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`Final Draft
`Final Draft Final Draft
`September 2000 September 2000 September 2000
`Prepared for: Prepared for: Prepared for:
`The U.S. Department of Energy
`The U.S. Department of Energy The U.S. Department of Energy
`Office of Industrial Technologies Office of Industrial Technologies Office of Industrial Technologies
`Prepared hy:
`Prepared hy: Prepared hy:
`Energetics, Inc. Energetics, Inc.
`Energetics, Inc.
`Columbia, MD
`Columbia, MD Columbia, MD
`in cooperation with in cooperation with in cooperation with
`The American Welding Society The American Welding Society The American Welding Society
`The Edison Welding Institute The Edison Welding Institute The Edison Welding Institute
`Page 1 of 39

`Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents
`Introduction .................................................................. 1 Introduction .................................................................. 1
`Introduction .................................................................. 1
`Heavy Industry ................................................................ 3 Heavy Industry ................................................................ 3 Heavy Industry ................................................................ 3
`Aerospace ....................................................... " ............ 9
`Aerospace ....................................................... " ............ 9 Aerospace ....................................................... " ............ 9
`Petrochemical/Energy .......................................................... 15
`Petrochemical/Energy .......................................................... 15 Petrochemical/Energy .......................................................... 15
`Automotive ................................................................. 23 Automotive ................................................................. 23 Automotive ................................................................. 23
`The Integrated Welding Industry Roadmap ......................................... 29 The Integrated Welding Industry Roadmap ......................................... 29 The Integrated Welding Industry Roadmap ......................................... 29
`Appendix ................................................................... 35 Appendix ................................................................... 35
`Appendix ................................................................... 35
`Page 2 of 39

`1 Introduction
`1 Introduction 1 Introduction
`The recently published Welding Industry Vision Workshop Results describes the issues and The recently published Welding Industry Vision Workshop Results describes the issues and
`The recently published Welding Industry Vision Workshop Results describes the issues and
`opportunities facing the U.S. welding industry (users as well as suppliers of welding equipment,
`opportunities facing the U.S. welding industry (users as well as suppliers of welding equipment, opportunities facing the U.S. welding industry (users as well as suppliers of welding equipment,
`materials, processes, and support services) through the next twenty years. The strategic goals
`materials, processes, and support services) through the next twenty years. The strategic goals materials, processes, and support services) through the next twenty years. The strategic goals
`outlined in the Vision (see box) are ambitious and will require hard work and commitment by the outlined in the Vision (see box) are ambitious and will require hard work and commitment by the
`outlined in the Vision (see box) are ambitious and will require hard work and commitment by the
`industry, but expectations are high for maintaining a competitive worldwide position for welding industry, but expectations are high for maintaining a competitive worldwide position for welding
`industry, but expectations are high for maintaining a competitive worldwide position for welding
`well into the new century.
`well into the new century. well into the new century.
`Although end-user manufacturers would not typically consider themselves as part of the welding Although end-user manufacturers would not typically consider themselves as part of the welding Although end-user manufacturers would not typically consider themselves as part of the welding
`industry, advanced joining technologies allow manufacturers to use the latest materials and industry, advanced joining technologies allow manufacturers to use the latest materials and industry, advanced joining technologies allow manufacturers to use the latest materials and
`designs to enhance their products' p~:rformance, reduce manufacturing costs, and decrease life(cid:173)designs to enhance their products' p~:rformance, reduce manufacturing costs, and decrease life(cid:173)
`designs to enhance their products' p~:rformance, reduce manufacturing costs, and decrease life(cid:173)
`cycle costs. Because the established distribution system sometimes places a barrier or "filter" cycle costs. Because the established distribution system sometimes places a barrier or "filter"
`cycle costs. Because the established distribution system sometimes places a barrier or "filter"
`between the manufacturers of welding products and the end users, it is sometimes difficult for between the manufacturers of welding products and the end users, it is sometimes difficult for between the manufacturers of welding products and the end users, it is sometimes difficult for
`these manufacturers to learn what the users think of their products, and what their long-term these manufacturers to learn what the users think of their products, and what their long-term these manufacturers to learn what the users think of their products, and what their long-term
`needs (and opportunities) really are. The joining needs of each industry vary, depending on the needs (and opportunities) really are. The joining needs of each industry vary, depending on the needs (and opportunities) really are. The joining needs of each industry vary, depending on the
`demands placed upon its products, and the pressures for more cost-effective productivity. demands placed upon its products, and the pressures for more cost-effective productivity. demands placed upon its products, and the pressures for more cost-effective productivity.
