`United States Patent
`Inventor: Philip E. Eggers. Dublin. Ohio
`Assignee: Hemostatic Surgery Corporation.
`Sausalito. Calif.
`The term of this patent shall not extend
`beyond the expiration date of Pat. No.
`Appl. No.:
`Jan. 3, 1997
`Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`*Jun. 16, 1998
`Esser et al.
`Falk .
`Fdiling .
`Mclz/er et a1.
`Reimels .
`Rydell .
`Rose et a1.
`Klicek ....................................... 606/45
`1/ 1978
`575103 10/1977
`France .
`U.S.S.R. .
`U.S.S.R. .
`United Kingdom .
`United Kingdom .
`United Kingdom .
`[5 1]
`[5 3]
`[5 6]
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation of Ser. No. 257,065, Jun. 9, 1994, abandoned,
`which is a continuation of Ser. No. 877,704, May 1, 1992,
`Pat. No. 5,330,471. which is a continuation-in-part of Ser.
`No. 711,920, Jun. 7, 1991, abandoned.
`Int. Cl.° ..................................................... A6113 17/36
`U.S. Cl. .................................. 606/43; 606/42; 606/46
`Field or Search ........................................... 606/41-52
`J.D.K. Burton. The Lancet. “New Inventions” pp. 650-651.
`Oct. 24. 1959.
`S.L. Corson, ‘Two New Laparoscopic Instruments: Bipolar
`Sterilizing Forceps and Uterine Manipulator”. Medical
`Instrumentation. Jan.—Feb. 1977.
`The Cavitron Bipolar Coagulator. Cavilron Surgical Sys-
`tems. 1979.
`References Cited
`Mosher .
`Bierman .
`Raney .
`I-lildebrandt et al.
`Beurle .
`Wien .
`Bauer et al.
`Herczog .
`Cosman .
`Lottick .
`Auth .
`I-leimberger .
`Tlscher .
`Hayashi .
`Sorochenko .
`laeger .
`Blanch .
`Bauer et al.
`Shaw et al.
`Primary Examiner—David M. Shay
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Fish & Neave; Nicola A. Pisano
`instruments are provided that have
`Endoscopic surgical
`bipolar electrodes on opposing movable members for pass-
`ing a high frequency current through tissue for simu1ata—
`neously severing or manipulating the tissue and causing
`hemostasis of the tissue. An electrically insulating material
`is interposed between the movable members so that the
`eleclrodes are spaced apart from 0.002 to 0.050 inches and
`the current passes between the opposing electrodes through
`the tissue. Methods of endoscopically achieving hemostasis
`while simultaneously. manipulating and cutting tissue are
`also provided. Use of a constant voltage high frequency
`power supply to deliver current
`to the tissue to cause
`hemostasis is described in conjunction with those methods.
`13 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
`1 ,798,902
`3,65 1 ,8 1 1
` 1Qt'l‘J 'CCl—_'
`':\......T 5.5
`73-1 TCCII
`EX. 1018
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 16, 1993
`Sheet 1 of 7
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 16, 1998
`Sheet 2 of 7
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 16, 1998
`Sheet 3 of 7
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 16, 1998
`Sheet 4 of 7
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 16, 1998
`Sheet 5 of 7
` .“‘.':U .
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 16, 1993
`Sheet 6 of 7
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 16, 1993
`Sheet 7 of 7
`include electrosurgery. that is. passing a high frequency or
`radio frequency current through the patient’s tissue between
`two electrodes for cutting and coagulating the blood vessels
`contained within the tissue. The current passing through the
`tissue causes joulean (ohmic) heating of the tissue as a
`function of the current density and the resistance of the
`tissue through which the current passes. This heating dehy-
`drates the tissues and denatures the tissue proteins to form a
`coagulum which seals bleeding sites. so that the body’s own
`collagen is reformed as a glistening white layer on the cut
`surface. sealing the tissues against bleeding.
`Heretofore. endoscopic electrosurgical techniques have
`been limited primarily to monopolar devices. Previously
`known monopolar electrosurgical
`instruments employ a
`small electrode at the end of a handle in the surgeon’s hand
`and a large electrode plate beneath and in contact with the
`patient. Only one of the two electrodes required to complete
`the electrical circuit is manipulated by the surgeon and
`placed on or near the tissue being operated on. The other
`electrode is the large plate beneath the patient. A power
`supply impresses high frequency voltage spikes of thou-
`sands of volts between the two electrodes of the electrosur-
`gical instrument. sufiicient to cause arcing from the small
`operating electrode the surgeon holds to the most proximate
`tissues. then through the patient to the large electrode plate
`beneath the patient. In the patient.
