Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`United States Patent No: 6,701,344
`Inventors: Fred B. Holt, Virgil E. Bourassa
`Formerly Application No.: 09/629,042
`Issue Date: March 2, 2004
`Filing Date: July 31, 2000
`Former Group Art Unit: 2153
`Former Examiner: B. Edelman
`Patent Owner: Acceleration Bay, LLC

`Attorney Docket No.:
`Customer No.: 28120
`Petitioners: Activision Blizzard,
`Inc., Electronic Arts Inc., Take-
`Two Interactive Software, Inc., 2K
`Sports, Inc., and Rockstar Games,
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`Post Office Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`UNDER 35 U.S.C. § 315(c) AND 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.22 AND 42.122(b) AND

` Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS ........................................................ 3
`Joinder Is Appropriate ........................................................................... 6
`Presently-Asserted Grounds of Unpatentability Are Closely
`Related To The Already-Instituted Grounds ......................................... 8
`Joinder Will Have At Most A Minimal Impact On the Trial
`Schedule And Costs For The Existing Review ................................... 11
`Procedures To Simplify Briefing And Discovery ............................... 13
`PERIOD ......................................................................................................... 13
`CONCLUSION .............................................................................................. 14

` Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`ABB Inc. v. Roy-G-Biv Corp., IPR2013-00286, Pap. 14 (Dec. Mot. for
`Joinder) (Aug 9, 2013) ...................................................................................... 7, 8
`Ariosa Diagnostics, Inc. v. Isis Innovation Ltd., IPR2013-00250, Pap. 25
`(Dec. Mot. for Joinder) (Sept. 3, 2013) ................................................................ 7
`Ariosa Diagnostics, Inc. v. Isis Innovation Ltd., IPR2012-00022, Pap. 104
`(Dec. on Patent Owner’s Request for Rehearing of Decision to Grant
`Joinder) (Oct. 31, 2013) ...................................................................................... 11
`Kyocera Corp. v. Softview LLC, IPR2013-00004, Pap. 15 (Order) (Apr. 24,
`2013) ..................................................................................................................... 6
`Microsoft Corp. v. Proxyconn, Inc., IPR2013-00109, Pap. 15 (Dec. Mot. for
`Joinder (Feb. 24, 2013) ......................................................................................... 7
`Samsung Elecs. Co., v. Va. Innovation Sci., Inc., IPR2014-00557 , Pap. 10
`(Inst. Dec. and Grant of Mot. for Joinder) (June 13, 2014) .............................. 6, 8
`Sony Corp. v. Yissum Research Dev. Co. of the Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem,
`IPR2013-00327, Pap. 15 (Dec. Mot. for Joinder) (Sept. 24, 2013)) .................... 7
`Target Corp. v. Destination Maternity Corp., IPR2014-00508, Pap. 28
`(Granting Petitioner’s Request for Rehearing), Pap. 31 (Order), Pap. 32
`(Inst. Dec.) (Feb. 12, 2015) ............................................................................... 6, 9
`37 C.F.R. § 42.1(b) .................................................................................................... 1
`37 C.F.R. §§ 42.22 ................................................................................................. 1, 7
`37 C.F.R. § 42.122(a) ................................................................................................. 5
`37 C.F.R. § 42.122(b) ............................................................................................ 1, 7
`35 U.S.C. § 315(c) ............................................................................................passim

` Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`Activision Blizzard, Inc., Electronic Arts Inc., Take-Two Interactive
`Software, Inc., 2K Sports, Inc., and Rockstar Games, Inc. (collectively
`“Petitioners”) respectfully request joinder pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 315(c) and 37
`C.F.R. § 42.122(b) of the concurrently filed Petition for Inter Partes Review of
`Claim 12 of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344 (“the ’344 patent”) (“the Second ’344
`Shoubridge Petition”) with pending inter partes review IPR2015-01972, which
`involves the same parties and was instituted by the Board on March 24, 2016
`relying on the teachings of the Shoubridge reference.1 IPR2015-01972, Pap. 8.
`Joinder of the limited grounds raised in the Second ’344 Shoubridge Petition
`to the instituted grounds in IPR2015-01972 is appropriate because such joinder
`will not unduly delay the resolution of either proceeding, and instead will help
`“secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive resolution” of these proceedings. See 37
`C.F.R. § 42.1(b). The Second ’344 Shoubridge Petition seeks inter partes review
`of Claim 12 of the ’344 patent based on two grounds not previously considered by
`the Board: obviousness of Claim 12 over Shoubridge (Ground 1) and obviousness
`1 Peter J. Shoubridge & Arek Dadej, Hybrid Routing in Dynamic Networks, in 3
`IEEE INT’L CONF. ON COMMC’NS CONF. REC. 1381-86 (Montreal, 1997) (Ex. 1205)

` Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`of Claim 12 over Shoubridge in view of DirectPlay2 (Ground 2) – which is distinct
`from a previously-asserted ground (obviousness of Claim 12 over DirectPlay and
`Shoubridge) that was denied institution after the Board adopted the Patent Owner’s
`mischaracterizations of the prior art as described in the Second ’344 Shoubridge
`Claim 12 – and Claim 1 from which Claim 12 depends – as well as the prior
`art references relied upon (Shoubridge and DirectPlay) are already at issue in
`related instituted proceedings, namely: IPR2015-01970 (Pap. 9 at 26) 3 and
`IPR2015-01972 (Pap. 8 at 23). Accordingly, Petitioners submit substantially the
`2 Bradley Bargen & Peter Donnelly, INSIDE DIRECTX, (Microsoft Press, 1998) (Ex.
`1203) (“DirectPlay”).
`3 In IPR2015-01970, the Board instituted review of Claim 12 of the ’344 patent on
`obviousness grounds in view of the combination of DirectPlay and Lin (Meng-Jang
`Lin, et al., Gossip versus Deterministic Flooding: Low Message Overhead and
`High Reliability for Broadcasting on Small Networks, Technical Report No.
`CS1999-0637 (Univ. of Cal. San Diego, 1999) (“Lin”)). As Petitioners noted in
`the IPR2015-01972 petition, Petitioners sought institution on grounds based on the
`Shoubridge and Lin references in the event that Patent Owner is able to swear
`behind the Lin reference. IPR2015-01972, Pap. 2 at 5; see also IPR2015-01970,
`Pap. 6 (Prelim. Resp.) at 14-21.

` Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`same arguments and evidence regarding previously-instituted Claim 1 and minimal
`new evidence and argument regarding the challenged claim, and there will be
`minimal, if any, impact on the briefing, discovery, and trial schedule for the
`existing review.
`In conjunction with this request for joinder, Petitioners respectfully request
`that, to the extent Patent Owner Acceleration Bay LLC (“Patent Owner”)
`determines to file a Preliminary Response, the Board specify a shortened response
`period of at most four (4) weeks (to May 19, 2016). Petitioners have also
`requested a call with the Board to discuss scheduling for these proceedings,
`including the time for briefing on this Motion. Petitioners also informed counsel
`for Patent Owner in IPR2015-01972 on April 19, 2016 of Petitioners’ intent to
`seek joinder and a shortened response period.
`In IPR2015-01970, Petitioners requested inter partes review of claims 1-19
`of the ’344 patent under two grounds of unpatentability: obviousness of claims 1-
`19 in view of DirectPlay and Lin (Ground 1); and obviousness of claims 1-11 and
`16-19 over Lin (Ground 2). IPR2015-01970, Pap. 2 (Pet.) (Sept. 25, 2015).
`In IPR2015-01972, Petitioners requested inter partes review of claims 1-19
`of the ’344 patent under two grounds of unpatentability: obviousness of claims 1-
`19 in view of DirectPlay and Shoubridge (Ground 1); and obviousness of claims 1-

` Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`11 and 16-19 over Shoubridge (Ground 2). IPR2015-01970, Pap. 2 (Pet.) (Sept.
`25, 2015).
`Patent Owner submitted a Preliminary Response on December 30, 2015 in
`IPR2015-01972 (Pap. 6). In its Preliminary Response, Patent Owner argued that a
`person of ordinary skill in the art would not have been motivated to combine
`DirectPlay with Shoubridge: “Because, in DirectPlay, every node must be
`messaged, DirectPlay’s various network nodes must be known a priori . . . thereby
`making DirectPlay a static network that uses a complete graph.” Id. at 32
`(emphasis added).
`In a decision dated March 24, 2016, the Board instituted inter partes review
`on two grounds in IPR2015-01970: Claims 1-12 and 16-19 as obvious over
`DirectPlay and Lin, and Claims 1-11 and 16-19 as obvious over Lin. IPR2015-
`01970, Pap. 9 (Inst. Dec.) at 26.
`In a decision dated March 24, 2016, the Board instituted inter partes review
`on one ground in IPR2015-01972: Claims 1-11 and 16-19 as obvious over
`Shoubridge. IPR2015-01972, Pap. 8. The Board, however, adopted Patent
`Owner’s argument that “that DirectPlay contemplates a static network in which all
`participants are known a priori,” and declined to institute review on obviousness
`grounds based on the combination of DirectPlay and Shoubridge. Id. at 22-23.
`DirectPlay affirmatively discloses the ability to create dynamic networks,

` Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`which participants can “join” and “leave.” (E.g., Ex. 1203 at 21, 47, 50, 98, 122.)
`G. Concurrently, with this Motion for Joinder, Petitioners are filing its Second
`’344 Shoubridge Petition, challenging Claim 12 as obvious under Shoubridge
`(Ground 1) and obvious under Shoubridge in view of DirectPlay (Ground 2).
`The requested joinder will serve to secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive
`resolution of these proceedings. 35 U.S.C. § 315(c) (“Joinder”) provides:
`If the Director institutes an inter partes review, the Director, in his or
`her discretion, may join as a party to that inter partes review any
`person who properly files a petition under section 311 that the
`Director, after receiving a preliminary response under section 313 or
`the expiration of the time for filing such a response, determines
`warrants the institution of an inter partes review under section 314.
`37 C.F.R. § 42.122(a) further provides that, “[w]here another matter involving the
`patent is before the Office, the Board may during the pendency of the inter
`partes review enter any appropriate order regarding the additional matter including
`providing for the stay, transfer, consolidation, or termination of any such matter.”
`“The Board will determine whether to grant joinder on a case-by-case basis, taking
`into account the particular facts of each case, substantive and procedural issues,
`and other considerations.” Samsung Elecs. Co., v. Va. Innovation Sci., Inc.,
`IPR2014-00557 , Pap. 10 (Inst. Dec. and Grant of Mot. for Joinder) at 16 (June 13,

` Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`2014) (citing 157 CONG. REC. S1376 (daily ed. Mar. 8, 2011) (statement of Sen.
`Kyl)). Further, “the Board’s rules for AIA proceedings ‘shall be construed to
`secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive resolution of every proceeding.’” Id. at 17
`(citing 37 C.F.R. § 42.1(b); 77 Fed. Reg. at 48,758). As the Board has previously
`found, “liberal joinder of reviews, including those having new arguments” further
`this statutory and regulatory purpose of ensuring fair and just resolution of related
`patent issues. Target Corp. v. Destination Maternity Corp., IPR2014-00508, Pap.
`28 (“Granting Petitioner’s Request for Rehearing”) at 10-13 (Feb. 12, 2015).
`The Board has identified a Representative Order, IPR2013-00004 Paper 15,
`regarding motions for joinder, which directs a movant to: (1) “explain the reasons
`why joinder is appropriate,” (2) “identify any new ground of unpatentability being
`raised” in the petition, (3) explain how the impact on the schedule and costs of the
`current proceedings will be minimized, and (4) “specifically address how briefing
`and/or discovery may be simplified to minimize schedule impact.” Kyocera Corp.
`v. Softview LLC, IPR2013-00004, Pap. 15 (Order) at 4 (Apr. 24, 2013). These
`factors are addressed below and each weigh in favor of granting the instant motion.
`Joinder Is Appropriate
`The Board has authority to join a properly-filed IPR petition to an instituted
`IPR proceeding. See 35 U.S.C. § 315(c). The Second ’344 Shoubridge Petition
`and concurrently filed Motion for Joinder are timely under 35 U.S.C. § 315(c) and

` Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`37 C.F.R. §§ 42.22 and 42.122(b). 37 C.F.R. § 42.122 states that a motion for
`joinder is to be filed “no later than one month after the institution date of any inter
`partes review for which joinder is requested.” IPR2015-01972 was instituted on
`March 24, 2016. IPR2015-01972, Pap. 8. The Petitioners filed the Second ’344
`Shoubridge Petition concurrently with this Motion for Joinder on April 21, 2016,
`which is no later than one month from the institution of IPR2015-01972. The
`Board’s authority to join the Second ’344 Shoubridge Petition to the instituted
`IPR2015-01972 proceeding is unaffected by the fact that the Second ’344
`Shoubridge Petition is submitted by the same Petitioners. Indeed, “the Board
`already has allowed joinder of additional grounds by the same party.” Samsung,
`IPR2014-00557, Pap. 10 at 16 (citing as examples: Microsoft Corp. v. Proxyconn,
`Inc., IPR2013-00109, Pap. 15 (Dec. Mot. for Joinder) (Feb. 25, 2013); Ariosa
`Diagnostics, Inc. v. Isis Innovation Ltd., IPR2013-00250, Pap. 25 (Dec. Mot. for
`Joinder) (Sept. 3, 2013); ABB Inc. v. Roy-G-Biv Corp., IPR2013-00286, Pap. 14
`(Dec. Mot. for Joinder) (Aug 9, 2013); Sony Corp. v. Yissum Research Dev. Co. of
`the Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, IPR2013-00327, Pap. 15 (Dec. Mot. for Joinder)
`(Sept. 24, 2013)). Joinder is appropriate for the Second ’344 Shoubridge Petition
`that is submitted by the same Petitioners as those in IPR2015-01972.
`As further described below, joinder is appropriate given that both IRP2015-
`01972 and the Second ’344 Shoubridge Petitions are directed to the ’344 patent,

` Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`address whether Shoubridge renders obvious the limitations of Claim 1 (which are
`also limitations of Claim 12, challenged in the Second ’344 Shoubridge Petition
`because Claim 12 depends from Claim 1), and rely on the Shoubridge reference for
`their respective grounds.
`Presently-Asserted Grounds of Unpatentability Are Closely
`Related To The Already-Instituted Grounds
`Joinder is appropriate as the Second ’344 Shoubridge Petition introduces
`very little additional subject matter that is not already at issue in IPR2015-01972
`and the related IPR2015-01970. The Board has previously exercised its discretion
`and granted joinder under § 315(c) under similar circumstances where, as here, few
`additional dependent claims are challenged in a second petition by the same parties
`involving previously asserted or related prior art. See, e.g., Samsung, IPR2014-
`00557, Pap. 10 at 17-19 (granting institution and joinder on second petition
`submitted by same parties challenging just two dependent claims that were
`previously challenged in the original petition that added minimal additional subject
`matter where the same prior art relied upon in the second petition was asserted in
`related proceedings); ABB Inc. v. Roy-G-Biv Corp., IPR2013-00282, Pap. 14 (Inst.
`Dec.) at 2, 11 (Aug. 9, 2013) (granting institution on second petition challenging
`three dependent claims that were previously challenged in the original petition
`where the petitioner limited the grounds of unpatentability to those “based
`primarily on prior art that the Board relied upon in instituting” related IPRs

` Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`involving the same parties); see also Target, IPR2014-00508, Pap. 28 at 2-3, 16-17
`(granting request for rehearing of a decision based on “an erroneously narrow
`interpretation of 35 U.S.C. § 315(c)” where petitioner had limited its challenged to
`just two dependent claims that were previously challenged in an earlier petition
`and that depended on a claim that was subject to pending inter partes review); id.,
`Pap. 31 (Order) & Pap. 32 (Inst. Dec.) (Feb. 12, 2015).
`The Second ’344 Shoubridge Petition only challenges Claim 12 of the ’344
`patent. Claim 12 depends on Claim 1, which is already subject to review in
`IPR2015-01972 as obvious over Shoubridge. Accordingly, the Second ’344
`Shoubridge Petition consists of substantially the same arguments and evidence
`regarding Claim 1 (not itself challenged in the Second ’344 Shoubridge Petition) as
`those submitted in IPR2015-01972 concerning the instituted ground of obviousness
`of Claim 1 over Shoubridge. For the asserted Ground 1 in the Second ’344
`Shoubridge Petition (obviousness of dependent Claim 12 in view of Shoubridge), it
`will require minimal, if any, additional work on the part of the Patent Owner to
`address the relatively minor additional claim limitation of Claim 12 in view of
`Shoubridge. See Target, IPR2014-00508, Pap. 31 at 3-5 (granting motion for
`joinder of a previously challenged claim after finding that the “relevant factors” –
`including the fact that “same patent and parties” are involved in both proceedings,
`the “overlap in the cited prior art,” and the minimal impact on the “schedule” due

` Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`to the limited grounds in the second petition – “all weigh[ed] in favor” of granting
`the motion); id., Pap. 28 at 2-3, 16-17.
`For the asserted Ground 2 in the Second ’344 Shoubridge Petition
`(obviousness of Claim 12 over Shoubridge in view of DirectPlay), it will also
`require minimal, if any, additional work of the Patent Owner to address this ground
`as Claim 12 is also subject to review in IPR2015-01970 as obvious in view of the
`DirectPlay and Lin references. See Target, IPR2014-00508, Pap. 31 at 3-5; id.,
`Pap. 28 at 2-3, 16-17. In fact, any additional effort that Patent Owner may need to
`expend with respect to Ground 2 is the result of Patent Owner’s
`mischaracterization of DirectPlay’s teachings, incorrectly asserting that DirectPlay
`discloses only static networks in which all participants must be known a priori as
`described in the Second ’344 Petition. Compare IPR2015-01972, Pap. 8 (Inst.
`Dec.) at 22 (citing Pap. 6 (Prelim. Resp.) at 33) with Ex. 1203 at 21, 47, 50, 98,
`122 (discussing the ability to create dynamic (rather than static) networks, which
`participants can “join” and “leave”).
`This minimal amount of additional work required on the part of the Patent
`Owner to address the additional grounds regarding Claim 12 “is strongly
`outweighed by the public interest in having consistency of outcome concerning
`similar sets of subject matter and prior art.” See Samsung, IPR2014-00557, Pap.
`10 at 17-18. The Second ’344 Shoubridge Petition also cites to the expert

` Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`declaration of Dr. David Karger, the same expert used in the original IPR2015-
`01972 Shoubridge petition. Given the considerable overlap in subject matter, this
`second expert declaration also contains very little new, additional content not
`present in the original declaration and further supports granting joinder. See
`Ariosa Diagnostics v. Isis Innovation Ltd., IPR2012-00022, Pap. 104 (Dec. on
`Patent Owner’s Request for Rehearing of Decision to Grant Joinder) at 5 (Oct. 31,
`2013) (asserting that when exercising its discretion to grant joinder under § 315(c),
`the Board noted the significant overlap in the prior art cited in the two proceedings
`and that granting joinder allowed for a single deposition). Petitioners attach a
`redline (Ex. 1227) comparing Dr. Karger’s original declaration to his declaration
`for the Second ’344 Shoubridge Petition, which shows the minimal amount of
`additional material included, and respectfully submit that a single deposition would
`be appropriate given this minimal additional material.
`For the reasons discussed above, joinder of Second ’344 Petition with
`IPR2015-01972 is appropriate.
`Joinder Will Have At Most A Minimal Impact On the Trial
`Schedule And Costs For The Existing Review
`Given the significant overlap in subject matter and prior art, joinder will
`have minimal impact on the trial schedule and costs for the existing review. Here,
`joinder need not materially affect the schedule and will minimize costs because the
`same prior art and almost all of the issues and evidence raised in the Second ’344

` Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`Shoubridge Petition are already before the Board in the IPR2015-01970 and -
`01972 proceedings.4 Also, little or no modifications are needed for the briefing
`and discovery procedures, which should further help avoid any impact on the trial
`schedule and minimize costs. As noted above, Petitioners have also requested a
`call with the Board to discuss scheduling for these proceedings, and would propose
`a common schedule. In particular, because the Second ’344 Shoubridge Petition
`raises such similar issues to the original petition, Patent Owner may not require a
`Preliminary Response, and even if one is filed, Petitioners respectfully submit that
`the Board may be in a position to decide again the same question of institution
`within a few weeks, likely before the current Due Date 1 for Patent Owner’s
`Response in the IPR2015-01972 matter. To the extent this may not be practical,
`and to the extent Patent Owner deems it necessary despite the substantial similarity
`of arguments and evidence, Petitioners would agree that Patent Owner may file an
`additional seven-page supplemental Response addressing the Second ’344
`Shoubridge Petition on June 29, 2016 – one week after current Due Date 1. The
`remainder of the existing schedule could then remain unchanged, as outlined in the
`attached Petitioner’s Proposed Schedule. Alternatively, Petitioners are amenable,
`in coordination with Patent Owner, to other arrangements the Board deems
`4 The Board has set IPR2015-01970 and -01972 on the same schedule. IPR2015-
`01970, Pap. 10 (Scheduling Order) at 1.

` Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`appropriate. Accordingly, this factor also points in favor of joinder.
`Procedures To Simplify Briefing And Discovery
`Because the Second ’344 Shoubridge Petition is submitted by the same
`Petitioners as in IPR2015-01972 and the Second ’344 Shoubridge Petition seeks to
`add only a single additional dependent claim from the same patent to those already
`subject to review under IPR2015-01972, no modifications to briefing or discovery
`procedures are necessary. To the extent that Patent Owner attempts to depose
`Petitioners’ expert before an institution decision on the Second ’344 Shoubridge
`Petition has issued, Petitioners would agree to offer Dr. Karger for a deposition on
`the supplemental declaration submitted with the Second ’344 Shoubridge Petition
`at the same time. Accordingly, this factor also points in favor of joinder.
`Petitioners respectfully request that the Board specify a shortened response
`period of at most four (4) weeks (to May 19, 2016) for Patent Owner to file a
`Preliminary Response to the Petition, to the extent it determines such a Response is
`necessary. Patent Owner and its counsel are already quite familiar with the patent
`and claims at issue, as well as the specific prior art at issue here. Patent Owner has
`already provided a Preliminary Response in IPR2015-01970 and -01972, and it has
`already briefed, for example, the issue of the application of Shoubridge to Claim 1,
`on which Claim 12 depends. Given the common issues already raised in each

` Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`proceeding, this will not cause undue prejudice, and will increase the efficiencies
`for the parties and the Board. Because this Petition involves substantially
`overlapping issues with the original petition and related proceedings, Petitioners
`respectfully submit the Board may be in a position to resolve this same question of
`institution expeditiously after the Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response, should
`Patent Owner choose to submit one.
`For the foregoing reasons, Petitioners respectfully request that the grounds in
`the accompanying Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`be instituted, and that the Board grant this Motion for Joinder to join this
`proceeding with IPR2015-01972 and for a shortened period of at most four (4)
`weeks (to May 19, 2016) for a Patent Owner Preliminary Response, together with
`an accelerated schedule for briefing on this Motion.
`Dated: April 21, 2016
`Respectfully submitted,
`By: /J. Steven Baughman/
`J. Steven Baughman, Lead Counsel
`Reg No. 47,414
`2099 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20006-6807
`Mailing address for all PTAB
`Attorneys for Petitioners
`IPRM – Floor 43
`Prudential Tower
`800 Boylston Street
`Boston, MA 02199-3600

` Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`Current Schedule
`in IPR2015-01972
`(See Pap. 9)
`June 22, 2016
`Sept. 19, 2016
`Petitioners’ Proposal for
`Schedule with Joinder
`June 22, 2016
`To the extent necessary, a
`7-page supplemental
`Response addressing the
`Second ’344 Shoubridge
`Petition may be submitted
`on June 29, 2016 (assuming
`institution decision circa
`June 17, 2016)
`Sept. 19, 2016
`Oct. 19, 2016
`Oct. 19, 2016
`Nov. 9, 2016
`Nov. 9, 2016
`Nov. 23, 2016
`Nov. 23, 2016
`Nov. 30, 2016
`Nov. 30, 2016
`Dec. 14, 2016
`Dec. 14, 2016
`Due Date 1
`Patent owner’s response to the
`Patent owner’s motion to
`amend the patent
`Due Date 2
`Petitioners’ reply to patent
`owner’s response to petition
`Petitioners’ opposition to
`motion to amend
`Due Date 3
`Patent owner’s reply to
`petitioners’ opposition to
`motion to amend
`Due Date 4
`Motion for observation
`regarding cross-examination of
`reply witness
`Motion to exclude evidence
`Request for oral argument
`Due Date 5
`Response to observation
`Opposition to motion to
`Due Date 6
`Reply to opposition to motion
`to exclude
`Due Date 7
`Oral argument (if requested)

` Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`The undersigned certifies that a copy of the foregoing PETITIONERS’
`MOTION FOR JOINDER UNDER 35 U.S.C. § 315(c) AND 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.22
`Express Mail on Patent Owner indicated for U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344 through the
`following correspondence address of record:
`Correspondence Address:
`Litigation Counsel:
`Perkins Coie LLP – Boeing
`PO Box 1247
`Patent – SEA
`Seattle, WA 98111-1247
`Express Mail Label No:
`EF 124 367 596 US
`Paul J. Andre
`James Hannah
`Michael Lee
`Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel
`990 Marsh Road
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`(650) 752-1700
`Express Mail Label No:
`EF 124 367 605 US
`Shannon Hedvat
`Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel
`1177 Avenue of the Americas
`New York, NY 10036
`(212) 715-7502

`Dated: April 21, 2016
` Attorney Docket No. 109869-0003-658
`IPR of U.S. Patent No. 6,701,344
`Express Mail Label No:
`EF 124 367 619 US
`Respectfully submitted,
` /Ginny Blundell/
`Name: Ginny Blundell

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