`Welding Industry Strategic Goals (2020) Welding Industry Strategic Goals (2020) Welding Industry Strategic Goals (2020)
`Cost/Productivity/Market Growth Cost/Productivity/Market Growth Cost/Productivity/Market Growth
`• Reduce the average cost of welding by one-third • Reduce the average cost of welding by one-third • Reduce the average cost of welding by one-third
`• • •
`Increase the use of welding by 25% Increase the use of welding by 25% Increase the use of welding by 25%
`Process Technology Process Technology Process Technology
`• Enhance the use of welding in manufacturing and construction operations by integrating
`• Enhance the use of welding in manufacturing and construction operations by integrating • Enhance the use of welding in manufacturing and construction operations by integrating
`welding at all levels with other manufaCturing and constmction disciplines
`welding at all levels with other manufaCturing and constmction disciplines welding at all levels with other manufaCturing and constmction disciplines
`Materials Technology Materials Technology
`Materials Technology
`• Develop new welding technology along with new materials so that practical fabrication • Develop new welding technology along with new materials so that practical fabrication • Develop new welding technology along with new materials so that practical fabrication
`methods are available for all engineering applications methods are available for all engineering applications methods are available for all engineering applications
`Quality Technology Quality Technology Quality Technology
`• Assure that welding can be part of a six-sigma quality environment • Assure that welding can be part of a six-sigma quality environment
`• Assure that welding can be part of a six-sigma quality environment
`Education and Training Education and Training Education and Training
`• • •
`Increase the knowledge base of people employed at all levels of the welding industry Increase the knowledge base of people employed at all levels of the welding industry Increase the knowledge base of people employed at all levels of the welding industry
`Energy and Environment Energy and Environment Energy and Environment
`• Reduce energy use by 50% through productivity improvements • Reduce energy use by 50% through productivity improvements • Reduce energy use by 50% through productivity improvements
`Welding Technology Roadmap - Final Draft Welding Technology Roadmap - Final Draft Welding Technology Roadmap - Final Draft
`September 2000 September 2000 September 2000
`Page 3 of 39

`Virtually every construction and manufacturing industry uses some type of welding, whether
`Virtually every construction and manufacturing industry uses some type of welding, whether Virtually every construction and manufacturing industry uses some type of welding, whether
`during manufacturing or while in the repair and maintenance of products or process equipment. during manufacturing or while in the repair and maintenance of products or process equipment.
`during manufacturing or while in the repair and maintenance of products or process equipment.
`Four industry segments (described in their relative sections of this report) that rely heavily on
`Four industry segments (described in their relative sections of this report) that rely heavily on Four industry segments (described in their relative sections of this report) that rely heavily on
`welding and represent the overall needs ofindus1:ry are covered in this roadmap:
`welding and represent the overall needs ofindus1:ry are covered in this roadmap: welding and represent the overall needs ofindus1:ry are covered in this roadmap:
`. .
