FatPipe, Ex. 2004, pg. 1
`Talari v. FatPipe
`FatPipe, Ex. 2004, pg. 1
`Talari v. FatPipe


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`FatPipe, Ex. 2004, pg. 2
`Talari v. FatPipe


`FatPipe, Ex. 2004, pg. 3
`Talari v. FatPipe
`FatPipe, Ex. 2004, pg. 3
`Talari v. FatPipe


`FatPipe, Ex. 2004, pg. 4
`Talari v. FatPipe
`FatPipe, Ex. 2004, pg. 4
`Talari v. FatPipe


`FatPipe, Ex. 2004, pg. 5
`Talari v. FatPipe
`FatPipe, Ex. 2004, pg. 5
`Talari v. FatPipe


`(pleased with the ~ appreciation of his books —-Osbert Sitwell) —- se-
`lect-able \s9»'lek-ta~bal\ adj _— se-lect-ncss \sa—'lek(t)-nas\ n — se-
`lec-tor \sa-'lek-tar\ n
`zgelect vi (1567) : to choose (as by fitness or excellence) from a number
`or group : pick out ~ vi :
`to make a choice
`Iselect n (1610) : 'one that is select — often used in pl.
`se-lect-ed adj (1590) : SELECI; specif : of a higher grade or quality than
`the ordinary
`se-lcct-ee \so-.lek-'tE\ n (1940) 1 : one inducted into militaryservice
`under selective service 2 : one who is chosen from a group by fitness
`or preference
`5e.1ec-tron \sa~'lek-s.hon\ 71 (cal- 1623)
`1 : the act or process of select-
`ing : the s_tate of being selected 2 : one that is selected : CHOICE; also
`; a collection of selected things ‘ 3 : a natural or artificial process that
`results or tends to result in the survival and propagation of some indi-
`viduals or organisms but not of others with the result that the inherited
`traits of the survivors are perpetuated — compare DARWINISM, NATURAL
`suecrron _s_Vn see Ci-force
`sedec-tion-ist \-sh(a-)nist\ n (H392) : one who considers natural s'elec~
`tion a fundamental factor in evolution W selectionlst adj
`se-let:-tiv_e \sa-'lek—t_iv\ adj (1625) 1 : of, relating to, or characterized
`by selection : selecting or tending to select 2 : highly specific in activ~
`ity or effect (~ pesticides) <~ absorption) — se-lee-tive-ly adv —' se-
`lec-tiye-ness n —- se-lee-tiv-i-ty \sa-.1ek-'ti~va-té. .s€-\ n
`selective service n (1917) : a system under which men are called up
`for military service: DRAFT
`se-lect-man \si-‘lek(t), -.1ek(t)-'man, —'lek.(t)-man; 'se‘-.1ek(t)\
`n (1635) : one of a board of officials elected in towns of all New En-
`gland states~except—Rhode Island to serve as the chief administrative
`authority of the town
`'se1en- ar se1eno- comb form L selen-. fr. Gk selén-, fr. seI§nE—- more
`at SELENIUM : moon (selenium (selennlogy>
`1selen; or se eni- comb form [Sw, fr. NL selenium] : selenium (selenif-
`sel-e-nate \'se-la-.n§’t\ ii [Sw selenat, fr. selen of or containing seleriiurn,
`l'r. NL.telem'um] (1818) : a salt containing the anion SeO41‘
`Se-1e-no \-so-‘1é—né\ n :
`the Greek goddess of the moon
`sel-e-nide \'se-la-.nid\ n (1849): a binary compound of selenium with
`a more eleetropositive element or group

