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`Elekta Exhibit 1035

`Page 2 of 24

`There is more to the price of an accelerator
`than its initial cost. To deliver real value,
`Varian's Clinam provide;
`' The highat dose rats for
`rapid patient trmtment
`‘ The highat reliability and stability
`for lower cost-per-patient treatment
`' The best service and support for rapid
`diagnosis and repair
`- The potential to add Features d'tat
`extend the usefitl life ofyour equipment
`the Varian advantage
`The Clinic is a key clanent In the Insplndon
`worldlow envlmnrnenr. Implntion is die
`advantage you pln fmmVarIan‘s lntegmtni
`oncology solutlon.
`As radiation oncologists explore dynamic
`confonnal technologia to increase cancer
`cure rats and reduce morbidity, Lhae new
`treatment techniqua being developed
`require more precise delivery to allow for
`dose modulation and possible aaalation.
`The challenge is to add thae evolving
`technological capabilities to a linear
`acceierator without sacrificing the proven
`ability of the Clinac" for throughput
`and reliability.
`Varian Medical Systems has met this
`challenge by engineering advanced
`technologies into its entire line of
`aoceierator products. Today, whet_her you
`choose a low energy or a high energy
`aoceierator, your clinic can be assured that
`future capabilities, needed to implement
`evolving techniques, can be added quickly
`and cost effectively. Currently, 300
`upgrade options are available for Varian's
`family of accelerators.
`Page 3 of 24

`Treatment Planning is-
`Varian and GE Medical
`Sysna-ns have teamed
`together to bring radiation
`therapy die biological
`targeting capablli d3 of
`PET the soft dssue
`capabilltia of MRI. and die
`bony capabilities oi CT.
`These bring radiation
`therapy the most precise
`set oi Iargedng cools
`awllable. The fusion of
`PET and CT or MR allows
`for accurate 3D tumor
`Iargeclrg necusary for
`IMRT planning.
`- Eclipse” inverse IMRT
`planning allows for the
`most advanced JD
`cracmenc planning on a
`PC piadorrn.
`- Eclipse provides a
`powerful inverse planning
`system that genelata
`IMRT Lreau-neni plans Wl£l'i
`exquisite 3D-dose
`- SomaVL:ion"“ offers
`Innovative JD dose
`visualization and analysis
`tools that make plan
`review possible anywhere.
` SEE.-i-i—Ti2EAT" -:7.-
`VARi5 Vision
`Varian’s Inspiration integration environment
`powers the VARi5 Vision platform and
`ensures that information and images are
`readily available at the point of care.
`A complete, comprehensive systems approach to IMRT
`Consultation in
`imaging for Staging I»
`Multi-Modality Targeting rt»
`AL ach step in the care
`padiwax VANS Vision"-‘
`allows access to all patient
`information and lmaga
`from a cenuailzed database
`The Exacfl" CoudI,wl(h
`Indexed lmmobillzadonw
`and a carbon fiber top.
`provida the highest preci-
`sion patient positioning for
`Varian Cllnacxi simulators
`and GE CT and PEI’
`Todayximaging oi soft clsue
`and bony anatomy is being
`combined WlCl'I biologic data
`to crate unprecedented
`urge: infornnclon. Varian
`and GE Medical Systems
`have tmmed togedier to
`provide GEs Discovery
`EFT“ family of PET and
`wide bore mulcl-slloe CT
`VARIS Vision is a complete
`oncology inlomiadon
`management system that
`maka information avail-
`able when and where you
`need it.
`Page 4 of 24

