`USOUSI 66739132
`(12) Ulllted States Patent
`Dow et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45; Date of Patent:
`US 8,166,739 B2
`*May 1, 2012
`Iiivciiiiirsz Paul W. Dow. Hymn. NY (U8): Steven
`S. Dow. iiymn. NY (US): Mark M.
`Wiiildruff. l3<:i'gi:ii. NY (US)
`( * ) Niilic:i:'
`(73) Assigiiee: Oxbo International Corporation.
`‘;lllJjCl.)l iii any disclziiiiicr llic lcrrn of lhi‘-I
`piilcnl is cxlcndcd or adjiislcd under 35
`U.S.C. 15403) by Odays.
`1l‘llS pailuiit is Sl.ll3_]{.’Cl 10 a lermiiieil (.llS-
`(21) Appl.No.:
`Oct. 19, 2010
`2.I68.266 A
`2.195.381 A
`3'§40'00§ ;\
`3_515_403 A
`3.650.096 A
`3-595-015 A
`3.?09.3-60 A
`3.114.155 A
`4_(}53_1';'g _,\
`4.184.314 A
`4.23234‘; A
`4346.909 A
`4.4lJ9.'.I"8U A "’
`8-"I939 Mcfilwain
`3.-‘I940 Patterson
`fifricrjlrick cl ‘I
`3j_..l955 RWEE
`3.-‘I972 Calilwell
`1'3-"1973 TWidfl1'-’<=l=ll-
`|:'l‘)T3 Baker
`2.-1973 Fnderetal.
`heedatlldel al'
`[]_i[9—_i~; mlkcmmn cta[_
`M980 llobbs
`ll.-‘I980 Pfenningerelill.
`l0:'l983 Beoilghcretal.
`I"()Rl7,lCiN I-’A'l_IiN'I‘ I)[)C‘lJMliN'l'S
`G 90 [4 43“
`Prior Publication Data
`Related US. Application Data
`(63) Coiiliniiaticin ol‘applicalioi1 N0. lli‘388,(i92. filed on
`Mar. 24. 2006. iiow Pal. N0. 7.827374. which is a
`cmitinuaiioii ofzippliczitioii No. 101405.030. filed on
`Mar‘ _'i,1_ 2003. new pat‘ N0‘ 7_31(}_929_
`I page (Jul. 21. 2000): wilh English
`“Snel schiid—."haIksysIeeii1”-
`uanslauom 2 pages‘
`P””""'-"’E"“”"”“’_Al‘°.la T°”‘35
`(74) Ai'!0riic_i'. Agar.-‘f. or 1‘H‘J'l'l'
`- Mcrclielnl 8'. (iould PC.
`.401!) 43/00
`(52) U.S. (:1.
`(58) held uf(.lassIlicatIon Search
`56i'l92; 56f228
`See application tile for complete searcli liistnrv.
`( 0
`C d
`R 1-
`9 Crane“ He
`U.S. l-’A'l'l“.N'l‘ I)()('UMliN'l‘S
`I.8'?'?.519 A
`95193:’. Mactjrcgor
`i.877.7?U A
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`-”‘_“"““1“"“ ”1“”‘é“” hf“ 3 “:"““'~’ ‘“PP"°'““‘$ ms‘: “‘°-“’°“d “ad
`third pickup assemblies. with the two outside pickup assem-
`blleb loldzible betw_eif:ii an extencled ubo positioii and_ a
`retracted Lnivel posilion.
`liach 01 111:: pickup asseiiiblics
`iiicliides ii reversible conveyor providing multiple windmw
`iiiergiiig configiiraiioiis. The pickup asseiiihlws are inter-
`cliaiigcable and aligiied in defille an iinnhslriicled pickup
`1 Claim, 24 Drawing Shoots
`Exhibit 1003
`H&S Mfg. Co., Inc.
`V. Oxbo Int'1 C0.
`H&S Mfg Co., Inc.
