`Dropbox, Inc. v.
`Synchronoss Technologies, Inc.
`Azer Bestavros
`January 19, 2017
`Min-U-Script® with Word Index
`SYNCHRONOSS Exhibit 2009
`Dropbox, Inc. v. Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. - IPR2016-00851
` 2 ______________________________
` 4 ______________________________
` 6 Petitioner,
` 7 v.
` 9 Patent Owner.
`10 _______________________
`11 Case IPR2016-00850
`12 Patent 7,941,822
`13 and
`14 Case IPR2016-00851
`15 Patent 6,671,757
`16 _______________________
`20 Thursday, January 19, 2017
`21 8:34 a.m.
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`SYNCHRONOSS Exhibit 2009
`Dropbox, Inc. v. Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. - IPR2016-00851
` 1
` 2
` 3 Deposition of AZER BESTAVROS, held at
` 4 Williams & Connelly, LLP, 725 Twelfth Street,
` 5 N.W., Washington, D C pursuant to Notice, before
` 6 Donna Marie Lewis, Registered Professional
` 7 Reporter and Notary Public of and for the District
` 8 of Columbia.
` 9
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` 1 A P P E A R A N C E S
` 5 725 Twelfth Street, N.W.
` 6 Washington, D C 20005
` 7 Telephone: (202) 434-5338
` 8 Email: dkrinsky@wc.com
` 9
`12 725 Twelfth Street, N.W.
`13 Washington, D C 20005
`14 Telephone: (202) 434-5293
`15 Email: cgeyer@wc.com
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`SYNCHRONOSS Exhibit 2009
`Dropbox, Inc. v. Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. - IPR2016-00851
`Azer Bestavros - January 19, 2017
` 1 APPEARANCES: (Continued)
` 5 1900 K Street, NW
` 6 Washington, D C 20006-1102
` 7 Telephone: (202) 496-7322
` 8 Email: martin.bruehs@dentons.com
` 9
`12 1900 K Street, NW
`13 Washington, D C 20006-1102
`14 Telephone: (202) 496-7323
`15 Email: scott.cummings@dentons.com
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`SYNCHRONOSS Exhibit 2009
`Dropbox, Inc. v. Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. - IPR2016-00851
` 1 I N D E X
` 5 BY MR. BRUEHS 6, 249
` 7 BY MR. KRINSKY 242
` 8
` 9 E X H I B I T S
`11 No. 200 Notice of Deposition 9
`12 No. 201 Notice of Deposition 9
`13 No. 202 File Transfer Protocol 43
`14 No. 203 Patent '757 96
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`Dropbox, Inc. v. Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. - IPR2016-00851
`Azer Bestavros - January 19, 2017
` 1 P-R-O-C-E-E-D-I-N-G-S
` 2 Whereupon,
` 3 A Z E R B E S T A V R O S
` 4 after having been first duly sworn by the Notary
` 5 Public was examined and testified as follows:
` 8 Q Good morning. My name is Martin Bruehs.
` 9 I'm here with my colleague Scott Cummings. We're
`10 with the law firm of Dentons. We represent
`11 Synchronoss.
`12 Do you understand that you are here to
`13 give testimony today?
`14 A I do.
`15 Q And that the testimony relates to two
`16 different IPR proceedings?
`17 A Yes.
`18 Q Can you state your name for the record?
`19 A My name is Azer Bestavros.
`20 Q Can you tell us your present address?
`21 A I live at 46 Rice Road in Wayland,
`22 Massachusetts.
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`Azer Bestavros - January 19, 2017
` 1 Q Do you have any other residential
` 2 addresses?
` 3 A No. This is my only residential
` 4 address.
` 5 Q If for some reason you don't understand
` 6 any of my questions today I would ask you to ask
` 7 me to clarify the question. And if you give a
` 8 response I would ask that you give a verbal
` 9 response instead of a nodding of your head or some
`10 kind of a informal response. Do you understand
`11 that?
`12 A I do.
`13 Q When I'm asking a question I would ask
`14 that you allow me to finish the question before
`15 giving an answer.
`16 A I will certainly do that.
`17 Q Thank you. Are you under the influence
`18 of any medication today?
`19 A Not medication that worries me about
`20 being under the influence or not being myself.
`21 THE COURT REPORTER: Excuse me.
`22 THE WITNESS: About being under the
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`Azer Bestavros - January 19, 2017
` 1 influence or not being my usual self.
` 3 Q Right. So you are not under the
` 4 influence of any medication that would impact your
` 5 ability?
` 6 A No.
` 7 Q To give truthful answers?
` 8 A No.
