`Arthur M. Keller
`Minerva Consulting
`3881 Corina Way
`Palo Alto, CA 94303-4507
`tel +1(650)424-0202
`fax +1(650)424-0424
`email arthur@minervaconsulting.com
`Research Interests:
`Electronic commerce, databases, fighting spam, voting, entrepreneurship.
`Brooklyn College (City University of New York).
`BS, summa cum laude, (2/77) with departmental honors in both majors Mathematics
`and in Computer and Information Science.
`Stanford University.
`MS (6/79) in Computer Science.
`PhD (2/85) in Computer Science.
`PhD dissertation topic: Updating Relational Databases Through Views.
`Professional Experience:
`2013 to present
`Active Ion Displays, Inc., Redwood City, CA. Co-Founder, Chair of
`the Board, and Chief Financial Officer.
`2011 to present
`Psych E Analytics, Inc., Corte Madera, CA. Founder, Board
`Member, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Data Scientist.
`2003 to present
`University of California at Santa Cruz, Computer Science,
`Information Systems and Technology Management, Technology
`Management, or Computer Engineering. Lecturer and Research
`2001 to 2003
`University of California at Santa Cruz, Department of Computer
`Science. Visiting Associate Professor.
`1999 to present
`Minerva Consulting, Palo Alto, CA. Managing Partner and co-
`Founder. Clients include Propel Software (Technical Advisory
`Board), Virtual Giveaway.com (Advisor), Serus (Advisor),
`Broader Minds (Founding Advisor and Board Member), Unspam
`Technologies (Advisor), GenMobi Technologies (Board Member),
`Neuron Valley Networks (Advisor), KT Consulting (under contract
`from NIST, the National Institutes of Standards and Technology),
`Magnify.net (Advisor).
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`2000 to 2007
`1998 to 2003
`1987 to 1999
`1991 to 1999
`1996 to 1998
`1989 to 1993
`1985 to 1989
`1977 to 1985
`Globallinx Network, Inc., Mountain View, CA. Interim CEO, Board
`Member, angel investor, and co-Founder.
`Target Mining Corp. (previously buyermail.com and ccRe-
`wards.com), Los Altos, CA. Chief Technical Advisor, Board
`Member, angel investor, and co-Founder.
`Stanford University, Computer Science Department. Senior
`Research Scientist (1992 to 1999), Research Scientist (1991 to
`1992), Research Associate (1989 to 1991), Visiting Assistant
`Professor (1987 to 1989).
`Persistence Software, San Mateo, CA. Chief Technical Advisor
`(1992 to 1999), member of Board of Directors (1994 to 1997),
`member of Board of Advisors (1992 to 1994), Technical Advisor
`(1991 to 1992). (IPO, June 1999.)
`Epistemics (now called Mergent Systems), Palo Alto, CA. Co-
`Founder, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, and
`Board Member. (Acquired by Commerce One, January 2000.)
`Advanced Decision Systems, Mountain View, CA. Senior Computer
`University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences.
`Assistant Professor (1985 to 1988). Adjunct Assistant Professor
`(1988 to 1989).
`Stanford University, Computer Science Department. Research
`Associate (1985). Research Assistant (1977 to 1985). Acting
`Assistant Chairman (with rank of Predoctoral Research Affiliate)
`(1982). Instructor (1979, 1980, 1981).
`IBM, San Jose Research Laboratory, San Jose, CA. Academic
`IBM, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY.
`Summer Research Assistant.
`Brooklyn College (CUNY), Computer and Information Science
`Department, Brooklyn, NY. Instructor, “Computers and Society.”
`1974 to 1977
`Brooklyn College (CUNY), Computer Center, Brooklyn, NY.
`Systems Analyst.
`Courses Taught:
`Winter 2005
`Systems Analysis and Design, University of California at Santa
`Winter 2004
`Systems Analysis and Design, University of California at Santa
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`Spring 2003
`Systems Analysis and Design, University of California at Santa
`Spring 2003
`Database Management, University of California at Santa Cruz.
`Fall 2002
`Spring 2002
`Relational Database Management (graduate course), University of
`California at Santa Cruz.
`Relational Database Management (graduate course), University of
`California at Santa Cruz.
`Winter 2002
`Database Management, University of California at Santa Cruz.
`Fall 2001
`Database Management, University of California at Santa Cruz.
