I would be happy to have you examine it, if you
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`Page 6
` want.
` Q. No, thank you. Would you prefer to work from
` your copies or do you want to work from mine?
` A. I'm fine working from your copies, it's no
` problem. It's just to the extent that you don't provide
` me copies and I feel the need to reference a document in
` one of my answers, I have these handy. That's all.
` Q. Okay. I'm going to hand you what's been
` marked as Exhibit 1005 in IPR Proceeding 2016-00977 for
` the '048 patent. Is that your declaration that you
` provided for the 977 IPR relating to the '048 patent?
` A. (Perusing document) -- yes, as best as I can
` tell.
` Q. I'm going to hand you Exhibit 1003, which is
` Exhibit 1003 in both IPR proceedings. Is this the '048
` patent?
` A. (Perusing document) -- yes.
` Q. And the '048 is U.S. Patent No. 7,406,048?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I'm going to hand you what's been marked as
` Exhibit 1005 in IPR 2016-00976 for the '235 patent. Is
` that the declaration that you provided in the 976 IPR for
` the '235 patent?
` A. (Perusing document) -- yes, as best as I can
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`Page 7
` tell.
` Q. I'm going to hand you Exhibit 1001 from both
` IPR proceedings, U.S. Patent No. 6,775,235. Is that the
` '235 patent in Exhibit 1001?
` A. (Perusing document) -- yes.
` Q. And I've also handed you Exhibit 1006 from
` both proceedings, U.S. Patent No. 6,628,617. Is that the
` Karol reference that you refer to in your declarations?
` A. (Perusing document) -- yes.
` Q. Let's talk a little bit about your background.
` You've been an expert witness in a number of proceedings
` relating to patents, right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Can you approximate for me how many such
` proceedings there are or were?
` A. I think it would depend a bit on what you
` would define as a "proceeding." Sometimes cases are
` serial, sometimes they involve many parties.
` So do you count, for example, a patent in suit as a
` case, or a matter, or do you count a representation, you
` know, or a consulting assignment, or whatever? That's my
` only confusion.
` Q. Yeah, let's do it by representation. How many
` patent representations have you been involved in as an
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`Page 8
` expert witness?
` A. I don't have an exact number. Certainly, the
` ones where I've filed reports or declarations, I believe I
` cited to that in this declaration. Let's take a look at
` that list -- (perusing document.)
` As you can see, Paragraph 27, you know, if we just
` counted those, we've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
` 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 -- 22.
` There's been a few since this was served, say 25.
` But then some of these are serial, you know, where
` there were multiple cases associated with them, and then
` there are other assignments that I've had that were
` privileged, that there is no disclosure to the other
` side, and so I don't list them here.
` Q. If we include the representations that aren't
` listed, what do you approximate the number of
` representations to be?
` A. I don't have a meaningful -- you can see it's
` obviously at least 25, you know, so I'll say it's more
` than 25.
` Q. You think you've had at least 10 other
` representations that are privileged and not listed here?
` A. That sounds high, but several at least.
` Usually, if you didn't write a report, then there just
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` wasn't as much time and effort spent on it and it tends to
` get forgotten over the years.
` Q. How many representations do you have
` currently?
` A. I couldn't tell you right offhand, but
` typically, you know, five to seven at a given moment in
` time is not an uncommon number.
` Q. Do you think you have more than that right
` now?
` A. I don't have that coming to mind, that I have
` an unusually high number or an unusually low number for my
` practice at the current moment in time.
` Q. Just sitting here, you can't tell me for sure
` how many representations you presently have?
` A. No, I can't. I would want to -- not when you
` use the words "for sure," definitely not.
` Q. Is it fair to say that your technical
` experience is primarily in the fields of semiconductors
` and wireless communications?
` A. No, it's not fair to say that.
` Q. What areas of technical expertise do you have?
` A. At least the ones that are described --
` MR. FITZPATRICK: Excuse me. Object as to
` form.
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`Page 10
` THE WITNESS: At least those described in my
` résumé as well as the brief background that I provided in
` this declaration.
` Q. (By Mr. Mattson) I believe you say in your
` declarations that you are qualified by education and
` experience to testify as an expert in the field of
` telecommunications. Do you consider yourself to be an
` expert in the field of telecommunications?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have you ever personally configured a router?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Under what circumstances?
` A. In developing routers as a chief technology
` officer of a company that designed, developed, and
` manufactured routers. I've also done it as part of work
` in other litigations where routers were the products that
` were accused of infringing a particular patent or patents.
` Q. When you said you were the CTO of a company,
` what company was that?
` A. That would be Proxim; P-R-O-X-I-M, Proxim.
` Q. When you worked with Proxim or for Proxim,
` what was the nature of your development with routers?