`the electrical current
`becomes converted to heat; hottest in the tissues immedi-
`ately below the small hand-held electrode where the currents
`are most concentrated. Devices. such as the forceps Model
`No. A5261. and electrode Model No. A5266. available from
`Olympus Corporation Medical Instrument Division.
`Milpitas. Calif.. are representative of such monopolar instru-
`A principal disadvantage of monopolar electrocautery is
`that current flows completely through the patient. These high
`voltage electrical currents may are from the small electrode
`to nearby non-targeted vital structures. or may follow erratic
`paths as they flow through the patient’s body.
`causing damage to tissues both near and at some distance
`from the electrode.
`While monopolar devices have proven useful in open
`surgical procedures. where the surgeon is able to view the
`effects of the current arc. the problems encountered in open
`surgical procedures become even more important in endo-
`scopic surgical applications. In particular. when using a
`monopolar device endoscopically. the surgeon’s view of the
`electric are generated by the instrument is restricted by the
`limited field of view provided by the endoscope.
`Consequently. aberrant current arcs—the existence of which
`the surgeon may not even be aware—can cause deep tissue
`necrosis and inadvertent damage to adjacent tissue masses.
`The foregoing limitation has proved especially dangerous
`for surgeries performed in the abdomen. and in the vicinity
`of the peritonea and bowel wall. Practical experience has
`established that aberrant current arcs generated by endo-
`scopic monopolar devices can cause perforation of the
`adjacent bowel wall when used on abdominal tissue masses.
`While such damage typically is not apparent to the surgeon
`during the procedure.
`it may later be manifested as
`peritonitis. which results in death in as many as 25% of all
`such cases.
`Bipolar electrosurgical devices for open surgical proce-
`dures are known to enable the surgeon to obtain hemostasis
`in precise local areas without also heating and causing
`undesirable trauma to adjacent tissue. Bipolar devices have
`two electrodes closely spaced together so that current flow
`This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 08/257065.
`filed Jun. 9. 1994. entitled BI-POLAR ELECTROSURGL
`OF USE. now abandoned. which is a continuation of Ser.
`No. O7/877.704 filed May 1. 1992 now U.S. Pat. No.
`5.330.471. which is a continuation-in-part of commonly
`assigned and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 07/711920.
`filed Jun. 7. 1991. now abandoned.
`This invention relates to hemostatic electrosurgical
`instruments. and particularly to improved bi-polar electro-
`surgical instruments for manipulating and causing hemosta-
`sis of tissue during endoscopic surgical procedures.
`In “open” surgical procedures. the surgeon gains access to
`work inside the body by cutting large incisions through the
`body wall. then stretching the overlying tissue apart to
`provide visibility and room to manipulate his hands and
`instruments. Vital structures are generally held away from
`the surgical site and shielded from instruments by being
`covered with cloth pads. The surgeon can touch and manipu-
`late the tissues. As the surgeon manipulates. cuts and dis-
`sects tissues. he controls the resultant bleeding by blotting or
`suctioning away the accumulating blood. enabling him to
`see the bleeding vessels and clamp and tie them off.
`The creation of a large opening in the patient’s body tissue
`greatly increases the risk of surgery to the patient’s health.
`by increasing the probability of complications. T'hose com-
`plications can arise not only from treatment of the target
`tissue. i.e.. that tissue necessitating the surgery. but also from
`the trauma caused to adjacent tissue in creating an opening
`providing the surgeon with access to the target tissue. Once
`the internal tissue is operated upon. the surgeon faces the
`time-consuming task of closing up the surgical site. In
`addition. the patient may require extensive post-operative
`care and an extensive hospital stay.
`Development of the endoscope. a miniaturized television
`camera that is inserted through a puncture wound in the body
`wall to provide a video image of the inside of the body
`cavity. has enabled surgeons to perform surgery using spe-
`cially designed surgical inst1'urnents that are inserted through
`other small puncture wounds. Some previously known
`devices have been constructed that enable a surgeon to
`operate on internal tissue while viewing manipulation of the
`through an endoscope. One such device is
`described in Falk. US. Pat. No. 4.994.024. Such previously
`known endoscopic instruments have several disadvantages.
`especially the inability to effectively stem blood flow from
`incised tissue.