`January 1998
`Summer 1997
`Summer 1997
`Summer 1997
`Summer 1996
`Summer 1996
`Summer 1996
`Summer 1995
`Summer 1995
`Summer 1994
`Spring 1994
`Spring 1994
`Infomaster, for Epistemics at PanCanadian Petroleum, Calgary,
`Alberta, Canada.
`Internet Payment: Technologies and Systems (co-organizing
`instructor), Western Institute for Computer Science.
`Internet Commerce for Business (co-organizing instructor), Western
`Institute for Computer Science.
`Internet Security (co-organizing instructor), Western Institute for
`Computer Science.
`Object Data Management (organizing instructor), Western Institute
`for Computer Science.
`Electronic Commerce on the Internet (organizing instructor),
`Western Institute for Computer Science.
`Internet Security (organizing instructor), Western Institute for
`Computer Science.
`Object Data Management (organizing instructor), Western Institute
`for Computer Science.
`Internet Security (organizing instructor), Western Institute for
`Computer Science.
`Object Data Management (organizing instructor), Western Institute
`for Computer Science.
`Introduction to Databases, Universidad Blas Pascal, C´ordoba,
`Distributed Databases, Universidad Blas Pascal, C´ordoba,
`Fall 1993
`Introduction to Databases, Stanford University.
`Summer 1993
`Object Data Management Laboratory (organizing instructor),
`Western Institute for Computer Science.
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`Summer 1993
`Winter 1993
`Object Data Management (organizing instructor), Western Institute
`for Computer Science.
`File and Database Systems (Graduate Course), Stanford University,
`co-taught with Hector Garcia-Molina.
`Fall 1992
`Introduction to Databases, Stanford University.
`Summer 1992
`Spring 1992
`Object Data Management (organizing instructor), Western Institute
`for Computer Science.
`Distributed Databases (Advanced Graduate Course), Helsinki
`University of Technology.
`Spring 1992
`Introduction to Databases, Helsinki University of Technology.
`Winter 1992
`File and Database Systems (Graduate Course), Stanford University.
`Fall 1991
`Introduction to Databases, Stanford University.
`Summer 1991
`Summer 1991
`Fall 1990
`Fall 1989
`Fall 1988
`Distributed Databases (Advanced Graduate Course), Stanford
`Databases in Modern System Architectures (organizer), Western
`Institute for Computer Science.
`Introduction to Databases, Stanford University.
`Introduction to Databases, Stanford University.
`Introduction to Databases, Stanford University.
`Spring 1987
`Data Management, Univ. of Texas at Austin.
`Fall 1986
`Spring 1986
`Database Management (Graduate Course), Univ. of Texas at
`Database Interfaces (Advanced Graduate Course), Univ. of Texas at
`Fall 1985
`Data Management, Univ. of Texas at Austin.
`Summer 1985
`An Intensive Introduction to TEX, TEX Users Group.
`Summer 1984
`An Intensive Introduction to TEX, TEX Users Group.
`Winter 1981
`Introduction to Computing, Stanford University.
`Winter 1980
`Introduction to Computing, Stanford University.
`Summer 1979
`Introduction to Computing, Stanford University.
`Spring 1977
`Computers and Society, Brooklyn College.
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`Who’s Who in America, Millennium Edition (2000); Profesor Extraordinario Visitante,
`Universidad Blas Pascal, C´ordoba, Argentina (1994); Best Student Paper, IEEE
`Computer Data Engineering Conference (1984); George Forsythe Memorial Award for
`Excellence in Student Teaching, Stanford University Computer Science Dept. (1981-82);
`President, Brooklyn College Chapter, Pi Mu Epsilon (1976-77); Top score at Brooklyn
`College on Putnam Exam (1976); Institutional Member Nominee by Brooklyn College to
`American Mathematical Society (1976).
`1973 to 1977
`New York State Regents Scholarship.
`1977 to 1980
`National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship.
`Professional Societies:
`Association for Computing Machinery, Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers
`(Senior Member) (Vice Chair, IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on
`Database Engineering, 1986–1987; Vice Chair 2009–2010, Chair 2010–2013, Immediate
`Past Chair 2013–present, IEEE Standards Working Group P1622 on Voting Systems
`Electronic Data Interchange; Member, IEEE Computer Society Standards Activities
`Board, 2010–2013), TEX Users Group, Sigma Xi, Mathematical Association of
`America, American Mathematical Society (Institutional Member Nominee), Open
`Voting Consortium (Vice President and Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial
`Officer, 2003–2005; Secretary, 2005–2007), Voting Systems Performance Review (Chair,
`Executive Committee, 2005–present).
