`Patent Owner
`Dropbox Ex. 1022
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`I, Brad A. Myers, hereby declare and state the following:
`I am a Professor in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute in the
`School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. I am a fellow of both
`the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the Association for
`Computing Machinery (ACM). I am the author or editor of more than 450
`publications, most of which are related to user interface design. I received my
`B.Sc. and my M.S. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1980, and
`my Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Toronto in 1987.
`2. Beginning in 1988, the ACM has held an annual conference called the
`ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (“the UIST
`In 1995, I was General Chair of the UIST Conference, which was held
`in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
`4. Registration for the conference was open to anyone who was
`interested in attending, and is well-known to academics and computer science
`professionals to be one of the most impactful conferences related to computer user
`interfaces. Based on my records, approximately 207 people attended the
`conference. Attendees included professionals in the computer science industry,
`academics, students, and researchers.
`Dropbox Ex. 1022
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`5. Numerous papers were presented at the 1995 UIST Conference.
`Those papers were published in a bound volume that was distributed to all UIST
`Conference attendees in 1995. The bound volume is entitled “Proceedings of the
`ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology” (1995 UIST
`Proceedings Volume). I have a copy of the 1995 UIST Proceedings Volume,
`which I obtained while attending the UIST Conference in 1995. The 1995 UIST
`Proceedings Volume was also available for sale immediately after the conference
`from ACM publishers, and could be ordered by phone or physical mail. Further,
`the 1995 UIST Proceedings Volume was distributed by physical mail in 1995 to
`libraries and individuals who had a subscription to the ACM proceedings series.
`6. One of the papers that was included in the 1995 UIST Proceedings
`Volume was entitled “High-Latency, Low-Bandwidth Windowing in the Jupiter
`Collaboration System,” and was written by David Nichols, Pavel Curtis, Michael
`Dixon, and John Lamping (“the Nichols Article”).
`I have reviewed the document bearing the title Exhibit 1003, which I
`understand to have been submitted to the Patent Trial and Appeal Board in
`IPR2016-00850 and IPR2016-00851. Exhibit 1003 is a photocopy of the Nichols
`Article that appeared in the 1995 UIST Proceedings Volume that was distributed
`to all UIST Conference attendees in 1995.
`Dropbox Ex. 1022
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`8. There are several dates which appear in Exhibit 1003, all of which are
`from 1995 and reflect that the conference proceedings were published and
`distributed in 1995. The date range “November 14-17, 1995,” at the bottom of
`each page of the article, is when the conference was held. As I mentioned above,
`copies of the proceedings including this paper were distributed at the conference
`itself. Also at the bottom of each page is the text “UIST ’95,” which further
`reflects that this paper was presented at the 1995 UIST Conference. At the bottom
`of the first column of text on the first page, there is a copyright date of 1995, and
`“UIST 95” appears there. Each of these dates is consistent with my understanding
`and recollection that the Nichols Article was available to members of the public in
`I understand that this declaration will be filed as evidence in a
`contested case before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board of the United States Patent
`and Trademark Office. I also understand that I may be subject to cross-
`examination concerning this declaration, and I will appear for cross-examination, if
`required of me, during the time allotted for cross-examination.
`I hereby declare that all of the statements made herein of my own
`knowledge are true and that all statements made on information and belief are
`believed to be true; and further that these statements were made with knowledge
`Dropbox Ex. 1022
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`Cams‘ JPR2 01 6—0O85 0, IPR2 01 6- 0085 1
`Patent 6, 6 71 , 75 7
`that wiilful false state11'1ents and the like so made are punishable by fine or
`imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code.
`Date: October 18, 2016
`Dropbox Ex. ‘I022
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`Dropbox Ex. 1022
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