Page 501 of 1714
`SAMSUNG EXHIBIT 1006 (Part 3 of 8)

`upon the type ot gin ' or COV(’.1'¥t"t.~ or the
`thickness thereof used for the tcsueh pad.” C01.
`i 1:19-27.
`The ‘ 183 Patent discioses “Upon being powered
`by Voitage regulator ‘:00, osciiiatnr 20%
`genei‘ates a square wave with a frequency of 50
`t~:H;:, and preferably greater than 800 kHz. and
`having .3111 anipiitude of ;;6 V peak. The square
`wave geiiemted by esciiliator 209 is sunpiied. Via
`line 201 to a tinating curnriinn generator 300, 21
`touch pad shield plate 460. a touch circuit. 4%.,
`and aniici“0c<3nti“o1iei'500. Oscillator 200 is
`described below with rei’ei'en<:e tu FIG. ti.
`Floating common generatoi‘ 300 receives the 26
`V peak square wave froth osciiiator 200 and
`eutputs Z5, regulated floating eoinihon that is 5
`Veits heiew the Square wave output frnni
`oseiiiator 290 and has the same phase and
`frequency as the received square wttve. This
`floating common output is suppiiieci to touch
`csiteuit 43-00 and miei‘eeontruiiei“ 500 via hue 30E
`such that the output square wave from nsciiiiatm
`200 and floating common i'5tEfpt,EE "from floating
`eoninien generator 308 provitzie power to touch
`ci1'cuit4DO and 1T1iC1‘OCO11t1‘0ii(‘;t” 500. Detaiis of
`floating cotrunen generator 300 ate diticussed
`heiow with reference to FIG. 7. Touch circuit
`400 senses capacitance ttoin a ttmch pad 450 Via
`line 4-5! and outputs a si gn :11 to mierecentreiier
`500 Via line 401upon detecting a capacitance to
`ground at touch pat} 450 that exceeds 3. threshoid
`Value. The details of touch circuit 400 are
`tieserib-ed below with reference to FIG. 8.
`Upon i’eeeivnig an iiidiea.tien ftum tench circuit
`400 that a sufficient capacitance to ground
`(typicniiy at Eeast 20 pi?) is present at touch pad
`450, niiere<:oritroTiei' 5630 outputs 21 signal to a
`toad--controiiing ihicrocontroiier 600 Via iine
`50.1, which is pi‘et'ei‘ahiy 3 two way optical
`coupling “nus.” C01, i2:6-33.
`The ‘ T33 Patent diseioszes “As will be apparent
`to those skiiied in the :;ut, the V§;tiU(')S of the
`N./»\R—5796t 83RX
`Page 502 of 1714

`resistors and capacitors with ,(i in osttiiiatot
`may be varied from those disciosed above to
`provide for different oseii.iatoi' output
`frequencies.” Col” i4:22i~25.
`The ‘ 133 Patent discloses “A multiple touch pad
`circuit constiucted in accordance with the second
`embodiment is shown in HS. 11.
`in the seeonsfi
`enihodimeiit of FIG. ii, components similar to
`those in the first embodiment in FIG. 4 are
`tiesighateo} with the same retetehces
`and will not be discussed in detail. The rnuitipie
`touch pad circuit is a variation of the ‘first
`embodiment in that it includes an array of touch
`circuits designated as 9001 through 'E3£30inh,
`which, as shown, ineiude both the touch circuit
`400 shown in FIGS. 4 and S and the input touch
`terminai pad 451 (FIG. 4). Mieroconttoiier 500
`selects each row of the touch circuits 9991
`through 90011111 by providing the signal from
`oseiiiatoi‘ 200 to selected rows of touch circuits.
`in this iiiaiiiiei’, nii<:1‘-octet;troiier 500 can
`sequentially activate the touch circuit rows and
`associate the received inputs front the columns
`of the array with the activated touch eireuittjs).
`To keep the path length 45E between the touch
`pad 4-5!) and the base to the detection tramsistot
`410 to :1 mininiuni, the detection circuits 903 are
`physicaiiy ioeatetl directiy beneath the touch
`pads. To Si,1’1’)piifj assembly, a tiexibie circuit
`board such as V’t311Cit3Ci by Sheiciahii inc. Oi‘Cii’C1.Eii
`Etching 'i"eehhics;, hie. can be med for this
`ideally, the printed circuit will he fixed
`tiirectiy against the surface (typically glass)
`i>e:»3.i'ing the conductive touch pads to eliminate
`an gaps and the need for conductive foam pads
`and spring eontucts which were used to fiii air
`gaps,” Cot, i8:3r-L59.
`the first and . eond, touch
`See Claim 27.
`terininais defining, areas for an operator to
`proviide an input by proximity and touch:
`N./»\R—5796i 83RX
`Page 503 of 1714