` 9 MR. KRINSKY: I will just ask you since
`10 even though we don't have microphones and the
`11 videographer and everything if you could just be
`12 careful to speak slowly and speak up so everybody
`13 can hear.
`15 Q And there is no other condition that you
`16 have that would impact your ability to answer
`17 truthfully?
`18 A No.
`19 MR. BRUEHS: I would like to introduce a
`20 couple of exhibits. I think we're going to call
`21 those PO 200 and 201.
`22 MR. KRINSKY: 200. This is deposition
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` 1 notice. So I don't mean to tell you how to number
` 2 your exhibits but I think usually with IPR
` 3 proceedings they like you all to take numbers in
` 4 the 2000 range.
` 5 MR. CUMMINGS: That's for the official
` 6 record. Right. But since --
` 7 MR. KRINSKY: Oh, you're numbering them
` 8 separately for the deposition and you may or may
` 9 not submit them. Is that the plan?
`10 MR. CUMMINGS: Correct.
`11 (Whereupon, Exhibit No. PO 200 and
`12 PO 201 were marked for identification.)
`14 Q Have you seen those documents before?
`15 A I may have. I don't recall.
`16 Q Each document includes a case IPR
`17 number. One is 850 and one is 851. Are you
`18 familiar with those case numbers?
`19 A Again, I don't recall. I know that I'm
`20 providing opinions for IPR --
`21 THE COURT REPORTER: Excuse me.
`22 THE WITNESS: That I'm providing
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` 1 opinions on -- for IPR proceedings.
` 3 Q Okay. But you don't know if it is these
` 4 proceedings because you don't recall the numbers?
` 5 A That's right.
` 6 MR. KRINSKY: I will representative that
` 7 these are the deposition notices in these
` 8 proceedings.
` 9 MR. BRUEHS: Correct.
`10 MR. CUMMINGS: And these appear to be
`11 the correct case numbers.
`13 Q And you have been retained by Dropbox?
`14 A I have been retained in this case. All
`15 my dealings were with the law firm. But for
`16 Dropbox, yes.
`17 Q You are being paid for your services?
`18 A Yes.
`19 Q What is your hourly rate?
`20 A It's I believe $650 an hour.
`21 Q Okay. How much have you been paid so
`22 far?
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` 1 A I don't recall the exact number, but.
` 2 Q Ballpark number?
` 3 A I mean if I think that I probably have
` 4 done at least a hundred hours of work. So
` 5 somewhere around there.
` 6 Q Do you understand that the petitioner in
` 7 this matter is Dropbox?
` 8 A Yes.
` 9 Q And so if I refer to the petitioner you
`10 understand that it's Dropbox?
`11 A Yes.
`12 Q You also understand that there is a
`13 related litigation proceeding?
`14 A I'm aware that there are other
`15 proceedings, yes.
`16 Q Okay. And are you participating in
`17 those proceedings?
`18 A No, I'm not.
`19 Q You are not consulting in the
`20 litigation?
`21 A I'm not.
`22 MR. KRINSKY: For the record this is
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` 1 without obviously prejudice to his participating
` 2 in the future I can represent he isn't at present.
` 3 At least not that I recall. I'm not the one under
` 4 oath here.
` 6 Q Okay. Are you familiar with a U S
` 7 patent number 6,671,757?
` 8 A Yes.
` 9 Q And during the course of the day I may
`10 refer to that as the '757 patent just to keep
`11 things efficient?
`12 A Yes.
`13 Q And you understand that when I say the
`14 '757 patent I mean 6,671,757 Patent?
`15 A Yes. I'm familiar with that.
`16 Q Did you review any documents in
`17 preparation for your deposition today?
`18 A In providing my opinion I looked at tons
`19 of documents.
`20 Q Right. And for you testimony today did
`21 you review any documents?
`22 A Yeah. I refreshed my memories on a
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`Dropbox, Inc. v. Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. - IPR2016-00851
`Azer Bestavros - January 19, 2017
` 1 number of the documents that were -- that I
` 2 thought were important to look at before the
` 3 deposition.
` 4 Q Which documents did you review to
` 5 refresh your memory?
` 6 A I certainly looked at my own report. I
` 7 looked at a number of the references that I cited.
` 8 Q By your report you mean your
` 9 declaration?
`10 A My declaration.
`11 Q And did you meet with anyone to prepare
`12 for your testimony today?
`13 A I had a couple of meetings with counsel
`14 the last couple of days.
`15 Q Okay. That's counsel sitting in the
`16 room with you today?
`17 A That's right.
`18 Q Were there any other attorneys present?
`19 A No.
`20 Q Was anyone else present?