`Page 1 of 31
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`US 8,166,739 B2
`4481-904 4
`4.521.437 A
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`41733-993 A
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`“-395~733’- 5‘
`4.910.951 A
`4.931.013 A
`5-031-394 *‘
`5.111.535 A
`5.111944 A
`5.203.154 A
`5.507.139 A
`5.393.252 A
`5.911.525 A ~*
`5.956.934 A
`5.954.073 A
`5.205.357 31*
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`431937 lloneyetal.
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`"199" SW“
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`611999 vonA11wmc1cn ........... .. 4501119
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`1011999 Guinn
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`“'0 37-M5793
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`20D5'_.0§54244 M ”','.-2006
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`1012009 Bablcretal
`20090320434 A1
`1212009 Pourchctcta].
`i-‘ORIEIGN PA'l‘F.N'1"I)()ClJMlr1N'l‘S
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`U.S. Patent
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`U S Patent
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`and width limitations when folded. Controls and mechanisms
`US 3,166,739 B2
`This application is a continuation of application Ser. No.
`111388.692. filed Mar. 24. 2006: which is a continuation of
`application Ser. No. l0f405.030. filed Mar. 31. 2003. now
`U.S. Pat. No. 7.310.929: which applications are incorporated
`herein by reference.
`]. Field of the invention
`The present invention relates to a windrow tnerger appara-
`tus and a method of merging windrows. In particular. the
`present" invention relates to a windrow merging apparatus and
`method having more than two heads and conveyor assem-
`2. Description of the Prior Art
`Devices for merging windrows are well known and are
`used to gather material. such as cut hay that might be wind-
`rowed. and merge it into a single windrow for harvesting or
`baling. Such windrow mergers have typically included a
`single pickup head and are either self propelled or pulled
`behind a tractor to move the material to a single row at one
`side of the merger. When used on a relatively small scale.
`these devices generally function in a satisfactory manner.
`However. for large scale operations requiring merging on
`large fields, the capacity of such mergers is limited because of
`their width and may not be sullicient to merge the material at
`an adequate rate for subsequent pickup by other devices. The
`merging must often be performed during a small timeframe
`when conditions are favorable. A limiting factor for the size of
`the merger device has been the towing capacity oftractors and
`other propulsion devices. However as larger. more powerful
`tractors are utilized. larger equipment may be used. The larger
`tractors have led to larger harvesting machinery so that the
`need exists for a merger with greater merging rates so as not
`to slow the harvest process.
`Although more power may be available to propel merger
`devices. other limitations are encountered that have restricted
`the size of windrow mergers. The machines must be trans-
`ported froni field to field and able to accomplish entry and exit
`in and out of fields, as well as meeting width limitations for
`transport on public highways and other roads without remov-
`ing the heads.
`In order to achieve a wider merger apparatus. folding merg-
`ers have been developed. such as shown in U.S. Pat. No.
`6.205.757 to Dow et al. The Dow et a]. "£57 patent has a two
`headed merger device that folds to a storage position for
`transport. In addition. the Dow device utilizes transverse con-
`veyors to move materially laterally and provide various con-
`figurations lhr moving material to the desired windrow. The
`Dow et al. ‘757 patent teaches a device that is successful in
`providing higher capacity. greater width. and improved meth-
`ods of merging while folding to a storage position for trans-
`port. However. further improvements to windrow mergers are
`Utilizing wider folding heads provides design challenges.
`especially achieving a linkage for folding wide heads and
`providing acceptable support. while limiting the loads and
`torque in operating positions. storage positions and during
`movement between the use position and the transport posi-
`tion. In order to achieve higher capacity. the heads may be
`widened. but the design becomes more complicated and dif-
`ficult due to moving wider heads and staying within height
`for a folding more than two heads are not contemplated in the
`prior art.