`:1 (ietector circuit coupieti to said
`oscillator for receiving said periodic
`output Sigtlai from said oscillator. and
`coupled to said first anci second touch
`terrninais, said detector circuit being
`responsive to signals from said osciiiator
`Via said niicrocontroiier and [the] gt
`presence of an operator's “body capacitance
`to grourid coupled to said first and second
`touch tertninats when proximal or touched
`by {an} f_ti_e_ operator to provi-dc a control
`output signal for actuation of the
`controiied device, said detector s:ircuit
`being eon {figured to generate said controi
`output signai when {an} 3; operator is
`proxirnai or touches said second touch
`terminal after the operator is proximal or
`touches said first touch ternrinai.
`See Figures 4-,
`E and Liaitns 8,
`The " i 83 Patent discloses “Upon heing powered
`by voitage regulator £00, osciiiator 290
`generates a square wave with E1 frequency of 50
`kHz, and pr'eferahiy greater than 800 i<H;:, and
`havin an amplitude of 26 V peak. The square
`wave generated by osciiiator 200 is supplied via
`tine 201 to a floating connnon generator 300, a
`touch pad. shieid piate 4&1), at touch circuit 400,
`and a mieroeontrxflier 509.
`t'}sciiiator 200 is
`tiescribed below with reference to FIG» 6,
`Fioatiiig common generator 300 receives the 26
`V peak square wave from oscillator 200 and
`outputs a regulated floating common that is 5
`Volts heiow the square wave output from
`oscillator 200 and has the same phase and
`frequency as the received. square wave. This
`tioating eornrnon output is supplied to touch
`circuit 400 and 1’1’1iC1‘e'_K.?Q11t1‘(Jii=;”;1' 500 via line 30i
`such that the output square wave from osciiiator
`200 and tioating eoninion output troifo floating
`common generator 300 provide power to touch
`circuit 400 and niicrocontroiier 50(). Detaiis of
`floating contrnon generator 300 are discttssed
`beiow with reference to FIG. '7 . Touch circuit
`400 senses capacitance front a touch pad 450 via
`line 45 i and outputs a signal to H1it£?i“0,(_‘.01‘tE1“0iif)1‘
`500 via Eine 40i'upon detecting 2. capacitance to
`ground at touch pad 450 that exceeds £1 thresh oid
`Value. The detaiis of touch circuit 400 are
`described heiow with reference to Fifi. 8.
`Upon receiving an indication from touch circuit
`400 that a sufficient capacitance to ground
`(typicaiiy at least 20 pi?) is present at touch pad
`450, inicrocontrolier 500 outputs a signal to a
`lOmii—CGt’1it‘Oiiittg rnicr'ocontroiler ('i(}(} via iine
`501, which is meferahiy a two way opticai
`coupiing bus.” Col. 12:63-33.
`The “ 183 Patent discloses “A multiple touch pad
`circuit constructed in accordance with the second
`ernbodirnent is shown in FIG. i i.
`in the second
`einboditnent of FIG. ti, components sirniiar to
`N./»\R—5796i 83RX
`Page 504 of 1714

`in the tirst embodiment in Fifi 4 tire
`designated with the sanie references numerals
`and will not be discussed in detail. The multiple
`touch pad circuit is a Variation of the first
`enibodinient in that it includes an array of touch
`circuits designated as 900i through 9GOnrn,
`shown, include both the touch circuit
`and the input touch
`400 shown in l?7l{3S. 4 and
`l‘vllCl‘OCOl'iil'Oilt.’.1‘ 500
`terniiiial pad L‘!-Sl (HO, 4).
`selects each row of the touch circuits 9001
`tlimugli 900nm by pmviciing the signals from
`oscillator 200 to selected IOWS of touch circuits»
`in this manner, n1ici'oconti'ollcr 500 can
`scquciitially acti»'ate the touch circuit rows and
`associate the received inputs from the colunins
`of the array with the activatea;l touch cii‘cuit(_s).
`To keep the path iengtli L‘l5l between the touch
`pad 450 and the base to the detection tiaiisistor
`4-10 to a minitniim, the detection Cll”Cll‘ii'S 90% are
`physically located directly beneath the toricli
`pads. To siinplify assernbly, a flexible circuit
`laoard sncli
`venclcd by Si')€i£.l.§ii’ll,,
`lnc. Ol‘ Ciiciiit
`Etching Technicsl inc. can be used for this
`ldeally, Elle printed circuit will be iixedi
`directly against the surface (typically glass)
`bearing the conductive touch pads to eliminate
`air gaps and the need for coiiductive loain pads
`and spring contacts wliicli were used to fill air
`gaps.” Col. l8:34~59.
`J. New Ciaini 38
`icsponsivc elect: oma.
`switching circuit as defined in claim 37,
`wherein feedback to the operator is
`provided by an indicator activated by the
`fl’lli3l’€fi;C)Ill;l'Oillt3F alter the operator touches
`the second tnucli terminal,
`Ci ms 4,.-,.
`The ‘ l83 Patent discloses “The microprocessor
`also allows the use of Visual indicators such as
`l_,El)s or annunsziators such as :2; bell oi‘ tons’:
`generator to confirm the actuation of a given
`touch switch or switches. This is particularly
`useful in cases whcic a scquciice of actuatioiis is
`N./»\R—5796l 83RX
`Page 505 of 1714