`Committee Memberships and Assignments:
`Tuition Task Force, Brooklyn College, 1976–77;
`Visitors Committee, Computer Science Dept., Stanford Univ., 1977–78;
`Student Advisor, Computer Science Dept., Stanford Univ., 1978–85;
`Odd Jobs Chairman, Computer Science Dept., Stanford Univ., 1979–80;
`Prancing Pony Cooperative (runs a computerized vending machine), Financial Manager,
`Computer Science Dept., Stanford Univ., 1980–85;
`Computer Facilities Committee, Computer Science Dept., Stanford Univ., 1978–79,
`Curriculum Committee, Computer Science Dept., Stanford Univ., 1982–83;
`Systems Qualifying Exam Committee, Computer Science Dept., Stanford Univ., 1983;
`LOTS Computer Facility Liaison, Stanford Univ., 1983–84;
`Honor Code Commission, chairman 1984–85, Stanford Univ., 1983–85;
`Prospective Student Committee, Computer Science Dept., Stanford Univ., 1983–84;
`Finance Committee, TEX Users Group, 1983–85;
`Committee of Fifteen, Stanford Univ., 1984–85;
`Office Assignments, Computer Science Dept., Stanford Univ., 1982–83, 1984–85;
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`Publisher, California YumYum, a restaurant guide of the Prancing Pony, 1984–85;
`Question Submission, Computer Science Graduate Record Exam, Educational Testing
`Service, 1984;
`Program Committee, Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, IEEE Computer Society, February
`5–7, 1986;
`International Coordinator, and Steering Committee, TEX Users Group, 1985–1987;
`Undergraduate Studies, Computer Sciences Dept., University of Texas at Austin, 1985–
`Colloquia, Computer Sciences Dept., University of Texas at Austin, 1985–86;
`Undergraduate Appeals, Computer Sciences Dept., University of Texas at Austin, 1985–
`Program Committee, Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, IEEE Computer Society, February
`3–5, 1987;
`Vice Chair, IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Data Base Engineering,
`Colloquia, Chairman, Computer Sciences Dept., University of Texas at Austin, 1986–87;
`Communications Officer, Chai Society, Congregation Beth Am, 1987–89;
`Undergraduate Major Committee, Computer Science Dept., Stanford University, 1987–
`Masters Degree Committee, Computer Science Dept., Stanford University, 1987–93;
`Doctoral Degree Committee, Computer Science Dept., Stanford University, 1987–90;
`Chair, Administrative Computing Committee, Computer Science Dept., Stanford
`University, 1987–89;
`Chair, Polya DBMS Committee, Computer Science Dept., Stanford University, 1987–88;
`Databases and Knowledge Bases PhD Qualifying Exam Committee, Computer Science
`Dept., Stanford University, 1987–88;
`Program Committee, Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, IEEE Computer Society, February
`7–9, 1989;
`Computer Science DBMS Committee, Computer Science Dept., Stanford University,
`Chair, Databases and Knowledge Bases PhD Qualifying Exam Committee, Computer
`Science Dept., Stanford University, 1988–90;
`Computer Science Comprehensive Exam Committee, Computer Science Dept., Stanford
`University, 1988–92;
`Secretary, Community Singles Shabbat Service, Northern California Jewish Federation,
`Program Committee, Int. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, August 22–25, 1989;
`Vice President—Publicity, Chai Society, Congregation Beth Am, 1989–90;
`Coordinator of Publicity, Community Singles Shabbat Service, Northern California
`Jewish Federation, 1989–90;
`National Science Foundation, Scientific Review Panel Member, 1993;
`Stanford Computer Forum, Forum Workshops Subcommittee, 1995–1996, Advisory
`Committee, 1996–99, Student Advisor Mentor Program Coordinator, 1996–98;
`Computer Science Dept. Web Presence committee, 1996–98;
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`Cong. Kol Emeth, member of Board of Directors, Chair of Publicity Committee, 1996–
`Program Committee, Int. Workshop on Advanced Transaction Models and Architec-
`tures, Goa, India, August 31–September 2, 1996;
`Program Committee, Int. Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,
`Rockville, MD, November 12–16, 1996;
`Direct Appeal Chair, Ohlone PTA, Palo Alto, CA, 2001–2002;
`Site Council, Ohlone Elementary School, Palo Alto, CA, 2001–2003;