` A. Well, there were several routers. We sold
` quite a few routers. Some were routers more for inside
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`Page 11
` the enterprise. They were typically switches and routers
` with typically a DHCP gateway integrated into the router.
` In other cases, we did appliances that would, for
` example, balance, did a lot of load balancing across
` wireless and wired network segments. So we had a routing
` appliance that did that, certainly, that I can recall.
` We have also done routers more recently in my most
` recent company, which is Fastback Networks, where we've
` also integrated routers into our wireless backhaul
` equipment.
` Q. When you used the word "enterprise," what did
` you mean?
` A. "Enterprise" is usually a reference to
` business applications where companies link computers or
` client devices within their facilities to each other and
` to other facilities. So "enterprise" is a fairly standard
` industry term over, you know, the last 30 years that I've
` seen.
` For example, much of Cisco's switches and router
` products are directed to use within the enterprise. It's
` a very common use of routers.
` Q. So when you say "within the enterprise," how
` does that contrast to things that are not within the
` enterprise?
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`Page 12
` A. Well, in very broad strokes, you often find
` that they're service provider products, typically products
` that are sold to, say, Verizon or AT&T as well as many
` much smaller service providers or products that are sold
` to the enterprise.
` You know, Ford or Boeing or GE would buy enterprise
` products which they would use to network devices either
` within their facilities or across their facilities.
` Typically, "within" is considered a local area
` network, a LAN; "across their facilities" is usually
` considered a wide area network or a WAN. I've worked on
` both LAN and WAN products extensively across my career.
` Q. What did you mean by "service provider"?
` A. Again, I think I've answered that question,
` but service providers are typically -- not exclusively,
` but typically they provide WAN connectivity. So if an
` enterprise wants to join multiple facilities, they'll
` typically look to a service provider to provide the
` physical connectivity between those enterprise locations
` or sites. And often, not always, the enterprises will own
` their own routing appliances within their facilities.
` Q. You mentioned an appliance that you had worked
` with that used load balancing. Was it just one appliance
` or were there several different appliances?
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`Page 13
` A. Oh, there's probably been several over the
` years. It's a very mature technology.
` Certainly, one that comes to mind was one that we
` developed around, I would say about 1999 or 2000 at
` Proxim, you know, similar -- well, earlier than the
` patents in suit here in the district court matter.
` It was mainly meant to balance a network usage
` across wireless and wireline networks in the enterprise.
` That was the primary goal of that product.
` Q. What was the name of the product?
` A. It was called "Harmony," "Proxim Harmony." It
` was a family of products, so there were a family of
` wireless access points that were branded under Harmony and
` then a family of access point controllers which were
` routers, effectively.
` Q. Have you ever personally configured a router
` for load balancing?
` A. I certainly configured those Proxim Harmony AP
` controllers for load balancing.
` Q. Were there any other routers that you've
` configured for load balancing?
` A. Probably. You know, I've worked with so much
` networking equipment over the past 35 years, it's
` difficult to remember every one.
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`Page 14
` Q. Have you ever configured a router for
` multipath routing?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What is multipath routing?
` A. Routing where there can be multiple paths
` between a source and a destination.
` Q. Do you know from a VPN is?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What is it?
` A. It's a virtual private network.
` Q. Have you ever personally configured a router
` for a VPN?
` A. I believe so, yes.
` Q. What were the circumstances?
` A. I believe that I've done that, again, while at
` Proxim. It would have been in the 1998 to 2003 time
` frame. I believe I've also done that in the context of
` litigation consulting for Cisco some years later than
` that.
` Q. Does the Karol reference disclose the use of
` VPNs?
` A. The Karol reference discloses whatever the
` Karol reference discloses relative to the asserted claims
` of the patents in suit. With respect to VPNs, I will have
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`Page 15
` summarized that in my declaration.
` Going by memory only, I believe that the VPN
` appears in some of the dependent claims of the '048
` patent, and so I would refer you to my declaration for
` the '048 patent.
` Q. Okay. Well, my question was whether Karol
` discloses a VPN. Do you know whether Karol discloses a
` VPN or not?
` A. I have a section on that in my declaration,
` and I would refer you to that. I would be happy to go
` take a look at that and answer your question in additional
` detail, if that's what you want.
` Q. Yes, please.
` A. (Perusing document) -- okay. So my discussion
` of --
` Q. Before you start, which declaration are you
` referring to?
` A. As I said in my previous answer, I'm looking
` to the '048 declaration, which is marked Exhibit 1005. I
` don't know whether that's unique, but probably not. The
` other one's marked Exhibit 1005 as well, so let's just
` call it "the '048 declaration."
` In this one, an exemplary claim that cites to a VPN
` is Claim 5.
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`Page 16
` Q. Which paragraph are you in?