`heavy industry
`heavy industry heavy industry
`aerospace aerospace
`petroleum/energy petroleum/energy
`automotive automotive
`The Vision identified the key challenges facing the welding industry as materials development,
`The Vision identified the key challenges facing the welding industry as materials development, The Vision identified the key challenges facing the welding industry as materials development,
`manufacturing integration, workforce integrity, and product quality. This Welding Technology manufacturing integration, workforce integrity, and product quality. This Welding Technology manufacturing integration, workforce integrity, and product quality. This Welding Technology
`Roadmap addresses these hurdles by articulating an industry-defined strategy for ensuring the Roadmap addresses these hurdles by articulating an industry-defined strategy for ensuring the
`Roadmap addresses these hurdles by articulating an industry-defined strategy for ensuring the
`weldability of new alloys and materials; integrating welding into the entire product design and
`weldability of new alloys and materials; integrating welding into the entire product design and weldability of new alloys and materials; integrating welding into the entire product design and
`manufacturing process; maintaining a skilled, educated workforce; and eliminating the image of
`manufacturing process; maintaining a skilled, educated workforce; and eliminating the image of manufacturing process; maintaining a skilled, educated workforce; and eliminating the image of
`the welded joint as the weakest link in any structure. The transition of welding over the coming
`the welded joint as the weakest link in any structure. The transition of welding over the coming the welded joint as the weakest link in any structure. The transition of welding over the coming
`decades to a rigorous science based on detailed physical data will contribute greatly to the decades to a rigorous science based on detailed physical data will contribute greatly to the decades to a rigorous science based on detailed physical data will contribute greatly to the
`industry'S success in achieving its vision. industry'S success in achieving its vision. industry'S success in achieving its vision.
`The roadmap is based on input provided by representatives from the industry segments at The roadmap is based on input provided by representatives from the industry segments at The roadmap is based on input provided by representatives from the industry segments at
`workshops held in Chicago in October 1999 and Houston in March 2000 (see Appendix for a workshops held in Chicago in October 1999 and Houston in March 2000 (see Appendix for a workshops held in Chicago in October 1999 and Houston in March 2000 (see Appendix for a
`listing of workshop participants). Input for the automotive section was extracted from previously
`listing of workshop participants). Input for the automotive section was extracted from previously listing of workshop participants). Input for the automotive section was extracted from previously
`developed roadmaps prepared in collaboration with the Edison Welding Institute. developed roadmaps prepared in collaboration with the Edison Welding Institute.
`developed roadmaps prepared in collaboration with the Edison Welding Institute.
`The following chapters discuss research needs in the four industry segments listed above. A The following chapters discuss research needs in the four industry segments listed above. A
`The following chapters discuss research needs in the four industry segments listed above. A
`synthesis of research needs applicable to the entire industry is contained in the summary section synthesis of research needs applicable to the entire industry is contained in the summary section synthesis of research needs applicable to the entire industry is contained in the summary section
`of the roadmap. of the roadmap.
`of the roadmap.
`Welding Technology Roadmap - Final Draft Welding Technology Roadmap - Final Draft
`Welding Technology Roadmap - Final Draft
`2 2
`September 2000 September 2000
`September 2000
`Page 4 of 39

`2 Heavy Industry 2 Heavy Industry 2 Heavy Industry
`Welding has a long-standing tradition as the joining process of choice for the manufacture and Welding has a long-standing tradition as the joining process of choice for the manufacture and Welding has a long-standing tradition as the joining process of choice for the manufacture and
`maintenance of transportation and fmming equipment (such as ships, trains, and construction maintenance of transportation and fmming equipment (such as ships, trains, and construction maintenance of transportation and fmming equipment (such as ships, trains, and construction
`equipment and farm vehicles) and machinery and process equipment for manufacturing and equipment and farm vehicles) and machinery and process equipment for manufacturing and equipment and farm vehicles) and machinery and process equipment for manufacturing and
`mining industries. Heavy industry also incorporates those who build large structures such as oil mining industries. Heavy industry also incorporates those who build large structures such as oil mining industries. Heavy industry also incorporates those who build large structures such as oil
`platforms, petrochemical plants, bridges, buildings, and similar structures. These may be more platforms, petrochemical plants, bridges, buildings, and similar structures. These may be more platforms, petrochemical plants, bridges, buildings, and similar structures. These may be more
`commonly called construction companies rather than manufacturers. Advances to welding commonly called construction companies rather than manufacturers. Advances to welding commonly called construction companies rather than manufacturers. Advances to welding
`processes for these applications have not always kept pace with other technological processes for these applications have not always kept pace with other technological processes for these applications have not always kept pace with other technological
`developments. Research to develop new welding processes, better measurement techniques, and developments. Research to develop new welding processes, better measurement techniques, and developments. Research to develop new welding processes, better measurement techniques, and
`integrated manufacturing systems will go far to improve the cost effectiveness and cost of integrated manufacturing systems will go far to improve the cost effectiveness and cost of integrated manufacturing systems will go far to improve the cost effectiveness and cost of
`welding. Attracting top-quality personnel and maintaining its corporate core competency are welding. Attracting top-quality personnel and maintaining its corporate core competency are welding. Attracting top-quality personnel and maintaining its corporate core competency are
`also equally important. also equally important. also equally important.