`Student Directory Chair and Email Moderator, Ohlone Elementary School, Palo Alto,
`CA, 2001–present;
`Vice President, Operations and Finance, Founder and Board Member, Open Voting
`Consortium, 2003–2005;
`District Student Directory Committee, Palo Alto Unified School District, Palo Alto, CA,
`Parent Association Liaison to Development, The Girls’ Middle School, Mountain View,
`CA, 2004–2005;
`National Science Foundation, Scientific Review Panel Member, 2005;
`Secretary and Board Member, Open Voting Consortium, 2005–2007;
`Founder and Chair, Nominating Committee, VSPR, 2005;
`Board Member, The Girls’ Middle School, Mountain View, CA, 2005–2008;
`Chair, Technology Committee, The Girls’ Middle School, Mountain View, CA, 2005–
`Chair, Executive Committee, VSPR, 2005–present;
`Board Liaison to Technology Committee, The Girls’ Middle School, Mountain View, CA,
`Founder and President, Adobe Meadow Neighborhood Association, Palo Alto, CA,
`2005–2006; Past President, 2006–2007;
`Member, IEEE Standards Committees P1583 (Voting Equipment Standard), 2004–2009;
`P1622 (Voting Systems Electronic Data Interchange), 2004–present, Vice Chair, 2009–
`2010, Chair, 2010–2013, Immediate Past Chair, 2013–present; Standards Coordinating
`Council 38 (Voting Standards), 2008–2009; Voting Systems Standards Committee,
`Standards Coordinator, 2013–present; IEEE Computer Socieity Standards Activities
`Board, member, 2010–2013, Vitality Committee 2014;
`Co-chair, Environmental Affinity Group, Silicon Valley Social Venture Fund (SV2),
`Silicon Valley Community Foundation, 2006–2007; member 2007–present;
`Commissioner, Planning and Transportation Commission, City of Palo Alto, CA, 2006–
`2014 (reappointed 2010), Vice Chair, 2013–2014;
`Board Member, Electric Auto Association, 2007–2010;
`National Science Foundation, Scientific Review Panel Member, 2007;
`Member, Open Source Voting Systems Task Force, Secretary of State, California, 2007–
`Program Committee, Collegiate Voting Systems Competition (VoComp), Portland, OR,
`July 16–18, 2007;
`Public Transit Coordinator, Gunn High School Parent Teacher Student Association,
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`Palo Alto, CA, 2007–present;
`Host, Issues Forum, League of Women Voters Palo Alto, December 2007; Chair,
`Communications with Staff Committee, Planning and Transportation Commission,
`City of Palo Alto, 2007–2008;
`Member, Comp Plan Amendment Timing and Issues Committee, Planning and
`Transportation Commission, City of Palo Alto, 2007–2008;
`Member, PCs and Development Agreements Committee, Planning and Transportation
`Commission, City of Palo Alto, 2008–2011;
`Liaison, Build It Green grant, Environmental Affinity Group, Silicon Valley Social
`Venture Fund (SV2), Silicon Valley Community Foundation, 2008–2010;
`Member, Website Committee, City of Palo Alto, 2008–present;
`Member, Report to Council Committee, Planning and Transportation Commission, City
`of Palo Alto, 2008–2011;
`Member, National Popular Vote Study Committee, League of Women Voters of Santa
`Clara County, 2008–2009;
`Member, Facilities Steering Committee, Gunn High School, Palo Alto, 20092014;
`Member, Policies and Procedures Committee, Planning and Transportation Commission,
`City of Palo Alto, 2010–2011;
`Member, Forums Committee, Planning and Transportation Commission, City of Palo
`Alto, 2010–2011;
`Member, Leveraging Technology Committee, Planning and Transportation Commission,
`City of Palo Alto, 2010–2011;
`Liaison, Charleston-Arastradero Corridor Stakeholders Group, Planning and Transporta-
`tion Commission, City of Palo Alto, 2010–2011;
`Member, Electric Vehicle Task Force, Development Center, City of Palo Alto, 2013–
`Member, Environment and Water Resources Committee, Santa Clara Valley Water
`District, 2015–present;
`Co-Chair, (Comprehensive Plan) Citizens Advisory Committee, City of Palo Alto,
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`Method and system for a reliable distributed category-specific do-not-contact list,
`Arthur M. Keller, Lee Holloway, John Rodrigues, Dat Huu Nguyen, Thomas Belote, and
`Matthew B. Prince, U.S. Patent No. 7,925,704.