`Moreover, another problem that devices having multiple
`heads su [fer from is that they typically form a gap between the
`ends of adjacent pickup heads so that some material may be
`missed in the field as the merger advances. Motors and other
`drive equipment have typically been positioned at ends of
`heads, providing an obstruction between the ends of the
`heads. requiring a gap between the end now of tines adjacent
`the heads. Operating prior adjustable conveyors at a sufficient
`rate so that material is passed from one conveyor to the other
`has required spacing that allows for adjustment. which pro-
`hibits an unobstructed pickup face without gaps. Achieving a
`conveyor that does not require adjustable end rollers would
`improve the liability and eliminate constant adjustment for
`different configurations. If such manual adjustment is not
`required. control of the merger apparatus and changing
`between different operating configurations. or changing
`between storage and use positions could be accornplisliod
`remotely by an operator ofthe towing vehicle without having
`to manually adjust conveyor heads and other equipment. The
`utility ofsuch a merger apparatus is increased ifsuch changes
`and configurations may be made remotely during merging
`without having to stop.
`It can be seen that a new and improved windrow merging
`apparatus is needed. Such a merger should provide for a wider
`effective pickup face that can accommodate various spacing
`ofwindrows and material and an unobstructed pickup face so
`that material is not missed in the field. Such a merger appa-
`ratus should provide for a merger having more than two heads
`and allow for folding ofthe heads between a use position and
`a storage position. providing for transport on public reads. A
`merg '1' having conveyors with fixed heads that do not require
`adjustment increases l.l1e reliability and elliciency of such a
`merger. The present invention addresses these as well as other
`problems associated with windrow merging devices and
`merging operations.
`The present invention is directed to a windrow merger
`apparatus. such as is commonly used to merge cut hay andfor
`windrows into larger windrows for harvesting or baling. The
`windrow merger apparatus is configured for being lowed by a
`tractor or other vehicle. or may be self-propelled. The merger
`includes a frame and three pickup and transfer assemblies in
`a preferred embodiment. Each of the pickup and transfer
`assemblies includes a pickup head and an associated con-
`veyor. The pickup heads have sets oftines that extend radially
`outward from the head spaced along the length of the head.
`transverse to the direction of travel. The lines rotate and pick
`the hay or other material up and send it rearward to an asso-
`ciated conveyor for moving to a single windrow. The heads
`include removable guards intennediate the sets of lines.
`Motors and related equipment are recessed so that the heads
`are closely aligned with the tines having an unobstructed face
`to the hay or other material as the merger travels. Star wheels
`having a ratcheted outer periphery configured for engaging
`material on the ground and rotating to aid in picking up the
`material may be disposed intermediate ends of adjacent
`pickup heads so that an unobstructed and continuous pickup
`face is achieved. In one embodiment. the pickup heads also
`include skid assemblies that support the heads and ride over
`the ground. The skid assemblies are positioned to the rear of
`the heads so as notto interrupt the continuity ofthe face ofthe
`tines as the merger apparatus travels.
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`US 3,166,739 B2
`111 one embodiment, the piclcup heads are placed under a
`preloaded torque to position the heads slightly lower than
`without the torque and are spring loaded as the pickup heads
`travel and engage the uneven terrain. In this manner, the heads
`more easily “float" over the uneven grotutd.
`The merger has a linkage that is hydraulically driven in a
`preferred embodiment that folds tl1c outer pickup and transfer
`assemblies rearward and inwa rd. The center pickup and trans-
`fer assembly can be moved upward and downward in a piv-
`oting type motion. When the pickup and transfer assemblies
`are raised. each outer assembly rests on supports in its raised
`and folded position. The folding systems are driven by
`hydraulic cylinders and provide for folding and unfolding
`even while tl1e merger apparatus is moving and operating.
`liaeli of the pickup and transfer assemblies includes a con-
`veyor assembly associated with each pickup head. Sltronds
`extend in an arcing configuration at the rear of the conveyors
`over the top to direct material thing from the heads onto the
`conveyors. The conveyors are driven by hydraulic motors in a
`preferred embodiment and are operable in either direction so
`that multiple merging configurations and operations are pos-
`sible. The merging arrangement selected is varied by adjust-
`ing both the configuration of the pickup and transfer assem-
`blies and the direction of the conveyors.
`In a preferred embodiment. the conveyors include pulleys
`or rollers that are formed with blades radially disposed
`around a periphery of the pulley and engaging the conveyor
`belt. The pulleys do not have a through axle and the blades
`chop up material that falls oifof the conveyor. Such a con-
`figuration also helps to avoid clogging; which may occur with
`material engaging through axles zmd other moving pans.