`The R&D challenges (or needs) identified for the heavy industry market are organized into nine The R&D challenges (or needs) identified for the heavy industry market are organized into nine The R&D challenges (or needs) identified for the heavy industry market are organized into nine
`areas, as shown in Exhibit 2-1. The exhibit also outlines the strategic goals that each area of areas, as shown in Exhibit 2-1. The exhibit also outlines the strategic goals that each area of areas, as shown in Exhibit 2-1. The exhibit also outlines the strategic goals that each area of
`R&D wiII impact. R&D wiII impact. R&D wiII impact.
`The "R&D challenge" shown for each area summarizes the desired objectives and The "R&D challenge" shown for each area summarizes the desired objectives and The "R&D challenge" shown for each area summarizes the desired objectives and
`accomplishments in that area. In the materials area, for example, the challenge is to integrate accomplishments in that area. In the materials area, for example, the challenge is to integrate accomplishments in that area. In the materials area, for example, the challenge is to integrate
`weldability with materials development (including development of new alloys, filler metals, and weldability with materials development (including development of new alloys, filler metals, and weldability with materials development (including development of new alloys, filler metals, and
`consumables) and product design. consumables) and product design. consumables) and product design.
`Exhibit 2-2 presents the detailed list of R&D activities needed to improve welding in heavy Exhibit 2-2 presents the detailed list of R&D activities needed to improve welding in heavy Exhibit 2-2 presents the detailed list of R&D activities needed to improve welding in heavy
`industry applications. Within each category, the R&D activities are listed according to the time industry applications. Within each category, the R&D activities are listed according to the time industry applications. Within each category, the R&D activities are listed according to the time
`frame in which useable results would be available if work on the activity began immediately. frame in which useable results would be available if work on the activity began immediately. frame in which useable results would be available if work on the activity began immediately.
`A subset of the R&D activities in Exhibit 2-2 are considered key to the industry'S strategic goals. A subset of the R&D activities in Exhibit 2-2 are considered key to the industry'S strategic goals. A subset of the R&D activities in Exhibit 2-2 are considered key to the industry'S strategic goals.
`These high-priority R&D needs and an indication of their expected impact on key goals are These high-priority R&D needs and an indication of their expected impact on key goals are These high-priority R&D needs and an indication of their expected impact on key goals are
`discussed in more detail below. discussed in more detail below. discussed in more detail below.
`Welding Technology Roadmap - Final Draft Welding Technology Roadmap - Final Draft Welding Technology Roadmap - Final Draft
`3 3 3
`September 2000 September 2000 September 2000
`Page 5 of 39

`Welding Technology Roadmap - Final Draft
`September 2000
`Page 6 of 39

`Exhibit 2-2. Heavy Industry Welding R&D Needs Exhibit 2-2. Heavy Industry Welding R&D Needs Exhibit 2-2. Heavy Industry Welding R&D Needs
`by Time Frame of Expected Results
`by Time Frame of Expected Results by Time Frame of Expected Results
`Strengthening and repairing, along
`Strengthening and repairing, along Strengthening and repairing, along
`with validation of ultrasound impact
`with validation of ultrasound impact with validation of ultrasound impact
`treatments treatments
`o Real-time quality systems o Real-time quality systems
`o Real-time quality systems
`Standards based on fitness for service
`Standards based on fitness for service Standards based on fitness for service
`Simplified weld qualifying procedure
`o Evaluation oflaser technologies for
`o Evaluation oflaser technologies for o Evaluation oflaser technologies for
`process monitoring (e.g. heat input,
`process monitoring (e.g. heat input, process monitoring (e.g. heat input,
`metal melted) for constructionlheavy
`metal melted) for constructionlheavy metal melted) for constructionlheavy
`industry industry
`o Increase in solid state welding for o Increase in solid state welding for o Increase in solid state welding for
`heavy industries heavy industries heavy industries
`.,; " :..~, .,; " :..~, .,; " :..~,
`till Compllter integnition of till Compllter integnition of till Compllter integnition of
`manufacturing (CIM)/automation manufacturing (CIM)/automation manufacturing (CIM)/automation
`and automated testing and automated testing and automated testing