`Endoscopic surgery no longer requires cutting a large
`gaping incision through the body wall. and permits patients
`to undergo some major surgeries practically pain-free. with
`little or no post-operative hospital stay. However. in per-
`forming endoscopic surgery the surgeon forgoes manual
`access to the tissues being operated upon. In doing so. he
`gives up his traditional means of controlling bleeding by
`clamping and tying olf transected blood vessels.
`Consequently. in endoscopic surgery it is important that
`tissues that are cut must not bleed.
`Hemostatic surgical techniques are known for reducing
`the bleeding from incised tissue during open surgical
`procedures. i.e.. where overlying body tissue is severed and
`displaced to gain access to internal organs. Such techniques
`is confined to the tissue disposed between the electrodes.
`Heretofore. such instruments have had limited use in endo-
`scopic applications because of the inherent problem of
`electrically isolating the high voltage electrodes while pro-
`viding an instrument small enough for use with conventional
`trocar tubes—typically 5 to 10 mm in diameter. One such
`device is described in Tischer U.S. Pat. No. 4.655.216. The
`complicated structure of the device described in that patent
`illustrates the difliculty encountered in providing the requi-
`site isolation of the electrodes. A second such device is the
`Olympus Model 05127 bipolar endoscopic forceps. avail-
`able from Olympus Corporation Medical Instrument
`Division. Milpitas. Calif.
`A further disadvantage inherent in all previously known
`monopolar and bipolar electrosurgical devices is that of
`coagulum buildup on the working surfaces of the device.
`Previously known power supplies used in electrosurgical
`applications have generally provided high voltage-low cur-
`rent power outputs. which poorly match the impedance of
`the tissue over the range of conditions typically encountered
`in electrosurgery. This mismatch. in combination with the
`arcing characteristic of previously known instruments. leads
`to charring of the tissue and excessive coagulum buildup on
`the instrument surfaces.
`Yet another difliculty encountered in endoscopic surgery
`is the limited range of motion available to the surgeon at the
`surgical site. In particular. because of the relatively small
`incision through which the instruments are inserted for
`endoscopic procedures. the surgeon’s range of movement of
`the instrument is greatly restricted.
`It would thmefore be desirable to provide bipolar elec-
`instruments for hemostatically severing or
`manipulating tissue in endoscopic surgical procedures that
`overcome these disadvantages of such previously known
`instruments. Such instruments would enable a large number
`of operations to be carried out endoscopically.
`reducing the need and risk of open surgical procedures.
`In view of the foregoing. it is an object of the present
`invention to provide improved endoscopic surgical
`instruments. the existence of which will expand the field of
`endoscopic surgery. In particular. the existence of instru-
`ments providing heretofore unavailable functions. ease of
`use. and enhanced safety will encourage the conversion of a
`number of surgen'es—now carried out as open procedures-
`to endoscopic procedures. Such conversion from open to
`endoscopic surgeries will reduce the risk of surgery to the
`patient. reduce the trauma to adjacent
`tissue from the
`surgery. and enable faster post-operative recovery.
`It is. therefore. an object of this invention to provide
`bipolar electrosurgical instruments for endoscopic surgical
`procedures that have a simple structure. yet provide the
`necessary electrical isolation of the bipolar electrodes. The
`bipolar devices constructed in accordance with the present
`invention confine current flow to the tissue immediately
`adjacent to the electrodes of the instrument Thus. these
`devices significantly reduce the likelihood of creating aber-
`rant current arcs that can perforate the peritonea or other
`adjacent tissue. The overall safety of endoscopic procedures
`is thereby enhanced. permitting a larger number of surgeries
`to be performed endoscopically.
`It is another object of the present invention to provide
`bipolar endoscopic instruments which experience little
`sticking or coagulum buildup during extended use. In accor-
`dance with the present invention. endoscopic bipolar instru-
`ments are employed in conjunction with power supplies
`providing load-independent substantially constant voltage
`output. Voltage and current ranges are provided that signifi-
`cantly reduce coagulum buildup and chairing of tissue.
`It is another object of this invention to provide bipolar
`electrosurgical instruments that provide the surgeon with a
`high degree of maneuverability of the instrument once it is
`located at the surgical site. The instrument constructed in
`accordance with the principles of this invention therefore
`includes means for rotating the working end of the instru-
`ment while it is positioned at the surgical site.