`Such pulleys also reduce the weight of the machine when
`compared to conventional pulleys.
`Controls for the merger can be remotely actuated from the
`cab if the merger is self propelled, or from the cab of the
`tractor or other propulsion device. Since hydraulic motors
`drive the various systems on the merger, central hydraulic
`controls provide for simple, reliable remote actuation that can
`be accomplished from the cab ofa towing vehicle while the
`merger operates and continues to travel. 'll1e tractor and the
`merger t11ay simultaneously be operated from a single loca-
`tion by one person with such a control arrangement.
`These features ofnovelty and various other advantages that
`characterize the invention are pointed out with particularity in
`the claims annexed hereto and fonning a part hereof. How-
`ever. for a better understanding of the invention. its advan-
`tages. and the objects obtained by its use. reference should be
`made to the drawings which form a further part hereof. and to
`the accompanying descriptive matter, in which there is illus-
`trated and described a preferred embodiment of the present
`Referring to the drawings wherein like reference numerals
`and letters indicate corresponding elements throughout the
`several views:
`FIG. I is a perspective view ofa merger apparatus accord-
`ing to the principles ofthe present invention in a use position
`with conveyor shrouds removed for clarity:
`FIG. 2 is atop plan view ofthe merger shown in FIG. 1 in
`the use position;
`FIG. 3 is a side elevational view of the merger shown in
`FIG. 1 iii the use position:
`FIG. 4 is a front perspective view of the merger shown in
`FIG. 1 in the use position;
`FIG. 5 is a perspective view of the merger shown in FIG. 1
`with two heads at a folded position:
`FIG. 6 is atop plan view ofthe merger shown in FIG. 5 with
`the two outer heads at the folded position;
`F IG. 7 is a side elevational view of the merger shown in
`1'' 1G. 5 with the two ottter heads at the folded position and the
`center head raised;
`FIG. 8 is a front perspective view of the merger shown in
`FIG. I with one head at a folded position;
`FIG. 9 is a rear perspective view of tlie merger shown in
`FIG. 8 with one head at a folded position;
`FIG. 10 is a side elevational view ofa star wheel device for
`the merger apparatus shown in FIG. 1:
`FIG. 11 shows an end sectional view of a hexagonal shaft
`construction utilized in the conveyor ofthe merger apparatus:
`FIG. 12 sltows a schematic view of the control system for
`the merger apparatus shown in FIG. 1:
`FIG. 13 is an elevational of a pretorque device showing a
`head angled from the pretorque and at a non-torqued position
`in phantom:
`FIG. 14 is a bottom perspective view of the merger shown
`in FIG. 1:
`FIG. 15 is a perspective view ofa head assembly according
`to the principles of the present invention;
`FIG. 16 is a bottom perspective view of a conveyor:
`FIG. 17 is an end sectional view ofa pickup and transport
`FIG. 18 is an end elevational view ofthe pre—torque device
`for the head of the merger:
`FIG. 19 is a partially exploded perspective view of a pickup
`and transport assembly for the merger apparatus;
`FIG. 20 is a perspective partially exploded view of a con-
`veyor for the merger apparatus;
`FIG. 21 is a perspective view ofa conveyor roller: and
`FIGS. 22-24 are diagrammatic views of patterns of merger
`methods according to the principles of the present invention.
`[)F.'l‘Al LED l)l~".SCRlP'[‘lON
`Referring now to the drawings. and in particular to FIG. I.
`there is shown a merger apparatus. generally designated 100.
`A towing device. generally a tractor 1000 tows the merger
`apparatus 100. In other configurations. the merger apparatus
`100 tnay be self propelled. such as is well known to those
`skilled in the an and the principles of the present invention
`apply to towed and self-propelled devices.
`As shown generally in FIGS. 1-4, the merger includes three
`pickup and transfer assemblies. designated 104. 106 and 108.
