`array Gdisplay;
`array Gchanges,'
`array GhiqhlightChars Istart,
`int $i : 0;
`struct lnput;
`/ / Locati-on of cursor
`/ / Display of text
`/ / Aggregated changes
`/ / Start and end of highlight.ed text
`Contains type information and inputted
`values, including cursor moves and chars.
`while (1) {
`get ($input);
`($input :: cursorMove) i
`moveCursor ($input) ; / / Sets $cursorlocat.íon per user instruction
`delete) {
`delete (Gdisplay, $cursorlocation) ;
`handles both fwd and bkwd
`delete, and shifting
`remaining chars.
`inserts char and
`right-shifts chars
`to make room.,
`($input :: replace) {
`delete (ßdisplay' $cursorlocation) ;
`insert (Gdisplay, $cursorlocationl, $input) ;
`set s ßhiqhligihtChars for
`delete operat.ions
`($input :: highliqht)
`setHighlightedChars ( $input) ;
`($input :: insert)
`insert (Gdisplay, $cursorI,ocation, $input);
`I 2 3 4 5 6 1 U 9
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`SYNCHRONOSS Exhibit 2014
`Dropbox, Inc. v. Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. - IPR2016-00850
`/ / don't store cursor movements.
`($input !- cursorMove) {
`ßchanges [$i] : [$cursorlocation, $input] ;
`Ì i
`(time to send changes) {
`send (Gchanges);
`Gchanges : nu1l; / /Zero out all changes
`$i : 0;
`Ìelse {
`$ i++;
`Ì R
`eceiveChangies (GreceivedChanges) {
`$j = o;
`while ($receivedChanges [$j ] ) {
`Gdisplayl$cursorlocationl : $input;
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`SYNCHRONOSS Exhibit 2014
`Dropbox, Inc. v. Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. - IPR2016-00850