`A First Course in Computer Programming Using PASCAL, McGraw-Hill, New York,
`June 1982, xiii+306pp. Also, International Student Edition, 1985.
`Un premier cours de programmation en Pascal, McGraw-Hill ´Editeurs, Montr´eal,
`Qu´ebec, Canada, Summer 1985, French translation of A First Course in Computer
`Programming Using PASCAL by Jacques Beaudry, Claude Goutier, and Francine
`Ouellette, xii+367pp.
`Instructor’s Manual for A First Course in Computer Programming Using PASCAL,
`McGraw-Hill, New York, January 1984, viii+216pp.
`Programmare in PASCAL, Zanichelli, Bologna, Italy, October 1983, Italian translation
`of A First Course in Computer Programming Using PASCAL by Giovanni Canzii and
`Anna Pilenga, ix+294pp.
`Programaci´on en PASCAL, McGraw-Hill, Madrid, 1983, Spanish translation of A First
`Course in Computer Programming Using PASCAL by Gonzalo Le´on Serrano, Jos´e Mar´ıa
`Vela Berm´udez, and Antonio Vaquero S´anchez, xiii+304pp.
`Hajimeteno Programming: Pascal Ni Yoru (Your First Programming: Introduction by
`Pascal), McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Japan, Ltd., 1988, Japanese translation of A First
`Course in Computer Programming Using PASCAL by Keiji Moro, xii+312pp.
`Book Chapters:
`“Privacy Issues in an Electronic Voting Machine,” Arthur M. Keller, David Mertz,
`Joseph Lorenzo Hall, and Arnold Urken, in Privacy and Technologies of Identity: A
`Cross-Disciplinary Conversation, Katherine J. Strandburg and Daniela Stan Raicu, eds.,
`Springer Science+Business Media: New York, 2006, pp. 313–334. Refereed.
`“Penguin: Objects for Programs, Relations for Persistence,” Arthur M. Keller and Gio
`Wiederhold, in Succeeding with Object Databases, Akmal B. Chaudhri and Roberto
`Zicari, eds., John Wiley, 2001, pp. 75-88. Refereed.
`“Smart Catalogs and Virtual Catalogs,” Arthur M. Keller, Readings in Electronic
`Commerce, Ravi Kalakota and Andrew Whinston, eds., Addison-Wesley, 1997. Refereed.
`“The DIANA Approach to Mobile Computing,” Arthur M. Keller, Tahir Ahmad, Mike
`Clary, Owen Densmore, Steve Gadol, Wei Huang, Behfar Razavi, and Robert Pang,
`Mobile Computing, Tomasz Imielinski and Henry F. Korth, eds., Kluwer Academic
`Press, fall 1995, pp. 651–679. Refereed.
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`“Typesetting by Authors,” TEX for Scientific Documentation, Dario Lucarella, ed.,
`Addison-Wesley, 1985, pp. 1–14. Invited paper.
`“Updates to Relational Databases Through Views Involving Joins,” Improving Database
`Usability and Responsiveness, Peter Scheuermann, ed., Academic Press, New York, 1982,
`pp. 363–384. Refereed.
`Journal Articles:
`“Using Infomaster to Create a Housewares Virtual Catalog,” Arthur M. Keller and
`Michael R. Genesereth, in Int. Journal of Electronic Markets, Institute for Media and
`Communication Management, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, Vol. 7, No. 4, 1997,
`p. 41–45.
`“Multivendor Catalogs: Smart Catalogs and Virtual Catalogs,” Arthur M. Keller and
`Michael R. Genesereth, in EDI Forum, The Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol. 9,
`No. 3, September 1996.
`“Zippering: Managing Intermittent Connectivity in DIANA,” Arthur M. Keller,
`Owen Densmore, Wei Huang, and Behfar Razavi, in ACM NOMAD (Mobile Networks
`and Applications), Baltzer Science Publishers and ACM, Special Issue on Personal
`Communications, Vol. 2, pp. 357–364, 1997.
`“A Predicate-based Caching Scheme for Client-Server Database Architectures,” Arthur
`M. Keller and Julie Basu, VLDB Journal, 5:1, January 1996, pp. 35–47.