`The assemblies 104. 106 and 108 are supported on a frame-
`work l01 including folding arms 102 that provides for move-
`ment of the outer assemblies 104 and 108 between a use
`position and a folded position, as explained hereinafter. The
`merger apparatus 100 includes steerable rear wheels 114 and
`a hitch 110 for mounting to the tractor 1000. A steering
`linkage 116. such as is well known in the art. connects the
`towing vehicle 1000 to the rear wheels 114 to improve track-
`ing so that the merger apparatus 100 substantially follows
`directly behind the towing vehicle 1000. A power take off
`typically provides the power to the merger apparatus 100
`from the towing vehicle 1000. In addition, the controls are
`tnounted in the cab ofthe towing vehicle 1000. as explained
`hereinafter. so that an operator may control all merger tittie-
`tions without having to stop the merging operation and make
`manual adjustments to the merger 100.
`The folding arm 102 is actuated by a linkage 118 to facili-
`tate moventent of the pivoting assemblies 104. I96 and 108
`between a use posit ion to a storage position. Each pickup and
`Page 28 of 31
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`US 8,166,739 B2
`transfer assembly 104. 106 and 108 includes a head unit,
`designated 124. 126 and 128 respectively. The heads 124. 126
`and 128 pick up and deliver tl1e crop rearward to correspond-
`ing conveyors 134. 136 and 138. As shown in FIGS. 4. 15 and
`16. each pickup and transfer assembly 104. 106 and 108
`includes an arcing shroud 160. The shrouds 160 intercept
`material that has been thrown rearward and directs it down-
`ward onto the corresponding conveyor. The shrouds 168 are
`shown removed for clarity in several of the views, but is
`foreseen that the shrouds 160 will be utilized in most merging
`The merger 100 has flexibility with respect to conveyor
`travel direction as well as with respect to the number ofheads
`operating. so that multiple configurations for different merg-
`ing needs and operation are possible. As shown in FIGS. 1-4,
`the merger 108 may be operated with all three pickup and
`transfer assemblies. 104. 106 and 188 in a lowered operating
`position. When operated in this mode_. the merger 180 can
`cover a much wider swath. merging more material and a
`greater number of windrows than is possible with prior
`merger devices.
`As shown i11 FIGS. 8 and 9. either of the ottter pickup
`assemblies, namely pickup assembly 104 or pickup assembly
`188, may he raised independently of each of the other assem-
`blies. With such a configuration. the merger 100 is able to
`operate with two ofthe pickup and transfer assemblies. there-
`fore merging a swath two thirds ofthe full width ofthe merger
`100. such as when configured as shown in FIGS. 1-4. Such a
`two head merging configttration may be needed for irregt1—
`larities it1 the terrain. to access smaller fields or irregular
`shaped fields. or for improved merging at edges of fields.
`As also shown in FIGS. 8 mid 9. either the assembly 1 04 or
`the assembly 108 may be raised independently of the other
`assemblies. This provides for merging while having either of
`the pickup and transfer assemblies 184 or 108 extending to
`one side or the other ofthe towing vehicle 1000. In addition.
`the conveyors 134. 136 and 138 are reversible. to be operable
`in bol11 directions so that material may be selectively trans-
`ported either to the left or the right. The conveyors 134. 136
`and 138 may also operate in either direction when one of the
`pickup and transport assemblies is raised. Willi such flexibil-
`ity, it is possible to direct material to the outer ends of the
`pickup and transport assemblies 184 or 108 or to either ofthe
`ends of transport assembly 106. depending on the configura-
`tion ofthe merger 100 and the needs ofthe merging apparatus.
`Referring now to FIGS. 5-7. the merger 100 may have both
`pickup assemblies 104 and 108 raised simultaneously while
`the center pickup and trans fer assembly 106 remains lowered
`in an operating position. The pickttp assemblies 104 and 108
`generally rest on supports 122 while raised and folded. The
`pickup assembly 106 may be operated as a single conveyor
`merger with its head 126 collecting material and throwing it
`backward to the associated conveyor 136 for transport to
`either end of the pickup assembly 106. With this configura-
`tion. even smaller areas may be accessed with a merger
`capable of collecting material from much greater area per
`pass than is possible with prior art merger devices. I11 addi-
`tion. as shown in FIG. 7. all of the pickup and transfer assem-
`blies I04. 186 and 108 may be raised for transporting the
`merger when not operating to coilect material. In I11is con-
`figuration. with all three pickup and transfer assemblies 184.
