`(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication
`US 20010005889Al
`(10) Pub. No.: US 2001/0005889 Al
`Jun. 28, 2001
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Publication Classification
`Inventor: Mikael Albrecht, Espoo (FI)
`Correspondence Address:
`Suite 600
`1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, DC 20036-5339 (US)
`(73) Assignee: F-Secure Oyj
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed:
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Dec. 24, 1999
`(GB) ......................................... 9930613.6
`Int. CI? ..................................................... G06F 11/30
`(52) U.S. Cl. ............................................ 713/201; 713/188
`A method of scanning electronic files for computer viruses
`comprises identifying at a first node 4 of a computer network
`1, electronic files which require to be scanned for computer
`viruses. The first node 4 initiates a dialogue with a second
`node 7 of the network 1, the second node comprising a virus
`scanning application. During the dialogue, the second node
`7 identifies to the first node 4 one or more portions of the
`electronic file required by the virus scanning application.
`The first node 4 transfers the identified portions to the
`second node 7 which then carries out a virus scanning
`operation. The result of this operation is then returned to the
`first node 4.
`Suspend file transfer and
`notify system administrator
` Exhibit 1010 Page 1

`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 28,2001
`Sheet 1 of 3 US 2001!0005889 A1
`Figure 1
` Exhibit 1010 Page 2

`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 28, 2001
`Sheet 2 of 3 US 2001/0005889 A1
`~----------------~Scanning engine I
`FNP (modified)~----------------~ FNP (modified) I
`Physical layer
`Physical layer
`Figure 2
`Scanning engine
`Initiate Negotiation (identify file type)
`Request File Portions (identify portions)
`Return File Portions
`Request Further File Portions (identify portions)
`Return Requested File Portions
`Return Scan Result
`Request Further File Portions (identify portions)
`Return Requested File Portions
`Write Instruction (replacement portions)
`Figure 3
` Exhibit 1010 Page 3

`Patent Application Publication
`Sheet 3 of 3 US 2001!0005889 Al
`Initiate dialogue with central server
`Transfer requested file portions from agent to central serve
`Perform virus scan at central server
`Suspend file transfer and
`notify system administrator
`Send write instruction to agent
`Perform write operation at agent
`Figure 4
` Exhibit 1010 Page 4

`US 2001/0005889 Al
`[0001] The present invention relates to remote computer
`virus scanning and in particular to virus scanning in a system
`where data to be scanned is transferred from an agent to a
`scanning engine located on a central server. The invention is
`applicable in particular, although not necessarily, to a system
`in which the agent and the server exist at different locations.
`[0002] Computer viruses are a well recognised problem in
`the computer and software industry and amongst computer
`users in general. Whilst early approaches to virus detection
`relied upon providing an anti-virus software application,
`capable of detecting previously identified viruses or suspect
`files, in each individual computer, the recent growth in
`network computing has led to the introduction of gateway
`based solutions. This approach involves supplementing, or
`in some cases replacing, the anti-virus applications running
`on individual computers connected to a network with anti(cid:173)
`virus applications running on the gateway (or gateways)
`which connects the network to the outside world. Such a
`gateway based anti-virus application is typically provided at
`a firewall, although it may also be provided at an Internet
`server, mail server, etc. An anti-virus application may also
`be provided at a database server of the network to screen
`data transfers to and from a central storage location.
`[0003] One network approach embodied in the F-Secure
`Anti-Virus Agent and Server™ product (Data Fellows Oyj,
`Espoo, Finland) offers an improved solution in which
`"agents" are located at various transit nodes of a network
`and identify data which is capable of containing a computer
`virus (by for example examining file name extensions). The
`intercepted suspect data is then transferred by the agent, over
`the network, to a central server comprising an anti-virus
`scanning application which performs a virus scan on the
`data. The result of the virus scan is returned from the central
`server to the agent which initiated the scan. The advantage
`of this approach as compared to conventional gateway
`scanning is that it is only necessary to provide one or a small
`number of scanning applications in a network. This reduces
`the maintenance overheads for the anti-virus application
`(e.g. by reducing the number of virus updates required) and
`also reduces the processing overheads at the machines where
`the agents are located. It follows that the anti-virus appli(cid:173)
`cation is more likely to be kept up to date, and hence the
`security of the network is improved. A further advantage of
`the agent and server solution is that the scanning engine can
`be designed to run on one or only a small number of
`platforms, whilst the agent may be designed to run on a
`larger number of platforms-it is relatively easy to "port"
`the agent to different platforms as compared to the scanning
`[0004] A disadvantage of the approach described in the
`preceding paragraph is that it may require the transfer of
`relatively large volumes of data over a computer network.