`to the operator pro,v1de,d by 3 Vistlzfi or audio
`indicator activated by the microprocessor in
`response to intermediate touches in :1 required
`sequence can minimize time lost and/'0r
`h'ustr;1‘Lion on the part of the operzator due to
`faiied aetuations from partizfl touches or wrong
`actuations from touching the wrong pad. in a
`given requirefi sequence or combination of
`touches.” C01. 6:31-42.
`The ‘ 133 Patent discIo9.e:2. “A furthet‘ option is to
`provide one or more LEDS 2205 or audible
`annumciators for visual or audible feedhaols; to
`the opera.to1'. Specifically, in HG. 19 the LED
`2205 will come on when button 220} has been
`suocessfuiiy activated to we the operator that it
`is time to move to button 2202.
`‘vVhere required
`a second. LED with 21 different color than the first
`(yellow for the first LEE) and red for the second)
`can he provided to provide Visual confirnmtion
`that the second button 2202 has heen activated or
`that the Jfequhed combination of the two buttons
`has been activated. Two d.ift"erem: audibie tone
`or sound {generators could ztiso he used in lieu of
`the LEDS to provide feedback to the operator,”
`C01. 23:1--12.
`The ‘ E83 Patent disclosea “A red LED 2395 on
`top of the device shows the completion of the
`two Step tum—on and activation of output relay
`Z310.” Co1.23:2S--30.
`R. New Ciaim 39
`39. The capaci ve r ‘pensive eiectroniec
`;~;wite:hing circuit
`defined in claim 37.
`wherein sziiti detector circuit
`conapares 3 sensed body capaeitamze
`chzmge caused by
`body capacitance
`See Figure 3 1; and Claims E, 32”, E6, E87 27, 28.
`The " E 83 Patent diescioses “Another method for
`N./»\R—5796i 83RX
`Page 506 of 1714

`tieci‘eus~;ing a. second touch terminal signal
`on the detector to giouiici when proximate
`to the second touch termiitai to :1 threshold
`level to gent:.ra,te the control output signal,
`impiememiug capacitive touch .‘~%Vv’lTIChf)H relies: on
`the change in capacitive coupling between a
`touch terminal and ground. Systetris utilizing
`such 21 method we described in US. Pat. No.
`4,758,735 and US. Pat. No. :'Z,€}87,825. With
`this metliodology the detection circuit consists of
`an oscillator (or AC line Voltage a:ieriVa.tive)
`providing 21 signal to a touch terminal whose
`voitagts is tlleu l’I10l1il.0£'f_’.£i by at (,i§."iC£TtOl‘. The
`touch terminal is clriven in electrical series with
`other cotnponeiats thztt function in part
`charge pump, The touch of an opei‘ator then
`provides :2. capa.<:itive short to ground
`operalofia own body capucittahce that lowers the
`amplitude of oscillator Voltage seen at the touch
`te1‘mii1ai.” Col. 15:44-56.
`Tile ‘ i83 Patent discloses “The touch tietectioh
`circuit of the present invention features operation
`at frequencies at or above 5Gl:Hz and piefmubly
`at or above 800 icliz to miitiinize the effects of
`sm‘t‘a.oe C0lliTEif,Tl'iF1€ti.',iOil for tiuaterials such :1 skin
`it also o1°fei's improvements in
`oils 1‘-.hd.Water.
`tietection sensitivity that allow close control of
`the degree of proximity {ideally very close
`proximity) that
`required for actuation and to
`enable erhployrneitl of a multiplicity of small
`size touch torhilnsils in 21 physical close array
`such as a i~:eybo-Md.” Col. 5:4-_‘3~57.
`The ‘ 183 Patent discloses “Although the
`pi'e'i’en“e(l tlequeilcy is at or 3.‘-‘Jove M30 kl-lz, and
`inore preferably at or above 800 kHz, it is
`conceivable that frequencies
`low as 50 kHz
`could he used garovitied the litequeilcy creates at
`diffeteiice in the impedance paths of adjacent
`pads that is scufficiem etiough to accurately
`distinguish ‘oetweeti an intended touch and the
`touch of an adj aceitt pad. Us of frequencies as
`Eow as 50 kl-lz may aiso be possible depending
`upon the type of glass or covering or the
`thickness thereof used for the touch pad.” Col.
`N./»\R—5796l 83RX
`Page 507 of 1714

`The ‘ E 83' Patent tiiaeloites Touch eiretiit 400
`senses capacitance from a touch pad 456' Via line
`r-1-Sal and outputs a signal to nii.er0c0ntreiler
`via line élillupon tletectiiig 21 capacitance to
`ground at toueli pad 450 that exceeds 3. thre:’~:h0ld
`value. The details of touch circuit 4-00 are
`£i€’.SC1’il‘IF;‘.d below with reference to FIG. 8.” Col.
`The ‘ 183 Patent cliselcrses “AS will be appareiit
`to those skilled in the art, the Values et’ the
`resistors and capacitors utilized in oscillator 2.00
`may be varied train these disclosed aheve to
`pres/ide for different ese,il.latei' output
`frequencies?’ Col. l4:22.-25.
`See Claims 27, 32.
`The ‘ l83 Patent cliseloses “'l‘lie microprocessor
`also allows the use cf visual intliszators melt as
`LEDS Oi‘ anituntqiategs such as a hell or time
`genei'ate1"tcs eenfirin the actuation of at given
`much switch or S‘NilCi’1f5S, This is particularly
`useful in eases where
`St3q1.1t311CC of aettiations is
`required hv:-:i"'01‘e an action oeews. The feedback
`to the operatoi‘ provided by a Visual or audio
`ilidlcfitm‘ activatetl hy the microprocessor in
`respense to intermediate touches in a .i‘equii'ed
`sequence can ininirnize time lost and/'er
`fi'ust1‘ation on the part of the operator due to
`failed aetuatiems from partial tou<:he:~: or wrong
`aetuations from touching the wrong pad in a
`given required sequence or combination of
`touches.” Col. 6:314-2.
`The ‘ l83 Patent zliseloses “A furthei' option is to
`provide one or more LED5 2205 or audible
`annuiieiators for Visual or 2-.ud.ihle feeclbaeli to
`the epera.t0i'. Specifically, in E316. l9 the LED
`"V3.05 will come on when huttoh C_’t'.7.’.t“)l has heen
`successfully activated to we the 0pei'at:3r that it
`is time to move to button 2202. Whei'e required
`:1 second. LED with a cliffeteiit color than the first
`( ellow for the lirst LED and red for the second)
`wherein feedback to the opetatoi‘ is
`provitied by an indicator activated hy the
`niicrocontroliei‘ after the operator touclies
`the second touch terminal.
`N./»\R—5796l 83RX
`Page 508 of 1714