`Quality Assurance Argus‘ QA products
`Plan Verification Iv
`Treatment Verification b
`data acqulsltlon.anaiysiL
`and repordng for optimal
`departmental performance
`and the highest quality
`of care.
`Amorphous Silicon (aS|')
`Imaging technology allows
`for the quick and accuiate
`comparison of its image:
`with reference images.
`without loss of patient
`data or duplicate entry.
`PorI2lVl:ion lmaga can be
`reviewed immedlatdy on-
`line In the control room.
`or later Wll2l'I traditional
`ofi-line review tools.
` :2: 1‘.'T'.T
` .-...- x—.._ .—4-_ u.._......._
`For nth trmcmaat field. complete reference image: an be
`autnmatlally provided by Eclipse for immediate comparison
`wid1 the anquired portal Images.
`tracmaut planning systems.
`Imaging and information
`systans to provide die fastest.
`most accunte. and reliable
`deJivery of the IMRT patient
`prescription. New integrated
`Imaging capabilitia enable
`Image-guided repositioning.
`Precision of delivery with single pulse control. the dghtest
`lsocenner. and the smallest bam spot size make the Cilnac
`the Ideal platfonn for delivery of conventional or IMRT
`The Cllnac is fully lnmglated
`with the Millennium” family
`of multiieaf collimators. The
`Mlllainium-I10 leaf HLC
`delivers die hlghst rso|u-
`tion (2mm x 5mm). This
`high leveJ of rmoludon
`allows more radiation to be delivered to the exact tumor
`volume while also reducing dose to critical struccura.
`Varian's Innovative Ral-Time Position Management (RPHW)
`Rapii-atory Gadlg system is a
`systan dwat allows for the reduction of trucment margins
`affected by respilatory motion.
`Page 5 of 24
`IHRT and conformal wat-
`The Acuity" System
`uniquely combines crat-
`ments danand grater
`are fully Integrated into
`ment planning. simulation.
`positional and verificadon
`every step of the Iadiation
` Treatment Delivery D
`and motion data for
`capability. Traditional setup
`thenpy procas.They
`xtrmmline and automate
`verificadon is now aug-
`mented with dose image
`acq uisidon analysis. Using
`an automated image
`acquisition process.
`PorialVision“‘ with
`The ooreVarian technologia that enhance standard treat-
`ments make hlgi-resolution IHRT a reality. Renowned for
`year: as the most reliable and stable of delivery platfomis.
`the current generation of Ciinacs comblna state-of-the~art
`verifying padent plans
`Acuity’: high-ruolutlon.
`Interactive 1D digital
`images enable more
`precise plan verificadon.
`Acuity suppom the verifi-
`cation of complex JD
`trmtrnent plans with
`automatic setup of 3D
`fidds and verification of
`thse fields with dynamic
`dlgial Iadiogaphs.
`Acuity redefines
`technology for simulation‘
`planning,and verification.
`All of thae capabllitia
`reside on one dedicated
`xystemaliowirig more dme
`to plan and verify without
`having to sacrifice time on
`the tratment unit

`In addition to state-of-the-art tedinology
`and upgrade flexibility, the Varian Family
`of accelerators offers advantaga not
`available on any other accelerator. In
`short, Varian accelerators offer the most
`advanced clinical capabilities in the industry.
`Thae include:
`' Highest dose rats: 600 MU/min.
`in photons and [000 MU/min. in
`Over me last 25 years, Va_rian accelerators
`have built a reputation For world-class
`excellence in both hardware and software
`‘ Fastat beam-on tima to Full
`include the
`ance standards
`sala support.
`L1 .
`mm mm ”'
`lie reliability ofVaria_n accelerators is
`the product of the best manufacturing
`processes in the industry, as evidenced
`by awards such as:
`ISO 9001 since 1991
`I European Quality Award
`' 10 Bat U.S. Manufacturing Plants
`' Maloolm
`National Quality Award Finalist
`' Best Manufiacturing Award
`from Englan!
`' California Quality Award
`stability and flatner: less than 500
`‘ Pulse-to-pulse beam oontrol For
`dynamic tratments
`‘ Highest beam stability through
`Varian’s unique dynamic bmm
`control capability
`' Greatest number of multileaf
`collimator (MLC) products that achieve
`the finat dose oontouring
`0 Fastat treatment times through
`the use of Auto Field Sequencing
`(for example, 5,000 field shapes can
`be delivered on all Varian accderators
`in under 4.5 minutes)
`Page 6 of 24