`Design guidelines for details; Design guidelines for details; Design guidelines for details;
`constructabillty, economical constructabillty, economical constructabillty, economical
`fabrication (details) emphasis for
`fabrication (details) emphasis for fabrication (details) emphasis for
`both designer and fabricator both designer and fabricator
`both designer and fabricator
`IS Concurrent product/process IS Concurrent product/process IS Concurrent product/process
`simulation and development simulation and development simulation and development
`IS Integration of precision IS Integration of precision IS Integration of precision
`measurement techniques and measurement techniques and measurement techniques and
`sensors with automatic cutting and
`sensors with automatic cutting and sensors with automatic cutting and
`welding systems welding systems
`welding systems
`o Robots that are easy to program, o Robots that are easy to program, o Robots that are easy to program,
`flexible, agile, autonomous, and flexible, agile, autonomous, and flexible, agile, autonomous, and
`designed for welding
`designed for welding designed for welding
`o Improved dimension measurement o Improved dimension measurement o Improved dimension measurement
`and evaluation of existing and evaluation of existing and evaluation of existing
`measuring technologies measuring technologies
`measuring technologies
`Feedback controls that include
`Feedback controls that include Feedback controls that include
`artificial intelligence for welding
`artificial intelligence for welding artificial intelligence for welding
`large/thick/irregular weld joints
`large/thick/irregular weld joints large/thick/irregular weld joints
`o Full exploration of alternative energy
`o Full exploration of alternative energy o Full exploration of alternative energy
`sources, including but not limited to
`sources, including but not limited to sources, including but not limited to
`laser and electron beam
`laser and electron beam laser and electron beam
`o Elimination of distortion and residual o Elimination of distortion and residual
`o Elimination of distortion and residual
`stresses in weldments stresses in weldments
`stresses in weldments
`Ripple-free (smooth) welds for better
`Ripple-free (smooth) welds for better Ripple-free (smooth) welds for better
`properties and appearance
`properties and appearance properties and appearance
`Non-thermal (metallurgical) method
`Non-thermal (metallurgical) method Non-thermal (metallurgical) method
`of post-weld heat treating of post-weld heat treating of post-weld heat treating
`Solar-powered welding systems Solar-powered welding systems Solar-powered welding systems
`o Real-time defect sensing techniques o Real-time defect sensing techniques
`o Real-time defect sensing techniques
`Material-based (embedded Material-based (embedded
`Material-based (embedded
`sensors/intelligent weldments), non(cid:173)sensors/intelligent weldments), non(cid:173)
`sensors/intelligent weldments), non(cid:173)
`destructive evaluation destructive evaluation
`deSTructive evaluation
`validates original processing validates original processing
`validates original processing
`- determines fitness-for-service - determines fitness-for-service
`- determines fitness-for-service
`o Hand-held equipment for residual stress and stress concentration measurements around the weld area o Hand-held equipment for residual stress and stress concentration measurements around the weld area o Hand-held equipment for residual stress and stress concentration measurements around the weld area
`In-situ recording of welding In-situ recording of welding
`In-situ recording of welding
`conditions in real time conditions in real time
`conditions in real time
`More user-friendly, laser-based seam
`More user-friendly, laser-based seam More user-friendly, laser-based seam
`tracking systems
`tracking systems tracking systems
`Welding Technology Roadmap - Final Draft Welding Technology Roadmap - Final Draft Welding Technology Roadmap - Final Draft
`5 5 5
`September 2000 September 2000 September 2000
`Page 7 of 39

`Exhibit 2-2. Heavy Industry Welding R&D Needs Exhibit 2-2. Heavy Industry Welding R&D Needs Exhibit 2-2. Heavy Industry Welding R&D Needs
`by Time Frame of Expected Results by Time Frame of Expected Results
`by Time Frame of Expected Results
`o Process control and filler metals
`o Process control and filler metals o Process control and filler metals
`for new materials, new alloys
`for new materials, new alloys for new materials, new alloys
`More alloy development in More alloy development in
`More alloy development in
`general general
`o Longer term, more focused
`o Longer term, more focused o Longer term, more focused
`understanding of post-weld heat understanding of post-weld heat
`understanding of post-weld heat
`treatment requirements (e.g. treatment requirements (e.g.