`sel-e-i_1if~er-ous \.se-laA'ni-f(a-)ras\ adj (1823) : containing or yielding
`‘sclcnium (~ vegetation) (~ soils) '
`sel-e-nite \'se-13-,nit\ n [ME'selt'nete. fr. L selenltes, fr. Gk selEnitEs
`(lirhos), 1it., stone of the moon, fr. Selene‘; fr. the belief that it waxed and
`waned with the moon] (15c) : avariety of gypsum ‘occurring in trans-
`parent crystals or crystalline masses ‘
`se-le-ni-um \sa-'lE-nE-am\ n [NL. fr. Gk seIEn§ moon, fr. relax bn‘ght-
`ness] (1818) : a nonmetallic element that resembles sulfur and te1lu-
`‘num_ chemically, is obtained chiefly as a by-product in copper refining,
`and is a photoconductive semiconductor in its crystalline form — see
`selenium cell it (1880) :, an insulated strip of selenium mounted with
`3electrodes and used as a pliotoconductive element
`s_e-1e-no-cen-tric \sa-.16-na-'sen’—trik\'adj [ISV] (ca. 1852) : of or relat-
`ing to the center of the moon; also : referred to or involving the moon
`as a center
`sel-e-nol_-0-gs’ \.se—1a-'n'a-la-jE\ n (1821) : a branch of astronomy that
`deals with the moon —- se-le-no-log-l-cal \.se~1a-no-‘la-ji-kal. sa-,le-
`n=l-'a—\ ad ‘ ~— sel-e-nol-o-gist \.se-la-'n'a-lo-jist\ n
`\sa—'li.l—sad, sol-‘yii~\ n [NL seleucides. fr. Seleucus I] (1851)
`: a_member of a Greek dynasty ruling Syria and at various times other
`Asian territories from 312 no to 64 B.C.—— Seleucid adj
`lself \'self. Southern also —'set\ pron [ME (intensive pron.), fr'.- OE; akin
`to OHG selb, intensive pron., and prob‘ to L suus one‘s own —more at
`SUKCIDE] (bef. 12c): MYSELF. H1MSE1.F. HE1lSE1.F(cl1eCl( payable to ~)
`7self adj (bet. 12c) 1-obs: IDENTICAL. SAME 2 abr: belonging to oneself
`= Owl; 3
`a : having a single character or quality throughout; Specif
`: havin one color only (2: ~ flower) b : of the same kind (as in color,
`matena , or pattem)‘as something with which it is used (~ trimming)
`3self )1. pl selves \'selvz. Southern also 'sevz\ (He)
`a : the entire
`person of an individual
`I) :
`the realization or embodiment of an ab-
`straction 2 2 (1) : ‘an individual’s typical character or behavior'(her
`true ~ was revealed)
`(2) : an individual's temporary behavior or
`character (his better ~) b : a person in
`rime condition (feel like my
`Old ~ today) 3 :
`the union of elements £5 body, emotions, thoughts,
`and sensations) that constitute the individuality and identity of a per-
`_-3 : personal interest or advantage 5 : material that is part of an
`Individual organism (ability of the immune system to distinguish ~
`from nonself)
`‘self vi (1914)
`1 :
`INBREED 2: to pollinate pollen from the same
`flower or plant ~ vi:
`to under o sell-pollination
`59115 comb farm [ME, fr.- OE,
`1-. self]
`a :‘ oneself or itself (selfi
`§“PDOrting) b 2 of oneself or itself (sclflabasement)
`‘e : by oneself or
`lfsclf (self-propelled) (selflacting) 2 s : to. with, for, or toward one-
`self or itself (.relf~consistent) (self-addressed) (self-love)
`b : of or in
`oneself or itself inherently (self-evident)
`c : from or by means of orie-
`self or itself (self-fertile)
`self—ahasc-rnent '
`_ self-ad-ver-tisner
`sell-af-tinma-tion -
`'self—ag-gran-dlzaing -
`self-can-firm-ing »
`self-ai1.ynit.ter1-ly '
`se1f—con-tempt »'
`select 0 self-assembly
`self—pla-gia«risrn '
`- self-pl'0<m0l-BI’
`self-ref-er~en-tial '« 5‘
`, self-reg-u-la-to-ry
`self-sat-1-ribing n_-
`' self—
`se1f—wur-ship-er ,
`self-cre -lion
`al "
`-cisin *
`se1i—cu1-ti-we-tion '
`se1f—cu1-tiire V
`self-dc-cepzrion ‘
`se1I—in.fal-ix-at-ed .
`self-dep-re-cat-ing-ly »
`self-dep-re-ca-tion ‘