`CLINAC 600 and
`Selections are lnculdve. uslng pop—up wlndow
`displays and a dedicated key |
`setting up mrwendonai or conformal trutments.
`numerlcai keystrokm are requlrui
`From muldlcal colllmadon tn advanced
`dynamic mpabllltlei. the Cllnac 6D(
`accelerator Imdlly accommodates
`upg1des and new dynamlc uzhniquex
`The world's most integrated
`line of accelerators
`The Cllnac 600C/D oflers a broad range
`of uptlbllida and acassorles for any
`mdiodtentpy Ink.
`The oost-effective Clinac 600C/D
`accelerators are the d'toice of departmenu
`looking For a proven and reliable
`workhorse. They often
`' Proven waveguide technology
`' Highat dose rats
`' Dynamic treatment ddivery mpabiliry
`' Patented barn generation sfitem
`' Support for barn gating
`From conventional to stereotactic
`techniques. and fully dynamic IMRT
`support, the Clinac GEX accelerator is
`a cost-effective choice for Lhe busy
`oncology department. Configured For
`the latest treatment techniques, the
`Ciinac GEX has the tightest mechanical
`and dosirnetric specifications of any
`single-energy madiine.
`' Be:am—ott time is less dlan
`500 milliseconds
`" Ready for fully dynamic
`therapy applications
`' Beam gating support
`' Highest dose rates
`' Greatest isocentric accuracy
`for stereotactic applications
`Page 7 of 24
`KSTANDLIIIII AND otmotttt _cu___ c:.n:::.-: '?E'E‘.':.C cur.-c
`¢i£:I‘J=L ."E.'
`a-.:..-'r mu/min.)
`gt lj_E_M ll ll_£_5
`.' .2-=.H .- l.'-
`r —.-j- - ---n
`-' r! ,-t it
`n_I3Ll '..'-.niI)t'.;
`X Ildt.
`Y Syn.
`. .
`-nil. E III 1
`Enhanced Dynamic Wedge"
`Edectrondr Compensa-rlort HMRTJ 0pt|_’
`Multiple Static Segment HMRYJ
`(Step & Shoot)
`Dynamic HMRT}
`(Sliding Window]
`Dynamic MLC Arc UMRT}
`Multfleaf Ifolltma-tar
`Beam Matching
`Autofledd Sequendngv
`6.; {mg interface
`Gating System
`VARIS Configuration
`itd I2!
`Stud "
`Stud '
`fl}! 1?
`ll optl. PM it pttuhml " ttndttrd alt 6IllUD + ltq.uiru tttrlpatiltln iultmmttion spmm

`___.-——‘C_l.J|NAC 21ooc FAMILY
`mdayss radiation Oncfllagy d-epanmenls’
`me focus is on reliability, ease-of—use,
`flexibility and cost—efi"ective operation.
`Accelerators must have an impeccable
`performance record and grow with
`expanding department needs. The Clinac
`2100C family ofacoelerators meets all
`mesa requirements. That is why it
`is the most widely selected medical
`ac/:eleraIa1' tn the world, treting
`mousands of patients every day. The
`standard-bearer of the industry, the
`Clinac ZIUDC has the highest uprime
`and can be easily upgraded to match the
`needs of your clinic as it grows.
`91'!’ A
`. <.
`\ .1|
`for him resolution IHRT. with due tigltelt
`Clhat: 2|B(IDEXsrelhe tlcimifl‘: Plltfomu
`Ipecificafimrs and the hlfituc dine
`|1le.'I'he Ciimc EX is the premier IHRT
`barn delivery vehicle.
`.h.,v_,.-gm Mi||mnmm M1_('__|1o 4. men} go,
`commulonal head arm neck t:nem1nu1t£,u
`well as conformal and IMRT Inthniquu.
`The Clinac ccluml ryuan albo supports
`BnhLAB'£ removable m3 "" micm—HLC
`W mmmmc ndimhmw
`\Nhed1er you are looking for the
`equipment and as an option on
`me 3°” mndml Avmble Mm new
`existing equrptnaindte Enct Coudm
`Wm. |,.d,e..,d |mm.,|,mn.5.,n 1. 5.3;
`in me hdw”