`“Independent Updates and Incremental Agreement in Replicated Databases,” Stefano
`Ceri, Maurice A.W. Houtsma, Arthur M. Keller, Pierangela Samarati, Journal of
`Parallel and Distributed Databases, 3:3, July 1995, pp. 225–246.
`“Comments on Bancilhon and Spyratos’ ‘Update Semantics and Relational Views’ ”
`ACM Trans. on Database Systems, 12:3, September 1987, pp. 521–523.
`“Set-Theoretic Problems of Null Completion in Relational Databases,” Information
`Processing Letters, 22:5, 28 April 1986, pp. 261–265.
`“The Role of Semantics in Translating View Updates,” IEEE Computer, 19:1, January
`1986, pp. 63–73.
`“On the Use of an Extended Relational Model to Handle Changing Incomplete
`Information,” by Arthur M. Keller and Marianne Winslett Wilkins, IEEE Trans. on
`Software Eng., SE-11:7, July 1985, pp. 620–633.
`Publications in Refereed Proceedings:
`“Open Source Voting,” Arthur M. Keller, Fred McLain, and David Mertz, to be
`presented at Open Source Convention (OSCON 2007), Portland Oregon, July 23–27,
`“A Deeper Look: Rebutting Shamos on e-Voting,” Arthur M. Keller, Alan Dechert,
`Edward Cherlin, and David Mertz, accepted for presentation at University Voting
`System Competition (VoComp 2007), Portland Oregon, July 16–18, 2007.
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`“Open Source Voting,” Arthur M. Keller and David Mertz, presented at Open Source
`Convention (OSCON 2006), Portland Oregon, July 24–28, 2006.
`“Privacy Issues for a Voting System with a Modular Voting Architecture,” Arthur
`M. Keller, David Mertz, and Arnold Urken, in Threat Analyses for Voting System
`Categories: A Workshop on Rating Voting Methods (VSRW 06), John Kelsey and
`Poorvi Vora, eds., Washington DC, June 8-9, 2006.
`“A Voting System with a Modular Voting Architecture and an Electronic Audit Trail,”
`Arthur M. Keller, Alan Dechert, Karl Auerbach, David Mertz, and Amy Pearl, in Threat
`Analyses for Voting System Categories: A Workshop on Rating Voting Methods (VSRW
`06), John Kelsey and Poorvi Vora, eds., Washington DC, June 8-9, 2006.
`“Understanding How Spammers Steal Your E-Mail Address: An Analysis of the First
`Six Months of Data from Project Honey Pot,” Matthew B. Prince, Lee Holloway, Eric
`Langheinrich, Benjamin M. Dahl, and Arthur M. Keller, Second Conference on Email
`and Anti-Spam, CEAS 2005, Stanford, California, July 21–22, 2005.
`“A PC-Based Open-Source Voting Machine with an Accessible Voter-Verifiable Paper
`Ballot,” Arthur M. Keller, Alan Dechert, Karl Auerbach, and David Mertz, Amy Pearl,
`and Joseph Lorenzo Hall, in USENIX ’05, FREENIX track, Anaheim, CA, April 10–15,
`“Privacy Issues in an Electronic Voting Machine,” (Extended Abstract) Arthur M.
`Keller, David Mertz, Joseph Lorenzo Hall, and Arnold Urken, in Workshop on Privacy in
`the Electronic Society (WPES 2004), Washington, DC, October 28, 2004.
`“No-Email-Collection Flag,” Matthew Prince, Arthur M. Keller, and Ben Dahl, in
`Conference on Email and Anti-Spam, Mountain View, CA, July 30-31, 2004.
`“Consistent Visualization and Querying of Spatial Databases by a Location-Aware
`Mobile Agent,” by Suresh K. Lodha, Nikolai M. Faaland, Grant Wong, Amin P.
`Charaniya, Srikumar Ramalingam, and Arthur Keller, Proceedings of Computer
`Graphics International (CGI), Tokyo, Japan, July 2003.
`“Collaboration Software to Reduce Inventory and Increase Response” (extended
`abstract), by Indu Bingham, Barbara Hoefle, Kim Phan, Jim Sizemore, and Arthur
`M. Keller, 2003 ACM Conference on E-Commerce, San Diego, CA, June 2003.
`“High Performance and Scalability Through Associative Client-Side Caching,” Julie
`Basu, Meikel P¨oss, and Arthur M. Keller, in Seventh International Workshop on High
`Performance Transaction Systems, Pacific Grove, CA, September 1997.