`can be provided to provide vima} c¢_mfi1'ma.ti0n
`that the second lmtton 2202 has been activated or
`that the raqtiired c<>rr;.bina1'_ion of the two buttons
`has hem activated Two different audible tone:
`or sound generators could aiso be used in lieu of
`Ehéf LEDS to provide feedback to the operator.”
`C01. 23:1--E2.
`The " 183 Patent disckyses “A red LED 2305 on
`top 01” the device shows the C-:=mpieti0:ra of the
`two step tum—0n and a.<:ti,vati0n of Qutput rc‘.lay
`2310.” C01. 23:28-30.
`N./»\R—5796i 83RX
`Page 509 of 1714

`V. Corwiusizsn
`In View of {ha :a.b0v:3., Fatclat Owner submits that the claims
`in condition for
`afimvance. No new mamer has been addad by this submission. If Examiner should have any
`questions, plsase Contact Patent ()wner’s Atiomey, Brian A. Carlson, at 9‘72—732—‘i (301. The
`Comniissiozaer is ‘hereby zmthorized to charge any fees due in connsction with this fiiing, or
`credit any'cVe1fpay1ne11t, to Deposit Account No. 50-1065.
`Respectfufiy submitted,
`,"Bri.3m A. Carlson!’
`Brian A. Caflsron
`Atbmfrley for Pat'ctm Owner
`N0. _ 7,793
`November 19. 2012
`17950 Pmston Rd. Suite: 3000
`Dallas, 'I‘exas 75252
`T61.: 972»-732»1€)O]T
`Fax: 972-7329218
`N./»\R—5796i 83RX
`Page 510 of 1714

`E iJNF:‘F.}‘> STA"'“"9 KP/—\"F}71N’E‘ AND ’E‘‘;«;.»\.D‘=’—trvIAR‘r< 0§‘«'{—‘-'m’~:
`‘ mt nd Track-Inark Office
`J‘-3. FOR P.
`9:‘./oi 2,439
`(‘:8/‘: 7'./20’: 2
`E7950 PR , TON RD, SUITE 1C:a'J{)
`DALLAS, '1'}; '75252—5'793
`Piease fiznzd beiow am‘:/‘Gr aiimtiyed an ()§°fi3ce «:43-mmunicaiiun ssuncerning this appiicaiian (pr prgcaeeiing.
`The. time period1“orrs3piy. if any, is 56'. in ‘thf: attached communication.
`04/10/201 3
`PTOL—90A (Rev. 01/07)
`Page 511 of 1714

`. Contmi No.
`Patent Under E‘-ieexaminetion
`Netiee of intent tie Issue
`EX Pa:/te Reexamination Certifieate
`. L.iNi-i Ex/i. i\iGLiYEi\i
`-~ The MMLING HA TE of this communication appears an the cm/er sheet with the correspandence address v~
`i. E] Prosecution on the merits is (or rernaihs) cieseci in this ex pane i'ee..<arninatieri gsmcee-;iing. This proceeding is
`subject to reopening at the initiative of the Office or upon petition.
`(Sf. 37’ CPR t.313(.-3). A Certificate wiii be issued
`in view of
`Patent i3wner‘s ci3i'nmtihicatien(s) flied:
`E] Patent i3wner’s faiiure to fiie an appropriate timeiy response to the Office action matted:
`E] Patent i:iwner’s faiiure to timeiy fiie an Appeai Brief (3? CFR 4‘i.3‘i).
`{:1 The decision on eppeai by the {:5 Beard at Patent Appeais an-Ci interferences {:2 C-C‘L.ii'T. dated
`{:1 Other:
`" i. Fteexaminetion Certificate wit: indicate the feiiewing:
`Change in the Specificatien: E] Yes E No
`Ghaitge in the Drawihgis):
`E] Yes
`Status of the Ciai:”Yi(S)i
`(1) Patent ciaim(s)
`(2) Patent Ciaint(s) amended (ineiLdis'ig depeitderit er‘: arnemied Ciaim(s)): i8 2.7.28 and 32
`(\) Patent ciairnis) caitceieri:
`(4) Newiy presented oiaimis) eaientabie: 33-39.
`(5) Newly preseitted c;—ti‘ieeied Ciaims:
`(a) Patent ciairitifs)
`previousiy [Ti currently diseiaimed:
`(7') Patent ciaim(s) notsubect tb i'eexamihation: M?’ 19-26 and 29-81.
`4 Note the attached statement of reasons fer patentabiiity aha‘/or cem‘irmatien. Any comments eorisidered necessary
`by rsatent owner regarding reasens for petentabiiity and/or iwniirmatioh must be stihinitted premptiy to avoid
`processing deiays. Such sui3missi0n(s) shotiid be iabeied: “Comments On Statement of Reasons for Patentabiiity
`enr.i/er Corii‘irmatieii.”
`Note atteetted i\iOTiC-E OF REFERENCES CETED (PTO—8Q2i
`Note attache-Li LIST OF REFERENCES CiTED (PTO./SB/'08 or PTO/'88./"O8 substitute).
`_ The -cirawihg correction request tiied on
`is: E] approved
`[:3 disap-pi'oved.
`§ 119(a)—(d) or (f).
`Acitriewiedgrnent is made of i‘ e priority ciaim under 35
`a)[] Ali bjfi Sorne*
`e)[:} None
`of the izertiiied castes have
`E] been received.
`E] not been received.
`E] been tiied in Application No.
`[3 been tiie-Ci in i'ee><einihation (_‘.ontroi Ne.
`[:3 been received by the Entei'natienal Sweat: in
`.‘\ ru-
`-ii“ Applicatien Ne.
`* Certified cepies not received:
`8. E] Note atiaished Exaihiner's Anieitdnteitt.
`E] Nate a tached Interview Summary (PTO-474).
`to. [:3 Other:
`Aii eerrespendenee relating; to: this i'eeXai'fiiflaTiOfl preceee'irig shouid be directed to the Certtret Reexeminatien Unit at
`the ntaii, FAX. or hahd—carry ettdresses given at the end of this Office actiori.
`cc: Requester (iE"'{i3i1‘-151:7-£il‘ty requester‘)
`U3. Patertt and Trademark Qffice
`PTOL-469 (Rev. 67-16)
`Ncstice cat intent ‘Be issue E3: Perte Reexaminetien Certificate
`Part at Paper ixie 2t‘.-‘E30327
`Page 512 of 1714