`Vzrhan ofiens E|:|ipse.wid1 interactive IHKT
`plannhg as in option with the Plalinurn system
`and as xnndard with the Platinum Flu: xystern.
`trirakhg drue two aystmls die preferred choice:
`for IHKT. Eclbbe is last. flutibleand provides due
`hifirut ruohdon IMRT plannhg in the industry.
`Clinar: EX Platinum accelaalort come fully
`equipped for hifii-reso|u1:ion IHKT.
`On|yVarian's Hxnnmn and Plminun
`Plus systern: can ddhmr hwn ruoludon
`meg:-coinage imaging and tnnunem:
`delivery will: Pol-talvlslon aS5m and
`HLCIQO as standard fauna.
`I L? 1
`E? r.
`The Clinac EX Platinum and Pl.\u'nurn Pb:
`in the only phtfonns equipped with the
`RPM Rupinlory Gating systan as a stzndartl
`apnhility. Wrd1 the advent ol JHRT and dose
`aahdon. tumor motion oornpanadon
`become: a necessity.
`Clinac EX accelerators are high-
`perfotmzrnoe systerrts with:
`0 Instant ham-on with dynamic
`treatment control
`' The grates! number of energy
`options to treat the widest range
`of patients
`' The most precise focal spot size for
`optimum} portal imaging
`' The highest dose rates across
`the energy specrmrn for greater
`tl1 toughput
`These capabilities. combined with
`optional integrated Varian Imlltileaf
`collimation and electronic portal
`imaging systems, enable you to
`perform die most advanced computer-
`driven IMRT treatments, as well as
`conventional therapy techniques.
`Page 9 of 24

`Silhouette Edition
`A new environment for mnoer are
`As with the odmer members of the
`Clinac fiuniiy, you can count on top
`pelforrnztnce. Precise dose-rate GDI1E|'0i,
`Fast beam rmponse, superior image
`manipulation and due fastest treannent
`times are standard on any Silhouette"
`model Clinm \With 21 newly designed
`RF cabinet and streamlined modulator.
`leading edge technology is now provided
`sound reduction techniques diminish
`TheSilhouemeEditionfit:"nu:anexisting \ /
`i ii
`the noise that many patients find
`anuo‘_sriI1g. In Fact, the Silhouette is
`noise levels
`by 50% ovter previous Clinac modés.
`Widi hospital costs continuing to rise,
`the Silhouette allows clinicians to
`provide state-of-d'1e—a.rt technoloy to
`d'1eir patients without adding costly
`new therapy vaults. In fact, Silhouette’s
`malta it
`atrefully engineered
`the ideal choice for healthcare Facilities
`with smzllmoom constraints. The
`Silhouette cabinet is a mere 30 inches
`(76.2 cm) deep, with easy-to—acc£-55
`equipment for simple, Fast repairs.
`has allowed
`Careful industrial
`Varian to reduce die critical dimensions
`without sat:rificing- the high standards
`of Ciinac performance.
`Page 10 of 24

`Vatian Medical Syxterns’ commitment to
`Raezarich and Development ensura that
`as treatment techniques evolve, Varian
`can provide you with the products and
`faturex necasary to implement these
`From resardi to product development,
`through manu("aa'u.I'irt.g Va.rian aocelerators
`are in 21 dag by themselvd. At Varian, we
`are working together with the medical
`oommuniry to revolutionize canoe: care.
`Page 11 of 24

`Varian's core technologies enhance standard treatments
`and make 3D-CRT and high-resolution IMRT a reality
`The tedmology driving me Clinac Fa.mily
`degradation over time. Witether you are
`of accelerators delivers the power required
`perfonning oonven LionaJ or dynamic
`for superior performance, flexibility, and
`treatments, you can expect constant and
`reliability. Variank continuous enhancement:
`predictable beam consistency, high dose
`to the Clinac's oore capabilities ensure :1
`ratd, rapid output stability, and precise
`consistent, high-quality bam without
`motion/dose control.
`Iniects electrons Into accelerttouz
`A circular electron etnlnzing strface
`getveratm a circular X-my spot. giving
`uniform spatial resolution in portal
`Bins. Recent. i'npmva'nenIs in: gun
`daign extend its uselul life.
`Superior electron energy ipeclnrn.
`achieved dtmugjt optknizatiion oi
`m=it:rowave ayity desigtx providu the
`hifimest dose rate avaihble in the
`'|ndI.mry as well as unable dosimevy
`and law stray radiation-.
`Generates lfigh power micmwava
`used to accelerate electrons In tllle
`accelenttzor guide. Maymetrom are the
`opdrml RF bounce (or sirgle-mode
`2oceIerat:ors.The entire RF circuit has
`to assure the longest
`possible magneu'on lie.
`Protects the rnagnetmn by
`mdlmcting microwaves rfiected
`from the accelerator ID a passive
`watetrload. Using the same cimulamr
`as it1 the multtnode machina
`enhance: rnagI1etron Iile.
`Provides homogeneous. dose dlttrirudons
`at dtenpeucit: depths.
`Four independent collirmtnrs provide
`flexizle barn definition of symmetric
`and asymmetric fields.
`Two separuely saled t:ham|>er:,
`t.I1aHected by dranges in itempemcure
`or pressure. rnnrtimr ham dosirnetry
`to within 22% for consistency and
`Page 12 of 24