`These and other objects are accomplished in accordance
`with the principles of the present invention by providing
`bipolar electrosurgical instruments having an elongated bar-
`rel for insertion through a trocar tube at the patient’s skin. a
`working end disposed on the distal end of the elongated
`barrel. and handle members for actuating the instrument.
`Means are provided near the proximal end of the barrel for
`rotating the working end of the instrument. The instrument
`includes means for connecting the instrument to a power
`supply to energize the electrodes at the working end.
`Bipolar instruments constructed in accordance with the
`present invention have a working end that comprises bipolar
`electrodes and movable members capable of performing any
`of a number of functions. A layer of insulation is provided
`on one or both of the mating surfaces of the movable
`members to maintain electrical isolation of those compo-
`nents. A working end constructed in accordance with the
`invention may comprise a scissors-like cutting
`instrument which simultaneously causes hemostasis of tis-
`sue and mechanically severs that tissue in a continuous
`manner. a dissector-like instrument for grasping and achiev-
`ing hemostasis of tissue. or a dissector for blunt dissection.
`which hemostatically separates tissue.
`In a first embodiment.
`the movable members of the
`working end comprise scissor members having opposing
`mating sinfaces. Electrodes associated with the scissor
`members conduct high frequency current to tissue to coagu-
`late the blood vessels extending through the tissue while
`cutting edges of the scissor members mechanically sever the
`tissue. A layer of insulating material is disposed on at least
`one of the mating surfaces of the scissor members so that the
`electrically active portions of the scissor members do not
`contact each other at any point during operation of the
`instrument. Thus. crnrent flows through tissue between the
`scissor members. but short circuits. which would terminate
`hemostasis. do not occur. With this arrangement. hemostasis
`and cutting occurs in a continuous manner along tissue
`disposed between the scissor members. thereby providing a
`smooth and precise surgical cut.
`Another embodiment of the invention comprises an endo-
`scopic hemostatic dissector. wherein the movable members
`comprise opposing jaws for simultaneously grasping and
`causing hemostasis of the tissue. Like the first embodiment.
`the jaw members include shank portions forming opposing
`mating surfaces. A layer of insulating material is disposed on
`at least one of these mating surfaces so that electrically
`active portions of the members do not contact each other
`during operation of the instrument.
`The movable members of either embodiment may be
`curved so that the tips of the members lie in a plane parallel
`to. and separate from. the longitudinal axis of the elongated
`barrel. This feature enhances the surgeon’s View of the
`working end of the instrument. thereby providing greater
`precision in manipulating the tissue at the operative site.
`The present invention also includes methods of endo-
`scopically using bipolar electrosurgical
`instruments to
`simultaneously grasp or mechanically sever tissue while
`thermally refonning the collagen of the tissue to seal the
`tissue against bleeding. For endoscopically performing sur-
`gery on a patient’s internal tissue using a bipolar electro-
`surgical instrument in combination with a power supply
`having a selectable substantially constant voltage load-
`independent output.
`the instrument having an elongated
`barrel. a working end comprising electrodes. and means for
`actuating the worldng end. the methods include the steps of:
`(a) connecting the electrodes of the bipolar electrosurgical
`instrument to the power supply;
`(b) incising the patient’s tissue with a trocar or similar
`device to create a small opening;
`(c) inserting the working end and elongated barrel of the
`bipolar electrosurgical instrument through a trocar tube so
`that the working end is disposed proximal to the internal
`tissue; and
`(d) operating the actuating means to simultaneously
`manipulate and cause hemostasis of the tissue.
`Further steps of the methods include the step of setting the
`power supply to provide a voltage across the electrodes in
`the range of 10 to 120 volts (RMS) and a frequency in the
`range of 100 kHz to 2 MHz. The methods further include the
`use of alternating-current voltage waveforms having a crest
`factor—ratio of peak voltage to root-mean-square (RMS)
`voltage—near unity.
`The above and other objects and advantages of the
`invention will be apparent upon consideration of the fol-
`lowing detailed description. taken in conjunction with the
`accompanying drawings. in which like reference numerals
`refer to like parts throughout. and in which:
`FIG. 1 is an elevated perspective view of an illustrative
`embodiment of the instrument of the present invention;
`FIG. 2 is an elevation cross-sectional side View of the
`instrument taken along the line 2-—2 of FIG. 1. in which an
`intermediate portion of the elongated barrel has been omit-
`ted for clarity;
`FIG. 3 is an exploded perspective view of the working end
`of the instrument taken along line 3-3 of FIG. 1;
`FIG. 4 is an exploded perspective view. similar to FIG. 3.