`AppLi<:a.t_im1/Con U701 Number: 90/0 .1 2,='-139
`Art Unit: 3992
`Naiice fif fimeni $0 issauee: Reexaminatims {femifissaie
`This is 3. reexan1i11a,ti0n uf United 813.333 Patent Number §,,'}’9=i3,183 (“the 183’ patc311t”).
`the }‘€3t§XE1.fIli1'1£i‘ti()I) request fiictd O8,/E ‘.7/203 2 (“Requé:s£”), by Patant Owner, 2: s‘.u‘r3st:mtia1 new
`question {SNQ) of patentabiiiiy was raised as ‘to Claims 18 and 27. These claims are thus
`reexamined herein. Rcaexaminatioil was met reqixested of claims 1--17, 192.6 and 28-32.
`Th:-:1*c3f01‘e‘, c;:iaims. L17, i9~26, and 27531 W111 110: be, 1‘CCXi:‘:11‘1il1€d.
`MPEP 224-3. Howcveic,
`claims 28 and 32 wiii ba I“€€5X'<‘11’ilif1€d,
`as fu1'Eher expiairaed below.
`A Pateifit Owner Statement was filed 11/1.9/2012, in which ciaims E8 and 2? were
`weli as c1a'm1s 28 and 32 due to their deapendenciess from Ciairn 27. Furfl1e1'mo1*e,
`new clainis 333:9 were added.
`the e><a?n'1im3r‘s ciisctmtiun, the néswiy acidfid c}a.in1s 33-39 and the, nonxaquested
`amendad claims 28 and 32 are new subject 10 reex zxmination.
`Boie st 211., US. Pate11tN0. 5,463,388, filed on .Ea11ua1‘y 29, 1993 and issued on October
`L (“Boie ‘388"Ta.
`Page 513 of 1714

`App1i<:a.t_imt/ConU701 Number: 90/0 .1 2,='-139
`Art Unit: 3992
`Staafenw;m' i?fR‘E‘£$S(§FlS fier ,§"::ttent:.z!)iIit_v and/or E'.7n:zj}7rnza£'i0n
`tliaims E8, 27, an'1e:'1ded not1—:'equeste.d C1£ii1’1’}':%. 28, 32 and newly added eiaims 33-39 are
`The exa1ni11e1*has no opinion as to the cslaims that were next reexa1nined. The following is
`an exatn'1fmer’s statement efieasona ‘tint patetttabiiity of the claints found patentable in this
`reemmination proceetiingi
`There is not taught or disclosed in the print art (.2 c'apa(:iiive ?”:?§p(.I2‘I.§'.5t7€‘ electrorut
`SWl'i(3}'ii7'£g 4'f.'!'!"(f'!/ti! havmg a rrzicr0t:(mtraiier ztsirzg the pe:"i0z,ii<: ()lr£fj}i/ifSigllra11[fi”()IG"! the 0.::cii!(zt(2/';
`rite rrzi(.’r0c0ztzt.t:'r)Zler .seiec*tit>eZ)> ,g‘)E":’.?“v‘I‘,t2]Z‘,.i”£g’ signal! ompztzfi*eqz,te22<?ie5‘ to L1" ,m'zt:"aIizj; of weal! sized
`input muciz rerrm'naZs of {I keypaci, as called for in independent claim 18; 11:3: 5: capctcirive
`re5,*:rmm'iws electrnnic ,swit(rlzintg circuit havirig a n’zim*<.>c>m:trailer .=tsin;,> the ;;=e‘ri0tiic ompmi s.r7;,>nai
`from the osciilatm", alts: rr:zt'r0(i(2mr()!ler .<;eZet,>tz't.=eE_v ‘z7i'(>via:i.i:«zg ,S‘igilt1I,r (.PZ47£pl:7£f?"€q££8ilt3i€.§
`to a
`Clmely sgmxced o:r'ra)»' rrfinépztr mum’: tesvmimzls ofa iceypari, the inpztz tnmfh terminals‘ rforngprising
`firsif and secoztzcf input mam’: ternziztzaix, as called for in inde,pemie11t claims: 27 anti 37. The
`examiner agtee:«: with the discussion articulated by Patent Owner in the S‘.TE3.{§3!'I},€:I11 that Sofie does
`not teach or suggest these ciaiin eiements. Rather, Bole discloses that “RF oscillator 408
`pmvides an RF signaL for exampie, 100 kiiohertz, to circuits 401, synchronous deteetcsr and fiiter
`404 via inverter 410, and guard plane 41
`Boie, en}. 3:67—eni. 4:2‘ Beie further discloses that
`“[t}he effetzts tn“ electrode—t0—e1e<:tr0de capa.cita.nees, wining :;:»3.p;1<:it:mees anti other extraneous
`Page 514 of 1714