`Page 13 of 24

`A control system that sets the
`standard in treatment delivery
`Va.n'a.n’s pioneering development and
`Variarfs distributed processor architecture
`perfection of accelerator technology has
`rauited in a medical linear accelerator
`provides for me high speed systems response
`necmsary for advanced confonnai and IMRT
`with outstanding performance and control
`treatments. This response is necaary for:
`system flexibility — characteristics users
`0 Precise dose—rate control
`have come to expect fi'om a Clinac system.
`. Linen high dose “[5
`0 Fast beam raponse
`' Precise motion control
`' Rml-Lime flatness and symmetry control
`1 Peripheral Device
`Communications Computer
`2 Console Electronics
`3 User Console
`4 Mitroprocesor
`3 Beam Steering
`Gate Arrays
`Modulator Control
`5 Exact Couch
`The computer conuol zyscern employs Hultlple Asynchronous Parallel Pmcasors (MAPP) for
`praise coordination of all Irnnhlne funcdons. Dktnbucui panlld procalng enable hwler speed
`control opemdons than serial procaxlrtg. while die system‘: diagnostic software continuously
`performs power-on and run-time uesm coginancce software and hardware lncegrlty.
`Advanced, integrated
`electronic for precise
`beam control
`Dynamic barn control
`servo capability for barn
`stability and calibration
`Dedicated keyboard
`and ergonomic screens
`for rapid, safe treatment
`Independent micro-
`procasor control ofkey
`Gold standard beam
`generation system with
`patented energy switch
`Exact Couch wid't
`grmtat flexibility, tightest
`mechanical specifications
`and carbon fiber
`Embedded computers
`and field-programmable
`gate arrays controlled by
`MAPP for high-speed
`data procming
`Page 14 of 24

`More than just‘ software —'a control system
`that provides intuitive o'per'at'io'n
`Operators are under increasing prasure
`CA‘-1 '7 ‘UNA’: <°N5'5T5NCY
`to speed the setup and delivery of therapy
`— without uumclng accuracy and
`quality patient treatment. Va.n'a.n’s line of
`accelerators’ an lmegml Part of [he
`Inspiration environment, streamlines clin-
`ical procma with rapid patient setup and
`Fast di-Jivery of patient prescriptions.
`o m e training an operation as easy
`and streamlined as possible, d'ie Clinac
`operating software is consistent acros all
`models and oonsists of a set of prompts
`ddtgned to minimize interaction. The
`fault is improved Setup emciency md
`l')'l3.XJl'[1i.UT) accm to machine parameters
`Clinac aocderators offer a combination
`F0’ F35‘ 53“’lC3-
`ofintegrated computer modes, all
`tailored for the tasks at hand. Thae
`modes are coupled with an aocdsory
`system that enabld operators to manage
`more patients safely per day than wid't
`any other accelerator.
`4D Console automates key
`prefix. such as HLC conwoi and
`Imaging at Ihe time of delivery. Use:
`can focm on the pendent now than
`the procm
`Clinlal Hode xelectiom are inm-
`ldve, using pop-up window display:
`and a dedicated l<eyhoard.W'hether
`rettlng up conventional or dynamic
`conformal treaunents. minimal lav-
`ttnoias are required.
`featured in Clinical Node.
`Spedal Procalures Hode facili-
`uux aemp of unique decmm
`and xdfq traunuit rnodalitifi.
`and uses die same easy prompt:
`Morning Checkout Mode is a user-defined
`menu (so help die user wann up die machine.
`dien it automadcally vsiiia and prints all
`critical machine parameters wdl before the
`flnt pldent of due day arriva
`Page 15 of 24

