`University of British Columbia
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology
`Trial IPR2016-00952
`GE v. UTC
`Trial IPR2016-00952
`Original Edition entitled Mechanics /.1/m’ T/iemiodynaiiiics OfPr0/)1/l.s'i0n, Second Edition, by Hill,
`Philip; Peterson, Carl, published by Pearson Education, Inc, publishing as Prentice Hall, Copyright
`© 1992.
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`First Impression, 2010
`Nineteenth Impression, 2013
`Twentieth Impression, 2014
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`area to inlet area. The internal pressure rise depends on the reduction of velocity
`between entry to the inlet diffuser and entry to the compressor (or burner, for
`a ramjet). Nacelle size required for low drag can be quite strongly dependent on
`the degree of external deceleration. In realistic analyses one must consider com-
`pressibility effects.
`Inlet Performance Criterion
`As Chapter 5 showed, one may characterize the differences between actual
`and ideal performance of aircraft engine inlets by a “diffuser efficiency” or by a
`stagnation pressure ratio. We define these as follows:
`a. Isentropic efficiency. Referring to Fig. 6.5, we can define the isentropic
`efficiency of a diffuser in this form:
`h(J2s _ ha ~ T02: _ Tu
`hfla _ ha
`T0a _ Ta .
`is defined as the state that would be reached by isentropic compression
`to the actual outlet stagnation pressure. Since
`T025 = I2 (771)/7
`and T2 =1 + y — 1M2,
`the diffuser efficiency 71,; is also given by
`(P02/pa)(7‘1)/7 _ 1
`[(7 ~ 1)/21M2
`b. Stagnation pressure ratio, rd. The stagnation pressure ratio,
`rd = P02/p0aa
`1.00 0.95 0.90
`FIGURE 6.6 Typical subsonic diffuser performance; 7 = 1.4.
`is widely used as a measure of diffuser performance. Diffuser efficiency and stag-
`nation pressure ratio are, of course, related. In general,
`and, with Eqs. (6.4) and (6.5),
`& = 22 . P_o« = _m(1+ 7 -1M2)”"“’,
`(1 + ‘Y ‘ 1M2)(rd)(-y'1)/7 _ 1
`[(7 — 1)/2lM2
`Because 1),, will be primarily affected by the internal deceleration (“diffusion”),
`it is unfortunate that these criteria are based on overall deceleration rather than
`on internal deceleration. The relationship between internal and external decel-
`eration depends on engine mass flow rate as well as flight Mach number M. But
`for illustrative purposes Fig. 6.6 gives typical values of stagnation pressure ratio
`rd. The diffuser efficiency 1),, was calculated from rd, with the use of Eq. (6.6).
`Even for supersonic flight it remains necessary, at least for present designs,
`that the flow leaving the inlet system be subsonic. Compressors capable of ingest-
`ing a supersonic airstream could provide very high mass flow per unit area and,
`theoretically at least, very high pressure ratio per stage. However, the difficulty of
`passing a fully supersonic stream through the compressor without excessive shock
`losses (especially at off-design conditions) has so far made the development of
`fully supersonic compressors a possibility that is somewhat remote. As we will
`see in Chapter 8, the Mach number of the axial flow approaching a subsonic