`Applicatimt/ConU701 Number: 90i()_12,='-139
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 4
`capacitatlccs am: Inillillliltifl by driving ail eiectmrdcs and guard pialle 411 in unison with the
`same RF signai from RF os<:i11at0r408." Id. at (301. 4:58-60 {emphasis added); see id. at Fig. 4.
`Thus Bake. ciis.<:i08¢s drivirxg the eiec;1i1‘0dc':s 0fe.1e:':<;Uf0de a.1ira.y 100 and guarci pE:1I1e»i11l with a
`singla RF signai, Efioie does not teacii or suggest providing signal eutput frequencirss to these
`components. A»:cto1‘ding1y, ciaims E8, 27, amended I‘:-311--E‘€q‘dCST€d
`claimg 28, 32. and newly
`added claims 33-39 are patent:/£319.
`Any CO’-f11111€‘.i}iS
`<:<;v11;sia;i::rc=L“‘a necessary by PATENT O‘WNER regarding the above
`statement must be sub1nitte»:.i promptly to avoid procsssing delays, Such submisgien by the
`patiem; ownfir should be Eabeicsdz "Comments on Stateinem. of R.r':asc>ns for Ffltflfliélbiiiiy andfor
`C0nfi1‘r1'3ati0n" and WM E36 placed in the reagaminaticrn file.
`Page 515 of 1714

`Applicatimi/C011U701 Number: 90/0 .1 2,='-139
`Art Unit: 3992
`ARE cui‘i'atsp<>t3Liex:c<a 1‘c:i;1iing 10 this i?1l<2i‘ pa,rze.s' 3'r::xa31iii)aEi<>'(1 p1‘o=;¢<;‘Liit3g should be <ii3'ecEcd:
`By Mail to: Mail Stop Inter Parres Reexzinx
`Ann: Cemrai Reexainination Ujnif
`C()11‘:111i1SSi0l1E)1’ for Patcms
`Unitaad Slates Pmem: 5%; Trademzifl" O:"fi(:e
`PD. Box 1450
`/—\1exandria, "v’,/—‘s 22313-1450
`By FAX to:
`(:57 1) 27 3 3900
`Cellirzil Rv3EE>L€EIIli£1aEiO£1 Unit
`By hand:
`Custnmer SEfi'ViCEf Vv'ii*.dmV'
`Randoiph Building
`401 D1aE2myS1r<:et
`A1ex:md3'i;4, VA ‘Z2314
`submit such CC1-i‘I'(fSp()I1£i€I1é)EE Via the eiectronic filing 35/513111
`Registered users of EFS-—Web1nziy i11[S1'11€E[i‘v’€i§"
`F,FS~We:h, in hit
`.'~;:;"/efmis t0.m)v,/efiie/nw3011:}?/efs—res:istared ‘EFS-Vv'eh nffem the hemafii ofquick
`submissmn EU the p'.1::'iia:ulur area of the Ciifiue that llflifids its act 011 {ha uoxrsspxsndeiics, Also, EFS»W'eb
`suimnissions. am: “soft scaimed” (i.e., eiectroaaicaily uploaded) direciiy into the official fiie for the
`rees>;2m1ii1aiioi1 proceeciiilg, which 0ffer< pariies the opporiuiiiiy in review the <:-amem {if iheir sukmiissiorxs after
`the “soft scan‘nii1g” prosxzss is <:0mpiet'v::.
`Any inqufiy catsncemjng this -:.0i1imui1ia:aIia:in OE’ c—:arii<—:r cominimications from the c—:xa.n1ineJ; or as recs the
`stains of lhis procccdin simuid be dirccicd lo the Ccmral Rccxaminaliori Uni! at tclcphonc mam‘bc1f (571) ’ 7}
`“()5I A
`/'Li11h M. Nguycnl
`P1’ii111Ell'V Examiner, Art U 1 3992
`/James Menefésl
`Primary Examincp.
`Unit 3992
`./Démiel Rymzm.’
`Supervisory Patent Exaniiner, Art Unit 3992
`Page 516 of 1714