`Page 16 of 24

`Clinac accelerators enhance conventional
`per minute for fixed dectrons. Using the
`treatments with higher energim, added
`special procedures mode, the system also
`energy steps for grater flexibility and
`delivers arc electrons, total body x-rays,
`higher dectron and x-ray dose rata.
`total body electrons and high dose rate
`total skin electrons.
`For example, intra-
`operative techniques can
`The oontrol system asura symmetrical
`be delivered more easily
`because the accelerator
`delivers up to 1,000
`Monitor Unis (MU)
`beam profila and stable operating
`conditions with the oorrect depth-dose
`distributions — from the moment the
`beam is switched on.
`Custom spa-tutu may be made mrwenlendy
`with an eleven beam field shaplng ldt and can
`be Inslzlled eully Into the electron applicator:
`Eva-y Cllmc aocelermor under-gong rigorous Icsdng to
`anure conformance to mxunmer spedfIcalJon:.Var11n also
`tan {or compliance to lhe applicable lntsmdonal
`performance and nfety standards
`,¢. _....
` Enhanced Dymmlcwedge a<J1|cvtx
`wu:lge-shaped lsodoxe contoun by
`Colllrnauor tncltlng It with scrvoui dose delivery.
`actlvvety servolng both dose-rue and
`collirrncor motlon while the beam is on.
`Page 17 of 24

`‘With the Millennium MLOI20, Varian brings
`a new levd of raolution to Full-field bmm shaping.
`The MLOl20 farurm a Full 40 x 40 cm’ field
`and is me first MLC for general cliniml use that
`offers 0.5 cm resolution for high precision
`treatment ofsmall and irregular fields. All three
`Millennium models, from the 52-leafto d'te
`80-lat" to the I20-leaf. offen
`' Drive Independence: Each laf and carriage
`drive is independently controlled
`I.eafOrientaLion: Leafmovement in the “X”
`direction (parallel with lower jaws)
`' Leaflnterdigitation: Adjacent lava fi'om
`opposing banks can move past one another
`' Maximum I_eafRetract Position: 20.1 cm
`(from beam centerline)
`' Maximum I_eafExtend Position: -20.0 cm
`(over beam centerline)
`' Maximum Distance Adiacent Lava on Same
`Carriage; 15.0 cm
`' Maximum Fidd Length “X” Direction: 40.0 cm
`I.eafI-Ieight: 60.0 mm
`I_eafE_nd rad.ius: 80.0 mm
`I.eafTongue and Groove Ofiets: 0.4 mm
`P E R F o R MA N c E
`1 mm
`0 Coincidence Light Fidd vs. }{-ray:
`' Penumbra 20-80% Imf End: For a 10 x 10 cm
`field, 7 mm or leg for x-ray energia < IOMV,
`8.5 mm or lm for higher energim
`' Average Transmiuion Leaf: < 2.5%
`' Maximum Interleaf Laltage: < 4.0%
`Lmf Position Accuracy
`' End Accuracy: 1.0 mm at isocenter
`- End Repeatability: 0.5 mm at isocenter
`' Side Accu.racy: 1.0 mm at isocenter
`' Side Repatabiliry: 0.5 mm at isocenter
`Position Initialization
`I_eafPosition Initialiyation Damm: Optical
`Beam mechanically fixed to collimator assembly
`Initialization Time: Approx. 5.0 minuta
`' Leaf Position Configurability: User can specify
`laf end position offseu to achieve daired
`opti(al- or isodose-based leaf positions using
`carriage and leafposition mlibration files
`Capable of:
`' Electronic Compensation (2D)
`- Multiple Static Segments (step and shoot)
`' Full Dynamic (sliding window)
`' Dynamic Conformal Arc (every 2°)
`' 500 MLC Segments Per Field
`Page 18 of 24