`This can slow down the virus scanning operation and may
`also result in network traffic congestion, having a knock-on
`effect on non-virus scanning related traffic. The transfer of
`unsecure information over a network may also introduce
`security risks.
`[0005] The inventor of the present invention has realised
`that in many cases, although large volumes of data may be
`transferred between an agent and a central virus scanning
`server, the scanning application actually only looks at or
`examines a relatively small proportion of this data. For
`example, the scanning application may in some cases be able
`to tell that a document is not infected with a virus merely by
`looking at the template-bit in the header of a Microsoft
`Word™ document.
`It is an object of the present invention to overcome
`or at least mitigate the above noted disadvantages. In par(cid:173)
`ticular, it is an object of the present invention to reduce the
`volume of data which must be transferred between an agent
`and a server for the purpose of virus scanning.
`[0007] These and other objects are achieved at least in part
`by transferring from an agent to a virus scanning server
`substantially only those portions of a file which are actually
`required by the scanning engine.
`[0008] According to a first aspect of the present invention
`there is provided a method of scanning electronic files for
`computer viruses, the method comprising:
`identifying at a first node of a computer net(cid:173)
`work, electronic files which require to be scanned for
`computer viruses;
`initiating a dialogue between said first node
`and a second node of the network, the second node
`comprising a virus scanning application, during
`which dialogue the second node identifies to the first
`node one or more portions of the electronic file
`required by the virus scanning application; and
`transferring the identified portion(s) from the
`first node to the second node over the network.
`[0012] Embodiments of the present invention do not nec(cid:173)
`essarily require the transfer of entire electronic files from the
`agent to the server. Rather, the embodiments only require
`those parts which are of direct interest to the scanning
`application to be transferred. For example, the scanning
`application may require the transfer of only a header portion
`of an electronic file or of a block of data pointed to by a jump
`instruction located in the header. In addition to reducing the
`volume of network traffic, embodiments of the present
`invention increase network security by avoiding the need to
`transfer entire files on a possibly insecure network.
`[0013] Preferably, the method of the present invention
`involves identifying electronic files which require virus
`scanning, at a plurality of first nodes of the computer
`network. A dialogue is then initiated between the first nodes
`and the said second node when appropriate. That is to say
`that a set of first nodes may be served by a single scanning
`application existing at a second node.
`It will be appreciated that the first node(s) and the
`second node may be located at respective different locations
`in the computer network. These nodes may be personal
`computers workstations, etc.
`[0015] The first node may be, for example, one of a
`database server, electronic mail server, an Internet server, a
`proxy server, or a firewall server.
` Exhibit 1010 Page 5

`US 2001/0005889 Al
`[0016] The first and second nodes preferably conduct said
`dialogue using a network protocol such as CVP or FNP
`(Data Fellows Oyj, Espoo, Finland), although the protocol
`may require some modification. The network protocol typi(cid:173)
`cally is carried by a transport protocol such as IP, IPX, or Net
`[0017] Preferably, the method comprises analysing the file
`portions received at the second node for each file to be
`scanned, to determine whether or not the file contains a virus
`or cannot be guaranteed to not contain a virus. More
`preferably, the result of this analysis is sent to the first node
`over the network.
`In the event that a file is identified as containing a
`virus, the second node may initiate a dialogue with the first
`node and transfer to the first node data portions to be written
`into the file to disinfect the file (this process may also require
`the transfer of additional file portions from the first to the
`second node for modification at the second node). The first
`node may then write the data portions into the file, erasing
`other portions if necessary. Alternatively, the second node
`may send instructions to the first node to inform the first
`node how to disinfect the file.
`[0019] According to a second aspect of the present inven(cid:173)
`tion there is provided an anti-virus scanning system for use
`in scanning electronic files in a computer network, the
`system comprising:
`[0020] a first computer having processing means
`arranged to identify electronic files which should be
`scanned for computer viruses; and
`[0021] a second computer having processing means
`arranged to perform a virus scanning operation,
`the first computer further comprising commu(cid:173)
`nication means for initiating a dialogue between the
`first computer and the second computer, during
`which the second computer identifies to the first
`computer those portions of the electronic files
`required by the first computer for performing the
`virus scanning operation, and for transferring those
`portions to the second computer.