`self—de-scribed .
`-lei-«view -
`i self-la-holed
`self—emas-cu-la-tion ,
`. ‘self-ex-cul-pa-tion
`self-alum-doned \.se1f—a-‘ban-dond\ adj (1791) : abandoned by one-
`self; esp : given up to one‘s impulses
`t\ n (1818)
`I : a surrender of one‘s
`self—aban-don-ment \-don-man
`s 2: alack oi self-restraint
`selfish interestsor desire
`-'zorbd\ adj (1847) : absorbed in one‘s
`self-—ab-sorbed \-ab-'sorbd,
`own thoughts. activitits. or interests
`self—ab-sorp-tion \-'sorp-shan,
`-'zérp-\ J! (1862) : preoccupation with
`se1f—abuse \-9-‘\ n
`(1605) 1: reproach of oneself 2: MASTURBA»
`'r1oN 3 : abuse of one‘s body or health
`acting or capable of acting of or
`se1.f—-act-ing \-‘alt-tii3\ adj (ca. 1680) :
`b itself: AUTOMATIC
`independent- and esp. self:
`se -ac-tiv-i-ty \-.ak—'ti-va—te\ n (1644) :
`determined activity
`self—ac-tn-n1-ize \-‘alt-ch
`(9-w)a-,li'z, -sh(a-w)a-.1iz\ vi (1874) : to realize
`fully one‘s potential —- se1f—ac-tu-a1-i-za-tion \-,ak-ch(o-w)a-la-'z5~
`shan, -sh(:>-w)a-la-\ rt
`(1904) : addressed for return
`self—ad-dressed \-a-'drest. -'a-.drest\ adj-
`to the sender (a ~ envelope)
`SElf—fld-h8'SiVe \-adfhé-siv, ~ziv\ adj (1958): having a side coated
`with an adhesive that sticks without wetting (~ labels)
`self—ad-just-ment \-a-'jas(t)-
`mont\ n (1548) : adjustment to oneself or
`one‘s environment
`self-ad-mi-ra-tion-\—ma-'ra-shen\ n (l66l) : SELF-CONCE.1'1‘
`self—af-feet-ed \-a-'fek-tad\ adj (1606) : CONCEl'l'ED.SELF-LOVING
`by an
`a systematic attempt
`se1f—ana1-y-sis \-a~'na-19-sos\ n (1860) :
`ality without the aid of
`individual to understand his or her own person
`another person
`'1-‘i—ti-ka1\ also self-an-a-lyt-in adj (1943)
`: using self-analysis
`self-an-ni-hi-la-tion \-a-,nf-9-'15-shan
`\ ll (1647) {annihilation of the
`self (as in mystical contemplation of God)
`self—-ap-plaud-ing \-a'-'plo-dii3\ adj (1654) : marked by self-applause
`(167 B) : an expression or feeling of approval
`se1.f—ap-plause \-'plo7.\ n
`of oneself
`in-tad\ adj U799)": appointed ‘by oneself
`self-ap-pojntged \~9~'p(')
`the process bywhich a com-
`se1f——as-sem-bly \-3-'sem-blé\ n (1966)
`llagen) or a supramolecular system (as a
`plex macromolecule (as co
`\a\ abut
`\°\ kitten, F table \ar\ further \a\‘asli
`\a\ ace \'a\ mop, mar
`\ai'i\ out
`\ch\ chin
`\é\ easy
`\g\ go
`\i\ hit
`\i\ ice
`\IJ\ sing \6\ go \<':\lnw \<')i\ boy \tli\tliin \,th\ the \ii\ loot
`\y\ yet
`\zh\ vision \a, 15. ", ce, :1, ie, E. ’\ see Guide to Pronunciation
`FatPipe, Ex. 2004, pg. 6
`Talari v. FatPipe

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