`Table of contents
`Volume 48
`Number 8, 21 April 2003
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`The design and implementation of a motion correction scheme for neurological PET P M Bloomfield, T J
`Spinks, J Reed, L Schnorr, A M Westrip, L Livieratos, R Fulton and T Jones
`An improved analytical detector response function model for multilayer small-diameter PET scanners D
`Strul, R B Slates, M Dahlbom, S R Cherry and P K Marsden
`Evaluation of penetration and scattering components in conventional pinhole SPECT: phantom studies using
`Monte Carlo simulation H M Deloar, H Watabe, T Aoi and H Iida
`An analytical image reconstruction algorithm to compensate for scattering angle broadening in Compton
`cameras M Hirasawa and T Tomitani
`H MRS of a boron neutron capture therapy B-carrier, L-p-boronophenylalanine–fructose complex,
`BPA–F: phantom studies at 1.5 and 3.0 T S Heikkinen, A Kangasmaki, M Timonen, L Kankaanranta, A-M
`Hakkinen, N Lundbom, J Vahatalo and S Savolainen
`Feasibility of salvage interstitial microwave thermal therapy for prostate carcinoma following failed
`brachytherapy: studies in a tissue equivalent phantom C McCann, J Carl Kumaradas, M R Gertner, S R H
`Davidson, A M Dolan and M D Sherar
`A CT calibration method based on the polybinary tissue model for radiotherapy treatment planning N
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`Elekta Exhibit 1021
`Physics in Medicine and Biology, Volume 48, Number 8, 21 April 2003 -...
`Kanematsu, N Matsufuji, R Kohno, S Minohara and T Kanai
`Polymer gel measurement of dose homogeneity in the breast: comparing MLC intensity modulation with
`standard wedged delivery P A Love, P M Evans, M O Leach and S Webb
`Inverse planning for intensity-modulated arc therapy using direct aperture optimization M A Earl, D M
`Shepard, S Naqvi, X A Li and C X Yu
`Comparison of biologically damaging spectral solar ultraviolet radiation at a southern hemisphere
`sub-tropical site A V Parisi, J Sabburg and M G Kimlin
`A novel image quality index using Moran I statistics T-J Chen, K-S Chuang, J Wu, S C Chen, I-M Hwang
`and M-L Jan
`X-ray energy choice for lung tumour irradiation depends on the density distribution of clonogenic cells
`Albert Y C Fung
`Comments on `X-ray energy choice for lung tumour irradiation depends on the density distribution of
`clonogenic cells' M Blomquist, M Karlsson, C-M Ma and B Zackrisson
`© 2016 IOP Publishing
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`Inverse planning for intensity-modulated arc therapy using direct apertur...
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`Inverse planning for intensity-modulated arc therapy using direct apertur...
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`Inverse planning for intensity-modulated arc therapy using direct aperture optimization
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