`21 A No.
`22 Q How long did you meet to prepare for
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` 1 your testimony today?
` 2 A We had a few hours both yesterday and
` 3 the day before.
` 4 Q Have you ever met with anyone from
` 5 Dropbox?
` 6 A No.
` 7 Q Have you ever talked with anyone from
` 8 Dropbox?
` 9 A No.
`10 Q Did you discuss your testimony today
`11 with anyone else besides counsel?
`12 A No.
`13 Q What is your current occupation?
`14 A I'm a professor of computer science at
`15 Boston University. I'm a director of the Hariri
`16 Institute for Computing and Computational Science
`17 and Engineering at Boston University.
`18 Q How long have you been at that position?
`19 A I have been a professor at different
`20 ranks at BU since 1991. And I have been director
`21 of the institute since 2010 or so.
`22 Q And were you previously employed
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` 1 elsewhere?
` 2 A Before joining BU I was at Harvard
` 3 University as a research assistant. I have other
` 4 engagements with business and so on. But this has
` 5 been my main -- well, probably, you know, the
` 6 longest, obviously.
` 7 Q Have you been terminated from any
` 8 previous employment?
` 9 A No.
`10 Q Have you written any articles about data
`11 transfer and synchronization systems?
`12 A Yes, of course.
`13 Q And have you given any presentations on
`14 those subjects?
`15 A Oh, yes.
`16 Q And have you been an expert witness in
`17 other proceeding?
`18 A Yes, I have been.
`19 Q Do you recall what parties retained you
`20 as experts in other cases?
`21 A I recall some, but.
`22 Q Anything you can recall sitting here
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` 1 today?
` 2 MR. KRINSKY: And I caution you only to
` 3 disclose proceedings where your participation is
` 4 public, obviously.
` 5 THE WITNESS: I think the one -- the
` 6 ones where I was usually -- you know, I was in a
` 7 trial actually. I went all the way to trial. I
` 8 can recall Akamai. I was representing Akamai
` 9 Technologies at some point. And the name escapes
`10 me right now -- the name of the company, Brocade.
`11 THE COURT REPORTER: Excuse me.
`12 THE WITNESS: Brocade. There were a
`13 number of others.
`15 Q So you've testified in a deposition
`16 before?
`17 A Yes, I did.
`18 Q How many times have you testified in
`19 deposition?
`20 A I don't recall, but certainly at least
`21 six, seven, eight times.
`22 Q And you have also testified at trial?
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` 1 A Yes, I did.
` 2 Q How many times have you done that?
` 3 A I think a couple of times.
` 4 Q Just two?
` 5 A It may have been three. Yeah, I don't
` 6 recall.
` 7 Q Have your qualifications as an expert
` 8 ever been questioned?
` 9 A Never.
`10 Q You've never been disqualified from a
`11 case for any reason?
`12 A No.
`13 Q Are you familiar with the term operation
`14 shipping?
`15 A Operation shipping?
`16 Q Does it have any meaning to you at all?
`17 A No.
`18 Q No? Never heard that term?
`19 A Operation shipping. I can interpret the
`20 words. But, no, I haven't.
`21 Q In the context of data transfer and
`22 synchronization systems have you ever heard that
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` 1 term?
` 2 A Synchronization, do you mean -- well. I
` 3 can think of many computer science technologies
` 4 that would match perhaps that description. I
` 5 wouldn't use these words to describe them. So I
` 6 would say, no.
` 7 Q So you have no understanding of the
` 8 meaning of that term?
` 9 MR. KRINSKY: Objection. Asked and
`10 answered.
`11 THE WITNESS: As I said if you tell me
`12 that this is related to shipping code and -- and
`13 something related to synchronization then I
`14 certainly have my interpretation of what that
`15 would mean.
`17 Q Okay. Well, why don't you give it to
`18 me?
`19 MR. KRINSKY: I would object that this
`20 is outside of the scope.
`21 THE WITNESS: Could you give me an
`22 example of how this would be used so I don't go
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` 1 all over the place.
` 3 Q You know, in the context of the
` 4 technology of this case how would you understand
` 5 the term operation shipping?
` 6 MR. KRINSKY: Objection.
` 8 Q Could you give me an example of what you
` 9 would understand operation shipping to mean?
`10 A So in computer science the word
`11 operation implies instructions or some
`12 computation. And it's certainly the case that one
`13 can package instructions to be executed remotely
`14 and that would imply -- perhaps that would be the
`15 term that one would use to describe that.
`16 Q Okay. So one example of operation
`17 shipping would you the transfer of, as I think the
`18 term you used are instructions?
