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`Microsoft '
`guide for
`prug ramma rs.
`Blue Coat Systems - Exhibit 1020
`Blue Coat Systems - Exhibit 1020

`A lJiI.'I.I:irI-o of Microsoft Corporation
`1:’-It'll] NE. 31'-.-th Way, Ho:-: ':J?I[J'.|?, FledmoIId,WashiIIgIrIrI STI:DI'_II?3.-':|"I-']'I-'
`L‘upyrigIII =6: WEE: by Ray ]_JIIrIc:In
`All rights reserved. Nti part of the contents oI this book may
`be reproduced or traIIsrII:tted In any form or by any oteans without
`the written Iflerlriission oi the [.'r|.ll?|II5lIC1'.
`_ Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Duncan, Flay
`.-"id-»'aIIeed II.-IS-DCJ.‘-I
`Includes irtdes.
`2. Assembler language
`1. l'I-‘IS-DDS {Computer operalirigsystem}
`[Computer program language]
`3. C [Computer program language}
`I. Title.
`ISBN EJ-914845-T?-2
`i’I'irIted and h-ound III the l.|oited States ol .-Iknteruea.
`1-‘GFG H-":i|U9R?I’-I
`Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Harper 3: Rio-II.-'.
`Distributed to the boo}-I trade In Canada by General Fuhiisltmg Co, Ltd.
`llist rihuted lo the lII.II.'II-'. trade outside the L,|:1:ited bitates of America
`and C:-titadal by Penguirt Books I.1-:1.
`Penguin Books Ltd.. Harmoridsworth. I'-'IitI-rIlI:sex. England
`Peoguln Books Australia Ltd.. l1iI'Ig'I=.'ood."I«"I'ctI'Iria, Australia
`Fertguitt Boo!-rs
`I.TII.. IH2-'I‘:Il'I Wairatt HIIHII,
`.-"'|.I|I;'I~'.la|:1I] ID,
`NeI.I.' ZealarIr.I
`British C:I-Haloging in Publieatiorl Data available
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`1111' 31H{33)
`I7'tim‘tioii .~;umi
`Most ofthe MS—I)0§> operzitiiig-systetii services are invoked through softwzire interrupt 211-—L
`Using these servieere. 21 program can inspect disk directories, niake or delete files. read or ‘a.t':"'_"
`records within tiles. set or read the real—time clock. and perform many other filiietioiis in ;
`h;tru;iw;1re-iiidepende tit man tier.
`The MS—| )0S ftmctions avziilgihle through hit 2H 1 are well .~st;1nd;1rdized and avztilahle on 3:2".
`t'\«1S—I'JO.S .'-1'}-'h'IIt.’I11.
`iJ]"L)gT;!.l11S that perform all HO through these tiilictions will run on any :..-
`chine that supports. .-'v1S—l)t.)S.
`MS-I J05 sen-‘ices can be invoked in several different \-ways:
`Load the AH register with the tliiietioii number and other re_t{i.~;ter~' xv:
`e;i]l—speeifit' p;1l'k1Il1L‘tL'l'.‘i, then execute an hit 2|} I. This is the FL‘COI!'..—_
`method and producer, the t'le'.me.~;t.
`II1(TI:w'[ eompaet objeet code.
`ah, functi 0n_r:umber
`— E} B Load the AH regi'<ter with tliefiinction 1iL1niher;1nd other r
`with the t';IIl—speeitit‘ pzirzimeters. then execute it long Call to ot't'<~e.
`' ’
`the progruni 5egn1:.‘iit prefix. This liiiknge is .l\-".1iiL1hiL'()lIi}-' \\'iI}1.‘-‘.3-—.‘| ‘I
`version 2.H;Ii1d abox-'e.
`'- 1:’
`Load the ("IL register with the i_1.1llI;'ti(!n numher mid other i'egi.~'ter~'
`u::1]I—.<;peeific pcircmieters, then execute an il1[rJSL‘g1]1L‘I1{ Cd” to oI'I_.~:.
`in the PSI’. whicli (_'0l]1'.1i11S'.'J long; Cal] to the MS-1)t)S i‘l_I]'1(‘IiI.lT'l d:s~:.:
`This method its ViiiitiUni}-'i_U]‘i‘lI1]t‘[it‘JII e:1|lstIItIH throu_t:h 2-H I. R:.; -"H-'
`is :i|\-\-';iy.w de.~troyed itthis method is used; the rexultx ;; _.,
`as tor the first two methods disetissed J.i’J0\.-'L‘. The precursor to .\’i.--'
`8(»—|)(_‘J.‘>' origin:1I]_\-' sold lay Seattle Computer l’rodiit't.~e ('<<ee(fh.ip:-_'‘
`chided this liiik;1_e,e II1et‘|i;1iii:siii to tiaeiiitate e.i.x'y conversion ot_( '1'
`grariis. and its use should now he avoided.
`The contents otqall registerei are pre.~s'er\»'eti '.ICl'0.*i.H' MS-I )0S eiills. except For those ret::~t;-
`U5L‘d to return results. The only (‘Xt‘(‘p[il)I]S are tiiiietioii (:31 I, which was added in _'\1\.._ I V
`Hioii 2.25 to .\;Ll}'![,3t)TI extelided t‘h;Ir;1t‘ter Sets. and i-i1.lI'lCIi(')l] -415] I {EX I"'.(‘.}.
`.N'|.lL'e'c:~_' 1
`For those f‘L1Iietioii.~.' that are t'onip;1rable to Ct’.-‘M fl1l]L'1.'iILm.‘s (HIIH through 2-4! I).
`codes are typie;1Hy returned in register A |.. For those tuiietiome that were added In .\'i\-I -
`.‘iiUI‘l 2.H.1nd above. the carry Hug is t‘1e.ired to iiidiente ?x'UI;'L'I.‘N.~i or set to indieme tiailure. .2
`latter L'd5L‘ .1 more specific error (‘ode is ;]].*s'0 returned in register AX.
`3“ D“
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`I-iex Dee
`Function name
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`(Set default disk drive
`Set disk rr:m5f'L-r area address
`(jet ;1l|m'.3.riuIi iiiforln.-man fhr defiiult drive
`Get allocation iriforination for specified drive
`Random read
`Random write
`Get file size
`Set random record nilniber
`Set interrupt vertor
`Create pmgrani scgniciit prefix
`Random block read
`Random block write
`l’:Ir5L‘ [’lll.‘.ll;Il1ll‘
`(let system: (late
`Set r«;ys;te111 date
`Get system time
`Set systcin time
`Set verify flag
`(let disk transfer area address
`(Set MS-DOS \.-'L’!$lOl1Ill1I'I'|l)t_‘I'
`Terminate and stay resident
`(let or set Crrl—Break flag
`Gt‘! irirerrupt vector
`Get ficc disk space
`Get or set country
`I-[ex D,
`_='l:1’r’:m(:*d M$—DO.S


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