`A fully integrated system
`Porta_lVision helps ensure treatment plan
`verification, aoatraie patient setup, effective
`umtment delivery, and more suocasful patient
`Porta_l\/ision can image and evaluate during
`the treatment oourse. speeding delivery and
`outooma. Not just a porn: film replacement,
`The Par1z|V1s|on decemor I: mounted on a motorized robotlc arm.
`whld1 allows ll. to be posltloned with precise movements In the verdel.
`Iorigjmdlnahand lalenl dltectloru. In pr~e»denried‘nandanl' poddons.
`Not limlued to dtese. the PorraM:Ian detector can also be lnYl:I'UCted to
`pasldan Iuell at padentxpecfllc loadotts as defined by unlque crac-
`I'I'Ifl'|l'. need.r.VVid1 the broadest I-ange ot’ rnotlonx. PortaM:Ian can help
`you Itnage the Iangmt posslble trmwnent fields. and thereby avoid the
`limitation: of ftxed.e1evntJan Imaging detectors
`PormlV'|slon‘s artwrphoux slllcan detector technoloy prmldes
`Imaga with the highest level: of spatial and contrast resolution.
`for Impreuh/e results using megnvaltage balm
`Porta_lVision is an integrated part of the Clinac
`incrased dose to the patient.The images become
`linear accelerator as well as the bridge between the
`an important part of the documentation ofaccurate
`trmtment planning, record and verify, and QA
`delivery of the prescription in the patient record.
`processm. It allows you to verify the accuracy of the
`Umtment plan before any prmcribed dose is
`delivered [0 the patient. It Facilitates accurate pre-
`trmtment patient posidoning prior to the first
`Umtment sasion. And it provida ongoing
`verifiaiion of the aocuracy of position during
`subsequent tracments, not merely before me
`prescribed radiation is turned on or after it is turned
`ofl”. PortalVision’s ability to image during trattment
`allows you to verify accurate positioning without
`VV1d1VarIan's Portal Doslmetry mpablllty. you have all the (M1: for
`elecuvnlc verifbcadon uslng die trmunent: output and portal Image
`acqulted from the aocdemtnr. Amlysls ls ladlitated by a single,
`common database.
`Page 19 of 24

`Easy, accurate setup with the Exact Couch
`and Indexed Immobilization
`Va.rian’s Exact Couch with Indexed
`Indexed Immobilization, a patented
`Immobilization makes patient setup msy
`patient-positioning system on the Exact
`and reproducible. The Exact Couch is
`Couch, mini.miz£5 patient setup times and
`the same for all steps in the treatment
`helps ensure accurate target immobiliza-
`procm, used with the Clinac family of
`tion. With Indexed Immobilization,
`accelerators, the Acuity planning and veri-
`patient-positioning device: are lodced into
`fication system, and in CT simulation.
`the same exact place ach time according
`Having an Exact Couch at ach machine
`to an indexing ba.r on the couch top.
`ensures exact repeat positioning and iden-
`This indexing bar, or Exact Bar, lOd(S on
`Lical serI.1p tima throughout the Lrat-
`to any of die indexing points on the
`merit procfi.
`The Exact Couch’s movable side rails
`allow all clinical setups, eliminating the
`need to reposition patienu or move the
`couch top. Any patient-positioning or
`fixation device can be precisdy docked
`with the Exact Bar. with exact repro-
`ducibility from couch top to couch top.
`oouch. The carbon fiber couch top facili-
`For both familiar and advanced tratment
`[ates higher image quality and improved
`techniqua, where quick patient setup
`dose distribution by reducing radiation
`tima and accurate patient positioning are
`asential, Indexed I.mmobili7.ation can
`minimize setup tima and errors through
`standard, indexed device docking.
`I|_|_-E HEART._0t P_A'llE.NT_
`snur Is HIE EXACI count
`Page 20 of 24