` A. I'm at Paragraph 262 to start with. At least
` from Paragraphs 262 to 278, you will find my analysis and
` opinion on this topic with respect to this specific claim
` limitation and Karol.
` Q. Okay. In Paragraph 266 of your declaration
` for the '048 patent, you state:
` "Karol does not explicitly disclose the
` exemplary embodiment wherein the 'Internet-based network'
` is a 'VPN.'"
` Right?
` A. Those are the words that I wrote at that
` paragraph.
` Q. Are those words a true statement?
` A. I'm sorry?
` Q. Are those words a true statement?
` A. In the context of all of the rest of
` Paragraphs 262 to 278, those are words that I wrote and
` they are all true statements.
` Q. So they might be false in another context?
` MR. FITZPATRICK: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: What other context do you have
` in mind, Counsel?
` Q. (By Mr. Mattson) I don't have any other
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`Page 17
` context in mind. You said that in the context of these
` paragraphs, it's a true statement. I was wondering if you
` knew of some other context where it would be a false
` statement.
` A. That isn't something that I've considered.
` Q. So is it your opinion that it would be obvious
` to try to use a VPN network with Karol?
` A. Right here in Paragraph 266 of my '048
` declaration:
` "In my opinion, the knowledge and common sense
` of the person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of
` the invention was sufficient to extrapolate from the
` disclosures of Karol to such an interpretation at least
` because this was within the skill of person of ordinary
` skill in the art at the time of the invention, obvious to
` try and yielded predictable results as evident by at least
` the following reasons."
` And I provide, let's see, seven enumerated reasons
` why I believe that's true. That's just with respect to
` the knowledge of the person of ordinary skill.
` In addition to that, I also consider the
` combination of Karol and an additional reference, which I
` denoted as "Stallings" in this declaration for shorthand,
` and provided reasons why a person of ordinary skill would
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`Page 18
` be specifically motivated to combine Karol and Stallings.
` That said, it is my opinion that there is no
` need -- no requirement to explicitly combine Karol and
` Stallings, that simply the common sense and knowledge of
` the person of ordinary skill alone in combination with
` Karol would meet the limitations of this exemplary
` Claim 5 which includes, amongst other limitations, that a
` selected network interface is a VPN.
` Q. If the selected network interface is a VPN,
` where would the VPN interface be located in the context of
` Karol?
` A. Well, a VPN is effectively a tunnel, an
` encapsulating tunnel through, typically considered to be
` through an internet-based network, a network that's based
` on IP protocol.
` So Karol describes, amongst many things, the use of
` a parallel network for connectivity between disparate
` sites with one path being connection oriented and another
` path being connectionless oriented, typically over an
` IP-based protocol.
` So one would normally look to the CL-CO gateway or
` additional routers disclosed within Karol as being the
` interface into the connectionless path between the
` disparate sites as being the place where a VPN interface
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`Page 19
` would be located.
` That said, I note that Karol -- again, my
` description of Claim 1, so not just the cited details
` here for Claim 5, would be appropriate for showing where
` that network interface is.
` Q. When you said that the interface could be at
` other routers in Karol, what other routers are you talking
` about?
` A. Those would be the other additional routers
` that are described in Karol.
` I'll point you to my expert declaration here in the
` '048 and the description of Claim 1. I reference that
` here in Paragraph 262 and describe that the controller,
` Claim 1, which includes network interfaces, is described
` in Paragraph -- for at least the reasons summarized in
` Paragraphs 148 to 204 above.
` Q. Have you ever personally configured a router
` for frame relay?
` A. I think I may have done that in the context of
` litigation previously but not for this particular case.
` Frame relay is very old, obsolete technology at this point
` in time.
` Q. "At this point in time," do you mean today as
` we sit here?
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`Page 20
` A. Yes, yes. I mean, it was old 20 years ago,
` but it's extremely old today.
` Q. Have you ever configured a router for
` multiprotocol label switching?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have you ever configured a router for
` asynchronous transfer mode?
` A. I believe so.
` Q. Have you ever configured a router for network
` failover?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have you ever configured a router for OSPF?
` A. I believe so, but often OSPF is just a default
` so there's not really much configuration required.
` Q. Are you familiar with the OSPF specification?
` A. Not right off -- I don't have it memorized.
` I've seen it before.
` Q. What networks have you personally designed
` that include both LAN and WAN?
` A. Is that a question?
` Q. Yes.
` A. Can you repeat the question?
` Q. Well, let me start in smaller steps, maybe.
` Have you ever personally architected a network that
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`Page 21
` has both a LAN and a WAN?
` A. I've developed products that bridge from a LAN
` to a WAN, so --
` Q. Those were the router products you were
` talking about before?
` A. Correct, or at least those would be some of
` them, yes.