`“Centralized versus Distributed Index Schemes in OODBMS—A Performance Analysis,”
`by Julie Basu, Arthur M. Keller, and Meikel P¨oss, ADBIS, August 1997.
`“Infomaster: An Information Integration System,” by Michael R. Genesereth, Arthur M.
`Keller, and Oliver M. Duschka, in ACM SIGMOD, May 1997.
`“Zippering: Managing Intermittent Connectivity in DIANA,” Arthur M. Keller, Owen
`Densmore, Wei Huang, and Behfar Razavi, in 2nd Mobile Computing Workshop,
`Hsinchu, Taiwan, March 1996.
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`“Infomaster: A Virtual Information System,” Donald F. Geddis, Michael R. Genesereth,
`Arthur M. Keller, and Narinder P. Singh, in Intelligent Information Agents Workshop, at
`CIKM ’95, December 1995.
`“Smart Catalogs and Virtual Catalogs,” (invited talk) in An International Conference on
`Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Sixth Organizational Computing, Coordination, and
`Collaboration Conference, Austin, TX, October 1995.
`“Migrating to Object Data Management,” Arthur M. Keller and Paul Turner, OOPSLA
`Workshop on Legacy Systems and Object Technology, Austin, TX, October 1995.
`“Architecting Object Applications for High Performance with Relational Databases,”
`Shailesh Agarwal, Christopher Keene, and Arthur M. Keller, OOPSLA Workshop on
`Object Database Behavior, Benchmarks, and Performance, Austin, TX, October 1995.
`“Reflections on Object-Relational Applications,” Paul Turner and Arthur M. Keller,
`OOPSLA Workshop on Object and Relational Databases, Austin, TX, October 1995.
`“Smart Catalogs and Virtual Catalogs,” Arthur M. Keller, Usenix Workshop on
`Electronic Commerce, July 1995.
`“Flexible Relation: An Approach for Integrating Data from Multiple, Possibly
`Inconsistent Databases,” Shailesh Agarwal, Arthur M. Keller, Krishna Saraswat,
`Gio Wiederhold, Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1995.
`“Two-Level Caching of Composite Object Views of Relational Databases,” Catherine
`Hamon and Arthur M. Keller, Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, March
`“A Version Numbering Scheme with a Useful Lexicographical Order,” Arthur M. Keller
`and Jeffrey D. Ullman, Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1995.
`“Developing an Internet Presence with On-line Electronic Catalogs,” William T. Wong
`and Arthur M. Keller, Workshop on Electronic Commerce, December 1994.
`“A Smart Catalog and Brokering Architecture for Electronic Commerce,” Arthur M.
`Keller, Michael R. Genesereth, Narinder P. Singh, and Mustafa A. Syed, Workshop on
`Electronic Commerce, December 1994.
`“The DIANA Approach to Mobile Computing,” Tahir Ahmad, Mike Clary, Owen
`Densmore, Steve Gadol, Arthur M. Keller, and Robert Pang, MOBIDATA: Workshop
`on Mobile and Wireless Information Systems, New Brunswick, NJ, November 1994.
`Also appeared in MOBIDATA: An Internet journal of mobile computing Vol. 1, No. 1,
`November 1994, available through WWW at URL
`“A Predicate-based Caching Scheme for Client-Server Database Architectures,” Arthur
`M. Keller and Julie Basu, Third International Conference on Parallel and Distributed
`Information Systems, Austin, TX, September 1994.
`“Implementation of Object View Query on a Relational Database,” Tetsuya Takahashi
`and Arthur M. Keller, Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering,
`Hong Kong, May 1994.
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`“A C++ Binding for Penguin: a System for Data Sharing among Heterogeneous Object
`Models,” Arthur M. Keller, Catherine Hamon, Foundations on Data Organization
`(FODO) 93, October 1993, Chicago.
`“Querying Heterogeneous Object Views of a Relational Database,” Tetsuya Takahashi
`and Arthur M. Keller, Int. Symp. on Next Generation Database Systems and Their
`Applications (NDA) 93, Fukuoka, Japan, September 1993.
`“Persistence Software: Bridging Object-Oriented Programming and Relational
`Databases,” Arthur M. Keller, Richard Jensen, and Shailesh Agarwal, ACM SIGMOD,
`May 1993.