`19 A As I said, you know, this could be an
`20 interpretation of these words.
`21 Q Right. That's one of the
`22 interpretations that you would have as somebody of
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` 1 skill in this field?
` 2 A I have to be given a context of a
` 3 particular example. But in one example that is
` 4 sort hypothetically, you know, I can think of
` 5 right now that could be something that means
` 6 operations shipping.
` 7 Q Thank you. And are you familiar with
` 8 the term delta shipping in the same context of
` 9 this case?
`10 A Yes. Absolutely.
`11 Q Okay. Do you have a -- can you give me
`12 an example of what you would consider a delta
`13 shipping?
`14 A The word delta as it relates to the
`15 technologies we are talking about in my art refers
`16 to differences between states of objects. And
`17 delta shipping would mean communicating such
`18 changes from one end to another, from one machine
`19 to another, from one computer to another.
`20 Q When you say differences between states
`21 of objects can that mean differences between
`22 states of data?
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` 1 A A difference between data
` 2 representations of -- at different times of some
` 3 object.
` 4 Q Okay. What is data?
` 5 A Data is a representation of the state of
` 6 objects that we may want to manipulate using a
` 7 computer program or store or process in other
` 8 ways.
` 9 Q And what is your understanding of the
`10 term file in the context of these kinds of data
`11 transfer and synchronization systems?
`12 MR. KRINSKY: Objection to form. It is
`13 outside of the scope.
`14 THE WITNESS: Well, in computer science
`15 we use the term file to refer to a set of data
`16 that's logically -- makes sense to keep together
`17 as a representation of document of an object of
`18 some sort, a set of objects. That's what a file
`19 is. Usually it's stored as a unit.
`21 Q Okay. So stored as a unit in some kind
`22 as you said kept together form?
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` 1 A It has a logical entity that I can refer
` 2 to.
` 3 Q And so data file would be what?
` 4 A I think I answered this. A data file
` 5 would be a set of -- a bunch of data that
` 6 logically makes sense to keep together and we
` 7 access it or transfer it or process it any way you
` 8 want.
` 9 Q Do you have an understanding of the
`10 meaning of the term program file?
`11 A Sure.
`12 Q Okay. What is your understanding of
`13 that term?
`14 A One type of data would be a program,
`15 formal instructions I represented as -- they can
`16 certainly be in a file.
`17 Q So kept together in a unit as you
`18 referred to is your understanding of a file?
`19 A If we are referring to a program that's
`20 in a file then there is a file for that program.
`21 Q Right. If I have a data file, let's
`22 call it T1. And at some later point in time that
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` 1 data file is modified. Let's call that modified
` 2 file T2. How would one of ordinary skill
` 3 determine changes in T2 relative to T1?
` 4 MR. KRINSKY: Objection. Vague.
` 5 Outside of the scope. Complete hypothetical.
` 6 MR. CUMMINGS: I think I'd ask that you
` 7 keep the objections to form and not speaking
` 8 objections.
` 9 MR. KRINSKY: And I would ask that
`10 exactly one of you take this deposition.
`11 MR. BRUEHS: I think it's a pretty
`12 simple question.
`13 THE WITNESS: Can you repeat the
`14 question please?
`16 Q So you have an original set of data, a
`17 file called -- let's call it T1. That data file
`18 T1 is modified at some point in time. The
`19 modified file is T2. How would you go about
`20 determining what was changed in the modified file
`21 T2 relative to the original file T1?
`22 MR. KRINSKY: Objection. Vague.
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` 1 Outside of the scope.
` 2 THE WITNESS: Okay. So this is -- this
` 3 would be a very long answer because this is a
` 4 complex problem in computer science and lots of
` 5 algorithms to do that. And it depends on the type
` 6 of file, how the data is presented. It depends on
` 7 the efficiency you want to do that, if the file
` 8 changed size. So there -- one would deploy any
` 9 one of a number of algorithms to do that. And
`10 when you say how could one do this, I take it how
`11 could one -- how could an algorithm do that as
`12 opposed to an individual person.
`14 Q So in the number of different algorithms
`15 that you have in your mind that could do that how
`16 would those -- give me an example of what those
`17 algorithms would do?
`18 A So let's take a very specific case.
`19 Let's say the file did not change size. So it's
`20 the exact same number of bits. And I want to
`21 identify the bits that are changed. One can do
`22 the exclusive OR of all the bits in the file and
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` 1 come up with --
` 2 Q Sorry. Can you just repeat that?
` 3 A One can do the exclusive OR of all of
` 4 the bits in the files.
` 5 Q Okay.