`The couch cnvdx (mm 62.7 an [0
`I69] an abate d1e floor fornfe.
`cumforuble padual posldunlng.
`Pmenu do not have It) be moved
`between AP and BK fldds
`I1 only one orientation.
`slnultanaausly during semp.
`The ela:uvon applicator Is desgned
`for easy handling and contains 2
`touch deuecflon sywem to assume
`patient safety. Custom demon
`aperture: are readily created using
`a mold kit and fit hm the applicator
`The hand pendant. conuvols mechanical
`motion: and fixtures vzrhble qnced
`oonuvol for flnme command of Inaehhe
`mavernu1r_ lu hadcllt conlrols am be
`easily viewed in a darkenai naanem
`morn.Tw<> pendanu an be opented
`Page 21 of 24

`Varian continues to set the
`standard for customer support
`Rdiable and consistent equipment per-
`These servica are supplied acros the
`fonnance has never been more important
`entire line ofVaria.n products. Va.n'a.n’s
`than it is today. With the high initial oost
`of mpital goods and real-world budget
`education facility has seven dedicated
`aocelerators, simulators, networks and
`restrictions, maintenance of existing
`information management systems for
`equipment has become mandatory.
`hands—on training ofcliniarl tediniall
`Va.ria.n’s Service Department has never
`personnel. In addition, Va.ria.n trains over
`been more ready to meet this challenge
`1,500 students every year and offers
`tha.n it is today.
`customers extensive on-sitqapplicsations
`support with I'l'lDII.l’._*f@i1_I:l'E_—¥_5__flB(fi(2[eCl
`diniml spe¢:ialisu£:t;_d,'
`Vfirian Hediul Sy-seems zervlce
`erg_heier: do wlnt ll him It)
`hag) your ecplpmcnt ruining,
`With over 850 service professionals in
`the field committed to keeping your
`radiotherapy products operating at pmk
`performance, Varian Service is the
`choice of many diniail institutions.
`Va.ria.n’s Customer Support prorvidd a
`variety of servica that include:
`' Site planning and coordination
`' On-site and faaory training
`' Field service and parts suppon
`' Financing
`l\lel'W70l’l( planning
`,.i_ W
`\ V
`You have Instant scan: to émtory
`appmved spare par: at IE lnvwmry
`carter: locatni ammd d'ie world
`We'll shh die nearest part available as
`sriqaplng medxod you
`Probability of repurchase
`Overall service perforniance
`Fans avallable
`Effectively solve problems
`Perfarmante as expected
`Bi]. 5
`Based on IMF," Ltd. Servicefra k"' Imaging sunreyr F‘r'2L'302
`Page 22 of 24

`Page 23 of 24

`medical systems
`Oncology Systems
`3100 Hansen Way
`Palo Alla, CA 94304 —I 038
`it! 650.424.5700
`tel 800.544.4636
`European Headquarters
`Uarian Medical 5 -
`tnnnal AL-.
`‘-!a an Med:-:a
`‘I3 an Medi-
`Inciia Pin Ltd.
`Hanan Medica
`Netherlands EN
`Varian Meoica
`Marietta. Cub.
`rian Medical‘;
`ufarian Medic al 5},':=tem-3
`Belgium N!-J‘.
`Varian Medical Systems
`Helsini‘. .
`353 9 43EI.??l
`*3“-.45-‘3 5
`\-farian Medical Systems
`Varian Medical Systems
`Sca nrlinavia AS
`Herlev. Denmar
`45.11-4.5010 Lli.
`' nan Medical Systems
`Varian Medical Systems
`Australian i-ieadquarters
`Varian Medical Systems
`I’-'i.y Ltd.
`Frenchs Forest
`Sydney Australia
`" " ‘.8500
`'u'ali.-an Medical Systems
`|:iTa‘Wlfi ‘Ne
`Asian Headquariers
`Hong Kong
`Va!" r1 Medical Systems.
`P..acn‘1i:. Inc
`Ktmlaa-n. Hung Kong
`I.a1in American
`lfalian Medical Sgstenrs
`L U"vB
`Vzrlian Medica
`i:lcI Elra-sli Ltda
`Sic: Paulc-. E razii
`5'1.ll.3-’-i-5? 1555
`O[‘.am19‘l2iJlfi\haLsnlAacIdfi1IaIIsivI: Prierladr-LEA
`mm ism
`Page 24 of 24

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