`“Achieving Incremental Consistency among Autonomous Replicated Databases,” Stefano
`Ceri, Maurice A.W. Houtsma, Arthur M. Keller, Pierangela Samarati, DS-5 (Semantic
`Interoperability), November 1992.
`“The Case for Independent Updates,” Stefano Ceri, Maurice A.W. Houtsma, Arthur M.
`Keller, Pierangela Samarati, Workshop on Management of Replicated Data II, Monterey
`California, November 1992.
`“Flexible Relations: An Approach for Integrated Data in a Semiconductor Manufac-
`turing Environment,” S.S. Agarwal, K.C. Saraswat, G. Wiederhold, and A.M. Keller,
`Seventh Annual SRC/DARPA CIM-IC Workshop, Stanford California, August 1992.
`“Adaptive Parallel Hash Join in Main-Memory Databases,” Arthur M. Keller and
`Shaibal Roy, First International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Information
`Systems (PDIS), Miami Florida, December 1991.
`“Implementing Hypertext Database Relationships through Aggregations and Excep-
`tions,” Yoshinori Hara, Arthur M. Keller, and Gio Wiederhold, ACM HYPERTEXT ’91,
`December 1991.
`“Relationship Abstractions for an Effective Hypertext Design: Augmentation and
`Globalization,” Yoshinori Hara, Arthur M. Keller, and Gio Wiederhold, Database and
`Expert Systems Applications, DEXA ’91, August 1991.
`“Updating Relational Databases through Object-Based Views,” by Thierry Barsalou,
`Niki Siambela, Arthur M. Keller, and Gio Wiederhold, ACM SIGMOD, Denver, CO,
`May 1991.
`“Unifying Database and Programming Language Concepts Using the Object Model”
`(extended abstract), Int. Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems, IEEE
`Computer Society, Pacific Grove, CA, September 1986.
`“Choosing a View Update Translator by Dialog at View Definition Time,” 12th Int.
`Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, Kyoto, Japan, August 1986, pp. 467–474.
`“Framework for the Security Component of an Ada DBMS” (extended abstract), by
`David Spooner, Arthur M. Keller, Gio Wiederhold, John Salasin, and Deborah Heystek,
`12th Int. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, Kyoto, Japan, August 1986, pp. 347–354.
`SYNCHRONOSS Exhibit 2002
`Dropbox, Inc. v. Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. - IPR2016-00851
`“Framework for the Security Component of an Ada DBMS” (extended abstract), by
`David Spooner, Arthur M. Keller, Gio Wiederhold, John Salasin, and Deborah Heystek,
`Proc. National Computer Security Center Invitational Workshop on Database Security,
`Baltimore, June 1986, 10 pp.
`“Reference Model for Ada Interfaces to Database Management Systems,” by Fred
`Friedman, Arthur Keller, John Salasin, Gio Wiederhold, Murray R. Berkowitz, and
`David L. Spooner, Proc. 1986 IEEE Computer Society Data Engineering Conference,
`Los Angeles, February 1986, pp. 492–506.
`“Algorithms for Translating View Updates to Database Updates for Views Involving
`Selections, Projections, and Joins” (extended abstract), Proc. of Fourth ACM SIGACT-
`SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems, March 1985, pp. 154–163.
`“On Complementary and Independent Mappings on Databases,” by Arthur M. Keller
`and Jeffrey D. Ullman, 1984 ACM-SIGMOD Int. Conf. on Management of Data, Boston,
`June 1984, pp. 143–148.
`“Approaches for Updating Databases With Incomplete Information and Nulls,” by
`Arthur M. Keller and Marianne Winslett Wilkins, IEEE Computer Society Int. Conf. on
`Data Engineering, Los Angeles, April 1984, pp. 332–340.
`“Validating Updates Against the Structural Model,” by Arthur M. Keller and G.
`Wiederhold, in Proc. IEEE Computer Society’s Symposium on Reliability in Distributed
`Software and Database Systems, Pittsburgh, July 1981.
`“FLASH: A Language-Independent, Portable File System,” by J. Allchin, A.M. Keller,
`and G. Wiederhold, Proc. ACM-SIGMOD 1980 Int. Conf. Management of Data, Santa
`Monica, May 1980, pp. 151–156.
`Other Publications:
`“Comments on UOCAVA Remote Voting Systems” by Arthur M. Keller, in Workshop
`on UOCAVA Remote Voting Systems, sponsored by Election Assistance Comm