`Enimd States Emtent
`Htmrmami «at M.
`US0057961 §§3C1
`5,796,183 CE
`Apr. 2%? ZGE3
`(10; Numiserz
`Certificate issued:
`C APA.{.‘l'i‘l VIC RES §’()NSEVE EL §<I(."l‘R()N Ii?
`S‘Wl'1‘(YHlNG (‘.iRC UM’
`Iiivcntersz Byron Hourmand, Hersey, 1‘~/Q’ (US);
`John M. VVs3§hek2§Egi, Cadifiac, MI (US);
`Steglwzl R, ‘W. Camper, Fuwlcrville. IVE
`(73) Aasignee: Nartwm (7m'pm'atim1, Recéd City, NH
`Reexamimstixxn Request:
`No. 90/0l2,43:TuA11g, 1'7, 2012
`Reexamination Certificate for:
`Patent No;
`Aug. 18;, 1998
`Appi. N0;
`Jan. 31, 1996
`Ceriificnis0f(7m*recIi<)r1issued Way ] 1, 1999‘
`C=:1'iiflx:a=.e uf C{?I'[-’;‘C[iL?l1 issued Cu. 11. 201 1
`1103;; 17/96
`{mm 17/94
`USPC .......... (4 367/‘E16; 307/125;307/139;3m/1:;1
`Fieiai uffllassiiicaiioix Search
`for crgmplete :=eeL='ch11lst<)ry.
`See applicaticm
`Refs;-1'em;es Cited
`2 439, please refer to the USPTCYS public - atent
`ApphC1i\,i(>I’). Inform;
`(fPA]I%.Ts system under the
`Display R<;*R:r-'s11c¢s
`Primary Exanziyze/* ———— Lmh M. I\‘Vg‘-.1yc1'1
`5‘ " C
`:s"Ec '1.
`V71 hug cucaii
`”\ c"f~"("m
`1' <f~(ms1Vc (1 cu >111
`prises an oscfilator providing a periodic amp‘-.\t sigml bzwiug
`a freL{=.Jenc_V L:-J‘ 50 kHz -:)r grealer, an inpul L-:)u:;E3 lerminail
`dcfi11l11g an area for an up “tor provide :u1i11putby proximity
`and tench and dmec
`cuit couplrsd to the osciliator fvr
`an 0perat0‘r’s
`touchtc '
`Preferably: 1,1190
`mrc.-1 output
`pr()‘./kia a
`5 lmviuw a lh:quz;t11uy 4)fS001«;H,;
`vidcs 2: pcriudic: uulpui
`or greener. An array 0: much tsrnzxu
`be pr:-vicbad '
`close proxhnity due to the red‘-Jcticvr: in
`stalk that
`1'es'uit from comaminams by utilizing am oscillator otripuftixlg
`:3 :;ig‘-.13! luwing :3 frequency s>E'5U M125 or greater.
`GS{;‘.iLU\TOF~Z E»-gr
`Page 517 of 1714