`[0023] According to a third aspect of the present invention
`there is provided a computer memory encoded with execut(cid:173)
`able instructions representing a computer program for caus(cid:173)
`ing a first computer connected to a computer network to:
`identify electronic files which require to be
`scanned for computer viruses;
`initiate a dialogue between the first computer
`and a second computer also connected to the com(cid:173)
`puter network;
`receive from the second computer an identi(cid:173)
`fication of portions of the electronic file which are
`required for virus scanning of the electronic files at
`the second computer; and
`transfer the identified portion from the first
`computer to the second computer.
`[0028] According to a fourth aspect of the present inven(cid:173)
`tion there is provided a computer memory encoded with
`executable instructions representing a computer program for
`causing a first computer connected to a computer network
`receive a dialogue initiation request from a
`second computer also connected to the computer
`network concerning an electronic file identified by
`the second computer as requiring a virus scan;
`identify to the second computer those portions
`of the electronic file which are required by the first
`mentioned computer for performing a virus scanning
`operation at the first computer; and
`receive the identified portions of the elec(cid:173)
`tronic file from the first node.
`[0032] According to a fifth aspect of the present invention
`there is provided a method of disinfecting an electronic file
`stored at a first node of a computer network, after the file has
`been identified as containing a virus by a virus scanning
`engine located at a second network node, the method com(cid:173)
`sending from the second node to the first
`node, data portions to be written into the infected file
`and/or instructions for disinfecting the file; and
`receiving the data portions and/or instructions
`at the first node and writing the data portions into the
`infected file and/or carrying out said instructions.
`[0035] Preferably, said first and second nodes are respec-
`tive computer workstations coupled to a common network.
`The workstation corresponding to the second node may be
`arranged to communicate with a plurality of workstations
`corresponding to respective second nodes.
`[0036] FIG. 1 shows schematically a data network having
`a central virus scanning server;
`[0037] FIG. 2 illustrates communication protocols used
`between the virus scanning server of FIG. 1 and an agent
`located at a node of the network;
`[0038] FIG. 3 illustrates data traffic between and agent
`and a virus scanning server in the network of FIG. 1; and
`[0039] FIG. 4 is a flow diagram illustrating a virus scan(cid:173)
`ning operation of the network of FIG. 1.
`[0040] A computer data network (illustrated generally by
`reference numeral 1) is shown in FIG. 1 and comprises a
`number of users or clients 2. These users include an admin(cid:173)
`istrator's workstation 2a, one or more notebook computers
`2b, a number of computer workstations 2c, and a server 2d.
`The network comprises a physical wire network (Local Area
`Network (LAN)) 3 to which each of the users 2 is connected
`via respective network cards (generally integrated into the
`user terminals and therefore not shown separately in FIG.
`1). The network may be an Ethernet network, X.25 network,
`or the like, with TCP liP protocol being used as the transport
`protocol (alternative transport protocols include IPX, Net
`BEUI, etc). Although it is not considered here in detail, the
`wire network 3 of FIG. 1 may be replaced by a wireless
`LAN, e.g. using radio signals to transmit data.
`[0041] Also connected to the network (via respective
`network cards) are a number of so-called "protected sys-
` Exhibit 1010 Page 6

`US 2001/0005889 Al
`tems"4. These include a firewall 4a, a mail server 4b, a
`proxy server 4c, and a database server 4d. As will be known
`to the skilled person, the firewall 4a provides a secure
`gateway between the network 1 and the "outside world", in
`this case the Internet 5. All data traffic coming from the
`Internet 5 to the network 1 passes through the firewall 4a
`where its access authority is checked. The firewall 4a may
`also control the access of users 2 to the Internet 5. The mail
`server 4b and the proxy server 4c provide transit nodes for
`electronic mail and www traffic respectively. Data is routed
`between the mail server 4b, the proxy server 4c, and the
`Internet 5, via the firewall 4a. The mail server 4b may also
`act as a router for internal network electronic mail. The
`protected systems 4 also include a database server 4d which
`acts as a gateway or transit node between the network and
`a central data storage facility 6. This facility is a repository
`for data shared by the network users 2.