`of an alternate embodiment of the working end of the
`FIGS. 5A and 5B show. respectively. open and closed
`enlarged cross-sectional views of the working end of the
`instrument shown in FIG. 2;
`FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional view of an alternate embodi-
`ment of the scissors-like worldng end of the present inven-
`FIGS. 7A and 713. respectively. are cross-sectional views.
`similar to FIGS. 5A and SB. showing a dissector embodi-
`ment of the working end of the present invention; and
`FIG. 8 is a plan view of an alternate embodiment of the
`dissector embodiment of the present invention.
`Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2. a bipolar electrosurgical
`instrument 10 for performing endoscopic surgical proce-
`dures is described. While an instrument constructed in
`accordance with the principles of the present invention may
`include any of a variety of severing or grasping members at
`its working end 11. the illustrative embodiment of FIGS. 1
`and 2 includes scissor-like shearing members for sirnulta-
`neously severing and causing hemostasis of a patient’s
`Instrument 10 includes actuating means comprising
`handle members 12 and 13 joined for relative movement at
`pivot 14. tubular elongated barrel 15. and working end 11.
`Drive rod 16 disposed in elongated barrel 15 has electrical
`terminals 17 that are connected to movable members 18 and
`19 of working end 11 to provide an electrical potential
`Handle member 12 has a pistol-like configuration. includ-
`ing a body portion 20 having a longitudinal bore 21 and a
`portion defining a hole for one or more fingers. Handle
`member 12 may be made of a light-weight rigid material. for
`example cast aluminum. Elongated barrel 15 comprises a
`tube having a proximal end mounted in body portion 20 and
`a distal portion forming part of working end 11. The
`proximal end of elongated barrel 15 is mounted in bore 21
`of body portion 20 so that elongated barrel 15 can be rotated
`about its longitudinal axis. Elongated barrel may consist of
`a rigid structural material. for example a stainless steel alloy.
`e.g.. SS 304. and may include a coating of abherent material.
`such as Teflon. on its exterior surface.
`Knurled rotation knob 22 is mounted on a portion of
`elongated barrel 15 disposed in body portion 21. so that it
`projects through slots 23 intersecting bore 21 of body
`portion 20. Rotation of knurled knob 22 causes elongated
`barrel 15 to rotate about its longitudinal axis. thereby also
`rotating working end 11.
`Body member 20 has bore 24 communicating with bore
`21 so that set screw 25 disposed in bore 24 engages
`elongated barrel 15 substantially perpendicularly to the
`longitudinal axis of the barrel. Set screw 25 has locking
`knob 26 at one end and teat 27 at the other end to engage
`elongated barrel 15. Rotation of locking knob 26 may
`impose a load on elongated barrel 15 to establish a threshold
`torque for rotating knurled rotation knob 22. Alternatively.
`locking knob 26 may be rotated so that teat 27 of set screw
`25 eifectively locks elongated barrel 15 in a given angular
`orientation. and against further rotation.
`Handle member 13 has a lower portion defining a finger
`or thumb hole and an upper portion 28 having longitudinal
`bore 29. Longitudinal bore 29 aligns with longitudinal bore
`21 in body portion 20 of handle member 12 when handle
`members 12 and 13 are joined for relative movement at pivot
`14. Handle member 13 comprises a similar material as
`handle member 12. e.g.. a cast aluminum alloy.
`Drive rod 16 has a proximal end 30 disposed within
`elongated barrel 15 and a distal end 31 engaged with
`working end 11. Proximal end 30 of drive rod 16 has
`electrical terminals 17 projecting from its endface 32. and a
`portion adjacent to endface 31 that defines a semi—circular
`groove 33. Because drive rod 16 has a high electrical
`potential relative to handle members 12 and 13 when
`electrical terminals 17 are connected to a power supply.
`drive rod 16 is electrically insulated from handle member 13
`and elongated barrel 15 by a coating of electrically insulat-
`ing material disposed on the exterior surface of drive rod 16.
`Groove 33 of drive rod 16 is captured in insulating disk
`34 between insulating pins 35. Insulating disk 34 seats in
`circular aperture 36 in upper portion 28 of handle member
`13. Insulating disk 34 may comprise a high strength plastic.
`such as. Ultem (a proprietary plastic of the General Electric
`Company. Fort Wayne. Ind.. fabricated from
`polyethermide). or a ceramic material. Longitudinal bore 37
`extends through insulating disk 34 in alignment with lon-