`I06. and I 08 are raised. the merger 180 is capable of transport
`on public roads. The pickup and transfer assemblies 104 and
`108 fold rearward and inward to minimize the overall width
`and height of the merger 100. The merger 100 has the addi-
`tional advantage of being centered behind the transport
`vehicle in its transport configuration. As the conveyors and
`folding linkages are independently operable, the merger 100
`may be operated continuously. even while the pickup and
`transfer assemblies 104. 186 and 188 are being raised or
`lowered. This control provides for continuous operation and
`improved efiiciency that is not possible with prior merger
`devices that require that the merger be stopped to raise, towel‘
`or otherwise adjust any ofthe merger‘s equipment.
`The pickup and transport assemblies 104 and 188 mount to
`the folding am 102 on motmts 192 attached to a pickup and
`transport assembly support frame 190 associated with each
`assembly 184 or 108. Each of the pickup and transfer assem-
`blies I04. I06 and 108 is interchangeable with the other
`pickup and transfer assemblies and vary only in their mount-
`ing to the merger 100. This interchangeability reduces the
`parts inventory necessary for servicing the merger device 100
`and decreases down time when repair of one of the pickup
`assemblies is required.
`Merger Heads
`Referring now to FIGS. 14. 15 and 17. the merger heads
`124. 126 and 128 include a multiplicity oftines 200 spaced
`along the length of each head. In addition. as shown most
`clearly in FIG. 17. the tines 208 are also spaced radially
`around the circumference of an arbor 168 along the length of
`the head. The tines 200 are somewhat flexible and are pivot-
`ally motmted to provide flexure should a tine engage the
`ground or otherobstacle. Intermediate the sets o ft ines 200 are
`guards 202 that extend around the top front and bottom of the
`arbor 168 and provide protection to the inner equipment ofthe
`heads. The guards 202 are straight members in a preferred
`embodiment that are bent and mounted under tension. as
`explained in co-pending Ll.S. patent application Ser. No.
`l0i’()27.93tJ. incorporated herein by reference. The tines 200
`and guards 282 are easily removable and replaced should
`damage occur. The guards 202 may be loosened at one end
`while rentaimng attached at a second end to provide easy
`access to damaged tines 200 and perform other maintenance.
`The heads include a housing 284 that is mounted to the
`corresponding pickup and transfer assembly on the preloaded
`torque assemblies 210 as shown in FIG. 19. The preloaded
`torque assemblies 210 provide a lifting force against the
`weight of the heads 124. 126 and 128 to improve the ride as
`the merger 108 travels over irregularities in the terrain. As
`shown most clearly in FIG. 17. the heads 124. 126 and 128 are
`mounted with approximately 15 degrees of bias from the
`preloaded torque assembly in variance to a non-torqued posi-
`tion. shown in phantom in 1-‘ IG. 13. The heads are therefore
`spring loaded and rise up and over rocks and other irregulari-
`ties with greater
`In addition to improving the ability to
`“ride" over irregularities. the preloading force improves per-
`formance by increasing contact time with material to be
`picked up. The flexure also decreases the damage and there-
`fore, maintenance and down time for the merger.
`Referring now to FIG. 18. the preloaded torque assembly
`210 includes a center rectangular floating element 212 that is
`supported by four resilient members 214 spaced on the four
`sides of the center floating element 21 2 . A housing 216 retains
`the center member 212 and the resilient support members 214
`and allows for mounting of the heads to the preloaded torque
`assembly 218.