`[0042] An additional server 7 provides virus scanning
`functionality as will be described below. This virus scanning
`server 7 is coupled to the network 1 and in use communi(cid:173)
`cates with the protected systems 4 and the administrator's
`workstation 2a. The server 7 is able to communicate with the
`protected systems and workstation 2a using for example
`standardised or proprietary protocols carried over the TCP/
`IP LAN 3.
`[0043] Each of the protected systems 4 has stored in its
`memory a so-called "agent" application which is run by the
`systems in the background to the normal tasks performed by
`the systems. The function of an agent is to intercept data (in
`the form of files) which is being transferred through the
`system 4 on which the agent is running. An intercepted file
`is scanned on-the-fly by the agent to determine whether or
`not the file has a form which may contain a virus. Thus, the
`agent may identify files having a .doc, .exe, etc., filename
`extension, files corresponding to e-mails, e-mail attachment,
`or documents containing macros. It will be appreciated that
`new viruses are being continually created and that this list is
`not exhaustive.
`[0044] Considering for example the firewall 4a, this fire(cid:173)
`wall will intercept files being transferred from the Internet 5
`to the network 3 and possibly files travelling in the reverse
`direction. Similarly, the mail server 4b and proxy server 4c
`will intercept e-mails and www files respectively, whilst the
`database server 4d scans files being transferred to and from
`the data storage facility 6. The network may be arranged
`such that the unnecessary duplication of tasks is avoided,
`e.g. the mail server 4b does not scan files received from the
`firewall 4a but only scans internally transferred mail.
`[0045] Files which are not of a suspect type are "passed"
`by the agent and are routed by the system to an appropriate
`destination (e.g. a user 2). However, if an agent identifies a
`suspect file, then the agent initiates a dialogue with the virus
`scanning server 7 using a suitable network protocol. Cur(cid:173)
`rently, network protocols such as CVP and FNP are used to
`perform network dialogues and such protocols may be
`modified in order to implement the present method.
`[0046] FIG. 2 illustrates schematically the server and
`agent arrangement and in particular the communication
`protocols which allow the server and agent to communicate.
`At the agent, the agent application sits on top of the modified
`FNP network protocol entity. Beneath the FNP entity are
`TCP!IP and IP entities, whilst the lowermost entity is the
`physical layer which provides the physical connection to the
`network. A similar stack exists at the scanning engine, with
`the agent application being replaced by the scanning engine
`application. The dashed lines in FIG. 2 illustrate the peer
`entity communications whilst the solid line coupling the
`physical entities illustrates the actual data transfer path.
`[0047] FIG. 3 illustrates the data exchange process which
`takes place at the application level, between the agent
`application and the scanning engine application, following
`the identification at the agent of a file which requires virus
`scanning. The agent initiates the FNP dialogue by sending an
`Initiate Negotiation request to the scanning engine. This
`request may include, for example, an identification of the
`type of file to be scanned. Using the received information,
`the scanning engine determines which portions of the iden(cid:173)
`tified file it requires in order to perform the virus scan. For
`example, the scanning engine may determine that it requires
`only the template bits at the top of a Word™ file. The
`required portions are identified in a Request File Portions
`message which is sent to the agent.
`[0048] The agent returns the requested portions to the
`scanning engine in a Return File Portions message (or
`several such messages), whereupon the scanning engine
`commences the virus scanning operation. This may include,
`for example, generating "signatures" for the received file
`portions and comparing these against signatures produced
`from known viruses. In certain cases, the scanning engine
`may determine that it requires further file portions from the
`agent. Upon completion of the scan, the scanning engine
`returns the result to the agent in a Return Scan Result
`message. In the event that no virus has been identified in the
`file, the agent allows the file transfer (or other operation
`involving the scanned file) to proceed.
`In the event that a virus has been identified in the
`scanned file, one of several courses of action may be taken.
`Firstly, and as is illustrated beneath the dashed line in FIG.
`3, a disinfection procedure may be carried out. This involves
`the scanning engine generating replacement file portions (on
`the basis the data previously transferred to the scanning
`engine from the agent, or using additionally transferred file
`portions), and returning these to the agent in a Write
`Instruction. The agent acts upon the Write Instruction by
`rewriting portions of the file to remove the virus infection.
`If no disinfection procedure is available, the file transfer
`procedure is suspended and the network administrator
`alerted, e.g. by sending a message over the network 1 from
`the agent to the network administrator's workstation.