`US 5,7%,i83 Ci
`i’ART iI
`.XAl\'HNA'E7I€3N C ERTE i<‘iE{.‘A(i‘ Ei1
`ESSUEEIE) 1.‘,-NEEER 35 U.S.C. M37
`Tlilif I’A(IEN'I IS ‘
`Matter encimied in heavy iirackets [ E apgiearetl in the
`patciiti but has been deleted and is my ledger a part of the
`patent; matter printed in italics indicates adtiitisns made
`tax the patent.
`l)i:'l‘l3Ri\/iiiwlil) THAT:
`A.l\/iiNA'i‘l()N. IT HAS BEEN
`Cl aims IS. 27, 28 at:-zi 32 are -zietermined t-:2 be pat-entaivle as
`at-.1-313 ded .
`New claims 33-39 are added and determined
`Claims 1-17, 19-26:
`29-31 were not reexainiried.
`tic switehii __
`18. A crapacitivc l”(3Sp-t)i‘C\SiV(3 elcctri,
`eorripr Rig:
`an oscillatiir pit, f 2: periodic output signal i‘~.avir\g a
`prcdeiiiied freqneiicx
`r1 mii"r.9rmz/r.9i.I'er Lcsing .r,‘/';'elt1(’r'.v,'.r;.'1.i.r‘ o7..',fp7,',t signal {rant Ike
`05cf1'/aim, zizc anicmi*aizIr0i:’er' se:’ectiveiy pro‘/zdirzg sig-
`nal ozilpzzifreqeicmrics to :2 _/Jizmzliiy Q/is’/rial!
`£0241;/i le.I'mimu',s' oft: kct;£1a<.";
`tire :li1li‘€'.iif'y 0i’s.n-ml! sized input touch terniinais defin-
`ing atijacerii areas cm 3 dieiectric si11“:strat,e i‘-er an opera-
`tor to provide iitpaits by proximity and miiczhg and
`a detector circuit coupled to said oscillator for receiving;
`said periodic output Si"{Eiéii
`i'mii1 sai-Li c,-scillat-Jr. and
`cmipieri to said input i0".lCi1it3I1Iiil1€:iS,
`said detector cir-
`cuit bcirig respimsive to signzzirs frorii said. -zisci zitor via
`said m‘ér0mm‘ro.<'Zcr' and {the} a presence 0 an opera»
`tur’s body capacitaiirse to gruurid cutzpieii to said tuticii
`lS1“:}’1‘i]1:?.iS1 ‘t7S’i’ir'¢l}pt‘I'.)Xi]112li or touched by [an] fizz» operzatcir
`to provide 3 eontml mitpiit signai,
`id predefined frequency of said oscillator’ {is}
`airri said sigma’
`0.u.jv.w.*. _;‘}*e:guencies are selected to
`decrease {the} ajirsl iiiipeciance of
`dielectric sub-
`strate reialive In {the} (‘Z .se.<-om! irnpe-ziance oi‘ any cori-
`taniinatc that may Create an electrical path on said
`dielectric substrate ‘new
`11 said adjaeeiit areas defi/zed
`by tlzeplziralizy ofsma/.'l 5
`d inpz,/I to:
`:h ter'JJ'rina/sq and
`wherein said detector circuit compares [the] (e sensed
`body ca_
`‘:tar.ce .~‘:imr
`> tr: gmnrid proximate at int‘.-iii
`touch terminal to is tiircshoid, level t0 prevent iiiadverterit
`geiieratioii of tire control output signal.
`2’/'. A atapsici tive respimsive eiectmt-.i
`3 coritrclied Ii
`' ml device conip "sing:
`an O51Cilia[()I‘ pro
`.cric>dic output signai i"i£i'Vii'1§'; a
`'e‘peri.r)dic output .s'igr2ai_fi"0,-2: lite
`Jrrividirzg. '
`(l7’f'{1/'-" (aft .".'[}?/ll
`Dad, the iizpu: mac}: z‘ern:im:l5
`touc/z zei'n'zir1a'.Zs qfia
`‘ ‘
`-uh fermimzls,‘
`C0mp}'fSfWg_fiV.S‘f and Se
`2129 first arid ‘ ‘arid i.
`‘ii! ton-cli tern iiais defiiiiiig,
`an npereinr in prnviiie an input by prnximity and touch;
`a detector circuit enupled to said osciilat-zir for r-eceiviiig
`said periodic output signal from said, oscillator, and
`cziupied to i
`id first and second tiztich terniiiiais. said
`detector circuit being resporisive to signals from
`()5CiiiéiiOL” via said riiicroroiztroller and {the} a preseiice
`of an operate.
`'n0d.y ciipacitaiice ti’; ground coupled to
`said i
`gt am, seem:-il tm.*.<:h teiiniiials when prxixiriizai -zir
`tr.-ticlied by {an} the vzipc:-rater ts} ;omV‘i<ic a control output
`signal for aCt'u¢’ii.i(}i10fti1€: controlled .I’u>;-ypad device, said
`detector circuit being Ck . igured to geiierat-e s
`output sitiiial when [an] rh.-3 op
`ate ‘ is pmxinial or
`touches said secmid tntieh terminal after the operator is
`pmximai ort aiches said first ttnicrii terminal.
`2.8. The capac . e responsive electronic SWitCi1il’ig circuit
`as defined in -claim 27, wherein said detector -sircuit g-eiierates
`said control signal 0niywi1ei1[aii}i./re‘ operator is pro:-uziniai or
`touclies said SCC011d touch tcrniiiiai within
`time period after the op .:3I(‘.-1’iSpI‘OKi1’\‘i{ii ort<)uche.
`. aid first
`touch terniinzti.
`re electronic «wit I ‘rig circuit.
`:3 respori I
`32. Tine Cam
`as dcfinecl in claim 27 and further including an indicator for
`iridicattng when said detector circu’ deterrriines . at
`()p€‘.1‘13C(Ot‘iS proximal ()1“t()tE(3i)eS said first toaici‘-. termiiizit,
`The (:c."tIaci{“ ‘e re.\[r»om'ivc eiei
`II ' _~'wi!cl ' Ag: circuit
`rzlrer com _. ‘fig wlzerein .mia' defer»
`com‘ colnpares the sei;.s‘ert bod}; capwizaitce c.I".r./mg?)
`c:m.s'e:I by :12: body cc.;Uac:'larzce-‘ ck-‘i‘reasing ah‘ in;-:41 .'oz:c/2
`Iermi (ii signal are rhea detector :0 ground wheat pm ‘Maze 2:)
`the 1:1]/I24! tmzcii lerrrtirzai t-:1 (4 secunci thre‘S,".'-aid‘ level I-:7 ;;em-tr»
`air? /he ./,'Ol’7Z}“0!' rmzfpui signal.
`34. 1719 capacitive\>e eleciroizic switcr’2i72g Ci‘ mix
`as define in claim .7 3,fi1rII/tar compri
`‘ 2'wI'zc‘rci'n saizi (it-‘tec-
`tor circuit r.'()r/zpareir the sci/zsed bad}! 1,
`,')aci.’,mzce char:
`cn'z4_\‘.;»’-11' by {/23 Z:-oafa cap::ciian(-c/ deg.-".;-‘as1.~ig an input 10;,
`[£.’.Vi?3fI2i1.7 .s'ig;za! a.‘np1'[iude on the rieiefcior to gfmzmd when
`pr; "E7H«'1?{? to flee ingnu‘ mac/2 Icrrnz’rmi fo (1 Set“:
`if flares:/'ioZd
`level to ge)zcra!€
`the corzlrol otizpztz signal.
`'.’}';.e iiapaiiirive? r‘e.>.vpo;zs'is/e zzicrirvzzit 5wz'f;:'/;i.r1g i'>.I'ri':1n'I

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