`As shown most clearly in FIG. 15. a hydraulic motor 206
`drives each arbor 168 for the heads 124. 126 and 128. The
`hydraulic motor 206 is recessed into the housing 204 of the
`heads 124, 126 and 128. With the hydraulic motor 206
`recessed. the ends of the heads 124, 126 and 128 are posi-
`tioned substantially to abut one another. No obstru ctiondue to
`d.rive mechanisms. support wheels or other mechanisms
`inserted intermediate the adjacent heads is required. as was
`Page 29 of 31
`Page 29 of 31

`US 8,166,739 B2
`typical with previous merger devices. Therefore. the end tines
`202 of one head are close to the tines 202 of another head so
`that there are no large gaps between the heads as occur with
`previous merger devices. which had motors and other equip-
`ment between heads. In addition. the merger includes star
`wheels 162 nloiulted intermediate ends olithc heads 124 and
`126 and i11ter111ediate ends of tlie heads 126 and 128. The star
`wheels I62 are rotatably mounted to the housing 204 at the
`ends oftlie heads. as shown most clearly in FIG. 19. As shown
`in FIG. 10. the star wheels 162 include a number of teeth
`spaced around the periphery ofthe starwheel 162 in a notched
`configuration. As the star wheels 162 rotate. the notches and
`teeth intercept material that is not picked by the end tines 202
`of the adjacent heads and aids in directing the material rear-
`ward. The star wheels [62 eliminate gaps and minimize the
`material that is not picked up and left on the ground after the
`merger I00 passes.
`The heads 124. I26 and I28 of the present invention pro-
`vidc an unobstructed pickup face to engage the material to be
`windrowed as the merger 100 moves. Recessed hydraulic
`motors 206 allow for placing the ends of the heads 124. 126
`and 128 in close proximity to one another and eliminate the
`large gaps where prior art drive support mergers and other
`mechanisms and machinery were located. Moreover. the star
`wheels I62 inserted intemiediate the ends of heads 124. 126
`and intermediate the ends of the heads 126 and 128. as shown
`most clearly in FIG. 4, ensure that the face of the merger is
`unobstructed and continuous. The merger 100 provides
`improved pickup while achieving a greater width per pass
`than has been seen heretofore.
`A folding linkage 118 that is hydraulically driven accom-
`plishes the folding ofthe pickup and transfer assemblies 184.
`106 and 108. The outer pickup and transfer assemblies 104
`and 108 are folded rearward and inward from the use position
`shown in FIG. 1. to the storage position shown in FIG. 5. The
`pickup and transport assemblies 104 and 108 are directed up_.
`in and to the rear at the folded position shown in FIG. 5. The
`arms 102 ofthe folding frame 101 engage and rest on supports
`122 at their folded position. Folding o feach of the assemblies
`104, 106 and 108 can occur independently from folding ofthe
`other assemblies and can occur while the merger 100 is in
`operation and moving. The pickup and transfer assemblies
`104, 106 and 108 are substantially compact and are inter-
`changeable so that a spare head may be utilized amd mourned
`to either ofthe folding linkages 1 18 or mounted as the center
`head 106.
`Material Transport System
`Each of the pickup and transport assemblies 104, 106 and
`108 includes an associated conveyor assembly. 134. 136 and
`138 respectively. such as shown in FIGS. 1, 4. 5 and 14.
`Although not shown in several of the views, the conveyor
`assemblies include shrouds 160 as shown in FIG. 15. The
`shrouds 160 are generally positioned behind the rear edge of
`the conveyor and extend upward and forward in an arcing
`configuration over the conveyors to direct material thrown
`rearward by the heads down onto the moving conveyor. This
`configuration ensures that a greater percentage ofthe material
`is actually transferred and merged.
`Referring to FIGS. 16. 19 and 20. each of tlie conveyors
`I34. 136 and 138 includes a belt 170 mounted above end
`pulleys (also commonly called rollers] 172. The upper length
`of the belt 170 travels on horizontal supports 240 extending
`along the length of the belt. A tensioner pulley 1'74 is posi-
`tioned below and intermediate the end pulleys and mounts in
`a slot 178 in a tensioner plate 176. The slot 178 extends
`vertically so that the weight ofthe tensioner pulley 1'74 aids in
`providing proper tension to the conveyor belt 1

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