`treatment requirements (e.g.
`microstructure) microstructure)
`o Research on extended weld life
`o Research on extended weld life o Research on extended weld life
`assessment, including non(cid:173)assessment, including non(cid:173)
`assessment, including non(cid:173)
`destructive evaluation destructive evaluation
`destructive evaluation
`o Welding processes and filler metals
`o Welding processes and filler metals o Welding processes and filler metals
`to improve productivity while to improve productivity while to improve productivity while
`reducing heat, sound, smoke, etc. reducing heat, sound, smoke, etc.
`reducing heat, sound, smoke, etc.
`o Improvements in dissimilar materials
`o Improvements in dissimilar materials o Improvements in dissimilar materials
`joining joining
`o Basic research on materials to replace o Basic research on materials to replace
`o Basic research on materials to replace
`Cr and Ni Cr and Ni
`Cr and Ni
`Materials andlor process Materials andlor process
`Materials andlor process
`developments to enable aluminum developments to enable aluminum
`developments to enable aluminum
`alloys to be welded with minimal
`alloys to be welded with minimal alloys to be welded with minimal
`material property degradation
`material property degradation material property degradation
`o Inclusion of weld ability and manufal;turability in new material development o Inclusion of weld ability and manufal;turability in new material development o Inclusion of weld ability and manufal;turability in new material development
`~~~~~~~~~77~~ ~~~~~~~~~77~~
`Hands-on learning tools for users Hands-on learning tools for users
`o Government/industry cost-shared o Government/industry cost-shared
`apprenticeship program apprenticeship program
`Development and implementation of a virtual curriculum to integrate welding with other engineering areas Development and implementation of a virtual curriculum to integrate welding with other engineering areas
`~~~ ~~~
`• Better forum to identify research • Better forum to identify research • Better forum to identify research
`needs needs needs
`Promotion of high-level Promotion of high-level Promotion of high-level
`awareness of welding techniques awareness of welding techniques awareness of welding techniques
`used worldwide used worldwide
`used worldwide
`Measurement of performance Measurement of performance
`Measurement of performance
`targets for particular applications targets for particular applications targets for particular applications
`Knowledge management system for Knowledge management system for Knowledge management system for
`welding techniques and welding techniques and welding techniques and
`manufacturing system techniques for
`manufacturing system techniques for manufacturing system techniques for
`heavy industry heavy industry
`heavy industry
`Partnership with firms outside the
`Partnership with firms outside the Partnership with firms outside the
`welding industry to develop other welding industry to develop other welding industry to develop other
`joining methods joining methods joining methods
`New Welding Processes and Filler Metals must improve New Welding Processes and Filler Metals must improve New Welding Processes and Filler Metals must improve
`productivity while at the same time reducing emissions of toxic productivity while at the same time reducing emissions of toxic productivity while at the same time reducing emissions of toxic
`fumes and other pollutants. Such developments will yield the fumes and other pollutants. Such developments will yield the
`fumes and other pollutants. Such developments will yield the
`combined benefits of reduced production costs and improved combined benefits of reduced production costs and improved
`combined benefits of reduced production costs and improved
`environment (including a safer working environment for welders).
`environment (including a safer working environment for welders). environment (including a safer working environment for welders).
`Improving the cost effectiveness of welding will lead to
`Improving the cost effectiveness of welding will lead to Improving the cost effectiveness of welding will lead to
`significant market growth.
`significant market growth. significant market growth.
`Welding Technology Roadmap - Final Draft
`Welding Technology Roadmap - Final Draft Welding Technology Roadmap - Final Draft
`6 6
`September 2000
`September 2000 September 2000
`Low Impact High Impact Low Impact High Impact Low Impact High Impact
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`Page 8 of 39

`Weldability and Mallufacturability is a

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