` 6 A Compare them. And that would determine,
` 7 you know, the bits that have changed, for example.
` 8 Q Okay.
` 9 A That is one example. As I said there's
`10 many other algorithms one can think of and one
`11 would apply to come up with differences depends on
`12 the type of file, depends on the nature of the
`13 changes, etc.
`14 Q And if you have a data synchronization
`15 system where let's say multiple users are at or
`16 around the same time making changes to a file,
`17 different changes to the same file, is there some
`18 mechanism for addressing that in terms of
`19 synchronizing those changes?
`20 MR. KRINSKY: Objection. Vague.
`21 THE WITNESS: Can you repeat the
`22 question again?
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` 2 Q So for example you have a file. Again
` 3 call it T1. Different users are making changes to
` 4 that file. And the goal of the system is to
` 5 synchronize the different changes to the file. Is
` 6 there some mechanism in the context of these
` 7 systems for doing that?
` 8 MR. KRINSKY: Same objection.
` 9 THE WITNESS: A mechanism for what?
`11 Q So for example say it's contact
`12 information on a mobile phone. And on the phone
`13 there is a contact who has a street address, maybe
`14 it's 1000 Main Street is the address. And one
`15 user changes it to 1010 and another user maybe by
`16 mistake, typographic error or something, changes
`17 it to 1020. So those changes have been made to
`18 that contact information. Is there some way that
`19 you would design a system to address those
`20 different changes to that information?
`21 A I think this is too abstract, perhaps.
`22 Are they operating on different copies of that
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` 1 file or how is -- are these changes made on that
` 2 one file? I mean.
` 3 Q Well, tell me how it would be if they
` 4 were different files?
` 5 A There is a whole -- so basically what if
` 6 we interpret the question is about synchronizing
` 7 access to files or records in a database or other
` 8 shared objects. And there is certainly whole
` 9 literature on how one can synchronize these
`10 accesses. The patent in suit or in this IPR does
`11 talk about perhaps multiple ways to do it. For
`12 example you can have something called optimistic
`13 concurrency control where you would let just these
`14 individuals change it in the local copy and when
`15 it's necessary to have one of the other -- when
`16 you want to synchronize you have to pick one or
`17 the other changes and you can let the users decide
`18 that. There's many, many ways to do this. So in
`19 the absence of more specific details about what
`20 you mean by synchronization and -- and, you know,
`21 there could be many answers there.
`22 Q Okay. So in one example where there is
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` 1 a difference in the data as I described it you
` 2 could allow the individual users to have control
` 3 to address that difference? I'm just trying to
` 4 summarize what you said.
` 5 A So one way to address conflicts is to
` 6 say I have a conflict and maybe I will keep both
` 7 copies until you decide to make them into one
` 8 somehow. I mean there's lots of systems out
` 9 there. And again, this is all based on the kind
`10 of systems used day in and day out, not
`11 necessarily anything about the technology we are
`12 discussing here.
`13 Q Right. If the system has no way to
`14 resolve -- I think the term you used, a conflict
`15 of the kind we have been discussing can the system
`16 perform synchronization?
`17 A I'm not sure I understand what you mean,
`18 the system cannot resolve the conflict?
`19 Q So if you have a difference in a set of
`20 data like the data that we described, the contact
`21 information data that has been changed by two
`22 users and the information is different. If the
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` 1 system does not have a way of resolving that, I
` 2 think the term you used is conflict, can the
` 3 system actually synchronize the data because now
` 4 you have two different, two different sets of
` 5 data? If there is no mechanism in the system to
` 6 resolve that conflict can the system actually
` 7 synchronize those two sets of data?
` 8 A Again, this is such a broad question
` 9 that I will have to give you examples that have
`10 nothing to do with this case.
`11 Q That's fine.
`12 A For example I talk about optimistic
`13 concurrency control. So in optimistic concurrency
`14 control if you make a change, user A makes a
`15 change in their own copy, the system allows
`16 another user to make a change to a different copy
`17 that they have locally. At some point when I want
`18 to reflect those changes into the copy that
`19 everybody could use there in the optimistic
`20 concurrency control one would go through what's
`21 called the validation phase.
`22 Q Sorry. Can you say that again?
`NextGen Reporting
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`SYNCHRONOSS Exhibit 2009
`Dropbox, Inc. v. Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. - IPR2016-00851
`Azer Bestavros - January 19, 2017
` 1 A A validation phase.
` 2 Q Okay.
` 3 A And through validation one of the users
` 4 will reflect the changes first. And when the
` 5 second users want to validate that change the
` 6 system will say: Sorry, can't take it, restart.
` 7 Which means that you have to do it again because