` Q. Have you ever personally written network
` routing software?
` A. I've supervised engineers who were writing
` Layer 3 software.
` Q. What were the circumstances for that
` supervision?
` A. At least while I was the chief technology
` officer of Fastback Networks as well as the chief
` technology officer of Proxim, Incorporated.
` Q. What does "OES" -- I'm sorry, what does "OSPF"
` stand for?
` A. Well, I can look it up for you, but if we're
` doing a --
` Q. "Open shortest path first"?
` A. Yeah. I was going to say, if you want to do a
` memory test, I'm going to say "open shortest path first,"
` but I'd prefer not to guess from memory.
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`Page 22
` Q. Do you have an understanding of how OSPF
` works?
` A. I have a general understanding, yes.
` Q. Does OSPF use link-state advertisements?
` A. I believe it can use link-state
` advertisements.
` Q. Is a link-state advertisement the same thing
` as an LSA?
` A. That's the acronym that I believe the Karol
` patent uses for "link-state advertisement." Whether
` that's a standard industry acronym, I just don't remember.
` These are very old protocols.
` Q. What is a link-state advertisement?
` A. I'm going strictly by memory, but as I recall
` it, it's a multicast update that advertises, effectively,
` the current status of a particular link between one router
` port and another router port.
` Q. How frequently do those updates occur in OSPF?
` A. That, I don't recall.
` Is there a specific claim that you're interested
` in? I'm not familiar with where the frequency of update
` is claimed in either of the asserted '235 or '048 patent
` claims.
` Q. What portions of a network use link-state
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`Page 23
` advertisements?
` A. So you didn't answer my clarification
` question, Counsel. Are you just not planning to answer my
` question?
` Q. No. What portions of a network use link-state
` advertisements?
` A. What portions of what networks?
` Q. Well, let's just talk about the CL network in
` Karol. Do any portions of Karol's CL network use
` link-state advertisements?
` A. You'll have to point me to something specific
` in Karol.
` Q. Figure 1. There are depicted CL networks in
` Figure 1. Does Karol disclose using link-state
` advertisements in connection with Figure 1?
` A. I'll have to read it -- (perusing document.)
` All right, Counsel, I've taken just a brief look
` here at the Karol reference with respect to link-state
` advertisements. I'm not aware of any asserted claim of
` either the '235 or the '048 patent that recites a
` limitation of link-state advertisements and certainly the
` recited limitations are what are reflected in my
` declarations in this matter, but it does appear that
` there is a description of an exemplary embodiment of a
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`Page 24
` network -- or at least of the CL-CO gateways that also
` appear in Figure 1 where there is a description of the
` concept of having the CL-CO gateways generate link-state
` advertisements. That does seem to be within the Karol
` patent.
` Q. Where is that description in Karol?
` A. Well, one exemplary place, at least, would be
` at Column 14, lines 23 to 27, for example.
` Q. Have you ever heard of a MinLSInterval?
` A. A what?
` Q. MinLSInterval, M-I-N-L-S-I-N-T-E-R-V-A-L.
` A. In what context?
` Q. In the context of OSPF.
` A. Again, I'm not familiar with that being a
` limitation in any of the asserted claims of the '235
` patent or the '048 patent.
` I don't recall that term specifically, and I don't
` really see how that's relevant to any of the asserted
` claims of the '235 or '048 patents.
` Q. In the context of OSPF, have you ever heard of
` an InfTransDelay spelled I-N-F-T-R-A-N-S-D-E-L-A-Y?
` A. Well, again, I'm going by memory, but I don't
` recall that being a recited limitation of any of the
` asserted claims of the '235 patent or of the asserted
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`Page 25
` claims of the '048 patent.
` And then as a parameter within OSPF, it's been
` awhile since I've read the OSPF specification and I
` really don't have it memorized. Of course, if that had
` been a limitation in any of the asserted claims, I
` probably would have looked at it in the context of my
` analysis that I did for this matter.
` Q. Your declarations include analysis of OSPF,
` right?
` A. I don't know that they do or don't
` specifically include an analysis of OSPF because OSPF was
` not a limitation that was asserted -- or, excuse me, not a
` limitation that I saw within any of the asserted claims of
` the '235 or '048 patents.
` Q. I may have missed your answer previously, but
` have you ever heard of an InfTransDelay in the context of
` A. I may have.
` Q. But sitting here today, you don't recall?
` A. As I said previously, I don't have the OSPF
` specification memorized, and I'm not -- it's not apparent
` to me, and you certainly have not provided any context for
` me whatsoever as to what, if any, asserted claim of the
` '235 or '048 patent recites a limitation that would
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`Page 26
` require a detailed description of OSPF at the level that
` you're asking me in order to show

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