`[0050] FIG. 4 is a flow diagram illustrating the method
`described above.
`It will be appreciated by the person of skill in the
`art that various modifications may be made to the above
`described embodiment without departing from the scope of
`the present invention. For example, whilst the above
`embodiment placed agents only at the firewall 4a, mail
`server 4b, proxy server 4c, and database server 4d, agents
`may also be present at one or more of the client computers
`1. A method of scanning electronic files for computer
`viruses, the method comprising:
`identifying at a first node of a computer network, elec(cid:173)
`tronic files which require to be scanned for computer
` Exhibit 1010 Page 7

`US 2001/0005889 Al
`initiating a dialogue between said first node and a second
`node of the network, the second node comprising a
`virus scanning application, during which dialogue the
`second node identifies to the first node one or more
`portions of the electronic file required by the virus
`scanning application; and
`transferring the identified portion(s) from the first node to
`the second node over the network.
`2. A method according to claim 1 and comprising iden(cid:173)
`tifying electronic files which require virus scanning, at a
`plurality of first nodes of the computer network and initiat(cid:173)
`ing a dialogue between the first nodes and the said second
`node when appropriate.
`3. A method according to claim 1, wherein the first node
`and the second node are located at respective different
`locations in the computer network.
`4. A method according to claim 1, wherein the first node
`is one of a database server, electronic mail server, an Internet
`server, a proxy server, or a firewall server.
`5. A method according to claim 1, wherein the dialogue is
`carried out using a network protocol carried by IP.
`6. A method according to claim 1 and comprising anal(cid:173)
`ysing the file portions received at the second node to
`determine whether or not the file contains a virus or cannot
`be guaranteed to not contain a virus, and returning the result
`to the first node over the network.
`7. A method according to claim 6 and comprising trans(cid:173)
`ferring from the second node to the first node data portions
`to be written into the file to disinfect the file.
`8. A method according to claim 6 and comprising sending
`instructions from the second node to the first node to inform
`the first node how to disinfect the file.
`9. An anti-virus scanning system for use in scanning
`electronic files in a computer network, the system compris(cid:173)
`a first computer having processing means arranged to
`identify electronic files which should be scanned for
`computer viruses; and
`a second computer having processing means arranged to
`perform a virus scanning operation,
`the first computer further comprising communication
`means for initiating a dialogue between the first com(cid:173)
`puter and the second computer, during which the sec(cid:173)
`ond computer identifies to the first computer those
`portions of the electronic files required by the first
`computer for performing the virus scanning operation,
`and for transferring those portions to the second com(cid:173)
`10. A computer memory encoded with executable instruc(cid:173)
`tions representing a computer program for causing a first
`computer connected to a computer network to:
`identify electronic files which require to be scanned for
`computer viruses;
`initiate a dialogue between the first computer and a
`second computer also connected to the computer net(cid:173)
`receive from the second computer an identification of
`portions of the electronic file which are required for
`virus scanning of the electronic files at the second
`computer; and
`transfer the identified portion from the first computer to
`the second computer.
`11. A computer memory encoded with executable instruc(cid:173)
`tions representing a computer program for causing a first
`computer connected to a computer network to:
`receive a dialogue initiation request from a second com(cid:173)
`puter also connected to the computer network concern(cid:173)
`ing an electronic file identified by the second computer
`as requiring a virus scan;
`identify to the second computer those portions of the
`electronic file which are required by the first mentioned
`computer for performing a virus scanning operation at
`the first computer; and
`receive the identified portions of the electronic file from
`the first node.
`12. A method of disinfecting an electronic file stored at a
`first node of a computer network, after the file has been
`identified as containing a virus by a virus scanning engine
`located at a second network node, the method comprising:
`sending from the second node to the first node, data
`portions to be written into the infected file and/or
`instructions for disinfecting the file; and
`receiving the data portions and/or instructions at the first
`node and writing the data portions into the infected file
`and/or carrying out said instructions.
`13. A method according to claim 12, wherein said first and
`second nodes are respective computer workstations coupled
`to a common network.
`14. A method according to claim 13, wherein the work(cid:173)
`station corresponding to the second node is arranged to
`communicate with a plurality of workstations corresponding
`to respective second nodes.
`* * * * *
` Exhibit 1010 Page 8

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